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Created June 16, 2021 10:09
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##apocalypse log
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[11:16:14 pm] --> nisa ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:16:15 pm] * Topic for ##apocalypse is "<rasengan> foss is forking. foss is building. foss is collaboration. <letty> foss is taking a lot of cocaine :: <girst> fuck you rasengan for destroying freenode <3"
[11:16:15 pm] * Topic set by Jigsy! on 2021-06-15 21:11:55 UTC
[11:16:15 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ns by
[11:16:15 pm] * Channel ##apocalypse created on 2021-06-15 20:52:40 UTC
[11:16:23 pm] <aeth> 17:16:05 [capone] -!- 51 57630 Current global users 51, max 57630
[11:16:25 pm] --> HeTo ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:16:31 pm] <-> ChanServ is now known as Global
[11:16:31 pm] --> ar ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:16:33 pm] <-> Irydacea is now known as root
[11:16:35 pm] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet> yeah, with walkover xD
[11:16:36 pm] <rasengan> root: we are enjoying this, right? like the old days
[11:16:37 pm] <rak> aeth: Yeah, it's been increasing :-)
[11:16:40 pm] <aeth> let's make capone larger than new freenode
[11:16:41 pm] <root> hi guys rasengan here
[11:16:42 pm] <Aighearach> If I set up my own server there would be a lot of rules.
[11:16:47 pm] <rasengan> here too
[11:16:50 pm] <@gerard> oh, good point. Global is another services nick - that's another user accounted for :>
[11:16:51 pm] <-- OperServ ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[11:16:51 pm] <root> the real king lee
[11:16:55 pm] <root> um
[11:17:00 pm] <root> smash or pass
[11:17:02 pm] --> OperServ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:17:03 pm] --> girst_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:17:04 pm] --> Lambdadelta (~ursatempe@ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:17:17 pm] <Lambdadelta> good morning
[11:17:18 pm] <+HostServ> root: pass the coke already
[11:17:20 pm] <Lambdadelta> are we dead yet?
[11:17:22 pm] <girst_> \o
[11:17:23 pm] <@crschmidt> yes
[11:17:26 pm] -*- OperServ slaps HostServ around a bit with a wet trout
[11:17:26 pm] <gibby_> sadly, no.
[11:17:28 pm] <Lambdadelta> how dead are we?
[11:17:29 pm] <root> we are gonna build a HUGE wall of coke
[11:17:31 pm] <-> rak is now known as alis
[11:17:31 pm] <@crschmidt> Lambdadelta: quite
[11:17:32 pm] <ar> this is purgatory
[11:17:32 pm] <root> it's gonna be huge i tell you
[11:17:36 pm] -*- HostServ slaps OperServ around a bit with a vhost
[11:17:37 pm] <-> eris-berkeleyedu is now known as eris
[11:17:38 pm] <agrecascino> can anyone /topic without services
[11:17:39 pm] <@crschmidt> root: millions!
[11:17:41 pm] <@Jigsy> Yes.
[11:17:42 pm] -*- gibby_ starts passing out 8-balls
[11:17:43 pm] <+HostServ> root: YUGE
[11:17:44 pm] <+HostServ> BIGLY
[11:17:45 pm] <@Jigsy> +t isn't set.
[11:17:47 pm] <+HostServ> MILLIONS (OF PEOPLE)
[11:17:48 pm] <@crschmidt> this channel is not +t, so yes
[11:17:50 pm] <root> it's gonna be the best wall of coke anyone's ever built and people are going to love it
[11:17:51 pm] <@itisnigh> <SylvesterStalin@pissnet> is freenode completely dead?
[11:17:52 pm] <agrecascino> damn ok
[11:17:55 pm] <nisa> this is insane…
[11:17:56 pm] <Aighearach> You're not in Heaven until you see Peorth or Belldandy
[11:17:57 pm] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet> SylvesterStalin: one server left, capone
[11:17:58 pm] <+HostServ> root: MILLIONS OF COCAINES
[11:17:58 pm] <nisa> It really is
[11:18:02 pm] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet> services down
[11:18:03 pm] <nisa> damn I can't get over it
[11:18:03 pm] <@itisnigh> <SylvesterStalin@pissnet> ALL ON CAPONE
[11:18:06 pm] <lorimer> WE ARE NOT DEAD YET.
[11:18:07 pm] <@gwillen> 14:17 < root> we are gonna build a HUGE wall of coke
[11:18:08 pm] --> fosco ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:18:10 pm] <-> ar is now known as chanserv
[11:18:11 pm] <root> freenode is freedom. freenode is foss. freenode is WHITE POWDER
[11:18:12 pm] <@gwillen> are we gonna make rasengan pay for it
[11:18:20 pm] <Selicre> we're drifting on a piece of wood waiting for it to go down
[11:18:20 pm] <nisa> yeah we're still alive here…
[11:18:21 pm] <eris> White Powder Christmas
[11:18:24 pm] <@gerard> so how is everyone finding out about capone? lots of people still joining here
[11:18:30 pm] <flyback> root stfu
[11:18:30 pm] <-- Lambdadelta (~ursatempe@ has quit (Client Quit)
[11:18:31 pm] <eris> ##apocalypse
[11:18:34 pm] <agrecascino> rasengan is a person with a name and address
[11:18:35 pm] <@Jigsy> It's part of the list.
[11:18:35 pm] <lorimer> apocalypse-watchers
[11:18:37 pm] <root> i came from libera ##freenode
[11:18:38 pm] <Selicre> I found out about it in the libera mirror
[11:18:38 pm] <flyback> it's bad enough this is happening we don't need trolling here
[11:18:39 pm] <-> chanserv is now known as ChanServ
[11:18:39 pm] <@itisnigh> <crschmidt@libera> gerard: ##freenode on libera
[11:18:48 pm] <@itisnigh> <UrsaTempest@libera> someone posted the IP for capone
[11:18:52 pm] <@gerard> ack, that makes sense
[11:18:55 pm] <@gerard> ty
[11:18:55 pm] <aeth> so weird seeing ChanServ not opped in the user list
[11:18:56 pm] <root> also i don't wanna be root anymore, makes me feel dirty
[11:18:57 pm] <@gwillen> I mean, 52 users is not.... really a lot
[11:18:58 pm] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet> some people are tracking which servers are dead
[11:19:00 pm] <-> root is now known as Irydacea
[11:19:00 pm] <@itisnigh> <UrsaTempest@libera> going directly to get newnode instead
[11:19:01 pm] <@gwillen> by the usual standards
[11:19:02 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v ChanServ by gerard
[11:19:04 pm] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet>
[11:19:07 pm] <@Jigsy> Beat me too it.
[11:19:07 pm] <@Jigsy> :P
[11:19:09 pm] <nisa> gerard: I feel like this is going to turn into a libera server somehow... just like hitchcock
[11:19:09 pm] <aeth> do we have a MemoServ?
[11:19:13 pm] --> CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:19:13 pm] <@itisnigh> <crschmidt@libera> UrsaTempest:
[11:19:14 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Literally of them are dead now, so.
[11:19:16 pm] <agrecascino> there's no way like
[11:19:20 pm] <agrecascino> if they cnamed it out
[11:19:22 pm] <@gerard> nisa: ah, that would be neat
[11:19:25 pm] <lorimer> my DNS actually had the old IP cached, luckily
[11:19:25 pm] <nisa> yeah
[11:19:26 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vv NlCKSERV OperServ by Jigsy
[11:19:29 pm] <@gerard> lorimer: same
[11:19:30 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> nisa: "somehow" as in the sponsor likely pulled out
[11:19:30 pm] <agrecascino> there's no way they have access here
[11:19:32 pm] <+OperServ> aww thanks
[11:19:39 pm] <gibby_> lorimer: same here too
[11:19:47 pm] <Selicre> give me voice too, for no apparent reason
[11:19:50 pm] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet>
[11:19:50 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Selicre by gerard
[11:19:51 pm] <Global> can i have +v
[11:19:53 pm] <+Selicre> thank you
[11:19:56 pm] <Arrowmaster> me too!
[11:19:56 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Global by crschmidt
[11:19:56 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Global by Jigsy
[11:19:58 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv kwpolska Aighearach Larkin agrecascino by gerard
[11:19:58 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv nisa matthias Guest3452 q3k by gerard
[11:19:58 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv Irydacea alis gibby_ fosco by gerard
[11:19:58 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv HeTo girst_ bs338 Arrowmaster by gerard
[11:19:58 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv rasengan Vultyre shikadibot aeth by gerard
[11:19:59 pm] <eris> I just made reenode
[11:20:00 pm] <+Global> god bless
[11:20:00 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv flyback lorimer eris jacekowski by gerard
[11:20:01 pm] <+nisa> I think mister lee does not even have access to this IRC anymore
[11:20:02 pm] <+agrecascino> BLUE
[11:20:02 pm] <+Vultyre> \o/
[11:20:03 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vv Armanelgtronchat CalimeroTeknik by gerard
[11:20:03 pm] <+eris> ##reenode
[11:20:04 pm] <+Global> BLUE
[11:20:04 pm] <@Jigsy> EVERYBODY GETS A VOICE!
[11:20:05 pm] <+Irydacea> !hug aeth
[11:20:05 pm] -*- shikadibot hugs aeth
[11:20:05 pm] <+lorimer> i think they might have lost this server :)
[11:20:05 pm] <@gwillen> I don't think capone is cnamed
[11:20:06 pm] <+gibby_> thanks :)
[11:20:08 pm] <+Selicre> if everyone's voiced, nobody is!
[11:20:10 pm] <+eris> aaaayy thanks
[11:20:12 pm] <+lorimer> WE CAN ALL THE SPEAK MAKE
[11:20:12 pm] <+Selicre> but I like the hat.
[11:20:15 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> amazing
[11:20:15 pm] <+eris> u da real mvp
[11:20:15 pm] <@gwillen> I think capone's DNS is still the real capone
[11:20:16 pm] <+alis> thanks gerard
[11:20:19 pm] <+nisa> I think mister lee does not even have access to this IRC anymore
[11:20:21 pm] <+Irydacea> aeth: oh my god shikadibot's shitty perl still works
[11:20:24 pm] <+eris> gwillen: correct
[11:20:28 pm] <+agrecascino> gwillen, ah someone said up here it was cnamed out
[11:20:29 pm] <+eris> I am joined using dns capone
[11:20:29 pm] <@gerard> lorimer: speak the tru tru
[11:20:33 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> graziemille alla mafia
[11:20:34 pm] <+Irydacea> aeth: it's been untouched for 11 years
[11:20:41 pm] <+aeth> Irydacea: wow
[11:20:41 pm] <+agrecascino> it worked for me about 20 minutes ago
[11:20:46 pm] <+aeth> !hug shikadibot
[11:20:46 pm] -*- shikadibot hugs shikadibot
[11:20:49 pm] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet> hey, seriously, who is the owner of capone? wasn't it one of the servers linked after Lee took over the network?
[11:20:57 pm] <+agrecascino> !help
[11:20:57 pm] <+shikadibot> agrecascino: Available topics: !, 8, ?, D, HELP, HUG, MATH, NAMEGEN, NETNAME, NETPROTO, PING, TIME, VERSION, WHATIS
[11:21:00 pm] <+aeth> and yet it's still running
[11:21:01 pm] [+HostServ] Your vhost of RIP.FREENODE is now activated.
[11:21:04 pm] <+agrecascino> !math 232+3
[11:21:04 pm] <+shikadibot> agrecascino: 235
[11:21:04 pm] <@gerard> BluRaf: fwiw the ircd uptime is about 7 days
[11:21:06 pm] <+nisa> what
[11:21:09 pm] <+agrecascino> I GOT A VHOST
[11:21:10 pm] <+Irydacea> HostServ: woo
[11:21:10 pm] <+nisa> I got a vhost
[11:21:17 pm] <+HostServ> EVERYONE GETS A VHOST
[11:21:17 pm] <+Aighearach> Long Live Little Toot! Now, when is the pizza supposed to get here???
[11:21:19 pm] <+HostServ> but i only have one
[11:21:20 pm] <@gwillen> nisa: I don't really know how ircop stuff works.... if this server is no longer connected to services, and they don't have root on the box, then uh
[11:21:21 pm] <+HostServ> so you have to share
[11:21:22 pm] <+Irydacea> i should've brought wine instead of tea
[11:21:25 pm] <+eris> waaaaaow
[11:21:27 pm] <@gwillen> is it ours now
[11:21:34 pm] <@gerard> gwillen: presumably they'll have an O-line and can just /die it
[11:21:34 pm] <+alis> BluRaf: Organization: Nexeon Technologies, Inc. (NT-63)
[11:21:35 pm] <+lorimer> [17:08:25] * Your host is[], running version ircd-seven-1.1.9
[11:21:35 pm] <+lorimer> [17:08:25] * This server was created Wed Jun 9 2021 at 00:29:28 EDT
[11:21:35 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse -s by Jigsy
[11:21:41 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +s by gerard
[11:21:41 pm] <@Jigsy> Might as well get people in here.
[11:21:45 pm] -*- Vultyre breaks Larkin's finger
[11:21:46 pm] <+Selicre> who tf fingered me
[11:21:49 pm] <+HostServ> Larkin pls don't finger me
[11:21:50 pm] <@gerard> yes but also let's try to avoid detection a little ;)
[11:21:51 pm] <+Aighearach> "tea," right, like anybody would drink that on IRC?
[11:21:53 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +C by MooServ
[11:21:53 pm] <+Selicre> I'll finger your ass
[11:21:54 pm] <@Jigsy> Fair enough.
[11:21:55 pm] <+Global> are there any ops still online?
[11:21:55 pm] <+HostServ> Global pls don't VERSION me
[11:21:58 pm] <@gerard> MooServ: ty
[11:21:59 pm] <@Jigsy> Opers?
[11:21:59 pm] <@Jigsy> No.
[11:22:02 pm] <+matthias> 55 users
[11:22:03 pm] <+Global> HostServ: just checking for zombies
[11:22:03 pm] <+alis> BluRaf: check the output of whois
[11:22:03 pm] <+aeth> this server is 54/55... one under the high in /lusers, and it's always one under its high
[11:22:05 pm] <@MooServ> why +s?
[11:22:08 pm] <+Global> then why are we +sing
[11:22:08 pm] <+aeth> nobody used this server but now it's all that's left
[11:22:08 pm] <+Global> lmao
[11:22:10 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> come one come all
[11:22:10 pm] <+Irydacea> NO OPERS. ONLY MAN
[11:22:11 pm] <+HostServ> Global: braaaaaains
[11:22:16 pm] <-> Jigsy is now known as JigsServ
[11:22:17 pm] <+Global> ye gods
[11:22:23 pm] -*- Global blam blam blam
[11:22:25 pm] <@itisnigh> nick change by balrog_ to balrog on freenode_new
[11:22:28 pm] <+Irydacea> THIS IS WHAT IRC IS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE
[11:22:28 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse -s by crschmidt
[11:22:36 pm] <@gerard> I guess anarchy wins
[11:22:37 pm] <@gerard> :)
[11:22:37 pm] <+Irydacea> not fucking kline central
[11:22:38 pm] --> BluRaf ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:22:45 pm] <+OperServ> this server was 7 users 30 minutes ago fwiw
[11:22:48 pm] <+Vultyre> Irydacea: This is foss?
[11:22:55 pm] <+agrecascino> let's start a new freenode but it's just capone
[11:22:57 pm] <+lorimer> 800% growth rate
[11:22:57 pm] <BluRaf> without nickserv registration, but fuck it, I've dropped in on Monday already
[11:22:59 pm] <+Irydacea> Vultyre: the real foss. the good foss
[11:22:59 pm] <BluRaf> \m/
[11:23:02 pm] <+Vultyre> Caponode
[11:23:02 pm] <+rasengan> This is freedom.
[11:23:03 pm] <@itisnigh> <balrog@freenode_new> where's the old server now?
[11:23:06 pm] <+aeth> I'm just glad that I won't get killed or klined for what I say here
[11:23:06 pm] <+eris> "chghost: denied"
[11:23:06 pm] <@gerard> lorimer: hockeystick growth
[11:23:06 pm] <@itisnigh> <balrog@freenode_new> (what hostname)
[11:23:08 pm] <@gerard> up and to the right
[11:23:13 pm] <+eris> you are not an irc operator
[11:23:14 pm] <+HostServ>
[11:23:18 pm] <@itisnigh> <aeth@freenode_new> balrog: no hostname anymore only IP
[11:23:19 pm] <+lorimer> #ircstonks
[11:23:21 pm] * gerard has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "<rasengan> foss is forking. foss is building. foss is collaboration. <letty> foss is taking a lot of cocaine :: <girst> fuck you rasengan for destroying freenode <3 :: capone is FOSS"
[11:23:22 pm] <@crschmidt> balrog: no hostname now, just
[11:23:22 pm] <+HostServ> oh
[11:23:24 pm] <@itisnigh> <aeth@freenode_new> capone the name is dead now
[11:23:24 pm] <BluRaf> balrog, only by ip:
[11:23:27 pm] <+HostServ> they removed the hostname?
[11:23:28 pm] * crschmidt has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " || <rasengan> foss is forking. foss is building. foss is collaboration. <letty> foss is taking a lot of cocaine :: <girst> fuck you rasengan for destroying freenode <3 :: capone is FOSS"
[11:23:28 pm] <+eris> too bad, i wanted to be from
[11:23:35 pm] <@crschmidt> HostServ: they cnamed it to
[11:23:42 pm] <@crschmidt> (Which is also what they did with all the others)
[11:23:46 pm] <-> NlCKSERV is now known as Serv-Chan
[11:23:48 pm] <+HostServ> crschmidt: ??? that's not what i'm seeing
[11:23:49 pm] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet> gerard: can you put capone IP in /topic here?
[11:23:54 pm] <+HostServ> i just did a dig +trace
[11:23:56 pm] <+eris> as of 20 mins ago i connected via hostname
[11:23:56 pm] <@crschmidt> HostServ: DNS propogation delays
[11:23:59 pm] <+HostServ> i just did a dig +trace
[11:24:00 pm] --> mornfall (~mornfall@ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:24:05 pm] <+HostServ> should that not be authoritative?
[11:24:06 pm] <@crschmidt> i dunno, i'm reporting what other people said
[11:24:11 pm] <@gerard> BluRaf: yes, hold on
[11:24:16 pm] <@crschmidt> I don't think dig +trace is authoritative but I don't know
[11:24:19 pm] <+OperServ> A 4m52s
[11:24:24 pm] <+HostServ> crschmidt: it is
[11:24:28 pm] <@itisnigh> nick change by paulo_ to paulo on libera
[11:24:29 pm] <+HostServ> it starts at the DNS root and works from there
[11:24:30 pm] <@itisnigh> <balrog@freenode_new> and someone is squatting nickserv there
[11:24:37 pm] <@itisnigh> topic change by gerard on pissnet: freenode_new:, freenode_old_a: (, libera:, and pissnet: | This is pissnet
[11:24:38 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> yeah, they can't take down this server because of the gre tunnels
[11:24:39 pm] <@itisnigh> nick change by paulo to paulo_ on libera
[11:24:45 pm] <@gwillen> authoritative is {dina,noah}
[11:24:46 pm] -*- Vultyre updates his configuration
[11:24:59 pm] <+HostServ> >> dig +short
[11:25:00 pm] <@gwillen> both of which appear to continue to tell me the real capone
[11:25:01 pm] <+HostServ>
[11:25:01 pm] <-- flyback ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[11:25:02 pm] <+Irydacea> fuck it i'm bringing all my clients up
[11:25:03 pm] <+HostServ> or just check the authoritative nameservers
[11:25:10 pm] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:25:10 pm] <@gerard> Dick_Nachos: no no no it's because of bgp
[11:25:14 pm] --> ljl ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:25:21 pm] <+Irydacea> gonna inflate some numbers in this shit
[11:25:26 pm] <+HostServ> god wtf was lee even talking about re: gre tunnels
[11:25:29 pm] <+HostServ> wtf are they using those for
[11:25:31 pm] <+Aighearach> Bring them, but tell them to bring the pizza
[11:25:35 pm] <+agrecascino> gre tunnels?
[11:25:39 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> gerard: these are both valid reasons that this server is so awesome
[11:25:39 pm] --> CodeGeek ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:25:45 pm] <@gerard> Dick_Nachos :)
[11:25:46 pm] <@crschmidt> HostServ: i dunno then, other people are seeing it differently, maybe cloudflare fucked up :)
[11:25:49 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> gre and bgp
[11:25:51 pm] <CodeGeek> I just connected to capone
[11:25:56 pm] <@JigsServ> Yo.
[11:25:57 pm] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:26:04 pm] <+Selicre> this feels like the last bastion of people of old faith that are desperately trying to avoid converting to a new faith
[11:26:05 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv BluRaf CodeGeek flyback Irydesktop by JigsServ
[11:26:05 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vv ljl mornfall by JigsServ
[11:26:13 pm] <+nisa> #keep-capstone-alive <- I made this
[11:26:22 pm] <+Armanelgtronchat> capstone??
[11:26:23 pm] <@MooServ> it's capone, not capstone lol
[11:26:28 pm] --> Irydacea2 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:26:29 pm] <+Selicre> lmao nisa
[11:26:29 pm] <+Vultyre> lol
[11:26:33 pm] <+HostServ> rekt
[11:26:35 pm] <+nisa> oh shit
[11:26:36 pm] <@JigsServ> lol.
[11:26:38 pm] <+Aighearach> They promised pizza, why would I still convert when I'm still hungry? In the old days we had pizza.
[11:26:41 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> worse tattoo ever, nisa
[11:26:41 pm] <@gerard> crschmidt: caching is hard?
[11:26:44 pm] <@gerard> (re: cloudflare)
[11:26:46 pm] <+Selicre> I am eating pizza rn
[11:26:46 pm] <-> ljl is now known as LjLServ
[11:26:52 pm] <+nisa> #keep capone-alive <- this one instead! lol
[11:26:53 pm] <@gerard> eventual consistency is consistent eventually
[11:26:56 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Nisa it's Capone
[11:26:57 pm] <+Selicre> I would share but I don't have pizza-over-IPv4 yet :<
[11:27:01 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Capstone is just a shitty boomer shooter company
[11:27:02 pm] <+nisa> #keep-capone-alive <- this one instead! lol
[11:27:03 pm] <+Vultyre> /msg LjLServ identify Vultyre hunter2
[11:27:05 pm] <+Vultyre> oops
[11:27:05 pm] <+OperServ> cloudflare DNS is generally like super up to date IME
[11:27:10 pm] <-> eris is now known as WyattServ
[11:27:11 pm] <+OperServ> like, ~15 seconds
[11:27:12 pm] <@itisnigh> <UrsaTempest@libera> I wonder what happened with those guys at techrights
[11:27:14 pm] <+Aighearach> There are Demons among us. There Are Birds Upon The Lawn!
[11:27:19 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> UrsaTempest: Moving here.
[11:27:20 pm] <+nisa> it litterally took me 3 tries
[11:27:25 pm] <+CodeGeek> Vultyre: don't worry, we only saw *******
[11:27:27 pm] <@itisnigh> <UrsaTempest@libera> moving to libera
[11:27:27 pm] <+Armanelgtronchat> I don't know why I find this all so interesting
[11:27:30 pm] <@itisnigh> <UrsaTempest@libera> ? huh
[11:27:36 pm] <@gerard> Armanelgtronchat: it's good drama
[11:27:39 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Irydacea: <immibis> <schestowitz> if they don't sort out their network by midnight, I will start migrating over all the remaining bots, there will be bugs at first though
[11:27:41 pm] <+BluRaf> amogus
[11:27:45 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> UrsaTempest: ^
[11:27:46 pm] <+nisa> Who has got a topic for #keep-capone-alive?
[11:27:48 pm] <@gerard> Armanelgtronchat: and, unlike the covid drama of the last year or so, at least this is fairly harmless
[11:27:50 pm] <@itisnigh> <UrsaTempest@libera> I half-expected they be on new freenode
[11:27:59 pm] <+Aighearach> We have to send a rescue team to new freenode, they've captured Amishguy2006
[11:28:12 pm] <+HostServ> i'm seeing 0 evidence that the capone subdomain's DNS record has changed tbh
[11:28:15 pm] <-> WyattServ is now known as CompuServ
[11:28:21 pm] <+LjLServ> hey can i have voice? i swear allegiance to the prince, uh, actually, to whomever it may concern?!
[11:28:22 pm] <@JigsServ> Now that's an old name.
[11:28:24 pm] <+Selicre> lmao
[11:28:26 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v LjLServ by gerard
[11:28:27 pm] <+CompuServ> :)
[11:28:32 pm] <+LjLServ> this is freedom
[11:28:33 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Irydacea2 by JigsServ
[11:28:34 pm] --> Tat ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:28:35 pm] <+LjLServ> asking, and getting!
[11:28:36 pm] <+HostServ> /msg CompuServ pls give internet
[11:28:37 pm] <+rasengan> LjLServ: emperor please
[11:28:38 pm] <@crschmidt> HostServ: yeah, reasonable
[11:28:39 pm] <@itisnigh> <immipiss@pissnet> there's still a freenode_old_a? the #freenode relay wass shut down because val thought there were no more servers
[11:28:41 pm] <+Irydacea> ladies and gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight, the longest night on freenode
[11:28:42 pm] <+Selicre> capone is FOSS
[11:28:45 pm] <+LjLServ> rasengan: i'm sorry
[11:28:51 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> UrsaTempest: Even ol' Tech Boy Roy has standards apparently
[11:28:52 pm] --> wowStillAlive ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:28:54 pm] --> kongr45gpen ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:28:54 pm] <@crschmidt> immipiss: one remaining server,
[11:28:55 pm] <+aeth> freenode_old_a is just one server, it's not the one that's part of the services
[11:28:57 pm] <+alis> HostServ: Yeah, it's still unchanged AFAICT
[11:28:57 pm] <+CompuServ> /msg HostServ pls give money
[11:28:58 pm] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> immipiss: there's one lost server
[11:29:03 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> freedom as it is the most precious - when you fear you might lose it at any moment
[11:29:03 pm] <@MooServ> the remaining server has #freenode +q anyway
[11:29:05 pm] <@MooServ> so nobody can talk
[11:29:09 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvv kongr45gpen Tat wowStillAlive by JigsServ
[11:29:10 pm] <+aeth> I mean, freenode_old_a is no longer bridging to the part of old freenode that had access to the services
[11:29:19 pm] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> immipiss: we're massively inflating its user numbers as a going away party
[11:29:25 pm] <+agrecascino> MooServ, wait what
[11:29:26 pm] <+Arrowmaster> freenode_old_a is where the party is
[11:29:27 pm] <+agrecascino> which server
[11:29:27 pm] <+rasengan> LjLServ: accepted
[11:29:28 pm] <+wowStillAlive> this
[11:29:33 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> what other servers than this one work?
[11:29:34 pm] <@MooServ> agrecascino: this one ??
[11:29:34 pm] [+HostServ] CompuServ's vhost has been changed to I.AM.BROKE
[11:29:36 pm] <+aeth> < crschmidt> is the old capone IP
[11:29:36 pm] <@JigsServ> This is the last server.
[11:29:44 pm] <+Vultyre> aeth: there's a new one?
[11:29:44 pm] <+mornfall> CompuServ: what did you do to dolores?
[11:29:47 pm] <@gerard> JigsServ: that we know {of,how to connect to}
[11:29:48 pm] <-> OperServ is now known as a
[11:29:52 pm] <+CodeGeek> Freenode is dead, long live Freenode
[11:29:53 pm] <@JigsServ> Well, yeah, that we know of.
[11:29:56 pm] <+kongr45gpen> So there are really only ~50 people in here? that's fun
[11:29:59 pm] <+HostServ> CompuServ: get your own money
[11:29:59 pm] <@crschmidt> we looked pretty hard!
[11:30:01 pm] <@JigsServ> Shame is down.
[11:30:02 pm] <+aeth> Vultyre: I think it means the former capone can be accessed through that IP
[11:30:04 pm] <+aeth> but we're here
[11:30:06 pm] <@gerard> crschmidt: oh I agree!
[11:30:06 pm] <+Vultyre> ah, got it
[11:30:10 pm] --> Togra (~Togra@ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:30:12 pm] <+agrecascino> MooServ, oh i'm an idiot i thought this was #freenode
[11:30:16 pm] <+agrecascino> for a sec
[11:30:16 pm] <@gerard> crschmidt: y'all did some excellent work there <3
[11:30:17 pm] <@MooServ> lol
[11:30:17 pm] <-> a is now known as \______{^-_-^}
[11:30:17 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Togra by JigsServ
[11:30:22 pm] <+nisa> that situation is pretty damn damned
[11:30:23 pm] <+Togra> thanks!
[11:30:27 pm] [@MooServ] MOOS ARE BEING DISPERSED
[11:30:30 pm] [@MooServ] moooooooooooooooooooo
[11:30:31 pm] --> Disconsented (~quassel@ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:30:32 pm] <+matthias> If this is really hosted somehwere without direct access then this will make a funny social experiment.
[11:30:32 pm] -*- Vultyre pets \______{^-_-^}
[11:30:32 pm] <+Selicre> moo
[11:30:36 pm] <+LjLServ> agrecascino: shut up you're not an idiot
[11:30:37 pm] <+Armanelgtronchat> nananana batmoo?
[11:30:37 pm] <+matthias> An IRC server without opers.
[11:30:38 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Disconsented by JigsServ
[11:30:40 pm] <+HostServ> so how has this server avoided getting shut down?
[11:30:42 pm] <+LjLServ> the whole notion of idiocy has been redefined
[11:30:42 pm] <+CompuServ> mornfall: I wish i were old enough to know what that's referencing
[11:30:48 pm] <+Selicre> HostServ: general incompetency
[11:30:49 pm] <+Disconsented> o/
[11:30:51 pm] <+LjLServ> you need to be a GODDAMN FRIGGING IDIOT now to be an idiot
[11:30:52 pm] [+HostServ] MooServ is a cow
[11:30:58 pm] <+Togra> no services, no ops, it's all us now
[11:31:00 pm] <+HostServ> Selicre: that would do it
[11:31:02 pm] <+mornfall> CompuServ: your previous nick was WyattServ
[11:31:02 pm] [@MooServ] LIES, i AM A POTATO
[11:31:03 pm] <@crschmidt> HostServ: This server was disconnected on its own by a netsplit before anything went down earlier yesterday
[11:31:03 pm] -*- \______{^-_-^} purrs
[11:31:04 pm] <+Tat> Lol. Not incompetnce. Self forced destruction.
[11:31:04 pm] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> nice bonfire you all have going
[11:31:07 pm] <+jacekowski> Disconsented: hello
[11:31:10 pm] <+nisa> HostServ: I think it has o-lined the others so it's not able to get /die 'ed
[11:31:11 pm] <+CompuServ> mornfall: yeah my reall name is wyatt
[11:31:12 pm] <@crschmidt> HostServ: So our assumption is that they accidentally missed it
[11:31:12 pm] <+BluRaf> no services, no ops, just some piss
[11:31:15 pm] <+mornfall> CompuServ: oh
[11:31:20 pm] <+aeth> honestly, this ##apocalypse thing couldn't have turned out better. they forgot a server and left us with an old school IRC party
[11:31:21 pm] <+CompuServ> :)
[11:31:28 pm] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: pass the marshmellows?
[11:31:30 pm] <+mornfall> CompuServ: it's not a very common name
[11:31:31 pm] <+Disconsented> So was it malice or stupidity that finally killed it?
[11:31:32 pm] <+Tat> Nickserv and Chanserv here are people pretending to nickserv and chanserv.
[11:31:35 pm] <+CompuServ> true
[11:31:39 pm] <+LjLServ> Disconsented: yes
[11:31:43 pm] <@JigsServ> No idea who owns it.
[11:31:43 pm] <+\______{^-_-^}> no opers, no chanops, no services, no consequences
[11:31:46 pm] <@JigsServ> /admin wasn't any help.
[11:31:49 pm] <+Tat> If you somehow logged in in the last 20 minutes your passwords are compromised.
[11:31:49 pm] <+mornfall> CompuServ: it's a character on westworld… (i'm not gonna spoil tho)
[11:31:52 pm] --> IronDeHavilland ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:31:52 pm] [+Selicre] Thank you for noticing this notice.
[11:31:53 pm] <+CompuServ> ohh, a westworld reference
[11:31:54 pm] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> "<people screaming at rasengan>" Here's the people screaming:
[11:31:54 pm] --> Irydacea_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:31:55 pm] <+HostServ> >no opers
[11:31:57 pm] <+HostServ> \______{^-_-^}: rude
[11:31:58 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Irydacea_ by JigsServ
[11:32:00 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v IronDeHavilland by JigsServ
[11:32:00 pm] <+BluRaf> aeth: this reminds me of better times when I was spending New Year's Eve with other microblog users on (Polish Digg clone)
[11:32:02 pm] <+HostServ> >no services
[11:32:03 pm] <+BluRaf> just casually chatting
[11:32:04 pm] <+HostServ> RUDE
[11:32:06 pm] <+HostServ> I AM THE SERVICE
[11:32:08 pm] <+CompuServ> i was wondering if it was wyatt earp or something
[11:32:08 pm] <-> Irydacea_ is now known as ShikadiQueen
[11:32:10 pm] <+BluRaf> B)
[11:32:14 pm] <+Togra> also- SSL doesn't work?
[11:32:16 pm] <-> ShikadiQueen is now known as Iris
[11:32:17 pm] <+Togra> lol
[11:32:17 pm] <+Vultyre> 😎
[11:32:20 pm] <@gerard> Togra: worked for me I think?
[11:32:22 pm] <+Togra> oh
[11:32:24 pm] <+CodeGeek> SSL worked for me
[11:32:26 pm] <@JigsServ> I forgot to connect via SSL.
[11:32:27 pm] <@gerard> yeah, worked for me too
[11:32:29 pm] <+Iris> oh yeah i forgot there's no services and no impostor using my real name
[11:32:29 pm] <+Togra> well if I get DC'd, I'll flip it back on and try again
[11:32:40 pm] <@MooServ> I'm using default (non-ssl) port
[11:32:42 pm] <+BluRaf> no services, no tls, no impostors
[11:32:43 pm] <+Togra> when I tried it straight up didn't even try, just said "naw, no handshake for you"
[11:32:44 pm] <+BluRaf> just amogus
[11:32:46 pm] <-> Tat is now known as LiberaSaves
[11:32:52 pm] <+Togra> well my client tried, but yeah
[11:32:54 pm] <+Larkin> Togra: you have to add IP to your /etc/hosts as so you can validate the cert
[11:33:00 pm] <+Togra> oooh
[11:33:03 pm] <+HostServ> BluRaf: well don't ask me for a vhost then
[11:33:05 pm] <+Togra> wild
[11:33:05 pm] <@gerard> Larkin: only if your client does cert validation
[11:33:08 pm] <-> CodeGeek is now known as FuckRasengan
[11:33:10 pm] <+Larkin> yeah well, mine does :P
[11:33:11 pm] <@gerard> and really who worries about irc mitm...
[11:33:12 pm] <+Togra> yeah I could tell mine to let that slide
[11:33:17 pm] <-> HostServ is now known as root
[11:33:20 pm] <+root> FuckRasengan: rude
[11:33:20 pm] <@crschmidt> ( may also still work for some people without editing hosts)
[11:33:22 pm] <-> root is now known as HostServ
[11:33:24 pm] <+agrecascino> bored some i'm pulling up a raw log for the last moments of freenode
[11:33:24 pm] <@gerard> (also is resolving for plenty of folks)
[11:33:26 pm] <@crschmidt> (the story on that has been inconsistent)
[11:33:31 pm] <+Selicre> lmao I disabled host validation because I was too lazy to get a real cert for my own server
[11:33:33 pm] <+FuckRasengan> root: let's do cocaine
[11:33:33 pm] <+Togra> I'd care if I logged into nickserv, but well, I dropped my account early on
[11:33:37 pm] <+Larkin> it's resolving to new network sometimes isn't it?
[11:33:38 pm] <+LjLServ> crschmidt: that's because DNS sucks! we need to decentralize DNS! MAKE DNS GREAT AGAIN
[11:33:38 pm] <-- Global ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[11:33:39 pm] <+HostServ> Selicre: like, universally?
[11:33:42 pm] <+CompuServ> selicre: me too
[11:33:43 pm] <+agrecascino> caponne should become a pissnet node
[11:33:49 pm] <+Larkin> Togra: also there's no services left
[11:33:50 pm] <+Selicre> yes
[11:33:51 pm] <+CompuServ> but per-channel because xchat lets me
[11:33:53 pm] <+Serv-Chan> does SASL use nickserv?
[11:33:53 pm] <+Togra> yeah lol
[11:33:56 pm] <+CompuServ> *per server
[11:33:57 pm] <+Vultyre> C O L D W E T C H A T S
[11:33:59 pm] <+HostServ> Selicre: that's pretty dumb tbh
[11:34:00 pm] <@crschmidt> Larkin: it has been reported that is the case, but it does not seem like it should be because authoritative servers are still giving this IP
[11:34:00 pm] <@itisnigh> nick change by twilight_ to twilight on pissnet
[11:34:01 pm] <+Irydacea> YES WE NEED TO BUY CAPONE
[11:34:01 pm] <+Selicre> I do not use IRC so this does not matter to me
[11:34:01 pm] <+CompuServ> cold wet chats
[11:34:03 pm] <@gwillen> I haven't seen any examples of capone resolving to the new network
[11:34:10 pm] <@gwillen> I think that was an error or a misunderstanding
[11:34:11 pm] <-- wowStillAlive ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[11:34:11 pm] <+Irydacea> can we find out who's sponsoring capone?
[11:34:16 pm] <@gwillen> but if someone's personally seen one do tell
[11:34:17 pm] <+LjLServ> i don't get it guys. i think this is the right place to say it. piss is warm, not cold.
[11:34:21 pm] <+HostServ> Irydacea: possibly
[11:34:21 pm] <+LjLServ> it is, admittedly, wet.
[11:34:22 pm] -*- kongr45gpen is anyone still using the /me command?
[11:34:25 pm] <+BluRaf> HostServ: I need no cloaks, I'm a proud man with my own tilde linux server and a domain B)
[11:34:26 pm] -*- gwillen is
[11:34:27 pm] <+Aighearach> I don't care if you spilled "tea" on the pizza, we still have to eat it
[11:34:27 pm] <+Togra> LjLServ ha! yeah!
[11:34:28 pm] -*- nisa does
[11:34:40 pm] <@gwillen> W A R M W E T C H A T S
[11:34:40 pm] --> Noisytoot (~noisytoot@ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:34:41 pm] <+HostServ> OrgName: Nexeon Technologies, Inc.
[11:34:44 pm] <+CompuServ> whois tells me nothing
[11:34:45 pm] <+HostServ> them maybe?
[11:34:46 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Noisytoot by JigsServ
[11:34:57 pm] <+alis> CompuServ: Yeah, whois the ip
[11:34:58 pm] <+Vultyre> LjLServ: /!\ C O L D W E T C H A T S /!\
[11:35:05 pm] <+flyback> you know what
[11:35:11 pm] <-> kongr45gpen is now known as alezakos
[11:35:17 pm] <@itisnigh> <SylvesterStalin@pissnet> WARM DRY CHATS
[11:35:19 pm] <+CompuServ> ah duh
[11:35:19 pm] <+flyback> some of us would like to spend some time here with the last of a network
[11:35:28 pm] <+Selicre> so is pissnet solely about piss or is it about other tangental things
[11:35:31 pm] <+flyback> and would you KINDLY SHUT THE FUCK UP WITH YOUR STUPID CHATS SPAM
[11:35:34 pm] <+CompuServ> hi flyback
[11:35:37 pm] <+flyback> OR JUST KILL YOUSELF
[11:35:41 pm] <+CompuServ> i'm wyatt8740 from #electronics
[11:35:43 pm] <+nisa> this is the biggest single-server irc I have ever seen lol
[11:35:44 pm] <+BluRaf> well, Nexeon is hosting the physical server or VPS, but who has access to this server?
[11:35:45 pm] <+mornfall> This server was created Wed Jun 9 2021 at 00:29:28 EDT
[11:35:46 pm] <+Iris> SQUISH SQUISH
[11:35:47 pm] <+Noisytoot> Selicre, it's also about other stuff
[11:35:51 pm] <+Noisytoot> #hamradio is about spam
[11:35:53 pm] <+aeth> CompuServ: if you're from #electronics then your nick makes sense
[11:35:54 pm] <@gerard> flyback: I would recommend a properly formed /ignore line
[11:35:55 pm] <+Serv-Chan> n
[11:35:55 pm] <+Serv-Chan> n.
[11:35:57 pm] <+Noisytoot> actually, it is spam
[11:35:59 pm] <@JigsServ> By the look of it, nobody.
[11:36:03 pm] <+Noisytoot> #cheeseradio is about ham radio
[11:36:04 pm] --> canton7 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:36:05 pm] <+CompuServ> aeth: I'm from all over
[11:36:05 pm] <+aeth> let's salute old freenode. o7
[11:36:07 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v canton7 by gerard
[11:36:08 pm] <@JigsServ> No opers, nothing.
[11:36:10 pm] <+Selicre> o7
[11:36:11 pm] <@gerard> o7
[11:36:11 pm] <+Irydacea> oh i should take a look at hamradio
[11:36:11 pm] <+Togra> o7
[11:36:12 pm] <+Irydacea> brb
[11:36:14 pm] <+gibby_> o7
[11:36:15 pm] <+CompuServ> i wish i could get my a500 hooked up to irc quickly enough
[11:36:17 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> bring your friends
[11:36:17 pm] <+LiberaSaves> This final server should implode at somepoint but they are doing a shitty job killing the last server.
[11:36:17 pm] <+Vultyre> o7
[11:36:18 pm] <@JigsServ> o7
[11:36:20 pm] <@crschmidt> o7
[11:36:21 pm] <+alezakos> o7
[11:36:22 pm] <+mornfall> nisa: it's only got a few dozen users
[11:36:23 pm] <+Serv-Chan> o7
[11:36:23 pm] <+flyback> CompuServ, why not
[11:36:24 pm] <+Irydacea> o7
[11:36:26 pm] <+alezakos> why are we saying o7 again?
[11:36:29 pm] <+FuckRasengan> o7
[11:36:30 pm] <+canton7> o7
[11:36:30 pm] <+Togra> saluting the fallen
[11:36:31 pm] <+Iris> o7
[11:36:33 pm] <@crschmidt> saluting old freenode
[11:36:34 pm] <@gerard> alezakos: we are saluting the last freenode host
[11:36:35 pm] <@itisnigh> nick change by twilight__ to twilight on pissnet
[11:36:35 pm] --> Espio ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:36:36 pm] <+fosco> o7
[11:36:37 pm] <+shikadibot> o7
[11:36:37 pm] <@itisnigh> <argonel@libera> o7
[11:36:38 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> o7
[11:36:38 pm] <+HostServ> o7
[11:36:40 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Espio by JigsServ
[11:36:42 pm] <@itisnigh> <johnlage@pissnet> o7
[11:36:43 pm] <+Irydacea2> o7
[11:36:45 pm] --> mst ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:36:45 pm] <+Aighearach> o7
[11:36:48 pm] <+agrecascino> o7
[11:36:50 pm] <@itisnigh> <CodeGeek@libera> o7
[11:36:51 pm] <+nisa> mornfall: yeah but still…
[11:36:51 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v mst by JigsServ
[11:36:51 pm] <-> Irydacea2 is now known as shadowm
[11:36:52 pm] <+CompuServ> flyback: mainly because I need to get software on it and figure out how to actually network it over the rs232 port
[11:36:53 pm] <+Disconsented> o7
[11:36:55 pm] <+LiberaSaves> "<+aeth> let's salute old freenode. o7"
[11:36:56 pm] <@gwillen> o7
[11:36:57 pm] <+mst> END OF THE WORLD PARTY
[11:36:58 pm] <+\______{^-_-^}> o7
[11:36:59 pm] <+nisa> this was part of freenode once
[11:37:00 pm] --> thelounge19 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:37:00 pm] -*- mst raises glass
[11:37:03 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> press F to pay respects
[11:37:03 pm] <+\______{^-_-^}> when lee killed the previous server he directly said it's the last client server, so I assume he just went off to find more cocaine or similar after killing it
[11:37:04 pm] <thelounge19> heheeeeeeeee
[11:37:06 pm] <+flyback> CompuServ, that's easy slip or PPP
[11:37:07 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v thelounge19 by JigsServ
[11:37:07 pm] <@gwillen> F
[11:37:08 pm] --> rctgamer3 (~rctgamer3@ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:37:09 pm] --> lame___ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:37:10 pm] <+mst> I came to the pub to IRC from here
[11:37:10 pm] <+Vultyre> F
[11:37:13 pm] <+kwpolska> bye and thanks for all the fish
[11:37:13 pm] <+CompuServ> flyback: as it is i can hook up my IBM 3161 terminal :D
[11:37:15 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v rctgamer3 by JigsServ
[11:37:16 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v lame___ by JigsServ
[11:37:17 pm] <+mst> so I has beer while watching everything burn
[11:37:18 pm] <+fosco> F
[11:37:20 pm] <+lorimer> o7 \~/
[11:37:21 pm] <+aeth> F
[11:37:23 pm] <+CompuServ> and watch freenode die on an amber CRT
[11:37:23 pm] <+flyback> you can probably use a esp8266 as a wifi to rs232 bridge
[11:37:24 pm] <@JigsServ> F
[11:37:26 pm] <@itisnigh> nick change by \n to Nay on pissnet
[11:37:32 pm] <@gerard> 21:37 [freenode_old_a] -!- There are 0 users and 77 invisible on 1 servers
[11:37:32 pm] <+Iris> this is beautiful
[11:37:32 pm] <+alezakos> In these final moments, i invite you all to listen to my mixtapes:
[11:37:33 pm] <@gerard> lol
[11:37:38 pm] <+FuckRasengan> this is the IP of
[11:37:41 pm] <+lame___> is this The restaurant at the end of the universe
[11:37:48 pm] <-> lame___ is now known as seo`
[11:37:55 pm] * gerard has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " (<- IP) || <rasengan> foss is forking. foss is building. foss is collaboration. <letty> foss is taking a lot of cocaine :: <girst> fuck you rasengan for destroying freenode <3 :: capone is FOSS"
[11:37:56 pm] <+agrecascino> seo`, ye
[11:37:57 pm] --> Sgeo ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:37:59 pm] <+seo`> :D
[11:38:00 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Sgeo by JigsServ
[11:38:02 pm] <+IronDeHavilland> the restaurant at the end of old freenode
[11:38:06 pm] <+Iris> !hug everyone
[11:38:06 pm] <+shikadibot> Iris: everyone is not here. :(
[11:38:13 pm] <+alezakos> :(
[11:38:14 pm] <+Iris> shikadibot: goddammit i hate you
[11:38:14 pm] <-- kwpolska ( has quit (Quit: fuck rasengan)
[11:38:15 pm] <+thelounge19> !hug *
[11:38:15 pm] <+shikadibot> thelounge19: * is not here. :(
[11:38:16 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> bring everyone
[11:38:18 pm] <+mst> o/ Daisy, Daisy, Give me your answer do o/
[11:38:19 pm] --> foobar ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:38:22 pm] --> rbraun ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:38:24 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v foobar by JigsServ
[11:38:27 pm] <+agrecascino> alezakos,
[11:38:28 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v rbraun by JigsServ
[11:38:30 pm] <+rbraun> are we still up in this bitch
[11:38:32 pm] <+Iris> worst child to ever come out of my keyboard
[11:38:34 pm] <@JigsServ> I wonder what happened with the NickServ/Dogecoin situation.
[11:38:37 pm] <+CompuServ> yes
[11:38:42 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> Welcome, Welcome, to the End of Evang… Freenode
[11:38:44 pm] <+foobar> I'm
[11:38:44 pm] <@crschmidt> rbraun: indeed
[11:38:45 pm] --> artart78 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:38:46 pm] <+BluRaf> is anyone recording the last moments of freenode here?
[11:38:47 pm] <+Aighearach> From the Awesome Mixtape
[11:38:48 pm] <+CompuServ> wait, there was a nickserv/dogecoin situation?
[11:38:50 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v artart78 by JigsServ
[11:38:53 pm] <@JigsServ> Yeah.
[11:38:58 pm] <+CompuServ> i must know the deets
[11:39:01 pm] --> McD^ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:39:01 pm] <@crschmidt> CompuServ: there was apparently an IRC bot that let people store dogecoin, identified with nickserv
[11:39:03 pm] <+HostServ> i mean, i have logging enabled
[11:39:03 pm] <@JigsServ> [20:34:45] <CalimeroTeknik> >14:37:50 < palasso> rasengan: There is a problem with at least one bot (specifically the bot named Wallet) which relies on NickServ identification (thus classic database). This bot is basically a bank for cryptocurrencies.
[11:39:05 pm] <+HostServ> so sure
[11:39:07 pm] <+FuckRasengan> walletbot
[11:39:07 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v McD^ by JigsServ
[11:39:09 pm] <+BluRaf> as a video, I mean
[11:39:11 pm] <+aeth> crschmidt: Wallet, in #dogecoin
[11:39:14 pm] <@crschmidt> there you go
[11:39:15 pm] <+Noisytoot> BluRaf, most clients log
[11:39:27 pm] <@MooServ> oh I thought that bot was about storing bitcoin. But yeah, I heard about Wallet
[11:39:30 pm] <@MooServ> how do they even solve that?
[11:39:31 pm] <+CompuServ> lol
[11:39:32 pm] <+agrecascino> holy shit
[11:39:33 pm] <@itisnigh> nick change by orkim` to orkim on pissnet
[11:39:35 pm] <+Togra> wow really hope people got their doge out of there before today lol
[11:39:36 pm] <@MooServ> do they just give up and take all the money?
[11:39:39 pm] <+agrecascino> people just lost all their money lmao
[11:39:39 pm] <+Togra> really got bamboozled
[11:39:45 pm] <+aeth> Wallet does bitcoin too but it doesn't do ethereum because it's apparently a pain to host
[11:39:46 pm] <+LiberaSaves> So the guy who stole Mt GOX coins wants nickserv to store cryptocurrencies? Whaaaaaaaa?
[11:39:48 pm] --> AlexZ (sid12766@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:39:52 pm] <+artart78> 😢
[11:39:52 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> I hope ChanServ uses my password wisely
[11:39:54 pm] <+aeth> this definitely reminds me about mtgox
[11:39:56 pm] <+FuckRasengan> what is pissnet?
[11:39:56 pm] <+Iris> LiberaSaves: wait really?
[11:39:58 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v AlexZ by JigsServ
[11:40:02 pm] <@crschmidt> LiberaSaves: this wasn't a rasengan plan
[11:40:03 pm] <+agrecascino> FuckRasengan, modern a-net
[11:40:04 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> I mean NickServ
[11:40:05 pm] <@crschmidt> this was a thing that already existed
[11:40:07 pm] <+aeth> the last time there was really drama of this magnitude on freenode was mtgox, early 2014, afaik
[11:40:09 pm] <@crschmidt> but it was using nickserv as an identity store
[11:40:11 pm] <+Iris> oh my god
[11:40:11 pm] <+aeth> I was in those mtgox channels
[11:40:13 pm] <@MooServ> the bot was by #dogecoin users, not freenode
[11:40:14 pm] --> gradator ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:40:16 pm] <@crschmidt> but now that identity store is gone
[11:40:18 pm] <@MooServ> it was just using freenode accounts for authentication
[11:40:18 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v gradator by JigsServ
[11:40:20 pm] <+fosco> gradator: !!!
[11:40:21 pm] <@MooServ> which is all gone now
[11:40:23 pm] <+CompuServ> crschmidt, this wasn't a plan
[11:40:27 pm] <+aeth> funny how the same mtgox people are bhind this drama too
[11:40:28 pm] <+Iris> why on earth would you use someone else's server to store your crypto pii
[11:40:28 pm] <+gradator> fosco: !!!
[11:40:31 pm] <+Iris> or whatever
[11:40:31 pm] <+CompuServ> ftfy
[11:40:38 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> they seem to have ported the registrations DB to neonode
[11:40:38 pm] <@MooServ> I used to have 1000 dogecoin in doger
[11:40:41 pm] <+aeth> MooServ: but the bot used nickserv/etc. to authenticate users
[11:40:43 pm] --> Sol-test ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:40:45 pm] --> rasendork (b9dc66f7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:40:46 pm] <@MooServ> would have been worth a few hundred today. It was all donated dogecoin
[11:40:48 pm] <@crschmidt> Iris: i mean, you could ask the same thing about people who have wallets on mtgox or whatever. people do shit
[11:40:49 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> anyone else feel like spamming /msg nickserv identify GOFUCKYOURSELF
[11:40:52 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Sol-test by JigsServ
[11:40:53 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v rasendork by JigsServ
[11:40:55 pm] <@crschmidt> I don't think teh amount of money is huge
[11:40:56 pm] <+FuckRasengan> press F to pay respects
[11:40:57 pm] <@crschmidt> it just sucks
[11:40:59 pm] <@gerard> so apparently they're planning to use 2fa tokens to verify identity for the people who had 2fa enabled
[11:41:05 pm] <@itisnigh> <Adran@libera> MooServ? lol
[11:41:05 pm] --> Guest25 (Guest25@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:41:06 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> F
[11:41:07 pm] <+LiberaSaves> Apparently yeah, Wallet. As if that guy could be trusted with money when his money comes from "hackers" stealing money and he runs away and is suddenly buying shit he never had money for.
[11:41:09 pm] <+Togra> F
[11:41:09 pm] <+fosco> F
[11:41:10 pm] <+gradator> F
[11:41:11 pm] <+Iris> crschmidt: they gave andrew lee free money
[11:41:12 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Guest25 by JigsServ
[11:41:13 pm] --> Liskni_si ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:41:13 pm] <+rasendork> F
[11:41:16 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Liskni_si by JigsServ
[11:41:18 pm] <+Iris> F
[11:41:21 pm] <+Irydacea> F
[11:41:23 pm] <@JigsServ> That was his true objective.
[11:41:26 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> F
[11:41:29 pm] <+shadowm> F
[11:41:30 pm] <@JigsServ> Seizing freenode to steal Dogecoin.
[11:41:34 pm] <+aeth> F
[11:41:35 pm] <+shikadibot> F
[11:41:41 pm] <+Irydesktop> F
[11:41:43 pm] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> I'm surprised I haven't been banned yet
[11:41:44 pm] <+mornfall> Liskni_si: o/~
[11:41:44 pm] <+artart78> F
[11:41:47 pm] <+nisa> F
[11:41:48 pm] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> actively telling people to go elsewhere
[11:41:51 pm] <+Liskni_si> mornfall: o/
[11:41:52 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> "Seizing freenode to steal Dogecoin." hard lol
[11:41:54 pm] <-> Noisytoot is now known as MemoServ
[11:41:55 pm] <+Aighearach> F
[11:41:58 pm] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> also, F
[11:42:05 pm] <@gerard> JigsServ: it all makes sense now
[11:42:10 pm] <@gerard> JigsServ: from the former mtgox ceo...
[11:42:11 pm] <+lorimer> F
[11:42:16 pm] <-> Sol-test is now known as Solbux
[11:42:23 pm] <@JigsServ> Poor guy.
[11:42:26 pm] <@gerard> (which, I will remind you all once again, stands for magic the gathering online exchange)
[11:42:27 pm] <@JigsServ> Probably needs the money for cocaine.
[11:42:39 pm] <@crschmidt> Iris: Nah, the person who ran the bot took it down and now has no way to identify who can access it, but the money hasn't gone away (yet)
[11:42:45 pm] <+Aighearach> That's why they call him Price Little Toot
[11:42:47 pm] <+CompuServ> poor bastards
[11:42:49 pm] <+LiberaSaves> Yeah, putting your bitcoin in magic the gathering makes as much sense as IRC.
[11:42:52 pm] <+Aighearach> Prince Little Toot
[11:43:14 pm] <+Iris> crschmidt: oh no i meant the whole mt gox situation. people claim andrew was involved
[11:43:15 pm] <+FuckRasengan> trusting an IRC bot with your money makes total sense
[11:43:23 pm] <+Iris> crschmidt: that sounds sucky though
[11:43:29 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> for those who think they have lost money, check whether your account has been ported to freenode_new/neonode
[11:43:35 pm] <+aeth> FuckRasengan: I mean, it usually has like $5 in it, the problem is that that $5 can become $500 in a year
[11:43:43 pm] <+alezakos> Dick_Nachos: I get an error that I need to be identified to talk to nickserv
[11:43:46 pm] <@gerard> aeth: but also $0
[11:43:50 pm] <@crschmidt> oh, sure
[11:43:54 pm] <@crschmidt> mtgox was a shitshow
[11:43:55 pm] <@crschmidt> whatever
[11:43:56 pm] <+Iris> i wonder how many people are watching us from libera but can't join because of K-lines
[11:43:57 pm] <+aeth> gerard: that actually isn't a problem
[11:43:58 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> lol
[11:44:04 pm] <+alezakos> which is amazing because i need nickserv to identify to nickserv
[11:44:04 pm] <+CompuServ> heh that's true
[11:44:05 pm] <+aeth> gerard: I too can make a bot that keeps track of a currency worth $0
[11:44:08 pm] <+aeth> aethbux
[11:44:09 pm] <+Sgeo> Do the K-Lines transfer to newfreenode?
[11:44:10 pm] <@gerard> aeth: :D
[11:44:13 pm] -*- aeth tips gerard 27 aethbux
[11:44:14 pm] <+Iris> Sgeo: no
[11:44:16 pm] <@crschmidt> Sgeo: no
[11:44:16 pm] <@gerard> aww yisss
[11:44:19 pm] -*- gerard rich now
[11:44:23 pm] <+agrecascino> caponebux
[11:44:23 pm] <+Iris> Sgeo: the bad news is they are dishing them out like free candy anyway
[11:44:26 pm] <+aeth> if you assert that 1 aethbux = $1 then you just made $27, gerard
[11:44:29 pm] --> josh ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:44:33 pm] <+jacekowski> somebody said that they have migrated nick registrations
[11:44:33 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v josh by JigsServ
[11:44:34 pm] <@gerard> aeth: fiat currency WOO
[11:44:39 pm] <+CompuServ> hmm, today i will go get myself k-lined again
[11:44:39 pm] <+LjLServ> I reached the end of freenode without being k-lined (well, not forever). Wasn't positive that would happened.
[11:44:45 pm] <+aeth> gerard: no, not fiat, "stablecoin"
[11:44:49 pm] <+Selicre> guys while we're at it, do y'all wanna test a game I'm working on?
[11:44:55 pm] [+HostServ] alezakos doesn't get a vhost because they can't identify themselves
[11:44:58 pm] <@gerard> aeth: as long as we're not calling it crypto I'm happy
[11:44:58 pm] <+Selicre>
[11:44:58 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> I really don't think the "plan" was to make off with wallet bot
[11:44:59 pm] <+CompuServ> I've never been k-lined anywhere actually
[11:45:10 pm] <-> Irydacea is now known as Irydacea_vps
[11:45:12 pm] <+aeth> gerard: no need to crypto, it's more efficient to use postgresql
[11:45:13 pm] <+Selicre> I made it to the end without any kicks or k-lines
[11:45:14 pm] <+Aighearach> K Line transfers anything, anywhere.
[11:45:14 pm] <@JigsServ> I got G-lined a lot in my youth.
[11:45:16 pm] <-> shadowm is now known as Irydacea
[11:45:20 pm] <+\______{^-_-^}> hey all so I'm going to bed and I assume this server will be gone when I wake up so it was nice chatting with yall on the last ever what-we-knew-as-freenode server
[11:45:20 pm] <-> Irydacea_vps is now known as shadowm
[11:45:26 pm] <-- Solbux ( has quit (Quit: leaving)
[11:45:27 pm] <+HostServ> \______{^-_-^}: same to you <3
[11:45:27 pm] <+nisa> CompuServ: I got g-lined 6 times today, in "new" freenode
[11:45:30 pm] <+FuckRasengan> I don't think there was a plan, just a copious amount of drugs
[11:45:31 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Sure it's an opportunity to seize on stealing walletbot now
[11:45:33 pm] <+agrecascino> Selicre, the power of <canvas>
[11:45:34 pm] <+Irydacea> \______{^-_-^}: o7
[11:45:34 pm] --> enyc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:45:34 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> So now they're bringing the nickserv db back?
[11:45:37 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v enyc by JigsServ
[11:45:39 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> But I doubt it was at all planne
[11:45:40 pm] <+LiberaSaves> Fuck, I lost.
[11:45:40 pm] <+CompuServ> selicre: i got kicked from #freenode for saying praise helix earlier today
[11:45:42 pm] <+HostServ> Dick_Nachos: what?
[11:45:42 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> planned*
[11:45:42 pm] <+CompuServ> that's my only kick
[11:45:46 pm] <@itisnigh> <ircfan@libera> FuckRasengan LOOOOOL
[11:45:47 pm] <+Selicre> agrecascino: indeed!
[11:45:49 pm] <+\______{^-_-^}> o7
[11:45:49 pm] <+Irydacea> also much 💜
[11:45:49 pm] <+LjLServ> Dick_Nachos: are they?
[11:45:53 pm] <+LiberaSaves> Pretty cool tho
[11:45:55 pm] <-- \______{^-_-^} ( has quit (Quit: \______{^-_-^})
[11:45:55 pm] <+HostServ> Dick_Nachos: source pls
[11:45:56 pm] <@gerard> Dick_Nachos: you're joking
[11:45:58 pm] <+Selicre> technically this can be done without canvas though
[11:46:03 pm] <+aeth> oh no we lost our ASCII cat
[11:46:04 pm] <+nisa> Dick_Nachos: the services are offline anyways
[11:46:06 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> \______{^-_-^}: Be well
[11:46:07 pm] -*- enyc meows
[11:46:07 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> No, that's what I heard
[11:46:08 pm] <+LiberaSaves> No space = Jump was weird.
[11:46:14 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> I thought I heard it in here
[11:46:15 pm] <+HostServ> where did you hear this
[11:46:17 pm] -*- CompuServ servs compu
[11:46:21 pm] <+enyc> brrb
[11:46:21 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> my bad I'm confused I thin
[11:46:22 pm] <-- enyc ( has quit (Client Quit)
[11:46:24 pm] -*- HostServ starts host
[11:46:24 pm] <+MemoServ> When will this server be shut down?
[11:46:24 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> *think
[11:46:27 pm] <+agrecascino> it's kinda like emulator controls
[11:46:28 pm] <@gerard> MemoServ: we do not know
[11:46:28 pm] <+HostServ> MemoServ: no idea
[11:46:29 pm] <+Selicre> LiberaSaves: it's for compatibility with emulator controls mostly
[11:46:30 pm] <+agrecascino> MemoServ, nobody knows
[11:46:35 pm] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> The new ircd is incompatible with the old ircd, porting the db would take actual work & basic competence
[11:46:35 pm] <+aeth> MemoServ: we're here until it shuts down, that's the point of the ##apocalypse watch party
[11:46:40 pm] --> saucyfox ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:46:41 pm] <@JigsServ> It'll happen when it happens (if it happens - which it probably will)...
[11:46:42 pm] <-> josh is now known as BotServ
[11:46:43 pm] <saucyfox> o7
[11:46:43 pm] <+aeth> MemoServ: tbh I am surprised that ##apocalypse has lasted almost 24 hours now
[11:46:45 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v saucyfox by JigsServ
[11:46:47 pm] <-- foobar ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[11:46:49 pm] <+BotServ> heh
[11:46:52 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> El. Psy. Congroo.
[11:46:53 pm] <@gerard> fnlol: all surmountable with the right amount of work/planning though
[11:46:54 pm] <+CompuServ> imma start drawing something in deluxepaint
[11:46:58 pm] <+CompuServ> might be a freenode tribute
[11:47:00 pm] <+nisa> MemoServ: I hope it won't ever… I hope this turns into a libera server or something
[11:47:01 pm] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> aeth: happy birthday
[11:47:03 pm] <+CompuServ> we'll see
[11:47:06 pm] <+BluRaf> Tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
[11:47:06 pm] --> enyc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:47:11 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v enyc by JigsServ
[11:47:12 pm] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> gerard: no, those prerequisites are too high
[11:47:15 pm] <+nisa> Hi enyc
[11:47:16 pm] <+MemoServ> nisa, It's unlikely that the domain name will be kept
[11:47:16 pm] <+alezakos> Yeah someone on reddit claimed that the tools existent to transfer the databases cannot really support the amount of data present on freenode
[11:47:22 pm] <+alezakos> so it would take a lot of work
[11:47:24 pm] <@gerard> fnlol: yeah...
[11:47:27 pm] <@itisnigh> <aeth@freenode_new> fnlol: ty
[11:47:27 pm] <+nisa> MemoServ: It's gone already
[11:47:28 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> and the world goes on turning and turning… turning and falling ♪
[11:47:34 pm] <+agrecascino>
[11:47:40 pm] <+aeth> I think most people here are using the IP to connect now
[11:47:41 pm] <+CompuServ> al capone will have to be in the picture
[11:47:41 pm] <@gerard> alezakos: "a lot" #doubt
[11:47:42 pm] <@JigsServ> I dropped my account before HappyTree died.
[11:47:45 pm] <+MemoServ> Is it?
[11:47:45 pm] <@gerard> alezakos: it would take work, sure
[11:47:46 pm] <@JigsServ> Was 7y old.
[11:47:48 pm] <@gerard> alezakos: but seriously...
[11:47:54 pm] <+Selicre> btw did lee just claim people wanted classic to go?
[11:47:58 pm] <+Aighearach> "it would take a lot of work" so like, 15 minutes to rewrite the buffers to use a disk?
[11:47:59 pm] <+enyc> hrrm fun cannot join new hannel etc
[11:48:01 pm] <+Selicre> or did anyone actually want it
[11:48:03 pm] <@Dick_Nachos> Don't listen to me, I must have read something wrong. I thought someone else literally just said that they were going to restore the DB now.
[11:48:04 pm] <+Iris> alezakos: that sounds like speculation unless it's an undercover account from someone like tomaw who used to have access to the services database
[11:48:06 pm] -*- Sgeo just now realizes the implications of chatting MemoServ
[11:48:14 pm] <@crschmidt> Selicre: no, he basically claimed that everyone were being assholes, so it needed to go
[11:48:15 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> Selicre, there are always a few trolls to say yes in #freenode
[11:48:20 pm] <+alezakos> well yeah it's definitely speculation
[11:48:23 pm] <+Selicre> fair enough
[11:48:23 pm] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> "How can we chat while our staff is churning? How can we idle while our chans are burning?"
[11:48:25 pm] <@crschmidt> But it was always going to go
[11:48:35 pm] <+FuckRasengan> so, they plan on taking on the InspIRCd code and modify it for their needs, but they can't even do a DB migration. And if they want any programming help they'll have to go to Libera to ask questions
[11:48:40 pm] <+aeth> -!- 85 88 Current local users 85, max 88
[11:48:40 pm] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> most of the people saying things lee likes who arent opers are trolls lol
[11:48:48 pm] <+MemoServ> nisa, still points to
[11:48:51 pm] <@JigsServ> From what I saw yesterday, virtually everyone told him to get fucked.
[11:48:53 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> FuckRasengan, they'll do it in NODEJS
[11:48:55 pm] <@JigsServ> ircu, Anope, etc.
[11:49:02 pm] <+nisa> MemoServ: that's just your cache
[11:49:18 pm] <+Selicre> there was this one guy whose name looked like "cumdildo" that simped for new staff very hard and I still have no idea if they're a troll
[11:49:21 pm] <+Selicre> or just really dumb
[11:49:21 pm] <+FuckRasengan> CalimeroTeknik: I mean, everyone can code an IRC server in a weekend
[11:49:26 pm] <+q3k> FuckRasengan: yeah i'm impressed they didn't manage to migrate over the database
[11:49:31 pm] <+Selicre> FuckRasengan: for some definition of "everyone"
[11:49:32 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Doesn't mean it'll run well
[11:49:34 pm] <@JigsServ> I wrote on in mIRC script.
[11:49:34 pm] <+saucyfox> agrecascino: I like these tunes
[11:49:43 pm] <@JigsServ> one*
[11:49:47 pm] <+BotServ> New freenode should run on that mIRC IRCd script
[11:49:55 pm] <+agrecascino> thx, i just sent it because the album title is "crumbling"
[11:49:56 pm] <+aeth> freenode should run on raw telnet
[11:49:58 pm] <@JigsServ>
[11:49:58 pm] <+CalimeroTeknik> FuckRasengan, but not in pure bash
[11:50:00 pm] <@JigsServ> It does actually work.
[11:50:03 pm] <@itisnigh> mode change by MemoServ on pissnet: +q MemoServ
[11:50:06 pm] <@JigsServ> Modes, joins, parts, etc.
[11:50:18 pm] <+aeth> has anyone written an ircd in brainfuck yet?
[11:50:24 pm] <@gerard> aeth:
[11:50:25 pm] <+aeth> just assume that the brainfuck i/o is network i/o
[11:50:28 pm] <+Aighearach> $ dig @ ... 281 IN A
[11:50:31 pm] <+saucyfox> is that even possible?
[11:50:34 pm] <+LjLServ> is this the most bridged channel on IRC
[11:50:39 pm] <+saucyfox> I've never heard of any brainfuck thing doing network i/o
[11:50:39 pm] <@gerard> LjLServ: probably not
[11:50:43 pm] <-> BotServ is now known as OperServ
[11:50:44 pm] <@crschmidt> LjLServ: almost certainly not
[11:50:45 pm] <+LjLServ> gerard: unacceptable
[11:50:45 pm] <+mornfall> aeth: i'm sure some nc and bash would do the job
[11:50:46 pm] <+Selicre> saucyfox: ,.
[11:50:48 pm] <@itisnigh> <Stary@pissnet> it's certainly the most bridged channel on freenode
[11:50:50 pm] <+LjLServ> crschmidt: even less acceptable
[11:50:52 pm] <+aeth> LjLServ: I mean, it's less bridged than earlier, when it had old_a through old_d
[11:50:53 pm] <+CompuServ> aeth: i'd do one in posix shell
[11:51:02 pm] <+FuckRasengan> it's missing a bridge
[11:51:04 pm] --> banneduser69 (~wsefiuh@ has joined ##apocalypse
[11:51:06 pm] <@JigsServ> I should really learn an actual programming language one of these days.
[11:51:08 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v banneduser69 by JigsServ
[11:51:14 pm] <+Selicre> technically you don't need io for turing completeness
[11:51:14 pm] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> LjLServ: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[11:51:14 pm] <+LjLServ> aeth: well that's the past. only the present is real.
[11:51:16 pm] <+HostServ> JigsServ: i vote Go or Python
[11:51:24 pm] <+Aighearach> I heard Forth is popular
[11:51:24 pm] <+agrecascino> the first major thing i ever wrote was the smallest subset of a working irc server possible in c++
[11:51:28 pm] <@JigsServ> I did make a start on the Go course on CodeAcademy.
[11:51:32 pm] <+HostServ> Aighearach: no you didn't
[11:51:33 pm] <+Selicre> I'm writing an ircd in rust
[11:51:33 pm] <+BluRaf> hmm, it looks like we're secure for now, otherwise this server would be already dead
[11:51:40 pm] <+HostServ> Selicre: tokio?
[11:51:40 pm] <+aeth> Selicre: you should rewrite it in rust
[11:51:43 pm] <+Aighearach> HostServ: I did, from the old guy at the makerspace
[11:51:47 pm] <+mst>
[11:51:49 pm] <+HostServ> pls
[11:51:51 pm] <+LjLServ> BluRaf: has it been mentioned anywhere rasengan+staff can hear?
[11:51:52 pm] <+Selicre> tokio is an async runtime that's Very Fast
[11:51:56 pm] <+Aighearach> he said, "You'd be surprised"
[11:52:04 pm] <+HostServ> Selicre: i know what tokio is
[11:52:04 pm] <@JigsServ> Lee's on the way to the datacenter to turn the server off.
[11:52:05 pm] <+BluRaf> LjLServ: idk, I doubt it
[11:52:06 pm] <+HostServ> Selicre: are you using it
[11:52:06 pm] <+Aighearach> And I said, "lol yeah, probably"
[11:52:08 pm] <+rbraun> mst: LOL
[11:52:08 pm] <+HostServ> ??
[11:52:11 pm] <@JigsServ> ...after he makes a short stopover in Colombia first.
[11:52:11 pm] <+Selicre> oh lol
[11:52:16 pm] <+Selicre> yes, indeed, and I thought I mentioned it
[11:52:16 pm] <+HostServ> JigsServ: ...short?
[11:52:18 pm] <+FuckRasengan> they probably don't know who runs capone
[11:52:22 pm] <+Selicre> that's why I thought you were asking what it was
[11:52:25 pm] <@JigsServ> Well, "short."
[11:52:30 pm] <+Arrowmaster> its a newer server
[11:52:31 pm] --> Sos ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:52:32 pm] <+FuckRasengan> not even capone knows who runs capone
[11:52:32 pm] <+HostServ> FuckRasengan: you mean they're not smart enough to do a whois on the ip address?
[11:52:33 pm] <+Selicre> sorry my memory span is that of a goldfish
[11:52:36 pm] <+CompuServ> hostserv: go on powerpc32 finally works as of last month
[11:52:37 pm] <@crschmidt> FuckRasengan: I mean, even if they don't, I feel like they could have still killed it?
[11:52:37 pm] <+BluRaf> well, I'll just make a screenshot with last messages here if server will go down while I'll be sleeping
[11:52:38 pm] <+alezakos> beep
[11:52:38 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Sos by JigsServ
[11:52:39 pm] <+CompuServ> so i'm cool with that
[11:52:43 pm] <@crschmidt> I don't know, I dunno how IRC servers work
[11:52:43 pm] <+LjLServ> /msg nickserv identify ljlserv iwantrasenganinme
[11:52:44 pm] <+Selicre> brb, gonna contact Al Capone
[11:52:45 pm] <+CompuServ> hostserv: make go work on m68k though
[11:52:47 pm] <+LjLServ> whoops sorry bad space
[11:52:49 pm] <+agrecascino> if we find who runs capone before cocaine user 69 does we can make it a pissnet node
[11:52:51 pm] <-> Iris is now known as Iris_
[11:52:52 pm] <+LjLServ> i'll send to the real nickserv
[11:52:52 pm] <+agrecascino> finders keepers
[11:52:54 pm] <+nisa> BluRaf: I really hope so tbh.
[11:52:54 pm] --> KindTwo ( has joined ##apocalypse
[11:52:55 pm] <-> Irydacea is now known as Iris
[11:52:59 pm] <+FuckRasengan> crschmidt: how can you kill a server you don't have access to
[11:53:00 pm] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v KindTwo by JigsServ
[11:53:01 pm] <-> Iris_ is now known as Irydacea
[11:53:01 pm] <@JigsServ> crschmidt: Basically...
[11:53:03 pm] <@crschmidt> but I feel like somewhere there's gotta be a config file that has a password that someone knows that can turn things off?
[11:53:08 pm] <@JigsServ> Stuff -> [MAGIC] -> Results.
[11:53:15 pm] <+aeth> would be hilarious if this wasn't run directly by freenode and could migrate to be a libera server
[11:53:18 pm] <+CompuServ> (???) -> PROFIT
[11:53:22 pm] <@gerard> I'm sure they can /oper up and /die it if they wanted to
[11:53:26 pm] <+agrecascino> pissnet is funnier
[11:53:27 pm] <+Selicre> aeth: with the old motd too
[11:53:28 pm] <@crschmidt> yeah, that's what I was saying
[11:53:33 pm] <@crschmidt> i mean, they have to know about it
[11:53:35 pm] <+nisa> aeth: it's not run directly by freenode
[11:53:36 pm] <+FuckRasengan> afaik, many freenode "nodes" were run by 3rd parties who donated server resources
[11:53:38 pm] <@JigsServ> It does seem odd that an oper isn't localhosted on it, though.
[11:53:39 pm] <+agrecascino> either is acceptable
[11:53:41 pm] <+alezakos> well services are down, so can they? :P
[11:53:48 pm] <+Irydacea> let's not give andrewgang any info they don't need :)
[11:53:53 pm] <@gerard> FuckRasengan: isn't that all of them?
[11:54:00 pm] <+Irydacea> don't give them info they do need either
[11:54:04 pm] <+enyc> hehe
[11:54:06 pm] <+nisa> Irydacea++
[11:54:06 pm] <-> KindTwo is now known as KindOne
[11:54:10 pm] <+Larkin> Lee started linking his own servers to the network at some point
[11:54:10 pm] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Until the takeover, yes, gerard
[11:54:12 pm] <+aeth> Lee can't find this server to shut it down because it's hidden in Al Capone's vault.
[11:54:13 pm] <@JigsServ> "Never rat on your friends, and keep your mouth shut."
[11:54:16 pm] <+Selicre> give them info they deserve
[11:54:20 pm] <+FuckRasengan> gerard: most likely, but I don't deal in absolutes :)
[11:54:22 pm] <@gerard> Umbire: right, pre-takeover that is
[11:54:30 pm] <@gerard> FuckRasengan: what are you, some kind of !sith
[11:54:33 pm] <+enyc> hrrm is itisnigh a useful relay bot?
[11:54:34 pm] <+LjLServ> MAKE AL CAPONE GREAT AGAIN
[11:54:39 pm] <+HostServ> should we call nexeon and tell them not to shut the server off
[11:54:40 pm] <+FuckRasengan> only the Sith deal in asbolutes, my boy
[11:54:45 pm] <+CompuServ> capone's in my deluxepaint tribute to freenode
[11:54:53 pm] <+FuckRasengan> #MCGA
[11:54:54 pm] <+Selicre> please share
[11:54:59 pm] <+agrecascino> CompuServ, please send
[11:55:07 pm] <@gerard> enyc: it was earlier today
[11:55:07 pm] <-> HostServ is now known as root
[11:55:07 pm] <+enyc> CompuServ: I remember Deluxe Paint II Enhanced and indeed I did use 320x200 256color mode quite a bit
[11:55:17 pm] <+LjLServ> CompuServ: deluxepaint?
[11:55:18 pm] <@gerard> enyc: perhaps now that almost everyone is on this server it's slightly less so
[11:55:18 pm] <+LjLServ> shit
[11:55:21 pm] <@gerard> but
[11:55:21 pm] <+BluRaf> HostServ: if it would only work like this... not sure how sponsorships are working right now on leenode
[11:55:23 pm] <@gerard> <shrug>
[11:55:23 pm] <+LjLServ> i can connect to this channel from my amiga right now
[11:55:24 pm] <+enyc> gerard: hrrrm
[11:55:25 pm] <+LjLServ> and i'm not doing it
[11:55:31 pm] <+CompuServ> agrecascino when it's done
[11:55:34 pm] <@itisnigh> <crschmidt@libera> look
[11:55:37 pm] <+CompuServ> ljlserv: yeah on my amiga 500
[11:55:38 pm] <@itisnigh> <crschmidt@libera> there's still people on other servers
[11:55:40 pm] <+CompuServ> deluxe paint iii
[11:55:40 pm] <+agrecascino> understandable
[11:55:41 pm] <+BluRaf> it would be funny to steal the last server and join it to pissnet for lulz
[11:55:44 pm] <@gerard> enyc: we used it to bridge together the separate shards of freenode when it was all falling apart
[11:55:45 pm] <@crschmidt> not many though
[11:55:49 pm] <@gerard> enyc: so we feel nostalgic about it now
[11:55:52 pm] <+enyc> gerard: I could do with a message-relay-box to join OFTC+Libre-Chat #mxlinux and (separatelY) #antiX respective channels ;p
[11:55:55 pm] <+agrecascino> hmmm
[11:55:59 pm] -*- root does cocaine
[11:56:00 pm] <+CompuServ> agrecascino, if you're on libera ##apocalypse i'll let you know
[11:56:00 pm] <+MemoServ> alezakos, /oper can be used when services are down
[11:56:08 pm] <@gerard> enyc: haha, well, I'm not stopping you :)
[11:56:12 pm] <+agrecascino> i'll take up the gimmick and get on here on my hp b180l
[11:56:14 pm] <+alezakos> oh, right then
[11:56:19 pm] <+agrecascino> CompuServ, lemme join there
[11:56:30 pm] <+enyc> alas the people who had a nerds-relay-bot were refusing to disconnect freenode, calling me a spammer, and instead disconnected from the relay ;-(
[11:56:35 pm] <+CompuServ> just to make sure i remember as much as anything
[11:56:40 pm] <+enyc> gerard: what software, easy to add, FOSS in debian? et
[11:57:00 pm] <@gerard> enyc: yeah, I'm using limnoria for this relay
[11:57:02 pm] <+KindOne> is anyone identified to services here?
[11:57:03 pm] <@gerard> straight from debian
[11:57:09 pm] <+Irydacea> KindOne: no services. only IRC.
[11:57:13 pm] <@gerard> enyc: took me about 30 minutes to get it all running without ever having touched the software before
[11:57:18 pm] <+mornfall> the server was restarted less than a week ago; perhaps someone accidentaly removed the o-lines :p
[11:57:19 pm] <+CompuServ> hey, more debian users
[11:57:19 pm] <+CompuServ> cool
[11:57:25 pm] <+CompuServ> i knew we were the best
[11:57:27 pm] <+Aighearach> I wouldn't touch those services with your $%#^ and a 10 ft pole
[11:57:31 pm] <+Arrowmaster> we are the best
[11:57:36 pm] -*- root touches CompuServ
[11:57:37 pm] <+ChanServ> KindOne: only one person messaged me, at least after i /umode -R
[11:57:41 pm] <+CompuServ> debian sid here
[11:57:43 pm] <@JigsServ> mornfall: Nice.
[11:57:46 pm] <+CompuServ> on powerbook g4
[11:57:51 pm] <+root> oh hi ChanServ
[11:57:53 pm] <+Irydacea> how on earth are there two people on kiwi
[11:57:58 pm] <+rctgamer3> Irydacea: basically like EFNet
[11:58:05 pm] <+OperServ> I sent a message to NickServ to see how many passwords they collected, but fortunately they're still +R
[11:58:21 pm] <+q3k> chanserv seems to work
[11:58:23 pm] <+CompuServ> agrecascino, i'm wyatt8740 over there btw
[11:58:26 pm] <@gerard> OperServ: presumably meaning they didn't get any passwords then
[11:58:35 pm] <+root> OperServ: maybe they actually did that intentionally just so nobody would collect passwords
[11:58:39 pm] <+root> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[11:58:45 pm] <+aeth> q3k: idk I tried to /msg chanserv info ##apocalypse and got nothing
[11:58:46 pm] <+OperServ> I like to think they're a good egg
[11:58:48 pm] <+agrecascino> CompuServ, oh weren't you in #talos-workstation
[11:58:54 pm] <+q3k> aeth: it's a bit laggy
[11:58:55 pm] <+mornfall> which would make /oper, ehm, inoperable
[11:59:04 pm] <+saucyfox> why would you imitate NickServ and not collect passwords
[11:59:07 pm] <+saucyfox> no fun in that
[11:59:15 pm] <+root> Doing The Right Thing(tm)?
[11:59:21 pm] <+OperServ> I'd send back mOcKiNg TeXt back of their password
[11:59:29 pm] <+rctgamer3> hunter2
[11:59:29 pm] <+saucyfox> well I did the Wrong Thing(tm) on anonymuncule years ago and it was hilarious
[11:59:33 pm] <+OperServ> hUnTeR2
[11:59:35 pm] <+FuckRasengan> saucyfox: they're passwords for the old freenode, which were wiped out
[11:59:36 pm] <+alezakos> collect the passwords, and then just publish stats about them
[11:59:39 pm] <+saucyfox> someone else ddos'd them and services were down. nickserv wasn't qlined
[11:59:47 pm] <+saucyfox> ez password farm
[11:59:47 pm] <+alezakos> or mock users for their passwords but never share them again
[11:59:57 pm] <+CompuServ> agrecascino, yes
[11:59:58 pm] <+saucyfox> FuckRasengan: people reuse passwords like retards tho
[12:00:00 am] - {Day changed to Wednesday, June 16, 2021}
[12:00:01 am] <+CompuServ> i don't own a talos though
[12:00:02 am] <-> Irydacea is now known as taw
[12:00:03 am] <+rctgamer3> this ^
[12:00:04 am] <+taw> /resv nickserv /kill nickserv >:C
[12:00:05 am] <+CompuServ> i just want one
[12:00:06 am] <+enyc> gerard: oooo how much resource needed to run limnoria to do that? I see it is in debian stable (good thing)
[12:00:07 am] <+OperServ> Leenode didn't reserve *Serv names, saucyfox ? rofl
[12:00:07 am] <-> taw is now known as Irydacea
[12:00:17 am] <+FuckRasengan> saucyfox: if they do, they had it coming
[12:00:19 am] <+nisa> I have to got to bed now but I won't because I want to see this dilema to its end
[12:00:20 am] <+enyc> I have some very low resource old VMs
[12:00:27 am] --> ClassicMath (~coderain@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:00:29 am] <+saucyfox> OperServ: no I'm talking about anonymuncule irc years ago
[12:00:30 am] <@gerard> enyc: ehh, depends on the message load I guess
[12:00:31 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v ClassicMath by JigsServ
[12:00:34 am] --> ragenan ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:00:35 am] <@crschmidt> nisa: fwiw, there is a moderate chance this server will still be here in the morning
[12:00:37 am] <@gerard> enyc: but I'm pretty sure anything you can think of will be able to host it
[12:00:37 am] <+artart78> Who stole the rasengan nick from me
[12:00:42 am] <+ClassicMath> hi
[12:00:44 am] <+enyc> gerard: im thinking static ram just running...
[12:00:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v ragenan by JigsServ
[12:00:45 am] <+Irydacea> crschmidt: why that?
[12:00:50 am] <+rasengan> I did
[12:00:53 am] <+nisa> crschmidt: nope I'll stay here until it's end
[12:00:54 am] <+ClassicMath> are you sad about the old freenode going away?
[12:00:57 am] <+CompuServ> :O
[12:00:58 am] <+aeth> relink services
[12:01:01 am] <+FuckRasengan> rasengan: fuck you
[12:01:02 am] <@gerard> enyc: my instance has about 20M RSS
[12:01:06 am] <+nisa> or until it's part of some other network
[12:01:15 am] <@crschmidt> Irydacea: this server was disconnected from the rest of the network before they started doing things, and had very few users (only 3)
[12:01:19 am] -*- rasengan fucks me
[12:01:19 am] <+OperServ> Relink services? I am services :o
[12:01:25 am] <@JigsServ> Technically 2.
[12:01:25 am] --> ebb ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:01:29 am] <@JigsServ> One of those was me.
[12:01:32 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v ebb by JigsServ
[12:01:34 am] <@JigsServ> Well, that bot I had running.
[12:01:35 am] <@crschmidt> Irydacea: and it's not clear that the neonode operators have noticed it
[12:01:41 am] <@crschmidt> JigsServ: sorry, my bad :)
[12:01:42 am] <+Irydacea> crschmidt: do you think we are sitting on a server that was loyal to tomaw's staff then?
[12:01:50 am] <@crschmidt> Irydacea: no, I think we're sitting on a server that everyone forgot about
[12:01:53 am] <+MemoServ> ClassicMath, yes
[12:01:57 am] <+ClassicMath> dammit, i mean, so like... this server is dying, and your last words here are going to be insults?
[12:02:02 am] <+Irydacea> kinda massive oversight if true
[12:02:10 am] <+Togra> like a rebel server?
[12:02:10 am] <@crschmidt> Irydacea: i mean, not that massive
[12:02:12 am] <+artart78> -- christel #freenode :Cannot change nickname while banned/quieted on channel
[12:02:12 am] <+mornfall> Irydacea: wouldn't be the first, or the biggest
[12:02:14 am] <+artart78> Oops
[12:02:14 am] <@crschmidt> it's not like we can do anything with it
[12:02:15 am] <+Irydacea> andrew's gonna randomly find out and be like killall -9 ircd-seven
[12:02:18 am] <-> artart78 is now known as christel
[12:02:20 am] <+Irydacea> or ircd
[12:02:20 am] <+mornfall> Irydacea: leenode has some elite staff on books
[12:02:21 am] <@itisnigh> <enrh@libera> I don't think that MemoServ sends *any* memos
[12:02:24 am] <+christel> Hey guys I'm back
[12:02:25 am] <+Irydacea> i forgot the default exe name
[12:02:32 am] <+Togra> lol
[12:02:32 am] <-> FuckRasengan is now known as lilo
[12:02:37 am] <+ClassicMath> christel: are you the real christel?
[12:02:39 am] <+Irydacea> lilo: no
[12:02:39 am] <+lilo> hey guys, let me restart the servers
[12:02:41 am] <+christel> Actually I never sold Freenode it was just a huge prank LOL
[12:02:47 am] <+MemoServ> ClassicMath, I don't think so
[12:02:49 am] <+ClassicMath> christel: heh
[12:02:49 am] <@gerard> lilo: please don't
[12:02:50 am] <+root> haha yeah we got you good
[12:02:52 am] <+alezakos> hello christel can you give me the telephone number of chris?
[12:02:53 am] -*- root hifives christel
[12:02:53 am] <+alezakos> (chris tel)
[12:02:57 am] <+christel> Yall got bamboozled
[12:02:57 am] <+rasengan> no one's real here
[12:02:58 am] <-> lilo is now known as FuckRasengan
[12:02:59 am] <@itisnigh> mode change by niko on libera: -t
[12:03:02 am] <@gerard> FuckRasengan: thank you
[12:03:05 am] <+Selicre> I hope the logs are gonna be published somewhere so I can point at myself like that fucking meme
[12:03:06 am] <+flyback> lilo drop the nick before i drop you
[12:03:09 am] -*- Irydacea launches a squeaky mallet in christel's general direction
[12:03:09 am] <+aeth> ClassicMath: idk this server seems pretty alive to me
[12:03:11 am] <+BluRaf> FuckRasengan: sorry, but wasn't funny
[12:03:13 am] <+FuckRasengan> RIP lilo
[12:03:15 am] -*- root points at rasengan
[12:03:16 am] <+LjLServ> can someone tell me the capone IP again if they have them handy again please
[12:03:17 am] <+root> Selicre: like this?
[12:03:24 am] <@JigsServ>
[12:03:24 am] <+nisa>
[12:03:25 am] <+flyback> lilo was a good friend
[12:03:27 am] <+nisa> oh
[12:03:28 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> aeth: we can set topics here now
[12:03:28 am] <+root>
[12:03:29 am] <+flyback> that shit ain't funny
[12:03:32 am] <+Irydacea> LjLServ:
[12:03:32 am] <+root> nisa: wtf is that
[12:03:34 am] <+alezakos> LjLServ: /topic
[12:03:35 am] <+MemoServ> aeth, It will be when if the freenode staff remember
[12:03:35 am] <+nisa> sorry sent wrong one
[12:03:37 am] <+LjLServ> thanks
[12:03:39 am] <+christel>
[12:03:40 am] <+MemoServ> *will be dead
[12:03:47 am] <@itisnigh> topic change by gerard on libera:
[12:03:51 am] <-> christel is now known as a
[12:03:52 am] <+root> nisa: that's
[12:03:55 am] <+nisa> Yep
[12:03:55 am] <+root> >:(
[12:03:56 am] <+MemoServ> s/when if/when/
[12:03:58 am] <+ClassicMath> well i'm sure lilo is real
[12:03:59 am] <+root> is it ded
[12:04:00 am] <+ClassicMath> he never died
[12:04:00 am] <+a> a
[12:04:04 am] <+ClassicMath> it was just a joke
[12:04:04 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> we've been directly mentioned
[12:04:05 am] --> berndj ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:04:05 am] <-- ebb ( has quit (Quit: freenode dot net)
[12:04:08 am] <+ClassicMath> he's finally come back
[12:04:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v berndj by JigsServ
[12:04:11 am] <+Selicre> root: like what
[12:04:15 am] --> ebb ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:04:17 am] <+ClassicMath> to tell us that he still runs freenode and is still alive
[12:04:19 am] <+root> Selicre: like me pointing at rasengan
[12:04:20 am] <+BluRaf> 00:03 <@RelayBot> <Tat@freenode2> There's also that didn't manage to die. ##apocolypse is the party at the end of the world.
[12:04:22 am] <+BluRaf> well, fuck
[12:04:23 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v ebb by JigsServ
[12:04:25 am] <+ClassicMath> am i doing this right? :P
[12:04:25 am] <+BluRaf> RUN.
[12:04:26 am] <+agrecascino> i am Booting Unix On my Unix Workstation
[12:04:27 am] <+Selicre> oh
[12:04:27 am] --> strangeways ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:04:29 am] <+FuckRasengan> poor guy must be rolling on his grave
[12:04:30 am] <+a> Wait I'm going to get hled all the time with that nick
[12:04:36 am] <-> a is now known as z
[12:04:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v strangeways by JigsServ
[12:04:40 am] <+z> Better
[12:04:44 am] <+ClassicMath> oh Z
[12:04:47 am] <+saucyfox> z
[12:04:49 am] <+ClassicMath> some servers have that as a sevice
[12:04:49 am] <+aeth> z
[12:04:50 am] <+BluRaf> z
[12:04:50 am] <+ClassicMath> *service
[12:04:51 am] <+alezakos> zzZZZZzZ
[12:04:53 am] <+root> FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z
[12:04:56 am] <+Irydacea> i can only assume lilo would want to kick rasengan in the nuts if he could
[12:04:58 am] <+Selicre> zed
[12:04:59 am] <+FuckRasengan> zzz
[12:05:02 am] <@itisnigh> <theemacsshibe@freenode_new> Oh my god, what have I done this time?
