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Last active April 23, 2020 23:29
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## RWorkshop 2020 snippets
## name: rws_enter_project
## what it does: use usethis::proj_activate to enter the project
snippet rws_enter_project
## name: rws_install_packages
## what it does: installs all packages you need for the workshop
snippet rws_install_packages
install.packages(c("devtools", "tidyverse", "survey", "haven", "gt"))
devtools::install_github("pewresearch/pewmethods", build_vignette = TRUE)
## name: rws_load_packages
## what it does: loads all packages you need to run the code in the 2020 workshop
snippet rws_load_packages
## name: rws_spss_read_non_factor
## what it does: loads spss file using haven
snippet rws_spss_read_non_factor
${1:dataset_name} <- haven::read_sav(${2:"file_path_to_dataset"})
## name: rws_spss_read_factor
## what it does: loads spss file using haven
snippet rws_spss_read_factor
${1:dataset_name} <- haven::read_sav(${2:"file_path_to_dataset"}) %>% haven::as_factor()
## name: rws_make_new_variable
## what it does: provides core using mutate() to add a new variable
snippet rws_make_new_variable
${1:dataset} <- ${1:dataset} %>%
mutate(${2:new_var} = <operation_to_do>)
## name: rws_make_new_variable_collapse
## what it does: provides core using mutate() + fct_collapse() to add a new variable that is a collapsed version of an existing variable
snippet rws_make_new_variable_collapse
${1:dataset} <- ${1:dataset} %>%
mutate(${2:new_var} = fct_collapse(${3:var_to_collapse},
"New Category1" = c("Old cat1",
"Old cat2"),
"New Category2" = c("Old cat1",
"Old cat2")
## name: rws_make_new_variable_case_when
## what it does: provides core using mutate() + fct_case_when() to add a new variable
snippet rws_make_new_variable_case_when
${1:dataset} <- ${1:dataset} %>%
mutate(${2:new_var} = fct_case_when(
<clause> ~ "New Cat1",
<clause> ~ "New Cat2"))
## name: rws_wtd_frequency
## what it does: provides core for weighted frequency using get_totals()
snippet rws_wtd_frequency
get_totals(var = ${1:"variable_for_frequency"},
df = ${2:dataset},
wt = ${3:"survey_weight"})
## name: rws_wtd_crosstab
## what it does: provides core for weighted crosstab using get_totals()
snippet rws_wtd_crosstab
var = ${1:"variable_for_rows"},
df = ${2:dataset},
wt = ${3:"survey_weight"},
by = ${4:"variable_for_columns"})
## name: rws_left_join
## what it does: provides core for left_join
snippet rws_left_join
${1:new_dataset_to_make} <- ${2:existing_dataset} %>%
left_join(${3:dataset_to_join}, by = ${4:"joining_variable"})
## name: rws_gather
## what it does: provides core for gather
snippet rws_gather
${1:new_dataset_to_make} <- ${2:existing_dataset} %>%
key = ${3:column_key},
value = ${4:column_value},
one_of("col1 to gather","col2 to gather"))
## name: rws_spread
## what it does: provides core for spreads
snippet rws_spread
${1:new_dataset_to_make} <- ${2:existing_dataset} %>%
key = ${3:column_to_spread},
value = ${4:column_to_spread_as_value})
## name: rws_survey_design
## what it does: provides core for creating a survey design using survey::svydesign()
snippet rws_survey_design
${1:survey_design_name} <- svydesign(id=~1,weights=~${2:weight_var}, data=${3:dataset})
## name: rws_survey_mean
## what it does: provides core for creating a survey mean (note must declare design)
snippet rws_survey_mean
by = ~${2:variable_for_column},
## name: rws_survey_ttest
## what it does: provides core for creating a survey ttest (note must declare design)
snippet rws_survey_ttest
svyttest(~${1:dependent_var} ~${2:independent_var}, design=${3:survey_design_name})
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