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Last active July 7, 2017 06:19
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  • Save nhusher/a05f522c9142de13168b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nhusher/a05f522c9142de13168b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Takes a string and performs the count operation:
function counts(s) {
var reg = /([\u00BF-\u1FFF\u2C00-\uD7FF\w\d][^,]+),\s*(\d+)/;
// Reduce over each line in the string, modifying an accumulator object at every iteration
return s.split("\n").reduce(function (a, c) {
if (c = reg.exec(c)) { // The regex matches, so it's of the form NAME,NUM, at least in part
// c[0] = full regex string
// c[1] = the first match (the name)
// c[2] = the second match (the number)
var name = c[1].trim().toLowerCase(), // normalize the name
number = +c[2]; // fast-cast the number, which will always match \d+
a[name] = a[name] ? a[name] + number : number;
return a;
}, {});
var test = [
"George Bluth,10", // spaces in name, no whitespace between comma, capitalization
" george bluth ,5", // test trimming of names
"14 Jaguar, 12", // test names with numbers (Mayan), space between comma and number
"Georges Suerat, ok", // test invalid numbers
"Georges Suerat, 1.25", // test decimal numbers
"ånné, 0x5c", // test non-english names, hexidecimal numbers
var result = counts(test);
console.log(15 === result["george bluth"]);
console.log(12 === result["14 jaguar"]);
console.log(1 === result["georges seurat"]);
console.log(0 === result["ånné"]);
var navigationItem = {
label:"Something Else",
children: [
label:"Another One",
/* maybe more of these? */
// domRenderer :: ([DOMElement], String, String) -> DOMElement
// domRenderer :: [DOMElement] -> DOMElement
function domRenderer(renderedChildren, url, label) {
var childList = document.createElement('ol');
renderedChildren.forEach(childList.appendChild, childList);
if(arguments.length > 1) {
var menuNode = document.createElement('li'),
link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url;
link.innerHTML = label;
return menuNode;
} else {
return childList;
// stringRenderer :: ([String], String, String) => String
// stringRenderer :: [String] -> String
function stringRenderer(renderedChildren, url, label) {
var ret = '',
childList = '<ol>' + renderedChildren.join('') + '</ol>';
if(arguments.length > 1) {
ret += '<li>';
ret += '<a href="' + url + '">' + label + '</a>';
ret += childList;
ret += '</li>';
} else {
ret = childList;
return ret;
function menuChildLocator(item) { return item.children; }
function treeRenderer(nodeList, renderer, childLocator) {
return renderer( {
return renderer(treeRenderer(childLocator(item), renderer), item.url, item.label);
document.body.appendChild(treeRenderer(navigationItem.children, domRenderer, menuChildLocator));
// or:
document.body.innerHTML = treeRenderer(navigationItem.children, stringRenderer, menuChildLocator);
function palindrome(s) {
// Special case: empty strings are not palindromes
if(!s) { return false; }
// sanitize string by translating to uppercase and checking only the first line
// poems that read backwards and forwards are cute, but outside the scope of this fn
s = s.split('\n').pop().replace(/[^\u00BF-\u1FFF\u2C00-\uD7FF\w\d]/g, "").toUpperCase();
// compare the first half to the second half
return s.slice(0, s.length / 2).split("").reverse().join("") === s.slice(Math.ceil(s.length / 2));
console.log(false === palindrome(""));
console.log(true === palindrome("racecar"));
console.log(true === palindrome("Racecar"));
console.log(true === palindrome("race,car"));
console.log(true === palindrome(" race, car"));
console.log(true === palindrome("anna"));
console.log(true === palindrome("ånnå"));
console.log(false === palindrome("ånna"));
console.log(false === palindrome("ånné"));
console.log(true === palindrome("Ah, Satan sees Natasha!"));
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