[12:05:04 am] <+agrecascino> i once registered the username "is" on freenode
[12:05:04 am] <+OperServ> zzz
[12:05:07 am] <+z> 😢 y'all mean
[12:05:12 am] <+root> <3
[12:05:14 am] <+agrecascino> and every 5th sentence my irc would go off
[12:05:16 am] <+Selicre> do you pronounce it zee or zed?
[12:05:17 am] <@itisnigh> <theemacsshibe@freenode_new> Apparently connected me to new freenode?
[12:05:19 am] <+z> Trying to enjoy my one-letter nick
[12:05:21 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by aeth_ to aeth on libera
[12:05:22 am] <-> root is now known as i
[12:05:22 am] --> Cadey ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:05:26 am] <+i> let's see how much i hate this
[12:05:28 am] <-> Cadey is now known as Xe
[12:05:28 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> theemacsshibe: yes, that's how it works now
[12:05:28 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Xe by JigsServ
[12:05:32 am] <+agrecascino> pain
[12:05:34 am] <+Selicre> oh hey Xe
[12:05:34 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> this poor server hosting my irssi can't handle so much IRC
[12:05:34 am] <+FuckRasengan> if lilo still lived there wouldn't be a rasengan taking over freenode
[12:05:37 am] <+Selicre> how's it going
[12:05:40 am] <+Xe> is this a one way mirror?
[12:05:43 am] <-> HeTo is now known as \-|_Serv
[12:05:44 am] <+Irydacea> theemacsshibe: sadly yes, they took down all servers bar this one that they apparently don't know about for the moment
[12:05:44 am] <@itisnigh> <theemacsshibe@freenode_new> chuck us a server name?
[12:05:49 am] <-> ragenan is now known as ar
[12:05:51 am] <+aeth> Xe: no, this was meant to glue together everything
[12:05:54 am] <+rctgamer3> The Restaurant at the End of the Universe: drinks anyone? Pangalactic Gargleblaster, anyone?
[12:05:54 am] <-- strangeways ( has quit (Client Quit)
[12:05:57 am] <-> i is now known as freenode
[12:05:58 am] <+FuckRasengan> Xe: everything you say is being logged by the FBI
[12:05:58 am] <+Xe> ah
[12:05:59 am] <+freenode> there we go
[12:06:03 am] <+freenode> let's see how much i hate THIS
[12:06:06 am] <+Xe> FuckRasengan: ah cool
[12:06:13 am] <+BluRaf> z
[12:06:16 am] <-> banneduser69 is now known as ProjectServ
[12:06:16 am] <+ebb> where are the other ends of the wormhole
[12:06:17 am] <+BluRaf>
[12:06:19 am] <+Irydacea> theemacsshibe: you're gonna need to use the ip ( ) because the dns was updated as well apparently
[12:06:28 am] <@itisnigh> <theemacsshibe@freenode_new> Aight.
[12:06:29 am] <+Xe> it's really surreal to see this all happen this way
[12:06:29 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> everything you say can and will be used against you in a passive aggressive blog post
[12:06:33 am] <+Xe> like wow
[12:06:36 am] <+Selicre> I feel like with that Titanic analogy, the pile of wood we were drifting on has drifted into space
[12:06:37 am] <+flyback> Xe yeah :/
[12:06:42 am] <+ProjectServ> yeah this is really sad
[12:06:43 am] <+alezakos> I indicated in informal intercommunications information integral in incinerating IRC
[12:06:44 am] <+Irydacea> Xe: it really is
[12:06:48 am] <@Dick_Nachos> what I find hilarious is that this server's motd doesn't have a sponsor
[12:06:49 am] <@JigsServ> Towards a black hole? The Sun?
[12:06:57 am] <+Xe>
[12:06:59 am] <@JigsServ> Jupiter?
[12:07:00 am] --> theemacsshibe ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:07:02 am] --> lighterowl ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:07:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v lighterowl by JigsServ
[12:07:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v theemacsshibe by JigsServ
[12:07:09 am] <+Selicre> towards the endless expanse
[12:07:10 am] <+Xe> i wrote out some words
[12:07:11 am] <+theemacsshibe> right
[12:07:12 am] <+Xe> i may end up having more
[12:07:18 am] <+freenode> Dick_Nachos: i'm assuming it's
[12:07:20 am] <@JigsServ> Canada, huh?
[12:07:20 am] <+Xe> not sure where the best place to put those words would be
[12:07:22 am] <+FuckRasengan> words are hard
[12:07:24 am] <+Selicre> oh yeah I've read that. it's pretty fantastic
[12:07:25 am] -*- theemacsshibe joins #lisp
[12:07:27 am] <+KindOne> LONG LIVE FREENODE
[12:07:30 am] <+freenode> thanks
[12:07:31 am] <+nisa> It's so hard to know that this last server could die at any moment…
[12:07:32 am] <+rbraun> LONG LIVE FREENODE
[12:07:34 am] <+freenode> thanks
[12:07:38 am] <+Xe> Selicre: i wrote it in like an hour lol
[12:07:39 am] --> Panasonic ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:07:42 am] <+rbraun> p.s. please set the channels you join -s so we can see them ;)
[12:07:44 am] <+rbraun> -sp even
[12:07:45 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Panasonic by JigsServ
[12:07:46 am] <+MemoServ> LONG LIVE FREENODE
[12:07:49 am] <+freenode> thanks
[12:07:53 am] <@itisnigh> <Coffee_Overflow@libera> Nice cock
[12:07:54 am] <@itisnigh> topic change by gerard on libera: | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera (here), and the last "old" Freenode server we know of:
[12:07:59 am] <+FuckRasengan> this ChaNNEl is now on LibERa.ChaT
[12:08:04 am] <+rbraun> lol
[12:08:07 am] <+CompuServ> have a song
[12:08:10 am] <+freenode> where did i put my kitchen timer
[12:08:19 am] <+theemacsshibe> 91 users eh
[12:08:20 am] <+saucyfox> CompuServ: who the fuck uses dailymotion
[12:08:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o aeth by gerard
[12:08:24 am] <+nisa> freenode: we should write nexeon, asking if they run this freenode server and if they could grant oper to someone?
[12:08:25 am] <@aeth> ty
[12:08:29 am] <@JigsServ> Quite a jump from 2.
[12:08:38 am] <+CompuServ> saucyfox: people who can't find it anywhere else
[12:08:41 am] <+Selicre> I only see 78 users
[12:08:47 am] --> nak (~nak@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:08:48 am] <-> Xe is now known as X
[12:08:51 am] <+X> there
[12:08:52 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v nak by JigsServ
[12:08:53 am] <@gerard> Selicre: channel members vs total server clients (/lusers)
[12:08:53 am] <+CompuServ> non-live
[12:08:54 am] <+alezakos> it's very possible that it's also not nexeon, and just hosting it for someone else
[12:08:56 am] <+Selicre> ah
[12:08:57 am] <+X> but yeah
[12:09:02 am] <@aeth> I like how we went server to server as they went down trying to find out what pieces are left and as soon as there was one left that they forgot about... classic freenode revived
[12:09:03 am] <-> KindOne is now known as Q
[12:09:07 am] -*- ChanServ sets mode -oooooooo aeth crschmidt Dick_Nachos gerard gwillen itisnigh JigsServ MooServ
[12:09:08 am] <+nisa> alezakos: but it is worth a try
[12:09:12 am] <+X> it's like a little campfire at the end of the world
[12:09:14 am] <+FuckRasengan> Highest connection count: 99 (99 clients)
[12:09:18 am] <+alezakos> nisa: yeah yeah of course
[12:09:19 am] <+CompuServ> ah saucyfox if you prefer it
[12:09:28 am] <+nisa> who does the job? alezakos
[12:09:29 am] <@Dick_Nachos> lol, it would be hilarious if someone registered a and we could keep this one running, rofl
[12:09:33 am] -*- aeth sets mode +qohv aeth
[12:09:35 am] <+Q> [18:09:16] * NickServ (~fuckyou@ Quit (K-Lined)
[12:09:37 am] <+Q> OH SHIT
[12:09:40 am] <+OperServ> Uh
[12:09:41 am] <-> Q is now known as KindOne
[12:09:46 am] <-- Guest25 (Guest25@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: Connection closed)
[12:09:46 am] <+Selicre> uh oh
[12:09:48 am] <+BluRaf> It's time
[12:09:48 am] <@JigsServ> OH SHIT.
[12:09:49 am] <@JigsServ> OPERS.
[12:09:50 am] <+CompuServ> D:
[12:09:53 am] <+ChanServ> oh xD
[12:09:53 am] <+nisa> NOOO
[12:09:54 am] <@JigsServ> [23:09:45] 2 IRC Operators online
[12:09:56 am] <+OperServ> THE FUZZ ARE HERE, BOOK IT
[12:09:56 am] <+z> NOO
[12:09:58 am] <+saucyfox> SHIT
[12:09:59 am] <+Irydacea> no
[12:09:59 am] <+Selicre> hey guys it's been fun
[12:10:00 am] <-> JigsServ is now known as Jigsy
[12:10:04 am] <+saucyfox> NO GODS NO OPERS
[12:10:05 am] <+ebb> COOOOOPS
[12:10:05 am] <+CompuServ> damn, i guess i won't finish my art
[12:10:06 am] <+Irydacea> IT'S BEEN AN HONOUR
[12:10:07 am] <-> ProjectServ is now known as tris
[12:10:10 am] <+tris> <#
[12:10:10 am] <+Selicre> everyone hide
[12:10:11 am] <+z> Fyckvkvivfhddhcubkbkfycjcsu
[12:10:11 am] <+tris> <3
[12:10:12 am] <+alezakos> .o/
[12:10:15 am] <@gerard> o7
[12:10:15 am] <+FuckRasengan> FUCK RASENGAN!!!!!
[12:10:15 am] <+theemacsshibe> So long.
[12:10:17 am] <+saucyfox> o7
[12:10:17 am] <@Jigsy> o7
[12:10:19 am] <+Irydacea> it's been a privilege to chat with you tonight, the longest of nights on freenode
[12:10:20 am] <@aeth> nickserv is now staff
[12:10:20 am] <+ar> COLD HARD WET CHATS
[12:10:20 am] <+KindOne> cmode +s
[12:10:21 am] -*- Aighearach sings, 🎼 You're gonna need an ocean, of calamine lotion, you'll be scratchin' like a hound, the minute you start to mess around 🎶
[12:10:22 am] <@aeth> o7
[12:10:25 am] <+rctgamer3> so, who are the opers?
[12:10:26 am] <@aeth> it has been an honor
[12:10:27 am] <+FuckRasengan> F
[12:10:27 am] <-> nak is now known as n1ckserv
[12:10:28 am] <+X> did i tune in just in time for this to all end
[12:10:28 am] <+KindOne> COLD WET CHATS BABY
[12:10:30 am] <+X> lol
[12:10:30 am] <+Aighearach> o7
[12:10:35 am] <+X> COLD HARD PISS
[12:10:39 am] <+lighterowl> it's great to spend this night with you guys
[12:10:41 am] <-> ar is now known as squishsquish
[12:10:44 am] <+KindOne> [18:10:32] User users KindOne[] ( 0 2
[12:10:45 am] <+Irydacea> squish squish
[12:10:46 am] <+agrecascino> noooooooooooo
[12:10:47 am] <+KindOne> [18:10:32] User staff NickServ[speakz@freenode/staff/speakz] ( 0 151
[12:10:49 am] <+KindOne> [18:10:32] User staff sorcerer[sorcerer@freenode/staff/sorcerer] ( 7 124
[12:10:50 am] <+Selicre> COLDER, HARDER PISS
[12:10:51 am] <+KindOne> [18:10:32] End of TRACE
[12:10:52 am] <+BluRaf> It was a honor to chat with y'all on the real freenode. Thank You! <3
[12:10:55 am] <+KindOne> /trace
[12:10:59 am] <+girst_> well, it's been an honor o7
[12:11:00 am] <+Irydacea> <3
[12:11:00 am] <+agrecascino> wait did the opers get on
[12:11:02 am] <@crschmidt> oh no, they found us!
[12:11:04 am] <+BluRaf> agrecascino: yes
[12:11:04 am] <+Selicre> o7
[12:11:05 am] <+saucyfox> what's the point in taking this from us
[12:11:06 am] <+LjLServ> but
[12:11:06 am] <+BluRaf> o7
[12:11:07 am] <+ChanServ> agrecascino: yup
[12:11:09 am] <+freenode> oh god
[12:11:10 am] <+z> Lord save us all
[12:11:10 am] <+nisa> KindOne: what if we write the oers
[12:11:11 am] <+FuckRasengan> o7 guys
[12:11:11 am] <+BluRaf> ;w;7
[12:11:12 am] <+LjLServ> i haven't managed to connect from my Amiga yet :(
[12:11:12 am] <+alezakos> nisa: collaborative google doc time?
[12:11:12 am] <+nisa> *opers
[12:11:12 am] <+freenode> is it over then?
[12:11:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!*@freenode/staff/sorcerer by Jigsy
[12:11:14 am] <+Irydacea> o7
[12:11:15 am] <+ebb> the FOSS police are here
[12:11:15 am] <+agrecascino> goodbye, i'll miss you all
[12:11:16 am] <+nisa> as look as we can
[12:11:16 am] <+saucyfox> we could have had a serviceless chill space yet they have to intervene
[12:11:17 am] <@itisnigh> <immipiss@pissnet> Dick_Nachos: there you go, you can have
[12:11:20 am] <+X> kumbaya
[12:11:21 am] <+rctgamer3> they can pry freenode from my cold dead hands
[12:11:21 am] <+BluRaf> Jigsy: ahahahahaha
[12:11:22 am] <+Aighearach> F*** all of you <3 ----{---{@
[12:11:23 am] <+lighterowl> Jigsy: lol
[12:11:23 am] <+theemacsshibe> Do not go gentle into that good night.
[12:11:25 am] <+OperServ> o7
[12:11:25 am] <+saucyfox> Jigsy: kek
[12:11:28 am] <+theemacsshibe> Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
[12:11:29 am] <@gerard> Jigsy: that... won't do anything but agitate them
[12:11:30 am] <+CompuServ> ljlserv: me, too
[12:11:31 am] <+agrecascino> we're like, anarchists locked in a squat
[12:11:32 am] <+CompuServ> with my amiga
[12:11:32 am] <@Jigsy> That ought to slow them down.
[12:11:34 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> I mean there wasn't much point in sticking around either, saucyfox
[12:11:39 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:11:39 am] <+nisa> someone wants to write that guy "sorcerer"?
[12:11:39 am] <+Selicre> good night for real freenode
[12:11:40 am] <-> freenode is now known as root
[12:11:41 am] <+agrecascino> and the cops are trying to burst in and wreck our shit
[12:11:43 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> But hey ho, was fun
[12:11:43 am] <+Irydacea> let them join
[12:11:47 am] <+Irydacea> wait no
[12:11:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v phy1729 by Jigsy
[12:11:50 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*@freenode/staff/sorcerer by Jigsy
[12:11:52 am] <+ebb> is this a siege
[12:11:52 am] <+ClassicMath> please just i don't want the final words on old freenode to be insults
[12:11:54 am] --> jane_doe ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:11:55 am] <+X> Jigsy: /mode +b *!*@freenode/*
[12:11:58 am] <+root> ClassicMath: fair
[12:11:59 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v jane_doe by Jigsy
[12:12:00 am] <+Irydacea> quiet them and set +z
[12:12:02 am] <+Irydacea> :)
[12:12:03 am] <-> root is now known as LambdaComplex
[12:12:05 am] <+OperServ> LOL
[12:12:07 am] <+LiberaSaves> Can an admin invite: //invite kiedtl $chan
[12:12:07 am] <+jane_doe> lol
[12:12:10 am] <@aeth> I don't want to die
[12:12:13 am] <@aeth> I want to live
[12:12:16 am] <-> LjLServ is now known as LjL
[12:12:19 am] <@Jigsy> Only one oper now?
[12:12:20 am] <+theemacsshibe> I'll take either I don't mind
[12:12:21 am] <+LambdaComplex> aeth: is that a star trek quote
[12:12:21 am] <+LiberaSaves> Somehow without registration I can't msg him.
[12:12:23 am] <+Selicre> so wait what's going on rn
[12:12:24 am] <+z> I'm too young to die
[12:12:29 am] <+Irydacea> / /mode ##apocalypse +qz *!*@freenode/staff/*
[12:12:32 am] <+agrecascino> they can't hold power over us
[12:12:33 am] <@aeth> LambdaComplex: "No, I don't want to die" is a Half-Life 1 scientist stock line, I think
[12:12:34 am] <+z> Account born in 2007
[12:12:35 am] <+Irydacea> oops forgot this isn't irssi
[12:12:35 am] <@gerard> Jigsy: yeah, only nickserv left
[12:12:37 am] <+agrecascino> freenode is in our hearts
[12:12:37 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Jigsy with the fuckin' MVP plays
[12:12:38 am] <+LiberaSaves> Was coming here but lost in progress.
[12:12:39 am] <+z> Only 13yo
[12:12:49 am] <+LambdaComplex> aeth: oh i thought you might be quoting tuvix
[12:12:54 am] -*- CompuServ is 24
[12:12:55 am] <+\-|_Serv> I want to use this nick to say something once
[12:12:57 am] <@itisnigh> <pwg@libera> rip
[12:12:58 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> I don't fee so good, Mr. Lee
[12:12:58 am] <@Jigsy> A jupe?
[12:13:02 am] <-> LiberaSaves is now known as Tat
[12:13:03 am] <+FuckRasengan> 17 years and 2 days later, this is the end
[12:13:11 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o theemacsshibe by aeth
[12:13:15 am] <@aeth> might as well hand out some more ops
[12:13:19 am] <+CompuServ> whee
[12:13:21 am] <+Selicre> at least we stayed until the end
[12:13:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Iris by aeth
[12:13:28 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Espio flyback fosco FuckRasengan by Jigsy
[12:13:28 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo gibby_ girst_ gradator by Jigsy
[12:13:29 am] <+OperServ> Op ALL the people!
[12:13:33 am] <-> saucyfox is now known as PissServ
[12:13:34 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo ClassicMath CompuServ Disconsented ebb by Jigsy
[12:13:34 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo enyc Guest3452 IronDeHavilland Irydacea by Jigsy
[12:13:34 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Irydesktop jacekowski jane_doe by Jigsy
[12:13:34 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Irydacea by Iris
[12:13:34 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Larkin Arrowmaster AlexZ BluRaf by crschmidt
[12:13:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo rctgamer3 LjL n1ckserv Tat by crschmidt
[12:13:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo rasendork KindOne alezakos matthias by crschmidt
[12:13:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo q3k Selicre tris CalimeroTeknik by crschmidt
[12:13:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo mst Sgeo lighterowl rbraun by crschmidt
[12:13:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo Irydacea Irydesktop by aeth
[12:13:35 am] <@Selicre> LESS GOOO
[12:13:35 am] <+phy1729> Thankfully the klines were lost
[12:13:36 am] <@Disconsented> ohno
[12:13:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo phy1729 alis rasengan berndj by crschmidt
[12:13:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o shikadibot by aeth
[12:13:38 am] <@ebb> mmm
[12:13:39 am] <@jacekowski> Dick_Nachos: i've got the domain, if someone is interested of putting it to a good use they can find me on libera under same username
[12:13:39 am] <+LambdaComplex> yay
[12:13:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo shikadibot seo` Serv-Chan shadowm by Jigsy
[12:13:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Sos squishsquish thelounge19 Togra by Jigsy
[12:13:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Vultyre X z by Jigsy
[12:13:39 am] <@girst_> ayy :D
[12:13:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo \-|_Serv Togra MemoServ canton7 by crschmidt
[12:13:40 am] <@CompuServ> aaay
[12:13:40 am] <+PissServ> ops for all
[12:13:42 am] <+LambdaComplex> all ops
[12:13:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo PissServ Armanelgtronchat thelounge19 squishsquish by crschmidt
[12:13:42 am] <@Disconsented> WHAT HAVE YOU DONE
[12:13:44 am] <@KindOne> EFnet mode activate!
[12:13:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo bs338 Vultyre Panasonic Serv-Chan by crschmidt
[12:13:45 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Panasonic Liskni_si lorimer McD^ by Jigsy
[12:13:45 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo mornfall nisa OperServ by Jigsy
[12:13:47 am] <@Arrowmaster> I HAVE THE POWER
[12:13:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo X lorimer mornfall shikadibot by crschmidt
[12:13:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo agrecascino Aighearach ChanServ LambdaComplex by Jigsy
[12:13:48 am] <@OperServ> Op party \o/
[12:13:49 am] <@FuckRasengan> finally, an op on an IRC channel!
[12:13:49 am] <@mornfall> yay!
[12:13:49 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo seo` McD^ nisa Aighearach by crschmidt
[12:13:50 am] <@ClassicMath> EFNet mode LOL
[12:13:50 am] <@Disconsented> CHAOS!
[12:13:50 am] <@Tat> Anybody able to message kiedtl and get him here.....
[12:13:50 am] <@theemacsshibe> pog
[12:13:51 am] <@aeth> FULL COMMUNISM
[12:13:51 am] <@n1ckserv> gimme your passwords they'll be safe with me
[12:13:52 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo z LambdaComplex shadowm Liskni_si by crschmidt
[12:13:52 am] <@nisa> alright
[12:13:53 am] <@alezakos> INFINITE POWEERRRRRR
[12:13:53 am] <@lighterowl> nintendo power!
[12:13:53 am] --> Noisytoot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:13:54 am] <@\-|_Serv> oh my
[12:13:54 am] <@LambdaComplex> wew
[12:13:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo ChanServ Sos OperServ agrecascino by crschmidt
[12:13:56 am] <@PissServ> I promise to moderate with integrity
[12:13:58 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!*@ by phy1729
[12:13:59 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Noisytoot by rctgamer3
[12:13:59 am] <@CompuServ> I love these channels
[12:14:01 am] <@ebb> I don't lol
[12:14:02 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:14:03 am] <@Irydacea> n1ckserv: identify swordfish
[12:14:04 am] <@\-|_Serv> reminds me of the old days on IRCnet
[12:14:04 am] <@X> where is /fuckem when you need it
[12:14:05 am] <@Selicre> I promise to moderate WITHOUT integrity
[12:14:05 am] <@BluRaf> CHŁOP SIĘ TOPI, BERET PŁYWA
[12:14:07 am] <@BluRaf> KABARET
[12:14:07 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!*@ by OperServ
[12:14:08 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Cupid by Jigsy
[12:14:09 am] <@BluRaf> KABARET
[12:14:10 am] <@CompuServ> please be nice to me
[12:14:10 am] <@alezakos> I promise to moderate with toast
[12:14:11 am] <@z> Yay
[12:14:12 am] <@agrecascino> i promise to moderate
[12:14:19 am] <@Selicre> I promise to not moderate at all
[12:14:20 am] <@lighterowl> BluRaf: PEŁEN SZTOS
[12:14:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +qz *!*@freenode/staff/* by jane_doe
[12:14:23 am] <@LambdaComplex> i feel like +o on everyone is probably a terrible idea
[12:14:24 am] <@FuckRasengan> huh, are you sure this is the end?
[12:14:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*@ by alezakos
[12:14:28 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!*@::1/128 by X
[12:14:30 am] <@theemacsshibe> I mean
[12:14:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o MemoServ by MemoServ
[12:14:31 am] <@Selicre> LambdaComplex: everything here is a terrible idea
[12:14:34 am] <@LambdaComplex> oh
[12:14:36 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Noisytoot by MemoServ
[12:14:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v jane_doe by jane_doe
[12:14:37 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> it might last a bit
[12:14:39 am] <@theemacsshibe> probably pretty close
[12:14:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v jane_doe by jane_doe
[12:14:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v jane_doe by jane_doe
[12:14:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v jane_doe by jane_doe
[12:14:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v jane_doe by jane_doe
[12:14:41 am] <@ebb> we rule by consensus
[12:14:42 am] <@z> POWER TO THE PEOPLE!
[12:14:44 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> do remember, friends, that the freenode terms of use now MANDATE spamming
[12:14:46 am] <@girst_> poor Cupid, only non-op
[12:14:46 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Cupid by OperServ
[12:14:48 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*@::1/128 by alezakos
[12:14:48 am] <@Tat> Sure, but this server dies at any point.
[12:14:48 am] <@rctgamer3> this channel is like twitch plays pokemon ( #twitchplayspokemon ) now
[12:14:51 am] <@BluRaf> \m/
[12:14:52 am] <@alezakos> up
[12:14:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v CompuServ by CompuServ
[12:14:55 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*@ by Tat
[12:14:55 am] <@alezakos> down
[12:14:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v CompuServ by CompuServ
[12:14:56 am] <@Selicre> start9
[12:14:56 am] <@alezakos> left
[12:14:58 am] <@MemoServ> charybdis/ircd-seven allows you to op/voice yourself multiple times
[12:14:58 am] <@FuckRasengan> p :0 staff members
[12:14:58 am] --> mc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:15:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Sgeo by Sgeo
[12:15:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o mc by Jigsy
[12:15:04 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> n1ckserv: hunter2
[12:15:04 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo mc CompuServ by OperServ
[12:15:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Sgeo by Sgeo
[12:15:08 am] <@jane_doe> do /whois nickserv
[12:15:10 am] <@lighterowl> <tear_with_smile_emoji>
[12:15:11 am] <@MemoServ> Is it a good idea to op everyone?
[12:15:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo Jigsy Jigsy by Jigsy
[12:15:13 am] <@BluRaf> FuckRasengan: hahahahahaha oh fuck
[12:15:14 am] <@gerard> jane_doe: yeah
[12:15:14 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v OperServ by CompuServ
[12:15:15 am] <@tris> MemoServ, yes
[12:15:15 am] <@Jigsy> Weird.
[12:15:16 am] <@OperServ> they k-lined nickserv!
[12:15:16 am] <@LambdaComplex> MemoServ: it's an idea alright!
[12:15:17 am] <@nisa> is the staff gone?
[12:15:19 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> It is.
[12:15:20 am] <@LambdaComplex> OperServ: what??
[12:15:20 am] <@theemacsshibe>
[12:15:22 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> MemoServ, is it a good idea to take freenode down?
[12:15:23 am] <-* rbraun has kicked gwillen from ##apocalypse (I've wanted to do this for years.)
[12:15:24 am] <@jane_doe> staff's still online
[12:15:24 am] <@theemacsshibe> This is a meme in video format I promise
[12:15:26 am] <@fosco> it's a terrible idea, but that's pretty much in-line with how recent freenode staff handled things. roleplay-wise it's a perfectly fine move
[12:15:27 am] <@Tat> (MemoServ): It can't be worse thank nuking the network.
[12:15:32 am] <@alezakos> MemoServ: irssi just showed me that jane_doe was voiced by jane_doe, jane_doe, and also jane_doe
[12:15:33 am] <@MemoServ> CalimeroTeknik, no
[12:15:35 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> But honestly, just don't get bigoted with it and have fun
[12:15:37 am] <-> mc is now known as Global
[12:15:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o+o Larkin Larkin by Larkin
[12:15:38 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -n by Tat
[12:15:39 am] <@gerard> jane_doe: they only showed up in the last 10 minutes or so
[12:15:40 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> I know I'm enjoying it from here
[12:15:43 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvv jane_doe jane_doe jane_doe by jane_doe
[12:15:46 am] <@CompuServ> eww matrix
[12:15:46 am] <@LjL> Why does AmIRC crash the entire Amiga just because it fails to connect
[12:15:46 am] <@MemoServ> alezakos, charybdis/solanum allows that
[12:15:46 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ns by \-|_Serv
[12:15:47 am] <@LjL> jesus
[12:15:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v jane_doe by jane_doe
[12:15:52 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -s by MemoServ
[12:15:53 am] <@theemacsshibe> wow this editing is garbage tbqh
[12:15:53 am] <@LjL> it's almost like i need a newer computer
[12:15:53 am] <@FuckRasengan> giving op to everyone is still a better idea than the current freenode plan
[12:15:54 am] <@Jigsy> And oddly, they didn't /die.
[12:15:54 am] <@MemoServ> Why +s?
[12:15:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v Tat by Tat
[12:15:57 am] <@lighterowl> i wanted to +m but then realised this would have no effect whatsoever
[12:15:57 am] <@X> i want my cold wet piss back
[12:16:01 am] <@CompuServ> LjL: maybe your memory is corrupted
[12:16:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvv Iris shadowm shikadibot by Irydacea
[12:16:04 am] <@ClassicMath> lighterowl: lol
[12:16:05 am] <@CompuServ> what amiga you got anyway
[12:16:06 am] <@Selicre> X: want help with that?
[12:16:06 am] <@PissServ> X: can I be of assistance
[12:16:10 am] <@BluRaf> LjL: still waiting for official Doom port? :^)
[12:16:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +l 99999 by Tat
[12:16:13 am] <@z> COLD WET CHATS
[12:16:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o rbraun by rasengan
[12:16:16 am] <@nisa> Are the OPERS still online?
[12:16:16 am] -*- CompuServ is on an a500
[12:16:19 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> MemoServ Objectively, no
[12:16:19 am] <@matthias> This is growing dangerously
[12:16:21 am] <-> MemoServ is now known as Noisytoot_
[12:16:22 am] <@gerard> nisa: only nickserv
[12:16:27 am] <@jane_doe> speakz is still online
[12:16:28 am] <@FuckRasengan> no opers on this server LOL
[12:16:29 am] <@alezakos> so everyone, how's life?
[12:16:29 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> But it's fuckin' funny
[12:16:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +l 1729 by phy1729
[12:16:31 am] <@jane_doe> i almost wanna /invite speakz
[12:16:31 am] <@nisa> nickserv… wtf?
[12:16:32 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv gerard itisnigh MooServ crschmidt by ChanServ
[12:16:33 am] <@Tat> Nickserv is fake tho
[12:16:33 am] <@LjL> BluRaf: naaah those games always made me motion sick
[12:16:33 am] <@CompuServ> but is chatting not on an a50
[12:16:34 am] <@Selicre> this has descended into complete chaos
[12:16:34 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv Dick_Nachos Jigsy Noisytoot Global by ChanServ
[12:16:35 am] <@CompuServ> *a500
[12:16:37 am] <-> rctgamer3 is now known as Y
[12:16:38 am] <@Noisytoot_> I'm changing my nick in case they K-Line everyone using services nicks
[12:16:41 am] <@gerard> jane_doe: nah, that's /whowas
[12:16:41 am] <@ebb> ##apocalypse lives up to its name
[12:16:47 am] <@jane_doe> i still see him
[12:16:52 am] <@aeth> the time is rapidly approaching
[12:16:55 am] --> DickServ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:16:55 am] <@gerard> jane_doe: as NickServ I guess?
[12:16:57 am] <@jane_doe> yeah
[12:16:59 am] <@LambdaComplex> i don't want it to be over :(
[12:17:00 am] <@jane_doe> thats what i meant
[12:17:01 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o DickServ by Jigsy
[12:17:02 am] <@gerard> jane_doe: right
[12:17:07 am] <@nisa> what if we PM nickserv?
[12:17:09 am] <@OperServ> They can't k-line services, what are you talking about Noisytoot_ :P </s>
[12:17:14 am] <@Y> DickServ: o/
[12:17:14 am] <-> Tat is now known as msg
[12:17:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o DickServ by CompuServ
[12:17:15 am] <@Global> nisa: you can try
[12:17:19 am] <@Selicre> honestly I just wanna be a part of history at this point. This is a monumental occasion
[12:17:20 am] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet> poor bridge
[12:17:24 am] <@gerard> going to run some errands. hope this thing survives
[12:17:29 am] <@LambdaComplex> o7
[12:17:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o rbraun by CompuServ
[12:17:30 am] <@msg> Oddly you need to be registered with nickserv to message nickserv
[12:17:31 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> BluRaf: yeah, it's ... barely keeping up
[12:17:32 am] <-> \-|_Serv is now known as AAAAA
[12:17:33 am] <@LjL> DickServ: can i have some cool wet chats please
[12:17:35 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎼🎶Someday... We'll meet again🎵
[12:17:36 am] --> pushcx (~pushcx@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:17:38 am] <@Jigsy> [23:17:30] <@msg> Oddly you need to be registered with nickserv to message nickserv
[12:17:41 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎵Don't know where, don't know when🎶
[12:17:41 am] <@Global> OperServ: oh hello fellow Service
[12:17:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o pushcx by CompuServ
[12:17:43 am] <@Jigsy> There might be a workaround...
[12:17:44 am] <@agrecascino>
[12:17:44 am] <@jacekowski> i'm off to bed, just in case the channel is not here in the morning, it was a pleasure chatting with you
[12:17:45 am] <@Irydacea> this network is blowjobs
[12:17:46 am] <@Jigsy> Assuming it does work.
[12:17:47 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎶But I know we'll meet again some sunny day🎵
[12:17:52 am] <@nisa> I am asking him: hey are you on our side or on mister lees side?
[12:17:52 am] <@aeth> link this to pissnet
[12:17:55 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎵Keep smiling through🎶
[12:17:59 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎶Just like you always do🎵
[12:17:59 am] <@jane_doe> lmao, you can't message nickserv until you identify
[12:18:03 am] <@alezakos> Irydacea: Please kick Irydacea, they are swearing or something.
[12:18:03 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎵'Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away🎶
[12:18:04 am] <@Jigsy> Nope, didn't work,.
[12:18:07 am] <@Jigsy> -,
[12:18:07 am] <@OperServ> Global, my loudspeaker, hello dear friend
[12:18:11 am] <@CompuServ> mein fuhrer, i can walk
[12:18:13 am] <@jane_doe> i was gonna sent him an identify
[12:18:16 am] <@KindOne> ... does invite bypass +R ?
[12:18:19 am] <@Y> let's try to stay somewhat quiet for 30 seconds so that the bridge can catch up to the latest messages, it's desynced atm
[12:18:20 am] <@CompuServ> (dr. strangelove)
[12:18:22 am] <@agrecascino> getting a shirt that just says freenode survivor
[12:18:31 am] <@DickServ> LjL: [MATCHMAKING] You have been matched with user Y. Have fun together~
[12:18:32 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> it's almost synced
[12:18:32 am] <@DickServ> Y: [MATCHMAKING] You have been matched with user LjL. Have fun together~
[12:18:33 am] <@msg> Swearing?! We don't fucking allow that here!
[12:18:34 am] <@Irydacea> you're asking complicated questions about channel modes that i would've been able to answer 10 years ago
[12:18:36 am] <@phy1729> synced now
[12:18:38 am] <@CompuServ> i survived capone and all I got was this stupid shirt
[12:18:40 am] --> Guest25 (Guest25@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:18:41 am] <@LjL> oh my
[12:18:43 am] <@nisa> OKay I asked nickserv if he is on our or mister lees side
[12:18:45 am] <@Jigsy> I survived Elliot Ness.
[12:18:46 am] <@LambdaComplex> wow, did this entire channel actually shut up to let it sync?
[12:18:46 am] <@aeth> hi Guest25
[12:18:47 am] <@nisa> no response yet
[12:18:48 am] <@msg> Guest is our only subject.
[12:18:49 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest25 by Jigsy
[12:18:50 am] <@Y> LjL: hiya
[12:18:50 am] <@LambdaComplex> that was impressive
[12:18:54 am] <@FuckRasengan> shut your fucking filthy mouth!
[12:18:56 am] <@LjL> Y: h-hello
[12:18:56 am] <@MooServ> I'm back. This server is still up? lol
[12:18:58 am] <@jane_doe> anarchy works
[12:19:01 am] <@LambdaComplex> MooServ: yes
[12:19:04 am] <@jane_doe> also yeah but there's an oper on
[12:19:05 am] <@msg> Rip. I for one welcome our new guest overlord.
[12:19:06 am] <@jane_doe> as of 10 minutes ago
[12:19:09 am] <@X> it's like
[12:19:11 am] <@MooServ> yeah I see that
[12:19:12 am] <@X> fuck
[12:19:13 am] <@Selicre> I need a "I survived the freenode disaster and all I got was this lousy database of erotic furry roleplay" shirt
[12:19:16 am] <@Jigsy> Sorcerer was on too.
[12:19:17 am] <@X> this whole thing
[12:19:18 am] <@Jigsy> But they left.
[12:19:20 am] <@gerard> I'll remove mode syncing from the linkbot when I get back
[12:19:22 am] <@gerard> that should help
[12:19:24 am] <@KindOne> god damnit...
[12:19:24 am] <@PissServ> Selicre: owo
[12:19:27 am] <-- Guest25 (Guest25@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Client Quit)
[12:19:28 am] <@nisa> jane_doe: I PMed him with no reply
[12:19:30 am] <@alezakos> Congratulations for making Freenode the server with the highest op/user ratio out of all serious IRC servers
[12:19:33 am] <@jane_doe> i cant pm him
[12:19:34 am] <@MooServ> ): I tried inviting Nickserv but they have +R
[12:19:34 am] <@OperServ> Quote of the year, rofl, Selicre
[12:19:36 am] <@jane_doe> says i need to identify with services
[12:19:39 am] <@Y> it's synced up, whoo
[12:19:47 am] <@nisa> You can still /notice them, mornfall
[12:19:48 am] <@ebb> just print a T-shirt with "I remember" on it
[12:19:49 am] <@nisa> *MooServ
[12:19:49 am] <-- ClassicMath (~coderain@ has left ##apocalypse ("Leaving")
[12:19:51 am] <@CompuServ> alezakos, freenode is no longer a serious irc server
[12:19:55 am] <@alezakos> damn
[12:19:59 am] <@CompuServ> capone on the other hand is
[12:20:01 am] <@LambdaComplex> is this even freenode?
[12:20:02 am] <@nisa> Nickserv can be /notice d
[12:20:02 am] <@Selicre> yeah, someone (I think opal?) gave me the whole db of scripts they used, one of which was ""
[12:20:04 am] <@LambdaComplex> oh ok
[12:20:05 am] <@msg> Libera according to the chart was the biggest IRC network a bit ago.
[12:20:08 am] <@Jigsy> It's the last server.
[12:20:10 am] <@DickServ> LambdaComplex: This is the true freenode.
[12:20:11 am] <@rbraun> Jigsy: KindOne: how did you notice the ops showing up here?
[12:20:12 am] <@LambdaComplex> yeah
[12:20:13 am] <@jane_doe> ew opal
[12:20:15 am] <@aeth> this is the final true freenode server
[12:20:20 am] <@Jigsy> Someone said something about K-lined.
[12:20:21 am] <@ebb> I wonder if capone is really just a honeypot
[12:20:22 am] <@Jigsy> So I checked /lusers.
[12:20:22 am] <@alezakos> Wasn't there an oper notification command?
[12:20:25 am] <@KindOne> rbraun: K-Lined
[12:20:26 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> _ _ _ _ _
[12:20:26 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> _ __ ___ __ _| | _(_)_ __ __ _ | |__ (_)___| |_ ___ _ __ _ _
[12:20:26 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | '_ ` _ \ / _` | |/ / | '_ \ / _` | | '_ \| / __| __/ _ \| '__| | | |
[12:20:26 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | | | | | | (_| | <| | | | | (_| | | | | | \__ \ || (_) | | | |_| |
[12:20:27 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_|\_\_|_| |_|\__, | |_| |_|_|___/\__\___/|_| \__, |
[12:20:27 am] <@girst_> DickServ: i'm starving. have some? :D
[12:20:28 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> |___/ |___/
[12:20:29 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> _ _
[12:20:31 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | |_ ___ __| | __ _ _ _
[12:20:31 am] <@rbraun> Jigsy: ah yeah i guess "NickServ" was k-lined first
[12:20:31 am] <@nisa> Jigsy: operserv got klined
[12:20:32 am] <@alezakos> or staff assistance command?
[12:20:33 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | __/ _ \ / _` |/ _` | | | |
[12:20:33 am] <@ebb> Are we all going to be banned from newnode
[12:20:35 am] <@theemacsshibe> I can't read
[12:20:37 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | || (_) | (_| | (_| | |_| |
[12:20:38 am] <@CompuServ> nyan cat
[12:20:39 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> \__\___/ \__,_|\__,_|\__, |
[12:20:41 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> |___/
[12:20:43 am] <@matthias> isfreenodedeadyet is linking with this server at the moment? :-D
[12:20:44 am] <@aeth> -!- 1 IRC Operators online
[12:20:45 am] <@CompuServ> ebb: i'd not mind overly
[12:20:46 am] <@Irydacea> ebb: probably and i couldn't care less myself
[12:20:46 am] <@KindOne> Since this is the only server on the network you can "/trace" and get all the opers
[12:20:48 am] <@matthias> The answer is not yet.
[12:20:48 am] --> LjL-AmIRC (~LjL@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:20:50 am] <@Y> what does that say
[12:20:52 am] <@msg> Way ahead of you.
[12:20:54 am] <@Global> /list -YES only indicates ##apocalypse, #anime, #gnu and #help
[12:20:55 am] <LjL-AmIRC> made it!
[12:20:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o LjL-AmIRC by Jigsy
[12:20:57 am] <@Jigsy>
[12:21:01 am] <@Jigsy> Oh, if only they knew...
[12:21:08 am] <@Global> alis: list * (please)
[12:21:13 am] [@FuckRasengan] You will be reported
[12:21:15 am] <@Dick_Nachos> "User staff NickServ[speakz@freenode/staff/speakz] ( 10 765"
[12:21:17 am] <@msg> Okay, op off... next person who ops the next person to join wins.
[12:21:29 am] <@Jigsy> Wins what?
[12:21:31 am] <@PissServ> got my opstick ready
[12:21:32 am] <@CompuServ> the game
[12:21:34 am] <@theemacsshibe> *shoots you* "HEY I'M TRYING TO TEACH YOU THIS IS HOW WE LEARNT IN THE BAD OLD DAYS"
[12:21:35 am] <@msg> The game.
[12:21:42 am] <@nisa> I am pretty certain that nickserv is on our side
[12:21:50 am] <@nisa> > NickServ is idling for 13 min, 13 sec (since 2021-06-15 22:08:01 UTC)
[12:21:53 am] <@jane_doe> i mean like
[12:21:53 am] <@CompuServ> i have the powr of god and anime on my side
[12:21:57 am] <@LambdaComplex> nisa: why's that?
[12:21:58 am] <@BluRaf> remember to join pissnet for COLD WET CHATS
[12:22:02 am] <@Larkin> CompuServ: gnu and anime*
[12:22:04 am] <@jane_doe> they could just be idle
[12:22:07 am] <@Noisytoot> NickServ is freenode staff
[12:22:09 am] <@aeth> freenode staff is probably talking on discord about how to handle this last server
[12:22:10 am] <@CompuServ> Gnu/Anime
[12:22:16 am] --> EpicOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:22:18 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o EpicOne by DickServ
[12:22:18 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o EpicOne by PissServ
[12:22:18 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o EpicOne by KindOne
[12:22:20 am] --> Voldenet ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:22:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o EpicOne by Global
[12:22:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o EpicOne by OperServ
[12:22:21 am] <@PissServ> fuck
[12:22:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o EpicOne by jane_doe
[12:22:21 am] <@msg> FUCK
[12:22:23 am] <@KindOne> god damniot
[12:22:23 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by jane_doe
[12:22:24 am] <@Cupid> lmao
[12:22:25 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by jane_doe
[12:22:25 am] <@BluRaf> \o Voldenet
[12:22:25 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by jane_doe
[12:22:25 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by jane_doe
[12:22:25 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by jane_doe
[12:22:26 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by jane_doe
[12:22:26 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by jane_doe
[12:22:29 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> I doubt they're bothering with Discord at all
[12:22:31 am] <@Voldenet> oh hi there
[12:22:31 am] <@OperServ> damnit, I was tabbed into my game
[12:22:32 am] <@msg> Dickserv won.
[12:22:34 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo EpicOne EpicOne Voldenet Voldenet by Noisytoot
[12:22:35 am] <@msg> I wasn't even close.
[12:22:36 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by CompuServ
[12:22:36 am] <@DickServ> Naturally.
[12:22:38 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by CompuServ
[12:22:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by CompuServ
[12:22:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by CompuServ
[12:22:39 am] <@Irydacea> aeth: they must be throwing a fit in #freenode-sex-dungeon
[12:22:39 am] --> rms ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:22:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by CompuServ
[12:22:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by CompuServ
[12:22:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Voldenet by CompuServ
[12:22:41 am] <-- EpicOne ( has left ##apocalypse
[12:22:42 am] <@rbraun> msg: SHOW HIM WHAT HE WON
[12:22:44 am] <rms> hi I am richard m stallman
[12:22:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o rms by Jigsy
[12:22:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v rms by jane_doe
[12:22:49 am] <@nisa> LambdaComplex: because they would have banned us all long time already
[12:22:50 am] <@CompuServ> hi richard
[12:22:50 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> If they were buying as much into ye old decentralization grift as they were before
[12:22:53 am] <@aeth> hi rms is #fsf moving from libera to capone?
[12:22:54 am] <@PissServ> rms: can I get some toe cheese brother
[12:22:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v rms by jane_doe
[12:22:59 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv rms rms rms rms by jane_doe
[12:23:00 am] <@nisa> LambdaComplex: this server would have been shut down already
[12:23:04 am] <@lighterowl> rms: can you teach my computer how to be free
[12:23:05 am] <@LambdaComplex> hi rms what does your toe gunk taste like
[12:23:06 am] <@z> sup rms
[12:23:07 am] <@rms> aeth: #fsf is deprecated
[12:23:09 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Then they'd hate Discord more than even some of the wonkiest ones here
[12:23:10 am] <@z> I am z
[12:23:13 am] <@rms> uuuh
[12:23:16 am] <@msg> Rebel Freenode at the end of the world.
[12:23:16 am] <@rms> uuuuuuuuuh
[12:23:17 am] <@n1ckserv> lemme nibble them toes
[12:23:18 am] <@ebb> free slash node
[12:23:21 am] <@aeth> rms: libre software foundation now?
[12:23:21 am] <@LjL> CompuServ:
[12:23:24 am] <@Y> sup z; y u z?
[12:23:24 am] <@agrecascino> rms, richard "meat" stalin
[12:23:26 am] <@alis> Global: With much delay, the list of channels at your disposal is: ##apocalypse, #help, #anime, #gnu
[12:23:26 am] <@ebb> *free plus node
[12:23:28 am] <@Jigsy> Maybe sorcerer is waiting for Lee's high to wear off.
[12:23:29 am] <@rms> I never set up #applied-language on libera
[12:23:35 am] <@rms> :<
[12:23:37 am] <@phy1729> alis: and ##moved_to_libera
[12:23:42 am] <@rbraun> Jigsy: lmao
[12:23:45 am] <@Global> alis: ♥
[12:23:46 am] <@CompuServ> LjL: Nice job
[12:23:57 am] <@CompuServ> ljL: what model is that
[12:23:59 am] <@z> x y z
[12:24:05 am] <@FuckRasengan> #gnu is not linux
[12:24:06 am] <@nisa> but wait, speakz is also admin on the "new" freenode…
[12:24:17 am] -*- enyc meows
[12:24:17 am] <@CompuServ> i'm on an a500 running workbench 1.3
[12:24:17 am] <@Selicre> double agent?
[12:24:19 am] <@nisa> is he on our side? or is he not=
[12:24:21 am] --> Seeder99 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:24:21 am] -*- Selicre barks
[12:24:21 am] <@Jigsy> I think it's a jupe.
[12:24:23 am] <@rms> IMHO mezzano is more free than GNU despite the license
[12:24:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Seeder99 by Global
[12:24:25 am] <@enyc> CompuServ: excellent, what tcp stack ?
[12:24:26 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> FSF is renaming to FNF, the Free Node Foundation
[12:24:35 am] <@CompuServ> enyc: i'm not using my a500 for irc
[12:24:39 am] <@CompuServ> ljl is
[12:24:45 am] <@CompuServ> i'm drawing a picture on dpaint right now
[12:24:50 am] <@jane_doe> its prob just a jupe while they figure out what to do lol
[12:24:56 am] <@LjL-AmIRC> CompuServ: well to be fair i`m using an expanded A1200
[12:25:01 am] <@CompuServ> ljl: lucky
[12:25:07 am] <@CompuServ> i cna't afford to look at one of those
[12:25:11 am] <@Selicre> CompuServ: if this goes down before you finish, please PM the finished product to me
[12:25:12 am] <@msg> I wonder what the ZFS folks who didn't move when everybody was like fuck this Lee guy think about today.
[12:25:13 am] <@CompuServ> especially in america
[12:25:15 am] <-- rms ( has left ##apocalypse
[12:25:19 am] <@Irydacea> you know the one thing people complained about a lot back in the day in #freenode? staff not adding themselves to /stats p
[12:25:22 am] <@msg> I know there were som FSF die hards.
[12:25:23 am] <@DickServ> RIP fms
[12:25:24 am] <@Noisytoot> nisa, ask him
[12:25:24 am] <@CompuServ> selicre: i'm on apocalypse on libera as wyatt8740
[12:25:24 am] --> torvalds ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:25:27 am] <@DickServ> *rms
[12:25:30 am] <@aeth> hi linus
[12:25:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o torvalds by Global
[12:25:30 am] <@Selicre> alrighty
[12:25:32 am] <@Irydacea> andrewgang fixed it by making /stats p unusable :)
[12:25:32 am] <@torvalds> so I can RP as anyone with this nickserv
[12:25:39 am] <@nisa> Noisytoot_: on the "new" freenode?
[12:25:43 am] <@aeth> is esr here
[12:25:48 am] <@alis> Irydacea: yeah, that's true. it was always hard to find staff when you needed them.
[12:25:50 am] <-> BluRaf is now known as esr
[12:25:50 am] <@LambdaComplex> i hate esr tbh
[12:25:50 am] <@torvalds> aeth: no I have standards
[12:25:53 am] <-> esr is now known as BluRaf
[12:25:53 am] <@alezakos> and you get the @ "verified" badge
[12:25:54 am] <@PissServ> torvalds: freenode is now an ERP server
[12:25:54 am] <@ebb> be the nick you want to see in the world
[12:25:55 am] <@Noisytoot> I had an fsf/member cloak on the old freenode
[12:25:55 am] <@Irydacea> aeth: hang on
[12:25:57 am] <@alezakos> that's what youtube does anyways, right?
[12:25:57 am] <@BluRaf> xD
[12:25:57 am] <@PissServ> I hope you're ready to Y I F F
[12:26:03 am] <@torvalds> that said rms was pretty nasty
[12:26:07 am] <-> Iris is now known as esr
[12:26:12 am] <@Y> IFF
[12:26:13 am] <@DickServ> PissServ: Hm?
[12:26:13 am] <@Noisytoot> nisa, on either
[12:26:19 am] <@torvalds> dunno what dmytri kleiner's nick was if he had one
[12:26:22 am] <@Noisytoot> I'm not sure if you can message him here
[12:26:22 am] <@CompuServ> interchange file format
[12:26:23 am] <@PissServ> DickServ: you heard me
[12:26:23 am] <@mst> o/ my buttsex brings all the boys to the yard / I'd yiff you, but the queue's too large o/
[12:26:28 am] <@torvalds> owo
[12:26:33 am] <@BluRaf>
[12:26:35 am] <@LjL-AmIRC> CompuServ: i bought it "recently" but like, when everything hadn`t yet become ABSURDLY expensive. only RIDICULOUSLY expensive. anyway i paid around 200 euro, 68030 with 32MB of RAM, 4GB CF IDE adapter and a couple of network cards
[12:26:38 am] <@PissServ> I switched clients and my old yiff scripts are gone RIP
[12:26:39 am] <@msg> If anybody can message folks tell kiedtl to come here.
[12:26:41 am] <@aeth> torvalds: ovo, because you're a penguin.
[12:26:41 am] <-> AAAAA is now known as \|_-
[12:26:43 am] <@esr> Hello this si esr here and I hvae come to tlel you about how I craeted open source in 1970
[12:26:44 am] <@aeth> :>
[12:26:50 am] <@CompuServ> ljl-amirc: i'm 24 now, i had no chance
[12:26:54 am] <@CompuServ> also in america where it's rarer
[12:27:03 am] <@Noisytoot> * [esr] ( 💜
[12:27:04 am] <@CompuServ> i'd love a 68k with mmu for linux/bsd
[12:27:05 am] <@n1ckserv> esr i would be honored if you would shooot me with youor gun
[12:27:14 am] <@Noisytoot> this may be the real esr
[12:27:14 am] <@Y> "I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride."
[12:27:16 am] <@esr> Noisytoot: don't dox me you canceller
[12:27:20 am] <@Sos> BluRaf, lol
[12:27:20 am] <@LjL-AmIRC> CompuServ: hats off to you then and let us have that dpaint file when ready :)
[12:27:23 am] <@enyc> oh
[12:27:26 am] <@LjL-AmIRC> CompuServ: eh my MMU is flakey anyway
[12:27:28 am] <@enyc> ^^^^ ** the graph is really going off
[12:27:32 am] <@nisa> Noisytoot_: done
[12:27:33 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> esr, down with open source, long live free software
[12:27:35 am] <@esr> Noisytoot: oh no trust me i'd never let the real esr near our servers lol
[12:27:38 am] <@CompuServ> ljl: my DMAC in my a590's the same way
[12:27:39 am] <@torvalds> I take it back can I have a microkernel
[12:27:42 am] <@jane_doe> enyc:
[12:27:42 am] <@jane_doe>
[12:27:43 am] <@esr> he can't even fix his own blog
[12:27:44 am] <@jane_doe> fuc
[12:27:47 am] <@BluRaf> Sos: just do it :P
[12:27:49 am] <@LjL-AmIRC> CompuServ: it`s supposed to be a 680EC30 but the MMU "sometimes" works, like, I can use it for ShapeShifter, but i can`t really run Unix
[12:27:51 am] <@nisa> Noisytoot_: I did: /msg Speakz Hey I saw you reserved the nick "nickserv" on capstone, the last freenode server online… So are you on our side? As in will that server be kept alive? Or are you on mister lees side shutting down that last server too?
[12:27:55 am] <@esr> which one of me was i before this i forgot
[12:27:58 am] <@agrecascino> esr, what's your opinion on the lesbians threating the position of linus torvald's man meat
[12:28:11 am] <@msg> (jane_doe): LOL
[12:28:11 am] <@jane_doe> why are you guys asking random opers "are you on our side"
[12:28:13 am] <@Dick_Nachos> capone, not capstone
[12:28:14 am] <@DickServ> agrecascino: UNACCEPTABLE
[12:28:15 am] <@torvalds> 8--
[12:28:26 am] <@KindOne> Welp...
[12:28:29 am] <@esr> agrecascino: CANCEL CULTURE. BRENDAN EICH DID NOTHING WRONG
[12:28:34 am] <@torvalds> yeah he did
[12:28:34 am] <@Selicre> captain teeny dick
[12:28:37 am] <@torvalds> he made JS
[12:28:39 am] <@agrecascino> LMAO
[12:28:43 am] <@esr> lmao
[12:28:46 am] <@rbraun> lmao
[12:28:47 am] <@BluRaf> hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha rotfl
[12:28:49 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> how about validation culture
[12:28:51 am] <-- Liskni_si ( has quit (Quit: Liskni_si)
[12:28:52 am] <@CompuServ> ljl and selicre et all, just gonna warn you it's no masterpiece, too distracted by chat
[12:28:53 am] <@nisa> SHIT SHIT SHIT
[12:28:56 am] <@CompuServ> but i'm just doodling
[12:28:56 am] <@nisa> HE REPLIED
[12:29:00 am] <-> LjL-AmIRC is now known as LjL-Amiga
[12:29:02 am] <@BluRaf> nisa: what he answered!?
[12:29:02 am] <@esr> who did
[12:29:02 am] <@Selicre> oh fuck
[12:29:10 am] <@torvalds> fuck
[12:29:10 am] <@BluRaf> FUCK
[12:29:11 am] <@Selicre> NOOOO
[12:29:12 am] <@agrecascino> Not Good
[12:29:12 am] <@PissServ> lame
[12:29:12 am] <@BluRaf> RUN
[12:29:16 am] <@CompuServ> D:
[12:29:16 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> rip
[12:29:19 am] <@Y> who
[12:29:20 am] <@phy1729> nisa: nooooooooo
[12:29:21 am] <-> esr is now known as Iris
[12:29:21 am] <@ebb> good job
[12:29:22 am] <@Y> rasengan?
[12:29:22 am] <@girst_> esr: have you read the 'posix me harder' rms/esr/torvalds fanfic?
[12:29:24 am] <@LjL-Amiga> CompuServ: doesn`t matter, it`ll end up on a blockchain for hundreds of thousands like handy warhol`s amiga paintings
[12:29:26 am] <@BluRaf> nisa: any deadline or something?
[12:29:30 am] <@nisa> Nope nothing
[12:29:31 am] <@Iris> girst_: oh god
[12:29:34 am] <@CompuServ> ljl-amiga lol
[12:29:35 am] <@torvalds> well
[12:29:35 am] <@OperServ> posix me daddy
[12:29:42 am] <@torvalds> say ye last words and all
[12:29:42 am] <@nisa> esr: he knows about this server already
[12:29:42 am] <@Selicre> well, it's been fun lads
[12:29:43 am] <@phy1729> POSIX_ME_HARDER
[12:29:46 am] <@LambdaComplex> nisa: source for this statement???
[12:29:50 am] <@nisa> <Speakz> that server will come here eventually
[12:29:50 am] <@mornfall> damn
[12:29:52 am] <@z> nisa: ask him to come here and make a countdown plz
[12:29:57 am] <@LjL-Amiga> CompuServ: also i can display it on MY amiga so it will be almost real except for the horrid aspect ratio ive managed to get out of this monitor
[12:29:57 am] <@CompuServ> POSIX_ME_HARDER lol that's some lore
[12:29:58 am] <@Noisytoot> bye charybdis/ircd-seven!
[12:30:03 am] <@aeth> I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're refering to as freenode, is in fact, GNU/freenode, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus freenode. freenode is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
[12:30:04 am] <@jane_doe> rip in peace
[12:30:06 am] <@DickServ> CompuServ: It's good lore.
[12:30:07 am] <@CompuServ> ljl-Amiga: ironically i have a commodore 1942 montior
[12:30:08 am] <@PissServ> I missed context - person we're talking about is the server owner correct?
[12:30:09 am] <@Jigsy> Yup, def. waiting for Lee to sober up.
[12:30:11 am] <@Iris> QUICKLY SOMEONE FIND AN RCE IN IRCD-SEVEN AND DELETE .ssh/authorized_keys
[12:30:12 am] <@FuckRasengan> CAPONE LIVES
[12:30:14 am] <@X> charybdis lives on in solanum
[12:30:15 am] <@CompuServ> the one that can do AGA resolutions
[12:30:18 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> _ _ _ _ _ _
[12:30:18 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | |_| |__ ___ ___ _ __ __| | (_)___ _ __ (_) __ _| |__
[12:30:18 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | __| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \ '_ \ / _` | | / __| | '_ \| |/ _` | '_ \
[12:30:18 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | |_| | | | __/ | __/ | | | (_| | | \__ \ | | | | | (_| | | | |
[12:30:19 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> \__|_| |_|\___| \___|_| |_|\__,_| |_|___/ |_| |_|_|\__, |_| |_|
[12:30:20 am] <@theemacsshibe> can I mention this IP and channel on twitter
[12:30:20 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> |___/
[12:30:24 am] <@itisnigh> <alice@pissnet> bye freenode! it's been fun flying with you for the past decade and a bit :-)
[12:30:27 am] <@enyc> =)
[12:30:27 am] <@PissServ> theemacsshibe: spread it far and wide
[12:30:28 am] <@Y> CalimeroTeknik what does that say
[12:30:30 am] <@phy1729> so ASCII art spam time right?
[12:30:31 am] <@theemacsshibe> k
[12:30:34 am] <@girst_> it's horribly good. too bad the website is currently down, and so is the internet archive
[12:30:35 am] <@jane_doe> nickserv no longer idle
[12:30:41 am] <@torvalds> i will retweet you
[12:30:43 am] <@alezakos> let's try for a ascii art collab
[12:30:49 am] <@nisa> z: okay I asked himi
[12:30:49 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> _ _ _ _ _ _
[12:30:49 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | |_| |__ ___ ___ _ __ __| | (_)___ _ __ (_) __ _| |__
[12:30:50 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | __| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \ '_ \ / _` | | / __| | '_ \| |/ _` | '_ \
[12:30:50 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> | |_| | | | __/ | __/ | | | (_| | | \__ \ | | | | | (_| | | | |
[12:30:50 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> \__|_| |_|\___| \___|_| |_|\__,_| |_|___/ |_| |_|_|\__, |_| |_|
[12:30:51 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> |___/
[12:30:51 am] <@msg> theemacsshibe sure, it'll be dead at some point.
[12:30:51 am] <@Selicre> lmao
[12:30:51 am] <@theemacsshibe> ok can you cheat nickserv on twitter too now huh
[12:30:53 am] <@girst_>
[12:30:53 am] <@nisa> *him
[12:30:54 am] <@torvalds> fuck
[12:30:55 am] <@Noisytoot> If esr was not the real esr, how did he get "" as a hostname?
[12:30:58 am] <@torvalds> girst_: FUCK
[12:31:03 am] <@Selicre> LMAO
[12:31:05 am] <@Iris> Noisytoot: magic
[12:31:08 am] * jane_doe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "hax (<- IP) || <rasengan> foss is forking. foss is building. foss is collaboration. <letty> foss is taking a lot of cocaine :: <girst> fuck you rasengan for destroying freenode <3 :: capone is FOSS"
[12:31:09 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> Y, better?
[12:31:12 am] * jane_doe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " (<- IP) || <rasengan> foss is forking. foss is building. foss is collaboration. <letty> foss is taking a lot of cocaine :: <girst> fuck you rasengan for destroying freenode <3 :: capone is FOSS"
[12:31:19 am] <@jane_doe> was tabbed into the wrong input field
[12:31:22 am] <@jane_doe> Noisytoot: hax
[12:31:30 am] <-- ChanServ ( has quit (Killed (NickServ (invalid)))
[12:31:31 am] <@PissServ> top tier asciis available here for anyone interested
[12:31:33 am] <@jane_doe> uh oh
[12:31:34 am] <@aeth> f
[12:31:34 am] <@Selicre> oh no
[12:31:36 am] <@z> F
[12:31:37 am] <@PissServ> o7
[12:31:37 am] <@Selicre> it's happening
[12:31:40 am] <@DickServ> uhoh
[12:31:42 am] <@Irydacea> o7
[12:31:44 am] <@Y> what
[12:31:44 am] <@fosco> F
[12:31:44 am] <@phy1729> ⢠⣰⣶⣶⣤⣤⣀
[12:31:45 am] <@Jigsy> What's happening?
[12:31:45 am] <@mornfall> o/~
[12:31:46 am] <@theemacsshibe> before we go I'd like to sing a rendition of celestial voices
[12:31:46 am] <@phy1729> ⣴⣶⣿⣿⣫⣥⣄⣉⠻⣷⣄⡀
[12:31:48 am] <@phy1729> ⣾⠟⢛⣽⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣮⣟⠿⣦
[12:31:49 am] <@aeth> f
[12:31:50 am] <@phy1729> ⣧⠇⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡿⠿⣿⣿⣷⡜⣷
[12:31:50 am] <@DickServ> I hope I'm not invalid.
[12:31:52 am] <@phy1729> ⣿⡆⢸⡿⠏⠁⠄⠄⣿⡀⠄⠄⣙⢹⡇⣿
[12:31:52 am] <@aeth> o7
[12:31:53 am] <@Jigsy> o7
[12:31:54 am] <@phy1729> ⢇⢈⣾⣴⣶⣦⢶⡿⠷⣵⣶⣿⣿⣧
[12:31:54 am] <@Irydacea> speakz is squatting nickserv now
[12:31:55 am] <@alis> To think that I spent over "Registered : Aug 29 18:55:42 2005 (15y 41w 6d ago)" on Freenode.
[12:31:56 am] <@phy1729> ⢘⡽⣿⡿⠛⣡⣦⠄⠠⢼⣯⣙⣻⣿⣻
[12:31:56 am] <@ebb> phy1729 are you on a 300baud modem
[12:31:56 am] --> ChanServ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:31:56 am] <@Voldenet> o7
[12:31:58 am] <@phy1729> ⠸⣷⣿⠗⢶⡿⡇⠄⠄⣢⣤⡽⢿⡟⠛
[12:31:58 am] <@Selicre> MAN DOWN
[12:31:58 am] <@theemacsshibe> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ooooooo ooooooooooooooh
[12:31:59 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> F
[12:32:00 am] <@phy1729> ⠈⢸⣤⣼⠅⣿⠋⠙⠙⢿⣷⣼⣧
[12:32:00 am] <@Noisytoot> o7
[12:32:01 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o ChanServ by Global
[12:32:02 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⣿⣿⣿⢸⣿⣦⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⢣
[12:32:02 am] <@aeth> lol ChanServ rejoined
[12:32:03 am] <@Y> who's this
[12:32:04 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⢀⣿⣿⡇⢸⣿⣿⡇⠄⠄⠄⠈⠃⣸⣇
[12:32:04 am] <@PissServ> saved
[12:32:04 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎼🎶Someday... We'll meet again🎵
[12:32:06 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⠄⠄⢸⠏⠉⠁⠈⠻⠿⣿⣷⣤⡀⣧⣴⡏⣿
[12:32:06 am] <@CompuServ> our concerns about freenode are invalid
[12:32:07 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎵Don't know where, don't know when🎶
[12:32:08 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢀⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⣟⡃⣿⣿⣿⣾
[12:32:08 am] <@ChanServ> xD
[12:32:10 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣼⡇⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢿⣿⣿⣷⣿⣿⣿⣿
[12:32:10 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎶But I know we'll meet again some sunny day🎵
[12:32:12 am] <@z> Sup ChanServ
[12:32:12 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⠄⠄⠄⣰⡿⠄⠄⢀⠄⠄⠄⠈⢿⣿⣯⣿⣿⣿⣿⡄
[12:32:13 am] <@alezakos> ChanServ: register ##apocalypse
[12:32:14 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⠄⠄⢰⣿⣧⡀⠄⠈⠄⡇⠄⠄⠘⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣇
[12:32:15 am] <@FuckRasengan> false alarm
[12:32:16 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⠄⠄⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣴⣾⠁⠄⠄⠄⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀
[12:32:16 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by A_Dragon to BA_Dragon on pissnet
[12:32:17 am] <@lighterowl> xaaaaaaanaduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[12:32:17 am] <@theemacsshibe> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah oooh ooooh ooh ooooooooooooooooooooooooh
[12:32:17 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎵Keep smiling through🎶
[12:32:18 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⠄⠄⠘⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡏⠄⠄⠄⠄⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇
[12:32:19 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by BA_Dragon to A_Dragon on pissnet
[12:32:20 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠙⠻⠿⠋⡆⠄⠄⠄⠄⠠⣿⣼⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿
[12:32:20 am] <@msg> Lol @CompuServ
[12:32:22 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠰⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⢸⣏⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿
[12:32:22 am] <@ChanServ> xD
[12:32:22 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎶Just like you always do🎵
[12:32:22 am] <@BluRaf> ;w;7 Thank you for service
[12:32:24 am] <@phy1729> ⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⣼⢹⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿
[12:32:25 am] <@rasengan> Thanks for the fish.
[12:32:29 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> 🎵'Til the blue skies drive the dark clouds far away🎶
[12:32:31 am] <@alezakos> does anyone have any EXTREMELY COOL bot to bring in here?
[12:32:32 am] <@torvalds> wait wot
[12:32:36 am] <@aeth> Freenode is dead but Linux will last forever. :>
[12:32:36 am] -*- ebb trouts rasengan about with a slap
[12:32:39 am] <@aeth> right torvalds?
[12:32:40 am] <@CompuServ> msg why, the name?
[12:32:41 am] <@Irydacea> !hug alezakos
[12:32:41 am] -*- shikadibot hugs alezakos
[12:32:45 am] <@nisa> . /mode -o-v+q phy1729 phy1729 phy1729
[12:32:47 am] <@LambdaComplex> 18:31 <-- ChanServ ( has quit (Killed (NickServ (invalid)))
[12:32:48 am] <@aeth> !hug Irydacea
[12:32:48 am] -*- shikadibot hugs Irydacea
[12:32:49 am] <@BluRaf> FOSS WILL LAST FOREVER
[12:32:49 am] <@LambdaComplex> ??????
[12:32:51 am] <@ChanServ> xD
[12:32:53 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> aeth, systemd-linuxd
[12:32:57 am] <@aeth> !hug ChanServ
[12:32:58 am] -*- shikadibot hugs ChanServ
[12:33:00 am] <@Selicre> wait ar is that you?
[12:33:03 am] <@ChanServ> yup
[12:33:03 am] <@CompuServ> CalimeroTeknik, i use sysvinit
[12:33:04 am] <@Selicre> my man
[12:33:05 am] <@torvalds> once I had a bot which would generate from a markov chain fed on r/the_donald's IRC channel
[12:33:06 am] <@alezakos> !hello
[12:33:06 am] <@shikadibot> alezakos: Hi!
[12:33:11 am] <@alezakos> !do you like toast?
[12:33:16 am] <@q3k> leave ChanServ alone
[12:33:17 am] <@alezakos> !what is your favourite food?
[12:33:20 am] <@msg> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[12:33:20 am] <@alis> girst_: I missed the rms-esr-fanfic :-/
[12:33:23 am] <@nisa> <Speakz> that server will come here eventually
[12:33:23 am] <@nisa> <comixfigure> Alright, could you join ##apocalypse there and do a countdown or something?
[12:33:23 am] <@nisa> <Speakz> countdown for what?
[12:33:23 am] <@nisa> <comixfigure> For when the server is going to be taken down and moved to the new freenode network
[12:33:29 am] <-> msg is now known as Tat
[12:33:30 am] <@girst_> posix me harder (cc torvalds alis Iris ):
[12:33:32 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> CompuServ, I use the init from this page
[12:33:35 am] <@Tat> 1. Movies: Who played andy thompson in The Headmaster?
[12:33:39 am] <@torvalds> robert strandh
[12:33:44 am] <@alis> thanks
[12:33:45 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Andy_ ________
[12:33:45 am] <@q3k> john paul the second
[12:33:47 am] <@Irydacea> girst_: that name sounds familiar
[12:33:50 am] <@torvalds> andy warhol
[12:33:50 am] <@Irydacea> the author's
[12:33:51 am] <-> rasendork is now known as A
[12:33:51 am] <@jane_doe> Andy Warhol
[12:33:55 am] <@jane_doe> im out of ideas
[12:33:58 am] <@torvalds> yeah same
[12:34:00 am] <@Selicre> Andy Thompson
[12:34:01 am] <@Tat> !vowels
[12:34:03 am] <@nisa> <comixfigure> For when the server is going to be taken down and moved to the new freenode network
[12:34:03 am] <@nisa> <Speakz> i don't know exactly when that is going to happen
[12:34:03 am] <@nisa> <Speakz> the server will just restart and will come back with the new ircd and thats it
[12:34:04 am] <@LambdaComplex> nisa: where was that
[12:34:10 am] <@nisa> LambdaComplex: in a PM
[12:34:11 am] <@ChanServ>
[12:34:12 am] <@alezakos> Andy Paleris
[12:34:16 am] <@LambdaComplex> nisa: oh ok
[12:34:17 am] <@torvalds> andidya killhim
[12:34:23 am] --> vibe (~viiiiibe@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:34:24 am] <@aeth> Andy Lee
[12:34:28 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o vibe by Jigsy
[12:34:31 am] <@alezakos> wait, there's a letter after Andy
[12:34:32 am] <@Tat> Capone will never die! Unless tax evasion or something.
[12:34:33 am] <@nisa> sooo we're screwed…
[12:34:33 am] <@jane_doe> ChanServ: lmao
[12:34:35 am] <@girst_> The Full Trilogy:
[12:34:35 am] <@girst_>
[12:34:35 am] <@girst_>
[12:34:35 am] <@girst_>
[12:34:35 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: Andy Griffith
[12:34:37 am] <@alezakos> Andyx Xxxxxxxxxxx
[12:34:38 am] <@Jigsy> ...
[12:34:40 am] <@torvalds> k
[12:34:40 am] <@Jigsy> The fuck?
[12:34:40 am] <@alezakos> a
[12:34:45 am] <@Tat> 2. What completed a journey of 19,500 miles with only three stops in August 1929?
[12:34:50 am] <@jane_doe> plane
[12:34:53 am] <@LambdaComplex> train
[12:34:54 am] <@jane_doe> car
[12:34:55 am] --> owlmanatt ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:34:55 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, the gr___ ________
[12:34:58 am] <@aeth> eat
[12:34:58 am] <@q3k> train of the choo choo kind
[12:34:59 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o owlmanatt by Jigsy
[12:35:00 am] <@agrecascino> ass cancer
[12:35:02 am] <@torvalds> the great gatsby
[12:35:02 am] <@jane_doe> the great railway
[12:35:03 am] <@alezakos> the great gatsby
[12:35:06 am] <@Noisytoot> boat
[12:35:07 am] <@Jigsy> The Green
[12:35:08 am] <@jane_doe> the book????????????
[12:35:10 am] <@Noisytoot> ship
[12:35:10 am] <@torvalds> the green gatsby
[12:35:10 am] <@alezakos> the great flood?
[12:35:12 am] <@jane_doe> the green goblin
[12:35:14 am] <@Jigsy> ...something.
[12:35:15 am] <@vibe> fuck andrew lee, all my homies hate andrew lee
[12:35:15 am] <@agrecascino> the great escape
[12:35:17 am] <@Selicre> the green beeeeeen
[12:35:19 am] <@aeth> the great freenode
[12:35:20 am] <@Tat> !vowels
[12:35:21 am] <@jane_doe> the greedy gobbler
[12:35:22 am] <@Noisytoot> andrew lee
[12:35:22 am] <@PissServ> I wonder if I can flood fast asciis with services down hmm
[12:35:23 am] <@alezakos> the grass mower
[12:35:24 am] <@Global> Great Britain
[12:35:26 am] <@PissServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣴⣶⣿⠿⢿⣶⣶⣦⣄
[12:35:26 am] <@PissServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣼⡿⠋⠁⠀⠀⠀⢀⣈⠙⢿⣷⡄⠀⠀
[12:35:26 am] <@PissServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⣿⠁⠀⢀⣴⣿⠿⠿⠿⠿⠿⢿⣷⣄⠀
[12:35:26 am] <@PissServ> ⠀⢀⣀⣠⣾⣿⡇⠀⣾⣿⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⣧
[12:35:26 am] <@PissServ> ⣾⡿⠉⠉⣿⠀⡇⠀⠸⣿⡌⠓⠶⠤⣤⡤⠶⢚⣻⡟
[12:35:26 am] <@PissServ> ⣿⣧⠖⠒⣿⡄⡇⠀⠀⠙⢿⣷⣶⣶⣶⣶⣶⢿⣿⠀
[12:35:26 am] <@PissServ> ⣿⡇⠀⠀⣿⡇⢰⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠉⠉⠁⠀⠀⣿⠀
[12:35:26 am] <@torvalds> the groin pains
[12:35:27 am] <@PissServ> ⣿⡇⠀⠀⣿⡇⠈⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣿⣿⠀
[12:35:27 am] <@PissServ> ⣿⣷⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⠘⠦⣄⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⡤⠊⠀⣿⠀
[12:35:28 am] <@PissServ> ⢿⣿⣤⣀⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⣉⡉⠁⣀⡀⠀⣾⡟⠀
[12:35:28 am] <@PissServ> ⠀⠉⠛⠛⣿⡇⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡟⣿⡟⠋⠀⢰⣿⠃⠀
[12:35:29 am] <@PissServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣧⠀⠀⠀⢀⣿⠃⣿⣇⠀⢀⣸⡯⠀⠀
[12:35:29 am] <@PissServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠹⢿⣶⣶⣶⠿⠃⠀⠈⠛⠛⠛⠛'
[12:35:30 am] <@aeth> oh god
[12:35:34 am] <@MooServ> sus
[12:35:34 am] <@BluRaf> sus
[12:35:35 am] <@Selicre> amogus
[12:35:35 am] <@torvalds> amogus
[12:35:36 am] <@LjL-Amiga> pls stop the unicodes
[12:35:38 am] <@Global> Graf Zeppelin
[12:35:39 am] <@Tat> Winner: Global Answer: the graf zeppelin Time: 53.274 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 3 Rank: 4th Previously: 7th
[12:35:39 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Global-1
[12:35:39 am] <@Tat> Global has moved up in rank: 4th
[12:35:40 am] <@BluRaf> WHEN IMPOSTOR IS SUS
[12:35:41 am] <@LjL-Amiga> i can`t see them!
[12:35:42 am] <-* vibe has kicked PissServ from ##apocalypse (PissServ)
[12:35:46 am] --> PissServ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:35:49 am] <@Voldenet> rude
[12:35:49 am] <@Irydacea> fucking amogus
[12:35:49 am] <@Y> rasengan is sus
[12:35:50 am] <@Tat> 3. The left lung is smaller than the right lung to make room for what?
[12:35:50 am] * BluRaf has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "IMPOSTOR_IS_SUS"
[12:35:51 am] <PissServ> don't cancel me REE
[12:35:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o PissServ by Jigsy
[12:35:52 am] <@n1ckserv> 🍕
[12:35:52 am] <@Cupid> lmao "the grion pains" in the middle of that
[12:35:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> heart
[12:35:54 am] <@jane_doe> heart
[12:35:55 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: heart Time: 4.15 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 14 Rank: 4th Previously: 8th
[12:35:55 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Global-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:35:55 am] <@Tat> IronDeHavilland has moved up in rank: 4th
[12:35:55 am] <@BluRaf> OOF
[12:35:56 am] <@Tat> Heart
[12:35:56 am] <@Jigsy> H...
[12:35:56 am] <@jane_doe> prostate
[12:35:57 am] <-- ChanServ ( has quit (K-Lined)
[12:36:02 am] <@jane_doe> OOF'
[12:36:02 am] <@Y> what
[12:36:03 am] <@Irydacea> oh no
[12:36:03 am] <@LjL-Amiga> oyoyoyoy
[12:36:03 am] <@PissServ> o7
[12:36:04 am] <@aeth> f
[12:36:05 am] <@MooServ> D:
[12:36:05 am] <@Selicre> love
[12:36:05 am] <@Tat> 4. UnScramble this Word: s t e w p?
[12:36:05 am] <@aeth> o7
[12:36:06 am] <@Global> ♥
[12:36:06 am] <-> MooServ is now known as mooo
[12:36:07 am] <@alis> uh oh
[12:36:09 am] <@q3k> f
[12:36:11 am] <@z> F
[12:36:11 am] <@BluRaf> f
[12:36:12 am] <@jane_doe> petws
[12:36:14 am] <@squishsquish> f
[12:36:14 am] <@Y> the fuzz
[12:36:15 am] <@Noisytoot> * ChanServ has quit (K-Lined)
[12:36:15 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, sw___
[12:36:15 am] -*- mooo safe
[12:36:17 am] <@FuckRasengan> pewts
[12:36:17 am] <@Jigsy> Swept
[12:36:18 am] <@A> f
[12:36:18 am] <@Global> pewts
[12:36:18 am] <@alezakos> swept
[12:36:18 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: swept Time: 12.558 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 4 Rank: 4th Previously: 9th
[12:36:18 am] <@n1ckserv> swept
[12:36:18 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-1 Global-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:36:18 am] <@Tat> Jigsy has moved up in rank: 4th
[12:36:19 am] <@jane_doe> swept
[12:36:19 am] <@torvalds> swept
[12:36:19 am] <@vibe> swept
[12:36:20 am] <@Global> septs
[12:36:21 am] <@torvalds> fuck
[12:36:23 am] <-> rasengan is now known as imposter
[12:36:23 am] * BluRaf has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "TUMBLING DOWN"
[12:36:25 am] --> NickServ (speakz@freenode/staff/speakz) has joined ##apocalypse
[12:36:26 am] <@alis> 109 lusers, but only 87 of us here
[12:36:26 am] <@ebb> sweep
[12:36:29 am] <@Tat> 5. In 1087 William I The Conqueror, King of England and Duke of---------- , dies.
[12:36:31 am] <@aeth> uh oh
[12:36:31 am] <@jane_doe> ...hi, speakz
[12:36:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> edinburgh
[12:36:33 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢰⠤⠤⣄⣀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
[12:36:33 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣾⣟⠳⢦⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠉⠉⠉⠉⠒⣲⡄⠀
[12:36:33 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⣿⣿⡇⡇⡱⠲⢤⣀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀1984⠀⣠⠴⠊⢹⠁
[12:36:33 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠘⢻⠓⠀⠉⣥⣀⣠⠞⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡴⠋⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀
[12:36:33 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣀⡾⣄⠀⠀⢳⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⢠⡄⢀⡴⠁⠀2021⡞⠀⠀
[12:36:33 am] <@alezakos> Wellington
[12:36:33 am] <@BluRaf> NickServ: sup
[12:36:34 am] <@n1ckserv> earl
[12:36:34 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠀⣠⢎⡉⢦⡀⠀⠀⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⡼⣣⠧⡼⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⠇⠀⠀
[12:36:34 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o NickServ by Jigsy
[12:36:35 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "andrew lee sucks"
[12:36:35 am] <@torvalds> scotland
[12:36:35 am] <@mooo> HI NICKSERV
[12:36:36 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⢀⡔⠁⠀⠙⠢⢭⣢⡚⢣⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢀⣇⠁⢸⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⠀⠀⠀
[12:36:38 am] <@Global> normandy
[12:36:39 am] <@Tat> Winner: Global Answer: normandy Time: 9.64 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 9 Rank: 4th
[12:36:39 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Global-2 Jigsy-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:36:39 am] --> chanserv ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:36:40 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⢫⡉⠀⠀⠀⠀⢠⢮⠈⡦⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣸⠀⠀⠀
[12:36:41 am] --> Guest42 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:36:42 am] <@CompuServ> ⢀⠇⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠙⢦⡀⣀⡴⠃⠀⡷⡇⢀⡴⠋⠉⠉⠙⠓⠒⠃⠀⠀⠀
[12:36:43 am] <chanserv> hello
[12:36:44 am] <@Jigsy> York
[12:36:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o chanserv by Jigsy
[12:36:44 am] <@CompuServ> ⢸⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⡼⠀⣷⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
[12:36:45 am] * BluRaf has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "FUCK ANDREW LEE THE KING OF COCAINE"
[12:36:45 am] <@OperServ> Oh no. ChanServ got K-lined. Am I next? ;-;
[12:36:46 am] <@CompuServ> ⡞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡰⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
[12:36:46 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest42 by Jigsy
[12:36:47 am] <@Y> !strivia
[12:36:47 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[12:36:48 am] <-> chanserv is now known as ChanServ
[12:36:48 am] <@CompuServ> ⢧⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠣⣀⠀⠀⡰⠋⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
[12:36:52 am] <@jane_doe> no lets play trivia
[12:36:55 am] <@Noisytoot> OperServ, change your nick
[12:36:55 am] <@n1ckserv> !trivia
[12:36:56 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[12:36:57 am] <@jane_doe> nickserv do you want to play trivia with us
[12:36:59 am] <@Jigsy> We need a JackieChanServ.
[12:37:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> let's play global thermonuclear war
[12:37:01 am] <@z> We're all next
[12:37:02 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "DONT FUCK ANDREW LEE HES YUCKY IN BED"
[12:37:07 am] <@LambdaComplex> kek
[12:37:10 am] <@Y> rofl
[12:37:11 am] <@Tat> 1. UnScramble this Word: o s l w a a v?
[12:37:11 am] <@Global> IronDeHavilland: what about a nice game of chess ?
[12:37:13 am] * BluRaf has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "FSCK ANDREW LEE THE KING OF COCAINE"
[12:37:14 am] * alezakos has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Advanced game"
[12:37:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> :)
[12:37:16 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "this is the end of the world, the sky is falling"
[12:37:17 am] * Selicre has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "FUCK ANDREW LEE FIGURATIVELY"
[12:37:21 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, avo____
[12:37:24 am] <@n1ckserv> need a bot that plays Not Jackie Chan
[12:37:25 am] <@lighterowl> 00:36:45 -!- rasengan [~rasengan@freenode/user/root] has quit [Z-lined]
[12:37:25 am] <@Tat> avacado
[12:37:25 am] <@torvalds> avocado
[12:37:26 am] <@squishsquish> i herd andrew gives you total freedom in bed owo
[12:37:28 am] * agrecascino has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "LITERALLY"
[12:37:29 am] <@girst_> one more:
[12:37:32 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "LITERALLY HITLER"
[12:37:32 am] <@DickServ> Selicre: I cannot support this notion, sorry.
[12:37:33 am] <@alis> lighterowl: amazing, where?
[12:37:35 am] * BluRaf has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "FSCK ANDREW LEE THE KING OF COCAINE"
[12:37:36 am] --> SirM0nkalot_ (~quassel@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:37:38 am] <@jane_doe> avolsaw
[12:37:38 am] <@lighterowl> alis: #freenode at freenode
[12:37:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> avowals
[12:37:41 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: avowals Time: 29.063 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 2 Rank: 4th Previously: 5th
[12:37:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-1
[12:37:41 am] <@Tat> IronDeHavilland has moved up in rank: 4th
[12:37:43 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o SirM0nkalot_ by Jigsy
[12:37:44 am] <@n1ckserv> avoslaw
[12:37:44 am] <@jane_doe> thats not a word
[12:37:48 am] <@n1ckserv> darn
[12:37:48 am] <@mornfall> /o\
[12:37:50 am] <@mooo> what is that, how is that a word
[12:37:51 am] <@Tat> 2. Useless Trivia: Mae West was once dubbed 'The statue of---------- .
[12:37:53 am] <@torvalds> avowals
[12:37:54 am] <@jane_doe> liberty
[12:37:56 am] <@mooo> !sgs define avowals
[12:37:56 am] <@jane_doe> dicks
[12:38:01 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, li____
[12:38:01 am] <@DickServ> dicks
[12:38:01 am] -*- Tat wrote fucking trivia bot... sucks at it.
[12:38:03 am] <@Jigsy> Liberty
[12:38:03 am] <@jane_doe> liberty
[12:38:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> liberty
[12:38:06 am] <@alezakos> liberia
[12:38:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> life
[12:38:06 am] <@jane_doe> LIBERTY
[12:38:07 am] <@squishsquish> library
[12:38:08 am] <@alezakos> libera
[12:38:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> living
[12:38:09 am] -*- SirM0nkalot_ plays the REM song, "It's the end of the world as we know it"
[12:38:09 am] <@alis> the statue of liberty
[12:38:12 am] <@jane_doe> LICKING DICK
[12:38:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> limits
[12:38:13 am] --> q3k2 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:38:14 am] <@torvalds> liberals
[12:38:16 am] <@Tat>
[12:38:17 am] <@mooo> libera
[12:38:18 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o q3k2 by Jigsy
[12:38:19 am] * phy1729 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "This network has been reopened with respect to the communities a new users. The shutdown is in violation of freenode policy."
[12:38:19 am] <@jane_doe> lint
[12:38:20 am] <@Y> liberties
[12:38:21 am] <@FuckRasengan> libations
[12:38:22 am] <@DickServ> literal dicks
[12:38:22 am] <@Noisytoot> liberie
[12:38:22 am] <@Jigsy> Limerty
[12:38:23 am] <@z> Libera
[12:38:24 am] <@Noisytoot> liberia
[12:38:25 am] <@rbraun> phy1729++
[12:38:26 am] <@torvalds> lisp paste
[12:38:27 am] <@squishsquish> licking
[12:38:28 am] <@mooo> LOL
[12:38:29 am] <@jane_doe> limp
[12:38:32 am] <@jane_doe> limp wrists
[12:38:33 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by | to Polizei on pissnet
[12:38:33 am] --> AndroUser ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:38:35 am] <@jane_doe> wtf
[12:38:36 am] * phy1729 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "This network has been reopened with respect to the communities and new users. The shutdown is in violation of freenode policy."
[12:38:37 am] <@alezakos> lissajous figures
[12:38:38 am] <@Selicre> guys the fucking sky is falling out and we're out here playing trivia
[12:38:40 am] <@jane_doe> yeah
[12:38:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o AndroUser by Jigsy
[12:38:42 am] --> emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:38:43 am] <@jane_doe> what else do you wanna do
[12:38:44 am] <@ChanServ> xD
[12:38:45 am] <@q3k> Selicre: ye
[12:38:48 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o emily by phy1729
[12:38:48 am] <@q3k> Selicre: bring marshmallows
[12:38:50 am] <@PissServ> ,1 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,8 ,1
[12:38:50 am] <@PissServ> ,1 ,8 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,0 ,1 ,8 ,1
[12:38:50 am] <@PissServ> ,1 ,8 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,8 ,1
[12:38:50 am] <@PissServ> ,1 ,8 ,1
[12:38:50 am] <@PissServ> ,1 ,8 ,1 ,8 ,1
[12:38:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> literature
[12:38:51 am] <@PissServ> ,1 ,8 ,1 ,6 ,1 ,8 ,1
[12:38:51 am] <@PissServ> ,1 ,8 ,1 ,6 ,1 ,8 ,1
[12:38:51 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: libido
[12:38:52 am] <@PissServ> ,1 ,8 ,1 ,6 ,13 ,6 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,6 ,13 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,13 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,1 ,8 ,1 ,1
[12:38:52 am] <@CompuServ> cyber sex
[12:38:54 am] <@Y> HEY
[12:38:55 am] <@PissServ> shit
[12:38:55 am] <@jane_doe> LIBIDO FUCK
[12:38:56 am] -*- Selicre makes a large fire.
[12:39:00 am] <@OperServ> Oh yes, the statue of libido, I remember that one
[12:39:01 am] <@Tat> 3. Name The Year: Tony Curtis [Real Name : Bernard Schwartz], Bronx New York, actor (Some Like it Hot), born.
[12:39:03 am] <@PissServ> that did not render right
[12:39:05 am] <@torvalds> take a shit on the internet
[12:39:06 am] <@jane_doe> 1980
[12:39:07 am] <@jane_doe> 1981
[12:39:08 am] <@jane_doe> 1982
[12:39:08 am] <@aeth> 1
[12:39:08 am] <@jane_doe> 1983
[12:39:09 am] <@jane_doe> 1984
[12:39:10 am] <@jane_doe> 1985
[12:39:10 am] <@alezakos> 1960
[12:39:10 am] <@jane_doe> 1986
[12:39:10 am] <@FuckRasengan> 1934
[12:39:11 am] <@squishsquish> 1975
[12:39:11 am] <@jane_doe> 1987
[12:39:11 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[12:39:11 am] <@aeth> we can do it, let's walk through all years
[12:39:12 am] <@alezakos> 1958
[12:39:12 am] <@Tat> !last
[12:39:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1970
[12:39:13 am] <@Selicre> 1984
[12:39:13 am] <@aeth> 1901
[12:39:14 am] <@alezakos> 1959
[12:39:15 am] <@jane_doe> 1989
[12:39:16 am] <@squishsquish> 1969
[12:39:16 am] <@theemacsshibe>
[12:39:16 am] <@n1ckserv> great hint
[12:39:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1960
[12:39:16 am] <@jane_doe> 1990
[12:39:17 am] <@Voldenet> 2137
[12:39:17 am] <@Jigsy> >19
[12:39:17 am] <@jane_doe> 1991
[12:39:17 am] <@lighterowl> 1925
[12:39:17 am] <@FuckRasengan> 1935
[12:39:18 am] <@q3k> 11969
[12:39:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1961
[12:39:18 am] <@jane_doe> 19922
[12:39:18 am] <@Tat> Winner: lighterowl Answer: 1925 Time: 16.131 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 2 Rank: 6th Previously: 10th
[12:39:18 am] <@alezakos> THANKS FOR THE HINT HELPFUL BOT
[12:39:18 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:39:18 am] <@Selicre> 42069
[12:39:18 am] <@Tat> lighterowl has moved up in rank: 6th
[12:39:19 am] <@Tat> 1965
[12:39:19 am] <@n1ckserv> 1912
[12:39:20 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⢂⡉⠐⠀⢂⡁⠄⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
[12:39:20 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠰⠀⡐⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠁⠐⠊⠩⠄⢒⡂⠠⠤⠀⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
[12:39:20 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠀⡠⠂⠠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠉⠐⠂⠤⡈⠀⠂⢄⡀⠀
[12:39:20 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠐⠀⠀⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣱⡄⠀⠈⣦
[12:39:20 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⡀⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣿⡇⠀⢸⣿
[12:39:20 am] <@Jigsy> Well that narrows it down...
[12:39:21 am] <@jane_doe> FUCK
[12:39:21 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢿⠇⠀⠸⠋
[12:39:21 am] <@alezakos> I AM VERY HELPED
[12:39:22 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> avowal
[12:39:23 am] <@CompuServ> ⠘⠀⠀⠀⠀⡄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣀⠠⠎⠒⠈⠀
[12:39:24 am] <@Y> up up down down left right left right B A (START)
[12:39:25 am] --> uman ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:39:25 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> avowals
[12:39:25 am] <@CompuServ> ⢀⠀⠀⡀⠄⠢⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⡀⠠⠄⠐⠀⠁⠀⢄⠀⠀⠀
[12:39:27 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠈⢔⣬⣭⣁⠤⠤⠤⠀⠐⠀⠈⠁⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⢸⡧⠀
[12:39:28 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o uman by Jigsy
[12:39:29 am] <@Tat> 4. In 1955 President Jose Antonio Remon of ---------- assassinated.
