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Last active October 28, 2021 09:27
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Example data for searching multiple dimensions in Algolia

copy of the topic in Algolia community:

Hi, we are looking for a way to use Algolia in a use case that doesn't seem supported, so I'm seeking advice, maybe someone already had a similar use case and found a solution.

Discrete values and searches

UPDATED with a solution in attempt #6

About the data

We manage a catalog of products that are "connectors" between cylindrical tubes. The slots for these tubes have a diameter. Any product can have up to 10 slots.

Here's a reduced test case of data, with 3 products having 3 slots each, and 1 product having 4 slots:

    "objectID": "product-1",
    "D1": 4.75,
    "D2": 8,
    "D3": 4.75
    "objectID": "product-2",
    "D1": 8,
    "D2": 4.75,
    "D3": 8
    "objectID": "product-3",
    "D1": 8,
    "D2": 4.75,
    "D3": 11.2
    "objectID": "product-4",
    "D1": 3,
    "D2": 4.75,
    "D3": 11.2,
    "D4": 2.8

About the search

People using the search would like to find products to connect several tubes.

Each tube has a diameter.

When searching for a connector for a given number of tubes, diameters must match, and products with more slots are fine too.

Let's say for example we want to perform these searches:

  1. find any product that has a 11.2mm slot
  2. find any product that has a 8mm slot, and a 4.75mm slot
  3. find any product that has a 8mm slot, a 4.75mm slot, and a second 4.75mm slot

Attempt 0: keep data as is




Simple for search #1: {"filters":"D1=11.2 OR D2=11.2 OR D3=11.2 OR D4=11.2"}

But complex even for only 2 dimensions. For search #2: {"filters":"(D1=8 AND (D2=4.75 OR D3=4.75 OR D4=4.75)) OR (D2=8 AND (D1=4.75 OR D3=4.75 OR D4=4.75)) OR (D3=8 AND (D1=4.75 OR D2=4.75 OR D4=4.75)) OR (D4=8 AND (D1=4.75 OR D2=4.75 OR D3=4.75))"}

And not supported by Algolia: filters: filter (X AND Y) OR Z is not allowed, only (X OR Y) AND Z is allowed.


Attempt 1: all diameters in one single data structure

Idea: the order of slot diameters (D1, D2, D3, etc.) is not important.



    "objectID": "product-1",
    "D": [8, 4.75, 4.75]
    "objectID": "product-2",
    "D": [4.75, 8, 8]
    "objectID": "product-3",
    "D": [8, 4.75, 11.2]
    "objectID": "product-4",
    "D": [3, 4.75, 2.8, 11.2]


search Algolia filter product-1 product-2 product-3 product-4
11.2 {"filters":"D=11.2"} 👍 👍
8.0 and 4.75 {"filters":"D=8 AND D=4.75"} 👍 👍 👍
8.0, 4.75 and 4.75 {"filters":"D=8 AND D=4.75 AND D=4.75"} 👍


  • 👍: value returned as expected
  • ❌: returned value that should not be returned

This error is normal, nothing indicates that D=4.75 and D=4.75 are "different"

Attempt 2: compute possible combinations in several objects in a single field

Idea: Keep numbered slots, but compute all possible combinations in the index



    "objectID": "product-1",
    "D": [
        "D1": 8,
        "D2": 4.75,
        "D3": 4.75
        "D1": 4.75,
        "D2": 8,
        "D3": 4.75
        "D1": 4.75,
        "D2": 4.75,
        "D3": 8
    "objectID": "product-2",
    "D": [
        "D1": 4.75,
        "D2": 8,
        "D3": 8
        "D1": 8,
        "D2": 4.75,
        "D3": 8
        "D1": 8,
        "D2": 8,
        "D3": 4.75

In theory number of combinations = factorial of the number of dimensions.

product-4 has 24 possible combinations. But here product-1 et product-2 have two identical values, so twice less combinations.


search Algolia filter product-1 product-2 product-3 product-4
11.2 {"filters":"D.D1=11.2"} 👍 👍
8.0 and 4.75 {"filters":"D.D1=8 AND D.D2=4.75"} 👍 👍 👍
8.0, 4.75 and 4.75 {"filters":"D.D1=8 AND D.D2=4.75 AND D.D3=4.75"} 👍


  • 👍: value returned as expected
  • ❌: returned value that should not be returned

The issue here, with product-2 for example, is that D.D2=4.75 matches on { "D1": 8, "D2": 4.75, "D3": 8 } while D.D3=4.75 matches on the different { "D1": 8, "D2": 8, "D3": 4.75 }, but Algolia selects product-2 as matching anyway.

