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Last active February 21, 2018 09:27
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Currency Input Mask
const getDigitsFromValue = (value = '') => value.replace(/(-(?!\d))|[^0-9|-]/g, '') || ''
const padDigits = digits => {
const desiredLength = 3
const actualLength = digits.length
if (actualLength >= desiredLength) {
return digits
const amountToAdd = desiredLength - actualLength
const padding = '0'.repeat(amountToAdd)
return padding + digits
const removeLeadingZeros = number => number.replace(/^0+([0-9]+)/, '$1')
const addDecimalToNumber = number => {
const centsStartingPosition = number.length - 2
const dollars = removeLeadingZeros(
number.substring(0, centsStartingPosition)
const cents = number.substring(centsStartingPosition)
return `${dollars}.${cents}`
export const toCurrency = value => {
const digits = getDigitsFromValue(value)
const digitsWithPadding = padDigits(digits)
return addDecimalToNumber(digitsWithPadding)
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