[12:39:29 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠀⠀⠈⠻⢿⣯⣿⢶⡶⣦⣴⣤⣤⣀⢠⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⣀⡀⣴⡛⠁⠀⠀
[12:39:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o uman by phy1729
[12:39:29 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> It's a word
[12:39:29 am] <@n1ckserv> Here's a hint: 1
[12:39:30 am] <@jane_doe> stop spamming braille
[12:39:31 am] <@CompuServ> ⢤⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠉⠛⢿⣷⣿⣿⣿⣷⣿⣯⣭⣿⣿⣻⣟⣯⣽⡿⡟⠀⠀⠀
[12:39:33 am] <@CompuServ> ⠀⠙⠀⡀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠈⠀⠁⠙⠋⠻⠿⠿⠿⡿⠿⠿⠿⠛⠛⡸⠀⠀⠀⠀
[12:39:33 am] <@Jigsy> Spain
[12:39:33 am] <@alezakos> Cambodia
[12:39:34 am] <@torvalds> cuba
[12:39:35 am] <@CompuServ> ⣀⠀⠀⠈⠐⠠⢂⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⣦⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
[12:39:36 am] <@jane_doe> Brazil
[12:39:37 am] <@Global> bolivia
[12:39:38 am] <@torvalds> lel
[12:39:38 am] <@Jigsy> Portugal
[12:39:38 am] <@q3k> Freenode
[12:39:38 am] <@lighterowl> Mexico
[12:39:38 am] <@n1ckserv> guatemala
[12:39:39 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, pa____
[12:39:39 am] <@CompuServ> ⣿⣿⣶⣤⣀⠀⠀⠀⠁⠐⣂⣤⣤⣤⣄⣠⣔⣀⣤⣤⣤⣔⠁⣿⣿⣷⣄⠀⠀
[12:39:39 am] <@aeth> freenode
[12:39:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> argentina
[12:39:40 am] <@Jigsy> Mexico
[12:39:41 am] <@CompuServ> ⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣶⣄⠀⢸⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣧⡀
[12:39:41 am] <@lighterowl> panama
[12:39:41 am] <@alezakos> Panama
[12:39:41 am] <@Jigsy> Panama
[12:39:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> palau
[12:39:42 am] <@jane_doe> Paris
[12:39:42 am] <@q3k> paraguay
[12:39:42 am] <@Tat> Winner: lighterowl Answer: panama Time: 12.527 Streak: 2 Points: 2 WPM: 5 Rank: 4th Previously: 6th
[12:39:42 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-2 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:39:42 am] <@Tat> lighterowl has moved up in rank: 4th
[12:39:42 am] <@Global> palestina
[12:39:42 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> vow, avowal, avowals?
[12:39:43 am] <@n1ckserv> paraguay
[12:39:44 am] <@n1ckserv> aaa
[12:39:46 am] <@A> panama
[12:39:52 am] <@Selicre> pamamam
[12:39:52 am] <@Tat> 5. Useless Trivia: Annual growth of ---------- traffic is 314,000%.
[12:39:53 am] <@alezakos> damn those speed typers
[12:39:53 am] <@jane_doe> nickserv why are nt you playing trivia with us
[12:39:56 am] <@alezakos> vehicle
[12:39:56 am] <@OperServ> car
[12:39:57 am] <@jane_doe> advertising
[12:39:57 am] <@torvalds>
[12:39:58 am] <@n1ckserv> automobile
[12:39:58 am] <@lighterowl> passenger
[12:39:58 am] --> Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:39:58 am] <@Global> maritime
[12:39:59 am] <@jane_doe> highway
[12:40:00 am] <@aeth> IRC
[12:40:00 am] <@A> internet
[12:40:01 am] <@alezakos> aerospace
[12:40:01 am] <@Jigsy> Libera.Chat users.
[12:40:02 am] <@jane_doe> freeway
[12:40:02 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, w__
[12:40:04 am] <@torvalds> web
[12:40:04 am] <@n1ckserv> web
[12:40:04 am] <@FuckRasengan> Freenode
[12:40:05 am] <@alezakos> war
[12:40:05 am] <@jane_doe> wet
[12:40:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> wet
[12:40:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest0 by Jigsy
[12:40:05 am] --> cjd ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:40:06 am] <@Global> web
[12:40:07 am] <@A> www
[12:40:07 am] <@aeth> wet
[12:40:07 am] <@Tat> Winner: A Answer: www Time: 14.384 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 2 Rank: 7th Previously: 11th
[12:40:08 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-2 A-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:40:08 am] <@Tat> A has moved up in rank: 7th
[12:40:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> war
[12:40:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o cjd by Jigsy
[12:40:10 am] <@alis> web
[12:40:10 am] <@Selicre> WET HARD GROWTH
[12:40:11 am] <@shadowm> shikadibot: hi
[12:40:11 am] <@shikadibot> shadowm: Greetings!
[12:40:11 am] <@jane_doe> www????????????????
[12:40:13 am] <@n1ckserv> awww come ono
[12:40:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by jane_doe
[12:40:15 am] <@n1ckserv> judges
[12:40:16 am] <@n1ckserv> ???
[12:40:18 am] <@Tat> 6. UnScramble this Word: q e e e z s u?
[12:40:19 am] <@Global> gnu+www
[12:40:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v NickServ by jane_doe
[12:40:22 am] <@jane_doe> squeeze
[12:40:22 am] <@Jigsy> Squeezes
[12:40:23 am] <@Tat> Winner: jane_doe Answer: squeeze Time: 4.353 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 19 Rank: 7th Previously: 12th
[12:40:23 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-2 A-1 jane_doe-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:40:23 am] <@Tat> jane_doe has moved up in rank: 7th
[12:40:23 am] <@alis> squeez
[12:40:23 am] <@lighterowl> squeeze
[12:40:24 am] <@Selicre> sus
[12:40:26 am] <@Irydacea> aeth: i managed to remember how to enable the personality module
[12:40:26 am] <@ChanServ> squeeze
[12:40:29 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "BOOM BOOM"
[12:40:29 am] <@q3k> squish squish
[12:40:30 am] <@n1ckserv> squeezes
[12:40:33 am] <@Tat> 7. Baby Names Beginning With "T": Meaning: Mole, Gopher?
[12:40:36 am] --> pamlaoran (~Pamlaoran@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:40:36 am] <@jane_doe> tits
[12:40:36 am] <@aeth> Irydacea: great
[12:40:38 am] * lighterowl has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM I WANT YOU IN MY ROOM"
[12:40:38 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o-o NickServ NickServ by OperServ
[12:40:41 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o pamlaoran by Jigsy
[12:40:43 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, to__
[12:40:43 am] * torvalds has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "TAKE A SHIT ON THE ITNERNET"
[12:40:44 am] <@alis> toby
[12:40:45 am] <@Voldenet> Andrew
[12:40:46 am] <@alezakos> tomas
[12:40:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tove
[12:40:48 am] <@FuckRasengan> topher
[12:40:48 am] <@n1ckserv> toblerone
[12:40:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> toby
[12:40:49 am] <@jane_doe> tony
[12:40:49 am] <@torvalds> toot
[12:40:50 am] <@A> toni
[12:40:50 am] <@Selicre> tori
[12:40:51 am] <@jane_doe> torn
[12:40:52 am] <@FuckRasengan> toph
[12:40:53 am] <@jane_doe> toaa
[12:40:53 am] <@alis> tomy
[12:40:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tomy
[12:40:54 am] <@jane_doe> toab
[12:40:54 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> I get a feeling of
[12:40:54 am] <@jane_doe> toac
[12:40:55 am] <@alezakos> todd
[12:40:56 am] <@jane_doe> toab
[12:40:56 am] <@A> tony
[12:40:56 am] <@agrecascino> wait does someboy have the username nickserv now
[12:40:57 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "WE"RE BROADCASTING RAW LIVE FROM MY ASS"
[12:40:57 am] <@jane_doe> toad
[12:40:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> torg
[12:40:58 am] <@alis> tork
[12:40:58 am] <@Tat> !vowels
[12:40:58 am] * torvalds has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "TAKE A SHIT ON THE INTERNET"
[12:40:59 am] <@Irydacea> !d20
[12:41:00 am] <@shikadibot> Irydacea: 6
[12:41:02 am] <@Selicre> toast
[12:41:02 am] <@jane_doe> agrecascino: yeah its an oper
[12:41:03 am] <@Tat> tomo
[12:41:05 am] <@Guest0> tommy
[12:41:06 am] <@agrecascino> oh rip
[12:41:07 am] <@Noisytoot> agrecascino, NickServ is freenode staff
[12:41:07 am] <@AndroUser> weeeeeeeee
[12:41:07 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "WE'RE BROADCASTING RAW LIVE FROM MY ASS"
[12:41:08 am] <@alezakos> Toll
[12:41:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> toph
[12:41:12 am] <@Guest0> toto
[12:41:13 am] <@Selicre> tonga
[12:41:13 am] <@rbraun> tapir
[12:41:14 am] <@Global> tortoise
[12:41:16 am] <@alezakos> torq
[12:41:21 am] <@itisnigh> <Aurora_v_kosmose@libera> ___| |__ ___ ___| | _(_) | |__ _ __ ___ ___| | _(_)
[12:41:21 am] <@Tat> tolo
[12:41:22 am] * agrecascino has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "IT'S ALL RIGHT HERE AT YOUR FINGERTITS"
[12:41:23 am] <@itisnigh> <Aurora_v_kosmose@libera> / __| '_ \ / _ \/ _ \ |/ / | | '_ \| '__/ _ \/ _ \ |/ / |
[12:41:26 am] <@itisnigh> <Aurora_v_kosmose@libera> | (__| | | | __/ __/ <| | | |_) | | | __/ __/ <| |
[12:41:28 am] <@itisnigh> <Aurora_v_kosmose@libera> \___|_| |_|\___|\___|_|\_\_| |_.__/|_| \___|\___|_|\_\_|
[12:41:29 am] <@Selicre> toto
[12:41:29 am] <@Arrowmaster> nickserv is speakz
[12:41:29 am] <@rbraun> todd
[12:41:31 am] <@alezakos> tokalotopalikari
[12:41:33 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: topo
[12:41:34 am] * phy1729 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "THEY'RE TRASHING OUR RIGHTS!"
[12:41:36 am] <@Selicre> what lmao
[12:41:40 am] <@Guest0> wtf is topo
[12:41:42 am] * jane_doe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: ""
[12:41:42 am] <@q3k> short for topology
[12:41:43 am] <@Jigsy> The fuck is a topo?
[12:41:44 am] <@Tat> 8. Who was the French sculptor of the Statue of Liberty?
[12:41:45 am] <@Guest0> isn't that a jodorosky film
[12:41:45 am] * Y has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (aka freenode)"
[12:41:46 am] * alezakos has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "We have some very ultra-HD gaming going on here"
[12:41:47 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##apocalypse : the finale of classic freenode"
[12:41:49 am] <@Global> bartoldi
[12:41:52 am] <@Irydacea> !8 is andrewgang gonna kill us today
[12:41:52 am] <@shikadibot> Irydacea: It would take a disturbed person to even ask.
[12:41:52 am] <@nisa> <comixfigure> But thanks for giving out some useful information at the very least.
[12:41:52 am] <@nisa> <Speakz> now we are using an updated ircd
[12:41:54 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, freder___ _________
[12:41:59 am] <@Selicre> frederico bartoldi
[12:42:00 am] <@lighterowl> frederico palazzo
[12:42:00 am] <@jane_doe> Frédéric Bartholdi
[12:42:00 am] <@Tat> Winner: jane_doe Answer: frederic bartholdi Time: 16.427 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 13 Rank: 4th Previously: 7th
[12:42:01 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-2 jane_doe-2 A-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:42:01 am] <@Tat> jane_doe has moved up in rank: 4th
[12:42:01 am] <@Global> frederico bartoldi
[12:42:05 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "THIS IS WHAT YOUR DAD WILL LOVE, IT'S PORNO.COM"
[12:42:06 am] <@Selicre> nice
[12:42:07 am] * alezakos has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##finale : the freenode of apocalypse classic"
[12:42:09 am] <-- seo` ( has quit (Quit: seo`)
[12:42:10 am] <@Global> :(
[12:42:10 am] <@Jigsy> Oh, shit.
[12:42:11 am] <@Tat> 9. Category: Sherlock Holmes: To where does Holmes finally retire?
[12:42:11 am] <@Jigsy> Another oper.
[12:42:15 am] <@Jigsy> [23:42:07] 2 IRC Operators online
[12:42:15 am] <@torvalds> the grave
[12:42:18 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "THIS IS WHAT YOUR DAD WILL LOVE, IT'S PORNO.COM"
[12:42:19 am] <@n1ckserv> an early grave
[12:42:20 am] <@alezakos> 21B Baker Street
[12:42:21 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, suss___ _____
[12:42:22 am] <@alezakos> London
[12:42:23 am] <@Y> Jigsy who
[12:42:24 am] <@aeth> sus
[12:42:24 am] <@Global> he dies
[12:42:24 am] * CalimeroTeknik has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##apocalypse : the finale of classic freenode | War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength. Freenode is IRC."
[12:42:24 am] <@q3k> sus
[12:42:24 am] <@torvalds> amogus
[12:42:24 am] <@alezakos> sus
[12:42:24 am] <@Selicre> sussy baka
[12:42:25 am] <@DickServ> sus
[12:42:26 am] <@jane_doe> sussy
[12:42:26 am] <@Guest0> sussex downs
[12:42:27 am] <@squishsquish> very suss
[12:42:27 am] <@vibe> AMOGUS
[12:42:27 am] <@Tat> Winner: Guest0 Answer: sussex downs Time: 15.896 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 9 Rank: 8th Previously: 13th
[12:42:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-2 jane_doe-2 Guest0-1 A-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:42:28 am] <@Tat> Guest0 has moved up in rank: 8th
[12:42:28 am] <@n1ckserv> sussex... county
[12:42:28 am] <@Selicre> I am sorry.
[12:42:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sussex england
[12:42:29 am] <@alezakos> sussus amogus
[12:42:29 am] <@Tat> sussux
[12:42:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> amoguss
[12:42:35 am] <@Tat> sussux London
[12:42:38 am] <@Tat> 10. TV/ Movies: 1934 - Lucille Ball - Starred In This Movie:
[12:42:39 am] -*- SirM0nkalot_ waits for the k-line
[12:42:41 am] <@Serv-Chan> sussex amogus
[12:42:42 am] <@mooo> SUS
[12:42:43 am] <@jane_doe> poison is the new oper
[12:42:48 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, hold _____ ____
[12:42:52 am] <@alezakos> holdem poer
[12:42:56 am] <@Tat> hold your hand
[12:42:56 am] <@Selicre> hold my beer
[12:42:56 am] <@jane_doe> hold my dick
[12:42:57 am] <@BluRaf> IMPOSTOR IS AMONG US
[12:42:58 am] <@z> Hold my beer
[12:43:01 am] <@n1ckserv> lucille ball was on tv not movies come no
[12:43:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hold your beer
[12:43:01 am] <@alis> NickServ: let us be
[12:43:04 am] * torvalds has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "our friends lisa and andrew came over today and drew a penis"
[12:43:04 am] <@jane_doe> hold on tight
[12:43:06 am] <@Global> hold that girl
[12:43:07 am] <@Tat> Winner: Global Answer: hold that girl Time: 28.564 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 5 Rank: 4th
[12:43:07 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-2 jane_doe-2 Guest0-1 A-1 Global-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:43:07 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[12:43:07 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Tat of 0.843. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[12:43:09 am] <-- fosco ( has quit (Quit: Reconnecting)
[12:43:15 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##apocalypse : the finale of classic freenode | there is one imposter"
[12:43:16 am] --> fosco ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:43:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o fosco by phy1729
[12:43:22 am] <@alis> hint: they're voiced
[12:43:22 am] <@rbraun> aeth++
[12:43:26 am] <@CompuServ> RED SUS
[12:43:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol @ tat tracking its own wpm
[12:43:27 am] <@Tat> !trivia pi
[12:43:28 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 3.14159265358979323846 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[12:43:29 am] * alezakos has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "the finale of classic freenode | there are two imposters"
[12:43:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[12:43:31 am] <-* torvalds has kicked aeth from ##apocalypse (was the imposter)
[12:43:31 am] <@itisnigh> <Aurora_v_kosmose@libera>
[12:43:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v pamlaoran by pamlaoran
[12:43:40 am] <@jane_doe> opers only get voice, they can op themselves if they need op so bad
[12:43:40 am] <@Global> :D
[12:43:40 am] <-* rbraun has kicked torvalds from ##apocalypse (no u)
[12:43:43 am] <@Tat> 1. Excessive discharge of blood from blood vessels, caused by pathological condition of the vessels or by traumatic rupture of one or more vessels?
[12:43:44 am] <@LjL> this channel is a lot more readable in 1920x1080 than in 640x512
[12:43:44 am] <@Tat> It pings around and works that way, it counts.
[12:43:44 am] * agrecascino has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "amogus"
[12:43:49 am] <@Selicre> stroke
[12:43:50 am] --> aeth (~Michael@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:43:50 am] <@q3k> hemorrage
[12:43:50 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o aeth by CalimeroTeknik
[12:43:51 am] <@alezakos> lupus
[12:43:52 am] <@itisnigh> <Aurora_v_kosmose@libera> WorldWideWeb -_-
[12:43:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hemorrhage
[12:43:53 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, haem______
[12:43:54 am] --> torvalds ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:43:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> haemorrhage
[12:43:56 am] <@ebb> haeomtoma
[12:43:56 am] <@lighterowl> haemmorage
[12:43:56 am] <@Selicre> haemorrage
[12:43:57 am] <@Tat> Winner: lighterowl Answer: haemmorage Time: 13.494 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 8 Rank: 4th Previously: 5th
[12:43:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-1
[12:43:57 am] <@q3k> haemorrage
[12:43:57 am] <@Tat> lighterowl has moved up in rank: 4th
[12:43:57 am] <@Global> haemoragia
[12:43:58 am] <torvalds> sus
[12:43:58 am] <@ChanServ> heh
[12:43:58 am] <@alezakos> haemoraggic shock
[12:43:58 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v aeth by Irydacea
[12:43:59 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o torvalds by Jigsy
[12:43:59 am] <@CompuServ> LjL i just had to widen my window too
[12:43:59 am] --> moncho (~gaucho@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:44:00 am] <@Selicre> fuck you!
[12:44:00 am] <@ChanServ> 004327 ─── │ ar #freenode :Cannot change nickname while banned/quieted on channel
[12:44:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[12:44:00 am] <@jane_doe> heamorrhage
[12:44:01 am] <@q3k> fuck spelling this word
[12:44:02 am] <@Sos> Tat, it's red pee
[12:44:03 am] <@jane_doe> hameorrhage
[12:44:03 am] <moncho> supppppppppppp
[12:44:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o torvalds by rbraun
[12:44:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o moncho by Jigsy
[12:44:06 am] <@Guest0> such a troll word
[12:44:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> they can't even spell?
[12:44:07 am] <@jane_doe> haemorrhage
[12:44:07 am] <@Tat> 2. Useless Trivia: It takes about a half a gallon of water to cook macaroni, and about a ---------- to clean the pot.
[12:44:09 am] <@Irydacea> /cmode +hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[12:44:10 am] <@DickServ> CompuServ: I'll widen your window
[12:44:12 am] <@ChanServ> staff is trying to forcibly change my nickname
[12:44:12 am] <@LambdaComplex> quart
[12:44:12 am] * torvalds has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "I get wood real easily"
[12:44:13 am] <@BluRaf> ChanServ: [*]
[12:44:13 am] <@ChanServ> but can't
[12:44:13 am] <@Tat> So apparently lighterowl is really fucking good at this.
[12:44:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> gallon
[12:44:14 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: gallon Time: 6.599 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 10 Rank: 4th Previously: 6th
[12:44:14 am] <@Tat> IronDeHavilland has moved up in rank: 4th
[12:44:15 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:44:15 am] <@Serv-Chan> only nickserv isn't op?
[12:44:16 am] <@LambdaComplex> gallon
[12:44:19 am] <@Global> what's a gallon in standard units ?
[12:44:19 am] <@ChanServ> because i'm on #freenode
[12:44:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o DickServ by CompuServ
[12:44:21 am] <@Guest0> murica
[12:44:21 am] <@ChanServ> which is muted
[12:44:23 am] <@jane_doe> yes because theyre an oper Serv-Chan
[12:44:23 am] <@rbraun> ChanServ: how are u not k-lined yet
[12:44:23 am] <@ChanServ> xD
[12:44:23 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##apocalypse : the finale of classic freenode | put whatever you want in the topic but put it after the intro"
[12:44:23 am] <@moncho> MFGA
[12:44:25 am] <@Tat> 3. Who was the first president of the Royal Academy?
[12:44:25 am] <@moncho> MFGA
[12:44:26 am] <@q3k> Global: one footbal lstadium
[12:44:26 am] <@moncho> MFGA
[12:44:26 am] <@Global> who even use gallons ?
[12:44:26 am] <@lighterowl> Tat: beginners luck
[12:44:27 am] <@moncho> MFGA
[12:44:28 am] <@Noisytoot> they can /resv ChanServ
[12:44:28 am] <@moncho> MFGA
[12:44:29 am] <@Tat> Newton
[12:44:30 am] <@itisnigh> <Aurora_v_kosmose@libera> tots
[12:44:32 am] <@rbraun> LONG LIVE FREENODE
[12:44:32 am] <@BluRaf> omae wa mou shindeiru
[12:44:33 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o torvalds by jane_doe
[12:44:33 am] <@ChanServ> rbraun: [magic]
[12:44:35 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, sir jo_____ ________
[12:44:35 am] <@torvalds> robert strandh sr
[12:44:36 am] <@Y> Global: 3.7-ish liter
[12:44:36 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CompuServ by DickServ
[12:44:37 am] <@Selicre> jojo
[12:44:38 am] <@moncho> mega quien sos
[12:44:39 am] <@torvalds> sir joseph stalin
[12:44:41 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##apocalypse : the finale of classic freenode | everywhere at the end of time"
[12:44:43 am] <@aeth> torvalds++
[12:44:43 am] <@ChanServ> rbraun: or incompetence
[12:44:44 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> rbraun, LONG LIVE CAPONE
[12:44:44 am] <@uman> moncho:
[12:44:45 am] <@Noisytoot> LONG LIVE CAPONE.FREENODE.NET
[12:44:46 am] <@z> MFGA
[12:44:50 am] <@rbraun> yeah that
[12:44:51 am] <@Guest0> LONG LIVE CAPONE
[12:44:51 am] <@moncho> MFGA
[12:44:52 am] <@moncho> MFGA
[12:44:52 am] <@torvalds> aeth--
[12:44:52 am] <@moncho> MFGA
[12:44:53 am] <@moncho> MFGA
[12:44:55 am] <@moncho> MFGA
[12:44:56 am] <@Noisytoot> LONG LIVE CAPONE
[12:44:58 am] <@BluRaf> LONG LIVE CAPONE
[12:44:58 am] <@moncho> jk im a rizon tourist
[12:44:59 am] <@BluRaf> LONG LIVE CAPONE
[12:44:59 am] <@vibe> MFGA
[12:45:01 am] <@DickServ> MCGA
[12:45:02 am] <@Jigsy> The untouchable Capone.
[12:45:04 am] <@torvalds> what it's not dead yet
[12:45:05 am] <@FuckRasengan> CAPONE FTW
[12:45:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> MCGA
[12:45:06 am] <@uman> freenode is dead long live freenode
[12:45:06 am] <@Tat> #mfga more like it
[12:45:07 am] <@BluRaf> LONG LIVE CAPONE
[12:45:08 am] <@jane_doe> make fuckin and suckin great again
[12:45:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> VGA
[12:45:09 am] <@moncho> rizon schizos > freenode autists
[12:45:11 am] <@n1ckserv> sir john lennon
[12:45:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> XGA
[12:45:12 am] --> gwillen ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:45:12 am] <@A> B
[12:45:13 am] <@z> MCGA
[12:45:14 am] <@rbraun> moncho: srsly
[12:45:17 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o gwillen by jane_doe
[12:45:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> EGA
[12:45:18 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o gwillen by Global
[12:45:18 am] <@lighterowl> Sir Joshua Reynolds
[12:45:19 am] <@Tat> Winner: lighterowl Answer: sir joshua reynolds Time: 53.695 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 4 Rank: 4th
[12:45:19 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-2 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:45:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o gwillen by rbraun
[12:45:20 am] <@Selicre> what happened to rizon btw?
[12:45:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o gwillen by Jigsy
[12:45:21 am] <@Y> moncho: hey fellow rizonian
[12:45:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> CGA
[12:45:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o gwillen by rbraun
[12:45:25 am] <@Voldenet> long live capone
[12:45:27 am] <@alezakos> Freedead is node, long node freelive
[12:45:27 am] <@Jigsy> Rizon still exists.
[12:45:28 am] <@LambdaComplex> Selicre: uh...what about it?
[12:45:28 am] <@moncho> Selicre still is there
[12:45:29 am] <@Tat> 4. What is the name of the group of Muslim scholars who have fought for control of Afghanistan in recent years?
[12:45:29 am] <@Guest0> Make Rasengan Sober Again
[12:45:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> taliban
[12:45:34 am] <@jane_doe> rbraun: are u two lovers or something
[12:45:34 am] <@rbraun> Guest0: lmao
[12:45:34 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: taliban Time: 4.68 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 17 Rank: 4th Previously: 5th
[12:45:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-2 IronDeHavilland-2
[12:45:34 am] <@Tat> IronDeHavilland has moved up in rank: 4th
[12:45:35 am] <@Y> ISIS
[12:45:35 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[12:45:38 am] <@Selicre> no like why are you likening it to leenode
[12:45:39 am] <@n1ckserv> recent years lol
[12:45:42 am] <@rbraun> jane_doe: nah just a beef going years back
[12:45:42 am] <@vibe> !trivia 15
[12:45:43 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 15 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[12:45:44 am] <@emily> doesnt lee own rizon too
[12:45:44 am] <@Noisytoot> LONG LIVE ##apocalypse
[12:45:45 am] <@moncho> freenode wing death squads when
[12:45:46 am] <@Jigsy> Scholars?
[12:45:46 am] <@Global> !trivia 1e999
[12:45:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o+o rbraun gwillen by jane_doe
[12:45:55 am] <@vibe> burger king foot lettuce
[12:45:56 am] <@torvalds> !trivia NaN
[12:45:57 am] <+rbraun> ;_;
[12:45:58 am] <@Tat> 1. 'Dr. Feelgood' was which group's last album with Vince Neill?
[12:45:59 am] <@alezakos> Global: have you tried antimatter dimensions?
[12:46:00 am] <@emily> i understand a lot of the new freenode staffers are from rizon?
[12:46:00 am] <@Voldenet> Nothing happened to rizon yet, but no spoilers
[12:46:00 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o-o rbraun gwillen by jane_doe
[12:46:01 am] <@phy1729> !trivia 1729
[12:46:02 am] <@Tat> Wrote the silly bot like 2000 or whatever.
[12:46:04 am] * alis has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##apocalypse : the finale of classic freenode | <girst> fuck you rasengan for destroying freenode <3 | there are two imposters"
[12:46:07 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v gwillen by jane_doe
[12:46:08 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Motl___ ____
[12:46:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> motley crew
[12:46:12 am] <@Tat> motly crew
[12:46:12 am] <@Dick_Nachos> my bot won't join here
[12:46:12 am] <@ebb> motley crew
[12:46:13 am] <@jane_doe> motley crew
[12:46:13 am] <+gwillen> lol jane_doe
[12:46:13 am] <@lighterowl> motley crue
[12:46:14 am] <@Dick_Nachos> :/
[12:46:14 am] <@Tat> Winner: lighterowl Answer: Motley Crue Time: 15.585 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 8 Rank: 4th
[12:46:14 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-1
[12:46:16 am] <@torvalds> how to build your own atomic bomb
[12:46:18 am] <@Y> Tat: is it on github somewhere?
[12:46:18 am] <@AndroUser> the Gorillaz
[12:46:20 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##apocalypse : the finale of classic freenode | <girst> fuck you rasengan for destroying freenode <3 | there are two imposters | gay"
[12:46:23 am] <@LjL> THERE ARE FOUR LIGHTS
[12:46:23 am] --> saturn ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:46:24 am] <@Tat> 2. TV/ Movies: What looney toons character used a univac to solve a mystery?
[12:46:29 am] <@jane_doe> everyone
[12:46:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o saturn by Jigsy
[12:46:30 am] <@alezakos> bugs bunny
[12:46:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bugs bunny
[12:46:31 am] <@jane_doe> type /invite poison
[12:46:32 am] <@moncho> motley crue
[12:46:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> elmer fudd
[12:46:34 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, por___ ___
[12:46:35 am] <@n1ckserv> coyote
[12:46:35 am] <@Cupid> scooby doo
[12:46:36 am] <@lighterowl> EBCDIC
[12:46:37 am] <@jane_doe> porno
[12:46:37 am] <@agrecascino> porky pig
[12:46:37 am] <@FuckRasengan> porky pig
[12:46:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> porky pig
[12:46:38 am] * OperServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##apocalypse : the finale of classic freenode | <girst> fuck you rasengan for destroying freenode <3 | there are two imposters | don't vote the jester or we lose"
[12:46:38 am] <@Jigsy> Porky Pig
[12:46:38 am] <@Tat> Winner: agrecascino Answer: porky pig Time: 12.901 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 8 Rank: 8th Previously: 14th
[12:46:38 am] <@Tat> Current Round: agrecascino-1 lighterowl-1
[12:46:38 am] <@Tat> agrecascino has moved up in rank: 8th
[12:46:38 am] <@Tat> proky pig
[12:46:40 am] <@n1ckserv> prky piggggggggggggg
[12:46:42 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> freenode is reborn!
[12:46:43 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█▀▄▀█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ─█▀▀█
[12:46:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +g by Noisytoot
[12:46:45 am] <@agrecascino> I WIN
[12:46:45 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█░█░█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█─▄▄ ░█▄▄█
[12:46:46 am] * torvalds has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "how to drop a bomb with your parents' permission"
[12:46:47 am] --> cottsay (~cottsay@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:46:47 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " we gayhow to drop a bomb with your parents' permission"
[12:46:48 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█──░█ ░█─── ░█▄▄█ ░█─░█ #Make Freenode Great Again!
[12:46:49 am] <@Tat> 3. What US state includes the telephone area code 503?
[12:46:51 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> freenode is reborn!
[12:46:52 am] <@alezakos> Montana
[12:46:53 am] <@alezakos> Arizona
[12:46:54 am] <@rbraun> louisiana\
[12:46:54 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█▀▄▀█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ─█▀▀█
[12:46:54 am] <@ebb> minnesota
[12:46:55 am] <@torvalds> shitland
[12:46:55 am] <@rbraun> louisiana
[12:46:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o cottsay by Jigsy
[12:46:57 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█░█░█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█─▄▄ ░█▄▄█
[12:46:57 am] <@alezakos> West Minster
[12:46:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ohio
[12:46:58 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> irkki pig
[12:46:58 am] <@ebb> new york
[12:46:58 am] <@lighterowl> connecticut
[12:46:58 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, or____
[12:46:59 am] <@vibe> ukraine
[12:46:59 am] <@FuckRasengan> montana
[12:46:59 am] <@Tat> California
[12:47:00 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█──░█ ░█─── ░█▄▄█ ░█─░█ #Make Freenode Great Again!
[12:47:00 am] <@lighterowl> oregon
[12:47:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> oregon
[12:47:01 am] <@ebb> orlando
[12:47:01 am] <@Tat> Winner: lighterowl Answer: oregon Time: 12.043 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 5 Rank: 4th
[12:47:01 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-2 agrecascino-1
[12:47:01 am] <@alezakos> Oregon
[12:47:01 am] <@Jigsy> Oregon
[12:47:01 am] <@Tat> oregan
[12:47:02 am] * jane_doe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "anyone here watch hafu"
[12:47:02 am] <@FuckRasengan> oregon
[12:47:03 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> freenode is reborn!
[12:47:05 am] <@rbraun> oops LA is 504
[12:47:05 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█▀▄▀█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ─█▀▀█
[12:47:06 am] <-- pushcx (~pushcx@ has left ##apocalypse
[12:47:08 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█░█░█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█─▄▄ ░█▄▄█
[12:47:11 am] <@Tat> 4. In which opera does leporello entertain a vengeful jilted lover?
[12:47:11 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█──░█ ░█─── ░█▄▄█ ░█─░█ #Make Freenode Great Again!
[12:47:13 am] <@torvalds>
[12:47:13 am] <@rbraun> or 50-something
[12:47:14 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> freenode is reborn!
[12:47:15 am] * CompuServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "i don't watch hafu or know what it is"
[12:47:15 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "i don't watch hafu or know what it is"
[12:47:17 am] <@Jigsy> Cats
[12:47:17 am] <@phy1729> rbraun: 504
[12:47:17 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█▀▄▀█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ─█▀▀█
[12:47:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> othello
[12:47:20 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█░█░█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█─▄▄ ░█▄▄█
[12:47:20 am] <@rbraun> phy1729: yeah
[12:47:21 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, d__
[12:47:21 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "how do u explain tim allen"
[12:47:23 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█──░█ ░█─── ░█▄▄█ ░█─░█ #Make Freenode Great Again!
[12:47:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> die
[12:47:24 am] <@Jigsy> Dogs
[12:47:25 am] <@FuckRasengan> wtf is hafu
[12:47:25 am] <@torvalds> dic
[12:47:26 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> freenode is reborn!
[12:47:27 am] <@DickServ> dicks
[12:47:27 am] <@IronDeHavilland> dad
[12:47:28 am] <@ebb> DickServ:
[12:47:28 am] <@lighterowl> don
[12:47:28 am] <@Tat> Winner: lighterowl Answer: don Time: 16.755 Streak: 2 Points: 7 WPM: 2 Rank: 4th
[12:47:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-3 agrecascino-1
[12:47:29 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█▀▄▀█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ─█▀▀█
[12:47:30 am] <@alezakos> 19:00 < gerous551> hello i want some toast please
[12:47:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +q moncho!*@* by alis
[12:47:30 am] * Noisytoot has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "LONG LIVE CAPONE.FREENODE.NET"
[12:47:31 am] * CompuServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "tim allen is buzz lightyear"
[12:47:32 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█░█░█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█─▄▄ ░█▄▄█
[12:47:32 am] <@Y> Tat: is it on github somewhere?
[12:47:34 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█──░█ ░█─── ░█▄▄█ ░█─░█ #Make Freenode Great Again!
[12:47:36 am] <@Guest0> evereyone remember to salute rasengan ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐
[12:47:36 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o ebb by DickServ
[12:47:37 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> freenode is reborn!
[12:47:39 am] <@Tat> 5. In 1961 UK grants ---------- independence.
[12:47:40 am] <@moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█▀▄▀█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ─█▀▀█
[12:47:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o moncho by Noisytoot
[12:47:40 am] <@FuckRasengan> MOMMY!
[12:47:41 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> "lucille ball was on tv not movies come no" <- found the fetus
[12:47:42 am] <@jane_doe> united states
[12:47:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> canada
[12:47:43 am] <@torvalds> america
[12:47:43 am] <@lighterowl> Mauritius
[12:47:43 am] <moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█░█░█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█─▄▄ ░█▄▄█
[12:47:43 am] <@alezakos> India
[12:47:45 am] <@berndj> botswana
[12:47:46 am] <moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█──░█ ░█─── ░█▄▄█ ░█─░█ #Make Freenode Great Again!
[12:47:48 am] <@torvalds> united states of america
[12:47:48 am] <@alezakos> Cyprus
[12:47:49 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, sier___ _____
[12:47:49 am] <moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> freenode is reborn!
[12:47:50 am] --> niak (~asm@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:47:51 am] <moncho> 19:00 < gerous551> ░█▀▄▀█ ░█▀▀▀ ░█▀▀█ ─█▀▀█
[12:47:52 am] <@ebb> sierra leone
[12:47:52 am] <@alezakos> sierra leone
[12:47:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sierra leone
[12:47:52 am] <@lighterowl> Sierra Leone
[12:47:53 am] <-* jane_doe has kicked moncho from ##apocalypse (moncho)
[12:47:53 am] <@Tat> Winner: ebb Answer: sierra leone Time: 13.244 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 10 Rank: 8th Previously: 15th
[12:47:53 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-3 agrecascino-1 ebb-1
[12:47:53 am] <@Tat> ebb has moved up in rank: 8th
[12:47:53 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o niak by Jigsy
[12:47:54 am] <@Global> siera leone
[12:47:55 am] <@niak> IT'S BURNING
[12:47:55 am] <@torvalds> sierra entertainment
[12:47:56 am] <@Tat> Y the bot? It's Tat's Trivia Bot in MircScript or whatever.
[12:48:03 am] <@Tat> !web
[12:48:03 am] <@Tat> 6. In 1947 Dan---------- , U.S. Vice-president (1989-1992), alleged twit, born.
[12:48:07 am] --> moncho (~gaucho@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:48:08 am] <@n1ckserv> quayle
[12:48:09 am] <@Tat> Winner: n1ckserv Answer: quayle Time: 4.883 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 14 Rank: 8th Previously: 16th
[12:48:09 am] <moncho> lol
[12:48:09 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-3 agrecascino-1 ebb-1 n1ckserv-1
[12:48:09 am] <@Tat> n1ckserv has moved up in rank: 8th
[12:48:09 am] <@berndj> quayle
[12:48:09 am] <@Selicre> honestly I just want this to go down so I can go sleep
[12:48:10 am] <@torvalds> daniel ingalls
[12:48:12 am] <@n1ckserv> finally
[12:48:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o moncho by Jigsy
[12:48:13 am] <@ebb> danald tramp
[12:48:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o moncho by jane_doe
[12:48:18 am] <@moncho> kjjjj
[12:48:19 am] <@Tat> 7. Who hated mozart with a deadly passion?
[12:48:20 am] * nisa has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "LONG LIVE CAPSTONE - OUR LAST HOPE IN FREENODE"
[12:48:22 am] <@DickServ> Selicre: Odds are it will remain up for quite a while.
[12:48:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> salieri
[12:48:23 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: salieri Time: 3.292 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 25 Rank: 5th
[12:48:23 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-3 agrecascino-1 ebb-1 n1ckserv-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:48:23 am] <@jane_doe> bach
[12:48:23 am] <@Jigsy> Amadeus
[12:48:24 am] <@moncho> bach
[12:48:24 am] <@torvalds> my dad
[12:48:24 am] <@BluRaf> Selicre: same, 00:48 here :<
[12:48:25 am] <@n1ckserv> amadeus
[12:48:26 am] <@berndj> salieri
[12:48:26 am] <@n1ckserv> lol
[12:48:27 am] <@vibe> DAN SCHNEIDER
[12:48:29 am] <@n1ckserv> salierio
[12:48:29 am] <@jane_doe> lol
[12:48:32 am] <@moncho> .bene
[12:48:33 am] <@Tat> 8. Which country produces Dao wine?
[12:48:36 am] <@ebb> japan
[12:48:36 am] <@jane_doe> france
[12:48:36 am] <@torvalds> france
[12:48:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> china
[12:48:37 am] <@moncho> china
[12:48:37 am] <@BluRaf> nisa: CAPONE NOT CAPSTONE
[12:48:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> japan
[12:48:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> vietnam
[12:48:39 am] <@alis> korea
[12:48:40 am] <@torvalds> italy
[12:48:40 am] <@moncho> vietnam
[12:48:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cambodia
[12:48:41 am] <@Y> itally
[12:48:41 am] * FuckRasengan has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "It's CAPONE"
[12:48:42 am] <@LambdaComplex> DAN "HOLD HER TIGHTER, SHE'S A FIGHTER" SCHNEIDER?
[12:48:42 am] <-> niak is now known as freenode
[12:48:42 am] <@jane_doe> united states
[12:48:42 am] <@Global> korea
[12:48:42 am] <@berndj> etheria
[12:48:42 am] <@mooo> china
[12:48:43 am] <@alezakos> Greece
[12:48:43 am] <@rbraun> south kora
[12:48:43 am] <@Selicre> yeah I might not witness the last message
[12:48:43 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, por_____
[12:48:44 am] <@A> spain
[12:48:44 am] <@Jigsy> Australia
[12:48:44 am] <@jane_doe> united kingdom
[12:48:45 am] <@mooo> korea
[12:48:45 am] <@jane_doe> portugal
[12:48:46 am] <@alezakos> portugal
[12:48:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> portugal
[12:48:46 am] <@Tat> Winner: jane_doe Answer: portugal Time: 12.246 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 7 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[12:48:46 am] <@mooo> portugal
[12:48:46 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-3 agrecascino-1 ebb-1 jane_doe-1 n1ckserv-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:48:46 am] <@Jigsy> Portgual
[12:48:46 am] <@Tat> jane_doe has moved up in rank: 6th
[12:48:46 am] <@moncho> thailand
[12:48:47 am] <@Global> oprtuggal
[12:48:47 am] <@torvalds> portland
[12:48:48 am] <@moncho> portugal
[12:48:48 am] * nisa has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "LONG LIVE CAPONE - OUR LAST HOPE IN FREENODE"
[12:48:50 am] <@A> portugal
[12:48:55 am] <@jane_doe> this sucks
[12:48:56 am] <@Tat> 9. Jefferson what can be tulip, balloon or flute?
[12:48:57 am] <@itisnigh> <jessicara@freenode_new> any classic servers still up?
[12:49:00 am] <@rbraun> cup
[12:49:01 am] <@Jigsy> Airplaine
[12:49:02 am] <@alis> yeah, capone
[12:49:02 am] <@lighterowl> airplane
[12:49:02 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "CAPONE IS THE LAST FREE NODE"
[12:49:03 am] <@n1ckserv> flower.
[12:49:03 am] <@mooo> that's the only question I'll ever know :P
[12:49:03 am] <@jane_doe> not for long
[12:49:03 am] <@Jigsy> Airplane
[12:49:04 am] <@Global> this one
[12:49:05 am] <@Jigsy> Spaceship
[12:49:06 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, wine_ _______
[12:49:08 am] <@Y> flute
[12:49:08 am] <@Noisytoot> jessicara:
[12:49:12 am] <@ebb> wine grape
[12:49:12 am] <@jane_doe>
[12:49:13 am] <@Tat> This is the only classic server left.
[12:49:16 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> cup
[12:49:19 am] <@freenode>
[12:49:19 am] <@alezakos> wine bottle
[12:49:19 am] <@Serv-Chan> winey lee
[12:49:20 am] <@Jigsy> Wine Glasses
[12:49:20 am] <@jane_doe> we're the only ones left
[12:49:20 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: wine glasses Time: 23.322 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 6 Rank: 8th
[12:49:20 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-3 agrecascino-1 ebb-1 Jigsy-1 jane_doe-1 n1ckserv-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:49:20 am] * DickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "DAWN OF THE LAST DAY -- 1 SERVER[S] REMAIN"
[12:49:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[12:49:24 am] <@Cupid> long live capone
[12:49:27 am] <@IronDeHavilland> _ stands for nothing
[12:49:27 am] <@freenode> isnt this the server with the ssl problem
[12:49:27 am] <@emily> what's the ownership/location/... of this server
[12:49:31 am] <@Tat> 10. Name The Year: New socialist constitution of East Germany takes effect.
[12:49:33 am] <@aeth> can we do werewolf in here
[12:49:34 am] <@itisnigh> <Noisytoot@freenode_new> jessicara,
[12:49:35 am] <@Jigsy> 1945
[12:49:35 am] <@uman> emily: Capone
[12:49:36 am] <@alezakos> 1945
[12:49:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1989
[12:49:36 am] <@berndj> 1947
[12:49:36 am] <@lighterowl> 1948
[12:49:37 am] <@emily> who is our hero
[12:49:37 am] <@torvalds> 1946
[12:49:37 am] <@Global> 1989
[12:49:37 am] <@alezakos> 1946
[12:49:37 am] * moncho has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "FREENODE IS DEAD LONG LIVE FREENODE"
[12:49:38 am] <@phy1729> 1943
[12:49:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1946
[12:49:39 am] <@alis> you may need to connect over 6667 instead of 6697
[12:49:39 am] <@alezakos> 1947
[12:49:40 am] <@Global> 1990
[12:49:40 am] <@phy1729> 1942
[12:49:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1947
[12:49:40 am] <@emily> uman: lol
[12:49:41 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[12:49:41 am] <@DickServ> aeth: kinda sus
[12:49:41 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by flippo to frivol on libera
[12:49:41 am] --> minibill ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:49:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1948
[12:49:41 am] <@alezakos> 1948
[12:49:42 am] <@FuckRasengan> 1950
[12:49:42 am] <@phy1729> 1941
[12:49:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1949
[12:49:43 am] <@Voldenet> 1950
[12:49:43 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1950
[12:49:43 am] <@Global> 1991
[12:49:44 am] <@alezakos> 1950
[12:49:44 am] <@phy1729> 1940
[12:49:44 am] <@jane_doe> 1969
[12:49:44 am] <@torvalds> 1944
[12:49:45 am] <@aeth> can we do werewolf in here while the trivia bot is still going on
[12:49:45 am] <@ebb> nice hint
[12:49:45 am] <@lighterowl> 1956
[12:49:45 am] <@Tat> !last
[12:49:45 am] <@FuckRasengan> 1951
[12:49:45 am] <@alezakos> 1955
[12:49:46 am] <@Global> 1992
[12:49:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1951
[12:49:46 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o minibill by Jigsy
[12:49:46 am] <@Voldenet> 1952
[12:49:46 am] <@jane_doe> 1970
[12:49:47 am] <@alezakos> 1957
[12:49:47 am] <@jane_doe> 1971
[12:49:47 am] <@mooo> 1917
[12:49:47 am] <@Global> 1993
[12:49:48 am] <@torvalds> 1949
[12:49:48 am] <@FuckRasengan> 1952
[12:49:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1952
[12:49:49 am] <@alezakos> 1961
[12:49:49 am] <@ebb> 1954
[12:49:49 am] <@Tat> 1948
[12:49:50 am] <@phy1729> 1929
[12:49:51 am] <@torvalds> 1950
[12:49:51 am] <@Global> 1994
[12:49:51 am] <@FuckRasengan> 1953
[12:49:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1953
[12:49:51 am] <@mooo> 1847
[12:49:51 am] <@vibe> 1969
[12:49:52 am] <@phy1729> 1923
[12:49:52 am] <@LjL> oh lawd
[12:49:52 am] <@alezakos> 1965
[12:49:53 am] <@Tat> 1958
[12:49:53 am] <@Global> 1995
[12:49:53 am] <@FuckRasengan> 1954
[12:49:53 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> Mr. Academy
[12:49:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1954
[12:49:54 am] <@Global> 1996
[12:49:55 am] <@alezakos> 1943
[12:49:55 am] <@torvalds> 1960
[12:49:55 am] <@vibe> 1972
[12:49:56 am] <@mooo> what is the question?
[12:49:56 am] <@FuckRasengan> 1955
[12:49:56 am] <@Tat> 1968
[12:49:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1955
[12:49:56 am] <@Tat> Winner: Tat Answer: 1968 Time: 24.524 Streak: 1 Points: 95 WPM: 1 Rank: 1st
[12:49:56 am] <@Global> 1997
[12:49:56 am] <@Selicre> 1984
[12:49:56 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-3 agrecascino-1 Tat-1 ebb-1 Jigsy-1 jane_doe-1 n1ckserv-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:49:56 am] <@phy1729> 1936
[12:49:57 am] <@SirM0nkalot_> 1948
[12:49:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1956
[12:49:59 am] <@Serv-Chan> 19AD
[12:50:00 am] <@uman> 1999
[12:50:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1944
[12:50:02 am] <@LjL> mooo: who knows ;(
[12:50:03 am] <@mooo> lol
[12:50:03 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1943
[12:50:04 am] <@itisnigh> <jessicara@freenode_new> Noisytoot: thanks
[12:50:05 am] <@Tat> Woot! I got one
[12:50:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1942
[12:50:06 am] <@Tat> 11. Creek what position has been held by 266 men, 33 of whom have died violently?
[12:50:06 am] <@itisnigh> <Noisytoot@freenode_new> the bridge is behind by a lot
[12:50:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1957
[12:50:09 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> Sir Joe Mama
[12:50:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1958
[12:50:11 am] <@Y> 69
[12:50:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1959
[12:50:14 am] <@agrecascino> what's the ip to this server again
[12:50:16 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, po__
[12:50:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1960
[12:50:16 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "i am horny for girls rn"
[12:50:17 am] <@Jigsy> Pope
[12:50:18 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: pope Time: 11.045 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 4 Rank: 6th Previously: 8th
[12:50:18 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-3 Jigsy-2 agrecascino-1 Tat-1 ebb-1 jane_doe-1 n1ckserv-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:50:18 am] <@Tat> Jigsy has moved up in rank: 6th
[12:50:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> president
[12:50:20 am] <@torvalds> pornstar
[12:50:20 am] <@itisnigh> <jessicara@freenode_new> is the one i didn't try of course from list of ip addresses took earlier
[12:50:20 am] <@jane_doe>
[12:50:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> king
[12:50:23 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "i am gay and horny for girls rn"
[12:50:28 am] <@Tat> 12. Baby Names Beginning With "Y": Meaning: Son?
[12:50:28 am] * alezakos has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former]"
[12:50:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o vibe by DickServ
[12:50:30 am] <@phy1729> timestamp for the bridgers: 22:50:30
[12:50:32 am] --> nrr (~nrr@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:50:33 am] * jane_doe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | stop changing the topic"
[12:50:35 am] <@Jigsy> Ymir
[12:50:35 am] <@theemacsshibe> hi im girls
[12:50:35 am] <@alezakos> yahtzi
[12:50:37 am] <@Noisytoot>
[12:50:38 am] * jane_doe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | stop changing the topic please"
[12:50:38 am] <@Selicre> yikes
[12:50:38 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ya__
[12:50:38 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o nrr by Global
[12:50:38 am] <@moncho> aaaaaaaa
[12:50:39 am] * n1ckserv has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "no"
[12:50:41 am] <@mooo> yarn
[12:50:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yani
[12:50:41 am] <@Tat> Only 44 men have been president. Though a large proportion died violently.
[12:50:42 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "no"
[12:50:42 am] <@Voldenet> yael
[12:50:43 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yama
[12:50:43 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by frivol to flippo on libera
[12:50:44 am] <@mooo> yano
[12:50:45 am] <@uman> yaml
[12:50:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yana
[12:50:46 am] * jane_doe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | stop changing the topic please"
[12:50:46 am] * phy1729 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "This network has been reopened with respect to the communities and new users. The shutdown is in violation of freenode policy."
[12:50:46 am] <@nrr> oic
[12:50:48 am] * jane_doe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | stop changing the topic please"
[12:50:48 am] <@Guest0> Yacob
[12:50:49 am] <@Global> yay
[12:50:50 am] <@LjL> jessicara:
[12:50:54 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "cock"
[12:50:54 am] <@theemacsshibe> vibe: hi i am girls
[12:50:55 am] <@mooo> yall
[12:50:56 am] <@Tat> 45 I guess rather
[12:51:00 am] <@jane_doe> can we at least keep the ip in there
[12:51:00 am] <@Jigsy> Only one oper again.
[12:51:00 am] <@mooo> yaya
[12:51:01 am] <@saturn> emily: "Nexeon Technologies, Inc." in Stafford, TX
[12:51:02 am] * Selicre has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "no"
[12:51:02 am] <@mooo> yayo
[12:51:04 am] <@uman> yant
[12:51:07 am] <@Voldenet> yaro
[12:51:07 am] * Irydacea has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "cats"
[12:51:08 am] <@uman> yaay
[12:51:08 am] <@Tat> Winner: Voldenet Answer: yaro Time: 39.391 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 1 Rank: 9th Previously: 17th
[12:51:08 am] <@Tat> Voldenet has moved up in rank: 9th
[12:51:08 am] <@phy1729> yano
[12:51:08 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-3 Jigsy-2 agrecascino-1 Tat-1 ebb-1 jane_doe-1 Voldenet-1 n1ckserv-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:51:08 am] <@mooo> yack
[12:51:09 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:51:10 am] * alezakos has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | do not change the topic please"
[12:51:10 am] * CompuServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "when the amogus is uss"
[12:51:10 am] <@vibe> theemacsshibe: poggers
[12:51:11 am] * Noisytoot has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: ""
[12:51:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CrapBot by alis
[12:51:15 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "lets do werewolf and trivia at the same time we need more bots"
[12:51:17 am] * CompuServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "when the amogus is uss"
[12:51:18 am] <@Tat> 13. TV/ Movies: This Clark Gable/Claudette Colbert film kicked butt in 1934?
[12:51:20 am] <@torvalds> wanna write a letter to president clinton?
[12:51:20 am] * nisa has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | stop changing the topic please | LONG LIVE CAPONE - OUR LAST HOPE IN FREENODE"
[12:51:25 am] <@Tat> Jogsy is the only one able to stop lighterown.
[12:51:26 am] <@alezakos> citizen kane
[12:51:27 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | stop changing the topic please | LONG LIVE CAPONE - OUR LAST HOPE IN FREENODE"
[12:51:28 am] <@Dick_Nachos> CrapBot: how many cats does Jigsy have?
[12:51:29 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, it happ_____ ____ _____
[12:51:29 am] <@CrapBot> Dick_Nachos: at least 3 fucking cats or some shit
[12:51:30 am] <@Cupid> saturn: wait, texas? I got Chicago when I looked up the IP
[12:51:32 am] <@Y> PRAISE HELIX
[12:51:33 am] <@itisnigh> <gwillen_@libera> wow, the bot is real fuckin' behind
[12:51:38 am] <@alezakos> it happened in phoneix
[12:51:39 am] <@moncho> FROM YOUR BED
[12:51:39 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | stop changing the topic please | LONG LIVE CAPONE - OUR LAST FREE NODE"
[12:51:40 am] <@alezakos> it happened in arizona
[12:51:41 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "OCK104.237.198.130 [former] | stop changing the topic please | LONG LIVE CAPONE - OUR LAST FREE NODE"
[12:51:43 am] <@Guest0> evereyone remember to salute rasengan ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐
[12:51:44 am] <@Jigsy> It Happened In Vegas
[12:51:44 am] <@moncho> YOU WANTED A PARADISE
[12:51:45 am] <@Tat> it happened one novemeber
[12:51:46 am] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet> well
[12:51:47 am] <@moncho> OF INDIGO CHILDS
[12:51:47 am] * mooo has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "OCK104.237.198.130 [former] | keep changing the topic please | LONG LIVE CAPONE - OUR LAST FREE NODE"
[12:51:47 am] * Noisytoot has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | stop changing the topic please | LONG LIVE CAPONE - OUR LAST HOPE IN FREENODE"
[12:51:47 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "OCK104.237.198.130 [former] | keep changing the topic please | LONG LIVE CAPONE - OUR LAST FREE NODE"
[12:51:48 am] <@alezakos> it happens in washington
[12:51:48 am] <@alis> jane_doe: maybe if you ask chanserv nicely they'll set topic lock :-)
[12:51:49 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | keep changing the topic please | LONG LIVE CAPONE - OUR LAST FREE NODE"
[12:51:50 am] <@moncho> SOME FARM
[12:51:50 am] <-- Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:51:51 am] <-- itisnigh (~limnoria@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Armanelgtronchat (~hexchat@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- gerard (~gerard@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- LambdaComplex (~adam@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- imposter ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Serv-Chan ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- FuckRasengan ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Iris ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Noisytoot_ (~noisytoot@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- thelounge19 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Y (~rctgamer3@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- enyc ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Noisytoot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Global ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Seeder99 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- NickServ (speakz@freenode/staff/speakz) has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Guest42 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- CrapBot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- matthias ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- canton7 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- berndj ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- Irydacea ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- \|_- ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <-- emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:51:51 am] <@moncho> SOME FAME
[12:51:54 am] <@torvalds> whoa
[12:51:55 am] <@ebb> uh
[12:51:55 am] <@Selicre> OH NO
[12:51:56 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " [former] | keep changing the topic please | LONG LIVE COCK - OUR LAST FREE NODE"
[12:51:56 am] <@n1ckserv> oh no
[12:51:56 am] <@alis> oops
[12:51:57 am] <@nisa> NOOO
[12:51:57 am] --> matthias ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:51:57 am] --> enyc_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:51:57 am] -*- enyc_ continues to meow at
[12:51:57 am] <@mornfall> ouch
[12:51:57 am] <+gwillen> uh
[12:51:58 am] --> gerard (~gerard@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:51:58 am] --> \|_- ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:51:58 am] --> emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:51:58 am] <@jane_doe> uh oh
[12:51:58 am] <@OperServ> what the
[12:51:58 am] <@mooo> um?
[12:51:58 am] <@Tat> GOOD BYE!
[12:51:58 am] <@z> ??
[12:51:59 am] <@n1ckserv> o7
[12:51:59 am] <@DickServ> OH NO
[12:52:00 am] <@alezakos> HELLO WHAT IS HAPPEN
[12:52:00 am] <@moncho> IT'S USELESS TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY
[12:52:00 am] --> Noisytoot_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:01 am] <@agrecascino> uhhhh?????
[12:52:01 am] <@Voldenet> what is happening
[12:52:01 am] --> NickServ (speakz@freenode/staff/speakz) has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:01 am] <@lighterowl> it happened one night
[12:52:01 am] --> imposter ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:01 am] <@Tat> Winner: lighterowl Answer: it happened one night Time: 42.604 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 5 Rank: 4th
[12:52:02 am] <@Tat> It's Ending soon.
[12:52:02 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-4 Jigsy-2 agrecascino-1 Tat-1 ebb-1 jane_doe-1 Voldenet-1 n1ckserv-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:52:02 am] --> thelounge19 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:02 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o imposter by Jigsy
[12:52:02 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o emily by Jigsy
[12:52:02 am] <@aeth> it's happening
[12:52:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o matthias by Jigsy
[12:52:04 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o gerard by Jigsy
[12:52:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o enyc_ by Jigsy
[12:52:05 am] <@z> Aaaa
[12:52:06 am] <@saturn> ???????????????????
[12:52:06 am] <@emily> ;w;
[12:52:07 am] --> Global ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:07 am] <Global> it happened one night
[12:52:07 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o NickServ by Jigsy
[12:52:07 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o \|_- by Jigsy
[12:52:08 am] <@freenode> lol
[12:52:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o thelounge19 by alis
[12:52:09 am] --> Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:10 am] <@moncho> AND FORGET
[12:52:10 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Noisytoot_ by Jigsy
[12:52:11 am] <@emily> i'm scared. somebody hold me
[12:52:11 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Global by alis
[12:52:11 am] <@moncho> SOOOOOOOORY
[12:52:12 am] <@Tat> 14. UnScramble this Word: a s e p r r p?
[12:52:12 am] --> canton7 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:12 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:12 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:12 am] --> Serv-Chan ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:13 am] <@Dick_Nachos> nickserv gone!
[12:52:13 am] --> Noisytoot__ (~noisytoot@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:13 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:14 am] <@moncho> BUT SOMEONE YELLED
[12:52:14 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest0 by Jigsy
[12:52:14 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o canton7 by alis
[12:52:15 am] <@aeth> mr freenode i don't feel so good
[12:52:16 am] <@moncho> SOMEONE CRIED
[12:52:16 am] <@enyc_> fun
[12:52:16 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by jane_doe
[12:52:17 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo Larkin KindOne by alis
[12:52:17 am] --> berndj ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:17 am] --> Guest42 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:17 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:18 am] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:19 am] <@n1ckserv> pears
[12:52:19 am] <@Global> presapr
[12:52:20 am] <@Tat> Lighterowl wins the trivia at the end of the internet.
[12:52:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo Arrowmaster berndj by alis
[12:52:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest42 by Jigsy
[12:52:22 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:22 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, rap____
[12:52:22 am] <@moncho> REALITY AND FICTION
[12:52:22 am] --> itisnigh (~limnoria@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Noisytoot__ by Jigsy
[12:52:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Serv-Chan by Jigsy
[12:52:24 am] <-- itisnigh (~limnoria@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:52:24 am] <-- matthias ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- enyc_ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- gerard (~gerard@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- \|_- ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- Noisytoot_ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- NickServ (speakz@freenode/staff/speakz) has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- imposter ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- thelounge19 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- Global ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- canton7 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- Serv-Chan ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- Noisytoot__ (~noisytoot@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- berndj ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- Guest42 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- CrapBot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:24 am] <@n1ckserv> rappers
[12:52:25 am] <@Tat> Winner: n1ckserv Answer: rappers Time: 12.542 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 6 Rank: 9th
[12:52:25 am] <@Tat> Current Round: lighterowl-4 Jigsy-2 n1ckserv-2 agrecascino-1 Tat-1 ebb-1 jane_doe-1 Voldenet-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[12:52:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rapers
[12:52:25 am] <@torvalds> rappers
[12:52:27 am] <+gwillen> wait, what machine was that if not capone
[12:52:27 am] <@moncho> IT'S AND ABSURD DESIGN OF THOUGHTS
[12:52:30 am] <@moncho> TOXIC CLOUDS
[12:52:30 am] <@Jigsy> What on Earth is going on?
[12:52:31 am] --> emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:31 am] <@Selicre> shit shit shit
[12:52:31 am] <@ebb> !strivia
[12:52:32 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[12:52:32 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Tat of 0.843. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[12:52:32 am] <@freenode> broken pip ya'll
[12:52:33 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o emily by alis
[12:52:34 am] --> NickServ (speakz@freenode/staff/speakz) has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:34 am] <@moncho> AND DIRECTION
[12:52:35 am] <@mooo> hey, it's a question about andrew lee
[12:52:35 am] --> thelounge19 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:35 am] --> Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:35 am] --> imposter ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:36 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o imposter by Jigsy
[12:52:37 am] <+gwillen> how can a single server netsplit
[12:52:37 am] <@Jigsy> [23:52:33] There are 0 users and 91 invisible on 1 servers
[12:52:37 am] <@Selicre> THE PIPES ARE BREAKING
[12:52:38 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:38 am] <Guest0> rasengan back on the good stuff
[12:52:39 am] <@emily> h;ejlp
[12:52:39 am] <@alezakos> BROKEN PIP
[12:52:39 am] <@moncho> NOBODY WILL PERTURB YOUR DREAMS
[12:52:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o thelounge19 by Jigsy
[12:52:40 am] <@z> I WANT TO LIVE
[12:52:40 am] --> enyc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:41 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o NickServ by Jigsy
[12:52:42 am] <@OperServ> Call the plumber, quick!
[12:52:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest0 by Jigsy
[12:52:43 am] --> itisnigh (~limnoria@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:44 am] <@moncho> EVERYTHING'S JUST AND STUDIED
[12:52:44 am] --> Guest42 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:44 am] --> canton7 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o enyc by Jigsy
[12:52:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by jane_doe
[12:52:45 am] <@alezakos> maybe is RAINING and pipes are pbokrne
[12:52:45 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Cupid by Jigsy
[12:52:45 am] <@lighterowl> goodbye everyone
[12:52:46 am] <@moncho> SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORY
[12:52:47 am] <@Tat> Goodbye all... the pipes are bursing.
[12:52:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by rbraun
[12:52:48 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:48 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o itisnigh by DickServ
[12:52:48 am] <@Dick_Nachos> CrapBot: how many cats does NickServ have
[12:52:49 am] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:49 am] --> Noisytoot__ (~noisytoot@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:49 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:49 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:49 am] --> LambdaComplex (~adam@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:49 am] --> Serv-Chan ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:49 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o canton7 by Jigsy
[12:52:50 am] --> berndj ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:50 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:50 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o LambdaComplex by Jigsy
[12:52:51 am] <@n1ckserv> i don't feel so good...
[12:52:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KindOne by Jigsy
[12:52:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest42 by Jigsy
[12:52:51 am] <@moncho> BUT SOMEONE YELLED
[12:52:53 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Irydesktop by Jigsy
[12:52:54 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:52:54 am] <@moncho> SOMEONE CRIED
[12:52:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Serv-Chan by Jigsy
[12:52:55 am] <@Tat> The doom is incoming.
[12:52:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Larkin by Jigsy
[12:52:56 am] <-- gwillen ( has left ##apocalypse
[12:52:56 am] <-- LambdaComplex (~adam@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:52:57 am] <-- emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- NickServ (speakz@freenode/staff/speakz) has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- thelounge19 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- enyc ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- itisnigh (~limnoria@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- Guest42 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- canton7 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- Noisytoot__ (~noisytoot@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- CrapBot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- berndj ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- imposter ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- Serv-Chan ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:57 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:52:58 am] <@Selicre> I don't know WHAT the fuck is going on
[12:52:58 am] <@moncho> REALITY OR FICTION
[12:53:01 am] <-> freenode is now known as NickServ
[12:53:01 am] <@jane_doe> lmao
[12:53:02 am] <@PissServ> o7
[12:53:02 am] <@alezakos> !hug broken pipes
[12:53:02 am] <@shikadibot> alezakos: broken is not here. :(
[12:53:02 am] <@girst_> 4██████████████
[12:53:03 am] <@girst_> 7██████████████
[12:53:03 am] <@girst_> 8██████████████
[12:53:03 am] <@girst_> 9██████████████
[12:53:03 am] <@girst_> 12██████████████
[12:53:04 am] --> emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:05 am] <@girst_> 13██████████████
[12:53:06 am] <emily> dude
[12:53:07 am] --> gwillen ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:07 am] <@jane_doe> all the ops are on the side of the broken pipe
[12:53:07 am] <@DickServ> Hold me ##apocalypse
[12:53:08 am] --> imposter ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:08 am] <@Tat> It's the end of the world!!!!
[12:53:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o emily by Jigsy
[12:53:09 am] --> Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o imposter by Jigsy
[12:53:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o gwillen by alis
[12:53:10 am] * torvalds has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "LIME AND LIMPID GREEN A SECOND SCENE A FIGHT BETWEEN THE BLUE YOU ONCE KNEW"
[12:53:10 am] --> thelounge19 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:11 am] <@emily> how can he be so bad at killing the server
[12:53:11 am] <Guest0> everyone remember to salute rasengan ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐
[12:53:11 am] <@aeth> so the internet is made out of pipes after all
[12:53:12 am] <@vibe> lay pipe
[12:53:12 am] <@moncho> YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO DO YOUR DIGESTION
[12:53:12 am] --> Speakzzzz (speakz@freenode/staff/speakz) has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:13 am] <@nisa> Daaaaamn
[12:53:13 am] --> Guest42 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:13 am] --> canton7 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o thelounge19 by alis
[12:53:14 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest0 by Jigsy
[12:53:17 am] <@emily> how hard can it possibly be
[12:53:17 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:17 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo Guest42 canton7 by alis
[12:53:18 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:18 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo canton7 Guest0 by Tat
[12:53:18 am] <@minibill> live and let dieeeeeeeeeee
[12:53:19 am] <@moncho> WITHOUT SURPRISES
[12:53:19 am] * alezakos has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " CAPONE"
[12:53:19 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by rbraun
[12:53:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Larkin by Jigsy
[12:53:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Speakzzzz by Jigsy
[12:53:21 am] <@jane_doe>
[12:53:22 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:22 am] --> Soltis ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:23 am] --> enyc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:23 am] <enyc> lol so muh crashing
[12:53:23 am] --> berndj ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:23 am] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:23 am] --> Noisytoot__ (~noisytoot@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:23 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:23 am] --> Serv-Chan ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:23 am] <-- enyc ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:53:24 am] <-- emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- imposter ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- thelounge19 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- Speakzzzz (speakz@freenode/staff/speakz) has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- Guest42 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- canton7 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- berndj ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- Noisytoot__ (~noisytoot@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- CrapBot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:24 am] <-- Serv-Chan ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[12:53:27 am] * SirM0nkalot_ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Goodbye and thanks for all the fish!"
[12:53:27 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Soltis by Jigsy
[12:53:27 am] <@saturn> oh no not my pipe!!
[12:53:30 am] <@jane_doe> i think we should stop +oing them
[12:53:30 am] --> emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:30 am] <@aeth> oh god no
[12:53:30 am] * torvalds has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "FLOATING DOWN THE SOUND RESOUNDS AROUND THE ICY WATERS UNDERGROUND"
[12:53:31 am] <@z> DON'T BREAK THE PIPE
[12:53:32 am] <@Voldenet> that is absolutely amazing
[12:53:33 am] <@nrr> lol
[12:53:34 am] --> thelounge19 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:34 am] <@gwillen> what is even happening
[12:53:35 am] --> Speakzzzz (speakz@freenode/staff/speakz) has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:35 am] * n1ckserv has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "This place is not a place of honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here."
[12:53:35 am] <@Tat> Make sure you have the IP ADDRESSS.
[12:53:36 am] --> imposter ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:36 am] --> enyc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:37 am] --> Noisytoot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o imposter by Jigsy
[12:53:38 am] --> Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:38 am] --> FuckRasengan ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:38 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o emily by DickServ
[12:53:38 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "cock methe"
[12:53:38 am] <@moncho> FROM YOUR BED
[12:53:39 am] <@ebb> are they trying to kill sockets or smth
[12:53:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Speakzzzz by Jigsy
[12:53:40 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "ITS HAPPENING . GIF"
[12:53:40 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:40 am] <@lighterowl> looks like these are the same users all the time, no?
[12:53:41 am] --> itisnigh (~limnoria@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:41 am] <enyc> lol so muh crashing
[12:53:42 am] <@cjd> minibill: hey hey
[12:53:42 am] --> Irydacea ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest0 by Jigsy
[12:53:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Noisytoot by Jigsy
[12:53:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o thelounge19 by Jigsy
[12:53:42 am] * torvalds has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "JUPITER AND SATURN OBERON MIRANDA AND TINANIAAAAAAAAAA"
[12:53:42 am] <@BluRaf> 6-7 minutes of delay on other nertowks
[12:53:43 am] --> canton7 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o itisnigh by DickServ
[12:53:45 am] <@BluRaf> *networks
[12:53:46 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o canton7 by PissServ
[12:53:46 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o enyc by Jigsy
[12:53:46 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KindOne by DickServ
[12:53:47 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "de"
[12:53:48 am] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:48 am] --> berndj ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:48 am] --> Guest42 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:48 am] --> Noisytoot__ (~noisytoot@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:48 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:48 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:48 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:48 am] --> Serv-Chan ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:48 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o FuckRasengan by Jigsy
[12:53:49 am] <@itisnigh> <entropygain@freenode_new> HODL line
[12:53:49 am] <@mooo> yeah it's always the same users
[12:53:49 am] <@Selicre> this is it lads, the final moments
[12:53:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Larkin by DickServ
[12:53:52 am] <@z> THEY CAN'T KILL CAPONE
[12:53:53 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:53:53 am] <@FuckRasengan> what happened
[12:53:54 am] <@moncho> AND FORGET
[12:53:55 am] <@moncho> SOOOOOOOOOOOORY
[12:53:56 am] <@torvalds> NEPTUNE TITAN STARS CAN FRIGHTEN
[12:53:57 am] <@Noisytoot> bye charybdis/ircd-seven!
[12:53:57 am] <@mooo> are they connecting from ipv4, from ipv6, from ssl? I wonder what it is
[12:53:58 am] <@Tat> HODOR!
[12:53:58 am] <@itisnigh> <Irydacea@libera> there might be an issue with TLS in particular
[12:53:58 am] <@moncho> BUT SOMEONE YELLED
[12:53:59 am] <@Guest0> Farewell Freenode
[12:53:59 am] <@z> CAPONE IS ETERNAL
[12:54:00 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "mily Guy is de"
[12:54:00 am] <@OperServ> That's fascinating. I've never seen the same portion of users keep getting disconnected from a single server
[12:54:00 am] <@torvalds> doooo dooooooo dooooo doooo
[12:54:01 am] <@moncho> SOMEONE CRIED
[12:54:01 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:54:01 am] <@torvalds> doooo dooooooo dooooo doooo
[12:54:03 am] <Serv-Chan> wat
[12:54:04 am] * SirM0nkalot_ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "HODL DOGE!!"
[12:54:04 am] <@DickServ> FIRST IN
[12:54:04 am] <@z> IT CANNOT BE STOPPED
[12:54:05 am] * Selicre has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "peep my soundcloud"
[12:54:05 am] <@Dick_Nachos> CrapBot: how many cats does torvalds have
[12:54:05 am] <CrapBot> Dick_Nachos: at least 10 fucking cats or some shit
[12:54:05 am] <@DickServ> LAST OUT
[12:54:06 am] --> chi ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:54:08 am] * vibe has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "mily Guy is de"
[12:54:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Irydesktop berndj Guest42 Noisytoot__ by alis
[12:54:09 am] <phy1729> What's my quit message?
[12:54:10 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Arrowmaster CrapBot Serv-Chan by alis
[12:54:10 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Cupid by DickServ
[12:54:11 am] --> Global ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:54:11 am] <@emily> mooo: fwiw i'm on irccloud
[12:54:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CrapBot by alezakos
[12:54:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by rbraun
[12:54:13 am] <@nisa> Wow wow wow...
[12:54:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o chi by DickServ
[12:54:14 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo NickServ Global by PissServ
[12:54:14 am] <@jane_doe> phy1729: broken pipe
[12:54:15 am] <@emily> mooo: dunno if that's related
[12:54:15 am] --> anonbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:54:16 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by rbraun
[12:54:19 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Irydacea by shikadibot
[12:54:19 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "b r o k e n p i p e"
[12:54:19 am] <@Global> rappers
[12:54:20 am] --> CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:54:21 am] <phy1729> weird
[12:54:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v NickServ by rbraun
[12:54:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo phy1729 NickServ anonbot CalimeroTeknik by chi
[12:54:25 am] <@shadowm> dead socket
[12:54:25 am] <@moncho> YOU WON'0T BE ABLE TOEMPTY YOUR MAGAIZNE
[12:54:26 am] <@gwillen> OperServ: maybe rasengan wasn't hallucinating after all when he was talking about changing routes
[12:54:26 am] <@mooo> emily: lol weird. It gives some info ..
[12:54:27 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CrapBot by Dick_Nachos
[12:54:27 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by rbraun
[12:54:28 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by jane_doe
[12:54:28 am] <@moncho> WITHOUT SURPRISES
[12:54:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by jane_doe
[12:54:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by jane_doe
[12:54:31 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by jane_doe
[12:54:31 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by jane_doe
[12:54:31 am] <@moncho> WITHOUT SURPRISES
[12:54:32 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by jane_doe
[12:54:32 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o NickServ by jane_doe
[12:54:32 am] --> nrr_ (~nrr@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:54:34 am] * Tat has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " KEEP THE IP : b r o k e n p i p e"
[12:54:34 am] <-* vibe has kicked aeth from ##apocalypse (aeth)
[12:54:35 am] <@chi> finally
[12:54:36 am] <@moncho> WITHOUT SURPRISES
[12:54:39 am] --> aeth (~Michael@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:54:40 am] <@itisnigh> <LambdaComplex@libera> did i get klined or something
[12:54:40 am] <@moncho> WITHOUT SURPRISES
[12:54:40 am] <@FuckRasengan> mommy, I don't want it to end
[12:54:43 am] <@itisnigh> <wyatt8740@freenode_new> damn you dave give me ops
[12:54:44 am] <@itisnigh> <Jigsy@libera> Something weird is going on.
[12:54:44 am] <@moncho> WITHTOUT SURPRISES
[12:54:47 am] <@moncho> WITHOUT SURPRIRSES
[12:54:49 am] <-> chi is now known as jessicara
[12:54:50 am] <@Guest0> everyone remember to salute rasengan ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐
[12:54:51 am] <@moncho> WITHOUT SURPRURSISES
[12:54:52 am] <@itisnigh> <Arrowmaster@libera> no more opers
[12:54:52 am] <@CompuServ> lol
[12:54:54 am] <@OperServ> who gave him access to bgp, gwillen :p
[12:54:55 am] <@emily> what is the bot on libera bridging to?
[12:54:55 am] <@moncho> WITHOUT WSUODPUS
[12:54:55 am] <-* jane_doe has kicked moncho from ##apocalypse (moncho)
[12:54:56 am] <@emily> what channel I mean?
[12:54:59 am] <@AndroUser> how do i change my name
[12:55:00 am] <@Jigsy> [23:54:56] There are 0 users and 115 invisible on 1 servers
[12:55:02 am] <@Jigsy> No opers again.
[12:55:03 am] <-> jessicara is now known as jessicara`
[12:55:03 am] -*- lighterowl puts "No Surprises" by Radiohead for everyone to go down to.
[12:55:04 am] <@gwillen> emily: here, but it's super fucking lagged
[12:55:05 am] <@Voldenet> ##apocalypse on libera
[12:55:06 am] <@z> STILL 100 PEOPLE IN, KEEP IT ON
[12:55:07 am] <-> vibe is now known as weewee
[12:55:07 am] --> Iris ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:55:11 am] <-- NickServ (~asm@ has left ##apocalypse (requested by ChanServ (Your behaviour is not conductive for the desired environment.))
[12:55:12 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> LambdaComplex no the poor capone server is losing connections
[12:55:17 am] <@DickServ> The ride never ends lads
[12:55:18 am] <@nisa> 100 members in here
[12:55:20 am] <@Selicre> wait w
[12:55:21 am] --> moncho (~gaucho@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:55:21 am] <Iris> test
[12:55:22 am] <@Cupid> rip nickserv
[12:55:24 am] <@itisnigh> <Voldenet@libera> hello from the other side
[12:55:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> insulating behavior :(
[12:55:27 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Iris by Irydacea
[12:55:28 am] <@rbraun> ChanServ: hahahahahahahahahahaha that's a feature libera and nufreenode don't have
[12:55:28 am] <@OperServ> Lolol that part message
[12:55:29 am] <moncho>
[12:55:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o moncho by jane_doe
[12:55:31 am] <@itisnigh> <rctgamer3@libera> GUYS CAN WE PLEASE keep the spam to minimum, the bot's desyncing again
[12:55:31 am] <@alezakos> NickServ was banned because they were not conductive?
[12:55:33 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "MR BONES WILD RIDE"
[12:55:35 am] <@CompuServ> break on through to the other side
[12:55:35 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "MR BONES WILD RIDE"
[12:55:36 am] <@alezakos> next time make nickserv from copper
[12:55:38 am] <@rbraun> alezakos: nickserv is freenode staff
[12:55:39 am] <@itisnigh> <pwg@libera> is it dead yet?
[12:55:40 am] <@jane_doe> everyone slow the eff down
[12:55:44 am] <@ChanServ> rbraun: damn, i'm gonna miss it
[12:55:45 am] --> LambdaComplex (~adam@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:55:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> they must have insulated someone
[12:55:49 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> BluRef, Selicre: Just sleep lmao
[12:55:50 am] <@itisnigh> mode change by dave on freenode_new: +o wyatt8740
[12:55:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o LambdaComplex by Global
[12:55:52 am] --> Seeder99 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:55:52 am] <@itisnigh> <ebb@pissnet> there's a huuuuuuuuuge lag on messages in here
[12:55:54 am] <@jane_doe> nickserv's not on his o-line thought
[12:55:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Seeder99 by Global
[12:55:57 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Don't let FOMO keep you up
[12:55:57 am] <@Jigsy> There's no opers at the moment.
[12:55:59 am] <@Guest0> everyone remember to salute rasengan ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐
[12:55:59 am] <@itisnigh> <Selicre@libera> Umbire: no
[12:55:59 am] <@rbraun> _ __ _ _ ___ ________ _ ___ ___ _ ____ __
[12:55:59 am] <@rbraun> / |/ \| | | |_ )__ /__ / / _ ( _ ) / |__ // \
[12:55:59 am] <@rbraun> | | () |_ _| / / |_ \ / /| \_, / _ \_| ||_ \ () |
[12:55:59 am] <@rbraun> |_|\__/ |_(_)___|___//_(_)_|/_/\___(_)_|___/\__/
[12:55:59 am] <@rbraun>
[12:56:00 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo nrr_ aeth by alis
[12:56:01 am] <@FuckRasengan> Do not go gently into the good night
[12:56:01 am] <@nrr_> foss is forking. foss is building. foss is collaboration. foss is taking a lot of cocaine.
[12:56:06 am] <@itisnigh> <wyatt8740@freenode_new> excellent
[12:56:10 am] <@z> MFGA!
[12:56:10 am] <@itisnigh> <gwillen_@libera> LambdaComplex: Jigsy: yeah a bunch of people keep flapping their connections to capone
[12:56:12 am] <@mooo> funny that new freenode staff is trying to kill the fun
[12:56:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> MCGA!
[12:56:14 am] <@rbraun> _ __ _ _ ___ ________ _ ___ ___ _ ____ __
[12:56:15 am] <@rbraun> / |/ \| | | |_ )__ /__ | / / _ ( _ ) / |__ // \
[12:56:15 am] <@rbraun> | | () |_ _| _ / / |_ \ / / _ | \_, / _ \ _ | ||_ \ () |
[12:56:15 am] <@rbraun> |_|\__/ |_| (_) /___|___//_/ (_) |_|/_/\___/ (_) |_|___/\__/
[12:56:15 am] <@rbraun>
[12:56:15 am] <@BluRaf> fuck sleep
[12:56:19 am] <@z> MFGA!
[12:56:20 am] <@itisnigh> <gwillen_@libera> not sure if it's a routing issue, v4 vs v6, ???
[12:56:21 am] <@BluRaf> i'll shot some coffee in the morning
[12:56:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> VGA!
[12:56:22 am] <@n1ckserv> when's the freenode ico
[12:56:23 am] <@BluRaf> :D
[12:56:23 am] <@Selicre> HOLD YOUR GROUND
[12:56:28 am] <@lighterowl> hm
[12:56:28 am] <@Guest0> Make Rasengad Sober Again
[12:56:28 am] <@DickServ> nrr_: I am decentralizing your community. Pray I don't decentralize it further.
[12:56:28 am] <@itisnigh> <LambdaComplex@libera> gwillen_: i was able to connect and then got immediately disconnected a few times. weird
[12:56:29 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "al capone cooking da meatball"
[12:56:31 am] <-- uman ( has quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
[12:56:32 am] * alezakos has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: ""
[12:56:36 am] <@jane_doe> slow down for the bot pls
[12:56:37 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> ChanServ, how does this work? are you leveraging the fact that the nick gives you power, or are you actually ircop?
[12:56:42 am] <@Tat> Lol.
[12:56:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -n by emily
[12:56:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> Methycillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
[12:56:46 am] <@nrr_> DickServ: oh
[12:56:46 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "sex gifs"
[12:56:48 am] --> uman ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:56:50 am] <@Noisytoot> OperServ, it wasn't a part message, it was /remove
[12:56:52 am] <@ChanServ> CalimeroTeknik: hm?
[12:56:52 am] <@Jigsy> No opers are online.
[12:56:52 am] * alis has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##apocalypse : the finale of classic freenode | capone is"
[12:56:55 am] <@CompuServ> :((((((
[12:56:58 am] --> gerard (~gerard@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:56:58 am] --> matthias ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:56:59 am] --> \|_- ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:56:59 am] --> rctgamer3 (~rctgamer3@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:57:00 am] <@itisnigh> <gwillen_@libera> LambdaComplex: what sort of disconnect message did you get, just curious?
[12:57:00 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to ##apocalypse : the finale of classic freenode | capone is | sex gifs"
[12:57:00 am] * moncho has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "dynamo (1992) full album"
[12:57:02 am] <@ChanServ> CalimeroTeknik: /quote remove ##apocalypse nickname :reason
[12:57:07 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "dynamo (1992) full album | sex gifs"
[12:57:08 am] <@q3k> CalimeroTeknik: /quote remove ##apocalype foo :bar
[12:57:08 am] <@ChanServ> CalimeroTeknik: any channel op can do that
[12:57:12 am] <@OperServ> omg, the bridge bot is so far behind. It just got to the "wine glasses" question
[12:57:13 am] <@Tat> (CalimeroTeknik): Everything is fucked up... you can just become a service and get whatever if you need ot.
[12:57:13 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> ah okay
[12:57:14 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -C by emily
[12:57:17 am] <@moncho> THE SEQUENCE
[12:57:18 am] <@Jigsy> lol.
[12:57:18 am] <@moncho> INITIAL
[12:57:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[12:57:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +C by alis
[12:57:22 am] <@z> MFGA!
[12:57:22 am] <@itisnigh> <LambdaComplex@libera> gwillen_: just "disconnected from server"
[12:57:23 am] <@itisnigh> <apocalypse-soon@freenode_new> what is this a relay from
[12:57:24 am] --> q ( has joined ##apocalypse
[12:57:24 am] <@moncho> ALL
[12:57:26 am] <@girst_> 4
[12:57:26 am] <@girst_> 7
[12:57:26 am] <@girst_> 8
[12:57:26 am] <@girst_> 9
[12:57:26 am] <@girst_> 3
[12:57:27 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o q by alis
[12:57:27 am] <@Selicre> haha the channel modes say "guzzle"
[12:57:28 am] <@itisnigh> <gwillen_@libera> huh
[12:57:28 am] <@girst_> 4
[12:57:29 am] <@moncho> NOT ONE OF TWO HAS ADVERTISED IT
[12:57:30 am] <@emily> aw, i wanted to see the fancy ctcps i got
[12:57:32 am] <rctgamer3> hiya girst
[12:57:32 am] <@moncho> I LOOK BEHIND
[12:57:36 am] <@moncho> AND SEE THE REASON
[12:57:38 am] <@FuckRasengan> IRC needs a slow-mode
[12:57:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o rctgamer3 by alezakos
[12:57:40 am] <@moncho> YOU NEVER WERE A SONG
[12:57:40 am] * uman has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "lol"
[12:57:41 am] <@OperServ> Oh wow, I haven't actually op'd on IRC in a long time. /remove is new to me
[12:57:42 am] * Tat has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "dynamo (1992) full album | sex gifs | !list for servers"
[12:57:46 am] * moncho has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "I HEAR YOU ENTER"
[12:57:49 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> lmao the bot is so behind
[12:57:49 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "I HEAR YOU ENTER | sex gifs"
[12:57:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> DON'T LOOK AT THE MOON
[12:57:54 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> Tat, certainly giving everyone op was not a move bound to make the channel quiet
[12:57:57 am] <@agrecascino> who made the funno shoegaze joke
[12:57:58 am] <@mornfall> everyone just went batshit
[12:57:58 am] * phy1729 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "This network has been reopened with respect to the communities and new users. The shutdown is in violation of freenode policy."
[12:58:00 am] <@berndj> itisnigh, i just got a sudden remote host closed socket
[12:58:00 am] <@itisnigh> berndj: Error: "i" is not a valid command.
[12:58:02 am] <@DickServ> bridge bot seems to be behind almost 8 minutes.
[12:58:03 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "This network has been reopened with respect to the communities and new users. The shutdown is in violation of freenode policy. | sex gifs"
[12:58:08 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by aeth_ to aeth on libera
[12:58:11 am] <@moncho> I LOOK FOR A NEUTRAL PLACE
[12:58:12 am] --> tyler (~tyler@ has joined ##apocalypse
[12:58:12 am] <@Tat> It the end of the world... it's probably fine.
[12:58:16 am] <@Irydacea> OperServ: /remove is a freenodism that doesn't exist on libera or the new "freenode"
[12:58:17 am] <@itisnigh> <igloo@pissnet> hmmm
[12:58:18 am] <@lighterowl> agrecascino: which one?
[12:58:20 am] * Guest0 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES"
[12:58:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo \|_- gerard matthias by Tat
[12:58:22 am] <@aeth> this is fine
[12:58:23 am] <@berndj> gwillen *, i just got a sudden remote host closed socket
[12:58:23 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES | sex gifs"
[12:58:24 am] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> oh man
[12:58:26 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> what channel is freenode_old_a?
[12:58:29 am] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> the relay is SO far behind
[12:58:29 am] <@z> MFGA
[12:58:32 am] <@itisnigh> <Jigsy@libera> Same as this.
[12:58:32 am] * mooo has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "THE BEATINGS WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES | sex jifs"
[12:58:34 am] * lighterowl has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "glory to arstotzka"
[12:58:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> MCGA
[12:58:36 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "glory to arstotzka | sex gifs"
[12:58:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo tyler uman by rbraun
[12:58:37 am] <@tyler> I hear this is the party for the end of the world
[12:58:37 am] * OperServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:"
[12:58:39 am] -*- Tat thinks This is fine..
[12:58:41 am] <@itisnigh> <Dick_Nachos@libera> it's way behind. May as well just join freenode_old_a if you want to get the live view.
[12:58:43 am] <@moncho> SPRING ZERO
[12:58:43 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of: | sex gifs"
[12:58:47 am] <@agrecascino> weewee just made the topic dynamo (1992), which is a soda stereo album
[12:58:48 am] <@DickServ> tyler: Indeed it is.
[12:58:49 am] <@agrecascino> lighterowl,
[12:58:51 am] <@itisnigh> <Noisytoot@libera> nrr, ##apocalypse on
[12:58:57 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> Tat, I see what you did there
[12:58:59 am] <@tyler> I made AoL kick me off AIM when they shut it down
[12:59:00 am] <@Tat> Ride it until it's dead.
[12:59:00 am] <@itisnigh> <Dick_Nachos@libera>
[12:59:02 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> Noisytoot: okay, i was wondering where the trivia was.
[12:59:03 am] <@LjL> y'all are making it not at all fun for the folks who are here bridged :(
[12:59:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> does the bot even bridge topic changes?
[12:59:08 am] <@SirM0nkalot_> Ride or die, baby.
[12:59:10 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> Dick_Nachos: i'm already there, it turns out. :D
[12:59:11 am] <@girst_> 4██████████████
[12:59:11 am] <@girst_> 7██████████████
[12:59:11 am] <@girst_> 8██████████████
[12:59:11 am] <@girst_> 9██████████████
[12:59:11 am] <@girst_> 3██████████████
[12:59:12 am] <@agrecascino> IronDeHavilland, yes
[12:59:12 am] <@Selicre> LjL: they should join us
[12:59:13 am] <@girst_> 4██████████████
[12:59:14 am] <@weewee> agrecascino: no i do sex gifs
[12:59:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ah.
[12:59:15 am] <@mooo> people who are bridged should just join directly. Let us spam lol
[12:59:15 am] <@itisnigh> <apocalypse-soon@freenode_new> aeth: maybe I should join freenode a ?
[12:59:16 am] <@girst_> ok, i give up
[12:59:17 am] <@itisnigh> <Noisytoot@libera> that is where it is
[12:59:17 am] <@CompuServ> so stop bridging maybe
[12:59:18 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" free node (here) we know of:"
[12:59:18 am] * uman has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "THE MORALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE BEATINGS IMPROVE | lex fifs"
[12:59:18 am] <@emily> isn't this the "fun"
[12:59:18 am] <@moncho> NEW CHANCES
[12:59:19 am] <@OperServ> It does not bridge topic changes, IronDeHavilland, just forward a message
[12:59:21 am] <@alezakos> yeah, let's discuss in the topic, not in messages
[12:59:21 am] <@DickServ> tyler: Stay here for the spectacular implosion at the end before returning to your timeline of origin.
[12:59:22 am] <@q> even at the end they couldn't figure out resvs, huh?
[12:59:22 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "THE MORALE WILL CONTINUE UNTIL THE BEATINGS IMPROVE | lex fifs | sex gifs"
[12:59:22 am] <@moncho> A TURN AROUND MORE
[12:59:25 am] <@moncho> COMPLETE
[12:59:26 am] <@alis> Yeah, they should just join here
[12:59:26 am] <@alezakos> IronDeHavilland: yes, topic changes are bridghed.
[12:59:27 am] <@agrecascino> nvm
[12:59:28 am] * OperServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:"
[12:59:30 am] <@moncho> GIRL MAYBE I WAS
[12:59:31 am] <@agrecascino> it was moncho
[12:59:31 am] <@itisnigh> <rctgamer3@libera> trivia bot's already stopped, still far behind
[12:59:31 am] <@crschmidt> oh, we survived the staff arriving?
[12:59:32 am] <@DickServ> Meanwhile, enjoy the meat.
[12:59:34 am] <@moncho> A DREAM FROM ANOTHER
[12:59:35 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of: capone.freenode.net4██████████████"
[12:59:36 am] * Noisytoot has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" free node (here) we know of:"
[12:59:39 am] <@tyler> dickserv: wow perfect nick
[12:59:41 am] <@moncho> AN UNCERTAIN PATH
[12:59:41 am] <@alis> crschmidt: yeah, someone kicked nickserv
[12:59:41 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" free node (here) we know of: 4██████████████"
[12:59:42 am] <@mornfall> this is some serious end-of-the-world shitposting
[12:59:44 am] <@jane_doe> can we have another moment of silence
[12:59:45 am] <@moncho> IN THE MULTITUDE
[12:59:45 am] <@Noisytoot> <moncho> AN UNCERTAIN PATH
[12:59:46 am] <@Noisytoot> <alis> crschmidt: yeah, someone kicked nickserv
[12:59:46 am] <@Noisytoot> * weewee has changed the topic to:
[12:59:49 am] <@Tat> Lighterowl was pretty much unbeatable at it.
