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Last active September 15, 2021 01:49
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Using a Terraform Module to Setup a Private Ethereum Network on AWS
This is a usage example of the "SCB-TechX-Saber-Labs/ecs-private-ethereum-blockchain/aws" module version "0.1.0".
The arguments and outputs might be different in the future versions.
# Call the module and set the local name as "private_ethereum" to refer to this instance of the module later.
module "private_ethereum" {
# Required argument
# To tell terraform where to download the module's source code when running "terraform init".
# In this example, the source is terraform's public registry.
source = "SCB-TechX-Saber-Labs/ecs-private-ethereum-blockchain/aws"
# Optional argument
# To specify the version of the module, otherwise it uses the latest version.
version = "0.1.0"
# Required argument
# To distinguish this provisioning from others as this is used to name the created AWS components.
network_name = "devel"
# Optional argument
# How many Ethereum nodes to run in the blockchain network, the default is 2 if not specified.
number_of_nodes = 2
# Required argument
# Specify the AWS region for the provisioned infrastructure.
region = "ap-southeast-1"
# Required argument
# The AWS VPC ID for the provisioned infrastructure.
vpc_id = "vpc-0204ec5c6f7ad746e"
# Required argument
# The list of AWS subnet to place the Ethereum nodes inside.
subnet_ids = [
# Required argument
# Whether the specified subnets are public subnets or private subnets.
is_public_subnets = false
# Optional argument
# Specify the mapping of Ethereum address and the amount of ETH for initial allocations.
# It is convenient to have balance in accounts for testing purpose.
# The addess with public key and private key can be generated from
# Write down the private key as it is required to access the balance in the account.
initial_eth_allocations = {
"0xB5F39800302430c4410ce3F040ac00E1D6cA0CD2": "10",
"0x66c0874A273b43aB9967C1474360457e2C910949": "5",
# The following are optional arguments for port numbers to exposing services.
# No need to specify, if there is no change required.
go_ethereum_p2p_port = 21000
go_ethereum_rpc_port = 22000
ethstats_port = 3000
ethereum_explorer_port = 80
# The following are optional arguments for the docker images used to run services' container in the module.
# The default values are the images from docker hub.
# You might need to modify them to use your own image registry, in case of the docker hub rate limit is reached.
go_ethereum_docker_image = "ethereum/client-go:alltools-v1.10.8"
aws_cli_docker_image = "amazon/aws-cli"
ethstats_docker_image = "puppeth/ethstats:latest"
ethereum_lite_explorer_docker_image = "alethio/ethereum-lite-explorer:v1.0.0-beta.10"
# The Ethereum "chain ID" of the provisioned blockchain network.
output "chain_id" {
value = module.private_ethereum.chain_id
# The ECS cluster name created for running the services' container.
output "ecs_cluster_name" {
value = module.private_ethereum.ecs_cluster_name
# The DNS of Network Load Balancer for exposing the services.
output "nlb_dns" {
value = module.private_ethereum.nlb_dns
# The HTTP endpoint to access the Ethereum block explorer.
output "ethereum_explorer_endpoint" {
value = module.private_ethereum.ethereum_explorer_endpoint
# The HTTP endpoint to access the Ethereum Network Statistics dashboard.
output "ethstats_endpoint" {
value = module.private_ethereum.ethstats_endpoint
# The HTTP endpoint for Go Ethereum's RPC APIs.
output "geth_rpc_endpoint" {
value = module.private_ethereum.geth_rpc_endpoint
# The overall status output from the module.
output "status" {
value = module.private_ethereum._status
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