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Created October 5, 2022 20:46
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JSONB support (PostgreSQL)
import kotlinx.serialization.KSerializer
import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json
import kotlinx.serialization.serializer
import org.postgresql.util.PGobject
inline fun <reified T : Any> Table.jsonb(
name: String,
kSerializer: KSerializer<T> = serializer(),
json: Json
): Column<T> = this.jsonb(
name = name,
stringify = { json.encodeToString(kSerializer, it) },
parse = { json.decodeFromString(kSerializer, it) }
fun <T : Any> Table.jsonb(name: String, stringify: (T) -> String, parse: (String) -> T): Column<T> =
registerColumn(name, JsonbColumnType(stringify, parse))
class JsonbColumnType<T : Any>(private val stringify: (T) -> String, private val parse: (String) -> T) : ColumnType() {
override fun setParameter(stmt: PreparedStatementApi, index: Int, value: Any?) {
val obj = PGobject()
obj.type = "jsonb"
if (value != null) {
obj.value = value as String
stmt[index] = obj
override fun sqlType(): String = "jsonb"
override fun valueFromDB(value: Any): Any {
return when (value) {
is PGobject -> parse(value.value ?: "")
is Map<*, *> -> value
is List<*> -> value
is Set<*> -> value
is Array<*> -> value
else -> {
println("unhandled value type: ${value::class}")
override fun notNullValueToDB(value: Any) = stringify(value as T)
override fun valueToString(value: Any?): String = when (value) {
is Iterable<*> -> notNullValueToDB(value)
else -> super.valueToString(value)
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