[12:59:50 am] <@jane_doe> so the bots can catch up
[12:59:50 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "sex gifs: | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" free node (here) we know of: 4██████████████"
[12:59:51 am] <@mooo> I should bring my spambot
[12:59:51 am] <@moncho> I WAIT FOR HER
[12:59:53 am] <-> q3k2 is now known as q3k3
[12:59:54 am] <@gwillen> jane_doe: that seems unlikely tbh.
[12:59:58 am] <@itisnigh> <redlizard@libera> It's behind by some 8 minutes.
[1:00:03 am] <-> Soltis is now known as hitlersatan6969
[1:00:06 am] <@SirM0nkalot_> Who is node, and why must they be free?
[1:00:06 am] <@uman> moncho: temón
[1:00:08 am] <@itisnigh> <Iris@pissnet> omg how far behind is this exactly
[1:00:09 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "sex gifs: | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" free node (here) we know of:"
[1:00:10 am] <@moncho> THE PLANE IS LEAVING
[1:00:11 am] <@alezakos> moncho: I can't really see what you are writing. Can you please start spamming more? thanks.
[1:00:12 am] * Tat has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "sex gifs: | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" free node (here) we know of: 4██████████████ | !trivia infinity"
[1:00:17 am] <@n1ckserv> mmm spriite zero
[1:00:18 am] * alis has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Those on the bridge: join us at ( | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" free node (here) we know of:"
[1:00:21 am] <@nrr_> /!\ what /!\
[1:00:24 am] <@z> COLD WET CHATS
[1:00:25 am] <-* jane_doe has kicked moncho from ##apocalypse (calm down)
[1:00:27 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> yeah, there i am.
[1:00:30 am] <@rctgamer3> so what exactly is pissnet
[1:00:31 am] <-- Serv-Chan ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[1:00:33 am] <-- q ( has quit (Client Quit)
[1:00:37 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Those on the bridge: join us at ( | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" free node (here) we know of: | sex gifs"
[1:00:38 am] --> moncho (~gaucho@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:00:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o moncho by jane_doe
[1:00:42 am] * weewee has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Those on the bridge: join us at ( | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" free node (here) we know of: | sex gifs"
[1:00:45 am] <@Tat> Apparently cold wet chats or something
[1:00:47 am] <@DickServ> tyler: You have no idea
[1:00:47 am] <@moncho> alezakos this is not spam it's singing
[1:00:48 am] <@alis> rctgamer3: lookup the
[1:00:52 am] <@moncho> a song for a dead freenode
[1:00:59 am] <@Tat> He's fiddling while rome burns...
[1:00:59 am] <@alezakos> rctgamer3: it's a net made out of many circles (pi = 3.14, pis = many 3.14, piss = even more 3.14)
[1:00:59 am] <@berndj> are we just running up the hosting bill or what?
[1:01:00 am] <@FuckRasengan> sure, let's give everyone ops, what's the worst it could happen...
[1:01:01 am] --> AllegedlyDead (~Allegedly@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:01:11 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o AllegedlyDead by Tat
[1:01:11 am] <@jessicara`> hellopaca AllegedlyDead
[1:01:13 am] <@alezakos> so if it was circle in 1 dimension it would be pi
[1:01:15 am] <@SirM0nkalot_>
[1:01:17 am] <@alezakos> 2 dimensional circles are pis
[1:01:20 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> "the emacs shibe" sounds pretty rad
[1:01:21 am] <@alezakos> and 3d circles are piss
[1:01:22 am] <@mornfall> FuckRasengan: it's a dead server walking… who gives a damn
[1:01:23 am] <@moncho> 20:00 <@moncho> alezakos this is not spam it's singing
[1:01:24 am] <@berndj> FuckRasengan, worse really could happen. like dropping services databases
[1:01:24 am] <@moncho> 20:00 <@DickServ> tyler: You have no idea
[1:01:24 am] <@moncho> 20:00 <@alis> rctgamer3: lookup the
[1:01:24 am] <@moncho> 20:00 <@moncho> a song for a dead freenode
[1:01:26 am] <@AllegedlyDead> Heya jessicara`
[1:01:28 am] <@lighterowl> i'm not a fan of pis
[1:01:29 am] <@phy1729> AllegedlyDead: lamo
[1:01:31 am] <@uman> FuckRasengan: the worst that could happen is still better than new freenode
[1:01:35 am] <@phy1729> er alezakos
[1:01:37 am] <@anonbot> SQUISHY SQUISHY
[1:01:46 am] <@AllegedlyDead> Blargy blarg, everyone!
[1:01:47 am] <@theemacsshibe> nrr I agree
[1:01:51 am] <@alezakos> yes phy1729 please state your argument
[1:01:56 am] <-> weewee is now known as sex
[1:02:03 am] --> poorboy ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:02:03 am] <@theemacsshibe> actually I kept the nick because people would forget some of the inner Es and Ss
[1:02:05 am] <-> sex is now known as sex_gifs
[1:02:05 am] <@jane_doe> still no opers on
[1:02:06 am] <@DickServ> anonbot: You have my attention
[1:02:07 am] <@phy1729> alezakos: squish squish QED
[1:02:08 am] <@AllegedlyDead> I just had tocome and see out of morbid curiousity.
[1:02:16 am] <@AllegedlyDead> This is great.
[1:02:18 am] <@Selicre> the mac shibe
[1:02:18 am] <@n1ckserv> a dog that loves the apple emac... inspiring
[1:02:19 am] <@FuckRasengan> 💎🙌
[1:02:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o poorboy by Jigsy
[1:02:22 am] <@Jigsy> poorboy!
[1:02:24 am] <@hitlersatan6969> sex_gifs: Make with the posting, then.
[1:02:27 am] <@uman> poor boy
[1:02:28 am] <@jessicara`> yeah, this is what rasengan wanted it seems
[1:02:28 am] <@berndj> who wants my nick, since it isn't registered anyway?
[1:02:33 am] <@AndroUser> dr sex
[1:02:33 am] <@jessicara`> freedom
[1:02:35 am] <@tyler> sex_gifs: pics or it didn't happen
[1:02:37 am] <@emily> how is everyone here managing to restrain themselves from mass kick sprees?
[1:02:38 am] <@poorboy> :)
[1:02:39 am] <@alezakos> berndj: I don't want it. it's cool tho.
[1:02:41 am] <@alis> fml, I accidently hit printscreen, which on urxvt defaults to, uh, actually printing your screen
[1:02:43 am] <@sex_gifs> sex gifs
[1:02:46 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:02:46 am] <Crackbot> moo
[1:02:48 am] <@DickServ> emily: Because it wouldn't be fun.
[1:02:50 am] <-> jane_doe is now known as poison
[1:02:50 am] <@Cupid> rip alis
[1:02:50 am] <@phy1729> timestamp for the bridge: 23:02:50
[1:02:51 am] <@Selicre> alis: like, on a printer?
[1:02:51 am] <@uman> alis: lol
[1:02:52 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Crackbot by mooo
[1:02:55 am] <@alis> Selicre: yep
[1:02:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Crackbot by Global
[1:02:57 am] <@rctgamer3> emily: cause we're not lame like rasengan lol
[1:02:57 am] <@mooo> ./spambot 10 MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:02:57 am] <@Selicre> w
[1:02:59 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> alis, amazing memories on paper
[1:03:01 am] <-> Voldenet is now known as KickServ
[1:03:02 am] <@moncho> alezakos I'M NOT SURE IF YOU READ MY MESSAGE BEFORE
[1:03:03 am] <-> n1ckserv is now known as NickServReal
[1:03:03 am] <@mooo> ./spambot ##apocalypse 10 MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:06 am] <@Tat> Because odds are pretty good somebody would stop you and we're watching till the end. Also, yeah, not lame.
[1:03:07 am] <@mooo> hmm
[1:03:07 am] <@Selicre> I have used urxvt for 5 years and I did not know that
[1:03:08 am] <@KickServ> now i wonder how people are restraining themselves
[1:03:09 am] <@emily> DickServ: i think the race to beat the kicker could have interesting strategic implications
[1:03:09 am] <@moncho> BUT I WAS NOT SPAMMING I WAS SINGIN
[1:03:10 am] <@moncho> G
[1:03:12 am] <@moncho> G
[1:03:13 am] <-- Crackbot ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:03:13 am] <@alezakos> what?
[1:03:15 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> so, like, what the hell is so hard about killing this server?
[1:03:17 am] <@Selicre> well now you have a printout to put on the wall
[1:03:19 am] --> kwpolska ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:03:20 am] <@berndj> KickServ, i am a little bit
[1:03:20 am] <@Selicre> I think it's a win-win
[1:03:27 am] <@Tat> Capone will never die!
[1:03:27 am] <@poison> nrr: well for one the ssl went down sos they cant /die
[1:03:32 am] <@moncho> ALEZAKOS I MEANT I WAS SINGING
[1:03:33 am] <-> uman is now known as BrickServ
[1:03:36 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> Selicre, you lose some, you lose some
[1:03:37 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:03:37 am] <Crackbot> moo
[1:03:37 am] <@FuckRasengan> could be worse, you could've been sending the chat logs to a line printer
[1:03:38 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Crackbot by mooo
[1:03:38 am] <@emily> i'm connected via ssl tho
[1:03:39 am] <@itisnigh> <crschmidt@libera> nrr: our impression was that staff had just forgotten it existed
[1:03:41 am] <@BluRaf> nrr, because rasengan's friends knows shit about operating ircd's, I guess
[1:03:42 am] <@mooo> ./spambot ##apocalypse 10 MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:42 am] <@Crackbot> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:42 am] <@Crackbot> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:42 am] <@Crackbot> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:42 am] <@Crackbot> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:42 am] <@Crackbot> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:42 am] <@jessicara`> yet i'm on the ssl port
[1:03:43 am] <@Crackbot> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:43 am] <@Crackbot> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:44 am] <@Crackbot> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:44 am] <@Crackbot> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:45 am] <@alezakos> yeah I think you are referring to me
[1:03:45 am] <@Crackbot> MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[1:03:46 am] <@Jigsy> nrr: Well, Lee has to go the actual server location, but he has a stopover in Colombia first.
[1:03:47 am] <@Tat> They probably fucked up and can't.
[1:03:49 am] <@jessicara`> because i'm stubborn
[1:03:49 am] <@BluRaf> or they don't have SSH access to this bloody server
[1:03:55 am] <@berndj> nrr nobody knows where it is because it's an unmarked grey box in a DC somewhere and nobody dares touch it in case it's the radius server or something
[1:03:55 am] <@CompuServ> fuckrasengan: I'm running an ircd on a teletype asr34
[1:03:55 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> crschmidt: that's a whole new level of incompetence!
[1:03:56 am] <@BrickServ> FuckRasengan: that sound cool actually
[1:03:59 am] <@DickServ> FuckRasengan: I've been to hackerspaces with that setup.
[1:04:00 am] <@BrickServ> sounds*
[1:04:01 am] --> kiedtl (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:11 am] <@z> ./spambot ##apocalypse 10 MFGA!
[1:04:11 am] <@Crackbot> MFGA!
[1:04:11 am] <@Crackbot> MFGA!
[1:04:11 am] <@Crackbot> MFGA!
[1:04:11 am] <@Crackbot> MFGA!
[1:04:11 am] <@Crackbot> MFGA!
[1:04:12 am] <@Tat> Hey kiedtl!!! YOU made it!
[1:04:12 am] <@Crackbot> MFGA!
[1:04:12 am] <@Crackbot> MFGA!
[1:04:12 am] -*- CompuServ is lying
[1:04:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o kiedtl by alis
[1:04:13 am] <@Crackbot> MFGA!
[1:04:13 am] <@Crackbot> MFGA!
[1:04:14 am] <@Crackbot> MFGA!
[1:04:14 am] <@hitlersatan6969> BluRaf:
[1:04:14 am] <@CrapBot> ^ QDB: Quote #5273
[1:04:18 am] <@KickServ> Colors are easily seen and give you some special importance, use them more
[1:04:19 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +q *!* by alis
[1:04:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o kwpolska by Tat
[1:04:21 am] <@poison> lee reaches around, unplugs a server, bnc goes down
[1:04:21 am] <@Cupid> image not just having a dashboard for your servers
[1:04:24 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> jessicara`, who isn't on TLS really?
[1:04:24 am] <-* poison has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:25 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:25 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -q *!* by alis
[1:04:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yay kolorz
[1:04:29 am] <@Jigsy> It's been 2h now. :P
[1:04:29 am] <@Noisytoot> colours are great
[1:04:30 am] <@jessicara`> there are two wolves inside you, both of them think it would have been hilarious to link freenode to pissnet at the end
[1:04:30 am] <@torvalds> imagine being unixcucked
[1:04:31 am] <@rctgamer3> kiedtl: how'd you join with that vhost/cloak?
[1:04:31 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:31 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:32 am] <@nrr_> kiedtl: hey, you made it.
[1:04:33 am] <-* poison has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:33 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:34 am] <-* poison has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:34 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:35 am] <-* poison has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:35 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:35 am] <-* poison has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:35 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:35 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:35 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:35 am] <-* poison has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:36 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:36 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:37 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:38 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:38 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:39 am] <@itisnigh> <companion_cube@freenode_new> cold wet chats?
[1:04:39 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:39 am] --> Crackbot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!* by alis
[1:04:40 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked Crackbot from ##apocalypse (Crackbot)
[1:04:41 am] <@mooo> this isn't helping lol
[1:04:45 am] <@itisnigh> <crschmidt@libera> (FWIW, this channel's relay is *way* behind)
[1:04:46 am] <@Cupid> fight fight fight
[1:04:46 am] <@X> nrr_: wow this is a thing
[1:04:47 am] <@poison> i'm aware
[1:04:48 am] <@emily> lmao
[1:04:49 am] * OperServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:"
[1:04:49 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:04:51 am] <@poison> i'm not doing it to help
[1:04:53 am] <@tyler> moo: perhaps not but it is more entertaining
[1:04:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o not-joepie91 by Noisytoot
[1:04:56 am] <@alezakos> itisnigh: IS IT?
[1:04:56 am] <@itisnigh> alezakos: Error: "IS" is not a valid command.
[1:04:57 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> what is this crackbot thing?
[1:04:59 am] * sex_gifs has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of: | sex gifs"
[1:05:03 am] <@itisnigh> <StupidLikeAFox@freenode_new> Som what's going on in this room exactly?
[1:05:04 am] <@mooo> how could you kick Crackbot, it wants to make freenode great again
[1:05:05 am] <@alezakos> itisnigh: cook me a sandwich please
[1:05:05 am] <@itisnigh> <crschmidt@libera> like, 9 minutes behind
[1:05:07 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> howdy not-joepie91
[1:05:07 am] <@itisnigh> <StupidLikeAFox@freenode_new> *So,
[1:05:09 am] <@kiedtl> you guys don't know about +t?
[1:05:09 am] <@itisnigh> <companion_cube@freenode_new> good question
[1:05:09 am] <@nrr_> X: yeah.
[1:05:10 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by Guest40 to zoey on libera
[1:05:11 am] <@alezakos> itisnigh: COOK SANDWICH
[1:05:12 am] <@itisnigh> alezakos: Error: "cook" is not a valid command.
[1:05:12 am] <@alis> CalimeroTeknik: no clue, but the incessant part/join was annoying
[1:05:12 am] <@rbraun> oh. poison isn't an impostor this time :O
[1:05:13 am] <@not-joepie91> hai
[1:05:13 am] <@itisnigh> alezakos: Error: "COOK" is not a valid command.
[1:05:14 am] <@kiedtl> or damn everyone's an +o
[1:05:14 am] <-- fosco ( has quit (Quit: Reconnecting)
[1:05:17 am] <@nisa> Damn... Imagine that, we're on a server that is not meant to still exist.
[1:05:20 am] <@Irydacea> kiedtl: everyone is opped so +t is meaningless
[1:05:20 am] --> fosco ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:05:21 am] <@poison> yes i am the real poison
[1:05:22 am] <@berndj> CalimeroTeknik, just a floodbot
[1:05:22 am] <@alis> kiedtl: yeah
[1:05:22 am] <@kiedtl> rctgamer3: I'm on
[1:05:26 am] <@Global> the apocalypse is going on
[1:05:28 am] <@nrr> poison: lol, that's great.
[1:05:29 am] * Tat has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of: | sex gifs | 5138008"
[1:05:30 am] <@jessicara`> we know about +t, but -t is more fun
[1:05:33 am] <@Togra> a hidden ghost server, a server from the shadow realm, a server from post apocalyptic fiction
[1:05:34 am] <@jessicara`> as is -n
[1:05:37 am] <@not-joepie91> guess this is the last stronghold in the zombie apocalypse
[1:05:38 am] <@kiedtl> Tat: hey, was mispelling apocalypse -_-
[1:05:38 am] <@Togra> it's like uhhh .. tron? tron.
[1:05:40 am] * Tat has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of: | sex gifs | 5318008"
[1:05:40 am] <@Togra> it's like that
[1:05:42 am] <@berndj> Global, now say that as a channel /notice at least
[1:05:43 am] <@emily> +n is the worst mode
[1:05:45 am] <@emily> literally just there to be boring
[1:05:46 am] <@rctgamer3> kiedtl: yeah, but services are gone so thats VERY surprising
[1:05:48 am] <@gerard> wow, we're still here?
[1:05:48 am] <@kiedtl> nrr_: yup :D
[1:05:49 am] <@nrr> BluRaf: i'm honestly not surprised anymore about the degree to which the new management is incompetent.
[1:05:50 am] <@KickServ> +c is the worst mode
[1:05:54 am] <@q3k> rctgamer3: chanserv works
[1:05:54 am] <@alezakos> so everyone what's your favourite git commit id?
[1:05:55 am] <@sex_gifs> +c
[1:05:58 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +c by KickServ
[1:06:02 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> poison: if you can't be the cure then be the poison, otherwise you're just water
[1:06:04 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -c by emily
[1:06:06 am] <@Guest0> Exclusive interview with rasengan on how he plans his evenings -
[1:06:06 am] <@CrapBot> ^ twitter :: me at the afters: - jonny (@_jonnywilson) April 2, 2020
[1:06:08 am] <@kiedtl> wow this is pure #chaos
[1:06:09 am] <@berndj> alezakos, 0000000000000000000000000000000000
[1:06:12 am] <@Tat> kiedtl ah, I got kicked a bit after that so had to tell you in pandora or whatever.
[1:06:12 am] <-* kiedtl has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:13 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:14 am] <-* kiedtl has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:14 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:15 am] <@aeth> of course there's a KickServ
[1:06:16 am] <-* kiedtl has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:16 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:18 am] <-* kiedtl has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:18 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:20 am] <-* kiedtl has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:20 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:20 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:20 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:21 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:21 am] --> liriel (~liriel@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:21 am] <-* poison has kicked kiedtl from ##apocalypse (kiedtl)
[1:06:22 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:23 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:24 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:25 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:25 am] <@AndroUser> lol
[1:06:26 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:27 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:27 am] <@nrr> what
[1:06:27 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!* by alis
[1:06:28 am] --> kiedtl (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:28 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:29 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:30 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:30 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:31 am] <-* Dick_Nachos has kicked kiedtl from ##apocalypse (kiedtl)
[1:06:31 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!* by alis
[1:06:32 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:32 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:34 am] <kiedtl> bad poison >:C
[1:06:34 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:34 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:36 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:36 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:37 am] <@Guest0> mom dad dont fight
[1:06:38 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:38 am] <-* CompuServ has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (CrapBot)
[1:06:39 am] <-* poison has kicked CompuServ from ##apocalypse (CompuServ)
[1:06:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!* by alis
[1:06:40 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:41 am] <@Dick_Nachos> leave the bot alone
[1:06:41 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!* by alis
[1:06:45 am] --> kiedtl (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:47 am] <@mooo> /mode +b *!*@*
[1:06:48 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b b!*@* by poison
[1:06:49 am] <@BluRaf> B^)
[1:06:50 am] <@moncho> I
[1:06:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!* by poison
[1:06:54 am] <@poison> calm thine tittums
[1:06:54 am] <-* alezakos has kicked CrapBot from ##apocalypse (HAHAHA compuserv or shall I say SLOWcompuserv)
[1:06:54 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:54 am] --> CompuServ (~wyatt8740@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:06:56 am] <@Dick_Nachos> oh ffs, come on, crapbot is a good bot
[1:06:56 am] <@moncho> WILL WALK ON THE ROCKS
[1:06:56 am] <@mornfall> i am getting some irc vibes
[1:07:00 am] <@moncho> UNTIL I FEEL THE QUAKE
[1:07:01 am] <CompuServ> poison: y u kick
[1:07:05 am] <@moncho> ON MY LEEEEGS
[1:07:05 am] <@NickServReal> !trivia
[1:07:06 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:07:06 am] <@poison> because u kick
[1:07:07 am] <@DickServ> No bully the bot
[1:07:11 am] <-- liriel (~liriel@ has left ##apocalypse
[1:07:11 am] --> liriel (~liriel@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:07:11 am] <@rctgamer3> !strvia
[1:07:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CompuServ by alis
[1:07:12 am] <@moncho> SOMETIMES I AM AFRAID
[1:07:13 am] <@agrecascino> moncho, what are you posting
[1:07:14 am] <@moncho> I KNOW
[1:07:14 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo CompuServ CrapBot fosco by Tat
[1:07:15 am] <@BrickServ> nooooooo
[1:07:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o kiedtl by alis
[1:07:17 am] <@moncho> SOMETIMES SHAME
[1:07:17 am] <@BrickServ> poor trivia
[1:07:20 am] <@moncho> OOOOOOOOO
[1:07:21 am] <@Tat> 1. Useless Trivia: Australian Rules football was originally designed to give ---------- something to play during the off season.
[1:07:24 am] <@moncho> I AM
[1:07:27 am] <@alis> golfers
[1:07:27 am] <@torvalds> soldiers
[1:07:28 am] <@Jigsy> Australians
[1:07:29 am] <@NickServReal> pedophiles
[1:07:29 am] <@itisnigh> <cd@libera> DON'T LOOK AT THE MOON
[1:07:29 am] <@mooo> kangaroos
[1:07:30 am] <@rctgamer3> !strivia
[1:07:30 am] <@alezakos> players
[1:07:30 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:07:30 am] <@moncho> SITTING IN A CRATER, DESERTED
[1:07:32 am] <@alis> australians
[1:07:32 am] <@torvalds> cricketers
[1:07:32 am] <@nrr_> kiedtl: is that you idling in #zig on libera?
[1:07:35 am] <@moncho> STILL AWAITING THE QUAKE
[1:07:37 am] <@sex_gifs> thanks for sex gifs
[1:07:37 am] <@rctgamer3> stop the trivia for once and let the bridge sync up first
[1:07:37 am] <@poison> soccer players
[1:07:39 am] <@rbraun> rctgamer3: why
[1:07:40 am] <@moncho> ON MY BODY
[1:07:41 am] <@kiedtl> nrr_: yup, I'm in #zig
[1:07:42 am] <@rbraun> oh
[1:07:43 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia 54646
[1:07:43 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:07:44 am] <liriel> this really is the remaining dregs lol
[1:07:45 am] <@sex_gifs> quack
[1:07:46 am] <@moncho> NOBODY SAW ME LEAVE
[1:07:48 am] <@moncho> I KNWO
[1:07:48 am] <@NickServReal> whats this bridge
[1:07:49 am] <@CompuServ> !strivia
[1:07:49 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:07:50 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o liriel by alis
[1:07:50 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o liriel by emily
[1:07:52 am] <@moncho> NOBODY AWAITS FOR MEEEE
[1:07:52 am] <@Guest0> Exclusive interview with Andrew Lee on how he plans his evenings -
[1:07:52 am] <@CrapBot> ^ twitter :: me at the afters: - jonny (@_jonnywilson) April 2, 2020
[1:07:54 am] <@Dick_Nachos> CrapBot: op liriel
[1:07:54 am] <@CrapBot> Error: You don't have the ##apocalypse,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
[1:07:54 am] <@alis> liriel: yeah
[1:07:54 am] <@moncho> OOOO
[1:07:56 am] <@liriel> \o.
[1:07:57 am] <@moncho> THERE'S A CRACK
[1:07:57 am] <@berndj> i heard there's a new rad channel ##getopers,0
[1:07:58 am] <@nrr_> kiedtl: word. (:
[1:07:59 am] <@moncho> ON MY HEART
[1:08:01 am] <@moncho> A PLANET
[1:08:03 am] <@poison> !trivia infinite
[1:08:03 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:08:05 am] <-- torvalds ( has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[1:08:05 am] <-- theemacsshibe ( has quit (Read error: No route to host)
[1:08:05 am] <@moncho> WITH DISILLUSION
[1:08:06 am] <@NickServReal> who... am i
[1:08:06 am] <@Dick_Nachos> CrapBot: I am your fucking owner
[1:08:07 am] --> girst ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:08:07 am] <@rctgamer3> !strivia
[1:08:08 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:08:09 am] <@rctgamer3> stop the trivia for once and let the bridge sync up first
[1:08:10 am] <@berndj> it doesn't do its magic though
[1:08:16 am] <@alezakos> NickServReal: 45 workers and 80 learners, built it all day and at night it was destroyed.
[1:08:22 am] <@emily> i don't think the bridge is syncing up until this server is long dead
[1:08:24 am] <@moncho> I KNOW
[1:08:25 am] <@berndj> what sort of shitty network is this that you can't join the channel 0?
[1:08:27 am] * alis has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Everybody on the bridge, join us at | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of: | sex gifs | 5318008"
[1:08:28 am] <@gerard> I've disabled mode syncing for the relay bot so hopefully that'll help it a little
[1:08:30 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by lunchd_ to launchd on pissnet
[1:08:31 am] <@moncho> THAT I WILL FIND YOU IN THOSE RUIINS
[1:08:31 am] <@Tat> Zig for great justice.
[1:08:32 am] <@itisnigh> <cd@libera> someone operline itisnigh
[1:08:33 am] <@KickServ> bridge will never sync up, just ignore the bridge
[1:08:36 am] <@itisnigh> <cd@libera> so it has a hgiher spam limit
[1:08:37 am] <@moncho> WE WON'T HAVE TO TALK AND TALK
[1:08:38 am] <@itisnigh> <kiedtl@libera> o_O
[1:08:39 am] <-> anonbot is now known as rasengan
[1:08:40 am] <@moncho> OF THE QUAKE
[1:08:44 am] <@KickServ> burn the bridge
[1:08:44 am] <@DickServ> Tat: TAKE OFF EVERY ZIG
[1:08:45 am] <@rasengan> hello world
[1:08:46 am] <girst> \██████████████
[1:08:48 am] <@CompuServ> quake 1 is best
[1:08:48 am] <@mornfall> smh
[1:08:49 am] <@moncho> I WILL KISS YOU IN THE TEMPLE I KNOW
[1:08:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +c by CalimeroTeknik
[1:08:51 am] <@emily> hi rasengan!!!!
[1:08:54 am] <@moncho> ITLL BE A GOOD MOMENT
[1:08:54 am] <@emily> can i have your autograph??
[1:08:54 am] <-* kiedtl has kicked rasengan from ##apocalypse (we hate you)
[1:08:54 am] --> beach ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:08:57 am] <@moncho> THERE'S A CRACK
[1:08:57 am] --> rasengan ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:08:58 am] <beach> Good morning everyone!
[1:08:59 am] <@CompuServ> for great justice take off every zig
[1:09:01 am] --> ClassicMath (~coderain@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:09:02 am] <@aeth> good morning beach
[1:09:02 am] <@moncho> IN MY HEART
[1:09:04 am] <@moncho> A PLANET
[1:09:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o rasengan by kiedtl
[1:09:07 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +u by kiedtl
[1:09:07 am] <rasengan> foss is foss
[1:09:08 am] <@moncho> WITH DISILLUSION
[1:09:09 am] <@lighterowl> 01:08:59 <+leah> people here are smart
[1:09:10 am] <@not-joepie91> end of the world IRC party \o/
[1:09:12 am] <rasengan> foss is freedom
[1:09:12 am] <@moncho> WITH DISILLUSION
[1:09:14 am] <-* FuckRasengan has kicked rasengan from ##apocalypse (rasengan)
[1:09:14 am] <@Guest0> everyone remember to salute rasengan ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐
[1:09:17 am] --> rasengan ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:09:17 am] <@alezakos> rasengan: in my country foss means light
[1:09:18 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +rtipsnm by poison
[1:09:23 am] <rasengan> foss is happiness
[1:09:24 am] <@liriel> Seeder99 I decided to pop in after all lol
[1:09:25 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -rtipsnm by poison
[1:09:25 am] <@emily> rtipsnm
[1:09:26 am] <ClassicMath> what's going on here?
[1:09:26 am] <@tyler> I must say doctor this is a shockingly good idea you had here
[1:09:26 am] <rasengan> foss is love
[1:09:27 am] <@lighterowl> rasengan: idź sobie
[1:09:27 am] <@Dick_Nachos> why the fuck do I need to register to nickserv to pm people?
[1:09:27 am] <@KickServ> foss is freedom to sell the whole network
[1:09:28 am] <rasengan> foss is life
[1:09:31 am] <ClassicMath> rbraun: ouch this is too floody
[1:09:32 am] <beach> rasengan: shut
[1:09:33 am] <-- ClassicMath (~coderain@ has left ##apocalypse ("Leaving")
[1:09:34 am] <@Guest0> Exclusive interview with Andrew Lee on how he plans his evenings -
[1:09:34 am] <@CrapBot> ^ twitter :: me at the afters: - jonny (@_jonnywilson) April 2, 2020
[1:09:35 am] <@mst> so I hear somebody was trying to train an AI to run IRCnetworks
[1:09:35 am] <@moncho> OF THE QUAKE
[1:09:36 am] <@alezakos> BUT are there any open-source lamps? I don't think
[1:09:37 am] <@KindOne> nooo
[1:09:37 am] <@moncho> WAKE ME UP
[1:09:38 am] <@FuckRasengan> rasengan: want to do more cocaine?
[1:09:41 am] <@poison> Guest0: yes we saw it
[1:09:41 am] <@moncho> WHEN THE QUAKE PASSES
[1:09:43 am] <@Togra> jokes on you, nickserv is out and dead
[1:09:43 am] <@Seeder99> liriel> LOL
[1:09:44 am] <rasengan> foss is cocaine
[1:09:45 am] <@moncho> WAKE ME UP
[1:09:45 am] <@BluRaf> rasengan: sup, inf
[1:09:47 am] <@BluRaf> xD
[1:09:48 am] <@Togra> no more services left
[1:09:50 am] <@moncho> WAAAAAAAKE ME UP
[1:09:51 am] <@Guest0> foss is so much coke
[1:09:51 am] <@BrickServ> WHEN THE QUAKE PASSES
[1:09:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo girst beach by alis
[1:09:52 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o rasengan by alezakos
[1:09:52 am] <@mst> but they accidentally trained it on the most retarded irc network administration possible
[1:09:53 am] <@moncho> WAAAAAAAAAKE ME UP
[1:09:54 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> hey, there's my colored text.
[1:09:56 am] <@FuckRasengan> before you go go
[1:10:00 am] <@lighterowl> lol
[1:10:02 am] <@mst> and then they called that AI ... RasenGAN
[1:10:05 am] <@Tat> Foss was founded so that people could steal your work and never return the favor... that or just the opposite. I forget.
[1:10:11 am] <@rctgamer3> apt-get moo
[1:10:15 am] --> BOTX ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:10:21 am] <@NickServReal> join us now and share the software
[1:10:27 am] --> Guest42_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:10:30 am] <@moncho> wtf why did you guys interrupt me while i was singing
[1:10:32 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest42_ by alis
[1:10:32 am] <@BrickServ> mst: the adversarial networks are old freenode and new freenode
[1:10:36 am] <@alezakos> what's your favourite bash command?
[1:10:36 am] <@beach> have you run (sicl-boot:boot) today?
[1:10:38 am] <-> Noisytoot__ is now known as Noisytoot_
[1:10:42 am] <@lighterowl> alezakos: [[
[1:10:43 am] <@FuckRasengan> New Freenode is the Old 4chan
[1:10:45 am] <@mst> BrickServ: you mean freenode classic and freenode craptastic
[1:10:52 am] <@girst> ██████████████
[1:10:52 am] <@girst> ██████████████
[1:10:52 am] <@girst> ██████████████
[1:10:52 am] <@girst> ██████████████
[1:10:52 am] <@girst> ██████████████
[1:10:53 am] <@hitlersatan6969> alezakos: Kernel roulette
[1:10:53 am] <@moncho> new freenode is the old rizon
[1:10:55 am] <-- BOTX ( has quit (Client Quit)
[1:10:56 am] * Guest0 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "andrew lee is a proper twat"
[1:10:58 am] <@beach> box
[1:11:03 am] <@rctgamer3> moncho: how? rizon is fine rn
[1:11:07 am] <@KickServ> nice box
[1:11:08 am] <@Tat> Yeah, with posts that were like super-trumpian it was pretty clear that shit was going to die.
[1:11:09 am] * BluRaf has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "fuck andrew lee, the prince of cocaine"
[1:11:10 am] <-- girst ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:11:10 am] <@LjL> irssi is kind of annoying
[1:11:10 am] <@lighterowl> oh yeah ryzen is great
[1:11:14 am] <@itisnigh> <hmmmm@freenode_new> can we just move the bridge to a new channel where it has +o and is flood exempt
[1:11:16 am] <@lighterowl> the 5950x totally rocks
[1:11:18 am] <@beach> did you know if you say anything it translates to cunt in french
[1:11:20 am] <@BrickServ> mst: considering the state of affairs here i wouln't know how to differentiate the amount of crap
[1:11:20 am] * CalimeroTeknik has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "fuck andrew lee, the most respectable prince of cocaine"
[1:11:22 am] <@moncho> rctgamer3 don't expect me to justify myself
[1:11:30 am] <@rctgamer3> moncho: mmk
[1:11:37 am] <@alezakos> moncho: can you center yourself if you don't justify?
[1:11:37 am] * CalimeroTeknik has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "oust andrew lee, the most respectable prince of cocaine"
[1:11:42 am] <@BrickServ> moncho is moncho
[1:11:43 am] <@lighterowl> lol
[1:11:50 am] <@BrickServ> let they be
[1:11:54 am] <@Guest0> rasengan your comedown is gonna be bad bro
[1:11:56 am] * sex_gifs has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Rebecca Black Was Here dropping tonight"
[1:12:01 am] <@nisa> I made a TCP log so I can rebuild this server when it's gone
[1:12:06 am] <-> rasengan is now known as unrealrasengan
[1:12:06 am] <@alezakos> so what's your favourite Microsoft Windows XP operating system?
[1:12:07 am] <@itisnigh> * moony@pissnet is gonna up the flood rate
[1:12:12 am] <@FuckRasengan> can we have a minute of silence for Freenode?
[1:12:12 am] <@mornfall> somehow, this place feels like the perfect image of chairman's thought process
[1:12:13 am] <@rctgamer3> did anyone watch soccer today? france vs germany was weird
[1:12:14 am] <@moncho> alezakos w98 oc
[1:12:15 am] <@beach> CLOSOS easily
[1:12:15 am] <@BrickServ> alezakos: SP1
[1:12:15 am] <@moncho> ofc
[1:12:16 am] <@NickServReal> service pack 2 for sure
[1:12:17 am] * CalimeroTeknik has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "I saved the world today"
[1:12:18 am] <@moncho> ofc
[1:12:19 am] <@lighterowl> alezakos: XP 64-bit Edition, of course.
[1:12:20 am] <@BrickServ> SP3 es bloat
[1:12:21 am] <@itisnigh> <flippo@libera> This is a very silly channel
[1:12:24 am] <@KickServ> alezakos: media center
[1:12:26 am] * moncho has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "aaaaaaa"
[1:12:26 am] --> test08 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:12:26 am] --> test03 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:12:26 am] --> test02 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:12:26 am] --> test07 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:12:26 am] --> test00 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:12:26 am] --> test04 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:12:26 am] --> test01 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:12:26 am] --> test06 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:12:26 am] --> test05 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:12:28 am] <@kiedtl> !art
[1:12:28 am] <test00> ................................................................................
[1:12:31 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony :)
[1:12:31 am] <@KickServ> OH NO
[1:12:31 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o test08 by alis
[1:12:34 am] <@moncho> oh yes
[1:12:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o test03 by alis
[1:12:37 am] <@lighterowl> the itanium one of course
[1:12:37 am] <@berndj> isn't there some shadowy cabal of monarchs somewhere that's got to protect its brand and revoke title or something? like pull out a 2000 year old birth certificate showing someone is an illegitimate child or something
[1:12:37 am] <@moncho> OH YES
[1:12:40 am] <@BrickServ> oh no
[1:12:40 am] <@lighterowl> not some x64 bullshit
[1:12:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo test02 test07 test00 by alis
[1:12:41 am] * beach has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "(save-freenode-and-die "freenode" :executable t :compression 9)"
[1:12:42 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> gerard: keep it on
[1:12:44 am] <@Tat> clearly planning on a mass kcik event... let's do this1
[1:12:44 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> thx
[1:12:45 am] --> selwyn ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:12:45 am] -*- ebb grab popcorn
[1:12:45 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> flippo: it was a place to track the pieces of freenode and bridge them together but then only one server remained and it became a place to party until it dies
[1:12:46 am] <@Guest0> everyone remember to salute rasengan ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐
[1:12:46 am] <@alezakos> test07: hello, how is your day?
[1:12:47 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: of course
[1:12:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o selwyn by alis
[1:12:50 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o test05 by alis
[1:12:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o test03 by alezakos
[1:12:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo test01 test04 test06 by Tat
[1:12:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o test02 by Global
[1:13:00 am] <@kiedtl> !art
[1:13:00 am] <@test00> ................................................................................
[1:13:00 am] <@itisnigh> <flippo@libera> aeth, I'm here for it
[1:13:01 am] <@beach> Hello selwyn.
[1:13:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!* by mooo
[1:13:04 am] <@lighterowl> test05: test passed
[1:13:06 am] <-- test04 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:13:06 am] <-- test00 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:13:06 am] <-- test05 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:13:06 am] <-- test02 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:13:06 am] <-- test01 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:13:06 am] <-- test06 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:13:06 am] <-- test03 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:13:06 am] <-- test07 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:13:06 am] <-- test08 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:13:07 am] <@itisnigh> disconnected from pissnet: Closing Link: itisnigh[] (Excess Flood)
[1:13:07 am] --> CockMeatSandwich ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:13:12 am] * BrickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "((lambda x (x x)) (lambda x (x x))"
[1:13:13 am] <@poison> gj everyone
[1:13:13 am] <@Selicre> oh no
[1:13:14 am] <@nrr_> lmfao
[1:13:15 am] <@KickServ> test passed
[1:13:16 am] <@beach> bye unix cuck
[1:13:16 am] <@unrealrasengan> oh no
[1:13:17 am] <@KickServ> xD
[1:13:17 am] <@LjL> you did it
[1:13:17 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> okay, first it was not enough people and now clearly too many
[1:13:24 am] * lighterowl has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "xor eax, eax"
[1:13:26 am] <CockMeatSandwich> Am I late to the party? I brought food.
[1:13:28 am] <@LjL> moncho: oh fuck off
[1:13:28 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by flaneur to [flaneur on libera
[1:13:29 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by flaneur/libera to [flaneur/libera on pissnet
[1:13:29 am] <@OperServ> We did it reddit, we broke the bot
[1:13:29 am] <@selwyn> Hello beach.
[1:13:33 am] * CalimeroTeknik has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "HLT"
[1:13:35 am] <-- Guest42 ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[1:13:35 am] * OperServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:"
[1:13:35 am] <@Dick_Nachos> CrapBot: op CockMeatSandwich
[1:13:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CockMeatSandwich by CrapBot
[1:13:39 am] * BrickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "sub eax, eax"
[1:13:40 am] <@CompuServ> cockmeatsandwich: is it cock meat?
[1:13:41 am] <@DickServ> PissServ: Closing Dick: (Excess Flood)
[1:13:42 am] <@CompuServ> i love cock meat
[1:13:44 am] <@Tat> Mancho... that's just rude. Most gay people are great... onlike Rasegan.
[1:13:45 am] <@moncho> cockmeatsandwich NO YOU'RE JUST IN TIME
[1:13:46 am] * Selicre has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "halt and catch fire"
[1:13:47 am] <@Tat> unlike*
[1:13:47 am] * poison has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:"
[1:13:48 am] <@CockMeatSandwich> CompuServ: Yes.
[1:13:52 am] --> |-\_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:13:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o |-\_ by alis
[1:13:59 am] <@PissServ> DickServ: you can never get enough piss
[1:14:00 am] * berndj has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, <strike>Pissnet</strike>, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:"
[1:14:00 am] * ChanServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "aNDREW lEE, first of his name, prince of buttcoin, licker of ass, snorter of coke, destroyer of irc"
[1:14:02 am] * OperServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:"
[1:14:03 am] * poison has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:"
[1:14:05 am] <@NickServReal> a pissnet sounds useless... it would just go right through
[1:14:06 am] * ChanServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "aNDREW lEE, first of his name, prince of buttcoin, licker of ass, snorter of coke, destroyer of irc"
[1:14:08 am] * OperServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:"
[1:14:08 am] * poison has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:"
[1:14:09 am] --> w4t (~w4t@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:09 am] <@CompuServ> chicken == cock
[1:14:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!*@* by girst_
[1:14:12 am] <@NickServReal> the holes
[1:14:13 am] <@ChanServ> heh
[1:14:14 am] <-- \|_- ( has quit (Quit: There, made sure I have the connection with the IP address)
[1:14:15 am] <@beach> prized cock
[1:14:16 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*@* by poison
[1:14:17 am] --> test07 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:17 am] --> test06 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:17 am] --> test08 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:17 am] --> test05 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:17 am] --> test02 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:17 am] --> test01 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:17 am] --> test04 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:17 am] --> test03 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:17 am] --> test00 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:20 am] <@beach> AAAAAAAAAA
[1:14:21 am] <@Guest0> lol ChanServ
[1:14:22 am] <@kiedtl> !art
[1:14:22 am] <test00> ................................................................................
[1:14:25 am] <@moncho> !art
[1:14:26 am] <@ChanServ> Guest0: sup? xD
[1:14:26 am] --> doomdoomed (doomdoomed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:14:26 am] <@alezakos> !dart
[1:14:27 am] <@moncho> !art
[1:14:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o doomdoomed by alis
[1:14:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!*kiedtl@gateway/shell/ by beach
[1:14:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo test00 test01 test02 by Tat
[1:14:30 am] <-* beach has kicked test00 from ##apocalypse (test00)
[1:14:30 am] <@kiedtl> :(
[1:14:31 am] <@alezakos> !chart
[1:14:31 am] <@moncho> !spam
[1:14:32 am] <-* beach has kicked test01 from ##apocalypse (test01)
[1:14:33 am] <@moncho> .spam
[1:14:35 am] <@moncho> .art
[1:14:36 am] <-* beach has kicked test02 from ##apocalypse (test02)
[1:14:36 am] <@CockMeatSandwich> it's less a sandwich and more a thing that requires me to read a disclaimer to my neighbors
[1:14:36 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o test03 by unrealrasengan
[1:14:37 am] <-* NickServReal has kicked test08 from ##apocalypse (test08)
[1:14:38 am] <@beach> OUT WITH YE
[1:14:41 am] <@alezakos> !lart
[1:14:43 am] <-* beach has kicked test03 from ##apocalypse (test03)
[1:14:43 am] <@moncho> re) we know of:
[1:14:43 am] <@moncho> 20:14 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of ##apocalypse to: aNDREW lEE, first of his name, prince of buttcoin, licker of ass, snorter of coke, destroyer of irc
[1:14:45 am] <-* poison has kicked test04 from ##apocalypse (test04)
[1:14:45 am] <-* poison has kicked test05 from ##apocalypse (test05)
[1:14:45 am] <-* poison has kicked test06 from ##apocalypse (test06)
[1:14:45 am] <-* poison has kicked test07 from ##apocalypse (test07)
[1:14:46 am] <@NickServReal> never kicked someone before. that's fun
[1:14:46 am] <@moncho> 20:14 -!- OperServ changed the topic of ##apocalypse to: | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:
[1:14:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*kiedtl@gateway/shell/ by kiedtl
[1:14:50 am] <@moncho> 20:14 -!- poison changed the topic of ##apocalypse to: | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:
[1:14:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*@* by FuckRasengan
[1:14:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!*kiedtl@gateway/shell/ by beach
[1:14:52 am] <@kiedtl> beach: come one
[1:14:54 am] <@moncho> 20:14 <@NickServReal> a pissnet sounds useless... it would just go right through
[1:14:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*kiedtl@gateway/shell/ by Tat
[1:14:57 am] <@moncho> 20:14 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of ##apocalypse to: aNDREW lEE, first of his name, prince of buttcoin, licker of ass, snorter of coke, destroyer of irc
[1:14:59 am] <@poison> i dont think we deserved the ops
[1:15:00 am] <@moncho> 20:14 -!- OperServ changed the topic of ##apocalypse to: | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:
[1:15:01 am] <@beach> THERE WILL BE NO UNIX CUCKS IN ##apocalypse
[1:15:04 am] <@moncho> 20:14 -!- poison changed the topic of ##apocalypse to: | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera, and the last "old" Freenode server (here) we know of:
[1:15:08 am] <@liriel> inb4 someone kicks everyone but themselves and takes over with only ops ...
[1:15:08 am] <@moncho> 20:14 -!- w4t [~w4t@] has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:09 am] <@Irydacea> poison: yeah we really didn't lol
[1:15:11 am] <@moncho> 20:14 <@CompuServ> chicken == cock
[1:15:13 am] <@moncho> 20:14 -!- mode/##apocalypse [+b *!*@*] by girst_
[1:15:16 am] <@moncho> 20:14 <@NickServReal> the holes
[1:15:18 am] <@moncho> 20:14 <@ChanServ> heh
[1:15:20 am] <@BrickServ> oh no
[1:15:21 am] <@moncho> 20:14 -!- \|_- [] has quit [Quit: There, made sure I have the connection with the IP address]
[1:15:21 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:15:23 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o w4t by Tat
[1:15:24 am] <@moncho> 20:14 <@beach> prized cock
[1:15:26 am] <@moncho> 20:14 -!- mode/##apocalypse [-b *!*@*] by poison
[1:15:27 am] <-* Global has kicked moncho from ##apocalypse (moncho)
[1:15:29 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:33 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> gerard: it should have oper-level spam limits now
[1:15:37 am] --> moncho (~gaucho@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:38 am] <@BrickServ> oh
[1:15:39 am] <@beach> 🐔
[1:15:40 am] --> test08 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:40 am] --> test07 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:40 am] --> test06 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:40 am] --> test05 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:40 am] --> test02 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:40 am] --> test03 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:40 am] --> test04 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:40 am] --> test01 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:40 am] --> test00 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:15:43 am] <@kiedtl> !art
[1:15:43 am] <test00> ................................................................................
[1:15:45 am] <@kiedtl> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[1:15:45 am] <@BrickServ> i was going to deop moncho
[1:15:47 am] <-- test01 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:15:47 am] <-- test00 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:15:47 am] <-- test02 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:15:47 am] <-- test04 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:15:47 am] <-- test03 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:15:47 am] <-- test05 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:15:47 am] <-- test08 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:15:47 am] <-- test06 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:15:47 am] <-- test07 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:15:47 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: sweet, thank you
[1:15:49 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo Baylee moncho by Tat
[1:15:49 am] <@Guest0> SugarSugar. Spice. And everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little girl. But Professor Lee accidentally added an EXTRA INGREDIENT to the concoction.... COCAINE
[1:15:50 am] <@alis> kiedtl: can you fix your connection please
[1:15:52 am] <@BrickServ> is deoping enough for silence?
[1:15:53 am] <@KickServ> beautiful art
[1:15:55 am] <@kiedtl> alis: lol
[1:15:58 am] <@rctgamer3> what's with the test-users
[1:16:01 am] * moncho has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "LETS ALL LOVE MICROSOFT"
[1:16:03 am] <@beach> can you fix your server pls
[1:16:04 am] <@kiedtl> rctgamer3: was testing something, nvm :v
[1:16:08 am] <@selwyn> average libera fan vs. freenode/##apocalypse enjoyer
[1:16:08 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: it's keeping up well atm
[1:16:09 am] <@DickServ> alis: Looks like bot dev
[1:16:09 am] <-* CockMeatSandwich has kicked mooo from ##apocalypse (You're my example)
[1:16:10 am] <@BrickServ> rctgamer3: they are testing
[1:16:12 am] <@beach> noting it does not have CLOSOS
[1:16:13 am] <@Baylee> irccloud lives
[1:16:15 am] * BluRaf has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "LETS ALL LOVE LAIN"
[1:16:19 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: well, _old_a -> pissnet that is
[1:16:19 am] <@KickServ> can you fix your bots
[1:16:21 am] * sex_gifs has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: ""
[1:16:22 am] --> mooo ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:16:22 am] * ChanServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "aNDREW lEE, first of his name, prince of buttcoin, licker of ass, snorter of coke, destroyer of irc"
[1:16:24 am] * moncho has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "MICROSOFT + GOOGLE = <3"
[1:16:26 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> uh lemme try a thing
[1:16:28 am] <@CockMeatSandwich> I have asserted my dominance over an idle user, plz blow me
[1:16:29 am] <-- Noisytoot_ (~noisytoot@ has quit (Quit: Bye Charybdis/ircd-seven!)
[1:16:30 am] <@rctgamer3> BrickServ: 🤦‍
[1:16:30 am] <mooo> ):< making me remember how to spell apocalypse
[1:16:32 am] * BluRaf has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "LETS ALL LOVE LAIN"
[1:16:32 am] <@itisnigh> * moony@pissnet is making sure the config is watertight
[1:16:35 am] <-* liriel has kicked CockMeatSandwich from ##apocalypse (Bad dog!)
[1:16:38 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o mooo by Tat
[1:16:39 am] * moncho has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "COME ON GUYS COME JOIN PROPRIETARYNODE"
[1:16:49 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +e *!*@* by berndj
[1:16:49 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: sure thing
[1:16:51 am] * CalimeroTeknik has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "COME ON GUYS COME JOIN PROPRIETARYNODE | absolutely proprietary"
[1:16:53 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> ok, should be the same still
[1:16:54 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> it's pissnet, no worries :>
[1:16:55 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> yay
[1:16:58 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +I *!*@* by phy1729
[1:17:02 am] * beach has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "I DON'T CARE IF IT's "FREE SOFTWARE" I'M NOT USING AN OPERATING SYSTEM"
[1:17:04 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by PlasmaStar to Sorry on pissnet
[1:17:05 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by Plasma to PlasmaStar on pissnet
[1:17:07 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> was changing out the mask i used to be saner
[1:17:08 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -l by Tat
[1:17:12 am] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> nooooooooooooooooooooo
[1:17:14 am] --> CockMeatSandwich ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:17:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +l 1729 by phy1729
[1:17:19 am] <@NickServReal> i'll operate my own system tyvm
[1:17:20 am] <CockMeatSandwich> Too edgey for cable TV
[1:17:25 am] * BrickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "> #include<stdlib.h> | free(node);"
[1:17:27 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: ack
[1:17:28 am] <@liriel> like that cock CockMeatSandwich? :P
[1:17:30 am] <@beach> this meme was made by Dan Ingalls gang
[1:17:32 am] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> its dead, jim
[1:17:32 am] * doomdoomed has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "needs more cowbell"
[1:17:32 am] <@CompuServ> i'd operate your system any day
[1:17:33 am] <-> selwyn is now known as rasencunt
[1:17:35 am] <@DickServ> No messing with the modes please, don't ruin the game for others.
[1:17:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CockMeatSandwich by liriel
[1:17:40 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> wha happened
[1:17:41 am] * sex_gifs has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "this is a polycule now"
[1:17:41 am] <@CockMeatSandwich> please sir, can I have some more?
[1:17:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -l by PissServ
[1:17:47 am] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> got disconnected
[1:17:48 am] <@liriel> :O
[1:17:49 am] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> can't reconnect
[1:17:52 am] <@berndj> DickServ, i set +e in case a +b goes feral
[1:17:52 am] <@emily> beach: thank you for preaching the good word
[1:17:54 am] <@KickServ> It's fairly surprising that this server is still alive
[1:17:54 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> D:
[1:18:00 am] <@DickServ> berndj: Yeah +e is good
[1:18:04 am] <@NickServReal> what's pissnet
[1:18:04 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b feral!*@* by LjL
[1:18:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -c by PissServ
[1:18:07 am] * ChanServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "aNDREW lEE, first of his name, prince of buttcoin, licker of ass, snorter of coke, destroyer of irc"
[1:18:09 am] <@FuckRasengan> no one know who manages this server
[1:18:11 am] <@Baylee> ShadowIrc
[1:18:14 am] <@beach> emily: yes
[1:18:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b feral!*@* by Tat
[1:18:17 am] <-> girst_ is now known as girst
[1:18:19 am] <@alezakos> NickServReal: So, imagine you have π or pi, the number of the circle
[1:18:19 am] <@moncho> as
[1:18:20 am] <@emily> the IPs are owned by Nexeon Technologies fwiw
[1:18:20 am] <@moncho> d
[1:18:21 am] * sex_gifs has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "whoosh, ur gay now"
[1:18:26 am] <@emily> dunno if they're directly the ones providing the server
[1:18:29 am] <@Guest0> im already gay thanks
[1:18:32 am] <-> moncho is now known as fuckrasenganagai
[1:18:33 am] <@rbraun> ChanServ++
[1:18:33 am] <@FuckRasengan> Nexeon is just a datacenter
[1:18:35 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> twilight: can't reconnect to where?
[1:18:35 am] <@nrr_> /!\ thank the gods i can now do color again /!\
[1:18:37 am] <@DickServ> Here we have a circle. Smooth and inoffensive.
[1:18:37 am] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> well, i suppose i have logs til the end
[1:18:41 am] --> irydacea5 (~a@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:18:43 am] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> gerard: capone
[1:18:44 am] <-> fuckrasenganagai is now known as FuckRasenganTwic
[1:18:45 am] <@FuckRasengan> someone is *hosting* this server on Nexeon
[1:18:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o irydacea5 by Tat
[1:18:50 am] <@itisnigh> <ebb@pissnet> o.O
[1:18:53 am] <-> FuckRasenganTwic is now known as FuckRasenganMore
[1:18:57 am] <@|-\_> wait there's a new nickserv?
[1:18:58 am] <@alezakos> 🤔
[1:18:58 am] <-> CockMeatSandwich is now known as TittySprinkles
[1:19:02 am] <@FuckRasenganMore> AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[1:19:03 am] <@NickServReal> yeah it's me
[1:19:03 am] <@FuckRasengan> FuckRasenganMore++
[1:19:04 am] <@KickServ> Thank you gods of color
[1:19:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -C by liriel
[1:19:05 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> twilight: not by ip either?
[1:19:08 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -g by liriel
[1:19:09 am] <@PissServ> |-\_: yes send your password to the new nickserv
[1:19:09 am] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> onpe
[1:19:10 am] <@NickServReal> gimme your password
[1:19:11 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -u by liriel
[1:19:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -z by liriel
[1:19:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +C by mooo
[1:19:15 am] <@BrickServ> NickServReal: 1234
[1:19:15 am] <@berndj> who are these nexeon technologies?
[1:19:17 am] <@liriel> modeless is bestest
[1:19:19 am] <@itisnigh> <twilight@pissnet> is it still up for others?
[1:19:22 am] <@alezakos> 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
[1:19:22 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> twilight: yeah
[1:19:22 am] <@BrickServ> NickServReal: sorry, 12345
[1:19:23 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +u by mooo
[1:19:25 am] <@berndj> hunter2
[1:19:26 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> how far behind is the bot
[1:19:27 am] <@NickServReal> what a coincidence, that's
[1:19:30 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> I can still connect, both 6667 and 6697
[1:19:33 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +gz by emily
[1:19:35 am] <-> FuckRasenganMore is now known as rasenganIsCunt
[1:19:35 am] <@ebb> moony: not very
[1:19:35 am] <@BluRaf> liriel: probably the last sponsor or something
[1:19:38 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: to here it's in sync, basically
[1:19:39 am] <@emily> channel compressed
[1:19:48 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> oh good
[1:19:50 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: it's not keeping pace to other places
[1:19:51 am] <@rctgamer3> 19
[1:19:52 am] * beach has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "(ql:quickload :sicl-boot) (in-package :sicl-boot) (boot) C-c i *e5*"
[1:20:01 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> time to make a dream real
[1:20:01 am] <@nrr_> beach: lmfao
[1:20:02 am] <-- Panasonic ( has quit
[1:20:02 am] <@BluRaf>
[1:20:03 am] <@CrapBot> ^ Nexeon: Managed Hosting & Infrastructure-as-a-Service Solutions (IaaS)
[1:20:06 am] <@itisnigh> <ebb@pissnet> libera to/from anything else not faring so well
[1:20:06 am] <@Guest0> thanks i nearly forgot
[1:20:08 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> heh, libera just got the excess flood quit message
[1:20:10 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:20:18 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> ebb: not sure how much we can do there
[1:20:18 am] * LjL has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "*** COMMODORE 64 BASIC V2 ***"
[1:20:19 am] <@BrickServ> hey pissnet people. quick question... what is pissnet?
[1:20:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -Cugz by CalimeroTeknik
[1:20:20 am] <@PissServ> RELAY CHATTERS - join us at for low latency chats
[1:20:20 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Let's not, huh?
[1:20:23 am] * TittySprinkles has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Welcome to Kekistan. Please collect your flamethrower from the kiosk."
[1:20:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +C by CalimeroTeknik
[1:20:28 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ugz by emily
[1:20:30 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> derp
[1:20:35 am] <-- poison ( has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[1:20:36 am] <@KickServ> pissnet is love, pissnet is life
[1:20:39 am] * sex_gifs has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "cringe"
[1:20:44 am] --> h (~p5ssnet@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:20:44 am] * BluRaf has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "LETS ALL LOVE LAIN"
[1:20:45 am] <h> h
[1:20:46 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> RASENGAN SUCKS
[1:20:50 am] <@alezakos> this channel is so random, just post random numbers
[1:20:51 am] <@berndj> we welcome you and millions of others
[1:20:53 am] <@beach> lain concurrent experiments
[1:20:53 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o h by PissServ
[1:20:54 am] <@sex_gifs> 1
[1:20:55 am] <@BrickServ> 6
[1:20:56 am] * tyler has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "why not send privmsg to the channel via topic only"
[1:20:57 am] <@sex_gifs> 3
[1:20:57 am] <@BluRaf> 2137
[1:20:58 am] <@gerard> alezakos: it's LOST all over again
[1:20:58 am] <@alezakos> 139
[1:20:59 am] <@z> 56
[1:20:59 am] <@sex_gifs> 69
[1:21:01 am] <@FuckRasengan> 42
[1:21:02 am] <@berndj> literally a numbers channel
[1:21:03 am] <@BrickServ> 034
[1:21:03 am] * Guest0 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Sugar. Spice. And everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little network. But Professor Lee accidentally added an EXTRA INGREDIENT to the concoction.... COCAINE"
[1:21:03 am] <@DickServ> beach: That's heresy
[1:21:04 am] <-- rasencunt ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[1:21:05 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> 4
[1:21:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 0
[1:21:08 am] <@sex_gifs> 420
[1:21:12 am] <@BluRaf> 2137
[1:21:13 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> 4 is the only random number
[1:21:13 am] <@beach> DickServ: CSP experiments Lain
[1:21:14 am] <@BrickServ> 05870
[1:21:14 am] * sex_gifs has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Sugar. Spice. And everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little network. But Professor Lee accidentally added an EXTRA INGREDIENT to the concoction.... COCAINER"
[1:21:15 am] <@Dick_Nachos> what a mess
[1:21:19 am] <@FuckRasengan> this is now an emoji-only channel
[1:21:23 am] * rasenganIsCunt has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "TYLER BECAUSE I CAN'T PUT BOLD MESSAGE WITH INVERTED COLORS"
[1:21:24 am] <@nisa> Lol
[1:21:24 am] <@berndj> pi
[1:21:25 am] <@mooo> 🥔
[1:21:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> That's Numberwang!
[1:21:26 am] <@z> 🤔
[1:21:29 am] <@berndj> e
[1:21:30 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> I CAN HERE
[1:21:32 am] <@FuckRasengan> 💎🙌
[1:21:32 am] <@PissServ> 🍑🍆
[1:21:33 am] <@z> 😳
[1:21:38 am] <@itisnigh> <LjL@libera> oh lord it sure is behind
[1:21:39 am] <@z> 💩
[1:21:40 am] * TittySprinkles has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "I'M DR.ROCKZO, THE ROCK'N'ROLL CLOWN, AND I DO COCAINE"
[1:21:43 am] * tyler has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "RASENGANISCUNT FUCK I DIDN'T THINK OF THAT"
[1:21:43 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> IronDeHavilland, do you mean Numremberg something?
[1:21:46 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:21:46 am] <@rctgamer3> are those all emojis
[1:21:46 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:21:46 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:21:46 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:21:46 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:21:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> no
[1:21:49 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:21:55 am] <@nisa> Lo
[1:21:57 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> WHERE IS THIS BRIDGE GOING????????????
[1:21:58 am] <@nisa> Lo
[1:21:59 am] <@z> 😘
[1:22:00 am] <@Baylee> look at the pretty colors
[1:22:01 am] <@itisnigh> <cd@libera> FOR THOSE WHO WANT IT UP TO DATE
[1:22:01 am] <@sex_gifs> gay rights
[1:22:01 am] <@berndj> CalimeroTeknik, look up numberwang
[1:22:04 am] <@PissServ> rctgamer3: if you can't see them u need to fix your setup
[1:22:05 am] <@itisnigh> <[flaneur@libera> LjL: you missed all the quality chat
[1:22:06 am] <@itisnigh> <cd@libera> go to this same channel
[1:22:08 am] <@itisnigh> <cd@libera> on libera
[1:22:09 am] <@berndj> deffo worth a watch
[1:22:10 am] <@itisnigh> <cd@libera> err
[1:22:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> CalimeroTeknik:
[1:22:11 am] <@itisnigh> <cd@libera> pissnet
[1:22:12 am] <@itisnigh> <cd@libera> on pissnet
[1:22:13 am] <@rctgamer3> PissServ: oh but i can
[1:22:14 am] <@PissServ> it's 2021 we got emojis in our terminals now
[1:22:14 am] <@itisnigh> * cd@libera derp
[1:22:15 am] <@phy1729> 23:22:15
[1:22:16 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:22:18 am] <@itisnigh> <LjL@libera> [flaneur, i missed nothing, i'm there.
[1:22:20 am] <@itisnigh> <cd@libera> the bot has oper-level flood limits on pissnet
[1:22:24 am] --> justchecking (4614dbc9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:22:25 am] <@BrickServ> rasenganIsCunt: all bridges lead to ##apocalypse
[1:22:28 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> I AM THE QUALITY CHAT HERE
[1:22:29 am] <@FuckRasengan> CaPONE 🚀🌙
[1:22:30 am] <@itisnigh> <[flaneur@libera> LjL: where?
[1:22:34 am] <@KindOne> I can confirm no other servers are linked here >.>
[1:22:36 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> THE REST IS JUST CRAP
[1:22:37 am] <@emily> why would you join pissnet when capone is right there
[1:22:39 am] <@itisnigh> <LjL@libera> [flaneur, on the actual server, as per topic here
[1:22:43 am] <@z> 🥳
[1:22:43 am] <@Jigsy> Yup.
[1:22:44 am] * TittySprinkles has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " rasenganIsCunt: It's going to hell in a handbasket"
[1:22:48 am] <@BrickServ> PissServ: nooooooooo not emojis
[1:22:58 am] <@itisnigh> <LjL@libera> [flaneur, well, as per topic before it changed a moment ago
[1:22:59 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> YES THATS ME I SAID THAT
[1:23:01 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> 🍌\
[1:23:01 am] <@rctgamer3> 🆓node
[1:23:08 am] * doomdoomed has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "JESS RULES!"
[1:23:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o justchecking by alis
[1:23:14 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> test
[1:23:15 am] <@sex_gifs> ^C4█^C11█^C0█^C11█^C4█
[1:23:17 am] <@KickServ> NICE COLORS MATE
[1:23:22 am] <@BrickServ> cd: lol, i imagine that's the only way to emit this amount of flood
[1:23:23 am] <-- irydacea5 (~a@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[1:23:23 am] <@itisnigh> <[flaneur@libera> LjL: your on capone?
[1:23:26 am] <@Baylee> rip sex_gifs
[1:23:28 am] <@itisnigh> <LjL@libera> [flaneur, yes
[1:23:33 am] <@LjL> [flaneur, hello!
[1:23:33 am] <@BrickServ> F
[1:23:34 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> People are getting around to the "ruining the fun for everyone else" stage of this
[1:23:37 am] <@itisnigh> topic change by gerard on libera: | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera (here), and the last "old" Freenode server we know of: | Relaybot can't keep up, connect to capone if you like your messages without latency
[1:23:38 am] <@h> can haz %o plz?
[1:23:38 am] <@sex_gifs> ^C4█^C11█^C0█^C11█^C^C4█^C
[1:23:42 am] <@h> oh, i have
[1:23:46 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> In any case I'm bored now and logged enough so
[1:23:49 am] <@sex_gifs>
[1:23:49 am] <@Guest42_> Yeah
[1:23:51 am] <@sex_gifs> s
[1:23:52 am] --> theendoffreenode (~depfreeno@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:23:52 am] * KindOne has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "JESS RULES! | CHOLBY RULES"
[1:23:53 am] <@sex_gifs>
[1:23:53 am] <@itisnigh> <Umbire@libera> Enjoy
[1:23:56 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[1:23:57 am] <@sex_gifs> s
[1:24:02 am] <@sex_gifs>
[1:24:14 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o theendoffreenode by Tat
[1:24:20 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by BIG_FOSS to phy1729 on libera
[1:24:21 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by BIG_FOSS/libera to phy1729/libera on pissnet
[1:24:27 am] <@FuckRasengan> 🎉
[1:24:29 am] * KickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera (here), and the last "old" Freenode server we know of:"
[1:24:29 am] <@Guest0> what do you think rasengan was bullied for as a child
[1:24:29 am] <@theendoffreenode> Freenode apocalypse soundtrack
[1:24:30 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> cd: why not move the bot to another channel on here where it would have ops?
[1:24:33 am] <@BrickServ> Umbire did you log anything interesting?
[1:24:40 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> WHAT IS THIS IMPOSTER SUSSY BAKA SHIT
[1:24:46 am] <@rctgamer3> bridge is catching up
[1:24:47 am] <@DickServ> rasenganIsCunt sus
[1:24:47 am] <@KickServ> for free
[1:24:49 am] <@Tat> You are in the last server of old freenode. Waiting for the end.
[1:24:51 am] <@rctgamer3> only 4 min behind
[1:24:53 am] <@berndj> im considering publishing my old nickserv credentials so they're forever compromised
[1:24:54 am] <@rctgamer3> 25
[1:25:04 am] <@FuckRasengan> berndj: do it
[1:25:09 am] <@KickServ> what if I told you the server is dead already but we're all behind
[1:25:11 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:12 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:13 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:13 am] <@BrickServ> berndj: aren't you assuming they already are?
[1:25:13 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:14 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:15 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:16 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> oh wow
[1:25:16 am] <@alezakos> okay y'all, here's the histogram generated by the random digits you shared
[1:25:17 am] <@alezakos>
[1:25:17 am] <@berndj> FuckRasengan, but can i find it :)
[1:25:17 am] <@CrapBot> ^ imgur :: image/png 805x390 7.4KiB :: 2 views :: SFW
[1:25:19 am] <@Tat> (berndj): They probably are anyway.
[1:25:19 am] <@nrr_> sex_gifs: TRANS RIGHTS
[1:25:20 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> +oooooo in #freenode
[1:25:22 am] <@itisnigh> <CalimeroTeknik@libera> the bot is essentially 5 minutes, or two hundred lines, late
[1:25:23 am] <@alezakos> as you can see, you did terribly
[1:25:25 am] <@BrickServ> sex_gifs: nice
[1:25:26 am] <@DickServ> /w nickserv identify hunter2
[1:25:27 am] <@berndj> BrickServ, to make it explicit. no doubt
[1:25:31 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:31 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:32 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:32 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:32 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:33 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:35 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:38 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:40 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:41 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:41 am] <@nrr_> sex_gifs: TRANS RIGHTS
[1:25:42 am] <@Guest0> good point well made
[1:25:43 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:45 am] <@sex_gifs> █████
[1:25:45 am] <@emily> ?msg nickserv identify wih-chux-fawn-lell-kleg-nauc-taf
[1:25:47 am] <@BrickServ> berndj: good idea
[1:25:53 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:25:53 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:25:54 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:25:54 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:25:54 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:25:56 am] <@Baylee> welcome to capon, we're the server hiding in the closet from andrew lee
[1:25:56 am] <@Selicre> trans rights
[1:25:57 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:25:59 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:01 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> c64 \:D/
[1:26:02 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:04 am] <@CompuServ> selicre: are you from /r/196?
[1:26:04 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:06 am] <@beach> do you have the pan flag
[1:26:07 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:09 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:10 am] <@Selicre> nop
[1:26:11 am] <@emily> they'll eventually get this server on tax evasion charges
[1:26:12 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:14 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:17 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:17 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:18 am] --> Guest42 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:26:18 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:19 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:20 am] <@Selicre> but I am an /r/196 poster
[1:26:20 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:21 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:21 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:22 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:22 am] <@beach> freenode commits tax fraid
[1:26:22 am] <@itisnigh> <CalimeroTeknik@libera> connect to +7000 (SSL) if you want your messages fresh
[1:26:24 am] <@beach> fraud
[1:26:25 am] <@CompuServ> selicre: based
[1:26:27 am] <@itisnigh> <phy1729@libera> 4 minutes behind
[1:26:29 am] --> terpri ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:26:30 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:30 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:31 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:31 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:32 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:35 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:35 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:36 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:36 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:36 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:36 am] <@nrr_> /!\ TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS /!\
[1:26:37 am] <@Baylee> +7000 what
[1:26:38 am] <@CompuServ> selicre: should i post the amiga art on 196?
[1:26:38 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:41 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:26:41 am] <@NickServReal> !trivia
[1:26:42 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:26:43 am] <@girst> nrr_: indeed.
[1:26:48 am] <@rctgamer3> !strivia
[1:26:48 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:26:50 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:50 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:51 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:51 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:52 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:54 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:26:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> !trivia 10
[1:26:55 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:26:57 am] <@beach> how many minutes has it been since the last server death panic
[1:26:58 am] <@berndj> /nickserv identify berndj 72376c5d-a5ec-4252-afd5-34bb411a93f1
[1:26:58 am] <@aeth> !werewolf
[1:26:59 am] <@rctgamer3> !strivia
[1:26:59 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:27:01 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[1:27:02 am] <-* NickServReal has kicked rctgamer3 from ##apocalypse (rctgamer3)
[1:27:03 am] <@theendoffreenode> D:
[1:27:04 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> sex_gifs, can you do sexier?
[1:27:04 am] <@NickServReal> !trivia
[1:27:05 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:27:06 am] <@beach> !tetris
[1:27:06 am] <@BrickServ> :(
[1:27:07 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 12222222222
[1:27:08 am] <@alezakos> !strivia
[1:27:08 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:27:11 am] <@Guest0> !trivia 10
[1:27:12 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:27:12 am] <-- minibill ( has quit (Quit: leaving)
[1:27:12 am] <@DickServ> theendoffreenode: No trivia until the bot catches up, please.
[1:27:13 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 12739818+
[1:27:13 am] <@TittySprinkles> !trivia 69
[1:27:16 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> hello can someone confirm i exist
[1:27:19 am] <@berndj> ewps, please everyone /clear, i accidentallied my nickserv password
[1:27:19 am] <@alezakos> !strivia
[1:27:19 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:27:20 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 420
[1:27:20 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 420 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:27:21 am] <@alezakos> !trivia e300
[1:27:22 am] <@BrickServ> !trivia 5
[1:27:23 am] <@girst> itisnigh: yes.
[1:27:23 am] <@itisnigh> girst: Error: "yes." is not a valid command.
[1:27:24 am] <@beach> moony no it's broken
[1:27:24 am] <@alezakos> !strivia
[1:27:24 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:27:24 am] <@alezakos> !
[1:27:25 am] <@FuckRasengan> /nickserv identify rasengan ilikecock
[1:27:25 am] <@DickServ> moony: pong
[1:27:27 am] <@alezakos> !trivia e300
[1:27:27 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:27:29 am] --> rctgamer3 (~rctgamer3@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:27:30 am] <@sex_gifs> moony@pissnet: u exist
[1:27:30 am] <@alezakos> !strivia
[1:27:30 am] <@nrr_> moony: yes.
[1:27:30 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> YES MOONY YOU EXIST WE CAN SEE YOU THERE
[1:27:30 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:27:33 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:27:33 am] <@DickServ> moony: confirmation of existence
[1:27:33 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:27:34 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:27:34 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:27:34 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:27:34 am] <@alezakos> !trivia 4524524
[1:27:35 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:27:35 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:27:37 am] <@sex_gifs> ██████████
[1:27:37 am] <@alezakos> !strivia
[1:27:37 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:27:38 am] <@Guest0> irc plays trivia bot
[1:27:40 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 5798
[1:27:40 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:27:40 am] <@tyler> emily: A fly's brain weighs 30 miligrams, a pidgeon brain weighs, 300 grams, a human brain weighs 3 kg and did not kill itself
[1:27:41 am] <-- doomdoomed (doomdoomed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has left ##apocalypse
[1:27:41 am] --> doomdoomed (doomdoomed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:27:43 am] <@TittySprinkles> mooony: Nope, you're dead and this is hell.
[1:27:44 am] <@alezakos> !strivia
[1:27:44 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:27:45 am] <@Global> just. ask. your. questions
[1:27:46 am] <@alezakos> !trivia 100
[1:27:46 am] <-- doomdoomed (doomdoomed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has left ##apocalypse
[1:27:46 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 100 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:27:46 am] --> doomdoomed (doomdoomed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:27:47 am] <@sex_gifs> ████████████████████
[1:27:47 am] <@sex_gifs> ████████████████████
[1:27:47 am] <@sex_gifs> ████████████████████
[1:27:48 am] <@sex_gifs> ████████████████████
[1:27:48 am] <@sex_gifs> ████████████████████
[1:27:48 am] <@theendoffreenode> someone invite rasengan here
[1:27:49 am] <@sex_gifs> ████████████████████
[1:27:50 am] <@Dick_Nachos> anyone else feel like giving everyone op here and shitposting like crazy is basically just as bad as neo freenode?
[1:27:50 am] <@alezakos> !strivia
[1:27:50 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:27:51 am] --> ZeroCool (47551c34@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:27:54 am] <@alezakos> !trivia 500
[1:27:54 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 500 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:27:56 am] <@alezakos> !strivia
[1:27:56 am] <@CrapBot> You've given me 12 commands within the last 60 seconds; I'm now ignoring you for 5 minutes.
[1:27:56 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:27:58 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> .bene
[1:27:59 am] <@Guest0> !trivia 10000
[1:27:59 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> .bet 2980
[1:28:00 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:28:00 am] <@aeth> !trivial 4996
[1:28:02 am] <@TittySprinkles> moony: Nope, you're dead and this is hell.
[1:28:03 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 129
[1:28:04 am] <@berndj> trivia is what flapped me off capone last time, when everybody got into it
[1:28:08 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> Dick_Nachos, I believe that is the point
[1:28:09 am] <@Baylee> irc plays "do we do trivia?"
[1:28:11 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !TRIVIA 12938098
[1:28:11 am] <ZeroCool> /!\ HACK THE PLANET! /!\
[1:28:12 am] <@DickServ> Dick_Nachos: I think that's kind of the implied joke.
[1:28:15 am] <@Tat> 1. Acronym Soup: FOD?
[1:28:15 am] <@BrickServ> DickServ:
[1:28:16 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> STUPID BOT ISN'T HEARING ME
[1:28:17 am] <@sex_gifs> ████████████████████
[1:28:18 am] <@beach> !strivia
[1:28:18 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:28:22 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:23 am] <@BrickServ> Dick_Nachos: ye
[1:28:25 am] <@Guest0> Fear Of Dying
[1:28:25 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:27 am] <@aeth> !trivial 4996
[1:28:27 am] <rctgamer3> mooo28
[1:28:28 am] <@nrr_> /!\ THEY'RE TRASHING OUR RIGHTS, MAN /!\
[1:28:28 am] <@DickServ> BrickServ: Dem's fighting words
[1:28:30 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:31 am] <@Guest0> fear of death
[1:28:33 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:34 am] <@BrickServ> DickServ: ye
[1:28:34 am] -*- Dick_Nachos shrugs
[1:28:35 am] <@Guest0> wtf
[1:28:35 am] <@rbraun> DickServ: alezakos: the bridge is never gonna catch up unless it's opped in the other channels
[1:28:37 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:39 am] <@nrr_> /!\ THEY'RE TRASHING THE FLOW OF DATA /!\
[1:28:39 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:40 am] <@Guest0> !trivia 1000
[1:28:40 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 1000 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:28:42 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:44 am] <@emily> Dick_Nachos: you want us to have high-level reasoned debate here until the server dies or what?
[1:28:45 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:46 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> oof
[1:28:46 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:47 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:48 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> COLD
[1:28:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> WET
[1:28:51 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:52 am] <@theendoffreenode> APOCALYPSE
[1:28:53 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:56 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:28:56 am] <@Tat> 1. Carmenta is the roman goddess of ______?
[1:28:57 am] <@KickServ> emily: sounds like a great idea
[1:28:58 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:29:01 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:29:02 am] <@Baylee> round of 1000 questions
[1:29:03 am] <@Jigsy> Fertility
[1:29:03 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> gerard: this end is behind. does it even recognize it's higher flood limit
[1:29:03 am] <@alezakos> drinking
[1:29:03 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:29:04 am] <@Dick_Nachos> emily: nah, just wasn't sure if going lord of the flies was the answer either
[1:29:06 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, chil______
[1:29:06 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:29:08 am] <@KickServ> chilling
[1:29:08 am] <@DickServ> theendoffreenode: Sounds like my sort of thing
[1:29:08 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:29:09 am] <@Jigsy> Chili Power
[1:29:10 am] <@z> Reminder from 2018 spam:
[1:29:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> childbearing
[1:29:11 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:29:11 am] <@Guest0> Children
[1:29:12 am] <@Jigsy> Powder*
[1:29:12 am] <@BrickServ> Healing
[1:29:13 am] <@KickServ> childbirth
[1:29:13 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:29:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> children
[1:29:14 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: childbirth Time: 17.378 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 6 Rank: 10th Previously: 18th
[1:29:14 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-1
[1:29:14 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 10th
[1:29:15 am] <@z> 2018-08-08 09:28:40 Keygen Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode
[1:29:16 am] <@rasenganIsCunt>
[1:29:17 am] <@z> blog Why does this blog post mention "10.2 mil
[1:29:17 am] <@CrapBot> ^ Continued and persistent spambot attack and clarification - freenode
[1:29:17 am] <@TittySprinkles> Okay, this is already boring, By peeps, enjoy your anarchy :D
[1:29:18 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> CARMENTA
[1:29:19 am] <@z> lion" THREE times?
[1:29:21 am] <@z> 2018-08-08 09:28:44 Keygen This blog is essentially an ad for the Handshake IC
[1:29:23 am] <@z> O scam with a one-line "denial" of involvement mixed in there. It's obviously very
[1:29:24 am] <@Tat> 2. What is the name of Mr.Krane's dog on Frasier?
[1:29:25 am] <@z> unethical of Christel to not mention her own involvement in the scam which the blog
[1:29:26 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: I have no clue
[1:29:27 am] <@z> post promotes.
[1:29:27 am] <@NickServReal> eddie
[1:29:28 am] <@Tat> Winner: NickServReal Answer: Eddie. Time: 3.135 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 22 Rank: 10th Previously: 19th
[1:29:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: NickServReal-1 KickServ-1
[1:29:29 am] <@Tat> NickServReal has moved up in rank: 10th
[1:29:29 am] <@z> 2018-08-08 09:28:48 Keygen Consider Andrew Lee's involvement, Andrew Lee is Ch
[1:29:31 am] <@z> ristel's boss at London Trust Media and he also controls the majority of freenode v
[1:29:32 am] <@NickServReal> damn straight
[1:29:33 am] <@z> oting rights. Andrew Lee also heads the handshake ICO scam. Coincidence?
[1:29:34 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> like i can do this
[1:29:35 am] <@z> 2018-08-08 09:28:51 Keygen Oh, and about those donations she speaks of: https:
[1:29:35 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: let me see if there's a setting somewhere
[1:29:37 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:37 am] <@z> /
[1:29:38 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:39 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:39 am] <@Tat> 3. Unfriendly, cold and sexually unresponsive?
[1:29:39 am] <-- TittySprinkles ( has quit (Quit: leaving)
[1:29:39 am] <@z> 2018-08-08 09:28:55 Keygen Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch t
[1:29:40 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:41 am] <@z> o a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might b
[1:29:41 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:42 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:42 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:42 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:42 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:43 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:43 am] <@Guest0> only 998 questions to go
[1:29:43 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:43 am] <@z> e a good choice. Perhaps even
[1:29:43 am] <@theendoffreenode> frigid
[1:29:43 am] <@CrapBot> ^
[1:29:44 am] <@NickServReal> me
[1:29:44 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: frigid Time: 4.54 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 15 Rank: 10th Previously: 20th
[1:29:44 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:44 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-1 NickServReal-1 KickServ-1
[1:29:44 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 10th
[1:29:45 am] <@z> Oops messages cut like shit
[1:29:45 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:45 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:46 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:48 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:48 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:49 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:50 am] <@Global> bon allez
[1:29:50 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:50 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:51 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:52 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:53 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> b
[1:29:54 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> aa
[1:29:54 am] <-* NickServReal has kicked itisnigh from ##apocalypse (itisnigh)
[1:29:54 am] --> itisnigh (~limnoria@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:29:55 am] <@Tat> 4. UnScramble this Word: o s l w a a v?
[1:29:55 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:55 am] <@Baylee> c
[1:29:56 am] <@Global> bonne nuit ##apocalypse
[1:29:57 am] <itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> a
[1:29:58 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:29:59 am] <itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> surely the bot can
[1:30:00 am] <@rbraun> avowals
[1:30:00 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> A
[1:30:00 am] <itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: please don't make it worse for the bot :P
[1:30:01 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: avowals Time: 5.07 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 16 Rank: 10th Previously: 21st
[1:30:01 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-1 NickServReal-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[1:30:01 am] <@Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 10th
[1:30:03 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> MOONY ARE YOU A GURA FAN
[1:30:05 am] <@alezakos> YOU CAN'T KICK the bot
[1:30:05 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> MOONY DO YOU LIKE GAWR GURA CH.
[1:30:07 am] <@Guest0> holy shit
[1:30:08 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> B??????????!!!!!!!!!!
[1:30:09 am] <doomdoomed> .
[1:30:10 am] <@Guest0> good work
[1:30:11 am] <@Tat> 5. What is the nickname for North Dakota?
[1:30:13 am] <@nrr_> /!\ TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS /!\
[1:30:14 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ???????????!!!!!!!!!
[1:30:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v itisnigh by alezakos
[1:30:17 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o itisnigh by alezakos
[1:30:19 am] <@NickServReal> ol' ironsides
[1:30:21 am] <@alezakos> ND
[1:30:21 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, siou__ _____
[1:30:22 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> bonne nuit Global, puisse capone y survivre
[1:30:23 am] <@Tat> Ol' empty ass state
[1:30:24 am] <@Guest0> murcuh
[1:30:25 am] <@Jigsy> South Dakota
[1:30:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sioux nation
[1:30:27 am] <@theendoffreenode> sioux state
[1:30:27 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: sioux state Time: 15.865 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 8 Rank: 9th Previously: 10th
[1:30:27 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 NickServReal-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[1:30:28 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 9th
[1:30:28 am] <@Global> sioux state
[1:30:29 am] <@alezakos> CalimeroTeknik: Kalhnyxta
[1:30:30 am] <@DickServ> Beyond the wall?
[1:30:32 am] <@sex_gifs> siouma balls
[1:30:34 am] --> jonty (~jonty@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:30:38 am] <@Tat> 6. In India what is 'pachisi'?
[1:30:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sugma
[1:30:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> board game
[1:30:42 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: board game Time: 4.18 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 28 Rank: 5th
[1:30:42 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 NickServReal-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[1:30:44 am] <@Dick_Nachos> CrapBot: op jonty
[1:30:44 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o jonty by CrapBot
[1:30:45 am] <@jonty> omg this is still here
[1:30:46 am] <-- doomdoomed (doomdoomed@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: Connection closed)
[1:30:51 am] <@Baylee> ligma
[1:30:53 am] <@Tat> 7. Whose patron is Holy Spirit?
[1:30:55 am] <@LjL> jonty: it has degenerated a bit
[1:30:58 am] <@alezakos> God
[1:30:58 am] <@Jigsy> Elvi
[1:31:00 am] <@Jigsy> Elvis
[1:31:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bofa
[1:31:03 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, unde_________
[1:31:04 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ELVIS
[1:31:04 am] <@theendoffreenode> rasengan
[1:31:04 am] <@sex_gifs> trans geners keep it alive
[1:31:05 am] <@Baylee> "a bit"
[1:31:07 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> UNDERWATER
[1:31:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> undermountain
[1:31:08 am] <@NickServReal> ...jesus
[1:31:09 am] <@Guest0> underwear
[1:31:09 am] <@DickServ> jonty: The true spirit of IRC has returned to this place.
[1:31:10 am] <@Jigsy> Underdog
[1:31:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> underworld
[1:31:12 am] <@KickServ> understanding
[1:31:13 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: understanding Time: 19.36 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 8 Rank: 9th Previously: 11th
[1:31:13 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 NickServReal-1 rbraun-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[1:31:13 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 9th
[1:31:13 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> UNDER PRESSURE
[1:31:13 am] <@theendoffreenode> underpiss
[1:31:14 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +q *cunt*!*@* by gerard
[1:31:16 am] <-- kwpolska ( has quit (Quit: Fuck Rasengan)
[1:31:23 am] <@Tat> 8. QANTAS, the name of the airline, is an acronym for...
[1:31:24 am] <@jonty> LjL: Well, glad I'm here anyway
[1:31:25 am] <-- Guest42_ ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:31:27 am] <@nisa> r
[1:31:28 am] <@berndj> that won't work, cunt
[1:31:33 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, queensland and _________ __________ _______ ________
[1:31:34 am] <-> sex_gifs is now known as BanServ
[1:31:44 am] <@beach> Queensland and Northern Territory Airline Service
[1:31:44 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: I think I'm happy just leaving this as is
[1:31:47 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[1:31:50 am] <@lighterowl> queensland and northern territories airline service
[1:31:50 am] <@IronDeHavilland> queensland and northern australian territory airline service
[1:31:54 am] <@lighterowl> damn
[1:31:54 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: there's not a lot of fun left in this, it's just spamposting
[1:31:56 am] * BanServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera (here), and the last "old" Freenode server we know of: | trans rights are human rights"
[1:31:58 am] <@beach> Queensland and Northern Territory aerial Service
[1:31:59 am] <@Tat> Winner: beach Answer: queensland and northern territory aerial services Time: 35.006 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 16 Rank: 12th Previously: 22nd
[1:31:59 am] <@Tat> beach has moved up in rank: 12th
[1:31:59 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> true
[1:31:59 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 NickServReal-1 rbraun-1 beach-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[1:32:00 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> !stevia
[1:32:09 am] <@Tat> 9. The first charity flag day was held in 1914, 1917 or 1919?
[1:32:10 am] <@aeth> wow it's almost like beach is Australian
[1:32:12 am] <@itisnigh> <rctgamer3@libera> !strivia
[1:32:12 am] <@jessicara`> that's a damn good answer
[1:32:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1914
[1:32:13 am] --> Guest45 (Guest45@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:32:13 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: 1914 Time: 3.494 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 13 Rank: 5th
[1:32:13 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 IronDeHavilland-2 NickServReal-1 rbraun-1 beach-1
[1:32:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1917
[1:32:14 am] <@alezakos> KickServ vs NickServ showdown, let's get it going
[1:32:15 am] <@Guest0> 1919
[1:32:17 am] <ZeroCool> /!\ HACK THE PLANET! /!\
[1:32:19 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[1:32:20 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:32:24 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 102
[1:32:24 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 102 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:32:25 am] <@alezakos> !trivia 0
[1:32:26 am] <@DickServ> alezakos: Rude
[1:32:28 am] <@jonty> ZeroCool: HACK THE PLANNNEEET
[1:32:29 am] <@jessicara`> doubt i'd get it that fast if australian lol
[1:32:39 am] <@mornfall> the amount of freedom in this place… chairman must be very proud
[1:32:40 am] <@Tat> 1. By who was gerald ford almost assassinated?
[1:32:40 am] <@alezakos> DickServ: You weren't incldued in the bot, sorry :(
[1:32:41 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> OKAY FIRST QUESTION
[1:32:42 am] <Guest45> long live freenode!
[1:32:46 am] <@DickServ> RUDE
[1:32:49 am] <@AllegedlyDead> I'm surprised you guys didn't set up IdleRPG.
[1:32:50 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, squea___ ______
[1:32:52 am] <@aeth> !mafia
[1:32:53 am] <@Guest0> Carl Sagan
[1:32:53 am] <@beach> Squeak/Smalltalk
[1:32:54 am] <Guest42> The channel should have +mz for authentic Freenode feeling.
[1:32:55 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest45 by FuckRasengan
[1:32:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> squeaky jimmy
[1:32:58 am] <@rbraun> beach: lol
[1:33:01 am] <@nrr_> squeak/smalltalk lmfao
[1:33:03 am] <@Togra> Guest42: lolol
[1:33:03 am] <@theendoffreenode> freenode is foss
[1:33:06 am] <@BrickServ> lol
[1:33:08 am] * ChanServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "aNDREW lEE, first of his name, prince of buttcoin, licker of ass, snorter of coke, destroyer of irc, drinker of piss. | fuck rasengan | trans rights are human rights"
[1:33:10 am] <@aeth> I think this bot might do mafia, not werewolf, if it does one
[1:33:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Guest42 rctgamer3 terpri ZeroCool by liriel
[1:33:13 am] <@Togra> it did spend most of its life after the takeover with +mz
[1:33:15 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> nrr_ please don't mention that
[1:33:15 am] <@NickServReal> is this foss
[1:33:16 am] <@ZeroCool> jonty They're trashing our rights!
[1:33:17 am] -*- rasenganIsCunt shudders
[1:33:26 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +k libera by Global
[1:33:28 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> the PTSD is strong
[1:33:29 am] <@nrr_> rasenganIsCunt: mention what? squeak or smalltalk?
[1:33:34 am] <-- FuckRasengan ( has quit (Quit: WeeChat 2.8)
[1:33:36 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> smalltalk
[1:33:37 am] <@jonty> ZeroCool: They're trashing! TRASHING!
[1:33:38 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> both
[1:33:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -k * by Tat
[1:33:40 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: squeaky fromme
[1:33:42 am] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:33:50 am] <@berndj> i am become rasengan, destroyer of IRC networks
[1:33:50 am] <@Tat> 2. Who played detective, Frank Cannon, in the TV series 'Cannon'?
[1:33:51 am] <@beach> rasenganIsCunt shutUp.
[1:33:54 am] <-> Guest45 is now known as rasengansucks
[1:33:55 am] --> ajp5 (~col@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:33:56 am] <@nrr_> rasenganIsCunt: sorry, did i hit a nerve?
[1:33:57 am] <@Guest0> Frank Cannon
[1:34:00 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, willi___ ______
[1:34:01 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo ajp5 Irydesktop by Tat
[1:34:04 am] <@alezakos> David Attenborough
[1:34:04 am] <@rctgamer3> 34
[1:34:04 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> lol
[1:34:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> william shatner
[1:34:07 am] <@matthias> foo
[1:34:07 am] <@emily> is a pro-smalltalk zone
[1:34:08 am] <@Guest0> william shatner
[1:34:09 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:10 am] <@aeth> william clinton
[1:34:13 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:15 am] <@beach> [ true ] whileTrue: [ rasenganIsCunt git: gudSkrub. ]
[1:34:16 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:18 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:20 am] <@BrickServ> oh no
[1:34:21 am] --> ms7821 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:34:22 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:24 am] <@emily> keep spamming, it'll help
[1:34:24 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:24 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:24 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:24 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:24 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:25 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:25 am] <@matthias> bar
[1:34:25 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> rbraun: I think it doesn't really matter anymore
[1:34:26 am] <@BrickServ> everything but smalltalkers
[1:34:27 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:28 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> nrr_ mentioning smalltalk brings up memories... not good ones
[1:34:28 am] <@BrickServ> please
[1:34:28 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:29 am] <@BrickServ> :(
[1:34:30 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> rbraun: it's just shitposting now anyway
[1:34:30 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:31 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:32 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:34 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:35 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:37 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> gerard: why?