Attempt 3: compute possible combinations in several objects in dedicated fields



    "objectID": "product-1",
    "DC1": {
      "D1": 8,
      "D2": 4.75,
      "D3": 4.75
    "DC2": {
      "D1": 4.75,
      "D2": 8,
      "D3": 4.75
    "DC3": {
      "D1": 4.75,
      "D2": 4.75,
      "D3": 8


search Algolia filter product-1 product-2 product-3 product-4
11.2 {"filters":"DC1.D1=11.2 OR DC2.D1=11.2 OR DC3.D1=11.2 OR DC4.D1=11.2"} 👍 👍
8.0 and 4.75 {"filters":"(DC1.D1=8 AND DC1.D2=4.75) OR (DC2.D1=8 AND DC2.D2=4.75) OR (DC3.D1=8 AND DC3.D2=4.75) OR (DC4.D1=8 AND DC4.D2=4.75) OR …"} error
8.0, 4.75 and 4.75 {"filters":"(DC1.D1=8 AND DC1.D2=4.75 AND DC1.D3=4.75) OR …"} error

Search #2 would need 24 times (DCn.D1=8 AND DCn.D2=4.75), search #3 would need 24 times (DCn.D1=8 AND DCn.D2=4.75 AND DCn.D3=4.75).

It's anyway no supported by Algolia, like for attempt #0.

Attempt 4: keep separate values, but order them by increasing value


A lot less data to manage, as much as the source.


    "objectID": "product-1",
    "D1": 4.75,
    "D2": 4.75,
    "D3": 8


search Algolia filter product-1 product-2 product-3 product-4
11.2 {"filters":"D1=11.2 OR D2=11.2 OR D3=11.2 OR D4=11.2"} 👍 👍
8.0 and 4.75 {"filters":"(D1=4.75 AND (D2=8 OR D3=8 OR D4=8)) OR (D2=4.75 AND (D3=8 OR D4=8)) OR (D3=4.75 AND D4=8)"} error
8.0, 4.75 and 4.75 {"filters":"…"} error

Search string a little simpler because values are ordered. For search #2, not need for checking D1 and D2 for the 8 value if D3=4.75 matches.

But the same limitation of Algolia occurs with such mix of AND and OR.

Attempt 5: combinations in strings, with increasing values



    "objectID": "product-1",
    "D": "ø4.75øø4.75øø8ø"
    "objectID": "product-2",
    "D": "ø4.75øø8øø8ø"
    "objectID": "product-3",
    "D": "ø4.75øø8øø11.2ø"
    "objectID": "product-4",
    "D": "ø2.8øø3øø4.75øø11.2ø"

We use ø as a separator to prevent Algolia from cutting it like with punctuation.

More compact format, but a lot less readable.


With SQL, we could use LIKE with % to match parts of the string.

But Algolia does not know how to search inside a string, even less with characters in the interval.

For example, it is impossible to search for the strings ø3ø and ø11.2ø inside ø2.8øø3øø4.75øø11.2ø

See the docs:

Attempt 6: number of values with the value itself

To prevent issue with multiple equal values we have in attempt #1, we store the number of values with the value, like "2-4.75". To allow people looking for only one of this value, we also add "1-4.75".

This solution was already provided by @sylvain.huprelle from Algolia, I forgot about it… 🤦‍♂️



    "objectID": "product-1",
    "D": ["1-8", "1-4.75", "2-4.75"]
    "objectID": "product-2",
    "D": ["1-4.75", "1-8", "2-8"]
    "objectID": "product-3",
    "D": ["1-8", "1-4.75", "1-11.2"]
    "objectID": "product-4",
    "D": ["1-3", "1-4.75", "1-2.8", "1-11.2"]


search Algolia filter product-1 product-2 product-3 product-4
11.2 {"filters":"D:'1-11.2'"} 👍 👍
8.0 and 4.75 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND D:'1-4.75'"} 👍 👍 👍
8.0, 4.75 and 4.75 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND D:'2-4.75'"} 👍

It works!

