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Created April 23, 2014 03:28
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get '/test' do
@user = User.get(1) # User already created
pp @user
@test = Test.create(:user => @user)
pp @test
pp @test.errors
class Test
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
belongs_to :user
class User
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial, :key => true
property :username, String,
:required => true,
:unique => true,
:length => 6..25
property :password, BCryptHash, :required => true
attr_accessor :password_confirm
validates_presence_of :password_confirm
validates_length_of :password_confirm, :min => 6
validates_confirmation_of :password, :confirm => :password_confirm
property :email, String,
:required => true,
:unique => true,
:format => :email_address
property :created, DateTime
property :accessed, DateTime
property :avatar, Text
has n, :tests
~ (0.000520) PRAGMA table_info("users")
~ (0.000381) PRAGMA table_info("users")
~ (0.000042) PRAGMA table_info("users")
~ (0.000031) PRAGMA table_info("users")
~ (0.000028) PRAGMA table_info("users")
~ (0.000021) PRAGMA table_info("users")
~ (0.000021) PRAGMA table_info("users")
~ (0.000022) PRAGMA table_info("users")
~ (0.000032) PRAGMA table_info("tests")
~ (0.000028) PRAGMA table_info("tests")
~ (0.000018) PRAGMA table_info("tests")
~ (0.000031) PRAGMA table_info("tokens")
~ (0.000020) PRAGMA table_info("tokens")
~ (0.000025) PRAGMA table_info("tokens")
~ (0.000019) PRAGMA table_info("tokens")
~ (0.000020) PRAGMA table_info("tokens")
~ (0.000106) SELECT "id", "username", "password", "email", "created", "accessed" FROM "users" WHERE "id" = 1 LIMIT 1
#<User @id=1 @username="nhmood" @password="$2a$10$E8B0aB0MWh87jRqiOFQlf.lFKBcvQJWXol6dP8BXdVvKasTzs0oxS" @email="" @created=#<DateTime: 2014-04-22T22:46:07-04:00 ((2456771j,9967s,0n),-14400s,2299161j)> @accessed=#<DateTime: 2014-04-22T22:46:07-04:00 ((2456771j,9967s,0n),-14400s,2299161j)> @avatar=<not loaded>>
~ (0.000087) SELECT "id", "avatar" FROM "users" WHERE "id" = 1 ORDER BY "id"
~ (0.000064) SELECT "id" FROM "users" WHERE "username" = 'nhmood' ORDER BY "id" LIMIT 1
~ (0.000072) SELECT "id" FROM "users" WHERE "email" = '' ORDER BY "id" LIMIT 1
#<Test @id=nil @user_id=1>
~ (0.000067) SELECT "id" FROM "users" WHERE "username" = 'nhmood' ORDER BY "id" LIMIT 1
~ (0.000053) SELECT "id" FROM "users" WHERE "email" = '' ORDER BY "id" LIMIT 1
#<DataMapper::Validations::ValidationErrors:0xb90f1888 @resource=#<Test @id=nil @user_id=1>, @errors={}>
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