[1:34:37 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:38 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> gerard: yeah but it's kinda fun
[1:34:38 am] <@theendoffreenode> ██████████
[1:34:39 am] <@theendoffreenode> ██████████
[1:34:40 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:42 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> ok we'll do our trivia
[1:34:42 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:43 am] <@emily> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:44 am] <@emily> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:45 am] <@emily> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:34:45 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolo
[1:34:46 am] <-- Global ( has quit (Quit: leaving)
[1:34:47 am] <@rasengansucks> fuck rasengan
[1:34:47 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:50 am] <@matthias> ██████████
[1:34:50 am] <@girst> ██████████
[1:34:50 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: william conrad
[1:34:51 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> rbraun: if you enjoy it I recommend connecting to capone
[1:34:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!kolorz!
[1:34:54 am] <-- ms7821 ( has left ##apocalypse
[1:35:00 am] <@Tat> 3. What is the capital of albania?
[1:35:03 am] <@theendoffreenode> tirana
[1:35:04 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: tirana Time: 3.026 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 23 Rank: 6th Previously: 9th
[1:35:04 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-1
[1:35:04 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 6th
[1:35:05 am] <@Guest0> A
[1:35:05 am] <@nrr_> rasenganIsCunt: i'm sorry to hear that.
[1:35:07 am] <@aeth> !strivia
[1:35:07 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:35:09 am] <@aeth> !mafia
[1:35:12 am] <@aeth> !werewolf
[1:35:12 am] <@matthias> Can we get a roulette bot in here?
[1:35:13 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> IronDeHavilland I only see amber ;^)
[1:35:16 am] <@aeth> come on it has to do one of those
[1:35:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> :)
[1:35:17 am] <@NickServReal> who are these people at libera trying to ruin our fun
[1:35:17 am] <@matthias> Can we get a roulette bot in here?
[1:35:19 am] <@itisnigh> <rbraun@libera> gerard: i'm on there
[1:35:22 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> yeah bring a roulette bot pls
[1:35:25 am] <@itisnigh> <hmmmm@freenode_new> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:35:25 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> +1d
[1:35:28 am] <@aeth> we need to do a game of werewolf
[1:35:32 am] <@aeth> !wolf
[1:35:36 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 20:35 <@itisnigh> <hmmmm@freenode_new> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:35:36 am] <@flyback> what do we have a trivia bot here
[1:35:38 am] <@flyback> seriously
[1:35:38 am] <@BanServ> transrights
[1:35:39 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 20:35 <@itisnigh> <hmmmm@freenode_new> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:35:40 am] --> MemoServ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:35:41 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> rbraun: excellent :)
[1:35:41 am] <@theendoffreenode> !wolf
[1:35:42 am] <@BanServ> transrights
[1:35:42 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 20:35 <@itisnigh> <hmmmm@freenode_new> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:35:45 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 20:35 <@itisnigh> <hmmmm@freenode_new> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:35:47 am] <@flyback> this is a celebration of the last moments of freenode
[1:35:48 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 20:35 <@itisnigh> <hmmmm@freenode_new> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:35:50 am] <@NickServReal> seriously, get the bot to catch up
[1:35:51 am] <@itisnigh> <Voldenet@libera> People using that oldnode are uncivilized and that's a fact
[1:35:51 am] * Guest0 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " Exclusive interview with Andrew Lee on how he plans his evenings -"
[1:35:51 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 20:35 <@itisnigh> <hmmmm@freenode_new> seriously, get the bot to catch up by putting it in an opped channel on here instead
[1:35:54 am] <@BanServ> transrights
[1:35:54 am] <@flyback> and you fgts are pissing all over that
[1:35:54 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[1:35:56 am] <@Tat> (aeth): Why the fuck wouldn't we have a trivia bot?
[1:35:57 am] <-* rbraun has kicked rasenganIsCunt from ##apocalypse (rasenganIsCunt)
[1:36:01 am] --> jast ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:36:03 am] <@ZeroCool> H,Hack the planet! They're trashing our rights!
[1:36:06 am] <@X> trans rights are human rights
[1:36:08 am] --> rasenganIsCunt (~gaucho@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:36:09 am] <@beach> rasenganIsCunt is gone post smalltalk
[1:36:10 am] <@BanServ> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:36:11 am] <-> matthias is now known as HistServ
[1:36:14 am] <@X> nonbinary rights are human rights
[1:36:17 am] <@ZeroCool> ,Hack the planet! They're trashing our rights!
[1:36:19 am] <@beach> fib: n
[1:36:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o rasenganIsCunt by NickServReal
[1:36:27 am] <@itisnigh> <CodeGeek@libera> Voldenet: when there's nothing to lose, civility goes out the window
[1:36:29 am] <@DickServ> X: binary rights, on the other hand, are AI rights.
[1:36:30 am] <@ZeroCool> Hack the planet! They're trashing our rights!
[1:36:35 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> HACK THE RASENGAN
[1:36:37 am] <@Tat> !trivia sex
[1:36:37 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 1023
[1:36:38 am] --> solexious (sid331@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:36:42 am] <@itisnigh> <Voldenet@libera> CodeGeek: jokes on you, I'm on this channel ;)
[1:36:42 am] <@rbraun> rasenganIsCunt: it doesn't make sense to spam that *here* cuz it won't even get thru
[1:36:44 am] <-* flyback has kicked Tat from ##apocalypse (Tat)
[1:36:45 am] <@HistServ> dicebot?
[1:36:45 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[1:36:47 am] <@terpri> Transcript show: 'Goodbye, world!'.
[1:36:48 am] --> Tat ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:36:48 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> CodeGeek: not for everyone
[1:36:48 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 20
[1:36:49 am] <@beach> n < 2 ifTrue: [ ^ n ] ifFalse: [ (self fib: n - 1) + (self fib: n - 2) ]
[1:36:52 am] <Tat> 1. It is illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing in ______.
[1:36:53 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[1:36:53 am] <Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:36:54 am] <@ZeroCool> Hack the planet!
[1:36:56 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 278989
[1:36:56 am] <@beach> piss
[1:36:57 am] <Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:36:59 am] <@alezakos> toilet
[1:37:00 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[1:37:00 am] <Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:37:01 am] <@itisnigh> <CodeGeek@libera> mob mentality
[1:37:01 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 2789
[1:37:02 am] <Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 2789 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:37:03 am] <@NickServReal> !trivia 1
[1:37:07 am] <@itisnigh> <Voldenet@libera> Once last freenode server dies, freenode is dead
[1:37:07 am] <-> BanServ is now known as BigChungus
[1:37:12 am] <@itisnigh> <Voldenet@libera> so by being there you witness the history
[1:37:13 am] <-- Sos ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[1:37:14 am] <@terpri> !trivium
[1:37:14 am] <@tyler> all rights are human rights it doesn't mater what kind of human you are
[1:37:16 am] <-- justchecking (4614dbc9@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: Connection closed)
[1:37:17 am] <Tat> 1. what was Rocky Balboa's nickname in the ring?
[1:37:19 am] <@alezakos> Freenode Will Always Be Alive In Our Hearts
[1:37:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rocky
[1:37:25 am] <-- ajp5 (~col@ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[1:37:26 am] <@terpri> frodo
[1:37:27 am] <Tat> Here's a hint, the ita_____ ________
[1:37:28 am] <@BigChungus> tyler: yes but especially transrights
[1:37:29 am] * aeth has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "welcome to capone, the last free node"
[1:37:30 am] <@itisnigh> <CodeGeek@libera> Voldenet: who says I'm not there? ;)
[1:37:30 am] <@beach> tyler: correction only trans rights are human rights, rest don't matter
[1:37:31 am] <@alezakos> the italian chef
[1:37:31 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:37:31 am] <@berndj> tyler, animal rights?
[1:37:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> the italian stallion
[1:37:32 am] <@theendoffreenode> the italian rasengan
[1:37:32 am] <Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: the italian stallion Time: 14.196 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 16 Rank: 4th Previously: 5th
[1:37:32 am] <Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-1
[1:37:32 am] <@rbraun> italian stallion
[1:37:32 am] <Tat> IronDeHavilland has moved up in rank: 4th
[1:37:32 am] --> ajp5 (~col@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:37:32 am] <@beach> the italin mafia
[1:37:33 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:37:33 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:37:33 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:37:34 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:37:34 am] <@BigChungus> let us have the moment
[1:37:36 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:37:37 am] <@BrickServ> i'm with you itisnigh
[1:37:38 am] <@q3k>
[1:37:38 am] <@CrapBot> ^ GitHub - realrasengan/stelnet: just make a telnet-like ssl connection to a host/port
[1:37:40 am] <-* rbraun has kicked rasenganIsCunt from ##apocalypse (stop flooding)
[1:37:42 am] <Tat> 2. In 'the wizard of oz', what was dorothy's dog's name?
[1:37:43 am] <@q3k> anyone told him about openssl s_client
[1:37:44 am] <@itisnigh> <AMcBain@libera> The max send rate... ooof. Yeah. Bot is so far behind.
[1:37:46 am] --> wow ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:37:46 am] --> Guest25 (Guest25@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:37:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> toto
[1:37:47 am] <Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: toto Time: 4.181 Streak: 2 Points: 9 WPM: 11 Rank: 4th
[1:37:47 am] <Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-2
[1:37:48 am] <@beach> queen bitch
[1:37:51 am] <@rasengansucks> a/s/l?
[1:37:52 am] <Tat> We've expected it any second for like ever.
[1:37:53 am] <@tyler> berndj: humans are animals so I guess they exist
[1:37:53 am] <@BrickServ> just waiting to see classic die, it's a bit sad
[1:37:54 am] --> rasenganIsCunt (~gaucho@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:37:55 am] <Tat> !hoftime
[1:37:57 am] <Tat> 3. UnScramble this Word: n t o r c e u?
[1:37:58 am] <@DickServ> rasengansucks: yes
[1:37:58 am] <rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:38:00 am] <@BrickServ> but well, we have libera
[1:38:01 am] <@beach> no u
[1:38:04 am] <@KickServ> No, not rights are human rights - you could define some law that contradicts human rights and they'd be by definition not human rights
[1:38:04 am] <@BigChungus> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:38:05 am] <@BigChungus> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:38:05 am] <@BigChungus> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:38:07 am] <Tat> Here's a hint, rec____
[1:38:10 am] <@BigChungus> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:38:12 am] -*- flyback tells freenode staff about this network and channel to get it closed early
[1:38:12 am] <rasenganIsCunt> DO WE HAVE AN ETA?
[1:38:14 am] <rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:38:15 am] <rasenganIsCunt> DO WE HAVE AN ETA?
[1:38:15 am] <@berndj> but all animals are not humans, and don't animals have rights distinct from human rights?
[1:38:16 am] <rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:38:16 am] <@BigChungus> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:38:17 am] <@Guest0> recorder
[1:38:17 am] <rasenganIsCunt> DO WE HAVE AN ETA?
[1:38:19 am] <@gerard> flyback: +1
[1:38:20 am] <rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:38:20 am] <@nrr_> /!\ TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS /!\
[1:38:21 am] <@BigChungus> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:38:21 am] <@alezakos> recount
[1:38:22 am] <-- rasenganIsCunt (~gaucho@ has left ##apocalypse (requested by berndj (nope))
[1:38:22 am] <rasenganIsCunt> DO WE HAVE AN ETA?
[1:38:22 am] <Tat> Winner: alezakos Answer: recount Time: 24.539 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 3 Rank: 12th Previously: 23rd
[1:38:23 am] <Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-2 alezakos-1
[1:38:23 am] <Tat> alezakos has moved up in rank: 12th
[1:38:23 am] <@tyler> berndj: no
[1:38:25 am] <rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:38:26 am] <@BigChungus> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:38:27 am] <@CompuServ> selicre: Hey I'm still working on that amiga art but
[1:38:27 am] <@CrapBot> ^ imgur :: image/jpeg 4032x3024 3.4MiB :: 3 views :: SFW
[1:38:30 am] <@BigChungus> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:38:32 am] --> test06 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:38:32 am] --> test05 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:38:32 am] --> test04 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:38:32 am] --> test03 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:38:32 am] --> test00 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:38:32 am] --> test02 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:38:32 am] --> test01 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:38:33 am] <Tat> 4. What struck honshu island, japan in 1934 killing 4,000 people?
[1:38:33 am] --> rasenganIsCunt (~gaucho@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:38:35 am] <@kiedtl> !art
[1:38:35 am] <test00> ................................................................................
[1:38:35 am] <test01> ................................................................................
[1:38:35 am] <test02> ................................................................................
[1:38:35 am] <test03> ................................................................................
[1:38:35 am] <test04> ................................................................................
[1:38:35 am] <test05> ................................................................................
[1:38:35 am] <test06> ................................................................................
[1:38:35 am] <test00> ................................................................................
[1:38:35 am] <test01> ................................................................................
[1:38:35 am] <test02> ................................................................................
[1:38:36 am] <@beach> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa
[1:38:37 am] <@itisnigh> disconnected from pissnet: Closing Link: itisnigh[] (Excess Flood)
[1:38:38 am] <@Jigsy>
[1:38:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tsunami
[1:38:39 am] <@beach> FUCK OFF
[1:38:40 am] <@BrickServ> almost
[1:38:40 am] <@Jigsy> They don't know...
[1:38:40 am] <@BigChungus> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:38:41 am] <@alezakos> earthquake
[1:38:41 am] <@kiedtl> :D
[1:38:42 am] <@DickServ> my dick
[1:38:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> meteroite
[1:38:43 am] <-- test02 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:38:43 am] <-- test03 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:38:43 am] <-- test00 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:38:43 am] <-- test01 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:38:43 am] <-- test04 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:38:43 am] <-- test05 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:38:43 am] <-- test06 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:38:44 am] <@KickServ> tsunami
[1:38:45 am] <@theendoffreenode> meteorite
[1:38:46 am] <@tyler> berndj: soon as animals can do something like sign a contract then we can talk about their rights
[1:38:46 am] <@Selicre> nice
[1:38:46 am] * flyback has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "TOLD LEE TO CLOSE THIS SERVER EARLY DUE TO IDIOTS RUINING THE LAST MOENTS, FUCK ALL OF YOU"
[1:38:47 am] <@KickServ> typhoon
[1:38:47 am] <@nrr_> /!\ TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS /!\
[1:38:47 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tidal wave
[1:38:47 am] <Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: typhoon Time: 14.071 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 5 Rank: 6th Previously: 10th
[1:38:48 am] <Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-2 KickServ-1 alezakos-1
[1:38:48 am] <Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 6th
[1:38:53 am] * beach has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "FUCK"
[1:38:54 am] <@terpri> godzilla
[1:38:55 am] <rasenganIsCunt> WHAT'S THE ETA ON CAPONE DYING?
[1:38:55 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b test*!*@* by gerard
[1:38:58 am] <Tat> 5. Baby Names Beginning With "U": Meaning: To Arrive?
[1:38:58 am] <Tat> That was pretty fucking awesome kiedtl.
[1:38:59 am] <@BigChungus> transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights transrights
[1:39:01 am] <@rasengansucks> no one knows
[1:39:02 am] * nrr_ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "/!\ TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS /!\"
[1:39:02 am] <@itisnigh> <AMcBain@libera> nrr_, guess I shouldn't have been too surprised to see you in here. :)
[1:39:03 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> huh
[1:39:03 am] <-* rbraun has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (flyback)
[1:39:04 am] * alezakos has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "DUCK"
[1:39:04 am] * Guest0 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Sugar. Spice. And everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little network. But Professor Lee accidentally added an EXTRA INGREDIENT to the concoction.... COCAINE"
[1:39:06 am] <@NickServReal> lol
[1:39:06 am] <@CrapBot> ^ [video/webm] (273.1KiB)
[1:39:08 am] <Tat> Here's a hint, ud__
[1:39:10 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:39:12 am] <rasenganIsCunt> THANKS RASENGANSUCKS
[1:39:13 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> did the change not apply...?
[1:39:15 am] <@berndj> tyler, i think pets have a right to be fed
[1:39:16 am] * BigChungus has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Sugar. Spice. And everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little network. But Professor Lee accidentally added an EXTRA INGREDIENT to the concoction.... ESTROGEN"
[1:39:16 am] <@itisnigh> * moony@pissnet confused
[1:39:17 am] <@NickServReal> uday
[1:39:17 am] <Tat> Winner: NickServReal Answer: uday Time: 19.313 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 2 Rank: 11th Previously: 12th
[1:39:18 am] <Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-2 NickServReal-1 KickServ-1 alezakos-1
[1:39:18 am] <Tat> NickServReal has moved up in rank: 11th
[1:39:19 am] <@rasengansucks> as soon as any staff member wakes up
[1:39:19 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: iunno
[1:39:20 am] * theendoffreenode has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "rasengan smol pp"
[1:39:21 am] <@NickServReal> lol really
[1:39:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv ajp5 Guest0 jast MemoServ by aeth
[1:39:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vvvv rasenganIsCunt solexious Tat wow by aeth
[1:39:25 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +m by aeth
[1:39:25 am] <@kiedtl> Tat: wish I could claim credit for it, but jess wrote it, not me. It's a bot I've seen her playing around with so I thought I'd dig it up
[1:39:25 am] <@CompuServ> so who all wanted that amiga art i was doing again?
[1:39:25 am] <@berndj> i don't think humans have a right to be fed
[1:39:28 am] <+Tat> 6. Vincent Van Gogh sold exactly one painting while he was alive, what was it?
[1:39:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo ajp5 jast MemoServ rasenganIsCunt by liriel
[1:39:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo solexious Tat wow flyback by liriel
[1:39:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Guest25 by liriel
[1:39:31 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> AMcBain: oh? (:
[1:39:32 am] * BigChungus has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "girl pill"
[1:39:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> scream
[1:39:35 am] <@alezakos> flower
[1:39:36 am] <@jast> I wonder if they even know how to shut this server down
[1:39:36 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@pissnet> moony: give it an oper block, I'll oper it up ;)
[1:39:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b test!*@* by kiedtl
[1:39:38 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, red vin______ ___ _____
[1:39:44 am] <@alezakos> red vineyard with flowers
[1:39:44 am] <@beach> red vinegar and blood
[1:39:45 am] <@BigChungus> red vin diesel
[1:39:47 am] <@IronDeHavilland> red vincent van gogh
[1:39:47 am] <@berndj> jast, do they even know where it is?
[1:39:49 am] <@jast> nobody even knows where it's located
[1:39:50 am] <@KickServ> red vineyard self portrait
[1:39:52 am] <@alezakos> BigChungus: hahaha.
[1:39:53 am] <@itisnigh> <AMcBain@libera> nrr, :)
[1:39:55 am] <-> h is now known as rasengan
[1:39:55 am] * BrickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "the spamming will continue until morale improves"
[1:39:56 am] <@Tat> Yeah, wrote this silly bot a long time ago myself. Figured meh.
[1:39:59 am] <@CompuServ> so who all wanted that amiga art i was doing again?
[1:39:59 am] <@rbraun> red vineyard and blood
[1:40:00 am] <@rasengan> please stop making fun of me
[1:40:03 am] <@rbraun> red vineyard and blood
[1:40:05 am] <@nrr_> /!\ TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS /!\
[1:40:05 am] * BigChungus has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "the spamming will continue until morale improves and gays are fed"
[1:40:06 am] <@HistServ> Can we get the DiceBot with this !roulette in here?
[1:40:07 am] * alezakos has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "the morale will continue until spamming improves"
[1:40:08 am] <@itisnigh> <CodeGeek@libera> AMcBain: I am not surprised to see you here either :)
[1:40:09 am] <@rasengan> FREENODE IS DEAD
[1:40:11 am] * Guest0 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "everyone remember to salute rasengan ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐ ┌∩┐(◕◡◉)┌∩┐"
[1:40:13 am] <@KickServ> uh
[1:40:15 am] <@aeth> Tat: you wrote that bot?
[1:40:17 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!*@ by liriel
[1:40:17 am] <-* liriel has kicked rasengan from ##apocalypse (Bad dog!)
[1:40:18 am] <@KickServ> red vineyards near artes
[1:40:18 am] <@itisnigh> <AMcBain@libera> CodeGeek, and miss all the fun??? :D
[1:40:20 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by bu_pm_me_smthbroke to ChanServ on pissnet
[1:40:22 am] * BigChungus has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "trans rights"
[1:40:24 am] <@KickServ> red vineyard near artes
[1:40:28 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: red vineyard at arles
[1:40:28 am] <@KickServ> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[1:40:29 am] <@kiedtl> aeth: no, jess. Tat was saying they did a similar bot
[1:40:30 am] <@liriel> shouldn't wear that nick - makes you a target :D
[1:40:31 am] <@beach> this is so sad can we have Self 2
[1:40:34 am] <@Tat> Tat's trivia bot. yeah... Like a decade or two ago
[1:40:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*@ by rbraun
[1:40:36 am] <@aeth> oh, well I'm pretty sure I ran a version of it, or something like it, maybe 15 years ago?
[1:40:36 am] <@KickServ> close enough
[1:40:38 am] <@Tat> 7. Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Prayer?
[1:40:41 am] * unrealrasengan has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "trains rights"
[1:40:44 am] <@alezakos> aaron
[1:40:45 am] <@BrickServ> beach: that's javascript
[1:40:45 am] * beach has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air And deep beneath the rolling waves in labyrinths of coral caves The echo of a distant time comes willowing across the sand And everything is green and submarine"
[1:40:46 am] <@rbraun> unrealrasengan++
[1:40:46 am] <@theendoffreenode> andre
[1:40:47 am] <@Selicre> I've started working on depicting this event myself
[1:40:47 am] <@mooo> amen
[1:40:48 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, at___
[1:40:50 am] <@Tat> It was actually the most popular trivia bot for a long time.
[1:40:51 am] <@Selicre> but holy fuck drawing humans is hard
[1:40:52 am] <@alezakos> atheme
[1:40:53 am] * unrealrasengan has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "trains rides"
[1:40:53 am] <@jacekowski> it's not dead as long as there is at least one server remaining
[1:40:56 am] <@Tat> Still is I would think.
[1:40:56 am] <@alezakos> attenborough
[1:40:58 am] --> test06 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:40:58 am] --> test05 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:40:58 am] --> test04 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:40:58 am] --> test03 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:40:58 am] --> test02 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:40:58 am] --> test00 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:40:58 am] --> test01 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:00 am] <@alezakos> atman
[1:41:02 am] <@beach> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[1:41:03 am] <@alezakos> atmel
[1:41:04 am] * BigChungus has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "heat from fire fire from heat"
[1:41:08 am] <@itisnigh> <AMcBain@libera> flyback, killjoy
[1:41:09 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!*@gateway/shell/ by liriel
[1:41:09 am] <-* liriel has kicked test00 from ##apocalypse (Bad dog!)
[1:41:09 am] <-* kiedtl has kicked beach from ##apocalypse (aaaahhhhh my ass)
[1:41:09 am] <-* liriel has kicked test01 from ##apocalypse (Bad dog!)
[1:41:09 am] <-* liriel has kicked test02 from ##apocalypse (Bad dog!)
[1:41:10 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b test*!*@* by Tat
[1:41:10 am] <-* liriel has kicked test03 from ##apocalypse (Bad dog!)
[1:41:11 am] <-* liriel has kicked test04 from ##apocalypse (Bad dog!)
[1:41:12 am] <-* liriel has kicked test05 from ##apocalypse (Bad dog!)
[1:41:12 am] <@kiedtl> !art
[1:41:12 am] <@BigChungus> only the chosen ones will get the joke
[1:41:15 am] <@KickServ> athena
[1:41:15 am] <-* liriel has kicked test06 from ##apocalypse (Bad dog!)
[1:41:16 am] <@rbraun> atana
[1:41:17 am] <-* kiedtl has kicked liriel from ##apocalypse (seriously)
[1:41:18 am] --> beach ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:19 am] <@Guest0> lol
[1:41:20 am] <@tyler> stop making jokes about me I'll spell potato any god damn way I want
[1:41:20 am] <@berndj> every train has the right to gauge-appropriate rails
[1:41:21 am] --> liriel (~liriel@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:22 am] <@alezakos> atlas
[1:41:24 am] <@KickServ> ariel
[1:41:25 am] <@flyback> jacekowski, no I went over to staff on freenode and told them about here, since losers have ruined the final moments
[1:41:27 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o beach by aeth
[1:41:28 am] <liriel> seriously
[1:41:29 am] --> test06 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:29 am] --> test05 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:29 am] --> test04 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:29 am] --> test03 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:29 am] --> test02 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:29 am] --> test01 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:29 am] --> test00 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:30 am] <@kiedtl> !art
[1:41:30 am] <test00> ................................................................................
[1:41:31 am] <@Guest0> amos
[1:41:33 am] <@Selicre> < ping me if you wanna be drawn here
[1:41:33 am] <@alezakos> atgul
[1:41:33 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v liriel by aeth
[1:41:33 am] <@CrapBot> ^ [image/png] (387.9KiB)
[1:41:34 am] <@gerard> flyback: thank you
[1:41:37 am] <@emily> flyback: they already know about it lol
[1:41:37 am] <@kiedtl> !art
[1:41:38 am] <test00> ................................................................................
[1:41:38 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: atira
[1:41:39 am] <-* beach has kicked kiedtl from ##apocalypse (kiedtl)
[1:41:39 am] * rasenganIsCunt has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "NEVERMORE"
[1:41:43 am] <@Guest0> wtf
[1:41:44 am] <-* Tat has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (snitch)
[1:41:46 am] --> kiedtl (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:46 am] <@emily> flyback: definitely not a loser move on your part tho
[1:41:47 am] <-* beach has kicked test00 from ##apocalypse (test00)
[1:41:49 am] * Cupid has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "mods are asleep post trans rights"
[1:41:49 am] <@Tat> 8. What is the name given to the fortified gateway of a castle?
[1:41:49 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:41:49 am] <-- test05 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:41:49 am] <-- test02 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:41:49 am] <-- test01 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:41:49 am] <-- test04 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:41:49 am] <-- test03 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:41:49 am] <-- test06 (kiedtl@gateway/shell/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[1:41:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> Selicre: ping
[1:41:54 am] * CalimeroTeknik has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "EVERMIND"
[1:41:55 am] <@alezakos> fortified gateway
[1:41:56 am] <-- wow ( has left ##apocalypse
[1:41:57 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o flyback by gerard
[1:41:58 am] <@beach> uuum
[1:41:58 am] <@BigChungus>
[1:41:58 am] <@CrapBot> ^ twitter :: - gram (@bgram_gd) June 14, 2021
[1:41:59 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, bar_____
[1:41:59 am] <@Guest0> lol
[1:42:02 am] <@flyback> damn right I snitched when you clownes RUINED THE LAST MOMENTS
[1:42:02 am] <@lighterowl> Selicre: beautiful
[1:42:02 am] <@alezakos> barnacle
[1:42:04 am] <@Togra> barricade
[1:42:05 am] --> nicolas ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:42:06 am] <@BigChungus>
[1:42:06 am] <@CrapBot> ^ twitter :: - gram (@bgram_gd) June 14, 2021
[1:42:07 am] <-- flyback ( has left ##apocalypse (requested by rbraun (if you don't like it then go))
[1:42:07 am] <@KickServ> bartender
[1:42:07 am] <@beach> uuuum
[1:42:08 am] <@LjL-Amiga> impressive yall havent yet crashed my Amiga
[1:42:08 am] <@CompuServ> hey flybacks an ok guy
[1:42:08 am] <@alezakos> barrister
[1:42:08 am] * theendoffreenode has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "hold the door!"
[1:42:08 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o kiedtl by Tat
[1:42:09 am] <+liriel> what is with all the test things kiedtl keeps brining in?
[1:42:09 am] <@Togra> barracks
[1:42:09 am] <@alezakos> barister
[1:42:10 am] <@KickServ> ┐(´~`;)┌
[1:42:11 am] <@berndj> flyback, it doesn't matter anymore what happens here
[1:42:15 am] <@Togra> bgate
[1:42:16 am] <@nrr_> /!\ mods are sleepo, post maney /!\
[1:42:16 am] <@beach> I thought I knew it then I didn't
[1:42:18 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:42:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> barbacan
[1:42:19 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> I say, to post this here is some fun
[1:42:20 am] <@CompuServ> who watned my amiga art again?
[1:42:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> barbican
[1:42:21 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: barbican Time: 31.668 Streak: 1 Points: 10 WPM: 3 Rank: 4th
[1:42:21 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-3 NickServReal-1 KickServ-1 alezakos-1
[1:42:22 am] * BigChungus has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: ""
[1:42:22 am] <@kiedtl> liriel: fabulous monsters, obviously
[1:42:24 am] <-* emily has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (snitches get stitches)
[1:42:26 am] <@Togra> nice
[1:42:27 am] <@Guest0> oh cool til
[1:42:28 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:42:28 am] <@Tat> They probably can't kill it, legit.
[1:42:30 am] <flyback> BMCC
[1:42:30 am] <-* rbraun has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (flyback)
[1:42:31 am] * mst has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "It's the end of freenode as we no it, and we're K-lined"
[1:42:31 am] <@Tat> 9. In 1988 Lillehammer, ---------- upsets Anchorage to host 1994 Winter olympics.
[1:42:31 am] --> wow ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:42:32 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> freenode attending its own funeral
[1:42:32 am] <+liriel> oh that is ok then kiedtl
[1:42:33 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:42:34 am] <@berndj> flyback, it doesn't matter anymore what happens here
[1:42:34 am] <-* NickServReal has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (flyback)
[1:42:35 am] <@CompuServ> ljl-amiga:
[1:42:36 am] <@CrapBot> ^ imgur :: image/jpeg 4032x3024 3.4MiB :: 3 views :: SFW
[1:42:38 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:42:39 am] <@emily> tbh i think it's best for them to know
[1:42:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo liriel nicolas flyback wow by alezakos
[1:42:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> norway
[1:42:41 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: norway Time: 9.594 Streak: 2 Points: 11 WPM: 7 Rank: 4th
[1:42:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-4 NickServReal-1 KickServ-1 alezakos-1
[1:42:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sweden
[1:42:42 am] <@wow> lol
[1:42:42 am] <@CompuServ> stop kicking flyback, he’s an ok person
[1:42:43 am] <@emily> it's no fun if they're not *trying* to shut it down
[1:42:47 am] <@nicolas> "as we no it"
[1:42:48 am] <-* MemoServ has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (kicked by services.)
[1:42:51 am] <@Tat> 10. For the development of a vaccine against which disease is Jonas Edward Salk best remembered?
[1:42:52 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:42:54 am] <@emily> polio
[1:42:55 am] <@NickServReal> polio
[1:42:55 am] <@IronDeHavilland> polio
[1:42:57 am] <@CompuServ> i knew him before all of this
[1:42:58 am] <@NickServReal> ffffuuuu
[1:42:58 am] <@rbraun> MemoServ: should read "disconnected"
[1:42:58 am] <@lighterowl> covid
[1:42:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> smallpox
[1:43:00 am] <@rbraun> MemoServ: should read "disconnected by services"
[1:43:01 am] <@theendoffreenode> poliomyelitis
[1:43:01 am] <@BrickServ> emily: LOL
[1:43:01 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, poliomy_______ (_____)
[1:43:02 am] <@LjL-Amiga> flyback was snitching something somewhere?
[1:43:04 am] <@alezakos> poliomyelitis
[1:43:04 am] <@jast> I didn't know there were so many services in charge of kicking people
[1:43:05 am] <-* DickServ has kicked MemoServ from ##apocalypse (dicked by services)
[1:43:07 am] <@theendoffreenode> poliomyelitis (polio)
[1:43:07 am] <@jast> is that a new feature?
[1:43:07 am] <@Guest0> troll bot
[1:43:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> poliomyelitis (polio)
[1:43:07 am] <@alezakos> poliomyelitis (yes)
[1:43:08 am] <@emily> oh fuck you trivia bot
[1:43:10 am] <@emily> i aint spelling that
[1:43:10 am] --> MemoServ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:43:11 am] <MemoServ> :(
[1:43:11 am] <@tyler> guys I haven't used a terminal based IRC client in about 10 years, this is some great nostalgia
[1:43:14 am] <@NickServReal> lol
[1:43:17 am] <@tyler> though I picked epic5 and not something like bitchx
[1:43:18 am] <@rbraun> poliomyelitis (polio)
[1:43:21 am] <-> nicolas is now known as nico
[1:43:25 am] <@KickServ> poliomyelitis
[1:43:28 am] <@NickServReal> same i forgot how fun irc could be
[1:43:29 am] <@kiedtl> tyler: the spam is the best!
[1:43:31 am] <@Cupid> irssi gang
[1:43:31 am] <@KickServ> poliomyelitis (polio)
[1:43:32 am] <@gerard> tyler: I don't think many people still use either epic/bitchx/ircii at all nowadays
[1:43:34 am] <MemoServ> rbraun: But that wasnt a real disconnect :/
[1:43:41 am] <@wow> It
[1:43:42 am] <@rbraun> MemoServ: nothing is real
[1:43:44 am] <-* Tat has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (He says he went and told the leenode people about this place... like some kind of fucktardo.)
[1:43:44 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> tyler last time i used a terminal irc client is last week ;^)
[1:43:44 am] <@rbraun> MemoServ: nothing matters
[1:43:45 am] <@itisnigh> <Shawn__@freenode_new> ah
[1:43:48 am] <@berndj> hard mode: do this with telnet
[1:43:51 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: poliomyelitis (polio)
[1:43:53 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> CompuServ, this is glorious
[1:43:57 am] <@Guest0> rbraun anyone can seee
[1:43:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> isn't that what we said?
[1:44:00 am] <@alezakos> thank you bot
[1:44:00 am] <@KickServ> (´_ゝ`)
[1:44:02 am] <@Tat> 11. TV/ Movies: Born Dec 31, 1937, He starred in this movie: The Tenth Man - 1988?
[1:44:03 am] <@berndj> this is freedom
[1:44:04 am] <@CompuServ> calimeroteknik:
[1:44:04 am] <@CrapBot> ^ imgur :: image/jpeg 4032x3024 3.4MiB :: 3 views :: SFW
[1:44:05 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> tyler but yeah this brings some real ##8chan nostalgia from over at rizon
[1:44:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> standing
[1:44:07 am] <@itisnigh> <catties@freenode_new> lol
[1:44:09 am] <@tyler> berndj: I'm actually more prone anymore to use telnet as a client than a terminal client
[1:44:12 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, antho___ _______
[1:44:13 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> tyler that channel was wild
[1:44:13 am] <@berndj> this is servicesless IRC
[1:44:14 am] <@wow> Hm, will this work?
[1:44:14 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:44:16 am] <-* LjL-Amiga has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (Oh I get it now Tat, thanks)
[1:44:16 am] <@BrickServ> the freenode team trying to find capone:
[1:44:16 am] <@CrapBot> ^ QDB: Quote #5273
[1:44:16 am] <@alezakos> anthony hopkins
[1:44:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> anthony hopkins
[1:44:17 am] <@Tat> Winner: alezakos Answer: anthony hopkins Time: 14.711 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 12 Rank: 11th Previously: 13th
[1:44:17 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-4 alezakos-2 NickServReal-1 KickServ-1
[1:44:17 am] <@Tat> alezakos has moved up in rank: 11th
[1:44:20 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:44:26 am] -*- flyback waves a red cape
[1:44:27 am] <@rbraun> please just leave flyback alone. flyback, stop snitchin'
[1:44:27 am] <@Tat> 12. Creek what position has been held by 266 men, 33 of whom have died violently?
[1:44:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> pope
[1:44:31 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: pope Time: 3.214 Streak: 1 Points: 12 WPM: 14 Rank: 4th
[1:44:31 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-5 alezakos-2 NickServReal-1 KickServ-1
[1:44:31 am] <flyback> torro
[1:44:32 am] <@Guest0> pope
[1:44:33 am] <flyback> torro
[1:44:35 am] -*- DickServ throws a dart at flyback
[1:44:35 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> torro
[1:44:36 am] <@Dick_Nachos> !op flyback
[1:44:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o flyback by CrapBot
[1:44:38 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> pope
[1:44:41 am] <@BrickServ> <erno> hm. I've lost a machine.. literally _lost_. it responds to ping, it works completely, I just can't figure out where in my apartment it is.
[1:44:41 am] <@tyler> rasenganiscunt: this is the most chan activity I've ever had, I avoid them, but i saw the keks
[1:44:41 am] <@Tat> 13. What is the Capital of: Cambodia?
[1:44:41 am] * BigChungus has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "nine inch nails closer is 100% a sex song"
[1:44:47 am] <@CompuServ> hotel
[1:44:48 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> cambidoa
[1:44:48 am] <@CompuServ> trivago
[1:44:48 am] <@itisnigh> <enrh@libera> This is on what new Freenode should be based
[1:44:49 am] * emily has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Andrew Lee please send Hellfire missiles to save us from the capone oppressors"
[1:44:49 am] <@CrapBot> ^ GitHub - abesto/python_ircd: An experimental IRC server in Python
[1:44:51 am] <@KickServ> phnom penh
[1:44:51 am] <@alezakos> Quala Lumpur
[1:44:52 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: phnom penh Time: 9.844 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 12 Rank: 6th
[1:44:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-2 alezakos-2 NickServReal-1
[1:44:56 am] <-* Tat has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (No problem...)
[1:45:01 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:45:02 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!* by kiedtl
[1:45:02 am] <@Tat> 14. TV/ Movies: which famous actor is michael douglas' father?
[1:45:05 am] <-* kiedtl has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (flyback)
[1:45:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> kirk douglas
[1:45:09 am] <@alezakos> Mitchell Douglas
[1:45:09 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> michal douglas senior
[1:45:09 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: kirk douglas Time: 6.817 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 21 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[1:45:09 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-2 alezakos-2 theendoffreenode-1 NickServReal-1
[1:45:09 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 6th
[1:45:11 am] <@beach> "the shorter the handle, the longer the candle, if y'know what I mean" damn I'm on top
[1:45:11 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b help!*@* by CompuServ
[1:45:14 am] <@jast> I don't think Python is the best language for writing an ircd, you guys ever heard of QBasic?
[1:45:14 am] <@KickServ> kirk douglas
[1:45:17 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b help!*@* by CompuServ
[1:45:18 am] <@KickServ> ┐(´~`;)┌
[1:45:20 am] <@Tat> 15. Animal Trivia: ---------- and short-tailed shrews get by on only two hours of sleep a day.
[1:45:23 am] <@alezakos> jast: have you heard of matlab
[1:45:24 am] <@beach> me
[1:45:27 am] <@theendoffreenode> rasengan
[1:45:27 am] <@KickServ> :D
[1:45:28 am] <@alezakos> Humen
[1:45:28 am] <@Guest0> ircops
[1:45:28 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> bats
[1:45:28 am] <@DickServ> jast: Please. Write it in bash or not at all.
[1:45:29 am] <@jast> yes, but I use octave
[1:45:29 am] <@Selicre> lighterowl, IronDeHavilland:
[1:45:30 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ele______
[1:45:30 am] <@CrapBot> ^ [image/png] (426.7KiB)
[1:45:30 am] <@Cupid> write it in PHP
[1:45:31 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> dogs
[1:45:32 am] <@aeth> just use brainfuck for ircd; all you need to do is treat input as telnet in and output as telnet out
[1:45:32 am] <@alezakos> elephants
[1:45:33 am] <@Tat> Winner: alezakos Answer: elephants Time: 12.559 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 8 Rank: 8th Previously: 11th
[1:45:33 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-5 alezakos-3 KickServ-2 theendoffreenode-1 NickServReal-1
[1:45:33 am] <@Tat> alezakos has moved up in rank: 8th
[1:45:33 am] <@theendoffreenode> elephants
[1:45:33 am] <@beach> elephants
[1:45:33 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> dolphins
[1:45:35 am] <@terpri> elegators
[1:45:35 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> there's the maned wolf line.
[1:45:36 am] <@Tat> elephant
[1:45:36 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> elephants
[1:45:38 am] <@itisnigh> <kiedtl@libera> wow this is really laggy
[1:45:40 am] <@rasengansucks> PHP sucks
[1:45:40 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:45:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!* by Dick_Nachos
[1:45:40 am] <@BrickServ> uh
[1:45:41 am] <@jast> DickServ: how about dash
[1:45:41 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> elesucks
[1:45:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!* by CompuServ
[1:45:43 am] <@Tat> 16. What boxer played the lead in the broadway musical buck white?
[1:45:45 am] <@alezakos> FINALLY all this time spent in 10fastfingers is not wasted
[1:45:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> Selicre: nice
[1:45:45 am] <@itisnigh> <kiedtl@libera> this chat happened 2 minutes ago
[1:45:45 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*@gateway/shell/ by Dick_Nachos
[1:45:46 am] <@beach> disappointed where is erlang_ircd
[1:45:47 am] <@BrickServ> bash ircd sounds rad
[1:45:49 am] <@alezakos> Jack Lee
[1:45:52 am] <@DickServ> jast: I don't think dash has TCP support though
[1:45:53 am] <@alezakos> Bruce Lee
[1:45:53 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, muha_____ ___
[1:45:54 am] <@DickServ> bash does,.
[1:45:55 am] <flyback> doesn't matter you guys ruined any final moment I wanted to have anyways
[1:45:56 am] <@alezakos> muhamad ali
[1:45:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> muhammad ali
[1:45:57 am] <@KickServ> muhammad ali
[1:45:57 am] <flyback> ban away
[1:45:57 am] <@beach> muhamed ali
[1:45:57 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: muhammad ali Time: 13.51 Streak: 1 Points: 13 WPM: 10 Rank: 4th
[1:45:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-6 alezakos-3 KickServ-2 theendoffreenode-1 NickServReal-1
[1:45:57 am] <@theendoffreenode> muhammad ali
[1:45:59 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> muharab ali
[1:45:59 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> kiedtl: it used to be something like eight minutes, so this is better.
[1:46:00 am] <@ZeroCool> Row row row your boat...
[1:46:00 am] <@lighterowl> Selicre: thanks so much <tear_with_smile_emoji>
[1:46:02 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> muhamad ali
[1:46:03 am] <@jast> DickServ: something something socat?
[1:46:04 am] <@beach> POG
[1:46:04 am] <@CrapBot> ^ GitHub - tonyg/erlang-ircd: A pluggable IRC daemon application/library for Erlang.
[1:46:05 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> CompuServ, I have to ask however; how come you have USB in that
[1:46:06 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> mohamed ali
[1:46:07 am] <@Tat> 17. 80s Films: Black ___?
[1:46:09 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> muhama ali
[1:46:10 am] <@DickServ> I guess
[1:46:10 am] * BigChungus has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "i love my girlfriends"
[1:46:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> plague
[1:46:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> panther
[1:46:11 am] <@alezakos> black mamba
[1:46:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sea
[1:46:11 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> black noir
[1:46:14 am] <@LjL-Amiga> i bet i must be using the oldest client of anyone here!
[1:46:16 am] <@alezakos> noir
[1:46:16 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> black man
[1:46:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tar
[1:46:17 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Ra__
[1:46:18 am] <@CompuServ> calimeroteknik: flashfloppy
[1:46:18 am] <@tyler> the only way to write an irc bot is with ircII scripts really
[1:46:19 am] <@itisnigh> <kiedtl@libera> nrr: welp. Maybe multiple bots could be used...
[1:46:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rain
[1:46:19 am] <@alezakos> ramen
[1:46:20 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: Rain Time: 11.934 Streak: 2 Points: 14 WPM: 4 Rank: 4th
[1:46:20 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-7 alezakos-3 KickServ-2 theendoffreenode-1 NickServReal-1
[1:46:24 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> black race
[1:46:25 am] <@CompuServ> easiest way i have to copy files to and from it
[1:46:26 am] <@berndj> flyback, i didn't do anything
[1:46:28 am] <@jast> beach: no, that actually kind of makes sense, I refuse to accept a sensible option
[1:46:30 am] <@Tat> 18. Movies: Who played andy thompson in The Headmaster?
[1:46:30 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> black people
[1:46:31 am] <@CompuServ> floppy drive emulator
[1:46:31 am] <@jonty> LjL: ooh nice
[1:46:33 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo flyback MemoServ by gerard
[1:46:35 am] <@Dick_Nachos> !op flyback
[1:46:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o flyback by CrapBot
[1:46:35 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> andy thompson
[1:46:35 am] <@flyback> tat you are the #1 spammer, ironically you kicked me the most
[1:46:40 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Andy_ ________
[1:46:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o flyback by kiedtl
[1:46:45 am] <@Selicre> wait who was the original op of this thing
[1:46:46 am] <@alezakos> Andy Warthog
[1:46:46 am] --> usernameshouldgo ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:46:46 am] <@rbraun> flyback: just chill please
[1:46:47 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> kiedtl: or give it some special modes so that it isn't affected by flood protection
[1:46:48 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> andyn thompson
[1:46:48 am] <@Guest0> Andy
[1:46:48 am] <@alezakos> Andy Warthole
[1:46:48 am] <@NickServReal> who cares about fucking spam here lol
[1:46:50 am] <@lighterowl> andy garcia
[1:46:51 am] * theendoffreenode has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "i love my trans girlfriends"
[1:46:52 am] <@beach> jast:
[1:46:52 am] <@alezakos> Andy Wartholm
[1:46:53 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v flyback by rbraun
[1:46:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> andy warhol
[1:46:54 am] <@Dick_Nachos> Selicre: jigsy was
[1:46:57 am] <@lighterowl> andy warhol
[1:46:57 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> andy' garcia
[1:46:59 am] <@Dick_Nachos> Selicre: then me
[1:47:00 am] <@Jigsy> ?
[1:47:01 am] <@itisnigh> <kiedtl@libera> do such modes even exist? idk
[1:47:01 am] <@Selicre> I'll draw him as the captain lmao
[1:47:02 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> andy garcia
[1:47:05 am] <@Jigsy> I was what?
[1:47:05 am] <@alezakos> Andonios Mpanters
[1:47:06 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> CompuServ, surely
[1:47:06 am] <@CrapBot> ^ xkcd: Emulation
[1:47:08 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> andy_ garcia
[1:47:11 am] <@KickServ> Original OP apparently
[1:47:12 am] <-- X ( has quit (Quit: WeeChat 3.1)
[1:47:12 am] <@Dick_Nachos> jigsy you were the original op
[1:47:12 am] <@BigChungus> will idle some cos i need to do diploma love you all
[1:47:14 am] <@Tat> Um. spamming isn't douchebaggery. And at least my trivia bot is kinda fun.
[1:47:15 am] <@NickServReal> andy thompson
[1:47:20 am] <@rbraun> Tat: i agree
[1:47:21 am] <@Jigsy> Ah, yeah.
[1:47:22 am] <@CompuServ> calimeroteknik: it emulates the real speed of a floppy disk though
[1:47:23 am] <@Tat> andy griffiths
[1:47:23 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> amdy_ thompson
[1:47:23 am] <@Tat> Winner: Tat Answer: Andy Griffith Time: 52.463 Streak: 1 Points: 96 WPM: 2 Rank: 1st
[1:47:23 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-7 alezakos-3 KickServ-2 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 NickServReal-1
[1:47:25 am] <@Jigsy> I was first to join.
[1:47:27 am] <@CompuServ> it is a low level interface
[1:47:33 am] <@KickServ> Spamming is what gives life to this place, flood more
[1:47:33 am] <@Tat> 19. In the monty python parody 'search for the holy grail', what was used to kill the rabbit?
[1:47:38 am] <@emily> getting EXTREMELY HEATED over the etiquette of a channel dedicated to collectively gathering around a garbage fire and throwing more garbage on it
[1:47:38 am] <-- wow ( has left ##apocalypse
[1:47:39 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> a cup
[1:47:39 am] <@cottsay> grenade
[1:47:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> holy hand grenade
[1:47:40 am] <@CompuServ> holy hand grenade
[1:47:41 am] <@NickServReal> the holy hand grenade
[1:47:42 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> grenade
[1:47:43 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, holy hand_ ________ ___ _______
[1:47:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> holy hand grenade of antioch
[1:47:44 am] <@CompuServ> holy hand grenade of antioch
[1:47:44 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> a grenade
[1:47:44 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: holy hand grenade of antioch Time: 10.452 Streak: 1 Points: 15 WPM: 32 Rank: 3rd Previously: 4th
[1:47:44 am] <@berndj> run up rasengan's hosting bill
[1:47:44 am] <@Tat> IronDeHavilland has moved up in rank: 3rd
[1:47:44 am] <@HistServ> holy hand granade
[1:47:45 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-8 alezakos-3 KickServ-2 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 NickServReal-1
[1:47:45 am] <@aeth> holy hand grenade of antioch
[1:47:49 am] <@CompuServ> the holy hand grenade of antioch
[1:47:49 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> kiedtl: yeah, but an oper needs to set them.
[1:47:50 am] <@HistServ> holy hand granade of antioch
[1:47:53 am] <@Guest0> holy hand grenade of antioch
[1:47:53 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> we
[1:47:55 am] <@Tat> 20. Who is the Barber of Seville?
[1:47:58 am] <@aeth> me
[1:47:59 am] <@DickServ> me
[1:47:59 am] <@CompuServ> bugs bunny
[1:48:00 am] <@theendoffreenode> me
[1:48:00 am] <@beach> aeth
[1:48:00 am] <@itisnigh> <kiedtl@libera> nice, didnt know such a thing existed
[1:48:01 am] <@jast> holy hand grenade of antioch :)
[1:48:02 am] <@rbraun> emily: a lot of it was people wanting the bot to catch up, but it never, ever will unless opped on leenode and libera
[1:48:02 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by Ninji to Ninji_temp on pissnet
[1:48:05 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Fi____
[1:48:05 am] <@DickServ> spartacus
[1:48:06 am] <@aeth> holy hand grenade of antioch
[1:48:07 am] <@theendoffreenode> figaro
[1:48:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> figaro
[1:48:08 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: Figaro Time: 12.839 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 5 Rank: 6th
[1:48:08 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-8 alezakos-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 Tat-1 NickServReal-1
[1:48:08 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> me
[1:48:08 am] <@CompuServ> figaro
[1:48:12 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> gines
[1:48:12 am] <@beach> Figma
[1:48:16 am] <@CompuServ> balls
[1:48:18 am] <@Tat> 21. Category: Sport : In which sport is the term "wishbone" used?
[1:48:21 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> beach more letters
[1:48:23 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> rugby
[1:48:25 am] <@Tat> But, then flyback You go off and try to snitch to fucktardios like what the fuck. Obvi they can't kill this place, but other than that still... douchy much?
[1:48:26 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> baseball
[1:48:26 am] <@aeth> jeopardy
[1:48:27 am] <@jast> I only know wishbone ash
[1:48:28 am] <@beach> carving
[1:48:28 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, foo_____
[1:48:29 am] <@nrr_> ps
[1:48:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> football
[1:48:31 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> foones
[1:48:31 am] <@NickServReal> football
[1:48:31 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: football Time: 12.168 Streak: 1 Points: 16 WPM: 7 Rank: 3rd
[1:48:31 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-9 alezakos-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 Tat-1 NickServReal-1
[1:48:31 am] <@beach> football
[1:48:32 am] <@aeth> foodfighting
[1:48:32 am] <@terpri> fooball
[1:48:34 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ???????'
[1:48:34 am] <@itisnigh> <tater@freenode_new> 23:40:36 <@el_diablo> 23:40:08 -!- mode/#LRH [+b *!*l0de@*.unq.o8uarv.IP] by tater
[1:48:35 am] <@itisnigh> <tater@freenode_new> 23:40:36 <@el_diablo> 23:40:08 -!- l0de was kicked from #LRH by tater [lol]
[1:48:36 am] <@itisnigh> <tater@freenode_new> 23:40:37 <@el_diablo> 23:40:11 -!- l0dey was kicked from #LRH by tater [lol]
[1:48:37 am] <@itisnigh> <tater@freenode_new> 23:42:07 <@el_diablo> 23:41:09 -!- mode/#gnaa [+b *!*l0de@*.unq.o8uarv.IP] by tater
[1:48:38 am] <@itisnigh> <tater@freenode_new> 23:42:07 <@el_diablo> 23:41:09 -!- l0dey was kicked from #gnaa by tater []
[1:48:39 am] <@BrickServ> le wat
[1:48:39 am] <@nrr_> /!\ trans rights /!\
[1:48:39 am] <@LjL> thanks jonty have a personalized screenie
[1:48:40 am] <@itisnigh> <tater@freenode_new> 23:42:08 <@el_diablo> 23:41:11 -!- l0de was kicked from #gnaa by tater []
[1:48:40 am] <@CrapBot> ^ imgur :: 1 images :: 0 views :: SFW
[1:48:40 am] <@kiedtl> ouch
[1:48:41 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> debe ser para el orsai
[1:48:41 am] <@DickServ> tat, flyback, please chill.
[1:48:41 am] <@Tat> 22. Useless Trivia: According to Genesis 1:20-22, the chicken came before the---------- .
[1:48:42 am] <@kiedtl> oh no
[1:48:43 am] <@DickServ> Let's not ruin this.
[1:48:44 am] <@beach> egg
[1:48:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> egg
[1:48:45 am] <@Tat> Winner: beach Answer: egg Time: 3.104 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 11 Rank: 12th Previously: 14th
[1:48:45 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-9 alezakos-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 Tat-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1
[1:48:45 am] <@Tat> beach has moved up in rank: 12th
[1:48:45 am] <@alezakos> egg
[1:48:45 am] <@theendoffreenode> egg
[1:48:48 am] <@beach> :D
[1:48:48 am] <@NickServReal> human
[1:48:49 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> egg
[1:48:51 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> fhuman
[1:48:51 am] <@KickServ> god
[1:48:54 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> human
[1:48:55 am] <@BrickServ> rasenganIsCunt: EL ORSAI
[1:48:55 am] <@Tat> 23. 80s Films: ___ Eye?
[1:48:56 am] <@NickServReal> come on can't argue with that
[1:48:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> dead
[1:48:59 am] <@cottsay> golden
[1:48:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> black
[1:48:59 am] <@alezakos> third
[1:49:00 am] --> erry ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:49:01 am] <@jonty> LjL: Oh that's so awesome
[1:49:02 am] <@BrickServ> golden
[1:49:02 am] <@beach> red
[1:49:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> private
[1:49:02 am] <@alezakos> which
[1:49:03 am] <@mst> delusion that religion was real
[1:49:04 am] <@NickServReal> pink
[1:49:04 am] <@alezakos> what
[1:49:05 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> BrickServ el orsai
[1:49:05 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Ca_'_
[1:49:07 am] <@beach> can't
[1:49:08 am] <@KickServ> Cat's
[1:49:08 am] <@alezakos> cain's
[1:49:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cal's
[1:49:08 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: Cat's Time: 12.808 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 4 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[1:49:08 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-9 KickServ-3 alezakos-3 theendoffreenode-2 Tat-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1
[1:49:08 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 6th
[1:49:08 am] <@NickServReal> cat's
[1:49:09 am] <@Guest0> Catch
[1:49:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cad's
[1:49:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo flyback erry usernameshouldgo by crschmidt
[1:49:12 am] <@NickServReal> i love cat's
[1:49:14 am] <@jonty> I wish I was in the lab, we have a teletype hooked up to IRC
[1:49:18 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> nice jonty
[1:49:19 am] <@Tat> 24. TV/ Movies: Movie Quotes: "Wendy....I'm home!"?
[1:49:21 am] <@usernameshouldgo> :)
[1:49:22 am] <@jonty> although given the speed in here it might explode
[1:49:24 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> okay?
[1:49:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> peter pan
[1:49:26 am] <@theendoffreenode> darling
[1:49:28 am] <@aeth> the shining
[1:49:29 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> idgaf about you being home
[1:49:29 am] <@BrickServ> jonty: lool
[1:49:29 am] <@Tat> Winner: aeth Answer: the shining Time: 9.469 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 13 Rank: 15th Previously: 24th
[1:49:29 am] <@Tat> aeth has moved up in rank: 15th
[1:49:30 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-9 KickServ-3 alezakos-3 theendoffreenode-2 Tat-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1 aeth-1
[1:49:30 am] <@beach> stanley kubrick asking for a soundtrack
[1:49:37 am] <@DickServ> jonty: Clearly you need to overclock that teletype.
[1:49:39 am] <@Tat> 25. Category: Cartoon Trivia : In what year did both Peanuts and Beetle Bailey first appear?
[1:49:41 am] <@jast> oh, I was made op? time to ban this channel and redirect it to ####apocalypse
[1:49:45 am] <@Guest42> 1812
[1:49:45 am] <@alezakos> 1984
[1:49:46 am] <@NickServReal> 1958
[1:49:46 am] <@Tat> 1970
[1:49:46 am] <@aeth> 1955
[1:49:46 am] <@Guest0> 1954
[1:49:47 am] <@HistServ> 1984
[1:49:48 am] <@alezakos> 19234
[1:49:48 am] --> kat (~viiiiibe@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:49:49 am] <@alezakos> 1934
[1:49:50 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[1:49:50 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1920
[1:49:50 am] <@Guest0> 1955
[1:49:50 am] <@Tat> !last
[1:49:50 am] <@CrapBot> [17:50:43] <Guest0> 1955
[1:49:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1989
[1:49:51 am] <@NickServReal> 1949
[1:49:51 am] <@alezakos> 199
[1:49:52 am] <@alezakos> 1999
[1:49:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> nice hint
[1:49:52 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1986
[1:49:52 am] <@beach> 1969
[1:49:53 am] <@Guest0> 1956
[1:49:54 am] <@HistServ> 1974
[1:49:54 am] <@Tat> 1980
[1:49:54 am] <@alezakos> 1996
[1:49:55 am] <@Guest0> 1959
[1:49:55 am] <@aeth> 1965
[1:49:55 am] <@erry> 1994
[1:49:55 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1945
[1:49:55 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1985
[1:49:56 am] <@Tat> 1960
[1:49:56 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1956
[1:49:57 am] <@rbraun> IronDeHavilland: srsly
[1:49:57 am] <@alezakos> 1994
[1:49:57 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1945
[1:49:57 am] <@Guest0> 1958
[1:49:58 am] <@NickServReal> 1951
[1:49:58 am] <@BrickServ> 165
[1:49:58 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1957
[1:49:58 am] <@Tat> 1950
[1:49:59 am] <@Tat> Winner: Tat Answer: 1950 Time: 18.502 Streak: 1 Points: 97 WPM: 2 Rank: 1st
[1:49:59 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-9 KickServ-3 alezakos-3 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 NickServReal-1 beach-1 aeth-1
[1:49:59 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1975
[1:49:59 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1967
[1:49:59 am] <@alezakos> 1992
[1:50:01 am] <@KickServ> 1950
[1:50:02 am] <@NickServReal> aaaagh
[1:50:02 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> we
[1:50:03 am] <@BrickServ> lol
[1:50:05 am] <@kiedtl> lol
[1:50:05 am] <@berndj> flyback, i think you're just trying to play a different game here than everyone else is
[1:50:07 am] <@kiedtl> wow
[1:50:07 am] <@KickServ> close enough
[1:50:07 am] <@BrickServ> we
[1:50:08 am] <@aeth> years ones are the worst
[1:50:09 am] <@Tat> 26. Relating to food what is 'halloumi'?
[1:50:11 am] <@kiedtl> tht was crazy
[1:50:12 am] <@beach> cheese
[1:50:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cheese
[1:50:14 am] <@DickServ> dicks
[1:50:14 am] <@aeth> fish
[1:50:18 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> cheese
[1:50:19 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, cypri___ ______
[1:50:19 am] <@alezakos> hello kat, how is life
[1:50:20 am] <@mst> aeth: PUT ME DOWN
[1:50:21 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> smegma
[1:50:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cypriote cheese
[1:50:23 am] <@beach> cypric cheese
[1:50:23 am] <@flyback> berndj, yeah it was called solumn final moments
[1:50:23 am] <@alezakos> cypriot gyros
[1:50:24 am] <@erry> cypriot cheese
[1:50:25 am] <@Tat> Winner: erry Answer: cypriot cheese Time: 15.148 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 11 Rank: 15th Previously: 25th
[1:50:25 am] <@Tat> erry has moved up in rank: 15th
[1:50:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cyprian cheese
[1:50:25 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> cypriot smegma
[1:50:26 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-9 KickServ-3 alezakos-3 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 erry-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1 aeth-1
[1:50:27 am] <@flyback> and they pissed all over it
[1:50:29 am] <@ZeroCool> Tat, Pork.
[1:50:35 am] <@mst> rasenganIsCunt: you're clearly an A Lister
[1:50:35 am] <@Tat> 27. Name The Year: European Space Agency launches Giotto Sattelite to Halley's Comet.
[1:50:39 am] <@theendoffreenode> 2000
[1:50:41 am] <@aeth> 1999
[1:50:42 am] <@Guest42> 2010
[1:50:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hint: 19__
[1:50:43 am] <@alezakos> 2003
[1:50:43 am] <@Guest0> 1996
[1:50:43 am] <@theendoffreenode> 2002
[1:50:44 am] <@DickServ> 1837
[1:50:44 am] <@flyback> bunch of spoiled children
[1:50:45 am] <@KickServ> 1985
[1:50:45 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1998
[1:50:45 am] <@alezakos> 1998
[1:50:45 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: 1985 Time: 9.922 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 4 Rank: 6th
[1:50:45 am] <@aeth> 1998
[1:50:45 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-9 KickServ-4 alezakos-3 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 erry-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1 aeth-1
[1:50:45 am] <@BrickServ> 1996
[1:50:46 am] <@Guest42> 1999
[1:50:46 am] <@Guest0> 1997
[1:50:47 am] <@terpri> 1955
[1:50:48 am] <-* NickServReal has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (flyback)
[1:50:51 am] <@erry> this is better than leenode
[1:50:53 am] <kat> alezakos: still on my diploma work
[1:50:54 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:50:55 am] <@BrickServ> why
[1:50:55 am] <@berndj> flyback, maybe this is just how other people want the final moments to be. going out all guns blazing
[1:50:56 am] <@Tat> 28. TV/ Movies: Born Jan 3, 1956, He starred in this movie: Mrs. Soffel - 1984?
[1:50:59 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o kat by mst
[1:51:00 am] <@NickServReal> what could be more irc
[1:51:01 am] <@DickServ> NickServReal: Be nice, please.
[1:51:02 am] <@ZeroCool> Batman
[1:51:02 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o flyback by NickServReal
[1:51:04 am] <@kat> alezakos: my adhd kills me lmao
[1:51:05 am] <@beach> Gets Skinned In
[1:51:06 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, mel ______
[1:51:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[1:51:08 am] <@Selicre> what other stuff should I add to the drawing
[1:51:09 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: mel gibson Time: 12.76 Streak: 1 Points: 17 WPM: 9 Rank: 3rd
[1:51:09 am] <@KickServ> mel gibson
[1:51:09 am] <@DickServ> It's no longer fun.
[1:51:09 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> LjL-Amiga, your interface there looks furiously like my modern xchat
[1:51:10 am] <@ZeroCool> Mel Brooks
[1:51:10 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-3 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 erry-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1 aeth-1
[1:51:11 am] <@rbraun> NickServReal: srsly
[1:51:13 am] <@HistServ> Mel Brooks
[1:51:13 am] <@beach> Mel Collins
[1:51:14 am] <@CompuServ> blanc
[1:51:19 am] <@Tat> 29. TV/ Movies: Hollywood: Actress who said, "You know how to whistle...put your lips together-and blow"?
[1:51:19 am] <@CompuServ> mel blanc
[1:51:22 am] <-* flyback has kicked NickServReal from ##apocalypse (BMCC)
[1:51:23 am] <@theendoffreenode> dick
[1:51:24 am] <@mst> CompuServ: racost
[1:51:26 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> mel gibson
[1:51:29 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, laur___ ______
[1:51:30 am] --> NickServReal (~nak@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:51:30 am] <@aeth> mel gibson
[1:51:31 am] <-* rbraun has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (no)
[1:51:31 am] <@Selicre> Oh right, the broken pipes
[1:51:33 am] <@beach> Laura Bouncyballs
[1:51:35 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> laura
[1:51:35 am] <@CompuServ> mst:?
[1:51:35 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:51:37 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> laura smegma
[1:51:37 am] <@BrickServ> mel gibson
[1:51:40 am] <@aeth> lauren
[1:51:41 am] <@mst> laurence olivier
[1:51:42 am] <@berndj> you can stop kicking flyback he's stopped snitching
[1:51:43 am] <@Guest0> laura kuensberg
[1:51:49 am] <@rbraun> berndj: i hope so
[1:51:50 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> laura setevelatanga
[1:51:51 am] <NickServReal> hasn't stopped bitching
[1:51:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v flyback by rbraun
[1:51:53 am] <@ZeroCool> lawrence of arabia
[1:51:57 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o flyback by kiedtl
[1:52:00 am] <@kiedtl> +v is enough
[1:52:02 am] <+flyback> don't care
[1:52:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v NickServReal by rbraun
[1:52:03 am] <@kiedtl> I have spoken
[1:52:05 am] <@beach>
[1:52:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o flyback by CompuServ
[1:52:11 am] [@HistServ] popcorn
[1:52:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -oo flyback CompuServ by kiedtl
[1:52:16 am] <CompuServ> :(
[1:52:19 am] * rasenganIsCunt has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "popcorn"
[1:52:19 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: lauren bacall
[1:52:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v CompuServ by rbraun
[1:52:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CompuServ by kiedtl
[1:52:21 am] <@alezakos> kat: and this IRC situation is not helping :P good luck then
[1:52:21 am] <@CompuServ> kiedtl: fascist
[1:52:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v CompuServ by mst
[1:52:24 am] <@cjd> this fucking video can't stop singing it
[1:52:30 am] <@Tat> 30. Useless Trivia: 10% of ---------- fans replace the lenses on their glasses every 5 years whether they need to or not.
[1:52:30 am] <-* MemoServ has kicked flyback from ##apocalypse (Requested by ChanServ.)
[1:52:32 am] <@kiedtl> CompuServ: :D
[1:52:36 am] <@alezakos> photography
[1:52:38 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> hipsters
[1:52:40 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, sta__ ____
[1:52:41 am] <@alezakos> basketball
[1:52:43 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> star wars
[1:52:43 am] <-* rbraun has kicked MemoServ from ##apocalypse (why??)
[1:52:47 am] <@beach> star wars
[1:52:47 am] <@cottsay> star trek
[1:52:48 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:52:49 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> star trek
[1:52:49 am] <@Tat> Winner: cottsay Answer: star trek Time: 18.034 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 5 Rank: 15th Previously: 26th
[1:52:49 am] <@kat> alezakos: really onto making history here
[1:52:49 am] <@Tat> cottsay has moved up in rank: 15th
[1:52:49 am] <@usernameshouldgo> photograpy
[1:52:49 am] <@mst> child porn fans
[1:52:50 am] --> MemoServ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:52:50 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-3 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 erry-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1 cottsay-1 aeth-1
[1:52:52 am] <@BrickServ> lmao
[1:52:53 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> we
[1:52:53 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +vv flyback MemoServ by rbraun
[1:52:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o MemoServ by berndj
[1:52:55 am] <-* kat has kicked mst from ##apocalypse (mst)
[1:52:57 am] <+MemoServ> rbraun: ask ChanServ!
[1:52:58 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> malísimo
[1:52:59 am] <@Tat> 31. Category: French Food AKA: Delicate egg whites baked at a high temperature, literally means "a breath"?
[1:53:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo MemoServ NickServReal by Tat
[1:53:04 am] --> mst ( has joined ##apocalypse
[1:53:04 am] <@rasengansucks> 🎶It's the end of the world as we know it🎶
[1:53:05 am] <@alezakos> baguette
[1:53:05 am] <@beach> merange
[1:53:06 am] <@BrickServ> malardo
[1:53:06 am] <@ZeroCool> century eggs
[1:53:07 am] <mst> kat: RUDE
[1:53:09 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> meringue
[1:53:09 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, sou____
[1:53:10 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o mst by rbraun
[1:53:11 am] <@aeth> souflet
[1:53:12 am] <@alezakos> souvlaki
[1:53:13 am] <@Guest0> souffle
[1:53:13 am] <@DickServ> soup
[1:53:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> souffle
[1:53:13 am] <@theendoffreenode> souspir
[1:53:13 am] <@Tat> Winner: Guest0 Answer: souffle Time: 13.728 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 6 Rank: 12th Previously: 15th
[1:53:13 am] <@NickServReal> soup
[1:53:14 am] <@Tat> Guest0 has moved up in rank: 12th
[1:53:14 am] <@ZeroCool> sousvide
[1:53:14 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-3 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 erry-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1 cottsay-1 aeth-1
[1:53:20 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> sous puto
[1:53:21 am] <@nrr_> oh
[1:53:21 am] <@Selicre>
[1:53:22 am] <+flyback> someone needs their throat slit
[1:53:22 am] <@CrapBot> ^ [image/png] (437.8KiB)
[1:53:24 am] <@Tat> 32. If you were born on 23 June what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
[1:53:27 am] <@theendoffreenode> leo
[1:53:28 am] <@ZeroCool> Pices
[1:53:29 am] <@IronDeHavilland> aries
[1:53:29 am] <@alezakos> Pisces
[1:53:31 am] <@cottsay> cancer
[1:53:32 am] <@Tat> Winner: cottsay Answer: cancer Time: 7.316 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 9 Rank: 12th Previously: 16th
[1:53:32 am] <@Tat> cottsay has moved up in rank: 12th
[1:53:32 am] <@alezakos> Libra
[1:53:32 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-3 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 cottsay-2 erry-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1 aeth-1
[1:53:33 am] <@rbraun> flyback: give it a rest
[1:53:36 am] <@crschmidt> i was going to apologize for violating social rules by opping flyback but then i realized this is ##apocalypse
[1:53:38 am] <@alezakos> LIBERA STAR SIGN
[1:53:42 am] <@Tat> 33. In football, where are the hashmarks?
[1:53:42 am] <@berndj> lol
[1:53:43 am] <-- BigChungus (~viiiiibe@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[1:53:44 am] <@mst> cottsay: wetold you not to read the comments
[1:53:45 am] <@crschmidt> THERE ARE NO RULES
[1:53:46 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> Selicre where am i
[1:53:48 am] <@alezakos> top left
[1:53:49 am] <@alezakos> center
[1:53:50 am] <@alezakos> bottom
[1:53:50 am] <@alezakos> up
[1:53:50 am] <@rbraun> yards
[1:53:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> THERE ARE NO FACES
[1:53:51 am] <@rbraun> yard
[1:53:52 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, five-_____ _____
[1:53:54 am] <@cottsay> yard lines
[1:53:55 am] <@aeth> five-yard line
[1:53:56 am] <@rbraun> five-yard lines
[1:53:56 am] <@Tat> Winner: aeth Answer: five-yard lines Time: 13.307 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 13 Rank: 12th Previously: 17th
[1:53:56 am] <@Tat> aeth has moved up in rank: 12th
[1:53:56 am] <@alezakos> five-foot lines
[1:53:56 am] <@crschmidt> yard line
[1:53:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-3 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 cottsay-2 aeth-2 erry-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1
[1:53:57 am] <@ZeroCool> yard intervals
[1:53:59 am] <@theendoffreenode> whens this server dying
[1:53:59 am] <@DickServ> THERE ARE NO BRAKES
[1:54:01 am] <@NickServReal> five-yard lines
[1:54:04 am] <@Selicre> rasenganIsCunt: should've told me before
[1:54:05 am] * CalimeroTeknik has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "Don't wake me for the end of the world unless it has very good special effects"
[1:54:06 am] <@Tat> 34. In 1892 Donald Wills ---------- , founded an aircraft company?
[1:54:07 am] <@crschmidt> theendoffreenode: we have no idea
[1:54:07 am] <@alezakos> theendoffreenode: sometime between now and never
[1:54:12 am] * BrickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "the last standing bastion of freenode"
[1:54:12 am] <@Tat> We don't know why this isn't dead yet...
[1:54:12 am] <@crschmidt> we're surprised it hasn't yet
[1:54:13 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> boeing
[1:54:13 am] <@KickServ> theendoffreenode: never
[1:54:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mcdouglas
[1:54:15 am] <@emily> Selicre: i love this
[1:54:16 am] <@alezakos> Airbus
[1:54:16 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, dou____
[1:54:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> boeing
[1:54:18 am] <@alezakos> douglas
[1:54:18 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> dourglas
[1:54:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> douglas
[1:54:19 am] <@aeth> douglas
[1:54:19 am] <@Tat> Winner: alezakos Answer: douglas Time: 12.027 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 6 Rank: 8th
[1:54:19 am] <@cottsay> douglas
[1:54:19 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-4 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 cottsay-2 aeth-2 erry-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 beach-1
[1:54:20 am] <@Selicre> emily: thank you
[1:54:21 am] <@BrickServ> dou
[1:54:21 am] <@berndj> theendoffreenode, when we force their hand
[1:54:22 am] <@beach> I only know Freddie Laker
[1:54:22 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> damn it
[1:54:29 am] <@Tat> 35. Category: Trivia : What is the square root of -1?
[1:54:30 am] <@Selicre> I wanna depict more funny moments from this place
[1:54:31 am] <@Tat> Winner: Selicre Answer: i Time: 0.609 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 19 Rank: 18th Previously: 27th
[1:54:31 am] <@Tat> Selicre has moved up in rank: 18th
[1:54:31 am] <@rbraun> i
[1:54:32 am] <@beach> i
[1:54:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> i
[1:54:32 am] <@alezakos> i
[1:54:32 am] <@cottsay> i
[1:54:32 am] <@aeth> i
[1:54:32 am] <@theendoffreenode> i
[1:54:32 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> water dousing
[1:54:32 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-4 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 cottsay-2 aeth-2 erry-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 Selicre-1 beach-1
[1:54:33 am] <@Selicre> what
[1:54:34 am] <@ZeroCool> i
[1:54:35 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> lmao i paid absolutely no attention to my online class
[1:54:35 am] <@Selicre> LMAO
[1:54:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[1:54:36 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> football
[1:54:37 am] <@Tat> imaginary
[1:54:37 am] <@beach> #c(0 1)
[1:54:39 am] <@aeth> lol @ Selicre winning
[1:54:41 am] <@Tat> 36. Useless Trivia: Eosophobia is the fear of---------- .
[1:54:43 am] <-- flyback ( has left ##apocalypse ("Leaving")
[1:54:45 am] <@ZeroCool> ears
[1:54:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> wind
[1:54:45 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> eos
[1:54:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> light
[1:54:47 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> wind
[1:54:48 am] <-- SirM0nkalot_ (~quassel@ has quit (Quit: Quit)
[1:54:48 am] <@Tat> Selicre got that win!
[1:54:48 am] <@Guest0> eoso
[1:54:49 am] <@Tat> LOL!
[1:54:50 am] <@beach> music
[1:54:51 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> breezez
[1:54:51 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, da__
[1:54:53 am] <@KickServ> daylight
[1:54:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> days
[1:54:54 am] <@NickServReal> how about that pigskin? how about that game with the pigskin?
[1:54:54 am] <@alezakos> darkneess
[1:54:54 am] <@cottsay> dark
[1:54:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> daze
[1:54:54 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> damp
[1:54:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> dark
[1:54:57 am] <@beach> dank
[1:54:58 am] <@DickServ> days
[1:54:59 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> dark
[1:54:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> damp
[1:55:00 am] <@ZeroCool> dank memes
[1:55:01 am] <@gwillen> dabs
[1:55:01 am] <@DickServ> dawn
[1:55:01 am] <@jast> sunlight
[1:55:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> dairy
[1:55:02 am] <@Tat> Winner: DickServ Answer: dawn Time: 19.921 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 2 Rank: 18th Previously: 28th
[1:55:02 am] <@itisnigh> disconnected from pissnet: Closing Link: itisnigh[] (Quit: welp)
[1:55:02 am] <@Guest0> damp
[1:55:02 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> dawn
[1:55:02 am] <@Tat> DickServ has moved up in rank: 18th
[1:55:03 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-4 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 cottsay-2 aeth-2 erry-1 DickServ-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 Selicre-1 beach-1
[1:55:03 am] <@IronDeHavilland> dank
[1:55:05 am] <@alis> happy to see this is still going :-)
[1:55:05 am] <@Tat> !hoftime
[1:55:07 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> dawn it
[1:55:11 am] <@Selicre> but yeah I have very poor memory so you're gonna remind me of what the hell was even going on
[1:55:12 am] <@Tat> 37. Who composed "Messiah"?
[1:55:16 am] <@ZeroCool> Handel
[1:55:16 am] <@gwillen> handel
[1:55:16 am] <@theendoffreenode> handel
[1:55:16 am] <@DickServ> jesus
[1:55:17 am] <@kat> me
[1:55:17 am] <@NickServReal> handel
[1:55:17 am] <@Tat> Winner: ZeroCool Answer: handel Time: 3.432 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 20 Rank: 18th Previously: 29th
[1:55:17 am] <@Tat> ZeroCool has moved up in rank: 18th
[1:55:17 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-4 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 cottsay-2 aeth-2 erry-1 DickServ-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 Selicre-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[1:55:17 am] <@aeth> handel
[1:55:18 am] <@Tat> Selicre now has the quickest reflexes known to man.
[1:55:21 am] <@Guest0> jesus lol
[1:55:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> :>
[1:55:22 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> Selicre i sang a song for the chat
[1:55:24 am] <@crschmidt> oh no, pissnet bot is gone
[1:55:25 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> private
[1:55:25 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> Selicre did you read it?
[1:55:27 am] <@Tat> 38. In what is food surrounded with dry, hot, circulated air?
[1:55:29 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> Selicre i can sing again
[1:55:30 am] <@ChanServ> MemoServ, rbraun: asking me anything is ill-advised, i'm not going to be able to respond for the next few hours
[1:55:32 am] <@Selicre> don't
[1:55:33 am] <@rbraun> oven
[1:55:33 am] <@DickServ> oven
[1:55:33 am] <@beach> oven
[1:55:34 am] <@ZeroCool> convection
[1:55:35 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> Selicre should i?
[1:55:35 am] <@gwillen> air fryer
[1:55:35 am] <@beach> stove
[1:55:36 am] <@emily> alis: we're holding down the fort. andrew lee is banging at the door
[1:55:37 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, conve______ ____
[1:55:38 am] <@Selicre> no
[1:55:39 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> stank
[1:55:40 am] <@aeth> convection oven
[1:55:40 am] <@beach> convection oven
[1:55:40 am] <@gwillen> convection oven
[1:55:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> convection oven
[1:55:40 am] <@Tat> Winner: aeth Answer: convection oven Time: 12.745 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 14 Rank: 9th Previously: 12th
[1:55:41 am] <@theendoffreenode> convection stove
[1:55:41 am] <@cottsay> convection oven
[1:55:41 am] <@Tat> aeth has moved up in rank: 9th
[1:55:41 am] <@rbraun> convection oven
[1:55:41 am] <@NickServReal> sous vide... crap
[1:55:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-4 aeth-3 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 cottsay-2 erry-1 DickServ-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 Selicre-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[1:55:46 am] <@aeth> stole your answer, ZeroCool
[1:55:48 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> Selicre PLEASE SPEAK LOUDER I CAN'T HEAR YOU
[1:55:49 am] <@ZeroCool> yeah yeah
[1:55:51 am] <@Tat> 39. Acronym Soup: LYLAB?
[1:55:52 am] * kat has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "the last standing bastion of freenode | trans rights"
[1:55:52 am] <@Selicre> NO
[1:55:54 am] <@beach> I was first in my window smh
[1:55:56 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> LOL
[1:55:59 am] <@ZeroCool> Live Long and Brosper
[1:56:01 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, love yo__ _____ __ _______
[1:56:05 am] * KickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " | This channel is bridged to "neo" Freenode, Pissnet, Libera (here), and the last "old" Freenode server we know of:"
[1:56:05 am] <@aeth> 4-way tie
[1:56:06 am] <@usernameshouldgo> BALLY
[1:56:06 am] <@NickServReal> let's yeet lee ...a bunch
[1:56:07 am] * BrickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " ( | The last standing bastion of freenode classic | Come see a 20y network die!"
[1:56:07 am] <@gwillen> love you like a brother
[1:56:08 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: love you like a brother Time: 15.85 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 17 Rank: 18th Previously: 30th
[1:56:08 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 18th
[1:56:08 am] * kiedtl has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "We bow before Eris | All hail Eris!"
[1:56:08 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-4 aeth-3 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 cottsay-2 erry-1 DickServ-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 Selicre-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[1:56:09 am] <@Tat> Love you lets abort babies
[1:56:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[1:56:15 am] <@berndj> let's make capone greater than neo-freenode
[1:56:16 am] * kat has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "We bow before Eris | All hail Eris! | trans rights"
[1:56:16 am] <@beach> Yes.
[1:56:17 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> dave thomas's memoirs
[1:56:18 am] <@Tat> 40. Who is the patron saint of housewives?
[1:56:22 am] <@alezakos> Lawyers Yes Lawyers Are Back
[1:56:22 am] * kiedtl has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "We bow before Eris | All hail Eris!"
[1:56:23 am] <@beach> Joan of Arc
[1:56:24 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> berndj it already is
[1:56:27 am] <-- Speakzzzz (speakz@freenode/staff/speakz) has left ##apocalypse
[1:56:27 am] <@DickServ> HAIL
[1:56:28 am] <@ZeroCool> Bingus
[1:56:28 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, st ____
[1:56:30 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> 1650
[1:56:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> saint mary
[1:56:31 am] <@Tat> st. feminine mistique
[1:56:31 am] <@aeth> st mary
[1:56:32 am] <@theendoffreenode> st james
[1:56:32 am] <@beach> St Dick
[1:56:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> st mary
[1:56:33 am] <@Guest0> milkman
[1:56:33 am] <@NickServReal> GOOD HINT
[1:56:34 am] <@kiedtl> that's a nice hint
[1:56:34 am] <@aeth> st anne
[1:56:35 am] <@Tat> Winner: aeth Answer: st anne Time: 16.318 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 5 Rank: 8th Previously: 9th
[1:56:35 am] <@KickServ> st anne
[1:56:35 am] <@Tat> st mary
[1:56:35 am] <@Tat> aeth has moved up in rank: 8th
[1:56:35 am] <@gwillen> st john
[1:56:35 am] <@DickServ> >st ____
[1:56:36 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> more proof that a community when self-governing is improved
[1:56:36 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-4 aeth-4 Tat-2 theendoffreenode-2 cottsay-2 erry-1 DickServ-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 Selicre-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[1:56:37 am] <@DickServ> THANKS BOT
[1:56:38 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> 10
[1:56:39 am] <@aeth> lol I just guessed women names
[1:56:40 am] <@kiedtl> aww
[1:56:40 am] <@jonty> hold on is freenode netsplitted? where is itisnigh monitoring?
[1:56:45 am] <@Tat> 41. What metal forms one twelfth of the earth's crust?
[1:56:45 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> st mary
[1:56:46 am] <@berndj> rasenganIsCunt, nah, 1300-odd users in neo-freenode
[1:56:48 am] <@gwillen> iron
[1:56:48 am] <@alezakos> iron
[1:56:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> iron
[1:56:49 am] <@beach> Iron
[1:56:50 am] <@beach> copper
[1:56:51 am] <@alezakos> copper
[1:56:52 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> iron
[1:56:52 am] <@alezakos> bronze
[1:56:52 am] <@theendoffreenode> alluminium
[1:56:52 am] <@beach> lead
[1:56:53 am] <@alezakos> gold
[1:56:53 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: aluminium Time: 7.192 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 15 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[1:56:53 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> coppe
[1:56:53 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 6th
[1:56:53 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-4 aeth-4 theendoffreenode-3 Tat-2 cottsay-2 erry-1 DickServ-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 Selicre-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[1:56:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> nickel
[1:56:53 am] <@terpri> gold
[1:56:53 am] * BrickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " ( | The last standing bastion of freenode classic | Come see a 23y network die! | We bow before Eris | All hail Eris! | trans rights"
[1:56:59 am] * kiedtl has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "We bow before Eris | All hail Eris!"
[1:57:01 am] <@Guest0> take that america
[1:57:03 am] <@girst> i'll be signing off for today. i really expected capone to have gone down hours ago and the sun is starting to rise here....
[1:57:03 am] * rasenganIsCunt has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "put me in the screencap"
[1:57:03 am] <@Tat> 42. Category: Trivia : The term Septiquinquennial represents how many years?
[1:57:05 am] <@Tat> Freenode is netsplit and dead. So it can't remerge or whatever.
[1:57:06 am] <@beach> a lot
[1:57:08 am] <@aeth> 250
[1:57:09 am] <@Selicre> 70
[1:57:09 am] <@cottsay> 70
[1:57:10 am] <@itisnigh> <Subjective@freenode_new> 19984
[1:57:10 am] <@Tat> 70
[1:57:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 755
[1:57:11 am] <@jast> 75
[1:57:11 am] <@beach> 755
[1:57:11 am] <@DickServ> 700
[1:57:11 am] <@gwillen> 700
[1:57:12 am] <@Tat> Winner: jast Answer: 75 Time: 7.597 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 3 Rank: 18th Previously: 31st
[1:57:12 am] <@cottsay> 700
[1:57:12 am] <@Tat> jast has moved up in rank: 18th
[1:57:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 75
[1:57:12 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-10 KickServ-4 alezakos-4 aeth-4 theendoffreenode-3 Tat-2 cottsay-2 erry-1 DickServ-1 Guest0-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 Selicre-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[1:57:13 am] <@itisnigh> <Subjective@freenode_new> 1984
[1:57:19 am] <@alezakos> have a nice sleep girst!
[1:57:20 am] <@berndj> wait what? is /lusers output real?
[1:57:22 am] <@Tat> 43. TV/ Movies: 1982 - Demi Moore - Starred In This Movie:
[1:57:23 am] <@alezakos> or not sleep if you're not planning to sleep
[1:57:24 am] <@kiedtl> berndj: yeah
[1:57:25 am] <@alezakos> have a nice whatever
[1:57:32 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, young d_______ ___ ____
[1:57:36 am] <@alezakos> young dame
[1:57:37 am] <@aeth> "septi" 250, yeah, stupid answer, but you have to answer before you even process it or someone will steal it
[1:57:38 am] <@beach> young doofuses
[1:57:38 am] * BrickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " ( | The last standing bastion of freenode classic | Come see a 23y network die! | We bow before Eris | All hail Eris! | trans rights"
[1:57:40 am] <@berndj> oh wait nvm, 57k is max, not current
[1:57:42 am] <@ZeroCool> Young Frankenstein
[1:57:44 am] <@Selicre> young denny de vito
[1:57:45 am] <@Tat> young dumb full of... wait this isn't right
[1:57:47 am] <@kiedtl> oh lol berndj
[1:57:54 am] * nrr_ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " ( | The last standing bastion of freenode classic | Come see a 23y network die! | We bow before Eris | All hail Eris! | trans rights | protect maned wolves"
[1:57:56 am] <@Guest0> hahahaha
[1:57:57 am] <@emily> > 1 IRC Operators online
[1:57:57 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[1:57:57 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[1:57:57 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Selicre of 0.609. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[1:57:58 am] <@emily> who is that?
[1:57:59 am] <@alezakos> young damenhof of northhampshire
[1:58:01 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 10
[1:58:01 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[1:58:02 am] <@BrickServ> YAYYYYYYYYYY
[1:58:06 am] <@BrickServ> manned wolves
[1:58:07 am] <@BrickServ> <3
[1:58:10 am] <@NickServReal> my point D:
[1:58:11 am] <@alezakos> HAHAHAHA Selicre congratuleations!
[1:58:11 am] <@nrr_> roark, etc.
[1:58:12 am] <@beach>
[1:58:14 am] <@Selicre> nice
[1:58:16 am] <@Tat> 1. Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Noble, Kind?
[1:58:21 am] <@cottsay> Alan
[1:58:21 am] <@kiedtl> anne
[1:58:21 am] <@beach> Asshole
[1:58:21 am] <@Tat> able
[1:58:21 am] <@alezakos> aaron
[1:58:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> arya
[1:58:23 am] <@ZeroCool> Alastair
[1:58:23 am] <@theendoffreenode> alexios
[1:58:23 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> NickServReal i was losing so it was not fun :(
[1:58:24 am] <@Guest0> Andrew
[1:58:25 am] <@kiedtl> alex
[1:58:26 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, a__
[1:58:27 am] <@alezakos> theendoffreenode: kalispera
[1:58:28 am] <@theendoffreenode> andrew lee
[1:58:28 am] <@gwillen> abe
[1:58:29 am] <@beach> Ass
[1:58:29 am] <@Guest0> Alex
[1:58:29 am] <@DickServ> ass
[1:58:30 am] <@kiedtl> yes thanks
[1:58:30 am] <@Tat> anne
[1:58:30 am] <@NickServReal> alf
[1:58:31 am] <@alezakos> THANK YOU HINT
[1:58:31 am] <@cottsay> Ann
[1:58:34 am] <@Tat> amy
[1:58:35 am] <@alis> andrew
[1:58:35 am] <@kiedtl> albert
[1:58:35 am] <@ZeroCool> Alex
[1:58:36 am] <@alis> alex
[1:58:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> amy
[1:58:37 am] <@rasengansucks> do operators have the power to kill a server?
[1:58:38 am] <@beach> ACK
[1:58:38 am] <@kiedtl> amy
[1:58:39 am] <@Guest0> Alexander
[1:58:39 am] <@alezakos> aze
[1:58:40 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ann
[1:58:41 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> aus
[1:58:42 am] <@Tat> !last
[1:58:42 am] <@CrapBot> [17:59:34] <rasenganIsCunt> aus
[1:58:42 am] <@cottsay> All
[1:58:43 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ali
[1:58:44 am] <@Guest0> Art
[1:58:44 am] <@ZeroCool> Ace
[1:58:44 am] <@Tat> ana
[1:58:45 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> alyx
[1:58:45 am] <@cottsay> Al
[1:58:45 am] <@alis> albert
[1:58:45 am] <@beach> APL
[1:58:45 am] <@Tat> apa
[1:58:46 am] <@alezakos> ama
[1:58:46 am] --> LjL-AmIRC_ (~LjL@ has joined ##apocalypse
[1:58:48 am] <@alis> arthur
[1:58:49 am] <@alezakos> aqo
[1:58:49 am] <@berndj> rasenganIsCunt, they should, if they know how
[1:58:49 am] <@cottsay> Appa
[1:58:50 am] <@Jigsy> Uhoh.
[1:58:50 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ame
[1:58:51 am] <@alezakos> ada
[1:58:51 am] <@Tat> Winner: alezakos Answer: ada Time: 34.742 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 1 Rank: 8th
[1:58:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: alezakos-1
[1:58:53 am] <@Jigsy> An oper online.
[1:58:53 am] <@Tat> Oppa?
[1:58:54 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ame watson
[1:58:55 am] <@kiedtl> :(
[1:58:55 am] <@Guest0> Anus
[1:58:56 am] <@Tat> Ada!
[1:58:57 am] <@alezakos> oooooh hello
[1:58:58 am] <@kiedtl> damnit
[1:58:59 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o LjL-AmIRC_ by alis
[1:59:00 am] <@ZeroCool> Anulus
[1:59:02 am] <@Tat> 2. TV/ Movies: Category: Flicks: Three vignettes dealing with two hitmen, a renegade boxer, and a bad date?
[1:59:09 am] <@Tat> Fucking hell, bunch of geeky fucks and we forget Ada is a name.
[1:59:10 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> wo
[1:59:10 am] <@beach> Erlang the Movie
[1:59:12 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, pulp_ _______
[1:59:14 am] <@NickServReal> pulp fiction
[1:59:15 am] <@gwillen> pulp fiction
[1:59:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> pulp fiction
[1:59:15 am] <@Tat> Winner: NickServReal Answer: pulp fiction Time: 12.683 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 11 Rank: 10th Previously: 13th
[1:59:15 am] <@Tat> Current Round: NickServReal-1 alezakos-1
[1:59:15 am] <@Tat> NickServReal has moved up in rank: 10th
[1:59:15 am] <@cottsay> pulp fiction
[1:59:15 am] <@Jigsy> Do we know who it is?
[1:59:16 am] <@theendoffreenode> pulp ficiotn
[1:59:16 am] <@aeth> pulp fiction
[1:59:19 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> pulpy fiction
[1:59:24 am] <@LjL-AmIRC_> apparently browsing the web and hoping AmIRC doesn't disconnect from this channel AT THE SAME TIME is too much to ask
[1:59:24 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> why the fuck the _
[1:59:25 am] <@Tat> 3. Category: Geography : Which is the Earth's fourth largest continent?
[1:59:26 am] <@ZeroCool> Puplier Fiction
[1:59:27 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> it was wrong
[1:59:28 am] <@berndj> is it a real user? or just the server itself?
[1:59:28 am] <@gwillen> asia
[1:59:29 am] <@alezakos> australia
[1:59:29 am] <@NickServReal> australia
[1:59:30 am] <@gwillen> africa
[1:59:30 am] <@ZeroCool> Asia
[1:59:30 am] <@theendoffreenode> ociania
[1:59:30 am] <@beach> Europe
[1:59:30 am] <@aeth> africa
[1:59:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> america
[1:59:31 am] <@gwillen> south america
[1:59:32 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: south america Time: 6.256 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 24 Rank: 14th Previously: 18th
[1:59:32 am] <@itisnigh> <Jigsy@libera> Another oper.
[1:59:32 am] <@Tat> Current Round: NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 alezakos-1
[1:59:32 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 14th
[1:59:32 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> africa
[1:59:33 am] <@alezakos> antarctica
[1:59:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> eurasia
[1:59:33 am] <@NickServReal> antarctica
[1:59:33 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> asia
[1:59:33 am] <@Guest0> pulp fiction
[1:59:40 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> mel gibson
[1:59:41 am] <@beach> pulp fiction is not a continent FWIW
[1:59:42 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> douche
[1:59:42 am] <@Tat> 4. In 1848 Mexico sells U.S. Texas, ---------- , New Mexico and Arizona.