Product value ranges and discrete searches

About the data

    "objectID": "product-1",
    "D1": { "min": 4.7, "max": 4.8 },
    "D2": 8,
    "D3": 4.75
    "objectID": "product-2",
    "D1": 8,
    "D2": { "min": 4.7, "max": 4.8 },
    "D3": { "min": 7.5, "max": 8.5 }
    "objectID": "product-3",
    "D1": 8,
    "D2": 4.75,
    "D3": 11.2
    "objectID": "product-4",
    "D1": 3,
    "D2": 4.75,
    "D3": 11.2,
    "D4": 2.8

Attempt 7: store rounded integers of discrete and range values in strings

For example, the { "min": 7.5, "max": 8.5 } range gives "1-7" and "1-8".


    "objectID": "product-1",
    "D1": { "min": 4.7, "max": 4.8 },
    "D2": 8,
    "D3": 4.75,
    "D": ["1-4", "2-4", "1-8"]
    "objectID": "product-2",
    "D1": 8,
    "D2": { "min": 4.7, "max": 4.8 },
    "D3": { "min": 7.5, "max": 8.5 },
    "D": ["1-8", "2-8", "1-4", "1-7"]
    "objectID": "product-3",
    "D1": 8,
    "D2": 4.75,
    "D3": 11.2,
    "D": ["1-8", "1-4", "1-11"]
    "objectID": "product-4",
    "D1": 3,
    "D2": 4.75,
    "D3": 11.2,
    "D4": 2.8,
    "D": ["1-3", "1-4", "1-2", "1-11"]


The search should return at least the right products, maybe more, which need to be filtered out in the front (legend ⏳).

search Algolia filter product-1 product-2 product-3 product-4
11.2 {"filters":"D:'1-11'"} 👍 👍
8.0 and 4.75 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND D:'1-4'"} 👍 👍 👍
8.0, 4.75 and 4.75 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND D:'2-4'"} 👍
8.2, 4 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND D:'1-4'"}
8.2, 4.75 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND D:'1-4'"} 👍

It "works", but filtering out in the front-end means we lose accuracy of facets volumes, and pagination.

Rounding values to 1/10th instead of integers would generate much more data, but less "bad" results.

Attempt 8: store rounded 1/10th of discrete and range values in strings

For example, the { "min": 7.5, "max": 8.5 } range gives "1-7.5", "1-7.6", "1-7.7", "1-7.8", "1-7.9", "1-8", "1-8.1", "1-8.2", "1-8.3", "1-8.4" and "1-8.5".


    "objectID": "product-1",
    "D1": { "min": 4.7, "max": 4.8 },
    "D2": 8,
    "D3": 4.75,
    "D": ["1-4.7", "2-4.7", "1-4.8", "1-8"]
    "objectID": "product-2",
    "D1": 8,
    "D2": { "min": 4.7, "max": 4.8 },
    "D3": { "min": 7.5, "max": 8.5 },
    "D": [
    "objectID": "product-3",
    "D1": 8,
    "D2": 4.75,
    "D3": 11.2,
    "D": ["1-8", "1-4.7", "1-11.2"]
    "objectID": "product-4",
    "D1": 3,
    "D2": 4.75,
    "D3": 11.2,
    "D4": 2.8,
    "D": ["1-3", "1-4.7", "1-2.8", "1-11.2"]


search Algolia filter product-1 product-2 product-3 product-4
11.2 {"filters":"D:'1-11.2'"} 👍 👍
8.0 and 4.75 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND D:'1-4.7'"} 👍 👍 👍
8.0, 4.75 and 4.75 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND D:'2-4.7'"} 👍
8.2, 4 {"filters":"D:'1-8.2' AND D:'1-4'"}
8.2, 4.75 {"filters":"D:'1-8.2' AND D:'1-4.7'"} 👍
8, 4.77 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND D:'1-4.7'"} 👍 👍

This is much better. We could use a 1/100th rounding to limit even more, if data volume is not an issue.

Product value ranges and range searches

Let's try with users looking for ranges.

