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Created June 28, 2015 21:06
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  • Save nhfruchter/fd5bbe0915bf8fe8fa34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nhfruchter/fd5bbe0915bf8fe8fa34 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Body Screen Face
0 867.0 867.0 867.0
1 267.0 100.0 167.0
2 167.0 67.0 900.0
3 900.0 566.0 433.0
4 433.0 1000.0 633.0
5 633.0 566.0 600.0
6 600.0 367.0 534.0
7 534.0 700.0 567.0
8 567.0 400.0 933.0
9 933.0 300.0 967.0
10 967.0 700.0 733.0
11 733.0 267.0 67.0
12 67.0 167.0 133.0
13 133.0 900.0 1067.0
14 1067.0 433.0 333.0
15 333.0 633.0 233.0
16 233.0 600.0 533.0
17 533.0 534.0 500.0
18 500.0 567.0 1083.0
19 1083.0 933.0 66.0
20 66.0 967.0 66.0
21 66.0 733.0 233.0
22 233.0 67.0 1867.0
23 1867.0 133.0 266.0
24 266.0 1067.0 1067.0
25 1067.0 333.0 1333.0
26 1333.0 233.0 900.0
27 900.0 533.0 133.0
28 133.0 500.0 233.0
29 100.0 1083.0 1667.0
30 67.0 66.0 1166.0
31 233.0 66.0 567.0
32 1667.0 734.0 566.0
33 1166.0 200.0 500.0
34 233.0 233.0 500.0
35 567.0 1867.0 200.0
36 366.0 266.0 467.0
37 566.0 1067.0 367.0
38 500.0 1333.0 300.0
39 500.0 900.0 733.0
40 200.0 133.0 1700.0
41 467.0 100.0 167.0
42 367.0 67.0 1000.0
43 300.0 233.0 600.0
44 733.0 1667.0 133.0
45 1700.0 1166.0 666.0
46 167.0 233.0 733.0
47 1100.0 267.0 534.0
48 1000.0 433.0 400.0
49 600.0 300.0
50 133.0 333.0
51 666.0 67.0
52 733.0 567.0
53 67.0 366.0
54 534.0 566.0
55 400.0 500.0
56 133.0 500.0
57 200.0
58 233.0
59 467.0
60 367.0
61 300.0
62 733.0
63 133.0
64 1700.0
65 166.0
66 167.0
67 66.0
68 233.0
69 1100.0
70 1000.0
71 600.0
72 100.0
73 133.0
74 134.0
75 666.0
76 733.0
77 67.0
78 534.0
79 400.0
80 133.0
81 200.0
82 833.0
83 500.0
84 117.0
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby
########## Part 1: Import data
# Filename
fn = "DigitalScreenTestDataFiltered.tsv"
# Read file in with tab (\t) delimiter
df = pd.read_csv(fn, sep="\t")
# All AOI columns start with this phrase
AOI_prefix = 'AOI hit'
# Extract the AOI name from a column
def AOI_from_column_name(col):
# 1. Starts with `AOI hit [abcdefg.png - AOI Name]`
# 2. Splits on the ` - `, turns into `AOI hit [abcdefg.png` and `AOI name]`
snapshot_file, name = col.split(" - ")
# 3. Remove the trailing bracket
return name.replace("]", "")
# Create a mapping of column name to AOI name
AOIs = {col:AOI_from_column_name(col) for col in df.columns if col.startswith(AOI_prefix)}
######### Part 2: Aggregate and summarize data
# Create time delta column
# df['timestamp_delta'] = pd.to_timedelta(df['Recording timestamp'], unit='ms')
# Now, extract the differences in milliseconds.
# df['timestamp_delta_ms'] = df.apply(lambda row: row['timestamp_delta'].milliseconds, axis=1)
df['timestamp_delta_ms'] = ( df['Recording timestamp'] - df['Recording timestamp'].shift()).fillna(0)
# Calculate cumulative fixation time for each group of fixations.
for AOI in AOIs:
accumulator = []
last = 0
for row in df.iterrows():
current_delta = row[1]['timestamp_delta_ms'] + last
is_fixation = bool(row[1][AOI])
# Reset counter if this is not a fixation
if not is_fixation:
last = 0
last = current_delta
df['AOI_Cumulative_%s' % AOIs[AOI]] = accumulator
######### Part 3: Calculate statistics
data = df.filter(regex="AOI_Cumulative").to_dict()
fixations = {key:[] for key in AOIs.values()}
for AOI in AOIs.values():
key = 'AOI_Cumulative_%s' % AOI
grouped = groupby(data[key].values(), lambda item: (not np.isnan(item)))
for is_fixation, values in grouped:
if is_fixation:
# Export to file
stats = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(fixations, orient='index').transpose()
stats.to_csv('Stats_For_%s.csv' % fn.split(".")[0] )
print stats.describe()
print "%s AOIs, total recording time %s ms" % (len(AOIs), df['Recording timestamp'].max())
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