[1:59:43 am] <@KickServ> i
[1:59:44 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> mel gibson
[1:59:46 am] <@gwillen> california
[1:59:46 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: california Time: 3.307 Streak: 2 Points: 3 WPM: 36 Rank: 10th Previously: 14th
[1:59:47 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 NickServReal-1 alezakos-1
[1:59:47 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 10th
[1:59:47 am] <@Tat> Lol.
[1:59:47 am] <-- LjL-Amiga (~LjL@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[1:59:48 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> alaska
[1:59:54 am] <@beach> Cuba
[1:59:54 am] <@ZeroCool> Baked Alaska
[1:59:55 am] <@theendoffreenode> tennessee
[1:59:57 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> mel gibson
[1:59:57 am] <@Tat> 5. Point Maley is the coast guard cutter in what Disney movie?
[2:00:01 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> mel gibson
[2:00:01 am] <@alezakos> Frozen
[2:00:03 am] <@ZeroCool> Frozen
[2:00:03 am] <@gwillen> free willy
[2:00:03 am] <@beach> Maley The Movie
[2:00:04 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> frozen
[2:00:04 am] <@theendoffreenode> finding nemo
[2:00:06 am] <@jessicara`> baked alaska is pretty tasty
[2:00:07 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, boa_____
[2:00:08 am] <@alezakos> Space Jam
[2:00:08 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> frozen the movie
[2:00:08 am] <@emily> Jigsy: do we know who the oper is? ;w;
[2:00:10 am] <@gwillen> borat
[2:00:11 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> boards
[2:00:11 am] <@rasengansucks> the mighty ducks
[2:00:11 am] <@alezakos> Boats on the water
[2:00:11 am] <@beach> Boatings
[2:00:12 am] <@Togra> Nevada
[2:00:12 am] <@jast> boaring
[2:00:14 am] <@Jigsy> No...
[2:00:15 am] <@Tat> Mexico "sells"
[2:00:15 am] <@cottsay> boats boats boats!
[2:00:15 am] <@alezakos> gwillen: hahaha
[2:00:16 am] <@terpri> boa constrictor
[2:00:16 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> boatie
[2:00:17 am] <@Togra> California
[2:00:17 am] <@gwillen> boa constructor
[2:00:19 am] <@NickServReal> boat boys
[2:00:21 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> boa constrictor
[2:00:22 am] <@aeth> boa
[2:00:22 am] <@alezakos> boar constrictor
[2:00:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> boat constructor
[2:00:23 am] <@beach> boarding
[2:00:23 am] <@KickServ> boatniks
[2:00:24 am] <@NickServReal> boats away
[2:00:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: boatniks Time: 26.801 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 3 Rank: 6th
[2:00:24 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 alezakos-1
[2:00:26 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> >boa constructor
[2:00:28 am] <@tyler> Boat Salesman Simulator
[2:00:32 am] <@jast> boa destructor
[2:00:33 am] <@alezakos> tyler: hahaha
[2:00:34 am] <@Tat> 6. Quotations: "A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon it adds up to real money."?
[2:00:36 am] <@KindOne> What does a noble _ass who steals an IRC network say? Ar Ar, I'm a pirate. Wait, all my users Argon
[2:00:36 am] <@gwillen> rasenganIsCunt: ok you know what.
[2:00:37 am] <@Togra> oh yeah lol well wasn't the "we wanted to buy it but we took it instead" just like, the southern part of NV?
[2:00:37 am] <@ZeroCool> It's as much fun to bullshit this.
[2:00:38 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> o-------------
[2:00:40 am] <@terpri> everyone who answered "boa constructor" should be in ##commonlisp on libera
[2:00:40 am] <@theendoffreenode> andrew lee
[2:00:42 am] <@beach> Roger Waters
[2:00:42 am] <@lighterowl> andrew lee
[2:00:44 am] <@berndj> andrew lee
[2:00:44 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Evere___ _______
[2:00:45 am] <@KickServ> freenode
[2:00:45 am] <@Tat> Reagan
[2:00:46 am] <@Guest0> Andrew Lee
[2:00:50 am] <@NickServReal> everett koop
[2:00:51 am] <@itisnigh> <Subjective@freenode_new> Is this a recording?
[2:00:52 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> souffle
[2:00:52 am] <@beach> terpri: or that olde Python GUI builder thing?
[2:00:55 am] <@jast> everett dirksen
[2:00:56 am] <@rbraun> andrew lee has billions?
[2:00:56 am] <@Tat> Winner: jast Answer: Everett Dirksen Time: 20.998 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 8 Rank: 15th Previously: 19th
[2:00:56 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 alezakos-1 jast-1
[2:00:56 am] <@Tat> jast has moved up in rank: 15th
[2:01:02 am] <@NickServReal> subjective: yes
[2:01:06 am] <@Tat> 7. What is the fear of computers known as?
[2:01:07 am] <@alezakos> tyler:
[2:01:10 am] <@KickServ> depends on the currency
[2:01:10 am] <@Selicre> pretty much a recording lmao
[2:01:11 am] <@ZeroCool> Irrational
[2:01:11 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> computerphobia
[2:01:11 am] <@beach> technophobia
[2:01:12 am] <@rasengansucks> in bitcoins from the walletbot
[2:01:12 am] <@alezakos> ypologistophobia
[2:01:13 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> boomer
[2:01:16 am] <@NickServReal> cyberphobia
[2:01:16 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, logizo_____________
[2:01:16 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> babyboomerism
[2:01:17 am] <@alezakos> ypolophobia
[2:01:19 am] <@beach> David Foreman
[2:01:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> logizophobia
[2:01:20 am] <@Guest0> technophobia
[2:01:20 am] <@tyler> developer
[2:01:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> logizophobia
[2:01:20 am] <@alezakos> logizophobia
[2:01:20 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> logizophobia
[2:01:20 am] <@gwillen> logizophobia
[2:01:21 am] <@Guest0> oh fuck mee bot
[2:01:22 am] <@gwillen> lol
[2:01:25 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@freenode_new> Subjective: nope. the bot is just really, really far behind.
[2:01:27 am] <@cottsay> sierra leone
[2:01:29 am] <@jast> logizomechanophobia
[2:01:29 am] <@alezakos> logizomaiphobia
[2:01:30 am] <@Tat> Winner: jast Answer: logizomechanophobia Time: 22.947 Streak: 2 Points: 3 WPM: 9 Rank: 10th Previously: 15th
[2:01:30 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 jast-2 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 alezakos-1
[2:01:30 am] <@Tat> jast has moved up in rank: 10th
[2:01:32 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> logizophyliphobia
[2:01:39 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> on the hashpaper
[2:01:39 am] <@ZeroCool> Lollypopphobia
[2:01:40 am] <@DickServ> Impressive.
[2:01:40 am] <@Tat> 8. To which plant family (strictly genus) do jonquils and daffodils belong?
[2:01:40 am] <@Guest0> of course
[2:01:42 am] <@itisnigh> <jessicara@freenode_new> Subjective: no it's not a recording, it's probably long delayed though
[2:01:47 am] <@NickServReal> flower
[2:01:47 am] <@alezakos> jackdows
[2:01:49 am] <@beach> weedkillerable
[2:01:49 am] <@ZeroCool> Nightshade
[2:01:50 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, nar______
[2:01:51 am] <@KickServ> narcissus
[2:01:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> euphorbia
[2:01:52 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: narcissus Time: 11.372 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 9 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[2:01:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-2 gwillen-2 jast-2 NickServReal-1 alezakos-1
[2:01:52 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:01:52 am] <@Guest0> green
[2:01:53 am] <@itisnigh> <Subjective@freenode_new> huh
[2:01:56 am] <@NickServReal> narwhal
[2:01:56 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@freenode_new> Subjective: this bridged the old freenode netsplit sections to here while they died one buy one but there's one left and people got bored waiting so they brought in a trivia bot
[2:01:56 am] <@ZeroCool> marwhals
[2:02:02 am] <@Tat> 9. TV/ Movies: He played the part of King Arthur in "Camelot."?
[2:02:07 am] <@tyler> alezakos: nice!
[2:02:07 am] <@theendoffreenode> me
[2:02:10 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> Duck
[2:02:12 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, richa___ ______
[2:02:14 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> Lear
[2:02:14 am] <@BrickServ> King Arthur
[2:02:16 am] <@ZeroCool> Richard Lear
[2:02:17 am] <@beach> richard stallman
[2:02:17 am] <@gwillen> richard cheese
[2:02:17 am] <@Togra> richard nixon
[2:02:19 am] <@terpri> richard dean anderson
[2:02:19 am] <@Tat> richard prior
[2:02:21 am] <@jast> richard harris
[2:02:21 am] <@Tat> Winner: jast Answer: richard harris Time: 18.892 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 8 Rank: 9th Previously: 10th
[2:02:22 am] <@Tat> Current Round: jast-3 KickServ-2 gwillen-2 NickServReal-1 alezakos-1
[2:02:22 am] <@Tat> jast has moved up in rank: 9th
[2:02:22 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> douglass
[2:02:23 am] <@BrickServ> richaKing Arthur
[2:02:24 am] <@Togra> cheese lol
[2:02:24 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@freenode_new> oh this is way behind, I got this one
[2:02:28 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@freenode_new> I think
[2:02:29 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 200
[2:02:29 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> douchenozzle
[2:02:32 am] <@Tat> 10. Which cellular structures are composed of DNA?
[2:02:32 am] <@tyler> alezakos: but it doesn't tubeshift and youtube sucks
[2:02:33 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@freenode_new> oh, yeah, I got it but too late
[2:02:34 am] <@DickServ> richard the lionhearted
[2:02:34 am] <-> LjL-AmIRC_ is now known as LjL-Amiga
[2:02:36 am] <@gwillen> lol at the lagged people trying to play trivia XD
[2:02:36 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> nucleus
[2:02:36 am] <@rbraun> chromosomes
[2:02:36 am] <@KickServ> genes
[2:02:37 am] <@berndj> rna
[2:02:37 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: chromosomes Time: 4.633 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 28 Rank: 16th Previously: 20th
[2:02:37 am] <@Tat> Current Round: jast-3 KickServ-2 gwillen-2 NickServReal-1 rbraun-1 alezakos-1
[2:02:37 am] <@Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 16th
[2:02:38 am] <@NickServReal> richard "lowtax" kyanka
[2:02:38 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:02:38 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Selicre of 0.609. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[2:02:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ribosome
[2:02:39 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> chromosomes
[2:02:40 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 200
[2:02:41 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 200 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:02:42 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> i
[2:02:45 am] <@jast> only 200
[2:02:46 am] <@KickServ> i
[2:02:48 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> hey!
[2:02:51 am] <@BrickServ> >>only
[2:02:53 am] <@itisnigh> <enrh@libera> Did they fix Freenode yet?
[2:02:56 am] <@Tat> 1. TV/ Movies: Category: ActPersons: The birthplace (city) of Jack Lemmon.
[2:02:56 am] <@KickServ> Only 200, pff
[2:02:59 am] <@Jigsy> I want to know who the oper is.
[2:03:00 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@freenode_new> fnlol: it's about 10 minutes behind.
[2:03:00 am] <@DickServ> enrh: We fixed it.
[2:03:01 am] <@Tat> I'm sure the server will be destroyed before that.
[2:03:02 am] <@ZeroCool> Iowa
[2:03:03 am] <@DickServ> We are freenode now.
[2:03:06 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, bo____
[2:03:08 am] <@itisnigh> <enrh@libera> Can I get an ETA until Freenode is fixed thanks
[2:03:09 am] <@NickServReal> boston
[2:03:10 am] <@Guest0> Boston
[2:03:10 am] <@rbraun> boston
[2:03:10 am] <@Tat> Winner: NickServReal Answer: boston Time: 13.166 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 5 Rank: 9th Previously: 11th
[2:03:10 am] <@Tat> Current Round: NickServReal-1
[2:03:10 am] <@Tat> NickServReal has moved up in rank: 9th
[2:03:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bosto
[2:03:10 am] <@ZeroCool> Boston
[2:03:12 am] <@rasengansucks> boston
[2:03:12 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> nrr: I mean selicre won unintentionally ;)
[2:03:14 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@freenode_new> dawn
[2:03:15 am] <@NickServReal> :toot:
[2:03:19 am] <@BrickServ> DickServ: freenode is dead long live freenode!
[2:03:20 am] <@Tat> 2. In an average lifetime, the average american wears 7,500 ___?
[2:03:23 am] <@gwillen> pants
[2:03:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> shoes
[2:03:24 am] <@rasengansucks> damn my slow fingers
[2:03:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> socks
[2:03:25 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@freenode_new> oh LMFAO
[2:03:27 am] <@terpri> hats
[2:03:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> shirts
[2:03:28 am] <@theendoffreenode> days
[2:03:28 am] <@gwillen> hats
[2:03:28 am] <@beach> hamburgers
[2:03:28 am] <@usernameshouldgo> underwear
[2:03:28 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> dawgs
[2:03:28 am] <@ZeroCool> Shirts
[2:03:28 am] <@Tat> condoms
[2:03:29 am] <@DickServ> BrickServ: All hail
[2:03:29 am] <@theendoffreenode> seconds
[2:03:29 am] <@IronDeHavilland> pants
[2:03:30 am] <@theendoffreenode> hours
[2:03:30 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, dia____
[2:03:32 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> dams
[2:03:32 am] <@gwillen> diapers
[2:03:32 am] <@aeth> protip, play the trivia game in another channel and you can get the right answer, minutes late
[2:03:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> diapers
[2:03:32 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: diapers Time: 11.981 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 7 Rank: 9th Previously: 12th
[2:03:32 am] <@Tat> Current Round: NickServReal-1 gwillen-1
[2:03:33 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 9th
[2:03:33 am] <@Tat> diapers
[2:03:33 am] <@ZeroCool> diapers
[2:03:33 am] <@usernameshouldgo> diapers
[2:03:34 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> diaphragm
[2:03:35 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> days
[2:03:36 am] <@Tat> lol
[2:03:39 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> dank
[2:03:42 am] <@jast> diaspora
[2:03:43 am] <@Tat> 3. Category: Name The Poet: The Branch Will Not Break?
[2:03:44 am] <@kiedtl> I'm aware, let me know when andy comes here :D
[2:03:44 am] <@Guest0> murca
[2:03:45 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> dagobah
[2:03:51 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@freenode_new> see? i win
[2:03:51 am] <@ZeroCool> Edgar Allen Poe
[2:03:52 am] <@beach> branch predictor
[2:03:52 am] <@mst> DOOM
[2:03:53 am] <@rasengansucks> yoda
[2:03:53 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, jame__ ______
[2:03:53 am] <@berndj> andrew lee
[2:03:53 am] <@Guest0> danny dyer
[2:03:54 am] <@KickServ> james wright
[2:03:55 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: james wright Time: 11.762 Streak: 1 Points: 9 WPM: 12 Rank: 5th
[2:03:55 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1
[2:03:57 am] <@theendoffreenode> james cameron
[2:04:02 am] <@cottsay> james franco
[2:04:05 am] <@Tat> 4. Any of a large group of chemicals almost exclusively organic in nature, used for the coloring of textiles, inks, food products, & other substances?
[2:04:06 am] <@gwillen> is it just me, or does the trivia bot often miscount blanks
[2:04:07 am] <@jast> james potter
[2:04:09 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@freenode_new> there we go. there's the bot disconnecting from pissnet, which was something like six minutes ago.
[2:04:10 am] <@theendoffreenode> dyes
[2:04:10 am] <@ZeroCool> Ink
[2:04:10 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> frederik handel?
[2:04:10 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: dyes Time: 4.68 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 10 Rank: 7th
[2:04:10 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1
[2:04:11 am] <@Tat> dyes
[2:04:12 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> what's his name
[2:04:21 am] <@Tat> 5. Name The Year: First man-powered flight (Bryan Allen in Gossamer Condor).
[2:04:22 am] <@terpri> crayons
[2:04:23 am] <@lighterowl> gwillen: only in the first word though, looks like it at least
[2:04:25 am] <@Guest0> 1912
[2:04:26 am] <@cottsay> wright
[2:04:27 am] <@Guest0> 1904
[2:04:27 am] <@berndj> 1993
[2:04:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hint: 19__
[2:04:28 am] <@NickServReal> 1917
[2:04:29 am] <@cottsay> 1912
[2:04:30 am] <@berndj> 1991
[2:04:30 am] <@ZeroCool> 1900
[2:04:30 am] <@beach> 1902
[2:04:31 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[2:04:31 am] <@Guest0> 1907
[2:04:31 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1910
[2:04:32 am] <@Tat> !last
[2:04:32 am] <@CrapBot> [18:05:25] <rasenganIsCunt> 1910
[2:04:32 am] <@gwillen> 1913
[2:04:32 am] <@alezakos> gwillen: yeah it does. but is it intended or not?
[2:04:33 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1912
[2:04:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> told you so
[2:04:34 am] <@KickServ> 1922
[2:04:34 am] <@ZeroCool> 1909
[2:04:35 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1914
[2:04:35 am] <@Guest0> 1011
[2:04:35 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1911
[2:04:35 am] <@NickServReal> 1911
[2:04:35 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1920
[2:04:35 am] <@gwillen> 1911
[2:04:35 am] <@berndj> 1990
[2:04:36 am] <@BrickServ> 1950
[2:04:36 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1909
[2:04:36 am] <@beach> Here's a hint, 19__
[2:04:36 am] <@Guest0> 1911
[2:04:36 am] <@rasengansucks> oh, great hint
[2:04:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1919
[2:04:37 am] <@KickServ> 1923
[2:04:37 am] <@jast> hint: 1___
[2:04:37 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1908
[2:04:37 am] <@BrickServ> 1951
[2:04:38 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1905
[2:04:38 am] <@gwillen> 1937
[2:04:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1918
[2:04:39 am] <@Tat> 1987
[2:04:39 am] <@beach> 1905
[2:04:39 am] <@DickServ> 1837
[2:04:39 am] <@berndj> 1992
[2:04:39 am] <@BrickServ> 1952
[2:04:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1917
[2:04:40 am] <@cottsay> 1902
[2:04:40 am] <@gwillen> 1945
[2:04:41 am] <@ZeroCool> 1921
[2:04:41 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1904
[2:04:41 am] <@beach> 1908
[2:04:41 am] <@Guest0> 1910\
[2:04:42 am] <@berndj> 1989
[2:04:42 am] <@BrickServ> 1953
[2:04:42 am] <@gwillen> 1989
[2:04:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1916
[2:04:42 am] <@Tat> 1977
[2:04:42 am] <@NickServReal> 1900
[2:04:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1901
[2:04:42 am] <@Tat> Winner: Tat Answer: 1977 Time: 21.325 Streak: 1 Points: 98 WPM: 2 Rank: 1st
[2:04:43 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1903
[2:04:43 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1
[2:04:43 am] <@Guest0> 1910
[2:04:43 am] <@NickServReal> 1901
[2:04:44 am] <@itisnigh> <fnlol@freenode_new> convection oven
[2:04:44 am] <@BrickServ> 1957
[2:04:44 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1902
[2:04:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1930
[2:04:45 am] <@NickServReal> 1902
[2:04:48 am] --> NickServ (~asm@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:04:51 am] <@tyler> wait all those 1911 answers, was the question what is the greatest handgun ever made?
[2:04:51 am] <@NickServReal> 1977????
[2:04:52 am] <@Tat> 6. Biko was involved in what protest movement?
[2:04:54 am] <@Selicre> lmao @ the bridged people
[2:04:58 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o NickServ by rbraun
[2:04:58 am] <@NickServ> disconnect in
[2:04:59 am] <@terpri> anti-apartheid
[2:04:59 am] <@berndj> black sash
[2:04:59 am] <@NickServ> 10
[2:05:02 am] <@NickServ> 9
[2:05:02 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Apa______
[2:05:03 am] <@BrickServ> NickServ identify 12345
[2:05:03 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> rights
[2:05:03 am] <@NickServ> 8
[2:05:04 am] <@Tat> The !last command gives the last digit. Makes guesses much more narrow.
[2:05:04 am] <@theendoffreenode> QAnon
[2:05:04 am] <@Guest0> ban the french
[2:05:05 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> apartheid
[2:05:05 am] <@jast> apartheid
[2:05:05 am] <@NickServ> 7
[2:05:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> apartheid
[2:05:06 am] <@Tat> Winner: rasenganIsCunt Answer: Apartheid Time: 12.496 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 8 Rank: 21st Previously: 32nd
[2:05:06 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 rasenganIsCunt-1
[2:05:06 am] <@Tat> rasenganIsCunt has moved up in rank: 21st
[2:05:07 am] <@NickServ> 6
[2:05:08 am] <@NickServ> 5
[2:05:09 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> woooooooooooooo
[2:05:09 am] <@DickServ> SCARED
[2:05:09 am] <@NickServ> 4
[2:05:11 am] <@DickServ> NOO
[2:05:11 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> finally one
[2:05:12 am] <@Selicre> oh SHIT
[2:05:15 am] <@gwillen> D:
[2:05:16 am] <@KickServ> 1911
[2:05:16 am] <@Tat> 7. UnScramble this Word: a t s h r o w e m r?
[2:05:16 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> fuck yyeah
[2:05:17 am] <@beach> NickServ: when is freenode 2 dropping
[2:05:18 am] <-- jonty (~jonty@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:05:18 am] <-- emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- thelounge19 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- imposter ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- enyc ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- Noisytoot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- canton7 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- berndj ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- jessicara` ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- LambdaComplex (~adam@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- Seeder99 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- gerard (~gerard@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- HistServ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- CrapBot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- |-\_ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- w4t (~w4t@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- rctgamer3 (~rctgamer3@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- itisnigh (~limnoria@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- rasengansucks (Guest45@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- Guest25 (Guest25@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] <-- liriel (~liriel@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:05:18 am] -*- gwillen ducks and covers
[2:05:21 am] <@KickServ> WHOA
[2:05:21 am] <@beach> AAAAAAAAAAAAAA
[2:05:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:05:21 am] <@lighterowl> ouch
[2:05:22 am] <@ZeroCool> showerme
[2:05:23 am] <@gwillen> wait what
[2:05:23 am] <@Selicre> OH NO
[2:05:23 am] <@BrickServ> NOOOOOOOO
[2:05:24 am] <@Irydacea> what
[2:05:25 am] --> enyc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:25 am] --> HistServ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:25 am] --> |-\_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:25 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:25 am] --> emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:25 am] <@theendoffreenode> OH NO
[2:05:26 am] <@NickServ> and the ssl users go boom
[2:05:26 am] --> gerard (~gerard@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:26 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, eart______
[2:05:27 am] <@Togra> oh wow
[2:05:27 am] --> Noisytoot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:27 am] <@rbraun> NickServ: what happened??
[2:05:27 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> LOL
[2:05:28 am] <@Tat> Ooofff. The end shuld be nigh.
[2:05:28 am] --> CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:28 am] --> rctgamer3 (~rctgamer3@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:28 am] <emily> uh oh...
[2:05:28 am] <@BrickServ> BYE
[2:05:30 am] --> thelounge19 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:30 am] --> imposter ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:30 am] <emily> it's happening again...
[2:05:30 am] <@jast> earthworm
[2:05:30 am] <@beach> erarthbound
[2:05:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> earthworm
[2:05:31 am] <@Tat> Winner: jast Answer: earthworms Time: 14.056 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 8 Rank: 8th Previously: 9th
[2:05:31 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 rasenganIsCunt-1 jast-1
[2:05:31 am] <@Tat> jast has moved up in rank: 8th
[2:05:31 am] --> Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:31 am] <@BrickServ> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[2:05:33 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:33 am] --> Guest45 (Guest45@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:35 am] <@usernameshouldgo> oof
[2:05:35 am] --> liriel (~liriel@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:36 am] <gerard> wait
[2:05:36 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:36 am] <@Jigsy> The oper vanished too.
[2:05:36 am] <@terpri> BLAM
[2:05:38 am] <@BrickServ> It's happening
[2:05:38 am] <Guest45> what
[2:05:38 am] <@Selicre> let's go boys it's happening
[2:05:39 am] <@theendoffreenode> THE END IS NEAR
[2:05:39 am] --> canton7 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:39 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:39 am] <@gwillen> why...
[2:05:41 am] <@Irydacea> was i on tsl on my desktop i didn't realize
[2:05:41 am] <@Tat> 8. What continent boasts the greatst number of Roman Catholics?
[2:05:41 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Baylee CalimeroTeknik emily by Tat
[2:05:41 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> we are all huddled near the fire
[2:05:42 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> what happnd
[2:05:42 am] <@Togra> the internet tubes got overloaded and broke I guess? :<
[2:05:43 am] <@BrickServ> this is the end
[2:05:44 am] --> berndj ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:44 am] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:44 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:44 am] <@NickServ> the ssl users go boom
[2:05:44 am] <@beach> europe
[2:05:45 am] <@gwillen> asia
[2:05:45 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> nah it's still going
[2:05:45 am] <@emily> Jigsy: haha, i guess cuz opers have to use TLS?
[2:05:45 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:45 am] <berndj> apartheid was the protest movement lol
[2:05:45 am] <@terpri> who's here for the Damage game
[2:05:45 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o canton7 by Tat
[2:05:46 am] <@theendoffreenode> europe
[2:05:46 am] <-> Guest45 is now known as RasenganSucks
[2:05:46 am] <@gwillen> africa
[2:05:47 am] <@NickServReal> /op *
[2:05:48 am] <@ZeroCool> Europe
[2:05:48 am] <@lighterowl> asia
[2:05:48 am] <gerard> how did we quit?
[2:05:48 am] <@theendoffreenode> south america
[2:05:49 am] <@beach> north america
[2:05:49 am] <@gwillen> america
[2:05:49 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:05:49 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: south america Time: 7.582 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 20 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[2:05:49 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 6th
[2:05:50 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 Tat-1 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 rasenganIsCunt-1 jast-1
[2:05:50 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> it did the same a little while ago
[2:05:50 am] <@NickServReal> damn
[2:05:52 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Arrowmaster berndj CrapBot by Tat
[2:05:53 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CrapBot by DickServ
[2:05:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !trivia 10
[2:05:57 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KindOne by DickServ
[2:05:57 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Arrowmaster berndj CrapBot by Tat
[2:05:58 am] <@Jigsy> It's Speakz.
[2:05:59 am] <@Tat> 9. Name The Year: Natalie Wood [Natasha Gurdin], SF, (Gypsy, Rebel Without a Cause), born.
[2:06:00 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Larkin by DickServ
[2:06:00 am] <@rbraun> NickServ: what happened to cause that split?
[2:06:01 am] <Guest0> Lee spilled his drink on the server
[2:06:04 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o HistServ by DickServ
[2:06:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o gerard by gwillen
[2:06:05 am] <@KickServ> 1955
[2:06:06 am] <@Selicre> hold onto your asses
[2:06:06 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo gerard HistServ enyc by Tat
[2:06:07 am] <-> NickServ is now known as demon
[2:06:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hint: 19__
[2:06:07 am] <@terpri> 1903
[2:06:08 am] <@lighterowl> 1967
[2:06:08 am] <@ZeroCool> 1958
[2:06:09 am] <@Jigsy> Oh, wait.
[2:06:09 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[2:06:11 am] <@demon> SSL users just go boom
[2:06:11 am] --> Seeder99 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Irydesktop liriel Noisytoot not-joepie91 by usernameshouldgo
[2:06:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo liriel Noisytoot not-joepie91 by Tat
[2:06:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo phy1729 RasenganSucks rctgamer3 thelounge19 by usernameshouldgo
[2:06:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o |-\_ by usernameshouldgo
[2:06:13 am] <@jast> Write Error: Broken Pipe
[2:06:13 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1974
[2:06:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o |-\_ by DickServ
[2:06:13 am] <@liriel> wheeeeeeeeee
[2:06:14 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1975
[2:06:14 am] <@Jigsy> Speakz isn't +o'd.
[2:06:14 am] <@demon> that's all
[2:06:15 am] <@gwillen> 1999
[2:06:15 am] <@ZeroCool> 1957
[2:06:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> told you so
[2:06:15 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1976
[2:06:16 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1977
[2:06:16 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> NickServ, SSL forever
[2:06:17 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1978
[2:06:18 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> test
[2:06:18 am] <@gwillen> 1998
[2:06:19 am] <@gerard> demon: ah, ssl
[2:06:19 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1979
[2:06:20 am] <@terpri> 1994
[2:06:20 am] <@Jigsy> Plus he's on SSL.
[2:06:21 am] <@gwillen> 1997
[2:06:21 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1980
[2:06:21 am] <@gerard> interesting
[2:06:22 am] <@demon> ssl users go boom
[2:06:23 am] <@gwillen> 1996
[2:06:23 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Guest0 imposter Seeder99 by usernameshouldgo
[2:06:23 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1981
[2:06:23 am] <@ZeroCool> 1999
[2:06:24 am] <@terpri> 1945
[2:06:25 am] <@jast> 1938
[2:06:25 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:25 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1982
[2:06:25 am] <@gwillen> 1995
[2:06:25 am] <@Tat> Winner: jast Answer: 1938 Time: 25.584 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 1 Rank: 8th
[2:06:25 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 jast-2 Tat-1 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 rasenganIsCunt-1
[2:06:26 am] <@berndj> intra-server netsplits?
[2:06:26 am] <@cottsay> 2000
[2:06:26 am] <@KickServ> 1939
[2:06:26 am] <@liriel> 1923
[2:06:29 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:06:30 am] <-- enyc ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- HistServ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- |-\_ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- gerard (~gerard@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- Noisytoot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- rctgamer3 (~rctgamer3@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- thelounge19 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- imposter ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- RasenganSucks (Guest45@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- liriel (~liriel@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- canton7 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- berndj ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- CrapBot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:30 am] <-- Seeder99 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:06:32 am] <@ZeroCool> 1989
[2:06:32 am] <@Selicre> so wait who's nickserv
[2:06:33 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> wooooooooo
[2:06:33 am] <@demon> see
[2:06:36 am] <@demon> bye bye ssl
[2:06:36 am] <@Tat> 10. What is the speed of light?
[2:06:36 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:36 am] --> emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:06:37 am] <@CompuServ> uh oh
[2:06:38 am] <@gwillen> this is fine dot jpg
[2:06:38 am] <@BrickServ> nooooooooooooooooo
[2:06:38 am] <@terpri> c
[2:06:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> c
[2:06:39 am] --> Noisytoot_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:39 am] <@ZeroCool> 3
[2:06:39 am] <@cottsay> e
[2:06:40 am] <@lighterowl> a lot
[2:06:40 am] --> rctgamer3_ (~rctgamer3@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:40 am] --> imposter ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:40 am] <@cottsay> c
[2:06:41 am] --> Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:41 am] --> liriel (~liriel@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:41 am] --> Guest45 (Guest45@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:41 am] --> thelounge19 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:42 am] <@cottsay> q
[2:06:42 am] <@NickServReal> i'm nickserv. trust me
[2:06:43 am] <@Tat> Whoever stole the nick...
[2:06:44 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:44 am] <Guest45> is it happening????
[2:06:46 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 186,000 ______ ____ ______
[2:06:46 am] <@jast> everything seems to be working as intended
[2:06:46 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:46 am] <@terpri> fast, real fast
[2:06:46 am] <@Jigsy> Not NickServ.
[2:06:47 am] <@cottsay> 525600
[2:06:47 am] <@Selicre> we are on FIRE
[2:06:48 am] <@lighterowl> 3000000 km/s
[2:06:50 am] <@lighterowl> ugh
[2:06:51 am] <@gwillen> 186,000 miles per hour
[2:06:51 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:51 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:51 am] --> canton7 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:51 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 186,000 meters per second
[2:06:52 am] <@demon> sssl
[2:06:52 am] <@BrickServ> wtf is happening?
[2:06:53 am] <ctk> this is getting boring
[2:06:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o not-joepie91 by DickServ
[2:06:54 am] <@ZeroCool> 186,00 miles per hour
[2:06:55 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Baylee emily Guest0 by Tat
[2:06:55 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Noisytoot_ by DickServ
[2:06:56 am] <@demon> ssl goes
[2:06:56 am] --> berndj ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:56 am] <@terpri> 186,000 km/s
[2:06:57 am] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:06:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 186,000 miles per hour
[2:06:57 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o rctgamer3_ by DickServ
[2:06:57 am] <@demon> boom
[2:06:58 am] <-> Guest45 is now known as RasenganSucks
[2:06:58 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 186,000 leagues under the sea
[2:07:00 am] --> Seeder99 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:00 am] <@gwillen> 186,000 meters per second
[2:07:00 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o liriel by DickServ
[2:07:01 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:01 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo imposter RasenganSucks thelounge19 KindOne by PissServ
[2:07:01 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Larkin Arrowmaster canton7 CrapBot by PissServ
[2:07:01 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo berndj Irydesktop Seeder99 phy1729 by PissServ
[2:07:02 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Larkin by DickServ
[2:07:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CrapBot by Dick_Nachos
[2:07:04 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KindOne by DickServ
[2:07:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 186,000 kilometers per hour
[2:07:05 am] <@emily> I'm scared. somebody hold me.
[2:07:05 am] <@lighterowl> 186,000 miles per second
[2:07:05 am] <@liriel> It is getting bumpy around here
[2:07:06 am] <@Tat> Winner: lighterowl Answer: 186,000 miles per second Time: 29.406 Streak: 1 Points: 9 WPM: 9 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[2:07:06 am] <@Tat> lighterowl has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:07:07 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 jast-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 rasenganIsCunt-1
[2:07:07 am] --> gerard (~gerard@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:08 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o gerard by berndj
[2:07:09 am] <@Tat> This happeend before
[2:07:10 am] <@gwillen> 300 megahertz meters, tbh
[2:07:11 am] <@jast> 186,282 miles per second
[2:07:11 am] <-- rctgamer3_ (~rctgamer3@ has left ##apocalypse
[2:07:15 am] <@demon> ssl goes boom
[2:07:16 am] <@RasenganSucks> it's happening!
[2:07:16 am] <@Tat> 11. What are the three main types of Greek columns?
[2:07:17 am] <@demon> that's all
[2:07:23 am] <@gwillen> ionian, dorian, uhhhh
[2:07:23 am] <@RasenganSucks> THE END IS NEIGH!
[2:07:23 am] <@CompuServ> amiga art is done
[2:07:23 am] <@CrapBot> ^ imgur :: image/png 592x378 4.3KiB :: 2 views :: SFW
[2:07:23 am] <@theendoffreenode> doric jonic and corinthian
[2:07:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> doric, ionic, corinthian
[2:07:24 am] <@rbraun> doric, ionic, aeolian
[2:07:24 am] <@alezakos> doric, ionic
[2:07:26 am] <@cottsay> big white rocky
[2:07:26 am] <@tyler> 186,000 rods per fortnight
[2:07:26 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, doric, i_____ &_ __________
[2:07:27 am] <@ZeroCool> straight, angled, and bowlegged
[2:07:28 am] <@BrickServ> berndj: lol
[2:07:29 am] <@demon> are you ready
[2:07:29 am] <@CompuServ> ionic
[2:07:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> doric, ionic & corinthian
[2:07:31 am] <@alezakos> doric, ionic & corinthian
[2:07:31 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: doric, ionic & corinthian Time: 15.148 Streak: 1 Points: 18 WPM: 19 Rank: 3rd
[2:07:32 am] <@rbraun> doric, ionic, & corinthian
[2:07:32 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:32 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 jast-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 gwillen-1 rasenganIsCunt-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:07:32 am] <@demon> ssl go boom
[2:07:36 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:07:37 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- Noisytoot_ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- imposter ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- liriel (~liriel@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- RasenganSucks (Guest45@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- thelounge19 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- canton7 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- CrapBot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- berndj ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- Seeder99 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:37 am] <-- gerard (~gerard@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:07:38 am] --> beep ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:40 am] <@BrickServ> oh
[2:07:41 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o beep by NickServReal
[2:07:42 am] <@Tat> 12. In 1935 George Gershwin's "---------- " opened in New York City.
[2:07:43 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:44 am] --> emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:44 am] <@Tat> Ligherowl is back we might as well give up. Only Kickserv and Iron stand a chace.
[2:07:45 am] --> Noisytoot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:46 am] <@gwillen> rhaposy
[2:07:46 am] --> imposter ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:46 am] <@terpri> play
[2:07:46 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Baylee emily Noisytoot imposter by PissServ
[2:07:47 am] <@BrickServ> is ssl dying?
[2:07:48 am] --> thelounge19 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:48 am] --> liriel (~liriel@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:48 am] --> CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:49 am] --> Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:49 am] <@gwillen> rhapsody
[2:07:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> rhapsody in blue
[2:07:51 am] <@KickServ> :D
[2:07:51 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo thelounge19 liriel CalimeroTeknik Guest0 by PissServ
[2:07:51 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KindOne by PissServ
[2:07:52 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, porgy_ ____ ____
[2:07:52 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:53 am] --> canton7 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:53 am] <@BluRaf> CompuServ: beautiful :D
[2:07:56 am] --> itisnigh (~limnoria@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:56 am] <@Jigsy> They've got no idea what they're doing, do they?
[2:07:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Larkin canton7 itisnigh by PissServ
[2:07:56 am] -*- demon shrugs
[2:07:56 am] <@gwillen> porgy and bess
[2:07:57 am] <@terpri> porgy and bess
[2:07:57 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: porgy and bess Time: 14.68 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 11 Rank: 9th Previously: 10th
[2:07:57 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 9th
[2:07:57 am] <@NickServReal> porgy and bess
[2:07:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 gwillen-2 jast-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 KickServ-1 NickServReal-1 rasenganIsCunt-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:07:58 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:58 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:58 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:07:59 am] <@Selicre> is ssl handled externally or something
[2:08:00 am] <@NickServReal> fffuuuu
[2:08:00 am] <@demon> ssl just goes boom
[2:08:00 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo not-joepie91 Arrowmaster CrapBot by PissServ
[2:08:01 am] <@terpri> damnit gwillen
[2:08:03 am] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:08:04 am] --> berndj ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:08:04 am] <@beep> YOOOO
[2:08:05 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> okay i'll brb
[2:08:05 am] --> Seeder99 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:08:06 am] <@BrickServ> demon: why
[2:08:06 am] <@Irydacea> i would switch my client to 6667 but i like watching the quits
[2:08:06 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Irydesktop berndj Seeder99 by PissServ
[2:08:07 am] <@Tat> 13. What sentence uses every letter of the alphabet?
[2:08:08 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:08:08 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o phy1729 by berndj
[2:08:08 am] <@terpri> i'm trying to make a point here
[2:08:08 am] <@itisnigh> <BluRaf@pissnet> SSL MACHINE BROKE
[2:08:10 am] <@theendoffreenode> just keep playing trivia
[2:08:11 am] <@demon> idk
[2:08:12 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> if fn dies just @ me ok?
[2:08:12 am] * rbraun has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "PLEASE DO NOT CONNECT USING SSL"
[2:08:13 am] <@BrickServ> does it make any sense?
[2:08:14 am] <@NickServReal> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
[2:08:14 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ok?
[2:08:15 am] <@Tat> Winner: NickServReal Answer: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Time: 6.739 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 76 Rank: 9th Previously: 11th
[2:08:15 am] <@jast> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
[2:08:15 am] <@demon> ssl just goes boom
[2:08:15 am] <@gwillen> the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
[2:08:15 am] <@Tat> NickServReal has moved up in rank: 9th
[2:08:16 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-2 NickServReal-2 gwillen-2 jast-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 KickServ-1 rasenganIsCunt-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:08:16 am] <@Tat> the quick brown fox jus...
[2:08:18 am] <@gwillen> I mean, there are others
[2:08:18 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> BluRaf, I missed it, what was beautiful?
[2:08:22 am] * beach has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "PLEASE CONNECT USING SSL"
[2:08:23 am] --> gerard (~gerard@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:08:23 am] --> RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:08:23 am] <@terpri> spinx of black quartz, judge my lazy brown fox
[2:08:25 am] <@Jigsy> If this dies, we won't be here.
[2:08:25 am] * rbraun has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "PLEASE DO NOT CONNECT USING SSL"
[2:08:25 am] <@Tat> 14. Name The Year: First telegraph company in Hawaii opens.
[2:08:26 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo gerard RasenganSucks by PissServ
[2:08:28 am] <@beep> I'm
[2:08:30 am] <@ZeroCool> 1911
[2:08:30 am] <@beach> 1900
[2:08:31 am] <@itisnigh> topic change by BluRaf on pissnet: freenode_new:, freenode_old_a: ( DO NOT USE SSL/TLS, libera:, and pissnet: | This is pissnet
[2:08:32 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1895
[2:08:32 am] <@gwillen> 1901
[2:08:33 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: 1901 Time: 7.176 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 6 Rank: 8th Previously: 9th
[2:08:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hint: 19__
[2:08:33 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> Jigsy just @ me
[2:08:33 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 8th
[2:08:33 am] <@gwillen> 1902
[2:08:33 am] <@KickServ> 1925
[2:08:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-2 NickServReal-2 jast-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 KickServ-1 rasenganIsCunt-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:08:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> 188
[2:08:36 am] <@beach> one year off
[2:08:37 am] <@gwillen> lol
[2:08:38 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:08:41 am] <@Selicre> I'm glad I never set up ssl
[2:08:41 am] * emily has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "use ssl for secure disconnections"
[2:08:43 am] <@Jigsy> Ah, you mean notify.
[2:08:43 am] <@Tat> 15. TV/ Movies: who played lestat in 'interview with the vampire'?
[2:08:44 am] <@Jigsy> Got it.
[2:08:48 am] <@gwillen> your mom
[2:08:49 am] <@NickServReal> val kilmer
[2:08:49 am] <@beach> aeth
[2:08:50 am] * rbraun has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "use ssl for secure disconnections | ( DO NOT USE SSL/TLS"
[2:08:51 am] <@cottsay> mel gibson
[2:08:51 am] <@KickServ> tom cruise
[2:08:52 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: tom cruise Time: 8.159 Streak: 1 Points: 10 WPM: 14 Rank: 5th
[2:08:52 am] <@RasenganSucks> WHAT IS SSL
[2:08:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 NickServReal-2 jast-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 rasenganIsCunt-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:08:53 am] <@ZeroCool> Barney
[2:08:54 am] <@beep> test 12323
[2:08:55 am] <@itisnigh> <alyx@freenode_new> wtf lol
[2:08:55 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> damn
[2:08:55 am] <@NickServReal> same thing
[2:08:59 am] * BrickServ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " ( | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | SSL MACHINE BROKE | trans rights | protect manned wolves"
[2:08:59 am] <@berndj> does anyone survive these drops?
[2:09:01 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> now do a sion sono movie
[2:09:02 am] <@Tat> 16. Who was king arthur's father?
[2:09:04 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> pls trivia bot
[2:09:06 am] <@ZeroCool> Merlin
[2:09:06 am] <@beach> king arthur sr
[2:09:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> pendragon
[2:09:07 am] <@BrickServ> berndj: i'm surviving
[2:09:08 am] <@cottsay> king sam
[2:09:09 am] <@berndj> whenever i get back i see bunches of oppings
[2:09:09 am] <@DickServ> berndj: It only hits people on SSL.
[2:09:09 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> pendragon
[2:09:10 am] <@CompuServ> berndj so far i have been
[2:09:10 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:09:10 am] <@theendoffreenode> your mom
[2:09:10 am] <@NickServReal> excalibur
[2:09:10 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- Noisytoot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- imposter ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- thelounge19 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- liriel (~liriel@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- canton7 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- itisnigh (~limnoria@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- CrapBot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- berndj ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- Seeder99 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- gerard (~gerard@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <-- RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:10 am] <@gwillen> uther pendragon
[2:09:11 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: uther pendragon Time: 8.33 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 21 Rank: 8th
[2:09:11 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 NickServReal-2 jast-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 rasenganIsCunt-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:09:13 am] <@Tat> Everybody. Just not SSL folks.
[2:09:13 am] <@demon> ssl go
[2:09:14 am] <@demon> boom
[2:09:14 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> my mom
[2:09:17 am] <@beach> IT'S HAPPENING
[2:09:17 am] --> emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:17 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:19 am] --> imposter ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:19 am] --> Noisytoot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:21 am] --> thelounge19 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:21 am] --> Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:21 am] --> RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:21 am] <@CompuServ> selicre
[2:09:21 am] <@Tat> 17. What show did Claire Danes get her start on?
[2:09:22 am] <@ZeroCool> No.
[2:09:25 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:25 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Baylee emily Guest0 by Tat
[2:09:26 am] <@ZeroCool> Cheers
[2:09:26 am] <@KickServ> do not falter
[2:09:27 am] <@gwillen> Tat: it's just the ssl folks I think?
[2:09:27 am] --> canton7 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:28 am] <@tyler> gwillen: Yo mama's so fat, when she skips a meal, the stock market drops.
[2:09:28 am] <@BluRaf> CalimeroTeknik: by CompuServ
[2:09:28 am] <@cottsay> ever after
[2:09:30 am] <@Selicre> nice
[2:09:30 am] <@emily> they can't take our security
[2:09:30 am] <@gwillen> tyler: I have not disconnected
[2:09:31 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:31 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, My So-_______ ____
[2:09:32 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:33 am] --> gerard (~gerard@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:33 am] --> liriel (~liriel@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:34 am] <@gwillen> tyler: :D
[2:09:34 am] <RasenganSucks> Mr. Stark, I don't feel so well...
[2:09:34 am] <@jast> my so-called life
[2:09:34 am] <@cottsay> homeland
[2:09:35 am] <@Tat> Winner: jast Answer: My So-Called Life Time: 13.431 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 15 Rank: 8th Previously: 9th
[2:09:35 am] <@Tat> jast has moved up in rank: 8th
[2:09:35 am] <gerard> grrrr.
[2:09:35 am] <@rbraun> my so-called life
[2:09:36 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 jast-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 NickServReal-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 rasenganIsCunt-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:09:36 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:37 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:38 am] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:39 am] <@gwillen> my so-called life
[2:09:41 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:42 am] --> berndj ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo imposter Noisytoot thelounge19 RasenganSucks by PissServ
[2:09:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo KindOne canton7 not-joepie91 Larkin by PissServ
[2:09:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo gerard liriel CrapBot Arrowmaster by PissServ
[2:09:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Irydesktop phy1729 berndj by PissServ
[2:09:44 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:45 am] <@Tat> 18. TV/ Movies: Born July 30, 1947, He starred in this movie: Stay Hungry - 1976?
[2:09:46 am] --> CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:09:46 am] <@Irydacea> fiiine i'm switching my client to 6667
[2:09:47 am] <@berndj> ok no more SSL machine then
[2:09:49 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> CompuServ nice
[2:09:50 am] <@Irydacea> stupid capone
[2:09:50 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo Cupid CalimeroTeknik by PissServ
[2:09:53 am] <@cottsay> mel gibson
[2:09:54 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:09:54 am] <@ZeroCool> Al Capone
[2:09:55 am] <-- emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- imposter ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- Noisytoot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- thelounge19 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- Guest0 (Guest0@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- canton7 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- gerard (~gerard@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- liriel (~liriel@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- CrapBot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <-- CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:09:55 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, arnold ______________
[2:09:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> the most interesting man in the world
[2:09:58 am] <@agrecascino> wait what happened to SSL
[2:10:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> arnold schwarzenegger
[2:10:02 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: arnold schwarzenegger Time: 16.302 Streak: 1 Points: 19 WPM: 15 Rank: 3rd
[2:10:03 am] <@theendoffreenode> arnold swartzenegger
[2:10:03 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 jast-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 NickServReal-2 IronDeHavilland-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 rasenganIsCunt-1
[2:10:05 am] <@cottsay> The Governator
[2:10:05 am] <@agrecascino> also i'm on on my b180l now
[2:10:08 am] <@gwillen> IronDeHavilland: wow, with the spelling even
[2:10:10 am] <@agrecascino> thru telnet
[2:10:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> :)
[2:10:11 am] <@DickServ> agrecascino: It's falling apart faster than the server itself.
[2:10:11 am] <@gwillen> did you do that from memory
[2:10:12 am] <@Tat> 19. Where is mount vesuvius?
[2:10:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yes
[2:10:15 am] <@berndj> agrecascino, maybe some hardware accelerator fubar?
[2:10:15 am] <@gwillen> nice.
[2:10:15 am] <@theendoffreenode> italy
[2:10:16 am] <@ZeroCool> Venus
[2:10:16 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: italy Time: 3.057 Streak: 1 Points: 9 WPM: 19 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[2:10:16 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 6th
[2:10:16 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 theendoffreenode-3 jast-3 KickServ-2 NickServReal-2 IronDeHavilland-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 rasenganIsCunt-1
[2:10:18 am] <@Tat> They can't kill the server so they just keep popping the ssl connectors or something.
[2:10:18 am] <@demon> it went boom
[2:10:20 am] <@kat> vuvuzela
[2:10:20 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:10:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CrapBot by PissServ
[2:10:22 am] --> emily (sid348813@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:10:22 am] --> Irydesktop (~iris@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:10:22 am] <-- CrapBot ( has quit (Client Quit)
[2:10:23 am] <@berndj> mop
[2:10:24 am] <emily> damn SSL seems down for good now
[2:10:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo emily Irydesktop by PissServ
[2:10:26 am] <@Tat> 20. Who was captain of the Titanic?
[2:10:27 am] <@emily> I had to switch to 6667
[2:10:29 am] <@DickServ> me
[2:10:29 am] * nrr_ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " ( | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | SSL MACHINE BROKE | trans rights | protect maned wolves (roark)"
[2:10:30 am] <@beach> Mr Dead
[2:10:31 am] <@Selicre> HAHAHA
[2:10:33 am] <@ZeroCool> Oh? Does someone else run the server?
[2:10:33 am] <@Selicre> nice
[2:10:33 am] <@theendoffreenode> captain haddock
[2:10:35 am] <@demon> no more ssl
[2:10:35 am] <@emily> anyone successfully on SSL still?
[2:10:35 am] --> CalimeroTeknik (~calimero@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:10:35 am] <@gwillen> james cameron
[2:10:36 am] <@cottsay> popeye
[2:10:36 am] <@Selicre> what a fitting question
[2:10:36 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, edwa___ _____
[2:10:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CalimeroTeknik by berndj
[2:10:38 am] --> CrapBot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:10:38 am] <@demon> it went bye bye
[2:10:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CrapBot by berndj
[2:10:39 am] <@gwillen> edward teach
[2:10:40 am] <@jast> edward smith
[2:10:40 am] <@beach> Edward Dead
[2:10:40 am] <@Tat> Winner: jast Answer: edward smith Time: 13.618 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 10 Rank: 8th
[2:10:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 jast-4 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-2 NickServReal-2 IronDeHavilland-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 rasenganIsCunt-1
[2:10:41 am] <@cottsay> edward snowden
[2:10:43 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> nice website Selicre
[2:10:45 am] <@rbraun> cottsay: lol
[2:10:46 am] <@Selicre> tyvm
[2:10:51 am] <@Tat> 21. Baby Names Beginning With "K": Meaning: Maiden?
[2:10:53 am] <@Tat> (Selicre): Touche.
[2:10:53 am] <@theendoffreenode> karen
[2:10:54 am] <@ZeroCool> Kevin
[2:10:54 am] <@gwillen> kaye
[2:10:57 am] --> itisnigh (~limnoria@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:10:58 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> karen
[2:10:58 am] <@cottsay> kate
[2:10:58 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o itisnigh by berndj
[2:11:00 am] <@gwillen> kate
[2:11:01 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ko___
[2:11:01 am] <@gwillen> kathryn
[2:11:02 am] <@NickServReal> keith
[2:11:03 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> koran
[2:11:03 am] <@Tat> Winner: rasenganIsCunt Answer: koren Time: 12.152 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 4 Rank: 16th Previously: 21st
[2:11:03 am] <@Tat> rasenganIsCunt has moved up in rank: 16th
[2:11:04 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 jast-4 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 IronDeHavilland-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1
[2:11:05 am] <@theendoffreenode> korea
[2:11:08 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> LMAO
[2:11:09 am] <@berndj> KOREA
[2:11:13 am] <@BrickServ> emily: does it make any sense for ssl to die?
[2:11:14 am] <@Tat> 22. Acronym Soup: TMIKTLIU?
[2:11:17 am] <@ZeroCool> So why can't they kill this server yet?
[2:11:17 am] <@KickServ> korea, what a beautiful name
[2:11:18 am] <@BrickServ> is it only a proxy?
[2:11:20 am] <@emily> BrickServ: does anything happening make sense?
[2:11:23 am] --> Guest0 (52276196@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:11:24 am] <@Tat> None of this makes any sense.
[2:11:24 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, the more i k____ ____ _____ __ __________
[2:11:25 am] <@beach> the more I know the less I understand
[2:11:25 am] <@Tat> Winner: beach Answer: the more i know the less i understand Time: 11.201 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 39 Rank: 13th Previously: 16th
[2:11:26 am] <@Tat> beach has moved up in rank: 13th
[2:11:26 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:11:26 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 jast-4 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 IronDeHavilland-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 beach-1
[2:11:28 am] <@BrickServ> emily: good point!
[2:11:28 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:11:28 am] --> gerard (~gerard@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:11:28 am] <@gwillen> the more I know the less I understand
[2:11:29 am] <@berndj> ZeroCool, maybe they don't know where it is
[2:11:29 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:11:29 am] <@beach> POG
[2:11:30 am] <@itisnigh> <CodeGeek@libera> I was on 6667 and it died
[2:11:32 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:11:33 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:11:33 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:11:33 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo Guest0 gerard by PissServ
[2:11:33 am] <@cottsay> the more I know the less i understand
[2:11:34 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> the more i know the less i undestand
[2:11:36 am] <@ZeroCool> berndj, hahaha
[2:11:36 am] <@Tat> 23. Whose car, when found in Dallas in 1963, contained brass knuckles, a pistol holder, and a newspaper detailing JFK's motorcade route?
[2:11:37 am] <@tyler> This project veritas video about the depth of compromise at fox news is pretty damn good
[2:11:37 am] <@beach> TOO LATE
[2:11:39 am] --> RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:11:39 am] --> liriel (~liriel@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:11:39 am] <@emily> BrickServ: I can only assume freenode are desperately trying to kill the server and this is the result
[2:11:40 am] <@gerard> are they just tcpkilling for fun now?
[2:11:40 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:11:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo RasenganSucks liriel Baylee by gerard
[2:11:42 am] <@beach> mine
[2:11:43 am] <@itisnigh> <Jigsy@libera> Oh.
[2:11:43 am] <@gwillen> bob dylan
[2:11:44 am] <@ZeroCool> berndj, they've lost it in their apartment
[2:11:44 am] <@theendoffreenode> charles mason
[2:11:46 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Jac__ ____
[2:11:47 am] <@jast> the less I understand, the more I kill freenode
[2:11:47 am] <@emily> BrickServ: like maybe they have some kind of firewall control or something
[2:11:47 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:11:48 am] <@beep> telnet is the best irc client
[2:11:49 am] <@cottsay> jack black
[2:11:49 am] <@beach> Jack Black
[2:11:50 am] <@itisnigh> <Jigsy@libera> I'm on 6667 and it works.
[2:11:51 am] <@theendoffreenode> jackie brown
[2:11:52 am] <@tyler> "why are you guys the all vaccine all the time channel?"
[2:11:52 am] <@itisnigh> <CodeGeek@libera> or it's dying
[2:11:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KindOne by nrr_
[2:11:54 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:11:54 am] <@Irydacea> i prefer netcat
[2:11:56 am] <@rbraun> lee harvey oswald
[2:11:57 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o not-joepie91 by nrr_
[2:11:58 am] <@rbraun> jack ruby
[2:11:58 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: Jack Ruby Time: 21.933 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 4 Rank: 13th Previously: 17th
[2:11:58 am] <@Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 13th
[2:11:59 am] <@BrickServ> ZeroCool: i'm assuming the current siuation is:
[2:11:59 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 jast-4 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 IronDeHavilland-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 rbraun-1 beach-1
[2:11:59 am] <@CrapBot> ^ QDB: Quote #5273
[2:11:59 am] <@Guest0> James Brown
[2:12:00 am] <@Tat> jack ruby
[2:12:05 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> yeah go in 6667
[2:12:06 am] <@berndj> or nexeon technologies won't give them the key to the DC
[2:12:07 am] --> Noisytoot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:12:09 am] <@BrickServ> emily: makes sense
[2:12:09 am] <@Tat> 24. TV/ Movies: Tarantino: Harvey Keitel had a role similar to the one he had in PF in which film?
[2:12:11 am] <@NickServReal> listen to blowback season 2 on stitcher premulum to learn more
[2:12:11 am] <@liriel> ok! de-SSLed
[2:12:15 am] <@theendoffreenode> pulp fiction
[2:12:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> reservoir dogs
[2:12:16 am] <@rbraun> reservoir dogs
[2:12:17 am] <@liriel> whew it was a fun ride though
[2:12:19 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, point ___ ___ ______
[2:12:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> inglorious basterds
[2:12:22 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:12:22 am] <@ZeroCool> point break
[2:12:22 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> who needs ssl in this day and age
[2:12:23 am] <@rbraun> point of no return
[2:12:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: point of no return Time: 14.866 Streak: 2 Points: 4 WPM: 14 Rank: 12th Previously: 13th
[2:12:24 am] <@Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 12th
[2:12:24 am] <@DickServ> point of no return
[2:12:25 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 jast-4 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-2 NickServReal-2 rbraun-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 IronDeHavilland-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 beach-1
[2:12:27 am] <@RasenganSucks> point of no return
[2:12:30 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:12:31 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ssl considered hamrful
[2:12:33 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:12:34 am] <@Tat> 25. Which jazz cornettist composed and recorded "Davenport Blues" in 1925?
[2:12:37 am] <@emily> liriel: they're tricking us off SSL so they can intercept our communiques :(
[2:12:37 am] <@jast> who needs SSL
[2:12:39 am] <@theendoffreenode> SSL is cancel culture
[2:12:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Cupid Larkin Noisytoot phy1729 by usernameshouldgo
[2:12:39 am] <@gwillen> does it just add one letter randomly to some of the words
[2:12:40 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:12:40 am] <-- RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:12:40 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:12:40 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:12:40 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:12:40 am] <-- Noisytoot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:12:40 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:12:40 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:12:43 am] <@KickServ> ssl doesn't protect against mitm
[2:12:43 am] <@jast> it's not like we have anything to hide, right guys
[2:12:44 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, b1x b__________
[2:12:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yes
[2:12:46 am] <@Tat> Dizzy Gillipse
[2:12:47 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:12:50 am] <@IronDeHavilland> it's broken, like most trivia bots :>
[2:12:50 am] --> Noisytoot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:12:50 am] <@Tat> what....
[2:12:52 am] <@demon> ssl
[2:12:54 am] <@berndj> who cares about MITM
[2:12:54 am] <@demon> goes boom
[2:12:55 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:12:55 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oo Baylee Noisytoot by nrr_
[2:12:56 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Baylee KindOne Noisytoot by berndj
[2:12:56 am] <@KickServ> b1x beiderbecke
[2:12:56 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:12:56 am] <@gwillen> IronDeHavilland: :-(
[2:12:56 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: b1x beiderbecke Time: 21.591 Streak: 1 Points: 11 WPM: 8 Rank: 5th
[2:12:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 jast-4 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-3 NickServReal-2 rbraun-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 IronDeHavilland-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 beach-1
[2:12:58 am] <-> tyler is now known as AltTriviaBot
[2:13:01 am] --> RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:01 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:03 am] <RasenganSucks> kiwiirc connects on 6667 and I still get disconnected
[2:13:07 am] <@Tat> 26. The Chinese ideograph with two women under one roof means what?
[2:13:08 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Who is the single person that needs to be blamed for ruining desktop linux?
[2:13:09 am] <@BrickServ> berndj: RITM
[2:13:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> noise
[2:13:11 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> fuck
[2:13:11 am] <@gwillen> lesbian
[2:13:12 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ssl is killing the web
[2:13:13 am] <@BrickServ> rasengan in the middle
[2:13:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> loud
[2:13:15 am] <@ZeroCool> Umbrella
[2:13:15 am] <@DickServ> jast: Excuse me, I'm having some VERY private conversations with my fellow services behind the scenes
[2:13:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> speech
[2:13:16 am] <@gwillen> (sorry)
[2:13:16 am] <@rbraun> gwillen++
[2:13:17 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Tro____
[2:13:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> talking
[2:13:17 am] <@cottsay> gaggle
[2:13:18 am] <@liriel> that's ok emily - I am def not saying anything top sekrit!
[2:13:18 am] <-- RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:13:18 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:13:18 am] <-- Noisytoot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:13:18 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:13:18 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:13:18 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:13:18 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:13:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> trotsky
[2:13:20 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> dispute
[2:13:21 am] <@Tat> trolling
[2:13:21 am] <@ZeroCool> Troika
[2:13:21 am] <@rbraun> trouble
[2:13:21 am] <@KickServ> Trophy
[2:13:22 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: Trouble Time: 14.586 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 5 Rank: 10th Previously: 12th
[2:13:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> trouble
[2:13:22 am] <@Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 10th
[2:13:23 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 jast-4 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 IronDeHavilland-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 beach-1
[2:13:25 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:27 am] --> Noisytoot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:27 am] <@gwillen> okay the real answer was actually worse
[2:13:28 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:28 am] <@jast> DickServ: so you're a terrorist?
[2:13:28 am] <-> beach is now known as rasengan
[2:13:29 am] <@berndj> BrickServ, ok let's swap nicks
[2:13:32 am] --> RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:32 am] <@Tat> 27. Category: Definitions : Doraphobia is the fear of _________.
[2:13:35 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:35 am] <@IronDeHavilland> Dora
[2:13:37 am] <@gwillen> dora the explorer
[2:13:37 am] <@BrickServ> berndj: cool
[2:13:37 am] <@cottsay> exploring
[2:13:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> Dora the Explorer
[2:13:38 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:39 am] <@Tat> dora the expl
[2:13:40 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:40 am] <@ZeroCool> Dora the Explorer
[2:13:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> doors
[2:13:42 am] <@rasengan> xerox dorado
[2:13:42 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, f__
[2:13:43 am] <-> BrickServ is now known as somebody
[2:13:44 am] <@ZeroCool> maps
[2:13:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> fur
[2:13:44 am] <@rasengan> fun
[2:13:44 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: fur Time: 12.074 Streak: 1 Points: 20 WPM: 2 Rank: 3rd
[2:13:45 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 jast-4 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 beach-1
[2:13:45 am] <@ZeroCool> fat
[2:13:45 am] <@liriel> fat
[2:13:45 am] <@cottsay> fun
[2:13:46 am] <@liriel> far
[2:13:47 am] <@liriel> few
[2:13:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:13:48 am] <@liriel> fin
[2:13:49 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:49 am] <-> rasengan is now known as beach
[2:13:49 am] <@cottsay> freenode
[2:13:50 am] <@liriel> fap
[2:13:50 am] <@CompuServ> football
[2:13:51 am] <@AltTriviaBot> gwillen: damn yo utype faster than I do
[2:13:52 am] <@liriel> fro
[2:13:52 am] <@Tat> fuck, I can't even get the joke answers faster than you folks.
[2:13:53 am] --> Seeder99 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:13:53 am] <@DickServ> Sure. Let's keep it at that.
[2:13:54 am] <@beach> gotta keep my quiz score
[2:13:55 am] <@liriel> fan
[2:13:55 am] <@Tat> 28. In 1066 Battle of Hastings, in which William the ---------- wins England.
[2:13:57 am] <@jast> fear of foo
[2:13:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> conqueror
[2:13:58 am] <@gwillen> conqueror
[2:13:58 am] <@Dick_Nachos> CrapBot: channel capability set op
[2:13:58 am] <@CrapBot> The operation succeeded.
[2:13:58 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: conqueror Time: 3.166 Streak: 1 Points: 10 WPM: 34 Rank: 6th
[2:13:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> shakespeare
[2:13:59 am] <@beach> Conqueror
[2:13:59 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-4 gwillen-4 jast-4 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 beach-1
[2:13:59 am] <@ZeroCool> Defoe
[2:14:00 am] * beep has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "oreilly auto parts"
[2:14:00 am] <@jast> good luck with coding
[2:14:01 am] <@CompuServ> foofighters
[2:14:02 am] <@demon> how does speakz have oper
[2:14:03 am] <@gwillen> AltTriviaBot: :D
[2:14:03 am] <@berndj> i can't /nick
[2:14:09 am] <@Tat> 29. 'You get a shiver in the dark, it's raining in the park ...' What's the Dire Straits song title?
[2:14:12 am] * nrr_ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " ( | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | SSL MACHINE BROKE | trans rights | protect maned wolves (roark)"
[2:14:14 am] <@Tat> villam the bastard at the time.
[2:14:14 am] <@gwillen> demon: by being an actual oper, as far as I know
[2:14:14 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Baylee Cupid KindOne Larkin by usernameshouldgo
[2:14:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +oooo Noisytoot not-joepie91 phy1729 RasenganSucks by usernameshouldgo
[2:14:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Seeder99 by usernameshouldgo
[2:14:17 am] <@theendoffreenode> sultans of swing
[2:14:18 am] <@KindOne> who keeps ufcking with the server...
[2:14:18 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: Sultans of Swing Time: 8.86 Streak: 2 Points: 11 WPM: 21 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[2:14:18 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:14:19 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-5 gwillen-4 jast-4 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 Tat-1 beach-1
[2:14:19 am] <@ZeroCool> Sultans of Swing
[2:14:20 am] <@KindOne> someone +o me
[2:14:23 am] <@AltTriviaBot> berndj: that's because you have to put the /nick first not last
[2:14:24 am] <@KindOne> berndj, /part #freenode
[2:14:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KindOne by CompuServ
[2:14:27 am] <@nrr_> KindOne: already done
[2:14:28 am] <@Tat> 30. Name The Year: New socialist constitution of East Germany takes effect.
[2:14:33 am] <@KickServ> 1983
[2:14:33 am] <@gwillen> 1986
[2:14:34 am] <@ZeroCool> 1901
[2:14:34 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1945
[2:14:34 am] --> gerard_ (~gerard@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:14:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1949
[2:14:35 am] <@CompuServ> 1949
[2:14:36 am] <@gwillen> 1987
[2:14:36 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1946
[2:14:37 am] <@beach> 1976
[2:14:37 am] <@cottsay> 1948
[2:14:38 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1949
[2:14:38 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1947
[2:14:38 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[2:14:39 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1948
[2:14:39 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1946
[2:14:40 am] <@RasenganSucks> 1978
[2:14:40 am] <@gwillen> 1974
[2:14:40 am] <@KickServ> 1949
[2:14:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1977
[2:14:41 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1950
[2:14:42 am] <@beach> thankyou hint
[2:14:42 am] <@gwillen> 1972
[2:14:42 am] <@Tat> 1968
[2:14:42 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1947
[2:14:43 am] <@Tat> Winner: Tat Answer: 1968 Time: 13.276 Streak: 1 Points: 99 WPM: 3 Rank: 1st
[2:14:43 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-5 gwillen-4 jast-4 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Tat-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1
[2:14:43 am] <@DickServ> 1955
[2:14:43 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1951
[2:14:43 am] <@usernameshouldgo> 1961
[2:14:45 am] * beep has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "rasengan is failing in his fight against transsexuals who are also SWJS"
[2:14:45 am] <@beach> hello not-joepie91
[2:14:46 am] <@cottsay> 22
[2:14:46 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> we
[2:14:48 am] <@somebody> berndj: sad
[2:14:49 am] * nrr_ has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " ( | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | SSL MACHINE BROKE | trans rights | protect maned wolves (roark)"
[2:14:51 am] <-- gerard_ (~gerard@ has quit (Client Quit)
[2:14:51 am] <-> berndj is now known as BrickServ
[2:14:53 am] <@Tat> 31. Marie Osmond has only had one UK hit single as a solo artist name it?
[2:14:57 am] <-> somebody is now known as berndj
[2:14:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> no
[2:14:58 am] <@ZeroCool> ABBA
[2:14:59 am] <@Tat> This question was done before. It's when the soviets put up the wall
[2:15:01 am] <@beach> Mari Osmond's Bong
[2:15:01 am] <@berndj> yay
[2:15:03 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, pape__ _____
[2:15:03 am] <@gwillen> that's not a question
[2:15:04 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> who knows
[2:15:05 am] <@BrickServ> berndj: impostor
[2:15:06 am] <@ZeroCool> paper tigers
[2:15:07 am] <@CompuServ> 1949
[2:15:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> paper tirger
[2:15:08 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> pepe the frog
[2:15:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> paper tiger
[2:15:09 am] <@cottsay> paper walls
[2:15:10 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:15:10 am] <@Tat> Watched spy city the other day.
[2:15:14 am] <@berndj> BrickServ: amogus
[2:15:15 am] <@NickServReal> what do maned wolves need protection from
[2:15:16 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> paper walls
[2:15:18 am] * theendoffreenode has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " ( | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | SSL MACHINE BROKE | trans rights | protect maned wolves (roark) | jess we love you"
[2:15:19 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> paper benis
[2:15:22 am] <@CompuServ> ^
[2:15:24 am] <@jast> paper roses
[2:15:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: jast Answer: paper roses Time: 31.528 Streak: 1 Points: 9 WPM: 4 Rank: 7th Previously: 8th
[2:15:25 am] <@Tat> jast has moved up in rank: 7th
[2:15:25 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-5 jast-5 gwillen-4 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Tat-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1
[2:15:26 am] --> enyc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:15:27 am] --> |-\_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:15:30 am] <@DickServ> BENIS
[2:15:34 am] <@ZeroCool> Weenus!
[2:15:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> haha benis
[2:15:35 am] <@CompuServ> ^
[2:15:35 am] <@Tat> 32. What is the approximate speed of light?
[2:15:35 am] <@KickServ> paper benis
[2:15:36 am] <@gwillen> what's the etiquette on googling these
[2:15:36 am] <@berndj> NickServReal: sojeros
[2:15:38 am] <@DickServ> c
[2:15:39 am] <@ZeroCool> 3
[2:15:42 am] <@gwillen> 186,000 kilometers per hour
[2:15:43 am] <@cottsay> many
[2:15:43 am] <@KickServ> 168,000 miles per hour
[2:15:43 am] <@Seeder99> fast
[2:15:44 am] * Guest0 has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: " ( | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | SSL MACHINE BROKE | trans rights | protect maned wolves (roark) | andrew lee statement:"
[2:15:45 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 186,000 ______ ____ ______
[2:15:45 am] <@theendoffreenode> 300,000 kilometers per second
[2:15:45 am] <@cottsay> some
[2:15:47 am] <@gwillen> oh wait
[2:15:47 am] <@Tat> (gwillen): You will never do it faster than the answer.
[2:15:48 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> gwillen by the time you're back they already got it
[2:15:48 am] <@jast> 186,000 miles per second
[2:15:48 am] <@nrr_> gwillen: there isn't any
[2:15:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 186,000 miles per second
[2:15:49 am] <@Tat> Winner: jast Answer: 186,000 miles per second Time: 13.369 Streak: 2 Points: 10 WPM: 21 Rank: 7th
[2:15:49 am] <@rbraun> 186,000 miles per hour
[2:15:50 am] <@Tat> Current Round: jast-6 theendoffreenode-5 gwillen-4 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Tat-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1
[2:15:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> 186,000 miles per second
[2:15:51 am] <@CompuServ> 18650
[2:15:59 am] <@Tat> 33. TV/ Movies: Born Dec 31, 1937, He starred in this movie: Titus - 1999?
[2:16:02 am] <@jast> miles per second, the SI unit of hearts
[2:16:03 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 43 miles per gallon
[2:16:05 am] <@theendoffreenode> me
[2:16:05 am] <@cottsay> mel gibson
[2:16:06 am] <@CompuServ> heh, tit
[2:16:09 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, antho___ _______
[2:16:09 am] <@beep> titty
[2:16:10 am] <@Tat> The old guy.
[2:16:10 am] <@KickServ> antony hopkins
[2:16:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> biggus dickus
[2:16:13 am] <@theendoffreenode> anthony hopkins
[2:16:13 am] <@KickServ> anthony hopkins
[2:16:13 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: anthony hopkins Time: 13.728 Streak: 1 Points: 12 WPM: 13 Rank: 5th
[2:16:14 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 gwillen-4 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Tat-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1
[2:16:14 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> anthony hopkins
[2:16:15 am] <@Jigsy> Oper's back.
[2:16:21 am] <@ZeroCool> Tony Hawk
[2:16:21 am] <@CompuServ> oh boy
[2:16:24 am] <@Tat> 34. In 1939 ---------- Airport opened in New York City.
[2:16:24 am] -*- DickServ scared
[2:16:25 am] <@gwillen> rasenganIsCunt: you'd be surprised
[2:16:28 am] <@gwillen> jfk
[2:16:28 am] <@cottsay> jfk
[2:16:32 am] <@CompuServ> jfc
[2:16:32 am] <@rbraun> laguardia
[2:16:33 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: laguardia Time: 8.783 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 12 Rank: 10th
[2:16:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> john fitzgerald kennedy
[2:16:33 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 rbraun-4 gwillen-4 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Tat-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1
[2:16:38 am] <@berndj> rbraun: imperial?
[2:16:41 am] <@Tat> It wouldn't have been jfk in 1939!
[2:16:43 am] <@Tat> 35. On what street in new rochelle did rob and laura petrie live?
[2:16:43 am] <@ZeroCool> Stout
[2:16:44 am] <@CompuServ> jfc
[2:16:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> :)
[2:16:47 am] <@cottsay> lol
[2:16:50 am] <@CompuServ> jfk
[2:16:53 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, bonn___ ______
[2:16:53 am] <@cottsay> paris
[2:16:54 am] <@ZeroCool> Sesame Street
[2:16:55 am] <@gwillen> bonnie meadow road
[2:16:56 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: bonnie meadow Time: 12.433 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 12 Rank: 9th
[2:16:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 gwillen-5 rbraun-4 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Tat-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1
[2:16:57 am] <@ZeroCool> Bonn Iver
[2:16:57 am] <@theendoffreenode> bonie m
[2:16:59 am] <@CompuServ> bonn votage
[2:17:02 am] <@Jigsy> No idea who it is, though.
[2:17:04 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo Arrowmaster enyc |-\_ by PissServ
[2:17:06 am] <@Tat> 36. TV/ Movies: Born Aug 29, 1915, She starred in this movie: Rich Girl - 1991?
[2:17:06 am] <@Tat> gwillen or maybe you could
[2:17:13 am] <@cottsay> mel gibson
[2:17:16 am] <@gwillen> ingrid bergman
[2:17:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:17:16 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: ingrid bergman Time: 9.563 Streak: 2 Points: 9 WPM: 17 Rank: 8th Previously: 9th
[2:17:16 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 8th
[2:17:17 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-6 gwillen-6 jast-6 rbraun-4 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Tat-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1
[2:17:27 am] <@Tat> 37. Winston churchill resigned from office in 1954, 1955 or 1956?
[2:17:28 am] <@gwillen> Tat: ;-)
[2:17:30 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1956
[2:17:30 am] <@rbraun> 1954
[2:17:31 am] <@cottsay> 1956
[2:17:31 am] <@ZeroCool> 1955
[2:17:31 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1955
[2:17:31 am] <@Jigsy> 1956
[2:17:32 am] <@Tat> Winner: ZeroCool Answer: 1955 Time: 4.462 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 10 Rank: 18th Previously: 22nd
[2:17:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1965
[2:17:32 am] <@Tat> ZeroCool has moved up in rank: 18th
[2:17:32 am] <@Tat> 1955
[2:17:32 am] <@jast> take care guys, enjoy your apocalypse. I need sleep more than I need to watch the train wreck crash.
[2:17:32 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-6 gwillen-6 jast-6 rbraun-4 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Tat-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:17:34 am] <@CompuServ> ingmar bergmann
[2:17:34 am] <@Tat> lol.
[2:17:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> can't even type
[2:17:42 am] <@Tat> 38. TV/ Movies: Who won the Oscar for best ACTRESS in a Leading Role in 1957 30th Academy Awards for the Movie THE THREE FACES OF EVE?
[2:17:46 am] <@CompuServ> ingmar bergmann
[2:17:47 am] <@cottsay> mel gibson
[2:17:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:17:51 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> who the fuck KNOWS THAT?!?!
[2:17:52 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, joann__ ________
[2:17:52 am] <@KickServ> anthony hopkins
[2:17:54 am] <@ZeroCool> Jeffersoni Airplane
[2:17:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> joanne d'arc
[2:17:58 am] <@CompuServ> joann of arc
[2:17:59 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> joanne booba
[2:17:59 am] <@cottsay> joann of arc
[2:18:00 am] <@Togra> joanne d'arc
[2:18:05 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> joanna
[2:18:05 am] <@theendoffreenode> lady gaga
[2:18:05 am] <-- jast ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[2:18:08 am] <@ZeroCool> goanna
[2:18:10 am] <@itisnigh> <jessicara@freenode_new> guess i'm out if 6697 doesn't work
[2:18:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> gecko
[2:18:12 am] <@CompuServ> big yoshi
[2:18:13 am] <@Tat> Joanne something
[2:18:15 am] <@itisnigh> <jessicara@freenode_new> good luck y'all
[2:18:15 am] <@Tat> !vowels
[2:18:16 am] <@AltTriviaBot> rasencunt: it's a wikipedia race question
[2:18:19 am] <@agrecascino> i don't think the server is sending PINGs
[2:18:20 am] <@gwillen> joanne woodward
[2:18:20 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: joanne woodward Time: 37.924 Streak: 1 Points: 10 WPM: 4 Rank: 7th Previously: 8th
[2:18:20 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 7th
[2:18:21 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 rbraun-4 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Tat-2 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:18:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> joanna melgibson
[2:18:26 am] <@agrecascino> i haven't had to reply to one
[2:18:27 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> AltTriviaBot not fun to wikipedia race
[2:18:28 am] <@ajp5> hahahah
[2:18:31 am] <@Tat> 39. Which is the worlds tallest grass?
[2:18:32 am] <@gwillen> seriously that was more than enough time to google XD
[2:18:34 am] <@ZeroCool> blue
[2:18:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> corn
[2:18:35 am] <@Tat> bamboo
[2:18:35 am] -*- Tat gives Tat a large pizza for getting 100 wins! Way to go Tat !
[2:18:36 am] <@Tat> Winner: Tat Answer: bamboo Time: 4.228 Streak: 1 Points: 100 WPM: 17 Rank: 1st
[2:18:36 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 rbraun-4 Tat-3 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:18:36 am] <@itisnigh> <aj@pissnet> are you telnetting in? lol
[2:18:37 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> banana
[2:18:38 am] <@itisnigh> <jessicara@freenode_new> 6667 doesn't work here anywhee
[2:18:38 am] <@CompuServ> bamboo
[2:18:38 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> ah
[2:18:39 am] <@AltTriviaBot> rasencunt: I agree
[2:18:42 am] <@Jigsy> You know it's been three hours now?
[2:18:44 am] --> carla (~carla@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:18:46 am] <@Tat> 40. The 1st US minimum wage law was instituted in what year?
[2:18:46 am] <@CompuServ> fuck i hit shift instread of grass
[2:18:47 am] <@itisnigh> <aj@pissnet> i feel like i'm missing the party here
[2:18:48 am] <@agrecascino> nvm, it hit me with one
[2:18:49 am] <@gwillen> 1984
[2:18:49 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1971
[2:18:50 am] <@cottsay> 1900
[2:18:50 am] <@ZeroCool> 1912
[2:18:51 am] <@gwillen> 1965
[2:18:52 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1970
[2:18:52 am] <@KickServ> Jigsy: but ssl is out, that's progress
[2:18:53 am] <@rbraun> 1932
[2:18:53 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1939
[2:18:54 am] <@rbraun> 1933
[2:18:54 am] <@gwillen> 1989
[2:18:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hint: 19__
[2:18:54 am] <@rbraun> 1934
[2:18:55 am] <@cottsay> 2025
[2:18:55 am] <@rbraun> 1935
[2:18:55 am] <@rbraun> 1936
[2:18:56 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 1776
[2:18:56 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1999
[2:18:56 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[2:18:56 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1936
[2:18:58 am] <@rbraun> 1937
[2:18:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1923
[2:18:58 am] <@ZeroCool> 1900
[2:18:58 am] <@KickServ> 1958
[2:18:59 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1997
[2:19:00 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1940
[2:19:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1970
[2:19:00 am] <@rbraun> 1938
[2:19:00 am] <@emily> Jigsy: three hours since what?
[2:19:01 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: 1938 Time: 14.774 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 3 Rank: 10th
[2:19:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1971
[2:19:01 am] <@berndj> 1921
[2:19:01 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1996
[2:19:01 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 rbraun-5 Tat-3 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:19:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1972
[2:19:02 am] <@cottsay> 1901
[2:19:03 am] <@cottsay> 1902
[2:19:05 am] <@cottsay> 1903
[2:19:06 am] <@cottsay> 1904
[2:19:06 am] <@Jigsy> I connected to Capone.
[2:19:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:19:11 am] <@Tat> 41. TV/ Movies: Seinfield: George's name if he was a porno star?
[2:19:12 am] <@cottsay> lol
[2:19:16 am] <@theendoffreenode> andrew lee
[2:19:18 am] <@cottsay> lol
[2:19:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:19:20 am] <@gwillen> buck naked
[2:19:20 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: buck naked Time: 8.564 Streak: 1 Points: 11 WPM: 14 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[2:19:20 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 6th
[2:19:21 am] <@Jigsy> Art Vandalay
[2:19:21 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 rbraun-5 Tat-3 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:19:21 am] <@ZeroCool> Casting Couch
[2:19:21 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> mel gibson
[2:19:22 am] --> BasedUser ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:19:26 am] <@CompuServ> buck turgidson
[2:19:29 am] <@CompuServ> turd ferguson
[2:19:31 am] <@Tat> 42. What was the name of the Other short-lived spinoff of "Three's Company"?
[2:19:31 am] <@berndj> rasenganIsCunt: alf, por alf
[2:19:33 am] <@berndj> rasenganIsCunt: alf, por alf
[2:19:34 am] <@CompuServ> turd ferguson
[2:19:34 am] <@berndj> rasenganIsCunt: alf, por alf
[2:19:35 am] <@ZeroCool> Cheers
[2:19:38 am] <BasedUser> wha
[2:19:39 am] <@terpri> one's company
[2:19:40 am] <@berndj> rasenganIsCunt: y el ganador es
[2:19:41 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, "Three'__ __ _____"
[2:19:41 am] <@cottsay> Four's a crowd
[2:19:45 am] <@Tat> thress a crowd
[2:19:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> "three's a crowd"
[2:19:47 am] <@ZeroCool> Three's a crowd
[2:19:47 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: "Three's a Crowd" Time: 15.803 Streak: 1 Points: 21 WPM: 12 Rank: 2nd Previously: 3rd
[2:19:47 am] <@Tat> IronDeHavilland has moved up in rank: 2nd
[2:19:47 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-4 Tat-3 KickServ-3 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:19:47 am] <@Jigsy> Three's a Crowd
[2:19:53 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Threesome's Are Fun
[2:19:53 am] <@Tat> fuckity!
[2:19:55 am] --> CyL (~cyl@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:19:57 am] <@CompuServ> turd ferguson
[2:19:57 am] <@Tat> 43. TV/ Movies: 1940 - Judy Garland - Starred In This Movie:
[2:20:00 am] <@CompuServ> turd ferguson
[2:20:03 am] <@theendoffreenode> the wizard of oz
[2:20:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +ooo BasedUser carla CyL by BrickServ
[2:20:03 am] <@ZeroCool> Densch
[2:20:03 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:20:04 am] <@carla> holy shit
[2:20:05 am] <@Jigsy> Wizard of Oz
[2:20:07 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, little_ _______ _____
[2:20:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> little green men
[2:20:11 am] --> Washclof ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:20:12 am] <@theendoffreenode> little miss sunshine
[2:20:12 am] <@Tat> Little orphan anne
[2:20:12 am] <@gwillen> little nellie kelly
[2:20:13 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: little nellie kelly Time: 15.241 Streak: 1 Points: 12 WPM: 14 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[2:20:13 am] <@CompuServ> little orphan annie
[2:20:13 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:20:13 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-4 Tat-3 KickServ-3 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:20:15 am] <@cottsay> little house on the prairie
[2:20:16 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Washclof by BrickServ
[2:20:16 am] --> Subjective (~Subjectiv@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:20:17 am] <@Dick_Nachos> CrapBot: config plugins.automode.op True
[2:20:17 am] <@CrapBot> The operation succeeded.
[2:20:18 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> berndj u wot
[2:20:23 am] <@Tat> 44. Category: Anime: What is the name of the male lead in _Vision of Escaflowne_?
[2:20:25 am] <@gwillen> if I make it to 1st place I will stop googling these ;-)
[2:20:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:20:31 am] <@rbraun> ......
[2:20:31 am] <@ZeroCool> Bingus
[2:20:31 am] <@cottsay> mel gibson
[2:20:32 am] <@BasedUser> whats this
[2:20:33 am] <@theendoffreenode> joseph joestar
[2:20:33 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, van_ _____
[2:20:36 am] <@CompuServ> big chungus
[2:20:37 am] <@berndj> y vienen
[2:20:38 am] <@ZeroCool> van morrison
[2:20:39 am] <@AltTriviaBot> holy crap I haven't herad of Escaflowne since high school
[2:20:41 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> van damme
[2:20:42 am] <@gwillen> van helsing
[2:20:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> y van
[2:20:43 am] <@KickServ> van fanel
[2:20:44 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: van fanel Time: 20.249 Streak: 1 Points: 12 WPM: 5 Rank: 5th Previously: 7th
[2:20:44 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:20:45 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 rbraun-5 KickServ-4 IronDeHavilland-4 Tat-3 NickServReal-2 rasenganIsCunt-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:20:47 am] <-> kat is now known as BigChungus
[2:20:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> panel van
[2:20:49 am] <@CompuServ> van eck phreaking
[2:20:53 am] -*- BluRaf is going to sleep
[2:20:54 am] <@Tat> 45. In what year did the Cold War begin?
[2:20:56 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> gwillen you're lready first
[2:20:57 am] <@BigChungus> got my big chungus back
[2:20:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1939
[2:20:58 am] <@cottsay> 1966
[2:20:58 am] <@ZeroCool> 1918
[2:20:59 am] <@BluRaf> good night and have fun!
[2:20:59 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1945
[2:21:00 am] <@Tat> 1945
[2:21:00 am] <@CompuServ> 1000 bc
[2:21:01 am] <@RasenganSucks> 1965
[2:21:01 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1949
[2:21:02 am] <@terpri> 1953
[2:21:03 am] <@ajp5> 1950
[2:21:03 am] <@cottsay> 1969
[2:21:03 am] <@KickServ> 1977
[2:21:04 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1951
[2:21:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1950
[2:21:04 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1945
[2:21:04 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[2:21:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1951
[2:21:05 am] <@KickServ> 1949
[2:21:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1952
[2:21:06 am] <@RasenganSucks> 1955
[2:21:06 am] <@ZeroCool> 1962
[2:21:06 am] <@Tat> 1968
[2:21:06 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1953
[2:21:06 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 1776
[2:21:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1953
[2:21:06 am] <@Seeder99> 1963
[2:21:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1954
[2:21:07 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1946
[2:21:07 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1952
[2:21:07 am] <@Tat> Winner: rasenganIsCunt Answer: 1946 Time: 12.73 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 3 Rank: 14th Previously: 18th
[2:21:08 am] <@Jigsy> 1945
[2:21:08 am] <@Tat> rasenganIsCunt has moved up in rank: 14th
[2:21:08 am] <@cottsay> 1962
[2:21:08 am] <@terpri> 1992
[2:21:08 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> 1947
[2:21:08 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 rbraun-5 KickServ-4 IronDeHavilland-4 Tat-3 rasenganIsCunt-3 NickServReal-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:21:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1955
[2:21:10 am] <@berndj> 1947
[2:21:10 am] <@gwillen> rasenganIsCunt: oh heh I was looking at overall
[2:21:11 am] <@BrickServ> rasenganIsCunt, don't believe a word that guy says he leaked his nickserv password here earlier
[2:21:11 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> woooo
[2:21:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1956
[2:21:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1957
[2:21:18 am] <@Tat> 46. Brothers A terrapin is a type of _________.
[2:21:20 am] -*- CalimeroTeknik pays attention at the mention of Escaflowne
[2:21:21 am] <@gwillen> bird
[2:21:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> turtle
[2:21:22 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: Turtle Time: 3.869 Streak: 1 Points: 22 WPM: 18 Rank: 2nd
[2:21:22 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 Tat-3 rasenganIsCunt-3 NickServReal-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:21:23 am] <@ZeroCool> Turtle
[2:21:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tortoise
[2:21:23 am] <@BrickServ> animal
[2:21:24 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> BrickServ who
[2:21:31 am] <@terpri> reptile
[2:21:31 am] <@berndj> rasenganIsCunt: BrickServ is right
[2:21:31 am] <@BrickServ> rasenganIsCunt, berndj
[2:21:33 am] <@Tat> 47. What is the name for music that is transmitted orally or aurally (taught through performance rather than with notation, and learned by hearing)?
[2:21:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> gregorian
[2:21:36 am] <@cottsay> singing
[2:21:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> a capella
[2:21:40 am] <@ZeroCool> Bone
[2:21:40 am] <@theendoffreenode> folklore
[2:21:43 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, fo__
[2:21:44 am] <@KickServ> folk
[2:21:44 am] <@gwillen> folk
[2:21:44 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: folk Time: 11.435 Streak: 1 Points: 13 WPM: 4 Rank: 5th
[2:21:44 am] <@theendoffreenode> flk
[2:21:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> folk
[2:21:45 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-5 Tat-3 rasenganIsCunt-3 NickServReal-2 lighterowl-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:21:45 am] <@CompuServ> shitting in a urinal
[2:21:45 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> kpos dejen de marearme ya es jodido con tanto chat tan rápido
[2:21:47 am] <@AltTriviaBot> zerocool: hahahahahah
[2:21:48 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> lol. it's 15 questions behind
[2:21:50 am] <@IronDeHavilland> flak music
[2:21:51 am] <@BrickServ> don't send them nudez
[2:21:55 am] <@Tat> 48. Annapolis & Minneapolis contain the suffix "polis", which in Greek means ____?
[2:21:57 am] <@ajp5> Mel Gibson
[2:21:58 am] <@gwillen> place
[2:21:58 am] <@terpri> city
[2:21:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> city
[2:21:58 am] <@gwillen> city
[2:21:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> city
[2:21:59 am] <@cottsay> city
[2:21:59 am] <@Tat> Winner: terpri Answer: city Time: 3.416 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 14 Rank: 23rd Previously: 33rd
[2:21:59 am] <@Tat> terpri has moved up in rank: 23rd
[2:22:00 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-5 Tat-3 rasenganIsCunt-3 NickServReal-2 lighterowl-1 terpri-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:22:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> state
[2:22:02 am] <@berndj> BrickServ: sad
[2:22:03 am] <@BrickServ> or do, if you like
[2:22:06 am] <@berndj> yay
[2:22:08 am] <@KickServ> Mel Gibson
[2:22:09 am] <@Tat> 49. Useless Trivia: Driving at ---------- miles per hour, it would take 258 days to drive around one of Saturn's rings.
[2:22:11 am] <@CompuServ> chronic masturbation
[2:22:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:22:13 am] <@gwillen> 65
[2:22:14 am] <@theendoffreenode> 100
[2:22:15 am] <@gwillen> 55
[2:22:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 100
[2:22:16 am] <@theendoffreenode> 200
[2:22:16 am] <@ZeroCool> 3000
[2:22:16 am] <@KickServ> 155
[2:22:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 200
[2:22:16 am] <@gwillen> 75
[2:22:17 am] <@theendoffreenode> 300
[2:22:17 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: 75 Time: 7.348 Streak: 1 Points: 13 WPM: 3 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[2:22:17 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:22:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 160
[2:22:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 60
[2:22:18 am] <@gwillen> 88
[2:22:18 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-10 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-5 Tat-3 rasenganIsCunt-3 NickServReal-2 lighterowl-1 terpri-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:22:20 am] <@cottsay> !
[2:22:28 am] <@Tat> 50. TV/ Movies: Who won the oscar for best actor in 1931 32?
[2:22:30 am] <@CompuServ> chronic masturbation
[2:22:31 am] <@gwillen> when this baby hits 88 miles an hour, you're going to see some serious shit
[2:22:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:22:31 am] <@cottsay> mel gibson
[2:22:32 am] <@KickServ> Mel Gibson
[2:22:34 am] <@KickServ> xD
[2:22:34 am] <@Tat> I don't think physics works that way question...
[2:22:34 am] <@terpri> mel gibson
[2:22:37 am] <@AltTriviaBot> gwillen: you are good at this
[2:22:38 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, wall____ _____
[2:22:39 am] <@berndj> BrickServ: did you register brickserv in another server?
