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Last active February 24, 2021 18:24
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"basics": {
"name": "Nils Kaiser",
"label": "Founder and Principal Advisor at kaikai",
"picture": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"website": "",
"summary": "Passionate Digital Development and ICT4D adviser, and the founder of a team of African consultants ( Creative ICT generalist with 10+ years of experience and a background in Political Science. Team player and enthusiastic communicator in four languages.",
"location": {
"countryCode": "SN",
"address": "",
"city": "Dakar"
"profiles": [
"network": "LinkedIn",
"username": "nilskaiser",
"url": ""
"network": "Twitter",
"username": "nilskaikai",
"url": ""
"work": [
"company": "kaikai",
"position": "Founder and Principal Advisor",
"startDate": "2020-03",
"website": "",
"summary": "Founded and leads a team of African advisors to support development organizations, implementers and private sector."
"company": "IT4LIFE",
"highlights": [
"Raised over 750K EUR funding in 2020"
"position": "Business Developer and Technology Advisor",
"startDate": "2020-01",
"website": "",
"summary": "Identified and developed business opportunities. Lead proposals for competitive tender processes."
"company": "Various (GIZ, PATH, ITU)",
"highlights": [
"Identified a 800K USD funding opportunity for PATH",
"Various country missions in Cameroon, Togo, Benin"
"position": "Digital Development and Digital Health Consultant",
"startDate": "2019-01",
"summary": "Consultancy services for various organizations, leveraging experience in Digital Development, Digital Health. Focus on ecosystem approach, sustainable solutions, local capacity building and empowerment.",
"website": ""
"company": "PATH",
"endDate": "2019-05",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Digital Health Advisor (Consultant)",
"startDate": "2018-07",
"summary": "- Managing global good funding awards, checking deliverables and progress\n- Lead a requirements workshop for a new Health Information System in South Africa\n- Lead training session on Health Information Systems implementations and Interoperability at the first WHO-ITU workshop on Digital Health Capacity Building in Lesotho 2018\n- Technical advisory for country support related to Digital Health projects",
"website": ""
"company": "USAID",
"endDate": "2018-03",
"highlights": [
"Lead the creation of the first IT team and the MoH"
"position": "ICT4D Advisor",
"startDate": "2016-09",
"summary": "- Advised Government of Guinea, USAID mission and implementing partners on ICT and Digital Health\n- Initiated cooperation with Ministry of Telecommunications and private sector (MNOs). \n- Technical management of several awards\n- Liaised to Global Development Lab as well as to global initiatives and partners.",
"website": ""
"company": "eHealth Systems Africa",
"endDate": "2016-07",
"highlights": [
"Lead a 7mio budget for disease surveillance CoAg"
"position": "Information Systems Manager",
"startDate": "2015-05",
"summary": "- Designed and led a national scale health information systems project for mobile disease surveillance in Sierra Leone based on DHIS2, connectivity and solar roll at health facilities. \n- Communicated vision and requirements with Ministry of Health, CDC and WHO representatives. \n- Developed and tracked work plans, time-lines and budget as part of a cooperative agreement with CDC.\n- Recruted local technicians and developers.",
"website": ""
"company": "eHealth Systems Africa",
"endDate": "2015-05",
"position": "Information Systems Advisor / Product Manager",
"startDate": "2014-09",
"summary": "- Technical lead for the national Ebola call center (115) in Guinea, gathered technical requirements and developed roadmap, coordinated dev team\n- Technical advisor for proposals to Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and DFID.",
"website": ""
"company": "SAP AG",
"endDate": "2014-07",
"highlights": [
"Drove transition to Angular.JS and ElasticSearch"
"position": "Senior Developer / Architect (Freelance)",
"startDate": "2012-01",
"summary": "Architect for an internal expert finding tool at SAP AG built in Rails, MongoDB, Angular.JS. Lead roadmap.",
"website": ""
"company": "IT.NRW",
"endDate": "2011-07",
"position": "Consultant, Software Developer",
"startDate": "2010-05",
"summary": "Consulted public agency and the regional Mnistry of Justice in Content Management Systems. Introduced JIRA and new development practices",
"website": ""
"company": "Various (Adesso Mobile, Adesso, IBM ...)",
"location": "",
"description": "",
"position": "Software Developer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2010-05",
"endDate": "2001-01",
"summary": "Various Software Development and Product development roles. More information available on request"
"volunteer": [
"organization": "DaanCovid",
"position": "Volunteer and team lead",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2020-03",
"endDate": "2020-06",
"summary": "Advised patient tracking group and met with response stakeholders"
"organization": "International Cultural Youth Exchange (DE)",
"position": "Member of Board",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2007-04",
"endDate": "2004-11",
"summary": "Participated in strategic and operational decisions for ICYE Germany. Acted as trainer for preparation workshops."
"organization": "Habitat for Humanity Honduras",
"position": "Donor Report Volunteer",
"website": "",
"startDate": "2003-11",
"endDate": "2004-09",
"summary": ""
"education": [
"institution": "The London School of Economics (LSE)",
"area": "Analysis, Design and Management of Information Systems",
"studyType": "MSc",
"startDate": "2007-10",
"endDate": "2008-08",
"gpa": "distinction"
"institution": "University of Potsdam",
"area": "Verwaltungswissenschaft",
"studyType": "Diplom",
"startDate": "2005-02",
"endDate": "2004-09",
"gpa": "Good"
"institution": "Berlin School of Economics",
"area": "Business Informatics (Company Linked with IBM)",
"studyType": "B.Sc.",
"startDate": "2004-10",
"endDate": "2005-03",
"gpa": "Good"
"awards": [],
"publications": [],
"skills": [
"name": "Software and Web Development",
"level": "Excellent",
"keywords": [
"Javascript, node.js, Angular",
"name": "Digital Development and ICT4D",
"level": "Excellent",
"keywords": [
"Principles of Digital Development",
"Donor procedures"
"name": "Social & Communication Skills",
"level": "Excellent"
"name": "Strategic and technical advisory",
"level": "Very good"
"name": "Project Management",
"level": "Very Good"
"languages": [
"language": "French",
"fluency": "Native"
"language": "German",
"fluency": "Native"
"language": "English",
"fluency": "Excellent"
"language": "Spanish",
"fluency": "Very good"
"interests": [],
"references": [
"name": "Merrick Schaefer",
"reference": "USAID, Digital Health Lead,"
"name": "Björn Richter",
"reference": "GIZ, Head of Digital Development Sector Programme,\"
"projects": [],
"meta": {
"canonical": "",
"version": "",
"lastModified": "",
"theme": "orbit"
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