About the data

Same as before

Attempt 9: store rounded integers of discrete and range values


Same as attempt #7


search Algolia filter product-1 product-2 product-3 product-4
11-11.4 {"filters":"D:'1-11'"} 👍 👍
8.0 and 4.5-5 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND (D:'1-4' OR D:'1-5')"} 👍 👍 👍
8.0, 4.75 and 4.5-5 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND (D:'2-4' OR (D:'1-4' AND D:'1-5'))"} error
8.1-8.5, 4 {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND D:'1-4'"}
8.2, 8.1-8.5 and 4.75 {"filters":"D:'2-8' AND D:'1-4'"}
7.1-9.5 {"filters":"D:'1-7' OR D:'1-8' OR D:'1-9'"} 👍 👍 👍

We once again get the error because {"filters":"D:'1-8' AND (D:'2-4' OR (D:'1-4' AND D:'1-5'))"} mixes OR and AND in a way Algolia doesn't support.

"objectID": "product-1",
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 4.75
"objectID": "product-2",
"D1": 8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 8
"objectID": "product-3",
"D1": 8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 11.2
"objectID": "product-4",
"D1": 3,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 2.8
"objectID": "product-1",
"D": [8, 4.75, 4.75]
"objectID": "product-2",
"D": [4.75, 8, 8]
"objectID": "product-3",
"D": [8, 4.75, 11.2]
"objectID": "product-4",
"D": [3, 4.75, 2.8, 11.2]
"objectID": "product-1",
"D": [
"D1": 8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 4.75
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 4.75
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 8
"objectID": "product-2",
"D": [
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 8
"D1": 8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 8
"D1": 8,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 4.75
"objectID": "product-3",
"D": [
"D1": 8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 11.2
"D1": 8,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 4.75
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 11.2
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 8
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 8
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 4.75
"objectID": "product-4",
"D": [
"D1": 3,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 11.2
"D1": 3,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 2.8
"D1": 3,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 2.8
"D1": 3,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 4.75
"D1": 3,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 4.75
"D1": 3,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 11.2
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 11.2
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 2.8
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 2.8
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 3
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 3
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 11.2
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 3
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 2.8
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 2.8
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 4.75
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 4.75
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 3
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 11.2
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 3
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 3
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 4.75
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 4.75
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 11.2
"objectID": "product-1",
"DC1": {
"D1": 8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 4.75
"DC2": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 4.75
"DC3": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 8
"objectID": "product-2",
"DC1": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 8
"DC2": {
"D1": 8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 8
"DC3": {
"D1": 8,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 4.75
"objectID": "product-3",
"DC1": {
"D1": 8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 11.2
"DC2": {
"D1": 8,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 4.75
"DC3": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 11.2
"DC4": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 8
"DC5": {
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 8
"DC6": {
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 4.75
"objectID": "product-4",
"DC1": {
"D1": 3,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 11.2
"DC2": {
"D1": 3,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 2.8
"DC3": {
"D1": 3,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 2.8
"DC4": {
"D1": 3,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 4.75
"DC5": {
"D1": 3,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 4.75
"DC6": {
"D1": 3,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 11.2
"DC7": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 11.2
"DC8": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 2.8
"DC9": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 2.8
"DC10": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 3
"DC11": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 3
"DC12": {
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 11.2
"DC13": {
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 3
"DC14": {
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 2.8
"DC15": {
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 2.8
"DC16": {
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 2.8,
"D4": 4.75
"DC17": {
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 4.75
"DC18": {
"D1": 11.2,
"D2": 2.8,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 3
"DC19": {
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 11.2
"DC20": {
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 3
"DC21": {
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 3
"DC22": {
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 11.2,
"D3": 3,
"D4": 4.75
"DC23": {
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 11.2,
"D4": 4.75
"DC24": {
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 11.2
"objectID": "product-1",
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 4.75,
"D3": 8
"objectID": "product-2",
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 8
"objectID": "product-3",
"D1": 4.75,
"D2": 8,
"D3": 11.2
"objectID": "product-4",
"D1": 2.8,
"D2": 3,
"D3": 4.75,
"D4": 11.2
"objectID": "product-1",
"D": "ø4.75øø4.75øø8ø"
"objectID": "product-2",
"D": "ø4.75øø8øø8ø"
"objectID": "product-3",
"D": "ø4.75øø8øø11.2ø"
"objectID": "product-4",
"D": "ø2.8øø3øø4.75øø11.2ø"
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