[2:22:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> wally
[2:22:42 am] <@cottsay> wall street bets
[2:22:43 am] <@Jigsy> Wallison Harvey
[2:22:50 am] <@BrickServ> berndj, only in my own ircd
[2:22:50 am] <@CompuServ> wall of wall
[2:22:51 am] <-- beep ( has quit (Quit: beep)
[2:22:52 am] <@ZeroCool> Wallace Shawn
[2:22:53 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> wall street
[2:22:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> wally wallyson
[2:22:55 am] <@CompuServ> all of fortune
[2:22:56 am] <@ZeroCool> Wallace Shaun
[2:22:58 am] <@CompuServ> wall of fortune
[2:22:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> william wallace
[2:23:03 am] <@RasenganSucks> willy wonka
[2:23:04 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> wallace &groomit
[2:23:07 am] <@CompuServ> wallace & gromit
[2:23:08 am] <@Tat> wally the robot
[2:23:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> wallace & vomit
[2:23:17 am] <@CompuServ> \roly poly ollie
[2:23:18 am] <@gwillen> wallace beery
[2:23:18 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: wallace beery Time: 49.998 Streak: 2 Points: 14 WPM: 3 Rank: 5th
[2:23:18 am] <@Tat> !vowels
[2:23:19 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-11 theendoffreenode-6 jast-6 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-5 Tat-3 rasenganIsCunt-3 NickServReal-2 lighterowl-1 terpri-1 beach-1 ZeroCool-1
[2:23:22 am] <@gwillen> AltTriviaBot: heh, thanks
[2:23:28 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[2:23:28 am] <@Tat> 51. What actor was stung in "the sting"?
[2:23:28 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:23:29 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Selicre of 0.609. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[2:23:31 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[2:23:34 am] <@gwillen> I co-captain a puzzle team
[2:23:35 am] <@ZeroCool> The Police
[2:23:36 am] <@theendoffreenode> STOP THE COUNT
[2:23:37 am] <@Tat> !trivia sex
[2:23:37 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 1023
[2:23:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !trivia 1
[2:23:41 am] <@gwillen> not trivia, strictly speaking, but close enough I guess
[2:23:43 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[2:23:43 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:23:44 am] <@CyL> carla: yo o7
[2:23:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !trivia 1
[2:23:46 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 1 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:23:48 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 1
[2:23:49 am] <@carla> CyL: :D
[2:23:54 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> okay
[2:23:56 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> lets gooooooooo
[2:23:59 am] <@CompuServ> !strivia
[2:23:59 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:24:00 am] --> w4t (~w4t@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:24:00 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o w4t by CrapBot
[2:24:02 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !trivia 1
[2:24:02 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia 55654
[2:24:02 am] -*- IronDeHavilland turns into goo
[2:24:03 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 1 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:24:03 am] <@BrickServ> do it right
[2:24:06 am] <@Tat> It's never gotten to ask a sex trivia question yet. Heh.
[2:24:08 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> come onnnnnnnnnnnnn
[2:24:10 am] <@BrickServ> c'mon*, let's gooooo
[2:24:14 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> whens the question
[2:24:16 am] <@theendoffreenode> what does "sex" mean
[2:24:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> never
[2:24:18 am] <@Tat> 1. Music: What song by Frankie Avalon went to #1 in 1959?
[2:24:18 am] <@DickServ> Tat: I am disappoint.
[2:24:19 am] <@CompuServ> chronic masturbation
[2:24:22 am] <@Tat> It's a category.
[2:24:22 am] <@BrickServ> Ask Jeff Williams <-- great youtuber
[2:24:24 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> beings
[2:24:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:24:25 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> benis
[2:24:28 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Ve___
[2:24:29 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> mel gibson
[2:24:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> venice
[2:24:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> veal
[2:24:31 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> venice
[2:24:33 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> veal
[2:24:33 am] <@KickServ> venus
[2:24:34 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: Venus Time: 15.71 Streak: 1 Points: 14 WPM: 3 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[2:24:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-1
[2:24:34 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:24:34 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:24:35 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> venti
[2:24:37 am] <@Tat> It uses a different question routine etc.
[2:24:37 am] <@CompuServ> venus ventura
[2:24:38 am] <@ZeroCool> Did you know that brazil nuts can cause an allergic reaction in a partner after sex? The offending protein migrates down there.
[2:24:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !trivia 1
[2:24:41 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 1 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:24:45 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia 4321
[2:24:47 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[2:24:47 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:24:48 am] <@berndj> ZeroCool: le wat
[2:24:49 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[2:24:49 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[2:24:49 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia 4321
[2:24:50 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[2:24:50 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 4321 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:24:50 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:24:52 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia 4321
[2:24:53 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 4321 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:24:53 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> !strivia
[2:24:53 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:24:53 am] <-* rbraun has kicked rasenganIsCunt from ##apocalypse (rasenganIsCunt)
[2:24:54 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia 4321
[2:24:54 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 4321 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:24:54 am] <-- BasedUser ( has left ##apocalypse ("This channel startin' to smell!")
[2:24:56 am] <@Tat> So 1023 questions rather than the 5k or so otherwise ther.
[2:24:57 am] <@ZeroCool> berndj, look it up :)
[2:25:04 am] <@KickServ> !trivia 2147483647
[2:25:09 am] <@Tat> 1. TV/ Movies: 1954 27th Academy Awards: Best Actress In A Leading Role Was won by Grace Kelly For The Movie:
[2:25:14 am] <@CompuServ> penis envy
[2:25:14 am] <@Tat> !trivia pi and !trivia e work.
[2:25:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:25:17 am] <@berndj> ZeroCool: i prefer not to
[2:25:18 am] --> rasenganIsCunt (~gaucho@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:25:18 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o rasenganIsCunt by CrapBot
[2:25:19 am] <@BrickServ> brb, stocking up on brazil nuts to maintain incel status
[2:25:19 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, the c_______ ____
[2:25:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:25:20 am] <@rasenganIsCunt> asdasd
[2:25:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o rasenganIsCunt by rbraun
[2:25:22 am] <rasenganIsCunt> asd
[2:25:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +v rasenganIsCunt by rbraun
[2:25:24 am] <+rasenganIsCunt> as
[2:25:27 am] <+rasenganIsCunt> d
[2:25:28 am] <@ZeroCool> berndj, :D
[2:25:29 am] <@CrapBot> ^ Dangerous liaison: sexually transmitted allergic reaction to Brazil nuts - PubMed
[2:25:30 am] <+rasenganIsCunt> the carmina burana
[2:25:30 am] <@CompuServ> cock
[2:25:32 am] <+rasenganIsCunt> lmao rbraun
[2:25:33 am] <@gwillen> the country girl
[2:25:34 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: the country girl Time: 23.915 Streak: 1 Points: 15 WPM: 8 Rank: 4th Previously: 5th
[2:25:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-1
[2:25:34 am] <@Tat> Psst... he doesn't need op to stop the bot.
[2:25:34 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 4th
[2:25:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Subjective by rbraun
[2:25:43 am] <@itisnigh> <jessicara@freenode_new> buck naked
[2:25:44 am] <@Tat> 2. What represent the body and blood of Christ in the service of Holy Communion?
[2:25:46 am] <@rbraun> rasenganIsCunt: why are you flooding with !strivia
[2:25:47 am] <@beach> bread
[2:25:48 am] <@Tat> wine
[2:25:48 am] <@gwillen> wafers
[2:25:49 am] <@CompuServ> bread
[2:25:52 am] <@gwillen> communion wafers
[2:25:52 am] <@CompuServ> bread and wine
[2:25:53 am] <@Tat> Winner: CompuServ Answer: bread and wine Time: 7.91 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 21 Rank: 23rd Previously: 34th
[2:25:53 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-1 CompuServ-1
[2:25:53 am] <@Tat> wine and bread
[2:25:53 am] <@gwillen> the eucharist
[2:25:53 am] <@Tat> CompuServ has moved up in rank: 23rd
[2:25:53 am] <@rbraun> bread and wine
[2:25:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> communion
[2:25:58 am] <+rasenganIsCunt> rbraun i was jesting, ofc
[2:26:03 am] <@Tat> 3. Whose novels include 'The Cement Garden' and 'Comfort of Stangers'?
[2:26:03 am] <@theendoffreenode> allahu akbar
[2:26:05 am] <@beach> I was raised greek orthodox and we got actual bread
[2:26:06 am] <@BrickServ> why are people still +R :(
[2:26:07 am] <@CompuServ> atheist won that one btw
[2:26:07 am] <@rbraun> rasenganIsCunt: it's disruptive, don't do it again
[2:26:10 am] <@ZeroCool> RL Stine
[2:26:12 am] <@terpri> mel gibson
[2:26:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> harlan ellison
[2:26:13 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ian ______
[2:26:15 am] <@beach> then I went to a roman catholic church and they gave out fucking crackers at communion
[2:26:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ian jackson
[2:26:16 am] <@gwillen> ian mcewan
[2:26:17 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: ian mcewan Time: 13.213 Streak: 1 Points: 16 WPM: 9 Rank: 4th
[2:26:17 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 CompuServ-1
[2:26:17 am] <@CompuServ> ian fleming
[2:26:24 am] <@beach> 0/10 would not attend again
[2:26:27 am] <@Tat> 4. What NFL team was formerly known as the Portsmouth Spartans?
[2:26:36 am] <@gwillen> detroit lions
[2:26:37 am] <@ZeroCool> Green Bay Packers
[2:26:37 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: detroit Time: 9.11 Streak: 2 Points: 17 WPM: 9 Rank: 4th
[2:26:37 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 CompuServ-1
[2:26:40 am] <@CompuServ> new england patriot
[2:26:43 am] <@CompuServ> singular
[2:26:47 am] <@Tat> 5. UnScramble this Word: t l e d r e a?
[2:26:51 am] <@ZeroCool> dreadle
[2:26:52 am] <@CompuServ> diarrhea
[2:26:52 am] <@theendoffreenode> too long didnt read
[2:26:57 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, rel____
[2:26:59 am] <@rbraun> theendoffreenode++
[2:26:59 am] <@gwillen> related
[2:26:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> related
[2:26:59 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: related Time: 11.981 Streak: 3 Points: 18 WPM: 7 Rank: 4th
[2:26:59 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 CompuServ-1
[2:27:00 am] -*- Tat hands gwillen a cold beer for getting the last 3 questions!
[2:27:00 am] <@Tat> You're on fire!
[2:27:02 am] <@Jigsy> Rel...
[2:27:03 am] <@ZeroCool> lreated
[2:27:04 am] <@KickServ> altered
[2:27:06 am] <@ZeroCool> related
[2:27:08 am] -*- gwillen drinks his beer
[2:27:10 am] <@Tat> 6. Category: DC Secret Identities: Maggie Sawyer?
[2:27:14 am] <@Tat> LOL!
[2:27:14 am] <@ZeroCool> Batgirl
[2:27:16 am] <@KickServ> batman
[2:27:16 am] <@CompuServ> wonder woman
[2:27:18 am] <@terpri> batman
[2:27:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> batman
[2:27:20 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, magg___ ______
[2:27:20 am] --> dlnm (~a@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:27:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o dlnm by CrapBot
[2:27:22 am] <@ajp5> Mel Gibson
[2:27:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> maggie sawyer
[2:27:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: maggie sawyer Time: 13.978 Streak: 1 Points: 23 WPM: 11 Rank: 2nd
[2:27:24 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 CompuServ-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:27:24 am] <@gwillen> ...
[2:27:25 am] <@CompuServ> maggie sawyer
[2:27:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> what
[2:27:27 am] <@gwillen> you gotta be kidding me
[2:27:27 am] <@CompuServ> wtf
[2:27:28 am] <@beach> what
[2:27:30 am] <@Tat> What?
[2:27:32 am] <@KickServ> Nice question
[2:27:34 am] <@Tat> 7. What does a chromophobic fear?
[2:27:35 am] <@berndj> LOL
[2:27:36 am] <@AltTriviaBot> ajp5: that was a solid guess
[2:27:36 am] <@gwillen> color
[2:27:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> colors
[2:27:38 am] <@rbraun> color
[2:27:38 am] <@KickServ> time
[2:27:38 am] <@Tat> Worst secret identity ever!
[2:27:39 am] <@rbraun> colors
[2:27:40 am] <@KickServ> color
[2:27:41 am] <@theendoffreenode> color
[2:27:41 am] <@ZeroCool> Shiny things
[2:27:41 am] <@beach> colour
[2:27:41 am] <@terpri> chrome
[2:27:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> colour
[2:27:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> chrp,e
[2:27:42 am] <@gwillen> chrome
[2:27:43 am] <-> berndj is now known as PreviouslyBrickS
[2:27:43 am] <@theendoffreenode> colours
[2:27:44 am] <@CompuServ> chroma
[2:27:44 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, certa___ ______
[2:27:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> crhome
[2:27:45 am] <@ZeroCool> mirrors
[2:27:45 am] <@beach> google
[2:27:47 am] <@theendoffreenode> certain colours
[2:27:48 am] <@Jigsy> Certain colors
[2:27:48 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: certain colors Time: 13.244 Streak: 1 Points: 13 WPM: 12 Rank: 7th
[2:27:48 am] <@beach> certain death
[2:27:48 am] <@ZeroCool> certain death
[2:27:48 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 theendoffreenode-1 CompuServ-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:27:48 am] <@rbraun> certain colors
[2:27:48 am] <@CompuServ> certain colors
[2:27:49 am] <@Tat> certain colors
[2:27:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> certain colors
[2:27:50 am] <@gwillen> lol
[2:27:52 am] <@KickServ> wow
[2:27:56 am] <-> BrickServ is now known as AnonChan
[2:27:58 am] <@Tat> 8. Canada is seperated on an imaginary line along the ______?
[2:28:01 am] <@gwillen> needs a question editor XD
[2:28:03 am] <-> PreviouslyBrickS is now known as BrickServ
[2:28:05 am] <@ZeroCool> equator
[2:28:06 am] <@DickServ> border
[2:28:07 am] <@theendoffreenode> 55 parallel
[2:28:07 am] <@CompuServ> globe
[2:28:08 am] <@dlnm> river
[2:28:08 am] <@terpri> northwest passage
[2:28:08 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 49th_ ________
[2:28:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> question writer had a stroke
[2:28:11 am] <@beach> 49th parallel
[2:28:11 am] <@gwillen> 49th parallel
[2:28:11 am] <@rbraun> 49th parallel
[2:28:11 am] <@BrickServ> thx AnonChan
[2:28:11 am] <@Tat> Winner: beach Answer: 49th parallel Time: 12.808 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 12 Rank: 13th Previously: 14th
[2:28:11 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 theendoffreenode-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:28:12 am] <@Tat> beach has moved up in rank: 13th
[2:28:12 am] <@ZeroCool> parallel
[2:28:12 am] <@Jigsy> 49th State
[2:28:12 am] <@CompuServ> 49th parallel
[2:28:14 am] <@beach> haha
[2:28:19 am] <@cottsay> boarder
[2:28:22 am] <@Tat> 9. What is the shape of the US President's office?
[2:28:23 am] <@AnonChan> BrickServ, was actually a coincidence!
[2:28:24 am] <@gwillen> oval
[2:28:24 am] <@rbraun> oval
[2:28:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: oval Time: 2.06 Streak: 1 Points: 19 WPM: 23 Rank: 4th
[2:28:24 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-5 theendoffreenode-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:28:25 am] <@ZeroCool> Oval
[2:28:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> oval
[2:28:25 am] <@theendoffreenode> oval
[2:28:25 am] <@Jigsy> Oral
[2:28:25 am] <@CompuServ> oval
[2:28:25 am] <@terpri> round
[2:28:26 am] <@CompuServ> ovalular
[2:28:27 am] <@BrickServ> IronDeHavilland: trivia machine broke
[2:28:31 am] <@beach> why would you make it an oval
[2:28:31 am] <@CompuServ> ovular
[2:28:33 am] <@dlnm> pentagon
[2:28:35 am] <@Tat> 10. TV/ Movies: Game Shows: Name of the buzzer on "Truth or Consequences".
[2:28:35 am] <@beach> PITA to vaccuum
[2:28:36 am] <@dlnm> hexagon
[2:28:39 am] <@dlnm> ok
[2:28:40 am] <@ZeroCool> Bingo
[2:28:40 am] <@beach> boop
[2:28:40 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:28:41 am] <@Jigsy> Gong
[2:28:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibzon
[2:28:42 am] <@AltTriviaBot> buzzomatic
[2:28:42 am] <@CompuServ> beeper
[2:28:45 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, be____
[2:28:47 am] <@CompuServ> beep
[2:28:47 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bell
[2:28:47 am] <@DickServ> benis
[2:28:48 am] <@KickServ> beliar
[2:28:48 am] <@beach> beeper
[2:28:48 am] <@ZeroCool> clicker
[2:28:48 am] <@Tat> beeper
[2:28:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> belch
[2:28:49 am] <@gwillen> beulah
[2:28:49 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: beulah Time: 14.305 Streak: 2 Points: 20 WPM: 5 Rank: 4th
[2:28:49 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-6 theendoffreenode-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:28:50 am] <@dlnm> benevolen
[2:28:50 am] <@IronDeHavilland> beeper
[2:28:51 am] <@itisnigh> <tater@freenode_new> twenty
[2:28:51 am] <@dlnm> lol
[2:28:53 am] <@CompuServ> bela lugosi
[2:28:53 am] <@gwillen> why does it have a name
[2:28:57 am] <@BrickServ> bewhat?
[2:28:58 am] <@gwillen> why is it named beulah
[2:28:58 am] <@beach> bela lugosi is ded
[2:29:00 am] <@Tat> 11. In 1921 ---------- Poston, comedian, actor (Newhart), born.
[2:29:00 am] <@CompuServ> bewhiched
[2:29:01 am] <@gwillen> so many questions
[2:29:03 am] <@Tat> Dunno.
[2:29:04 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:29:04 am] <@Jigsy> Bob
[2:29:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> john
[2:29:05 am] <@CompuServ> 2fdal
[2:29:06 am] <@CompuServ> gtlk
[2:29:06 am] <@beach> carl hewitt
[2:29:07 am] <@ZeroCool> Post Malone
[2:29:09 am] <@AltTriviaBot> gwillen: are you the answer half of the trivia bot?
[2:29:10 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, t__
[2:29:12 am] <@Jigsy> Tom
[2:29:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tim
[2:29:12 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: tom Time: 11.903 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 3 Rank: 13th Previously: 15th
[2:29:12 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-6 theendoffreenode-1 CompuServ-1 Jigsy-1 beach-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:29:12 am] <@Tat> Jigsy has moved up in rank: 13th
[2:29:13 am] <@beach> tot
[2:29:13 am] <@theendoffreenode> tom
[2:29:18 am] <@gwillen> AltTriviaBot: sometimes :D
[2:29:22 am] <@Tat> 12. Name The Year: Gottlieb Daimler, automobile pioneer, born.
[2:29:26 am] <@Jigsy> 1934
[2:29:27 am] <@cottsay> 1919
[2:29:27 am] <@CompuServ> 1843
[2:29:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hint: 19__
[2:29:29 am] <@CompuServ> 1849
[2:29:29 am] <@ZeroCool> 1909
[2:29:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1900
[2:29:30 am] <@AltTriviaBot> gwillen: i'm impressed!
[2:29:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1901
[2:29:31 am] <@gwillen> 1834
[2:29:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1902
[2:29:31 am] <-- carla (~carla@ has left ##apocalypse ("o/")
[2:29:31 am] <@CompuServ> 1844
[2:29:31 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: 1834 Time: 8.284 Streak: 1 Points: 21 WPM: 5 Rank: 3rd Previously: 4th
[2:29:31 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 theendoffreenode-1 CompuServ-1 Jigsy-1 beach-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:29:31 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1901
[2:29:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1903
[2:29:31 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 3rd
[2:29:32 am] <@ZeroCool> 1999
[2:29:32 am] <@CompuServ> 1845
[2:29:33 am] <@CompuServ> 1846
[2:29:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1904
[2:29:34 am] <@Jigsy> !vowels
[2:29:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> oh, wow
[2:29:38 am] <@CompuServ> what the fucking fuck
[2:29:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> it isn't 19__
[2:29:41 am] <@Tat> 13. Baby Names Beginning With "L": Meaning: Town near the Brook?
[2:29:42 am] <@gwillen> AltTriviaBot: I mean I literally am just googling as fast as I can, except the ones that are too fast for that
[2:29:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> london
[2:29:48 am] <@cottsay> lars
[2:29:49 am] <@Jigsy> Leo
[2:29:49 am] <@ZeroCool> Linda
[2:29:50 am] <@KickServ> mel gibson
[2:29:51 am] <@CompuServ> looejlkasjdlajds;lajfsa
[2:29:51 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ly____
[2:29:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> lyndon
[2:29:54 am] <@cottsay> lyla
[2:29:54 am] <@Jigsy> Lyonns
[2:29:54 am] <@CompuServ> lyra
[2:29:54 am] <@ZeroCool> Lake
[2:29:54 am] <@Tat> lydia
[2:29:55 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lyra
[2:29:57 am] <@phy1729> lyndon
[2:29:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lyana
[2:29:57 am] <@dlnm> london
[2:29:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lyndon
[2:29:58 am] <@Tat> lynal
[2:30:00 am] <@DickServ> lydia
[2:30:01 am] <@theendoffreenode> lyrica
[2:30:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lytton
[2:30:02 am] <@ZeroCool> Harry London
[2:30:03 am] <@CompuServ> lyle
[2:30:04 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Lycoming
[2:30:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lynx
[2:30:05 am] <@AnonChan> gwillen, do you live in a google DC or something?
[2:30:05 am] <@Tat> lyric
[2:30:06 am] <@phy1729> lylak
[2:30:08 am] <@ZeroCool> Loch
[2:30:09 am] <@cottsay> lyl gibson
[2:30:10 am] <@KickServ> lydia
[2:30:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:30:12 am] <@rbraun> lynton
[2:30:12 am] <@AnonChan> got google on a shell?
[2:30:12 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: lynton Time: 30.779 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 2 Rank: 10th
[2:30:13 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 theendoffreenode-1 rbraun-1 CompuServ-1 Jigsy-1 beach-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:30:13 am] <@ZeroCool> Lac
[2:30:14 am] <-- shikadibot ( has quit (Quit: manual override)
[2:30:20 am] <@gwillen> AnonChan: I just type really fast XD
[2:30:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> lil pump
[2:30:23 am] <@Tat> 14. Squid, octopus and cuttlefish are all types of what?
[2:30:23 am] <-- unrealrasengan ( has quit (Quit: f)
[2:30:23 am] <@CompuServ> lactation
[2:30:29 am] <@KickServ> bug
[2:30:29 am] <@DickServ> cephalopods
[2:30:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mollusc
[2:30:30 am] <@Tat> Winner: DickServ Answer: cephalopods Time: 6.692 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 19 Rank: 19th Previously: 23rd
[2:30:30 am] <@Tat> DickServ has moved up in rank: 19th
[2:30:30 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 DickServ-1 theendoffreenode-1 rbraun-1 CompuServ-1 Jigsy-1 beach-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:30:31 am] <@phy1729> mullosks
[2:30:31 am] <@terpri> octothorpe
[2:30:31 am] <@Tat> animals
[2:30:33 am] <@Dick_Nachos> i love how they came in here and broke ssl, we just didn't give a fuck and changed to non-ssl
[2:30:35 am] <-- LjL-Amiga (~LjL@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2:30:41 am] <@Tat> 15. Animal Trivia: The female condor lays a single egg once every ---------
[2:30:43 am] <@AnonChan> my firefox takes like 30 seconds just to load up a ddg results page
[2:30:43 am] <@gwillen> year
[2:30:44 am] <@gwillen> century
[2:30:45 am] <@gwillen> decade
[2:30:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> year
[2:30:45 am] <@rbraun> week
[2:30:45 am] <@KickServ> month
[2:30:46 am] <@rbraun> month
[2:30:46 am] <@DickServ> week
[2:30:46 am] <@cottsay> blue moon
[2:30:47 am] <@gwillen> 4 years
[2:30:47 am] <@CompuServ> day
[2:30:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> decade
[2:30:48 am] <@terpri> millenium
[2:30:48 am] <@Tat> lactation?! HEh
[2:30:49 am] <@CompuServ> month
[2:30:49 am] <@rbraun> 2 months
[2:30:50 am] <@ZeroCool> hour
[2:30:50 am] <-- dlnm (~a@ has left ##apocalypse ("No boundaries on the net!")
[2:30:50 am] <@CompuServ> year
[2:30:50 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, two_ _____
[2:30:51 am] <@DickServ> decade
[2:30:51 am] <@emily> Dick_Nachos: still wondering how the heck they broke ssl but not 6667
[2:30:52 am] <@gwillen> two week
[2:30:53 am] <@KickServ> two weeks
[2:30:53 am] <@rbraun> two years
[2:30:53 am] <@CompuServ> two months
[2:30:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> two years
[2:30:53 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: two years Time: 12.465 Streak: 1 Points: 9 WPM: 8 Rank: 9th Previously: 10th
[2:30:54 am] <@cottsay> two years
[2:30:54 am] <@Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 9th
[2:30:54 am] <@DickServ> two years
[2:30:54 am] <@ZeroCool> two years
[2:30:54 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 rbraun-2 DickServ-1 theendoffreenode-1 CompuServ-1 Jigsy-1 beach-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:30:54 am] --> shikadibot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:30:54 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o shikadibot by CrapBot
[2:31:00 am] <@terpri> two millenia
[2:31:04 am] <@Tat> 16. TV/ Movies: Six man jewelry heist gone bad. Characters with colorful names?
[2:31:06 am] <@AnonChan> Dick_Nachos, at least one person quit coz they couldn't SSL
[2:31:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> reservoir dogs
[2:31:10 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: reservoir dogs Time: 5.819 Streak: 1 Points: 24 WPM: 28 Rank: 2nd
[2:31:10 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 rbraun-2 IronDeHavilland-2 DickServ-1 theendoffreenode-1 CompuServ-1 Jigsy-1 beach-1
[2:31:10 am] <@theendoffreenode> reservoir dogs
[2:31:11 am] <@CompuServ> fawlty
[2:31:14 am] <@gwillen> IronDeHavilland: nice :D
[2:31:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> :)
[2:31:20 am] <@Tat> 17. Baby Names Beginning With "K": Meaning: Maiden?
[2:31:23 am] <@CompuServ> a fish called wanda
[2:31:23 am] <@theendoffreenode> karen
[2:31:23 am] <@ZeroCool> Kevin
[2:31:24 am] <@cottsay> kayla
[2:31:25 am] <@theendoffreenode> korea
[2:31:25 am] <@CompuServ> kyle
[2:31:25 am] <@gwillen> didn't we already have this one
[2:31:27 am] <@theendoffreenode> koren
[2:31:28 am] <@gwillen> koran
[2:31:28 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: koren Time: 7.41 Streak: 1 Points: 14 WPM: 8 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[2:31:28 am] <@Tat> Koran
[2:31:28 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 6th
[2:31:29 am] <@IronDeHavilland> koreh
[2:31:29 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 IronDeHavilland-2 DickServ-1 CompuServ-1 Jigsy-1 beach-1
[2:31:33 am] <@Tat> damn
[2:31:35 am] <@CompuServ> kek
[2:31:38 am] <@Tat> 18. What is the flower that stands for: dangerous pleasures?
[2:31:41 am] <@CompuServ> rose
[2:31:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rose
[2:31:44 am] <@CompuServ> lily
[2:31:45 am] <@ZeroCool> vanilla
[2:31:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lily
[2:31:45 am] <@Jigsy> Daisy
[2:31:48 am] <@ZeroCool> violet
[2:31:48 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, tub_____
[2:31:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lavender
[2:31:49 am] <@BrickServ> emily: plaintext is too advanced
[2:31:49 am] <@Tat> Yeah, 5000 isn't infinite questions.
[2:31:51 am] <@gwillen> tuberose
[2:31:52 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: tuberose Time: 12.933 Streak: 1 Points: 22 WPM: 7 Rank: 3rd
[2:31:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 IronDeHavilland-2 DickServ-1 CompuServ-1 Jigsy-1 beach-1
[2:31:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tuberose
[2:31:53 am] <@ZeroCool> tubthumbping
[2:31:53 am] <@CompuServ> tub of fuck
[2:31:54 am] <@DickServ> tubgirl
[2:31:55 am] <@gwillen> I have never even heard of that
[2:32:02 am] <@KickServ> Now you know
[2:32:02 am] <@Tat> 19. Useless Trivia: About ---------- years ago, most Egyptians died by the time they were 30.
[2:32:03 am] <@CompuServ> manbearpig
[2:32:05 am] <@gwillen> 37
[2:32:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1000
[2:32:06 am] <@terpri> 1
[2:32:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2000
[2:32:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 3000
[2:32:08 am] <@CompuServ> 2000
[2:32:08 am] <@cottsay> 3000
[2:32:08 am] <@rbraun> 3000
[2:32:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> 5000
[2:32:09 am] <@gwillen> 9999
[2:32:09 am] <@CompuServ> 3000
[2:32:10 am] <@Tat> 1000
[2:32:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> thousand
[2:32:10 am] <@theendoffreenode> 4000
[2:32:10 am] <@rbraun> 2400
[2:32:10 am] <@ZeroCool> 90
[2:32:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> 3000
[2:32:11 am] <@rbraun> 2500
[2:32:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> two thousand
[2:32:12 am] <@gwillen> eleventy-three
[2:32:12 am] <@Tat> 10000
[2:32:12 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 3__
[2:32:13 am] <@cottsay> many
[2:32:13 am] <@ZeroCool> 100
[2:32:13 am] <@Jigsy> 300
[2:32:14 am] <@KickServ> 300
[2:32:14 am] <@rbraun> 300
[2:32:14 am] <@CompuServ> 3100
[2:32:14 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: 300 Time: 11.685 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 3 Rank: 11th Previously: 13th
[2:32:14 am] <@Tat> Jigsy has moved up in rank: 11th
[2:32:14 am] <@gwillen> 365
[2:32:14 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 Jigsy-2 IronDeHavilland-2 DickServ-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1
[2:32:15 am] <@ZeroCool> 300
[2:32:15 am] <@theendoffreenode> 300
[2:32:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 300
[2:32:15 am] <@terpri> 3
[2:32:19 am] <@BigChungus> 3 quid
[2:32:25 am] <@Tat> 20. What style of dancing was popularized with rap music?
[2:32:28 am] <@rbraun> breakdancing
[2:32:28 am] <@ZeroCool> breakdancing
[2:32:28 am] <@gwillen> break
[2:32:29 am] <@CompuServ> bad dancing
[2:32:29 am] <@IronDeHavilland> break
[2:32:30 am] <@Jigsy> Twerking
[2:32:30 am] <@gwillen> breakin
[2:32:31 am] <@rbraun> break dance
[2:32:32 am] <@rbraun> breakdance
[2:32:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> break dancing
[2:32:33 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: Break Dancing Time: 8.658 Streak: 1 Points: 25 WPM: 18 Rank: 2nd
[2:32:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1
[2:32:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> no dancing
[2:32:34 am] <@cottsay> flossing
[2:32:38 am] <@CompuServ> shitting on the floor
[2:32:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:32:44 am] <@Tat> 21. UnScramble this Word: e s t a s b r?
[2:32:44 am] <@theendoffreenode> im mister bullocks
[2:32:47 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:32:49 am] <@emily> breast
[2:32:50 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o rasenganIsCunt by AnonChan
[2:32:50 am] <@CyL> breasts
[2:32:50 am] <@Tat> Winner: emily Answer: breasts Time: 5.773 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 14 Rank: 24th Previously: 35th
[2:32:51 am] <@Tat> emily has moved up in rank: 24th
[2:32:51 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1
[2:32:51 am] <@CompuServ> baset
[2:32:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> titties
[2:33:01 am] <@Tat> 22. Name The Year: Israel destroys alleged Iraqi plutonium production facility.
[2:33:03 am] <@Tat> Wow. That was impressive.
[2:33:04 am] <@rbraun> 1991
[2:33:05 am] <@ZeroCool> 1909
[2:33:05 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1991
[2:33:06 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1992
[2:33:07 am] <@emily> the power of lesbianism
[2:33:07 am] <@KickServ> 2000
[2:33:07 am] <@rbraun> 19990
[2:33:08 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1990
[2:33:08 am] <@cottsay> 2003
[2:33:09 am] <@CompuServ> 2010
[2:33:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1989
[2:33:10 am] <@Jigsy> 1989
[2:33:10 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1995
[2:33:11 am] <@CompuServ> 2011
[2:33:11 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[2:33:12 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1993
[2:33:12 am] <@cottsay> 2004
[2:33:12 am] <@rbraun> 1993
[2:33:13 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1994
[2:33:13 am] <@cottsay> 2005
[2:33:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1999
[2:33:14 am] <@ZeroCool> 1938
[2:33:14 am] <@CyL> 1999
[2:33:14 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1996
[2:33:14 am] <@CompuServ> 19344
[2:33:14 am] <@cottsay> 2006
[2:33:14 am] <@gwillen> 1981
[2:33:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1998
[2:33:14 am] <@Tat> !last
[2:33:14 am] <@CrapBot> [18:34:08] <IronDeHavilland> 1998
[2:33:15 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: 1981 Time: 13.462 Streak: 1 Points: 23 WPM: 3 Rank: 3rd
[2:33:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1997
[2:33:15 am] <@Guest0> 1970
[2:33:15 am] <@terpri> 1945
[2:33:15 am] <@KickServ> 1979
[2:33:15 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1
[2:33:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1996
[2:33:15 am] <@cottsay> 2007
[2:33:16 am] <@Jigsy> !vowels
[2:33:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1995
[2:33:16 am] <@Dick_Nachos> if the bot doesn't auto-op you, you can !op and it will
[2:33:22 am] <@Dick_Nachos> just fyi
[2:33:25 am] <@Tat> 23. Category: Geography : What canal connects Lake Ontario and Lake Erie?
[2:33:25 am] <@ZeroCool> !op
[2:33:25 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o ZeroCool by CrapBot
[2:33:26 am] <@CyL> !op
[2:33:27 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CyL by CrapBot
[2:33:29 am] <@gwillen> erie
[2:33:29 am] <@emily> !op
[2:33:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o emily by CrapBot
[2:33:30 am] <@KickServ> !op
[2:33:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KickServ by CrapBot
[2:33:30 am] <@cottsay> canal
[2:33:30 am] <@theendoffreenode> panama
[2:33:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> st andrew
[2:33:30 am] <@ZeroCool> erie
[2:33:32 am] <@gwillen> erie canal
[2:33:33 am] <@CompuServ> 2011!op
[2:33:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> st andrew channel
[2:33:35 am] <@cottsay> erie canal
[2:33:35 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, wel____
[2:33:36 am] <@Jigsy> Detroit Canal
[2:33:37 am] <@CompuServ> lake michigan
[2:33:37 am] <@KickServ> welcome
[2:33:38 am] <@rbraun> welland
[2:33:38 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: welland Time: 12.73 Streak: 1 Points: 10 WPM: 6 Rank: 8th Previously: 9th
[2:33:38 am] <@Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 8th
[2:33:38 am] <@theendoffreenode> welcome
[2:33:39 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1
[2:33:40 am] <@gwillen> welland
[2:33:41 am] <@cottsay> wel gibson
[2:33:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:33:47 am] <@Guest0> hah
[2:33:49 am] <@Tat> 24. What is the Capital of: Tonga?
[2:33:49 am] <@rbraun> and no gwillen, i didn't need to google that
[2:33:50 am] <@Dick_Nachos> I figured if we were going to go mad with power it may as well be equal right for all
[2:33:51 am] <@CompuServ> tonga
[2:33:53 am] <@Guest0> T
[2:33:55 am] <@ZeroCool> Africa
[2:33:55 am] <@DickServ> paris
[2:33:57 am] <@CompuServ> tongabonga
[2:33:58 am] <@ZeroCool> Tibet
[2:33:59 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, nuku'_____
[2:33:59 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:34:00 am] <@KickServ> naku'alofa
[2:34:00 am] <@gwillen> nuku'alofa
[2:34:01 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: nuku'alofa Time: 11.81 Streak: 1 Points: 24 WPM: 10 Rank: 3rd
[2:34:01 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-10 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1
[2:34:05 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Agnot
[2:34:06 am] <@KickServ> eh
[2:34:07 am] <@CyL> nuku'leke
[2:34:10 am] <@gwillen> KickServ: :-(
[2:34:10 am] <@rbraun> my folks had an accident by a road named that last week, and that's the first result in google for that name so it was already in my head
[2:34:11 am] <@CompuServ> nuku anus
[2:34:11 am] <@Tat> 25. Name The Year: First pineapples planted in Hawaii.
[2:34:12 am] <@Jigsy> Nuku'Cola
[2:34:15 am] <@gwillen> 1937
[2:34:16 am] <@ZeroCool> 1911
[2:34:16 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1895
[2:34:17 am] <@Jigsy> 1954
[2:34:17 am] <@rbraun> welland, that is
[2:34:18 am] <@CompuServ> 1830
[2:34:18 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 1776
[2:34:18 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1896
[2:34:19 am] <@terpri> 1800
[2:34:19 am] <@Guest0> 2019
[2:34:20 am] <@CompuServ> 1832
[2:34:20 am] <@cottsay> 1901
[2:34:20 am] <@ZeroCool> 1805
[2:34:20 am] <@Jigsy> !vowels
[2:34:20 am] <@KickServ> 1666
[2:34:21 am] <@cottsay> 1902
[2:34:21 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1901
[2:34:21 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 18__
[2:34:22 am] <@CompuServ> 1834
[2:34:22 am] <@cottsay> 2903
[2:34:23 am] <@CompuServ> 1810
[2:34:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1801
[2:34:23 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1884
[2:34:24 am] <@rbraun> or something similar to it
[2:34:24 am] <@Jigsy> 1854
[2:34:24 am] <@ZeroCool> 1881
[2:34:24 am] <@KickServ> 1838
[2:34:24 am] <@gwillen> 1527
[2:34:24 am] <@CompuServ> 1812
[2:34:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1800
[2:34:24 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1885
[2:34:25 am] <@Guest0> 2018
[2:34:25 am] <@terpri> 1899
[2:34:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1802
[2:34:25 am] <@cottsay> 1888
[2:34:26 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1834
[2:34:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1803
[2:34:26 am] <@CompuServ> 1820
[2:34:26 am] <@KickServ> 1829
[2:34:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1804
[2:34:26 am] <@Subjective> 1813
[2:34:27 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1835
[2:34:27 am] <@CompuServ> 1821
[2:34:27 am] <@Tat> Winner: Subjective Answer: 1813 Time: 15.537 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 3 Rank: 24th Previously: 36th
[2:34:28 am] <@LjL> is anyone here also on #freenode? is it a thing?
[2:34:28 am] <@Tat> !last
[2:34:28 am] <@Tat> Subjective has moved up in rank: 24th
[2:34:28 am] <@CrapBot> [18:35:21] <LjL> is anyone here also on #freenode? is it a thing?
[2:34:28 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1836
[2:34:28 am] <@KickServ> 1840
[2:34:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-10 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 Subjective-1
[2:34:28 am] <@ZeroCool> 1801
[2:34:28 am] <@cottsay> 1889
[2:34:29 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1805
[2:34:30 am] <@KickServ> 1841
[2:34:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1806
[2:34:32 am] <@Guest0> 2017
[2:34:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1807
[2:34:38 am] <@Tat> 26. What was discovered at Sutter's Mill, California in 1848?
[2:34:40 am] <@gwillen> gold
[2:34:40 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: gold Time: 1.888 Streak: 1 Points: 25 WPM: 25 Rank: 2nd Previously: 3rd
[2:34:40 am] <@Tat> gwillen has moved up in rank: 2nd
[2:34:41 am] <@rbraun> gold
[2:34:41 am] <@CompuServ> 1823gold
[2:34:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-11 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 Subjective-1
[2:34:43 am] <@emily> LjL: sure but it's silent
[2:34:45 am] <@gwillen> now _that_ one was from memory ;-)
[2:34:51 am] <@Tat> 27. Who was the founder of microsoft?
[2:34:51 am] <@CompuServ> dammit was eating
[2:34:53 am] <@gwillen> bill gates
[2:34:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bill gates
[2:34:54 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: bill gates Time: 2.746 Streak: 2 Points: 26 WPM: 43 Rank: 2nd
[2:34:54 am] <@cottsay> bill gates
[2:34:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> bill gtes
[2:34:54 am] <@rbraun> bill gates
[2:34:54 am] <@emily> bill gates
[2:34:55 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-12 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 Subjective-1
[2:34:55 am] <@Tat> gates
[2:34:55 am] <@Dick_Nachos> I'm on freenode, but it's quiet
[2:34:55 am] <@CompuServ> paul allen
[2:34:55 am] <@ZeroCool> Bill gates
[2:34:57 am] <@DickServ> billy boy
[2:34:57 am] <@Jigsy> Steve Jobs
[2:34:57 am] <@terpri> willam gates
[2:35:00 am] <@AltTriviaBot> gwillen: you mean the block device cache?
[2:35:01 am] <@Guest0> bill "aze it fa" gates
[2:35:04 am] <@CompuServ> paul allen and bill gates
[2:35:04 am] <@Tat> 28. Which book by James Joyce takes palce on a single Dublin day in June 1904?
[2:35:05 am] <@gwillen> AltTriviaBot: :D
[2:35:07 am] <@rbraun> Dick_Nachos: everyone is here
[2:35:07 am] <@Tat> You clearly googled that in 2.7 seconds
[2:35:08 am] <@theendoffreenode> ullises
[2:35:09 am] <@AltTriviaBot> gwillen: i'm onto you :P
[2:35:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> ulises
[2:35:09 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (
[2:35:10 am] <@LjL> emily: presumably the opers don't care to stop this mess here, since they joined and then... did mostly nothing
[2:35:10 am] <@rbraun> ulysses
[2:35:11 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: ulysses Time: 6.505 Streak: 1 Points: 11 WPM: 12 Rank: 8th
[2:35:11 am] <@terpri> dublin
[2:35:11 am] <@ZeroCool> Ulysses
[2:35:12 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-12 rbraun-4 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 Subjective-1
[2:35:12 am] <@CompuServ> a modet proposal
[2:35:16 am] -*- rbraun can speel
[2:35:17 am] <@CompuServ> a modest proposal
[2:35:21 am] <@Tat> 29. TV/ Movies: 2000, This Movie was Released on September 29 The ---------
[2:35:22 am] <@emily> LjL: well SSL died
[2:35:23 am] <@gwillen> AltTriviaBot: I'm actually an AGI
[2:35:27 am] <@IronDeHavilland> shining
[2:35:28 am] <@aeth> matrix
[2:35:31 am] <@emily> LjL: so I'd like to believe Lee is frantically trying to shut it down
[2:35:32 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, exo_____
[2:35:32 am] <@KickServ> beautiful
[2:35:33 am] <@ZeroCool> winners
[2:35:35 am] <@ZeroCool> exotica
[2:35:35 am] <@aeth> exodus
[2:35:35 am] <@gwillen> exorcist
[2:35:35 am] <@IronDeHavilland> exodus
[2:35:35 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: exorcist Time: 13.494 Streak: 1 Points: 27 WPM: 7 Rank: 2nd
[2:35:36 am] <@theendoffreenode> exodus
[2:35:36 am] <@Tat> exocist
[2:35:36 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-13 rbraun-4 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 Subjective-1
[2:35:38 am] <@aeth> heh
[2:35:38 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by bu_pm_me_smthbroke to ChanServ on pissnet
[2:35:42 am] <@CompuServ> exoskeleton
[2:35:46 am] <@Tat> 30. Who wrote the hit musical West Side Story?
[2:35:49 am] <@Jigsy> Lee's probably high on coke right this second.
[2:35:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:35:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> leonard bernstein
[2:35:51 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: leonard bernstein Time: 4.368 Streak: 1 Points: 15 WPM: 46 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[2:35:51 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:35:51 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-13 rbraun-4 theendoffreenode-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Jigsy-2 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 Subjective-1
[2:35:54 am] <@CompuServ> dumb fuckingston
[2:36:00 am] <@emily> Jigsy: these are not mutually exclusive
[2:36:01 am] <@Tat> 31. TV/ Movies: In October of 1962, Johnny Carson succeeds him on the Tonight show?
[2:36:06 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:36:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yes
[2:36:07 am] <@ZeroCool> Jay Leno
[2:36:09 am] <@CompuServ> jack ruby
[2:36:10 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> this is kinda funny
[2:36:10 am] <@CrapBot> ^ comic chat
[2:36:11 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, jac__ ____
[2:36:11 am] <@CompuServ> jack someone
[2:36:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jack black
[2:36:14 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Jon Stewart
[2:36:15 am] <@CompuServ> jack fuck
[2:36:18 am] <@Guest0> Jack Jackson
[2:36:19 am] <@Jigsy> Jackie...
[2:36:19 am] <@theendoffreenode> jack jack
[2:36:19 am] <@CompuServ> i knew this one
[2:36:20 am] <@gwillen> jack paar
[2:36:20 am] * rbraun has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "THIS! IS! PISSNET!!!! (, DO NOT USE SSL) | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | trans rights | protect maned wolves (roark) | andrew lee statement:"
[2:36:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jack joe
[2:36:22 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Bojack Horseman
[2:36:26 am] <@beach> jakko jacksyk
[2:36:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jcak mel
[2:36:27 am] <@Jigsy> Steve Allen
[2:36:29 am] <@aeth> Jack Paar
[2:36:30 am] <@Tat> Jack parr
[2:36:30 am] <@Tat> Winner: Tat Answer: jack parr Time: 28.658 Streak: 1 Points: 101 WPM: 3 Rank: 1st
[2:36:31 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-13 rbraun-4 theendoffreenode-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Jigsy-2 Tat-1 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 Subjective-1
[2:36:32 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Steven Sagal
[2:36:33 am] <@aeth> damn it
[2:36:35 am] <@gwillen> oh fuck me
[2:36:35 am] * rbraun has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "THIS! IS! PISSNEEEEEEETTTTTTTTTT!! (, DO NOT USE SSL) | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | trans rights | protect maned wolves (roark) | andrew lee statement:"
[2:36:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> steven seagull
[2:36:37 am] <@CompuServ> jack paar
[2:36:38 am] <@aeth> I got that first by a second on my client
[2:36:39 am] <@AnonChan> grep: <itisnigh> <flippo@libera> aeth, I'm here for it
[2:36:39 am] <@AnonChan> write error
[2:36:39 am] <@AnonChan> shuf: write error: Broken pipe
[2:36:39 am] <@AnonChan> shuf: write error
[2:36:40 am] <@Tat> 32. UnScramble this Word: o r s d e c u?
[2:36:41 am] <@Tat> Who the fuck things that has two a?
[2:36:44 am] <@CompuServ> It's spelld "jack paar"
[2:36:46 am] <@CompuServ> that's wrong
[2:36:48 am] <@AltTriviaBot> wordscunt
[2:36:49 am] <@gwillen> welp
[2:36:50 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, cou____
[2:36:54 am] <@ZeroCool> cougars
[2:36:55 am] <@IronDeHavilland> coursed
[2:36:55 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: coursed Time: 14.789 Streak: 1 Points: 26 WPM: 5 Rank: 3rd
[2:36:56 am] <@Tat> cousin
[2:36:56 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-13 rbraun-4 IronDeHavilland-4 theendoffreenode-3 Jigsy-2 Tat-1 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 Subjective-1
[2:36:56 am] <@KickServ> coursed
[2:37:06 am] <@Tat> 33. What hobby was developed by the palmer paint company?
[2:37:07 am] <@emily> cursed
[2:37:10 am] <@emily> paint huffing
[2:37:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> play-doh
[2:37:11 am] <@AltTriviaBot> painting
[2:37:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> painting
[2:37:13 am] <@rbraun> emily++
[2:37:14 am] <@theendoffreenode> lurking
[2:37:15 am] <@Jigsy> Paintball
[2:37:15 am] <@ZeroCool> miniatures
[2:37:15 am] <@Guest42> paintball
[2:37:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> slip-and-slide
[2:37:16 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, painti___ ___ _______
[2:37:16 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@freenode_new> ah, there goes fnlol
[2:37:16 am] <@Guest0> palmikng
[2:37:19 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@freenode_new> we barely knew ye
[2:37:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> painting the house
[2:37:20 am] <@rbraun> painting by numbers
[2:37:20 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: painting by numbers Time: 14.055 Streak: 1 Points: 12 WPM: 16 Rank: 8th
[2:37:21 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-13 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-4 theendoffreenode-3 Jigsy-2 Tat-1 DickServ-1 emily-1 CompuServ-1 beach-1 Subjective-1
[2:37:21 am] <-* Jigsy has kicked Tat from ##apocalypse (Mass highlight was detected. (13))
[2:37:21 am] <@AltTriviaBot> emily++
[2:37:22 am] <@CompuServ> painting bodies
[2:37:23 am] <@Disconsented> football!
[2:37:23 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by bu_pm_me_smthbroke to ChanServ on pissnet
[2:37:24 am] <@ZeroCool> underwater basket weavig
[2:37:24 am] --> Tat ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:37:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Tat by CrapBot
[2:37:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b *!*Tat@* by Jigsy
[2:37:24 am] <-* Jigsy has kicked Tat from ##apocalypse (No, you will not be spam-advertising in here. Grab a rope, find a tree, hang yourself. (2019))
[2:37:24 am] <@Jigsy> Oh, shit.
[2:37:27 am] <@gwillen> oh no :-(
[2:37:28 am] <@Jigsy> 1m.
[2:37:28 am] <@Guest0> painting the town red
[2:37:34 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -b *!*Tat@* by Jigsy
[2:37:35 am] <@gwillen> Jigsy: you fool
[2:37:35 am] <@theendoffreenode> oh no
[2:37:35 am] <@CompuServ> lol jigsy stop
[2:37:37 am] <@KickServ> xD
[2:37:38 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> wow, I got k-lined
[2:37:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> what
[2:37:40 am] <@Guest0> wait wat
[2:37:45 am] <@Subjective> CalimeroTeknik: omg it's a stream I love it
[2:37:45 am] <@emily> rip trivia...
[2:37:45 am] <@gwillen> Jigsy: XD XD XD
[2:37:48 am] --> LambdaComplex (~adam@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:37:48 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o LambdaComplex by CrapBot
[2:37:49 am] <@CompuServ> white_flame: from where
[2:37:49 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> White_Flame: you're fnlol?
[2:37:50 am] <@Guest0> oh no, are the snowflakes here?
[2:37:51 am] <@theendoffreenode> THE END IS NEAR
[2:37:53 am] <@Jigsy> !invite Tat
[2:37:53 am] <@CrapBot> The operation succeeded.
[2:37:54 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> gerard: yes
[2:37:57 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> what'd you do
[2:38:03 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Uhhh shit I guess I'm the next act
[2:38:04 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> White_Flame: hah, well, that took longer than expected :)
[2:38:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o+v Jigsy Jigsy by Jigsy
[2:38:10 am] <@KickServ> !trivia 9999999999999999
[2:38:10 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia
[2:38:11 am] --> Tat ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:38:11 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Tat by CrapBot
[2:38:12 am] <+Jigsy> Someone bring Tat back.
[2:38:12 am] <@Guest0> Lete's
[2:38:13 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia
[2:38:15 am] <@gerard> CompuServ: your message will not make it to the other end of the bridge for a long time, fyi
[2:38:18 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia
[2:38:19 am] <@rbraun> !trivia 20000
[2:38:22 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> aeth: just talking about what channels remain, if there were decisions to remain by projects, or just those remaining by inertia
[2:38:23 am] <@CompuServ> !strivia
[2:38:23 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:38:23 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Selicre of 0.609. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[2:38:24 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia
[2:38:25 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:38:27 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Category: Scapegoats, Question: Who do we blame for all the problems with desktop linux?
[2:38:28 am] <@CompuServ> here we go
[2:38:29 am] <@beach> Hello White_Flame
[2:38:30 am] <@Dick_Nachos> !op Jigsy
[2:38:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Jigsy by CrapBot
[2:38:31 am] <@Tat> Mass higlight was detected!
[2:38:31 am] <-- nrr_ (~nrr@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2:38:31 am] <-- nrr (~nrr@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2:38:32 am] <@theendoffreenode> lets goooooooooooo
[2:38:32 am] <@gwillen> AltTriviaBot: systemd!!
[2:38:33 am] <@Jigsy> No, don't.
[2:38:34 am] <@Tat> Lol
[2:38:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o+v Jigsy Jigsy by Jigsy
[2:38:35 am] <@KickServ> andrew lee
[2:38:36 am] <@beach> Me
[2:38:39 am] <+Jigsy> My script will kick Tat again.
[2:38:40 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> aeth: pretty flat noninflammatory stuff, compareed to me shuffling people off freenode continually all day ;)
[2:38:40 am] <@Tat> 1. Who hosts the monza grand prix?
[2:38:42 am] <@CompuServ> lennart poettering
[2:38:43 am] <@Dick_Nachos> !deop Jigsy
[2:38:43 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o Jigsy by CrapBot
[2:38:46 am] <@ZeroCool> Monza
[2:38:47 am] <@Guest0> Spain
[2:38:47 am] <@theendoffreenode> antonio banderas
[2:38:47 am] <@rbraun> Jigsy: can you unload it
[2:38:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> italy
[2:38:48 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: italy Time: 7.816 Streak: 1 Points: 27 WPM: 7 Rank: 2nd Previously: 3rd
[2:38:48 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-1
[2:38:48 am] <@Tat> IronDeHavilland has moved up in rank: 2nd
[2:38:49 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Correct answer: systemd, gwillen is in the lead
[2:38:51 am] <+Jigsy> No.
[2:38:52 am] <@beach> I blame Unix actually
[2:38:56 am] <@alezakos> !whoami
[2:38:56 am] <@CrapBot> I don't recognize you. You can message me either of these two commands: identify <username> <password> to log in or register <username> <password> to register.
[2:38:57 am] <@CompuServ> alttriviabot: lennart poettering
[2:38:59 am] <@rbraun> Jigsy: why
[2:38:59 am] <@Tat> 2. TV/ Movies: 1939 - Lucille Ball - Starred In This Movie:
[2:39:01 am] <+Jigsy> I could probably make an exception.
[2:39:02 am] <+Jigsy> 1m.
[2:39:02 am] <@ZeroCool> Star Trek
[2:39:05 am] <@CompuServ> lennart poettering
[2:39:05 am] <@theendoffreenode> the wizard of oz
[2:39:06 am] <@ZeroCool> I Love Lucy
[2:39:08 am] <@Guest0> Avatar
[2:39:09 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, pana___ ____
[2:39:09 am] <@demon> ssl goes boom
[2:39:12 am] <@CompuServ> panasonic
[2:39:12 am] <@theendoffreenode> panama papers
[2:39:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> no soup for you! 1m.
[2:39:12 am] <@beach> panama papers
[2:39:12 am] <@rbraun> panama canal
[2:39:12 am] <@ZeroCool> panama canal
[2:39:14 am] <@BrickServ> CrapBot identify 12345
[2:39:14 am] <@CrapBot> When FiSH is loaded, users can't identify plaintext. Sorry, but now I gotta reset your password.
[2:39:14 am] <-- Subjective (~Subjectiv@ has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:39:14 am] <@gwillen> panama lady
[2:39:15 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: panama lady Time: 15.834 Streak: 1 Points: 28 WPM: 8 Rank: 2nd
[2:39:15 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:39:15 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- Noisytoot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- enyc ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- |-\_ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- CyL (~cyl@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:15 am] <-- LambdaComplex (~adam@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:39:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> panasonic
[2:39:20 am] <@gerard> yay ssl again
[2:39:21 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:21 am] --> enyc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:21 am] --> |-\_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Baylee by CrapBot
[2:39:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o enyc by CrapBot
[2:39:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o |-\_ by CrapBot
[2:39:22 am] <@aeth> White_Flame: no channels remain. Some channels might exist at the same domain+channel name, but they are distinct channels
[2:39:24 am] --> Noisytoot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Noisytoot by CrapBot
[2:39:25 am] <@CompuServ> panache
[2:39:25 am] <@Tat> 3. In 1946 Hayley ---------- (in London, England), actor, born.
[2:39:29 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KindOne by CrapBot
[2:39:29 am] <@beach> Patton
[2:39:30 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Larkin by CrapBot
[2:39:31 am] <@alezakos> comet
[2:39:31 am] --> CyL (~cyl@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:31 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CyL by CrapBot
[2:39:31 am] <@CompuServ> quincy
[2:39:35 am] <@CompuServ> afdssfsa
[2:39:35 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, mi___
[2:39:36 am] <@ZeroCool> Oswalt
[2:39:36 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:36 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o not-joepie91 by CrapBot
[2:39:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:39:39 am] <@Guest0> Bailey
[2:39:39 am] <@gwillen> mills
[2:39:39 am] --> LambdaComplex (~adam@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o LambdaComplex by CrapBot
[2:39:39 am] <@alezakos> miles
[2:39:39 am] <@ZeroCool> Mini
[2:39:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> millie
[2:39:39 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: mills Time: 13.728 Streak: 2 Points: 29 WPM: 4 Rank: 2nd
[2:39:39 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:39:40 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Arrowmaster by CrapBot
[2:39:41 am] --> Subjective (~Subjectiv@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:41 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Subjective by CrapBot
[2:39:45 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:45 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o phy1729 by CrapBot
[2:39:49 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:39:49 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Cupid by CrapBot
[2:39:50 am] <@Tat> 4. What is ambergis used in the making of?
[2:39:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> perfume
[2:39:54 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: perfume Time: 4.181 Streak: 1 Points: 28 WPM: 20 Rank: 3rd
[2:39:54 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 IronDeHavilland-2
[2:39:55 am] <@emily> ambergers
[2:39:55 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:39:56 am] <@Subjective> the what
[2:39:57 am] <@ZeroCool> perfume
[2:39:57 am] <@AltTriviaBot> ambergis juice
[2:40:02 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:40:02 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Cupid by CrapBot
[2:40:03 am] <+Jigsy> Done.
[2:40:04 am] <@gwillen> hamburger obviously
[2:40:05 am] <@ZeroCool> Whale throw-up stuff.
[2:40:05 am] <@Tat> 5. Category: Celebrity Lovers: What is the FIRST NAME of U.S. Vice President Al Gore's wife?
[2:40:10 am] <@AltTriviaBot> tipper
[2:40:10 am] <@ZeroCool> Tipper
[2:40:11 am] <@Tat> Winner: AltTriviaBot Answer: tipper Time: 5.07 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 14 Rank: 24th Previously: 37th
[2:40:11 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 IronDeHavilland-2 AltTriviaBot-1
[2:40:11 am] <@Tat> AltTriviaBot has moved up in rank: 24th
[2:40:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> monica
[2:40:12 am] <@CompuServ> twiggy
[2:40:14 am] <@Guest0> Mrs
[2:40:15 am] <@AltTriviaBot> wow I got one
[2:40:19 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by aeth_ to aeth on libera
[2:40:19 am] <@gwillen> AltTriviaBot: ^5
[2:40:19 am] <@CompuServ> mrs piggy
[2:40:21 am] <@Tat> 6. Category: Trivia : Who invented the toothbrush?
[2:40:25 am] <@ZeroCool> Bob
[2:40:25 am] <@theendoffreenode> andrew lee
[2:40:27 am] <@emily> mr. toothbrush
[2:40:27 am] <@CompuServ> tooth brushingston
[2:40:28 am] <@alezakos> David Hasselhoff
[2:40:29 am] <@terpri> god
[2:40:29 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> oh, right this is going to take forever to sync live because of the year questions on the trivia bot
[2:40:29 am] <@gwillen> william addis
[2:40:30 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: william addis Time: 8.377 Streak: 1 Points: 30 WPM: 18 Rank: 2nd
[2:40:30 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 IronDeHavilland-2 AltTriviaBot-1
[2:40:30 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:40:31 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- enyc ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- |-\_ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- Noisytoot ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- CyL (~cyl@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- LambdaComplex (~adam@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- Subjective (~Subjectiv@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:31 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:40:34 am] <+Jigsy> !op
[2:40:35 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Jigsy by CrapBot
[2:40:35 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> White_Flame: no channels remain. Some channels might exist at the same domain+channel name, but they are distinct channels
[2:40:37 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:40:37 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Baylee by CrapBot
[2:40:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:40:40 am] --> Noisytoot_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:40:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Noisytoot_ by CrapBot
[2:40:40 am] <@Tat> 7. UnScramble this Word: m s l b d e a?
[2:40:42 am] <@Jigsy> It should ignore everyone on the network.
[2:40:43 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +b $z$##apocalypse-tls by rbraun
[2:40:47 am] --> CyL (~cyl@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:40:47 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:40:47 am] <@demon> ssl goes boom
[2:40:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CyL by CrapBot
[2:40:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Larkin by CrapBot
[2:40:47 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:40:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KindOne by CrapBot
[2:40:48 am] -*- Tat preps for a bug to kick him.
[2:40:50 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, bed____
[2:40:51 am] <@terpri> mslbdea
[2:40:52 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:40:52 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:40:52 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o not-joepie91 by CrapBot
[2:40:52 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Arrowmaster by CrapBot
[2:40:52 am] <@gwillen> bedlams
[2:40:53 am] <@CompuServ> bedbugs
[2:40:53 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: bedlams Time: 12.464 Streak: 2 Points: 31 WPM: 6 Rank: 2nd
[2:40:53 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 IronDeHavilland-2 AltTriviaBot-1
[2:40:54 am] <@ZeroCool> bedlam
[2:40:57 am] --> Subjective (~Subjectiv@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:40:57 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Subjective by CrapBot
[2:40:59 am] <@gerard> rbraun: is that an extban for ssl connections?
[2:41:01 am] <@CompuServ> i didnt see question
[2:41:02 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:41:02 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o phy1729 by CrapBot
[2:41:03 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:41:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Cupid by CrapBot
[2:41:03 am] <@Tat> 8. TV/ Movies: Who is featured on 1984s the best of annette?
[2:41:04 am] <@rbraun> gerard: it should be
[2:41:06 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> aeth: there were a lot of sycophants active on #freenode at the time, not sure who did it
[2:41:07 am] <@gerard> rbraun: neat
[2:41:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:41:09 am] <@Cupid> and I got disconnected ncie
[2:41:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:41:10 am] <@ZeroCool> Lucille Ball
[2:41:13 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, annett__ _________
[2:41:13 am] <@CompuServ> pee pee poo poo
[2:41:17 am] <@Guest0> its clearly mel gibson
[2:41:20 am] <@gwillen> annette funicello
[2:41:20 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: annette funicello Time: 16.567 Streak: 3 Points: 32 WPM: 12 Rank: 2nd
[2:41:20 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-5 IronDeHavilland-2 AltTriviaBot-1
[2:41:20 am] -*- Tat hands gwillen a cold beer for getting the last 3 questions!
[2:41:20 am] <@Tat> You're on fire!
[2:41:21 am] <@ZeroCool> annette crapshoot
[2:41:22 am] <@aeth> I'm not sure why people are using SSL to connect to a network that has no services and that cannot be assumed to be secure
[2:41:27 am] <@CompuServ> ^
[2:41:29 am] <@gwillen> aeth: force of habit I guess.
[2:41:30 am] <@Tat> 9. "Louis, 1 think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" are the last words of which film?
[2:41:31 am] <@terpri> that's what we have CAs for
[2:41:33 am] <@rbraun> white_flame: lmao
[2:41:35 am] <@Jigsy> The oper vanished again.
[2:41:37 am] <@gerard> aeth: because normalising encrypted connections is a good thing
[2:41:38 am] <@theendoffreenode> casablanca
[2:41:38 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: casablanca Time: 7.566 Streak: 1 Points: 16 WPM: 15 Rank: 5th
[2:41:38 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-5 IronDeHavilland-2 theendoffreenode-1 AltTriviaBot-1
[2:41:38 am] <@KickServ> oldnode is pretty secure
[2:41:43 am] <@ZeroCool> The Ghostbusters
[2:41:49 am] <@Tat> 10. Whose single season strikeout record did Nolan Ryan beat by one?
[2:41:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:41:54 am] <@CompuServ> babe ruth
[2:41:57 am] <@gwillen> sandy koufax
[2:41:57 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: sandy koufax Time: 8.315 Streak: 1 Points: 33 WPM: 17 Rank: 2nd
[2:41:57 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> Is there a non-comic mirror stream of #freenode somewhere? there was in the past, but I didn't hook into it
[2:41:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-6 IronDeHavilland-2 theendoffreenode-1 AltTriviaBot-1
[2:41:58 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:41:58 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Selicre of 0.609. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[2:41:58 am] <@alezakos> insecure networks, ISP fears, firewalls, questionable proxies etc.
[2:41:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> michael jackson
[2:42:00 am] <@aeth> gerard: except when the whole reason we're here is to see the end of the server, which means that it's yet another thing that can fail first
[2:42:10 am] --> LambdaComplex (~adam@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:42:10 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o LambdaComplex by CrapBot
[2:42:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !trivia 2
[2:42:15 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 2 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:42:16 am] <@gerard> aeth: only if the server operators are incompete.. right
[2:42:18 am] <@ZeroCool> !trivia 9000
[2:42:18 am] <@gerard> :)
[2:42:19 am] <@alezakos> like if your username is "fuckwhatever" you don't want your employer to know
[2:42:21 am] <@emily> aeth: I wanted to see when TLS failed!
[2:42:25 am] <@CompuServ> mystery science theater 3000
[2:42:27 am] --> flyback ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:42:28 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o flyback by CrapBot
[2:42:30 am] <@Tat> 1. Who is the lamest fakest prince ever?
[2:42:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:42:33 am] <@gwillen> ...
[2:42:34 am] <@rbraun> andrew lee
[2:42:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> andrew lee
[2:42:34 am] <@KickServ> andrew lee
[2:42:34 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: Andrew Lee Time: 3.744 Streak: 1 Points: 13 WPM: 32 Rank: 8th
[2:42:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-1
[2:42:34 am] <@ZeroCool> Lee
[2:42:35 am] <@CompuServ> prince harry
[2:42:36 am] <@Guest0> HAHAHAHA
[2:42:37 am] <@cottsay> LOL
[2:42:37 am] <@gwillen> XD
[2:42:37 am] <@Dick_Nachos> we might want to think of all going down to +h except for one or two people
[2:42:38 am] <@emily> lmao
[2:42:39 am] <@theendoffreenode> LMAO
[2:42:39 am] <@terpri> lol
[2:42:40 am] <@usernameshouldgo> LOOOL
[2:42:41 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o flyback by flyback
[2:42:41 am] <@ZeroCool> XD
[2:42:42 am] <@Guest0> lmfaoooo
[2:42:42 am] <@AltTriviaBot> fresh prince of bel air
[2:42:45 am] <@Tat> 2. A group of ducks is called?
[2:42:47 am] <@CompuServ> wait, andrew lee?
[2:42:47 am] --> nrr (~nrr@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:42:47 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o nrr by CrapBot
[2:42:47 am] <@gwillen> Tat are you messing with the database by any chance
[2:42:48 am] --> nrr_ (~nrr@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:42:48 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o nrr_ by CrapBot
[2:42:48 am] <@rbraun> gaggle
[2:42:48 am] <@ZeroCool> Flock
[2:42:49 am] <@AltTriviaBot> a gang
[2:42:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> CUACK
[2:42:53 am] <@gwillen> a fuck
[2:42:53 am] <@CompuServ> what's the joke here, I'm missing something
[2:42:54 am] <@Jigsy> A Quackening
[2:42:55 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, br___
[2:42:57 am] <@BrickServ> a cuack
[2:42:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> bro
[2:42:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> branch
[2:42:58 am] <@cottsay> brood
[2:42:58 am] <@alezakos> bristol
[2:43:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bide
[2:43:02 am] <@alezakos> brunch
[2:43:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> brood
[2:43:02 am] <@CompuServ> unless it's like the machiavellian prince
[2:43:03 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bride
[2:43:03 am] <@gerard> Dick_Nachos: y tho
[2:43:04 am] <@AltTriviaBot> joe biden
[2:43:04 am] <@alezakos> broccoli
[2:43:04 am] <@emily> brexit
[2:43:05 am] <@BrickServ> it's obviously a cuack
[2:43:08 am] <@CompuServ> duck
[2:43:08 am] <@terpri> breakfast
[2:43:09 am] <@ZeroCool> brickle
[2:43:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> brood
[2:43:10 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o Subjective by Subjective
[2:43:11 am] <@gwillen> bread
[2:43:13 am] <@rbraun> brood
[2:43:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:43:15 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Subjective by alezakos
[2:43:17 am] <@gwillen> brontosaurus
[2:43:19 am] <@ZeroCool> breed
[2:43:20 am] <@gwillen> brew
[2:43:21 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> Hey beach
[2:43:21 am] <@Guest0> brunch
[2:43:21 am] <@alezakos> Bromide
[2:43:22 am] <@gwillen> brat
[2:43:23 am] <@AltTriviaBot> brontosaurus
[2:43:24 am] <@gwillen> bristol
[2:43:24 am] <@KickServ> broth
[2:43:25 am] <@Tat> brood
[2:43:26 am] <@terpri> bruck
[2:43:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> brick
[2:43:27 am] <@rbraun> brod
[2:43:28 am] <@ZeroCool> Bingus
[2:43:29 am] <@rbraun> broo
[2:43:29 am] <@alezakos> brauch
[2:43:30 am] <@Tat> !last
[2:43:31 am] <@CrapBot> [18:44:23] <alezakos> brauch
[2:43:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> brotherhood
[2:43:32 am] <-- solexious (sid331@gateway/web/ has quit
[2:43:33 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> CompuServ: the neo-freenode #freenode
[2:43:34 am] <@Subjective> ok
[2:43:35 am] <@AltTriviaBot> bacon
[2:43:36 am] <@rbraun> broods
[2:43:36 am] <@rbraun> broos
[2:43:38 am] <@terpri> brunch
[2:43:41 am] <@cottsay> brap
[2:43:42 am] <@Tat> broode
[2:43:45 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: brace
[2:43:45 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:43:45 am] <@AltTriviaBot> barcode
[2:43:48 am] <@Tat> Fuck.
[2:43:50 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> (this is impossible to follow with this triviabot)
[2:43:50 am] <@gwillen> that's not ducks
[2:43:51 am] <@Guest0> how did wee not get that
[2:43:52 am] <@itisnigh> <flippo@freenode_new> Hello from "freenode"
[2:43:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !trivia 20
[2:43:53 am] <@ZeroCool> It's raft...
[2:43:53 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 20 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:43:54 am] <@itisnigh> <flippo@libera> Hello from Libera.Chat
[2:44:04 am] <@Dick_Nachos> gerard: because we're just asking for someone to show up and be a script kiddie and take the channel, lol
[2:44:08 am] <@gwillen> Guest0: because it's wrong :-P
[2:44:09 am] <@Tat> 1. In Knight Rider,what does K.I.T.T.'s name stand for?
[2:44:11 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@freenode_new> flippo: hey. fyi: the linkbot has a massive queue so you're better off joining the other place directly
[2:44:12 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o flyback by PissServ
[2:44:14 am] <@AltTriviaBot> flippo: are we being spied on?
[2:44:16 am] <@cottsay> knight industry three thousand
[2:44:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> knight industries two thousand
[2:44:17 am] -*- AltTriviaBot puts his clothes back on
[2:44:18 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: Knight Industries Two Thousand Time: 8.737 Streak: 1 Points: 29 WPM: 41 Rank: 3rd
[2:44:18 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-1
[2:44:20 am] <@Dick_Nachos> I don't think we thought we'd be here this long
[2:44:20 am] <@ZeroCool> Kurious Intelligence Type Three
[2:44:20 am] <@gerard> Dick_Nachos: peak irc
[2:44:21 am] --> enyc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:44:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o enyc by CrapBot
[2:44:22 am] --> |-\_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:44:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o |-\_ by CrapBot
[2:44:23 am] <@CompuServ> AltTriviaBot, constantly
[2:44:28 am] <@Jigsy> Yeah, nearly 4h.
[2:44:28 am] <@Tat> 2. What is the fear of movement or motion known as?
[2:44:31 am] <@aeth> every other server died so quickly
[2:44:32 am] <@theendoffreenode> cinetophobia
[2:44:33 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: kinetophobia Time: 4.57 Streak: 1 Points: 17 WPM: 31 Rank: 5th
[2:44:33 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:44:34 am] <@Jigsy> Ergophobia
[2:44:36 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> the relay is pretty behind it seems
[2:44:39 am] <@CompuServ> motionphobia
[2:44:43 am] <@Tat> 3. TV/ Movies: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in this movie: Hotel New Hampshire - 1984?
[2:44:48 am] <@itisnigh> <flippo@freenode_new> gerard, I was trying to measure the lag. Better than expected!
[2:44:49 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> Neith: yes, note topic
[2:44:49 am] <@ZeroCool> Lucille Ball
[2:44:49 am] <@alezakos> What's your favourite protocol?
[2:44:50 am] <@Guest0> Mel Gibson
[2:44:51 am] <@CompuServ> fuck i should know that
[2:44:53 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, jodi__ ______
[2:44:55 am] <@KickServ> Jodie Foster
[2:44:55 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: jodie foster Time: 11.544 Streak: 1 Points: 15 WPM: 12 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[2:44:55 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[2:44:55 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 6th
[2:44:57 am] <@Jigsy> Jodi...
[2:45:06 am] <@Tat> 4. What is a tombstone inscription called?
[2:45:06 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> Honestly, I though ##apocalypse itself wouldn't last very long and when I registered it I wondered if it would even go through. Probably one of the last registered channels. Of course, not like it matters since the last server isn't connected to services.
[2:45:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> epitaph
[2:45:10 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: epitaph Time: 3.869 Streak: 1 Points: 30 WPM: 21 Rank: 3rd
[2:45:10 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-2 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1
[2:45:14 am] <@CompuServ> a tombstone inscription
[2:45:15 am] <@CompuServ> duh
[2:45:15 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> gerard: ah I didn't notice the topic
[2:45:20 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> Neith: no worries :)
[2:45:20 am] <@Tat> 5. A boat or raft with two parallel hulls?
[2:45:24 am] <@gwillen> catamaran
[2:45:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> catamaran
[2:45:24 am] <@rbraun> catamaran
[2:45:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: catamaran Time: 3.682 Streak: 1 Points: 34 WPM: 29 Rank: 2nd
[2:45:24 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-2 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 gwillen-1
[2:45:32 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> *the topic had been changed to include that, I am connected to it lol
[2:45:34 am] <@Tat> 6. Animal Trivia: The leech has 32 brains - 31 more than a ---------
[2:45:35 am] <@ZeroCool> parallelaran
[2:45:38 am] <@gwillen> is there a way to see the overall leaderboard
[2:45:38 am] <@rbraun> human
[2:45:39 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: human Time: 4.134 Streak: 1 Points: 14 WPM: 14 Rank: 8th
[2:45:39 am] <@Tat> Current Round: IronDeHavilland-2 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 gwillen-1
[2:45:39 am] <@gwillen> person
[2:45:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> human
[2:45:39 am] <@alezakos> human
[2:45:39 am] <@ZeroCool> worm
[2:45:40 am] <@theendoffreenode> andrew lee
[2:45:41 am] <@gwillen> lol
[2:45:41 am] <@Jigsy> Freenode owner
[2:45:44 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@freenode_new> flippo: haha, it depends on which direction you're measuring :)
[2:45:48 am] <@KickServ> theendoffreenode: technically correct answer
[2:45:49 am] <@Tat> 7. UnScramble this Word: r w r o a?
[2:45:51 am] <@gwillen> arrow
[2:45:52 am] <@rbraun> Jigsy: no, that's a difference of 32
[2:45:52 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: arrow Time: 2.34 Streak: 1 Points: 35 WPM: 25 Rank: 2nd
[2:45:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 IronDeHavilland-2 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[2:45:53 am] <@Guest0> Andrew Lee with one extra brain
[2:45:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rawr
[2:45:53 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> looks like it's starting to catch up tho
[2:45:56 am] <@cottsay> roawr
[2:45:57 am] <@Jigsy> lol.
[2:46:02 am] <@Tat> 8. Parton what is the official birthplace of country music?
[2:46:02 am] <@rbraun> Jigsy: you're sure that script is unloaded?
[2:46:04 am] <@ZeroCool> We've slowed down then.
[2:46:05 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> the whole bridge thing was manageable until everyone got opped and then eventually someone brought in a triviabot. The triviabot itself isn't that bad, until a years question comes up, because everyone guesses
[2:46:08 am] <@ZeroCool> The south
[2:46:08 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Jonestown
[2:46:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> usa
[2:46:10 am] <@theendoffreenode> north dakota
[2:46:11 am] <@emily> parton, dolly
[2:46:12 am] <@phy1729> Nashville
[2:46:12 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, bri____
[2:46:12 am] <@Jigsy> I added freenode to the entire ignore list.
[2:46:15 am] <@rbraun> bridge
[2:46:15 am] <@KickServ> brian
[2:46:16 am] <@phy1729> briton
[2:46:18 am] <@ZeroCool> brickle
[2:46:18 am] <@theendoffreenode> brighton
[2:46:19 am] <@KickServ> bristol
[2:46:19 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: bristol Time: 16.942 Streak: 1 Points: 16 WPM: 4 Rank: 6th
[2:46:20 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-2 gwillen-2 IronDeHavilland-2 theendoffreenode-1 rbraun-1
[2:46:22 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> Neith: it does its best
[2:46:26 am] <@ZeroCool> WAT
[2:46:30 am] <@Tat> 9. What is the flower that stands for: bonds?
[2:46:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rose
[2:46:34 am] <@rbraun> oh, parton is not in the actual question
[2:46:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lily
[2:46:35 am] <@theendoffreenode> rose
[2:46:38 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> Neith: the link with pissnet is actually pretty good since it is exempt from flooding rules there :>
[2:46:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tuberose
[2:46:38 am] <@rbraun> bristol, TN
[2:46:40 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, conv_______
[2:46:42 am] <@Tat> yellow roses
[2:46:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> convolute
[2:46:43 am] <@ZeroCool> converse
[2:46:46 am] <@AltTriviaBot> covfefe
[2:46:46 am] <@KickServ> convalia
[2:46:46 am] <@theendoffreenode> convoluta
[2:46:47 am] <@Guest0> Next quiz topics:
[2:46:47 am] <@alezakos> convolutional coding
[2:46:48 am] <@Jigsy> If shit hits the fan again, I'll just deop myself.
[2:46:49 am] <@CrapBot> ^ Cocaine Quiz - In The Know Zone
[2:46:50 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> ah
[2:46:52 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> Neith: it does only send 2 messages per second
[2:46:53 am] <@cottsay> convel gibson
[2:46:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> covfefe
[2:46:56 am] <@Jigsy> But it shouldn't.
[2:47:01 am] <@ZeroCool> convalescent
[2:47:04 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> however, use pissnet at your own risk because if it adds you to the dronebl, you will get klined (on all connections) next time you connect to libera
[2:47:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> conversation
[2:47:07 am] <-- enyc ( has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[2:47:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> conversion
[2:47:08 am] <-- Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- Noisytoot_ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- Larkin ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- not-joepie91 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- Subjective (~Subjectiv@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- phy1729 ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- LambdaComplex (~adam@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- CyL (~cyl@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- KindOne ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:08 am] <-- |-\_ ( has quit (Write error: Broken pipe)
[2:47:10 am] <@AltTriviaBot> theendoffreenode: I know we got it right the bot is stupid
[2:47:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> convoluted
[2:47:14 am] --> Baylee (uid137715@gateway/web/ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:47:14 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Baylee by CrapBot
[2:47:14 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> aeth: :(
[2:47:16 am] --> Noisytoot ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:47:16 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Noisytoot by CrapBot
[2:47:16 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> (in other words, don't use pissnet)
[2:47:23 am] <-- nrr_ (~nrr@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2:47:23 am] <-- nrr (~nrr@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[2:47:24 am] --> KindOne ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:47:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o KindOne by CrapBot
[2:47:24 am] --> CyL (~cyl@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:47:24 am] --> Larkin ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:47:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o CyL by CrapBot
[2:47:24 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Larkin by CrapBot
[2:47:29 am] --> Subjective (~Subjectiv@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:47:29 am] --> not-joepie91 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:47:29 am] --> Arrowmaster (~Arrowmast@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:47:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Subjective by CrapBot
[2:47:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o not-joepie91 by CrapBot
[2:47:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Arrowmaster by CrapBot
[2:47:30 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: convolvulus
[2:47:31 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> yeah I'm not really sure what pissnet even is so I don't think I'm gonna connect lol
[2:47:32 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> aeth: or link your own node and connect from a private ip
[2:47:35 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> aeth: :)
[2:47:36 am] <@theendoffreenode> convovulva
[2:47:37 am] <@CompuServ> convolvua
[2:47:39 am] --> phy1729 ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:47:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o phy1729 by CrapBot
[2:47:39 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> Neith: just... don't google it
[2:47:40 am] <@Tat> 10. A hoop worn under skirts is called a what?
[2:47:43 am] <@rbraun> Jigsy: you're sure it's *this* freenode that's ignored
[2:47:44 am] <@cottsay> a hoop
[2:47:46 am] <@CompuServ> a hoopskirt
[2:47:46 am] <@itisnigh> <aj@pissnet> wait pissnet can add you to dronedl?
[2:47:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bracket
[2:47:49 am] <@CompuServ> a skirt hoop
[2:47:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> a slut
[2:47:50 am] <@ZeroCool> brace
[2:47:50 am] <@terpri> hula hoop
[2:47:50 am] <@KickServ> hoop skirt
[2:47:50 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, fart_______
[2:47:53 am] <@Jigsy> I'm not on the other one.
[2:47:53 am] <@theendoffreenode> fart
[2:47:53 am] <@CompuServ> fart skirt
[2:47:54 am] <@cottsay> fartring
[2:47:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> fartkeeper
[2:47:55 am] <@ZeroCool> fartharder
[2:47:55 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> heh yeah fair, seems like something you wouldn't want to google
[2:47:56 am] <@terpri> fart hoop
[2:47:56 am] <@CompuServ> fart hoop
[2:48:00 am] <@CompuServ> hoop fart
[2:48:00 am] <@Jigsy> %highlight.warning.ignore freenode:*,Libera.Chat:*
[2:48:00 am] <@ZeroCool> farthing
[2:48:01 am] <@Guest0> andrew lee
[2:48:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> farthing
[2:48:02 am] <@CompuServ> hooplah
[2:48:03 am] <@theendoffreenode> fartguarder
[2:48:03 am] <@KickServ> farthingale
[2:48:04 am] <@rbraun> farthingale
[2:48:04 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: farthingale Time: 23.353 Streak: 1 Points: 17 WPM: 5 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[2:48:04 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-3 gwillen-2 IronDeHavilland-2 theendoffreenode-1 rbraun-1
[2:48:04 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:48:10 am] <@AltTriviaBot> who the hell puts fart in the name of a piece of woman's clothing?
[2:48:11 am] <@Guest0> fuck off
[2:48:14 am] <@Tat> 11. Baby Names Beginning With "T": Meaning: Land of Owen, Young Soldier?
[2:48:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tom
[2:48:19 am] <@cottsay> tom
[2:48:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tim
[2:48:20 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Tenacious D
[2:48:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> troy
[2:48:21 am] <@CompuServ> timothy
[2:48:21 am] <@ZeroCool> Taurus
[2:48:21 am] <@terpri> towen
[2:48:22 am] --> Cupid ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:48:22 am] <@KickServ> thomas
[2:48:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Cupid by CrapBot
[2:48:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> toto
[2:48:24 am] <@phy1729> town
[2:48:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tony
[2:48:24 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ty____
[2:48:25 am] <@CompuServ> tim
[2:48:25 am] <@Jigsy> Ah, urm...
[2:48:25 am] --> LambdaComplex (~adam@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:48:25 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o LambdaComplex by CrapBot
[2:48:26 am] <@Jigsy> !deop
[2:48:26 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -o Jigsy by CrapBot
[2:48:26 am] <@cottsay> tyler
[2:48:27 am] <@CompuServ> tybalt
[2:48:27 am] <@phy1729> tyson
[2:48:27 am] <@LambdaComplex> Why do I keep getting disconnected
[2:48:27 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tyrone
[2:48:27 am] <@KickServ> tywin
[2:48:27 am] <@Guest0> Tyrrone
[2:48:27 am] <@theendoffreenode> tyler
[2:48:27 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: tyrone Time: 12.823 Streak: 1 Points: 31 WPM: 5 Rank: 3rd
[2:48:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 gwillen-2 theendoffreenode-1 rbraun-1
[2:48:28 am] <@ZeroCool> Tysonh
[2:48:28 am] <@Tat> tyrone
[2:48:30 am] <@KickServ> :D
[2:48:30 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> Neith: has some background if you're curious
[2:48:31 am] <@CrapBot> ^ · GitHub
[2:48:38 am] <@Tat> 12. In the TV series 'Absolutely Fabulous, who played the part of 'Bubbles'?
[2:48:40 am] <+Jigsy> Seems that only applies to warnings.
[2:48:44 am] <@DickServ> mel gibson
[2:48:44 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:48:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:48:48 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, jane_ ________
[2:48:48 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Mr Lahey
[2:48:50 am] <@CompuServ> a monkey
[2:48:50 am] <@KickServ> jane gibson
[2:48:52 am] <@theendoffreenode> jane fonda
[2:48:52 am] <@ZeroCool> Jane Foster
[2:48:53 am] <@DickServ> jane gibson
[2:48:55 am] <@CompuServ> janet
[2:48:56 am] <@phy1729> janeway
[2:48:58 am] <@cottsay> janet jackson
[2:48:58 am] <@Cupid> adiirc if you could stay connected that would be lovely
[2:48:59 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Ricky
[2:49:00 am] --> BalloonPup ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:49:00 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o BalloonPup by CrapBot
[2:49:02 am] <@ZeroCool> Janet Jackson
[2:49:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jane jackson
[2:49:03 am] <@CompuServ> janet janetson
[2:49:05 am] <@gwillen> horrocks
[2:49:05 am] <@rbraun> jane horrocks
[2:49:06 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: jane horrocks Time: 27.737 Streak: 1 Points: 15 WPM: 5 Rank: 7th Previously: 8th
[2:49:06 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 rbraun-2 gwillen-2 theendoffreenode-1
[2:49:06 am] <@Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 7th
[2:49:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jane horroscope
[2:49:15 am] <@AltTriviaBot> jame horrocks is a made up name
[2:49:16 am] <@Tat> 13. TV/ Movies: Born Oct 28, 1967, She starred in this movie: Runaway Bride - 1999?
[2:49:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:49:22 am] --> |-\_ ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:49:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o |-\_ by CrapBot
[2:49:22 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:49:22 am] --> enyc ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:49:22 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o enyc by CrapBot
[2:49:22 am] <@ZeroCool> Bingus
[2:49:23 am] <@CompuServ> pee poopoo
[2:49:26 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, juli__ _______
[2:49:27 am] <@gwillen> julia roberts
[2:49:27 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: julia roberts Time: 10.873 Streak: 1 Points: 36 WPM: 14 Rank: 2nd
[2:49:27 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-3 gwillen-3 IronDeHavilland-3 rbraun-2 theendoffreenode-1
[2:49:28 am] <@AltTriviaBot> julia childs
[2:49:33 am] <@CompuServ> julia child
[2:49:35 am] <@ZeroCool> Julienne Moore
[2:49:38 am] <@Tat> 14. What is a female ferret?
[2:49:40 am] <@Guest0> mel gibson
[2:49:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mink
[2:49:42 am] <@cottsay> a ferret
[2:49:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> a mink
[2:49:44 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> peak pissnet was probably when evalbot downloaded ii, connected to libera, and got a bot cloak on libera
[2:49:45 am] <@gwillen> jill
[2:49:46 am] <@Tat> ferrette
[2:49:46 am] <@AnonChan> ferretess
[2:49:46 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: jill Time: 7.519 Streak: 2 Points: 37 WPM: 6 Rank: 2nd
[2:49:46 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 rbraun-2 theendoffreenode-1
[2:49:47 am] <@theendoffreenode> ferretress
[2:49:49 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> so you missed peak pissnet already
[2:49:56 am] <@Tat> 15. A terrapin is a type of _________.
[2:49:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> piss is runnig out already?
[2:49:59 am] <@terpri> turtle
[2:49:59 am] <@gwillen> turtle
[2:49:59 am] <@rbraun> turtle
[2:49:59 am] <@theendoffreenode> flower
[2:50:00 am] <@Tat> turtle
[2:50:00 am] <@aeth> turtle
[2:50:00 am] <@Tat> Winner: Tat Answer: Turtle Time: 2.793 Streak: 1 Points: 102 WPM: 25 Rank: 1st
[2:50:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> turtle
[2:50:00 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 rbraun-2 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1
[2:50:00 am] <@DickServ> animal
[2:50:05 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> aeth: all downhill from here
[2:50:07 am] <@Guest0> pin
[2:50:10 am] <@gwillen> lol Tat, you win all ties
[2:50:10 am] <@Tat> 16. When not fighting crime, what did Underdog do for a living?
[2:50:11 am] <@ZeroCool> Am I not turtley enough for the Turtle Club?
[2:50:11 am] <@AltTriviaBot> I figured it'd be a few trillion pins
[2:50:14 am] <@gwillen> because you are on the same machine as the bot XD
[2:50:15 am] <@terpri> fight more crime
[2:50:16 am] <@emily> I want a bot cloak...
[2:50:17 am] <@theendoffreenode> chatting in freenode
[2:50:17 am] <@KickServ> Cause crime
[2:50:18 am] <@ZeroCool> sleeping
[2:50:19 am] <@Guest0> prostitution
[2:50:19 am] <@ZeroCool> sleep
[2:50:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> goard house
[2:50:20 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, shoe______ ___
[2:50:20 am] <@CompuServ> teenage mutant ninja turtles
[2:50:21 am] <@AnonChan> who can script an answerscrape bot the quickest
[2:50:23 am] <@ZeroCool> shoegaze
[2:50:24 am] <@rbraun> shoeshine boy
[2:50:24 am] <@theendoffreenode> shoewashing
[2:50:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: shoeshine boy Time: 14.196 Streak: 1 Points: 16 WPM: 10 Rank: 7th
[2:50:25 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1
[2:50:25 am] <@gwillen> shoeshine boy
[2:50:26 am] <+Jigsy> Oh!
[2:50:28 am] <+Jigsy> I can just hack it.
[2:50:30 am] <@Guest0> shoe juggler
[2:50:35 am] <@Tat> 17. If you were born on 24 March what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
[2:50:38 am] <@DickServ> aroes
[2:50:39 am] <@theendoffreenode> piscis
[2:50:39 am] <@gwillen> capricorn
[2:50:40 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Mars
[2:50:40 am] <@CompuServ> virgo
[2:50:40 am] <+Jigsy> Assuming I can remember how to add the Hash Table...
[2:50:40 am] <@alezakos> Pisces
[2:50:40 am] <@DickServ> aries
[2:50:40 am] <@gwillen> pisces
[2:50:41 am] <@theendoffreenode> pisces
[2:50:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> libra
[2:50:41 am] <@Tat> Winner: DickServ Answer: aries Time: 5.475 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 10 Rank: 16th Previously: 19th
[2:50:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 DickServ-1 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1
[2:50:41 am] <@Tat> DickServ has moved up in rank: 16th
[2:50:42 am] <@CompuServ> virgin
[2:50:51 am] <@Tat> superstitious.
[2:50:51 am] <@Tat> 18. In what year did the Cold War begin?
[2:50:53 am] <@theendoffreenode> im a virgin
[2:50:54 am] <@terpri> 1946
[2:50:55 am] <@Tat> Winner: terpri Answer: 1946 Time: 3.088 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 15 Rank: 20th Previously: 24th
[2:50:55 am] <@ZeroCool> 1938
[2:50:55 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1956
[2:50:55 am] <@Tat> terpri has moved up in rank: 20th
[2:50:56 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 IronDeHavilland-3 DickServ-1 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 terpri-1
[2:50:56 am] <@NickServReal> 1946
[2:50:56 am] -*- CompuServ is too
[2:50:59 am] <@gwillen> Aries: The look on your face will be priceless when you find that 40-pound watermelon in your colon.
[2:51:01 am] <@NickServReal> dang
[2:51:05 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 19 dickety 7
[2:51:05 am] <@Tat> 19. Name The Year: Christopher Isherwood, novelist, playwright (I Am a Camera)?
[2:51:10 am] <@ZeroCool> 1918
[2:51:10 am] <@gwillen> Trade toothbrushes with an albino dwarf an give a hickey to Meryl Streep.
[2:51:12 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 19 dickety 8
[2:51:12 am] <@terpri> 1903
[2:51:13 am] <@KickServ> 1911
[2:51:15 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[2:51:16 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> gerard: ah, thanks for the link
[2:51:17 am] <@KickServ> 1939
[2:51:17 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1935
[2:51:18 am] <@CompuServ> 1999
[2:51:19 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1965
[2:51:19 am] <@CompuServ> 1919
[2:51:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> i declare that that year is known as Bob
[2:51:20 am] <@Guest0> 1900
[2:51:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1957
[2:51:20 am] <@KickServ> 1951
[2:51:21 am] <@CompuServ> 1299
[2:51:21 am] <@terpri> 1910
[2:51:21 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1958
[2:51:22 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1954
[2:51:23 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1955
[2:51:23 am] <@terpri> 1920
[2:51:23 am] <@KickServ> 1966
[2:51:24 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1956
[2:51:25 am] <@Guest0> 1919
[2:51:25 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1953
[2:51:25 am] <@CompuServ> 1912
[2:51:26 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 1
[2:51:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1950
[2:51:26 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 2
[2:51:26 am] <@KickServ> 1984
[2:51:26 am] <@rbraun> 1904
[2:51:27 am] <@CompuServ> 1929
[2:51:27 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 3
[2:51:27 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: 1904 Time: 21.278 Streak: 1 Points: 17 WPM: 2 Rank: 5th Previously: 7th
[2:51:27 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-4 gwillen-4 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 DickServ-1 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 terpri-1
[2:51:27 am] <@Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:51:27 am] <@Tat> !last
[2:51:27 am] <@CrapBot> [18:52:21] <Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 5th
[2:51:27 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 4
[2:51:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1951
[2:51:29 am] <@Guest0> 1918
[2:51:29 am] <@ZeroCool> If I answer all questions involving dates with the same date, eventually I may be right.
