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Last active November 26, 2019 06:55
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Swift Function
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
// Basic function declare
func sayHi() {
// Basic function with parameter
func functionWithParamter(value: Int) {
print("Argument = \(value)")
// Call function with argument
functionWithParamter(value: 10)
// Basic function with multi paramters
func functionWithMultiParameters(firstParamenter: Int, secondParameter: Double) {
print("Result = \((Double(firstParamenter)) * secondParameter))")
functionWithMultiParameters(firstParamenter: 12, secondParameter: 2.5)
// Function without external name (without argument name)
// Using underscore "_" to ignore external name
// Or "Omitting Argument Labels"
func functionWithoutExternalName(_ name: String) {
print("Hi \(name)")
// Function with return value
func multiply(_ number: Int, by multiplier: Int) -> Int {
return number * multiplier
print(multiply(2, by: 3))
// Function with multi return values
func multiplyAndDivide(_ number: Int, by factor: Int) -> (product: Int, quotient: Int){
return (number * factor, number / factor)
let resultOfMultiAndDivi = multiplyAndDivide(5, by: 2)
// Function with default parameter value
func calculate(_ number: Int, by magicNumber: Int = 10) -> Int{
return number * magicNumber
calculate(3) // If not have second argument, default value of magicNumber will be used
calculate(3, by: 3)
/** Advanced parameter handling **/
// Can't change value of parameters inside function block
// Using "inout" to change value of parameters
func incrementValue(_ value: inout Int) {
value += 1
var counter = 1
// Send argument by refereence (pass by reference), must using &
// Function return OPTIONALS (parameters are optionals is the same)
func returnOptional(_ number: Int?) -> Int? {
if let number = number {
return number
} else {
return nil
var argumentOptionals : Int? = nil
argumentOptionals = 9
// Function with same name will be difference if have:
// 1. Different number of parameters.
// 2. Different parameter types.
// 3. Different external parameter names.
// 4. Different return type
// Example:
// Sample 1.
func printDescription() {
print("Nothing to print")
// Sample 2.
func printDescription(with name: String, and age: Int) {
print("Name \(name), Age \(age)")
// Sample 3.
func printDescription(_ name: String,_ age: Int) {
print("Name \(name), Age \(age) -- No External parameter names")
// Sample 4.
func printDescription(_ name: String, age: Int) -> Bool {
print("Name \(name), Age \(age) -- With Return: Bool")
return true
// Sample 5.
func printDescription(_ name: String, age: Int) -> String {
print("Name \(name), Age \(age) -- With Return: String")
return "Yeah"
// Now call functions
printDescription() // No params/argument (call sample 1)
printDescription(with: "Swift", and: 3) // With params (call sample 2)
printDescription("Swift", 3) // With same params but difference external argument name (call sample 3)
let result : Bool = printDescription("Swift", age: 3) // call sample 4
let resultString : String = printDescription("Swift", age: 3) // call sample 5
// Not that if function have same params and arguments like Sample 4 and Sample 5
// then we must declare type of variable that will point to return value (like String or Bool)
// A variadic parameters accepts none or multi values of a specified type (same as Python???)
func showErrorWithMessage(_ message: String, for listOfErrors: String...) {
for mes in listOfErrors {
print("\(message) : \(mes)")
showErrorWithMessage("Error", for: "Input Name", "Input Birthday", "Input Age")
// Note: A function may have at MOST one variadic parameter.
/** FUNTION AS VARIABLE (OR RETURN TYPE - is the same) **/
// Function is just same as another data type.
func add(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b
func sub(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) -> Int {
return a - b
// Set function to variable
var function = add
// Using variable as function
print(function(1, 20))
// Function as parameter
// We can using function as a parameter of other function
// Sample Function: calculate 2 first number (add or sub) then multiply with third parameter
func dynamicCalculate(_ paramFunction: (Int, Int) -> Int, _ a: Int, _ b: Int, _ c: Int) -> Int {
let result = paramFunction(a, b)
return (result * c)
// Using function
dynamicCalculate(add, 2, 4, 5) // (2 + 4) * 5 = 30
dynamicCalculate(sub, 2, 4, 5) // (2 - 4) * 5 = -10
func movingCharacter(_ forward: Bool) {
// Nested Function: move forward
func moveForward() {
print("Move Forward")
// Nested Function: move backward
func moveBackward() {
print("Move Backward")
if forward {
} else {
// // Function designed to be NEVER return, then,
// // to be sure that feature maintain will never break the first rule by mistake,
// func neverEverReturn() -> Never {
// print("Never Return, Ever")
// exit(1) // Must call to another never-returning function on all paths inside Never return function
// }
// neverEverReturn()
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