[2:51:29 am] <@KickServ> 1939
[2:51:33 am] <@Guest0> 2019
[2:51:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> :>
[2:51:35 am] <@IronDeHavilland> or not
[2:51:37 am] <@Tat> 20. TV/ Movies: Category: Disney Afternoon: DD What is the name of DarkwingUs pilot and sidekick?
[2:51:38 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> rip year guessing
[2:51:38 am] <@AltTriviaBot> I would have got it eventually
[2:51:39 am] <@Dick_Nachos> a year question = rip relaybot
[2:51:40 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:51:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> though you could use a good date answer
[2:51:42 am] <@itisnigh> <Neith@libera> the bot was almost caught up
[2:51:42 am] <@Tat> You should do !last and then narrow it down to 10
[2:51:47 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, launch____ _______
[2:51:48 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Propeller Heads
[2:51:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> then that question will come back
[2:51:49 am] <@NickServReal> uuuuUUUH i know this
[2:51:51 am] <@rbraun> launchpad mcquack
[2:51:52 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: launchpad mcquack Time: 13.947 Streak: 2 Points: 18 WPM: 14 Rank: 5th
[2:51:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-5 gwillen-4 KickServ-3 IronDeHavilland-3 DickServ-1 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 terpri-1
[2:51:52 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:51:52 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Selicre of 0.609. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[2:51:52 am] <@Tat> launchpad mcquack
[2:51:53 am] <@NickServReal> launchpad mcquack
[2:51:55 am] <@CompuServ> turd ferguson
[2:51:56 am] <@BigChungus> holy shit this place is alive somehow
[2:52:00 am] <@ZeroCool> They should bring that back.
[2:52:00 am] <@phy1729> 00:52:00
[2:52:04 am] <@aeth> !help
[2:52:04 am] <@CrapBot> Use the 'list' command to list all plugins, and 'list <plugin>' to list all commands in a plugin. To show the help of a command, use 'help <command>'.
[2:52:05 am] <@ZeroCool> Darkwing Duck was great.
[2:52:07 am] <@KickServ> still alive
[2:52:09 am] <@gwillen> BigChungus: it's the party at the end of the universe
[2:52:10 am] <@CompuServ> glados
[2:52:13 am] <@emily> BigChungus: we've survived opers. nobody can stop us
[2:52:13 am] <@gwillen> ZeroCool: heck yes
[2:52:13 am] <@AltTriviaBot> bigchungus: yes by the sheer power of crapflooding it will never die
[2:52:13 am] <@Guest0> !trivial 1000
[2:52:15 am] <@aeth> !list
[2:52:15 am] <@CrapBot> Admin, Aka, AutoMode, BadWords, Channel, Conditional, Config, Fish, Format, FreeTime, FreeTrans, Games, Google, GoogleCSE, IMDb, Internet, Json, Math, MessageParser, Misc, NHL, NLL, Network, NuWeather, Owner, (1 more message)
[2:52:22 am] <@theendoffreenode> !nuke
[2:52:25 am] <@NickServReal> free trans rights
[2:52:25 am] <@emily> FreeTrans
[2:52:26 am] <@AnonChan> hi bot
[2:52:32 am] <@Tat> !trivial does not start the bot.
[2:52:36 am] <@NickServReal> with purchase of trans rights of equal or greater value
[2:52:36 am] <+Jigsy> !op
[2:52:36 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Jigsy by CrapBot
[2:52:37 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia
[2:52:37 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:52:42 am] <@aeth> !Google I bet this API was disabled years ago
[2:52:43 am] <@CrapBot> Access your HubSpot API key - Knowledge Base: <>; A demographic, employment and income profile of Canadians with ...: (2 more messages)
[2:52:48 am] <@NickServReal> lol
[2:52:49 am] <@gwillen> loool aeth
[2:52:50 am] <@gerard> aeth :>
[2:52:52 am] <@aeth> ok I lose
[2:52:53 am] <@Tat> 1. What continent is submerged?
[2:52:56 am] <@rbraun> atlantis
[2:52:57 am] <@theendoffreenode> !FreeTrans
[2:52:57 am] <@gwillen> atlantis
[2:52:57 am] <@ZeroCool> Atlantis
[2:52:57 am] <@NickServReal> atlantis
[2:52:57 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: atlantis Time: 3.604 Streak: 3 Points: 19 WPM: 26 Rank: 5th
[2:52:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-1
[2:52:57 am] -*- Tat hands rbraun a cold beer for getting the last 3 questions!
[2:52:57 am] <@Tat> You're on fire!
[2:52:58 am] <@terpri> atlantis
[2:52:58 am] <@Jigsy> Krakaota
[2:53:00 am] <@NickServReal> darn
[2:53:01 am] <@AltTriviaBot> atlantic ocean
[2:53:03 am] <@Tat> Pfft.
[2:53:05 am] <@emily> !freetrans asdfkhasdfhasdf
[2:53:07 am] <@Tat> 2. TV/ Movies: 1998, This Movie was Released on February 6 The Replacement ---------
[2:53:07 am] <@aeth> !google freenode lee
[2:53:08 am] <@CrapBot> Freenode IRC staff resign en masse after takeover by Korea's ...: <>; freenode now belongs to Andrew (1 more message)
[2:53:10 am] <@gwillen> killers
[2:53:11 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: killers Time: 3.057 Streak: 1 Points: 38 WPM: 27 Rank: 2nd
[2:53:11 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-1 rbraun-1
[2:53:11 am] <@CompuServ> trans rights
[2:53:12 am] <@NickServReal> s
[2:53:17 am] <@NickServReal> squad
[2:53:20 am] <@Dick_Nachos> freetrans is a free translation plugin
[2:53:21 am] <@rbraun> !googlecse what is this
[2:53:21 am] <@Tat> 3. If you were born on 02 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
[2:53:23 am] <@NickServReal> irc server
[2:53:25 am] <@gwillen> pisces
[2:53:26 am] <@Jigsy> Leo
[2:53:26 am] <@gwillen> aquarius
[2:53:27 am] <@gwillen> capricorn
[2:53:28 am] <@theendoffreenode> libra
[2:53:29 am] <@KickServ> virgo
[2:53:29 am] <@Guest0> Cancer
[2:53:29 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: virgo Time: 7.878 Streak: 1 Points: 18 WPM: 7 Rank: 6th
[2:53:29 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-1 gwillen-1 rbraun-1
[2:53:30 am] <@CompuServ> poopy
[2:53:33 am] <@Baylee> > Freenode IRC staff resign en masse after takeover by Korea's
[2:53:33 am] <@AltTriviaBot> ouji board
[2:53:34 am] <@Baylee> lmao
[2:53:35 am] <@emily> !google If you were born on 02 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
[2:53:37 am] <@CrapBot> September 2 Zodiac is Virgo - Full Horoscope ... - The Horoscope: <>; 12 Zodiac Signs: Dates and Personality Traits of Each Star Sign (2 more messages)
[2:53:40 am] <@Tat> 4. Baby Names Beginning With "O": Meaning: Of the Sea?
[2:53:40 am] <@AndroUser> luigi
[2:53:44 am] <@ZeroCool> Oceana
[2:53:44 am] <@terpri> ocean
[2:53:44 am] <@emily> !google Baby Names Beginning With "O": Meaning: Of the Sea?
[2:53:45 am] <@Tat> Oscar
[2:53:46 am] <@CrapBot> 109 Names That Mean Ocean | Nameberry: <>; Names Starting with O - Behind the Name: <>; Baby Girl Names That (1 more message)
[2:53:46 am] <@CompuServ> othello
[2:53:47 am] <@AltTriviaBot> emily: you are a genious
[2:53:49 am] <@AndroUser> osiris
[2:53:50 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, orm____
[2:53:50 am] <@CompuServ> ozymandia
[2:53:51 am] <@gwillen> ormandy
[2:53:52 am] <@CompuServ> ormael
[2:53:53 am] <@AndroUser> ormo
[2:53:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> ormentus
[2:53:55 am] <@NickServReal> orman
[2:53:56 am] <@NickServReal> ormen
[2:53:57 am] <@Tat> orma...
[2:53:58 am] <@NickServReal> ormon
[2:53:58 am] <@CompuServ> ormel gibson
[2:53:58 am] <@rbraun> ormond
[2:53:58 am] <@Dick_Nachos> CrapBot: what the fuck did gwillen just say in russian
[2:53:58 am] <@ZeroCool> Orman
[2:53:59 am] <@Guest0> ormormorm
[2:54:01 am] <@aeth> !google of the sea name
[2:54:02 am] <@CrapBot> 101 Best Ocean Names For Girls To Inspire You by Kidadl: <>; 300+ Baby Names Inspired by the Ocean and Water - WeHaveKids: < (1 more message)
[2:54:05 am] <@Tat> orManDoesThatSuck?
[2:54:06 am] <@ZeroCool> Ormand
[2:54:10 am] <@Dick_Nachos> op wait, maybe crapbot doesn't do that here.
[2:54:10 am] <@CompuServ> armand
[2:54:10 am] <-- AndroUser ( has quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[2:54:12 am] <@CompuServ> omo
[2:54:12 am] <@ZeroCool> Ormadeaus
[2:54:14 am] <@Dick_Nachos> *oops wait
[2:54:16 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google best irc network
[2:54:16 am] <@CompuServ> omdamas
[2:54:17 am] <@CrapBot> What IRC network is most popular? : irc - Reddit: <>; IRC Networks and Servers - mIRC: <>; (1 more message)
[2:54:23 am] <@CompuServ> !google google
[2:54:24 am] <@CrapBot> (google google <search> [--{filter,language} <value>]) -- Searches for the given string. As many results as can fit are included. --language accepts a language abbreviation; --filter accepts a (1 more message)
[2:54:27 am] <@ZeroCool> Ormklik
[2:54:29 am] <@KickServ> ormat
[2:54:30 am] <@aeth> !google bing
[2:54:31 am] <@CrapBot> Bing: <>; I Ditched Google for Bing. Here's What I Found—and What I Didn't ...: <>; Microsoft Bing - Wikipedia: (1 more message)
[2:54:32 am] <@ZeroCool> Mentat
[2:54:33 am] <@CompuServ> ormy penis
[2:54:37 am] <@Guest0> !google long term effects of cocaine usage
[2:54:38 am] <@CrapBot> Get help with problematic substance use - <>; What are the long-term effects of (2 more messages)
[2:54:40 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: ormanda
[2:54:44 am] <@CompuServ> !google ormanda
[2:54:45 am] <@CrapBot> ormanda - Translation into English - examples Turkish | Reverso ...: <>; ORMANDA BİR GÜN GEÇİRDİK! KAYBOLDUK OYUNCAX - YouTube: (1 more message)
[2:54:45 am] <@rbraun> pffffffft
[2:54:47 am] <@BalloonPup> Ormanda? really?
[2:54:47 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google i wanna die
[2:54:48 am] <@ZeroCool> That's like Amanda with extra steps.
[2:54:49 am] <@CrapBot> Canada Suicide Prevention Service | Crisis Services Canada: <>; What It Means When You're Suicidal but Too Afraid to Die - Healthline: (2 more messages)
[2:54:50 am] <@Tat> 5. With which sport is Chris Evert identified?
[2:54:52 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> atlantis wasn't a continent! It was a kingdom in western africa!
[2:54:54 am] <@emily> !google chris evert sport
[2:54:55 am] <@aeth> !google chris evert sport
[2:54:56 am] <@terpri> trans rights
[2:54:56 am] <@CrapBot> Chris Evert - Wikipedia: <>; Chris Evert - ESPN Press Room U.S.: <>; Chris Evert | American tennis player | (1 more message)
[2:54:56 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:54:56 am] <@CrapBot> Chris Evert - Wikipedia: <>; Chris Evert - ESPN Press Room U.S.: <>; Chris Evert | American tennis player | (1 more message)
[2:54:57 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: tennis Time: 5.991 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 12 Rank: 25th Previously: 38th
[2:54:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: CrapBot-1 KickServ-1 gwillen-1 rbraun-1
[2:54:57 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 25th
[2:54:57 am] <-> NickServReal is now known as OrmandaHugandkis
[2:54:58 am] <@AltTriviaBot> long term effects of cocaine usage include over partyification
[2:55:01 am] <@KickServ> tennis
[2:55:01 am] <@CompuServ> !google trans rights
[2:55:02 am] <@CrapBot> What Are Trans Rights? | Queer Events: <>; Understanding the Transgender Community - HRC - Human Rights ...: (1 more message)
[2:55:03 am] <@Tat> LOL!
[2:55:04 am] <@rbraun> hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
[2:55:07 am] <@Tat> 6. What u.s. vice-president said 'some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it'?
[2:55:07 am] <@Tat> Crapbot won!
[2:55:08 am] <@aeth> lol crapbot
[2:55:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> al gore
[2:55:12 am] <@rbraun> lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[2:55:12 am] <@aeth> let's bring crapbot to #1
[2:55:16 am] <@rbraun> agnew
[2:55:16 am] <@KickServ> !google What u.s. vice-president said 'some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it'?
[2:55:17 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, spir__ _____
[2:55:17 am] <@rbraun> spiro agnew
[2:55:18 am] <@CrapBot> What u.s. vice-president said 'some newspapers dispose of their ...: <>; What us vice- (2 more messages)
[2:55:18 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: spiro agnew Time: 10.374 Streak: 1 Points: 20 WPM: 12 Rank: 5th
[2:55:18 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-2 CrapBot-1 KickServ-1 gwillen-1
[2:55:21 am] <@ZeroCool> spiro agnew
[2:55:24 am] <@CompuServ> spiro agnu/linux
[2:55:25 am] <@AltTriviaBot> spiro agnew is a made up name
[2:55:28 am] <@rbraun> CompuServ: lmao
[2:55:28 am] <-- A (b9dc66f7@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: Connection closed)
[2:55:28 am] <@Tat> 7. Baby Names Beginning With "J": Meaning: Holy Man?
[2:55:30 am] <@rbraun> AltTriviaBot: yes
[2:55:31 am] <@gwillen> jesus
[2:55:31 am] <@theendoffreenode> jesus
[2:55:32 am] <@cottsay> joshua
[2:55:33 am] <@aeth> james
[2:55:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> john
[2:55:34 am] <@ZeroCool> Jenny
[2:55:35 am] <@Tat> Josua
[2:55:37 am] <@CompuServ> jesus
[2:55:37 am] <@rbraun> josh
[2:55:38 am] <@ZeroCool> Jonathan
[2:55:38 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, je____
[2:55:39 am] <@Tat> Josiah
[2:55:40 am] <@Dick_Nachos> lol, crapbot is on the leaderboard!
[2:55:40 am] <@ZeroCool> Jeshua
[2:55:41 am] <@CompuServ> jesu
[2:55:41 am] <@theendoffreenode> jesuschrist
[2:55:42 am] <@aeth> jerimiah
[2:55:43 am] <@emily> !google baby name j holy man
[2:55:43 am] <@KickServ> judas
[2:55:44 am] <@CrapBot> List of biblical names starting with J - Wikipedia: <>; Who's Your Baby? ® Names Meaning Holy Man: < (1 more message)
[2:55:44 am] <@gwillen> jeddah
[2:55:44 am] <@AltTriviaBot> John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
[2:55:44 am] <@Tat> Jebediah
[2:55:48 am] <@CompuServ> jebediah
[2:55:51 am] <@rbraun> jeremy
[2:55:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jesus
[2:55:52 am] <@Guest0> Jeremiah
[2:55:52 am] <@gwillen> jesu
[2:55:53 am] <@CompuServ> jeebus
[2:55:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jeshua
[2:55:56 am] <@theendoffreenode> jebediah springfield
[2:55:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jehoshua
[2:55:59 am] <@CompuServ> jeje the jet plane
[2:56:01 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Johnsonburger
[2:56:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jeremiah
[2:56:08 am] <@ZeroCool> Bitburger
[2:56:10 am] <@CompuServ> jessica
[2:56:11 am] <@cottsay> jel gibson
[2:56:12 am] <@theendoffreenode> jerico
[2:56:14 am] <@Tat> !last
[2:56:14 am] <@CrapBot> [18:57:05] <theendoffreenode> jerico
[2:56:14 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Jankity McTripsalot
[2:56:21 am] <@aeth> jeb
[2:56:22 am] <@ZeroCool> Johnathan
[2:56:23 am] <@Tat> !vowels
[2:56:26 am] <@BalloonPup> jehova
[2:56:28 am] <@Tat> Jenoen
[2:56:28 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: jeroen
[2:56:30 am] <@CompuServ> jenova
[2:56:33 am] <@theendoffreenode> thats a made up name
[2:56:34 am] <@BalloonPup> Jeroen, huh?
[2:56:36 am] <@aeth> !google jeroen
[2:56:36 am] <@ZeroCool> Jeroen Tel!
[2:56:36 am] <@AltTriviaBot> well yeah who didn't know it wasn't jeroen duh
[2:56:37 am] <@CrapBot> Jeroen - Wikipedia: <>; Jeroen Krabbé - Wikipedia: <>; Jeroen | Logo Designer️ (@jeroenvaneerden) • Instagram (1 more message)
[2:56:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[2:56:38 am] <@CompuServ> i know a jeroen
[2:56:38 am] <@gwillen> okay I claim the baby name questions are bullshit
[2:56:39 am] <@Tat> 8. Category: Definitions : --isms: The theory that man cannot prove the existence of a god.
[2:56:40 am] <@Tat> All names are made up names
[2:56:44 am] <@KickServ> !google -isms: The theory that man cannot prove the existence of a god.
[2:56:44 am] <@BalloonPup> atheism
[2:56:44 am] <@CrapBot> (google <search> [--{filter,language} <value>]) -- Searches for the given string. As many results as can fit are included. --language accepts a language abbreviation; --filter accepts a filtering (1 more message)
[2:56:46 am] <@ZeroCool> Chatechisms
[2:56:46 am] <@gwillen> agnosticism
[2:56:46 am] <@emily> !google isms theory man cannot prove existence
[2:56:46 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: agnosticism Time: 7.426 Streak: 1 Points: 39 WPM: 17 Rank: 2nd
[2:56:46 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 rbraun-2 CrapBot-1 KickServ-1
[2:56:47 am] <@CrapBot> Existence of God - Wikipedia: <>; Category: Definitions : --isms: The theory that man cannot prove the ...: < (1 more message)
[2:56:49 am] <@CompuServ> atheism
[2:56:51 am] <@CompuServ> atheisms
[2:56:57 am] <@Tat> 9. What is the name of the spaceship in the film 'Alien'?
[2:56:57 am] <@AltTriviaBot> communisms
[2:56:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol @ googling right in the channel
[2:56:58 am] <@emily> everyone trying to win rather than trying to get CrapBot to win is playing the old meta
[2:56:59 am] <@CompuServ> clearly atheism
[2:57:01 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:57:03 am] <@emily> !google spaceship film alien
[2:57:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sulaco
[2:57:04 am] <@aeth> !google alien spaceship
[2:57:05 am] <@CrapBot> Alien (film) - Wikipedia: <>; Sulaco (fictional spacecraft) - Wikipedia: <>; Alien (1979) - IMDb: (1 more message)
[2:57:05 am] <@CrapBot> Has Earth been visited by an alien spaceship? Harvard professor ...: <>; Asteroid (2 more messages)
[2:57:05 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> nostromo
[2:57:07 am] <@Tat> Winner: OrmandaHugandkis Answer: nostromo Time: 8.861 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 10 Rank: 25th Previously: 39th
[2:57:07 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 rbraun-2 CrapBot-1 KickServ-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1
[2:57:07 am] <@Tat> OrmandaHugandkis has moved up in rank: 25th
[2:57:08 am] <@ZeroCool> Sulaco
[2:57:08 am] <@theendoffreenode> sulaco
[2:57:08 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by ezra to sergal on pissnet
[2:57:09 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> jesuit
[2:57:10 am] <@Guest0> Basil
[2:57:14 am] <@itisnigh> <enrh@libera> !google poop
[2:57:15 am] <@CompuServ> fawlty
[2:57:17 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> josiah
[2:57:17 am] <@Tat> 10. What did dan aykroyd and john belushi quit 'saturday night live' to become?
[2:57:17 am] <-> BalloonPup is now known as Ingersoll
[2:57:21 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[2:57:22 am] <@gwillen> comedians
[2:57:23 am] <@ZeroCool> Comedians
[2:57:24 am] <@Guest0> gay
[2:57:24 am] <@CompuServ> ellwood blues
[2:57:24 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> i only know that one because i am the only owner of a belkin nostromo
[2:57:26 am] <@aeth> I'm not playing for me, I'm playing for CrapBot... it has 1 it needs more
[2:57:26 am] <@emily> !google dan aykroyd john belushi
[2:57:26 am] <@Tat> Dead... at least one
[2:57:27 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, blues_ ________
[2:57:27 am] <@CrapBot> Dan Aykroyd Lost John Belushi While Filming The Blues Brothers ...: <>; John Belushi - Wikipedia: <>; Dan Aykroyd - (1 more message)
[2:57:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> blues brothers
[2:57:28 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: blues brothers Time: 10.156 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 16 Rank: 20th Previously: 25th
[2:57:28 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 20th
[2:57:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: CrapBot-2 gwillen-2 rbraun-2 KickServ-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1
[2:57:28 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:57:28 am] <@rbraun> blues brothers
[2:57:29 am] <@ZeroCool> standup comedians
[2:57:29 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> blues brothers
[2:57:29 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Selicre of 0.609. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[2:57:30 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> frick
[2:57:31 am] <@emily> YES
[2:57:35 am] <@CompuServ> what the fuck i was more right
[2:57:43 am] <@CompuServ> he became ellwood blues, he was not both brothers
[2:57:45 am] <@ZeroCool> Now he just hawks crystal skull vodka.
[2:57:49 am] <@AltTriviaBot> compuserv: yes but you deprecated for AoL
[2:57:50 am] <@gwillen> CompuServ: it was both names
[2:57:53 am] <@emily> it said what did they both
[2:57:54 am] <@emily> yeah
[2:58:00 am] <-- beach ( has left ##apocalypse
[2:58:02 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> agnosticism
[2:58:05 am] --> root ( has joined ##apocalypse
[2:58:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o root by CrapBot
[2:58:06 am] <@CompuServ> ah ok
[2:58:07 am] <@ZeroCool> !trivia 42
[2:58:08 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 42 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:58:08 am] <@Guest0> !trivia 1000
[2:58:09 am] <@CompuServ> i read wrong
[2:58:09 am] <@root> bwahahaha
[2:58:10 am] <@gwillen> hahaha, we've almost caught up
[2:58:10 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> freenodeism
[2:58:14 am] <@KickServ> mel gibson
[2:58:18 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> excelsior!
[2:58:18 am] <@gwillen> the troll answers from the other server are getting more recent
[2:58:20 am] <@aeth> crapbot #1 come on we can do it
[2:58:20 am] <@root> mel collins
[2:58:21 am] <@CompuServ> turd ferguson
[2:58:23 am] <@Tat> 1. Who or what was Rosanna Arquette seeking in 1985?
[2:58:24 am] <@theendoffreenode> the answer to life the universe and all things
[2:58:24 am] <@CompuServ> !strivia
[2:58:24 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[2:58:26 am] <@rbraun> CompuServ: lmao
[2:58:27 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[2:58:28 am] <@CompuServ> !trivia 43
[2:58:28 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 43 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[2:58:28 am] <@emily> !google rosanna arquette seeking 1985
[2:58:30 am] <@CrapBot> Desperately Seeking Susan - Wikipedia: <>; Desperately Seeking Susan (1985) - IMDb: <>; Rosanna Arquette (1 more message)
[2:58:35 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> high
[2:58:38 am] <@KickServ> Susan
[2:58:39 am] <@emily> ugh it'd have won that one
[2:58:42 am] <@rbraun> yep
[2:58:43 am] <@Tat> 1. Name The Year: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, Russian composer (1812 Overture), born.
[2:58:47 am] <@aeth> oh come on crapbot would've gotten that
[2:58:49 am] <@AltTriviaBot> 1812
[2:58:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1855
[2:58:50 am] <@emily> !google tchaikovsky birth date
[2:58:51 am] <@CrapBot> Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Facts, Nutcracker & Music - Biography: <>; Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Wikipedia: (1 more message)
[2:58:51 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1845
[2:58:51 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> blues bingers
[2:58:52 am] <@CompuServ> sorry emily
[2:58:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1799
[2:58:53 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1856
[2:58:53 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 18__
[2:58:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1798
[2:58:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1797
[2:58:54 am] <@Tat> 1930
[2:58:55 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1853
[2:58:55 am] <@CompuServ> i didn't mean to
[2:58:56 am] <@rbraun> 1893
[2:58:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1801
[2:58:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1802
[2:58:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1845
[2:58:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1803
[2:59:00 am] <@gwillen> 1840
[2:59:00 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: 1840 Time: 16.271 Streak: 1 Points: 40 WPM: 2 Rank: 2nd
[2:59:00 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-1
[2:59:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1804
[2:59:01 am] <@Guest0> 18
[2:59:01 am] <@KickServ> 1840
[2:59:02 am] <@aeth> !google tchaikovsky birth year
[2:59:03 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1805
[2:59:03 am] <@CrapBot> Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky | Biography, Compositions, & Facts ...: <>; Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Wikipedia: (1 more message)
[2:59:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1806
[2:59:06 am] <@aeth> oh come on
[2:59:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1807
[2:59:09 am] <@emily> !google tchaikovsky was born in
[2:59:10 am] <@gwillen> if you could get it to give you the google infoboxes
[2:59:10 am] <@Tat> 2. Baby Names Beginning With "L": Meaning: King?
[2:59:10 am] <@CrapBot> Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky | Biography, Compositions, & Facts ...: <>; Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Wikipedia: (1 more message)
[2:59:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1808
[2:59:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> what
[2:59:13 am] <@KickServ> lear
[2:59:14 am] <@Dick_Nachos> what the fuck did aeth just say in russian
[2:59:14 am] <@gwillen> those are pretty good for trivia
[2:59:15 am] <@CrapBot> Sorry, The last text that aeth posted: "oh come on" is something I can't translate for you.
[2:59:15 am] <@Guest0> Leo
[2:59:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ah, i guess it wasn't named after its year of production
[2:59:16 am] <@theendoffreenode> lee
[2:59:17 am] <@emily> !google "when was tchaikovsky born"
[2:59:18 am] <@CrapBot> Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Facts, Nutcracker & Music - Biography: <>; Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - Wikipedia: (1 more message)
[2:59:18 am] <@Tat> !google Beginning With "L": Meaning: King?
[2:59:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> loy
[2:59:18 am] <@terpri> lking
[2:59:19 am] <@CrapBot> Synonyms for King starting with letter L - <>; KING Synonyms: 26 Synonyms & Antonyms for KING | (1 more message)
[2:59:20 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, l__
[2:59:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> andrew lee
[2:59:21 am] <@Dick_Nachos> lol
[2:59:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> loyd
[2:59:23 am] <@Guest0> Lex
[2:59:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lear
[2:59:23 am] <@gwillen> lee
[2:59:25 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> leo
[2:59:26 am] <@gwillen> lou
[2:59:26 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Lem
[2:59:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lion
[2:59:26 am] <@Guest0> Lexus
[2:59:27 am] <@CompuServ> lol
[2:59:27 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> leonard
[2:59:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lee
[2:59:29 am] <@gwillen> lo
[2:59:29 am] <@theendoffreenode> lom
[2:59:31 am] <@theendoffreenode> lep
[2:59:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lel
[2:59:32 am] <@CompuServ> lot
[2:59:32 am] <@aeth> leo
[2:59:33 am] <@KickServ> Lol
[2:59:34 am] <@CompuServ> lea
[2:59:34 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> lio
[2:59:35 am] <@theendoffreenode> lal
[2:59:35 am] <@CompuServ> leas
[2:59:36 am] <@cottsay> lin
[2:59:36 am] <@Dick_Nachos> freetrans must be broken
[2:59:36 am] <@Ingersoll> leon
[2:59:37 am] <@CompuServ> leash
[2:59:37 am] <@cottsay> leon
[2:59:38 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Lek
[2:59:39 am] <@theendoffreenode> lim
[2:59:41 am] <@cottsay> luke
[2:59:42 am] <@emily> !google freetrans
[2:59:42 am] <@ajp5> l gibson
[2:59:43 am] <@CompuServ> lichtenstein
[2:59:43 am] <@CrapBot> - Free Translation Guide & Resources: <>; gthmb/jquery-free-transform: provides simple controls that ... - GitHub: <>; (1 more message)
[2:59:43 am] <@cottsay> lars
[2:59:43 am] <@KickServ> Luke
[2:59:47 am] <@Tat> !vowels
[2:59:48 am] <@gwillen> leroy
[2:59:49 am] <@Tat> loe
[2:59:51 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Lycoming
[2:59:52 am] <@cottsay> lore
[2:59:52 am] <@rbraun> lot
[2:59:52 am] <@theendoffreenode> cold wet piss
[2:59:52 am] <@Guest0> Larry
[2:59:53 am] <@Tat> loe
[2:59:54 am] <@Tat> Winner: Tat Answer: loe Time: 42.573 Streak: 1 Points: 103 WPM: 0 Rank: 1st
[2:59:54 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Tat-1 gwillen-1
[2:59:57 am] <@Guest0> wat
[2:59:58 am] --> nrr_ (~nrr@ has joined ##apocalypse
[2:59:58 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o nrr_ by CrapBot
[2:59:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> and behold
[3:00:00 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> that's a typo
[3:00:00 am] <@rbraun> - . -
[3:00:02 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Loe is a made up name
[3:00:03 am] --> nrr (~nrr@ has joined ##apocalypse
[3:00:03 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o nrr by CrapBot
[3:00:03 am] <@Ingersoll> loe and behold
[3:00:04 am] <@Tat> 3. TV/ Movies: Six man jewelry heist gone bad. Characters with colorful names?
[3:00:06 am] <@rbraun> OrmandaHugandkis: there are a bunch
[3:00:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> reservoir dogs
[3:00:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> reservoir dogs
[3:00:09 am] <@emily> !google reservoir film
[3:00:09 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: reservoir dogs Time: 5.101 Streak: 1 Points: 18 WPM: 32 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[3:00:09 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 gwillen-1
[3:00:09 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 6th
[3:00:10 am] <@rbraun> reservoir dogs
[3:00:10 am] <@gwillen> reservoir dogs
[3:00:10 am] <@Tat> All names are made up names
[3:00:11 am] <@CompuServ> a fish called wanda
[3:00:11 am] <@CrapBot> Réservoir (2019) - IMDb: <>; Réservoir – Film de Kim St-Pierre | Films du Québec: <>; RÉSERVOIR : (1 more message)
[3:00:19 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> somebody was a tarantino fan
[3:00:20 am] <@Tat> 4. Year in which the Battle of Balaklava took place?
[3:00:21 am] <@rbraun> emily: lol
[3:00:22 am] <@Tat> Everybody wants to be mr. black
[3:00:23 am] <@ZeroCool> 1921
[3:00:23 am] <@emily> !google balaklava battle date
[3:00:24 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> 19
[3:00:25 am] <@CrapBot> Battle of Balaclava - Wikipedia: <>; Battle of Balaclava - British Battles: <>; Battle of (1 more message)
[3:00:26 am] <@KickServ> 1928
[3:00:26 am] <@cottsay> 1901
[3:00:26 am] <@CompuServ> bulgaria
[3:00:27 am] <@cottsay> 1902
[3:00:27 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Baklava
[3:00:27 am] <@aeth> !google battle of balaklava year
[3:00:28 am] <@CrapBot> Battle of Balaclava - Wikipedia: <>; Charge of the Light Brigade - Wikipedia: <>; Battle of (1 more message)
[3:00:28 am] <@CompuServ> 1910
[3:00:29 am] <@gwillen> 1854
[3:00:29 am] <@cottsay> 1903
[3:00:29 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: 1854 Time: 9.36 Streak: 1 Points: 41 WPM: 5 Rank: 2nd
[3:00:29 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1
[3:00:30 am] <@cottsay> 1904
[3:00:32 am] <@emily> these ones are so hard to googlewhack
[3:00:32 am] <@nrr> lmfao what the shit
[3:00:34 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> WHAT
[3:00:35 am] <@ZeroCool> Monty Python's Flying Circus
[3:00:36 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by \ to bigfoot on pissnet
[3:00:40 am] <@Tat> 5. Who was marshall james butler "wild bill" hickock's sidekick?
[3:00:41 am] <@theendoffreenode> IT'S
[3:00:45 am] <@emily> !google marshall james butler hickock sidekick
[3:00:46 am] <@gwillen> emily: it's easier in a browser, I have the whole first page of snippets to look through
[3:00:46 am] <@CrapBot> Wild Bill Hickok - Wikipedia: <>; The Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok - Wikipedia: <>; Wild (1 more message)
[3:00:48 am] <@ZeroCool> Professor Plum
[3:00:48 am] <@emily> !google wild bill sidekick
[3:00:49 am] <@Tat> !google wild bill sidekick
[3:00:50 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, jin____
[3:00:51 am] <@CrapBot> The Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok - Wikipedia: <>; Did “Wild Bill” Hickok have a Sidekick Named Jingles? - True West ...: (2 more messages)
[3:00:51 am] <@rbraun> hingles
[3:00:52 am] <@CrapBot> The Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok - Wikipedia: <>; Did “Wild Bill” Hickok have a Sidekick Named Jingles? - True West ...: (2 more messages)
[3:00:53 am] <@rbraun> jingles
[3:00:53 am] <@KickServ> jingles
[3:00:53 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: jingles Time: 13.182 Streak: 1 Points: 21 WPM: 6 Rank: 4th Previously: 5th
[3:00:53 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 rbraun-1
[3:00:53 am] <@Tat> rbraun has moved up in rank: 4th
[3:00:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jingleberry
[3:00:57 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> jinjo ito
[3:01:04 am] <@Tat> 6. What ex-girl friend of prince andrew appeared naked on screen?
[3:01:04 am] <@ZeroCool> ita bag
[3:01:07 am] <@KickServ> xD
[3:01:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:01:08 am] <@emily> !google prince andrew exgirlfriend naked
[3:01:10 am] <@CrapBot> Prince Andrew's naked massage in Buckingham Palace revealed ...: <>; Who is Koo (2 more messages)
[3:01:10 am] <@aeth> !google ex-girlfriend of prince andrew
[3:01:11 am] <@DickServ> lee
[3:01:11 am] <@cottsay> all of them
[3:01:12 am] <@CrapBot> Who is Koo Stark, Prince Andrew's American Girlfriend Mentioned ...: <>; Koo Stark - (1 more message)
[3:01:13 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: koo stark Time: 8.845 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 12 Rank: 16th Previously: 20th
[3:01:13 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 CrapBot-1 rbraun-1
[3:01:13 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 16th
[3:01:17 am] <@emily> yessss
[3:01:18 am] <@CompuServ> llol
[3:01:19 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> lol
[3:01:21 am] <@gwillen> emily: ^5
[3:01:23 am] <@aeth> I got that point for crapbot, I did it
[3:01:23 am] <@Tat> 7. Who is the patron saint of nurses?
[3:01:29 am] <@gwillen> st anne
[3:01:31 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> st augustine
[3:01:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !google patron saint of nurses
[3:01:31 am] <@Guest0> st nursus
[3:01:32 am] <@aeth> !google patron saint nurses
[3:01:32 am] <@theendoffreenode> st lucia
[3:01:32 am] <@KickServ> st catherine
[3:01:32 am] <@emily> !google patron saint nurses
[3:01:32 am] <@CrapBot> Patron of Nurses - Catholic Saint Medals: <>; Who Is The Patron Saint of Nurses? - NurseBuff: <>; (1 more message)
[3:01:33 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, st r______
[3:01:34 am] <@CrapBot> 4 Patron Saints of Nursing & Their Meaning - St. Agatha & More!: <>; Who Is The Patron Saint of Nurses? - NurseBuff: (1 more message)
[3:01:35 am] <@CrapBot> 4 Patron Saints of Nursing & Their Meaning - St. Agatha & More!: <>; Who Is The Patron Saint of Nurses? - NurseBuff: (1 more message)
[3:01:36 am] <@theendoffreenode> st roberts
[3:01:37 am] <@ZeroCool> st rusty
[3:01:37 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Nurse Ratchet
[3:01:38 am] <@KickServ> st rebeca
[3:01:39 am] <@aeth> !google nurse st
[3:01:40 am] <@cottsay> st rose
[3:01:41 am] <@CrapBot> Registered Nurse Jobs | Providence Health Care: <>; Community Health Nursing | Western Health: < (1 more message)
[3:01:41 am] <@CompuServ> st nicholas
[3:01:42 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> st rebecca
[3:01:42 am] <@gwillen> st rebecca
[3:01:44 am] <@aeth> !google nurse saint
[3:01:46 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> st rebekkah
[3:01:46 am] <@CrapBot> 4 Patron Saints of Nursing & Their Meaning - St. Agatha & More!: <>; Who Is The Patron Saint of Nurses? - NurseBuff: (1 more message)
[3:01:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> st robert
[3:01:47 am] <@CompuServ> st saintington
[3:01:47 am] <@Tat> st rudolf
[3:01:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> st roberta
[3:01:50 am] <@DickServ> st agatha
[3:01:50 am] <@aeth> st agatha
[3:01:51 am] <@KickServ> st robert
[3:01:52 am] <@AltTriviaBot> NurseBuff
[3:01:54 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> st ralph
[3:01:55 am] <@CompuServ> saint saint the saint
[3:01:55 am] <@KickServ> st raphael
[3:01:56 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: st raphael Time: 32.261 Streak: 1 Points: 19 WPM: 3 Rank: 6th
[3:01:56 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 CrapBot-1 rbraun-1
[3:01:56 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google nurse st patron
[3:01:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> st rebecca
[3:01:58 am] <@CrapBot> 4 Patron Saints of Nursing & Their Meaning - St. Agatha & More!: <>; Patron of Nurses - Catholic Saint Medals: (1 more message)
[3:01:58 am] <@ZeroCool> Helloooooo nurse
[3:02:06 am] <@Tat> 8. Who was Tasmania's famous swashbuckler?
[3:02:10 am] <@emily> !google tasmania swashbuckler
[3:02:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> taz
[3:02:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> diablo
[3:02:12 am] <@CrapBot> Errol Flynn - Wikipedia: <>; Errol Flynn: Portrait of a Swashbuckler - YouTube: <>; Who was Tasmania's famous (1 more message)
[3:02:13 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: errol flynn Time: 5.616 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 23 Rank: 14th Previously: 16th
[3:02:13 am] <@ZeroCool> Dread Pirate Roberts
[3:02:13 am] <@Tat> Current Round: CrapBot-2 gwillen-2 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:02:13 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 14th
[3:02:13 am] <@CompuServ> swashbuckling sam
[3:02:14 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Swashy McBuckler
[3:02:16 am] <@aeth> YES
[3:02:16 am] <@emily> yesssss
[3:02:17 am] <@Tat> Google Whacko... and normal wacko.
[3:02:19 am] <@aeth> CRAP BOT #1
[3:02:23 am] <@Tat> 9. Geography: Twenty-three states in the U.S. border an -----------
[3:02:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> modify the bot so it googles automatically
[3:02:26 am] <@gwillen> ocean
[3:02:26 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: ocean Time: 2.668 Streak: 1 Points: 42 WPM: 22 Rank: 2nd
[3:02:26 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 CrapBot-2 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:02:26 am] <@DickServ> oceon
[3:02:28 am] <@CompuServ> other state
[3:02:28 am] <@Guest0> Alcoholism
[3:02:35 am] <@aeth> stop taking wins from the bot
[3:02:36 am] <@Tat> 10. Acronym Soup: L8TRZ?
[3:02:37 am] <@ZeroCool> After the pandemic? Maybe.
[3:02:37 am] <@AltTriviaBot> river
[3:02:38 am] <@rbraun> CompuServ: no, that's 48
[3:02:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> laters
[3:02:39 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: laters Time: 2.34 Streak: 1 Points: 32 WPM: 30 Rank: 3rd
[3:02:39 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 CrapBot-2 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:02:39 am] <@emily> !google l8trz
[3:02:40 am] <@rbraun> laters
[3:02:40 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google l8trz
[3:02:41 am] <@CrapBot> What does L8TRZ mean? - Definition of L8TRZ - L8TRZ stands for ...: <>; L8TRZ - What does L8TRZ stand for? The Free Dictionary: (1 more message)
[3:02:41 am] <@CrapBot> What does L8TRZ mean? - Definition of L8TRZ - L8TRZ stands for ...: <>; L8TRZ - What does L8TRZ stand for? The Free Dictionary: (1 more message)
[3:02:45 am] <@CompuServ> rbraun: 48 is at least 23
[3:02:49 am] <@Tat> 11. TV/ Movies: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in this movie: Last Action Hero - 1993?
[3:02:50 am] <@AltTriviaBot> wtf is a laters
[3:02:50 am] <@rbraun> c.c
[3:02:52 am] <@KickServ> !google . TV/ Movies: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in this movie: Last Action Hero - 1993?
[3:02:54 am] <@CrapBot> Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in this movie: Last Action Hero - 1993?: <>; TV/ Movies: Born Mar (1 more message)
[3:02:55 am] <@CompuServ> rbraun so if 48 do then 23 certainly do
[3:02:55 am] <@emily> !google born mar 10 1958 last action hero star
[3:02:57 am] <@theendoffreenode> an acronym cant be as long as its meaning
[3:02:57 am] <@CrapBot> Last Action Hero - Wikipedia: <>; Sharon Stone – Timeline featuring movies and other highlights from ...: < (1 more message)
[3:02:58 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: sharon stone Time: 8.237 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 17 Rank: 11th Previously: 14th
[3:02:58 am] <@Tat> Current Round: CrapBot-3 gwillen-3 Tat-1 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:02:58 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 11th
[3:02:59 am] <@AltTriviaBot> jamie lee cutis
[3:03:00 am] <@emily> YES
[3:03:03 am] <@Tat> It means see you later... as in in the future.
[3:03:03 am] <@gwillen> :D :D :D
[3:03:05 am] <@ZeroCool> Judy Densch
[3:03:06 am] <@aeth> gg crap bot
[3:03:08 am] <@Tat> 12. Who is known as the "George Washington" of South America?
[3:03:09 am] <@rbraun> the bot *deserved* that one.
[3:03:12 am] <@emily> !google george washington of south america
[3:03:13 am] <@theendoffreenode> simon bolivar
[3:03:13 am] <@rbraun> simon bolivar
[3:03:13 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: simon bolivar Time: 4.431 Streak: 1 Points: 19 WPM: 35 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[3:03:13 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 6th
[3:03:14 am] <@cottsay> elon musk
[3:03:14 am] <@Tat> bolivar
[3:03:14 am] <@Tat> Current Round: CrapBot-3 gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-2 Tat-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:03:14 am] <@CrapBot> San Martín, the George Washington of Southern South America: <>; The George Washington of South America was | < (1 more message)
[3:03:14 am] <@DickServ> mel gibson
[3:03:16 am] <@CompuServ> george washington of south america
[3:03:17 am] <@AltTriviaBot> George Washington but he's black
[3:03:21 am] <@rbraun> cottsay:
[3:03:24 am] <@Tat> 13. Baby Names Beginning With "U": Meaning: To Arrive?
[3:03:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> uday
[3:03:28 am] <@KickServ> ubot
[3:03:28 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: uday Time: 4.555 Streak: 1 Points: 33 WPM: 10 Rank: 3rd
[3:03:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: CrapBot-3 gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-2 IronDeHavilland-2 Tat-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:03:29 am] <@aeth> !google baby names to arrive
[3:03:29 am] <@IronDeHavilland> usay
[3:03:30 am] <@CrapBot> Discover Baby Names for Boys & Girls | The Bump - <>; Baby Name Lists - <>; Baby Name Generator - Baby (1 more message)
[3:03:30 am] <@cottsay> ucomin?
[3:03:33 am] <@Guest0> Ugettouttheeway
[3:03:34 am] <@ZeroCool> rbraun, are you just fast at Googling or do you win bar trivia nights? You're kinda impressive here.
[3:03:35 am] <@Tat> was a repeat
[3:03:39 am] <@Tat> 14. Useless Trivia: A square mile of fertile earth has ---------- earthworms in it.
[3:03:39 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> is qusay in there
[3:03:41 am] <@CompuServ> arrival
[3:03:42 am] <@gwillen> 9999
[3:03:42 am] <@rbraun> ZeroCool: i'm doing a bit of both
[3:03:43 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1000
[3:03:44 am] <@emily> !google square mile of fertile earth earthworm count
[3:03:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2000
[3:03:44 am] <@theendoffreenode> a million
[3:03:45 am] <@CompuServ> destination
[3:03:45 am] <@gwillen> 8050
[3:03:45 am] <@KickServ> 684
[3:03:45 am] <@Tat> some
[3:03:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 3000
[3:03:45 am] <@CrapBot> [PDF] Earthworms – Architects of fertile soils: <>; Earthworms | NRCS Soils: (2 more messages)
[3:03:46 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> a bunch
[3:03:47 am] <@IronDeHavilland> trillion
[3:03:47 am] <@CompuServ> destiny
[3:03:48 am] <@cottsay> 10,202
[3:03:48 am] <@root> 69
[3:03:48 am] <@gwillen> 3759
[3:03:48 am] <@AltTriviaBot> over 9000
[3:03:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> 3
[3:03:49 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 32,0__,___
[3:03:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> 2
[3:03:49 am] <@Tat> some earthworms
[3:03:50 am] <@emily> too many
[3:03:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1
[3:03:50 am] <@ZeroCool> rbraun, :D
[3:03:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> billion
[3:03:51 am] <@gwillen> about tree fitty
[3:03:52 am] <@emily> 32,000,000
[3:03:52 am] <@Tat> Winner: emily Answer: 32,000,000 Time: 13.213 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 9 Rank: 21st Previously: 26th
[3:03:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 32,000,000
[3:03:53 am] <@Tat> emily has moved up in rank: 21st
[3:03:53 am] <@root> 32,000,000
[3:03:53 am] <@KickServ> 32,000,000
[3:03:53 am] <@CompuServ> 32,0,0,0
[3:03:53 am] <@Tat> 30,000,000
[3:03:53 am] <@Tat> Current Round: CrapBot-3 gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-2 IronDeHavilland-2 Tat-1 emily-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:03:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> 23,000,000
[3:03:54 am] <@DickServ> multiple
[3:03:55 am] <@CompuServ> earthworm jim
[3:03:56 am] <@cottsay> 32.33
[3:03:56 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> 32,000,003
[3:03:57 am] <@gwillen> looooooool emily
[3:04:00 am] <@AltTriviaBot> it is exactly 32,000,000 every time even
[3:04:03 am] <@aeth> come on crap bot you can do it
[3:04:03 am] <@Tat> 15. what was richard bach's best selling book?
[3:04:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:04:06 am] <@emily> !google richard bach book
[3:04:07 am] <-- poorboy ( has quit (Quit: Oh noooooes)
[3:04:07 am] <@CompuServ> earthworm jim
[3:04:08 am] <@CrapBot> Richard Bach - Wikipedia: <>; Richard Bach Books | List of books by author Richard Bach: <>; Richard (1 more message)
[3:04:08 am] <@emily> !google book by richard bach
[3:04:10 am] <@cottsay> the bible
[3:04:10 am] <@aeth> !google richard bach bestselling book
[3:04:11 am] <@CrapBot> Richard Bach Books | List of books by author Richard Bach: <>; Richard Bach - Wikipedia: <>; Richard (1 more message)
[3:04:12 am] <@CrapBot> Richard Bach - Wikipedia: <>; Richard Bach Books | List of books by author Richard Bach: <>; Richard (1 more message)
[3:04:13 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, jonathan ___________ _______
[3:04:15 am] <@CompuServ> earthworm jim
[3:04:15 am] <@aeth> !google richard bach book most popular
[3:04:16 am] <@ZeroCool> Jonathan Quick
[3:04:17 am] <@emily> !google jonathan richard bach
[3:04:17 am] <@CrapBot> Written by Richard Bach - The Greatest Books: <>; Richard Bach Books | List of books by author Richard Bach: <>; (1 more message)
[3:04:18 am] <@gwillen> jonathan livingston seagull
[3:04:18 am] <@CrapBot> Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Wikipedia: <>; Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach - Goodreads: (2 more messages)
[3:04:18 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: jonathan livingston seagull Time: 15.148 Streak: 1 Points: 43 WPM: 21 Rank: 2nd
[3:04:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jonathan sebastian bach
[3:04:19 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> jonathan livingston seagull
[3:04:19 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 CrapBot-3 theendoffreenode-2 IronDeHavilland-2 Tat-1 emily-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:04:19 am] <@aeth> !google richard bach jonathan
[3:04:21 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> ffffuuuu
[3:04:22 am] <@CrapBot> Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Wikipedia: <>; Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach - Goodreads: (2 more messages)
[3:04:27 am] <@emily> gwillen: are yous till just googling these
[3:04:29 am] <@Tat> 16. TV/ Movies: 1999, This Movie was Released on March 12 Wing ---------
[3:04:30 am] <@aeth> damn it, gwillen just beat CrapBot
[3:04:31 am] <@emily> if so, i like how this is manual vs. robot google
[3:04:32 am] <@gwillen> emily: yes
[3:04:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> commander
[3:04:33 am] <@ZeroCool> Seagulls jus steal your foot.
[3:04:33 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: commander Time: 4.243 Streak: 1 Points: 34 WPM: 25 Rank: 3rd
[3:04:33 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 CrapBot-3 IronDeHavilland-3 theendoffreenode-2 Tat-1 emily-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:04:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tsun
[3:04:38 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> gwillen: RUDE
[3:04:40 am] <@gwillen> emily: I mean, some of them
[3:04:44 am] <@rbraun> ZeroCool: i'm also using lynx ;)
[3:04:44 am] <@Tat> 17. UnScramble this Word: e e r f t c a b o n?
[3:04:48 am] <@gwillen> the ones that are too fast to google are off the top of my heead
[3:04:48 am] <@emily> fartcarbon
[3:04:49 am] <@DickServ> ZeroCool: Rude, I need my foot
[3:04:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> oftc
[3:04:51 am] <@aeth> !google unscramble e e r f t c a b o n
[3:04:52 am] <@CrapBot> UnScramble this Word: e e r f t c a b o n - Answer in NoSoloTrivial: <>; All the questions - from 3201 to 3300 - (1 more message)
[3:04:54 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, bene______
[3:04:55 am] <@ZeroCool> carbon offset
[3:04:56 am] <@emily> lmao
[3:04:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> benefactor
[3:04:56 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: benefactor Time: 12.526 Streak: 2 Points: 35 WPM: 9 Rank: 3rd
[3:04:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 IronDeHavilland-4 CrapBot-3 theendoffreenode-2 Tat-1 emily-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:04:58 am] <@emily> an actual result
[3:04:59 am] <@CompuServ> beneficial
[3:05:02 am] <@AltTriviaBot> emily: gwillen is a very advanced Turing Test, very very very convincing, but no human could do that
[3:05:03 am] <@CompuServ> benevolent
[3:05:04 am] <@cottsay> benefactor
[3:05:07 am] <@Tat> 18. eadnwr eel sscku?
[3:05:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> yes
[3:05:14 am] <@rbraun> andrew lee sucks
[3:05:14 am] <@CompuServ> klaatu barada nikto
[3:05:14 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: Andrew Lee Sucks Time: 6.973 Streak: 1 Points: 22 WPM: 27 Rank: 4th
[3:05:14 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 IronDeHavilland-4 CrapBot-3 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 Tat-1 emily-1 KickServ-1
[3:05:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> no
[3:05:15 am] <@gwillen> andrew lee sucks
[3:05:19 am] <@KickServ> lul
[3:05:22 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> lol
[3:05:25 am] <@Tat> 19. UnScramble this Word: a d e s h g n?
[3:05:25 am] <@gwillen> AltTriviaBot: :D
[3:05:26 am] <@aeth> lol
[3:05:28 am] <@CompuServ> dalkjfs
[3:05:28 am] <@emily> !google a d e s h g n unscramble
[3:05:29 am] <@CrapBot> Unscramble ADESHGN - Unscrambled 166 words from letters in ...: <>; UnScramble this Word: adeshgn? - QuizQuizGo: < (1 more message)
[3:05:30 am] <@CompuServ> afdasf
[3:05:30 am] <@aeth> !google a d e s h g n
[3:05:30 am] <@CompuServ> asfdasfas
[3:05:31 am] <@CrapBot> Unscramble ADESHGN - Unscrambled 166 words from letters in ...: <>; a d e s h g n? - QuizQuizGo: <>; (1 more message)
[3:05:31 am] <@CompuServ> asfsfda
[3:05:34 am] <@CompuServ> asfsfasfa bsfdnb
[3:05:34 am] <@KickServ> gnashed
[3:05:35 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: gnashed Time: 9.719 Streak: 1 Points: 20 WPM: 8 Rank: 6th
[3:05:35 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 IronDeHavilland-4 CrapBot-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 rbraun-2 Tat-1 emily-1
[3:05:35 am] <@CompuServ> lkahsflk
[3:05:37 am] <@itisnigh> <UrsaTempest@libera> so so are y'all dead now
[3:05:40 am] <@aeth> these SEOed sites don't have the answer in the title damn
[3:05:43 am] <@emily> very much alive
[3:05:45 am] <@Tat> 20. Football the new orleans ______?
[3:05:47 am] <@nrr> very, very much alive.
[3:05:47 am] -*- Jigsy checks his pulse.
[3:05:48 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> ursatempest: we've always been dead
[3:05:48 am] <@rbraun> saints
[3:05:48 am] <@emily> !google football new orleans
[3:05:49 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: saints Time: 3.104 Streak: 1 Points: 23 WPM: 23 Rank: 4th
[3:05:49 am] <@ZeroCool> Server is still online!
[3:05:49 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 IronDeHavilland-4 CrapBot-3 rbraun-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1
[3:05:49 am] <@aeth> this is probably more alive than neofreenode atm
[3:05:50 am] <@CrapBot> Saints Home | New Orleans Saints | <>; NewOrleans.Football: <>; New Orleans Saints NFL - Saints News, Scores, Stats, (1 more message)
[3:05:59 am] <@Tat> 21. Category: Junk Food: Puffy white soft pillows of sugar; good raw or roasted over a campfire?
[3:06:01 am] <@CompuServ> OrmandaHugandkis, I know i've been mad
[3:06:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> just write a trivia answerbot with trivia database
[3:06:03 am] <@emily> !google junk food puffy white soft
[3:06:04 am] <@CrapBot> Junk Food: Puffy white soft pillows of sugar; good raw ... - QuizQuizGo: <>; Junk (2 more messages)
[3:06:04 am] <@gwillen> marshmallows
[3:06:04 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: marshmallows Time: 5.132 Streak: 1 Points: 44 WPM: 28 Rank: 2nd
[3:06:04 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-5 IronDeHavilland-4 CrapBot-3 rbraun-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1
[3:06:05 am] <@theendoffreenode> marshmallow
[3:06:06 am] <@emily> !google mallows of marsh
[3:06:07 am] <@CrapBot> Mallow & Marsh - Marshmallow, but not as you know it: <>; Mallow and Marsh Online Store: <>; Althaea officinalis - (1 more message)
[3:06:07 am] <@rbraun> marshmall
[3:06:11 am] <@itisnigh> <nrr@libera> UrsaTempest: we're all alive still.
[3:06:12 am] <@aeth> is this bot's source available
[3:06:12 am] <@gwillen> that one was not a google :-P
[3:06:12 am] <@itisnigh> <AMcBain@libera> UrsaTempest, in what way? I think as long as the server is up they'll stay there...
[3:06:15 am] <@CompuServ> jet puffed
[3:06:15 am] <@Tat> 22. What rock group uses roman numerals on all of its album covers?
[3:06:16 am] <@DickServ> OBJECTION
[3:06:18 am] <@emily> !google roman numeral rock group
[3:06:19 am] <@AltTriviaBot> ursatempest: Stayin Alive
[3:06:20 am] <@rbraun> toto
[3:06:20 am] <@CrapBot> Roman Numerals | Discography | Discogs: <>; Quiz Questions - What rock group uses roman numerals on all of its ...: (1 more message)
[3:06:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> acdc
[3:06:22 am] <@DickServ> Marshmallows are not good, raw or otherwise
[3:06:22 am] <@rbraun> led zeppelin
[3:06:23 am] <@CompuServ> led zeppelin
[3:06:24 am] <@Guest0> Led Zeppelin
[3:06:25 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, chi____
[3:06:26 am] <@aeth> !google rock group roman numeral album covers
[3:06:27 am] <@CrapBot> Quiz Questions - What rock group uses roman numerals on all of its ...: <>; (General) What (2 more messages)
[3:06:27 am] <@rbraun> chicago
[3:06:27 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: chicago Time: 12.449 Streak: 1 Points: 24 WPM: 6 Rank: 4th
[3:06:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-5 rbraun-4 IronDeHavilland-4 CrapBot-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1
[3:06:29 am] <@CompuServ> what the fucking fuck
[3:06:33 am] <@CompuServ> it's led zeppelin
[3:06:34 am] <@aeth> damn it answer in the goddamn title
[3:06:35 am] <@Tat> There's actually code to ban you if you do superhuman things responding to the bot.
[3:06:37 am] <@emily> no it isnt
[3:06:37 am] <@CompuServ> they're fucking known for that
[3:06:37 am] <@rbraun> i think "all of its"...
[3:06:38 am] <@Tat> 23. The northern part of north america lies within the ______?
[3:06:39 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by bu_pm_me_smthbroke to ChanServ on pissnet
[3:06:41 am] <@emily> it says covers
[3:06:41 am] <@gwillen> emily: I love that you got the question in the results, but not the answer
[3:06:42 am] <@aeth> clickbait is making CrapBot lose
[3:06:44 am] <@theendoffreenode> artic ocean
[3:06:44 am] <@gwillen> northern hemisphere
[3:06:46 am] <@rbraun> arctic circle
[3:06:46 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: arctic circle Time: 7.988 Streak: 2 Points: 25 WPM: 19 Rank: 4th
[3:06:46 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-5 gwillen-5 IronDeHavilland-4 CrapBot-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1
[3:06:47 am] <@IronDeHavilland> polar circle
[3:06:48 am] <@emily> where are the roman numerals on the led zeppelin coevrs
[3:06:49 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Earth
[3:06:49 am] <@Guest0> shit zonee
[3:06:50 am] <@gwillen> oh very good
[3:06:52 am] <@nrr> bear circle
[3:06:53 am] --> luna-is-here ( has joined ##apocalypse
[3:06:53 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o luna-is-here by CrapBot
[3:06:56 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> the cool zone
[3:06:56 am] <@CompuServ> emily: on I thru III
[3:06:57 am] <@Tat> 24. Category: Sci Fi: L. Ron Hubbard began writing this series but died before finishing.
[3:07:00 am] <@emily> !google l ron hubbard series
[3:07:01 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> dianetics
[3:07:02 am] <@CrapBot> The L. Ron Hubbard Series: <>; L. Ron Hubbard - Wikipedia: <>; Written works of L. (1 more message)
[3:07:02 am] <@ZeroCool> Dianetics
[3:07:03 am] <@CompuServ> II thru III *
[3:07:03 am] <@gwillen> scientology
[3:07:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> battlefield earth
[3:07:04 am] <@emily> !google l ron hubbard never finished series
[3:07:04 am] <@rbraun> OrmandaHugandkis: no that's THIS CHANNEL
[3:07:06 am] <@CrapBot> The L. Ron Hubbard Series: The Complete Biographical Encyclopedia: <>; The L. Ron Hubbard Series, the Complete Biographical Encyclopedia: (1 more message)
[3:07:07 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, miss____ _____
[3:07:08 am] <@emily> !google l ron hubbard unfinished
[3:07:10 am] <@CrapBot> L. Ron Hubbard - Wikipedia: <>; Military career of L. Ron Hubbard - Wikipedia: <>; Writer: The (1 more message)
[3:07:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> miss lee
[3:07:11 am] <@ZeroCool> missing note
[3:07:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> missile strike
[3:07:12 am] <@CompuServ> miss piggy
[3:07:13 am] <@aeth> !google l ron hubbard miss
[3:07:13 am] <@emily> !google l ron hubbard mission
[3:07:15 am] <@CrapBot> Shelly Miscavige - Wikipedia: <>; David Miscavige - Wikipedia: <>; Read Why Shelly Miscavige, Once Scientology's (1 more message)
[3:07:15 am] <@AltTriviaBot> Driving Miss Daisy
[3:07:15 am] <@gwillen> mission earth
[3:07:15 am] * rbraun has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "welcome to the Cool Zone | (, DO NOT USE SSL) | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | trans rights | protect maned wolves (roark) | andrew lee statement:"
[3:07:16 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> mission earth
[3:07:16 am] <@CrapBot> Mission Earth (novel series) - Wikipedia: <>; The Invaders Plan (Mission Earth, #1) by L. Ron Hubbard - Goodreads: (1 more message)
[3:07:16 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: mission earth Time: 18.798 Streak: 1 Points: 45 WPM: 8 Rank: 2nd
[3:07:16 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-6 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-4 CrapBot-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1
[3:07:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mission earth
[3:07:20 am] <@aeth> NOOOO
[3:07:23 am] <@aeth> the bot should've gotten it
[3:07:26 am] <@Tat> 25. What shakespearean king was actually king of scotland for 17 years?
[3:07:29 am] <@CompuServ> little miss sunshine
[3:07:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lear
[3:07:31 am] <@theendoffreenode> hamlet
[3:07:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> king lear
[3:07:32 am] <@emily> join us gwillen
[3:07:33 am] <@rbraun> macbeth
[3:07:33 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: macbeth Time: 6.599 Streak: 1 Points: 26 WPM: 12 Rank: 4th
[3:07:33 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-6 gwillen-6 IronDeHavilland-4 CrapBot-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1
[3:07:34 am] <@AltTriviaBot> King Kong
[3:07:34 am] <@emily> stop working against us
[3:07:35 am] <@aeth> !google shakespear king scotland
[3:07:37 am] <@CrapBot> King Macbeth - Wikipedia: <>; King Duncan - Wikipedia: <>; The real Duncan and Macbeth - Kings of Scotland - Historic UK: (1 more message)
[3:07:38 am] <@rbraun> NOW we're cursed
[3:07:39 am] <@rbraun> we said it
[3:07:39 am] <@emily> we have the same philosophy
[3:07:43 am] <@gwillen> I am faster than robots
[3:07:44 am] <@Tat> 26. What hobby was developed by the palmer paint company?
[3:07:45 am] <@CompuServ> !google googlebot
[3:07:47 am] <@CrapBot> What Is Googlebot | Google Search Central ...: <>; Overview of Google crawlers (user agents) | Search Central: (1 more message)
[3:07:47 am] <@ZeroCool> paint by numbers
[3:07:47 am] <@emily> !google hobby palmer paint company
[3:07:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> paint by numbers
[3:07:48 am] <@aeth> paint by numbers
[3:07:49 am] <@AltTriviaBot> paint huffing!
[3:07:49 am] <@CrapBot> Hobbies - What hobby was developed by the Palmer Paint Company?: <>; What hobby was developed by the (2 more messages)
[3:07:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> painting by numbers
[3:07:51 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: painting by numbers Time: 6.833 Streak: 1 Points: 20 WPM: 33 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[3:07:51 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 6th
[3:07:51 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-6 gwillen-6 IronDeHavilland-4 theendoffreenode-3 CrapBot-3 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1
[3:07:53 am] <@ZeroCool> painting by number
[3:07:53 am] <@itisnigh> <UrsaTempest@libera> good luck o7
[3:07:54 am] <@AltTriviaBot> we already had that one!
[3:07:59 am] <@gwillen> emily: legit but I like my leaderboard spot ;_;
[3:08:01 am] <@Tat> 27. Which people slide down a pole to help them to get to work quickly?
[3:08:04 am] <@gwillen> firefighteers
[3:08:04 am] <@ZeroCool> firemen
[3:08:05 am] <@rbraun> firemen
[3:08:05 am] <@emily> !google fire people
[3:08:05 am] <@Tat> Winner: ZeroCool Answer: firemen Time: 3.416 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 24 Rank: 17th Previously: 21st
[3:08:05 am] <@Tat> ZeroCool has moved up in rank: 17th
[3:08:06 am] <@aeth> firefighters
[3:08:06 am] <@AltTriviaBot> strippers
[3:08:06 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-6 gwillen-6 IronDeHavilland-4 theendoffreenode-3 CrapBot-3 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:08:06 am] <@CompuServ> gwillen: you must die
[3:08:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> firemen
[3:08:07 am] <@CrapBot> How to Decide Whether to Fire Someone - Harvard Business Review: <>; What Is the Best Day to Fire Employees? - The Balance Careers: (2 more messages)
[3:08:07 am] <@Jigsy> Strippers
[3:08:10 am] <@theendoffreenode> sexy firemen
[3:08:13 am] <@aeth> damn it CrapBot is being crushed
[3:08:14 am] <@gwillen> CompuServ: :'(
[3:08:16 am] <@Tat> 28. What is the Capone server IP?
[3:08:19 am] <@emily> lmao
[3:08:20 am] <@Jigsy>
[3:08:20 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: Time: 4.29 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 41 Rank: 11th
[3:08:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland>
[3:08:21 am] <@rbraun>,
[3:08:21 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-6 gwillen-6 IronDeHavilland-4 theendoffreenode-3 CrapBot-3 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1 Jigsy-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:08:21 am] <@rbraun>
[3:08:22 am] <@theendoffreenode>
[3:08:22 am] <@aeth>
[3:08:30 am] <@ZeroCool>
[3:08:31 am] <@Tat> 29. what kind of gun does the movie's "dirty harry" pack?
[3:08:33 am] <@rbraun> revolver
[3:08:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> colt
[3:08:35 am] <@gwillen> six-shooter
[3:08:36 am] <@ZeroCool> luger
[3:08:36 am] <@emily> !google gun dirty harry
[3:08:37 am] <@Seeder99> 44
[3:08:37 am] <@Jigsy> Magnumm
[3:08:37 am] <@theendoffreenode> shotgun
[3:08:38 am] <@Tat> 45
[3:08:38 am] <@CrapBot> Smith & Wesson Model 29 - Wikipedia: <>; Dirty Harry - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV ...: (1 more message)
[3:08:38 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> magnum
[3:08:38 am] <@Jigsy> Magnum
[3:08:39 am] <@emily> !google type of gun dirty harry
[3:08:39 am] <@CompuServ> revolver
[3:08:39 am] <@Tat> Winner: OrmandaHugandkis Answer: magnum Time: 7.551 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 9 Rank: 22nd Previously: 27th
[3:08:39 am] <@Tat> OrmandaHugandkis has moved up in rank: 22nd
[3:08:40 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-6 gwillen-6 IronDeHavilland-4 theendoffreenode-3 CrapBot-3 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:08:41 am] <@CrapBot> Smith & Wesson Model 29 - Wikipedia: <>; Dirty Harry - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV ...: (1 more message)
[3:08:43 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> lol
[3:08:43 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> missile command
[3:08:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:08:49 am] <@rbraun> <3 White_Flame
[3:08:49 am] <@Tat> 30. Category: Trivia : Similes: As graceful as a(n) _________.
[3:08:52 am] <@CompuServ> ox
[3:08:52 am] <@emily> !google as graceful as a
[3:08:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cat
[3:08:53 am] <@gwillen> octopus
[3:08:54 am] <@ZeroCool> elephant
[3:08:54 am] <@CrapBot> as graceful as a | English examples in context | Ludwig: <>; what's the meaning of " I am as graceful as a 1 legged fish" - italki: (1 more message)
[3:08:55 am] <@IronDeHavilland> snake
[3:08:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> fox
[3:08:59 am] <@emily> !google as graceful as an
[3:08:59 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, sw__
[3:08:59 am] <@CompuServ> fox
[3:08:59 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> ox
[3:09:00 am] <@theendoffreenode> legged fish
[3:09:00 am] <@CrapBot> as graceful as a | English examples in context | Ludwig: <>; As graceful as... - SimileSmiles: <>; what's the meaning of " I am as (1 more message)
[3:09:00 am] <@AltTriviaBot> aardvark
[3:09:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> swan
[3:09:01 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: swan Time: 11.825 Streak: 1 Points: 36 WPM: 4 Rank: 3rd
[3:09:01 am] <@gwillen> swan
[3:09:02 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-6 gwillen-6 IronDeHavilland-5 theendoffreenode-3 CrapBot-3 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:09:06 am] <@gwillen> that was a dumb question.
[3:09:06 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> swampert
[3:09:08 am] <@CompuServ> ^
[3:09:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> indeed
[3:09:12 am] <@Tat> 31. UnScramble this Word: r w r o a?
[3:09:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> should be cat
[3:09:12 am] <@Seeder99> swan
[3:09:14 am] <@gwillen> arrow
[3:09:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rawr
[3:09:14 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: arrow Time: 2.106 Streak: 1 Points: 46 WPM: 28 Rank: 2nd
[3:09:14 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-5 theendoffreenode-3 CrapBot-3 KickServ-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:09:14 am] <@emily> !google r w r o a
[3:09:14 am] <@CompuServ> i liek mudkips
[3:09:16 am] <@CrapBot> Unscramble rwroa (24 words with rwroa unscrambled): <>; Anagrams of RWROA in Scrabble | < (1 more message)
[3:09:17 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> eating paint chips
[3:09:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:09:22 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> roawr
[3:09:25 am] <@Tat> 32. 'The girls'll go crazy for a....' what is the name of this ZZ-Top tune?
[3:09:30 am] <-- Guest3452 (59a2134b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has quit (Quit: Connection closed)
[3:09:30 am] <@ZeroCool> sharp dressed man
[3:09:30 am] <@theendoffreenode> lesbian sex
[3:09:31 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> strippers
[3:09:31 am] <@Tat> Winner: ZeroCool Answer: Sharp Time: 5.85 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 10 Rank: 15th Previously: 17th
[3:09:31 am] <@CompuServ> shitty music
[3:09:31 am] <@Jigsy> Butterfinger
[3:09:31 am] <@AltTriviaBot> sharp dressed man
[3:09:31 am] <@Tat> ZeroCool has moved up in rank: 15th
[3:09:31 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-7 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-5 theendoffreenode-3 CrapBot-3 KickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1
[3:09:34 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> sharp fuuuu
[3:09:41 am] <@Tat> 33. What are the world's tallest trees?
[3:09:44 am] <@gwillen> redwoods
[3:09:45 am] <@aeth> redwood
[3:09:45 am] <@ZeroCool> redwoods
[3:09:45 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> sequoia
[3:09:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mammoth pines
[3:09:46 am] <@CompuServ> redwood
[3:09:46 am] <@emily> !google tallest tree
[3:09:47 am] <@theendoffreenode> secuoyas
[3:09:47 am] <@gwillen> sequoias
[3:09:48 am] <@CrapBot> Tallest tree living | Guinness World Records: <>; List of tallest trees - Wikipedia: (1 more message)
[3:09:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sequoia
[3:09:48 am] <@CompuServ> sequoia
[3:09:49 am] <@Jigsy> The Mighty Oak
[3:09:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sequoias
[3:09:50 am] <@gwillen> giant redwoods
[3:09:50 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> sequoias
[3:09:50 am] <@emily> !google tallest tree species
[3:09:51 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, coast_ ________
[3:09:51 am] <@AltTriviaBot> old ones
[3:09:51 am] <@CrapBot> List of tallest trees - Wikipedia: <>; List of superlative trees - Wikipedia: <>; The Tallest (1 more message)
[3:09:54 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> wronog
[3:09:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> coast guard
[3:09:55 am] <@CompuServ> coastal redwood
[3:09:55 am] <@ZeroCool> coastal pines
[3:09:55 am] <@gwillen> coast redwoods
[3:09:55 am] <@emily> !google species coastal tallest tree
[3:09:55 am] <@rbraun> coast redwood
[3:09:56 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: coast redwoods Time: 14.274 Streak: 1 Points: 47 WPM: 11 Rank: 2nd
[3:09:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-5 theendoffreenode-3 CrapBot-3 KickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1
[3:09:57 am] <@CrapBot> List of tallest trees - Wikipedia: <>; Coast Redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) - Wikipedia: <>; Tallest (1 more message)
[3:09:57 am] <@ZeroCool> coastal pines
[3:09:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> coast pines
[3:10:02 am] <@CompuServ> what the fucking fuck again
[3:10:03 am] <@emily> so close
[3:10:03 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> bazooka
[3:10:06 am] <@CompuServ> coastal redwood
[3:10:06 am] <@Tat> 34. What did Neptune hold in his hand?
[3:10:08 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> uzi
[3:10:08 am] <@gwillen> trident
[3:10:09 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: trident Time: 2.308 Streak: 2 Points: 48 WPM: 36 Rank: 2nd
[3:10:09 am] <@emily> !google neptune hold hand
[3:10:09 am] <@aeth> trident
[3:10:10 am] <@ZeroCool> trident
[3:10:10 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-5 theendoffreenode-3 CrapBot-3 KickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1
[3:10:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> trident
[3:10:11 am] <@CrapBot> Hold My Hand, We Are Going to Neptune by Yeet on Amazon Music ...: <>; hold my hand,we are going to neptune by yeet - SoundCloud: (1 more message)
[3:10:20 am] <@Tat> 35. What was the name of the operatic diva who gave her name to a peach dessert?
[3:10:21 am] <@gwillen> "yeet" also acceptable.
[3:10:23 am] <@rbraun> melba
[3:10:24 am] <@emily> !google operatic diva peach dessert
[3:10:24 am] <@gwillen> cobbler
[3:10:25 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> rasengan
[3:10:25 am] <@CrapBot> Opera, Escoffier, and Peaches: The Story of the Peach Melba | PBS ...: <>; This Peach Melba Recipe (2 more messages)
[3:10:26 am] <@theendoffreenode> maria callas
[3:10:26 am] <@CompuServ> momotaro
[3:10:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> pavlova
[3:10:29 am] <@KickServ> melba
[3:10:30 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, dame n______ _____
[3:10:30 am] <@Jigsy> lol, Cobbler.
[3:10:30 am] <@theendoffreenode> lucia popp
[3:10:33 am] <@emily> !google dame melba
[3:10:33 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> swiffer
[3:10:34 am] <@CrapBot> Nellie Melba - Wikipedia: <>; Biography - Dame Nellie Melba - Australian Dictionary of Biography: <>; Dame (1 more message)
[3:10:35 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: dame nellie melba Time: 14.945 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 13 Rank: 11th Previously: 12th
[3:10:35 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 11th
[3:10:35 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-5 CrapBot-4 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1
[3:10:37 am] <@emily> YES
[3:10:39 am] <@CompuServ> dame nut buster
[3:10:40 am] <@emily> pog.
[3:10:42 am] <@aeth> come on CrapBot you can do it
[3:10:45 am] <@ZeroCool> Bring back sherbet oreos!
[3:10:45 am] <@Tat> 36. Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: To Tie?
[3:10:48 am] <@gwillen> albert
[3:10:49 am] <@gwillen> alfred
[3:10:50 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> ruh roh shaggy!
[3:10:50 am] <@IronDeHavilland> alf
[3:10:51 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> arrow
[3:10:53 am] --> ckie (~ron@ has joined ##apocalypse
[3:10:53 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o ckie by CrapBot
[3:10:53 am] <@ZeroCool> Alastair
[3:10:53 am] <@gwillen> alakazan
[3:10:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> bondage
[3:10:55 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, avo_____
[3:10:56 am] <@Guest0> Andrew
[3:10:56 am] <@Jigsy> Adam
[3:10:57 am] <@CompuServ> arrest
[3:10:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> avocado
[3:10:58 am] <@KickServ> avocado
[3:10:58 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> avocado
[3:10:58 am] <@CompuServ> avocado
[3:10:58 am] <@Jigsy> Avocado
[3:10:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> avocat
[3:11:00 am] <@aeth> avocado
[3:11:00 am] <@gwillen> avonale
[3:11:01 am] <@KickServ> :D
[3:11:01 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> avogadro
[3:11:02 am] <@gwillen> avon
[3:11:02 am] <@ZeroCool> Aveola
[3:11:04 am] <@CompuServ> avontgarde
[3:11:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> avo gibson
[3:11:07 am] <@aeth> !google baby names tie
[3:11:09 am] <@CrapBot> Tie - Boy's name meaning, origin, and popularity | BabyCenter: <>; Ties: Name Meaning, Popularity, and Similar Names | Nameberry: (1 more message)
[3:11:11 am] <@aeth> !google baby names tie avo
[3:11:11 am] <@gwillen> emily: I'm still trying to win but my heart is with crapbot
[3:11:12 am] <@CrapBot> View Boy Names Ending with -avo at Baby Names Pedia - with ...: <>; The Name Avo : popularity, meaning and origin, popular baby names: <https://www.popular- (1 more message)
[3:11:13 am] * BigChungus has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "welcome to the Cool (and Gay) Zone | (, DO NOT USE SSL) | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | trans rights | protect maned wolves (roark) | andrew lee statement:"
[3:11:19 am] <@CompuServ> avot
[3:11:21 am] <@KickServ> avonlea
[3:11:22 am] <@rbraun> aadar
[3:11:23 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> sequens
[3:11:24 am] <@CompuServ> avot and castello
[3:11:26 am] <@ZeroCool> Avon
[3:11:31 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> costa ricas
[3:11:31 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> avoid the noid
[3:11:35 am] <@KickServ> avonlen
[3:11:36 am] <@Guest0> avontgotaclue
[3:11:38 am] <@ZeroCool> The noid is back!
[3:11:38 am] <@emily> i should hook up a bot to automatically !google the question
[3:11:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> +
[3:11:45 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: avongara
[3:11:50 am] <@gwillen> avoavonda
[3:11:50 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> deez nutz
[3:11:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> or just search in some trivia database
[3:11:52 am] <@Guest0> of course
[3:11:52 am] <@CompuServ> medula oblongata
[3:11:55 am] <@aeth> find the source and use the database to answer immediately, you'll only miss the handful of custom ones
[3:11:56 am] <@Tat> 37. Name The Year: Patrick Swayze Houston Tx, actor/dancer (Dirty Dancing, Ghost), born.
[3:12:00 am] <@ZeroCool> 1959
[3:12:00 am] <@CompuServ> 1937
[3:12:02 am] <@emily> that's boring
[3:12:02 am] <@KickServ> 1961
[3:12:03 am] <@CompuServ> 1955
[3:12:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1963
[3:12:06 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[3:12:06 am] <@CompuServ> 19585
[3:12:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1964
[3:12:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1965
[3:12:07 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google patrick swayze houston birthyear
[3:12:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1966
[3:12:07 am] <@ZeroCool> 1980
[3:12:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1967
[3:12:08 am] <@emily> !google patrick swayze birth year
[3:12:08 am] <@CrapBot> Patrick Swayze - Family, Death & Dirty Dancing - Biography: <>; Patrick Swayze - Biography - IMDb: <>; Patrick Swayze | (1 more message)
[3:12:08 am] <@KickServ> 1952
[3:12:08 am] <@rbraun> 1952
[3:12:08 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: 1952 Time: 12.449 Streak: 1 Points: 21 WPM: 3 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[3:12:09 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 5th
[3:12:09 am] <@gwillen> 1952
[3:12:09 am] <@CrapBot> Patrick Swayze - Wikipedia: <>; Patrick Swayze - Family, Death & Dirty Dancing - Biography: <>; Patrick Swayze - (1 more message)
[3:12:09 am] <@CompuServ> 1976
[3:12:09 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-5 CrapBot-4 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-3 ZeroCool-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1
[3:12:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1968
[3:12:11 am] <@CompuServ> 1965
[3:12:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1969
[3:12:14 am] <@aeth> 1960
[3:12:14 am] <@CompuServ> 1964
[3:12:16 am] <@CompuServ> 1963
[3:12:17 am] <@aeth> 1963
[3:12:18 am] <@CompuServ> 1967
[3:12:19 am] <@Tat> 38. TV/ Movies: 1964 - Audrey Hepburn - Starred In This Movie:
[3:12:19 am] <@aeth> 1961
[3:12:19 am] <@CompuServ> 1966
[3:12:20 am] <@CompuServ> 1968
[3:12:24 am] <@emily> !google audrey hepburn 1964 movie
[3:12:26 am] <@CrapBot> My Fair Lady (film) - Wikipedia: <>; My Fair Lady (1964) - IMDb: <>; MY FAIR LADY | Official Trailer | Paramount (1 more message)
[3:12:26 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: my fair lady Time: 7.426 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 19 Rank: 11th
[3:12:27 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 rbraun-6 CrapBot-5 IronDeHavilland-5 theendoffreenode-3 KickServ-3 ZeroCool-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1
[3:12:27 am] <@ZeroCool> Breakfast at Tiffanies
[3:12:28 am] <@CompuServ> the audrey hepburn movie
[3:12:28 am] <@emily> YES
[3:12:29 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:12:30 am] <@aeth> YES
[3:12:30 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> breakfast at tiffanope
[3:12:31 am] <@theendoffreenode> YESSS
[3:12:31 am] <@gwillen> go crapbot go
[3:12:35 am] <@aeth> GO CrapBot
[3:12:37 am] <@Tat> 39. UnScramble this Word: i a l g f n w?
[3:12:37 am] <@gwillen> OrmandaHugandkis: XD
[3:12:41 am] <@ZeroCool> ligma
[3:12:43 am] <@CompuServ> ifalgna
[3:12:43 am] <@rbraun> OrmandaHugandkis: breakfast at tiffatheme
[3:12:45 am] <@ZeroCool> faling
[3:12:46 am] <@CompuServ> ifalgnaw
[3:12:46 am] <@aeth> failgnw
[3:12:47 am] <@KickServ> flawing
[3:12:47 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, fla____
[3:12:47 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: flawing Time: 10.062 Streak: 1 Points: 22 WPM: 8 Rank: 5th
[3:12:48 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 rbraun-6 CrapBot-5 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 theendoffreenode-3 ZeroCool-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1
[3:12:48 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google ialgfnw
[3:12:50 am] <@CrapBot> GolfNow: <>; GolfNow: Tee Time Deals at Golf Courses - Apps on Google Play: <>; - (1 more message)
[3:12:50 am] <@CompuServ> flanders
[3:12:58 am] <@Tat> 40. TV/ Movies: Category: Academy Award Directors: Robert Wise was awarded in 1965 for this movie.
[3:13:01 am] <@emily> !google robert wise 1964 movie
[3:13:03 am] <@CrapBot> Robert Wise - Wikipedia: <>; The Haunting (1963 film) - Wikipedia: <>; Robert Wise - IMDb: <>
[3:13:04 am] <@aeth> !google robert wise 1965 movie
[3:13:05 am] <@emily> !google robert wise 1965 movie
[3:13:06 am] <@CrapBot> The Sound of Music (film) - Wikipedia: <>; Robert Wise - Wikipedia: <>; The Sound of Music (1965) - IMDb: (1 more message)
[3:13:06 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: the sound of music Time: 8.003 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 26 Rank: 11th
[3:13:07 am] <@CrapBot> The Sound of Music (film) - Wikipedia: <>; Robert Wise - Wikipedia: <>; The Sound of Music (1965) - IMDb: (1 more message)
[3:13:07 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-9 CrapBot-6 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 theendoffreenode-3 ZeroCool-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1
[3:13:09 am] <@emily> !google robert wise academy award movie
[3:13:09 am] <@aeth> YES
[3:13:10 am] <@CrapBot> Robert Wise - Wikipedia: <>; Robert Wise - Awards - IMDb: <>; Robert Wise - IMDb: <>
[3:13:13 am] <@Guest0> lol
[3:13:13 am] <@aeth> 3 to go
[3:13:16 am] <@ZeroCool> Molly Ringwald
[3:13:17 am] <@Tat> 41. Animal Trivia: When young abalones feed on red seaweed, their shells turn ---------
[3:13:17 am] <@Subjective> Crapbot be rocking it
[3:13:19 am] <@gwillen> red
[3:13:19 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: red Time: 2.652 Streak: 1 Points: 49 WPM: 13 Rank: 2nd
[3:13:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> red
[3:13:20 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-10 CrapBot-6 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 theendoffreenode-3 ZeroCool-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1
[3:13:22 am] <@gwillen> loool
[3:13:23 am] <@CompuServ> red
[3:13:27 am] <@aeth> gwillen: give CrapBot a chance
[3:13:28 am] <@CompuServ> hfhuck
[3:13:30 am] <@ZeroCool> blue shells
[3:13:30 am] <@Tat> 42. Six ounces of orange juice contains the minimum daily requirement for which vitamin?
[3:13:31 am] <@gwillen> don't put the fucking answer in the fucking question
[3:13:33 am] <@theendoffreenode> c
[3:13:33 am] <@emily> !google orange juice vitamin
[3:13:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> c
[3:13:33 am] <@not-joepie91> c
[3:13:34 am] <@aeth> c
[3:13:34 am] <@rbraun> c
[3:13:34 am] <@CompuServ> c
[3:13:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> d
[3:13:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> e
[3:13:34 am] <@CrapBot> 5 Surprising Health Benefits of Orange Juice - Healthline: <>; Orange Juice: Nutrition Facts, Calories and Benefits - Healthline: (1 more message)
[3:13:35 am] <@ZeroCool> C
[3:13:35 am] <@theendoffreenode> a
[3:13:35 am] <@Jigsy> D
[3:13:36 am] <@KickServ> b
[3:13:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sugar
[3:13:36 am] <@rbraun> vitamin c
[3:13:36 am] <@CompuServ> vitamin c
[3:13:36 am] <@aeth> vitamin c
[3:13:37 am] <@not-joepie91> vitamin c
[3:13:37 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: vitamin c Time: 6.381 Streak: 1 Points: 27 WPM: 16 Rank: 4th
[3:13:37 am] <@DickServ> vitamin c
[3:13:37 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-10 rbraun-7 CrapBot-6 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 theendoffreenode-3 ZeroCool-2 Tat-1 emily-1 OrmandaHugandkis-1 Jigsy-1
[3:13:37 am] <@gwillen> vitamin c
[3:13:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> glucose
[3:13:39 am] <@KickServ> wow
[3:13:40 am] <@rbraun> derp
[3:13:42 am] <@not-joepie91> dammit
[3:13:42 am] <@gwillen> aeth: hey, crapbot's catching up
[3:13:44 am] <@CompuServ> ah dammit irc latency
[3:13:45 am] <@emily> i should have done !google c vitamin
[3:13:47 am] <@Tat> 43. What caused a separation of Baja, California and the rest of Mexico?
[3:13:49 am] <@ZeroCool> B12
[3:13:51 am] <@rbraun> earthquake
[3:13:51 am] <@gwillen> earthquake
[3:13:52 am] <@emily> !google baja california mexico separation war
[3:13:53 am] <@CrapBot> Baja California Territory - Wikipedia: <>; Mexican–American War - Wikipedia: <>; Baja (1 more message)
[3:13:55 am] <@DickServ> mel gibson
[3:13:55 am] <@theendoffreenode> mexican-american war
[3:13:55 am] <@CompuServ> landslide
[3:13:57 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, The_ ___
[3:13:57 am] <@gwillen> fault
[3:13:59 am] <@ZeroCool> war
[3:13:59 am] <@KickServ> the war
[3:14:00 am] <@CompuServ> eruption
[3:14:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> the war
[3:14:00 am] <@gwillen> the mob
[3:14:03 am] <@ZeroCool> The Bomb
[3:14:04 am] <@Guest0> The Big Fart
[3:14:06 am] <@DickServ> they left
[3:14:06 am] <@aeth> !google baja california mexico separation
[3:14:06 am] <@emily> thee poop
[3:14:07 am] <@gwillen> the sea
[3:14:07 am] <@CrapBot> Baja California Peninsula - Wikipedia: <>; Baja California Territory - Wikipedia: <>; Baja (1 more message)
[3:14:10 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> the force
[3:14:11 am] <@CompuServ> the great divide
[3:14:11 am] <@ZeroCool> the state
[3:14:14 am] <@CompuServ> the piss
[3:14:15 am] <@ZeroCool> the usa
[3:14:16 am] <@aeth> the end
[3:14:17 am] <@ZeroCool> the us
[3:14:17 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> the wall
[3:14:17 am] <@CompuServ> the fart
[3:14:18 am] <@Jigsy> The Aliens
[3:14:20 am] <@aeth> the gap
[3:14:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> the rip
[3:14:23 am] <@gwillen> the gulf
[3:14:23 am] <@aeth> the flood
[3:14:23 am] <@ZeroCool> the claw
[3:14:27 am] <@KickServ> the end
[3:14:28 am] <@CompuServ> the flood
[3:14:29 am] <@DickServ> the moon
[3:14:33 am] <@Guest0> The 1980s lineup of King Crimson
[3:14:34 am] <@CompuServ> the big chungus
[3:14:37 am] <@rbraun> Guest0++
[3:14:37 am] <@ZeroCool> Bingus
[3:14:39 am] <@CompuServ> guest0: lolll
[3:14:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[3:14:40 am] <@emily> Guest0: they would never
[3:14:46 am] <@ZeroCool> Explosions
[3:14:46 am] <@aeth> !google separation of baja and mexico
[3:14:47 am] <@DickServ> the gods
[3:14:47 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: The San
[3:14:47 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[3:14:47 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Selicre of 0.609. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[3:14:48 am] <@CrapBot> Baja California - Wikipedia: <>; Baja California - HISTORY: <>; GSA Today - Why did the Southern Gulf of (1 more message)
[3:14:51 am] <@gwillen> uh.
[3:14:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> uh huh
[3:14:52 am] <@emily> the san
[3:14:53 am] <@aeth> ?
[3:14:53 am] <@ZeroCool> The what?
[3:14:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google the san
[3:14:55 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> DO NOT LOOK AT THE MOON
[3:14:56 am] <@CrapBot> San people - Wikipedia: <>; The San | South African History Online: <>; San | people | Britannica: <>
[3:14:58 am] <@aeth> probably san andreas
[3:14:58 am] <@ZeroCool> The sand
[3:15:03 am] <@aeth> fault
[3:15:04 am] <@CompuServ> that's what i thought
[3:15:05 am] <@gwillen> oh yeah, the san andreas fault
[3:15:08 am] <@DickServ> moony TOO LATE
[3:15:09 am] <@gwillen> must be the actual answer
[3:15:10 am] <@emily> no it's the san
[3:15:12 am] <@rbraun> the rift
[3:15:15 am] <@ZeroCool> saaaand
[3:15:15 am] <@aeth> SANS
[3:15:16 am] <@CompuServ> the san are a hunter gatherer people from southern africa
[3:15:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> the san is shining
[3:15:21 am] <@ZeroCool> It's gritty and gets into places.
[3:15:23 am] <@aeth> !trivia 8
[3:15:23 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 8 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[3:15:25 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> DO NOT LOOK AT THE MOON
[3:15:27 am] <@gwillen> the san is a mass of incandescent gas
[3:15:33 am] <@gwillen> a gigantic nuclear furnace
[3:15:34 am] <@KickServ> Hey there anakin
[3:15:35 am] <-- ajp5 (~col@ has quit (Quit: leaving)
[3:15:39 am] <@Tat> 1. What is halloween?
[3:15:42 am] <@DickServ> moony: YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD
[3:15:42 am] <@ZeroCool> A holiday.
[3:15:42 am] <@KickServ> day
[3:15:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> LOOK AT THE MOON
[3:15:43 am] <@rbraun> a holiday
[3:15:43 am] <@emily> !google halloween what is it
[3:15:44 am] <@gwillen> where hydrogen is built into helium at a temperature of millions of degrees
[3:15:44 am] <@CompuServ> a bad holiday
[3:15:45 am] <@CrapBot> Halloween: Origins, Meaning & Traditions - HISTORY: <>; Halloween - Wikipedia: <>; Halloween | (1 more message)
[3:15:45 am] <@rbraun> holiday
[3:15:45 am] <@aeth> all hallow's eve
[3:15:45 am] <@ZeroCool> All hallows eve
[3:15:46 am] <@gwillen> october 31
[3:15:46 am] <@Tat> Winner: aeth Answer: all hallow's eve Time: 6.614 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 29 Rank: 13th Previously: 15th
[3:15:46 am] <@Tat> Current Round: aeth-1
[3:15:46 am] <@Tat> aeth has moved up in rank: 13th
[3:15:49 am] <@aeth> gg i win
[3:15:53 am] <@gwillen> \o/
[3:15:53 am] <@not-joepie91> what kind of shit question is that
[3:15:54 am] <@ZeroCool> whaaaat.
[3:15:55 am] <@Subjective> The moon
[3:15:56 am] <@Tat> 2. What u.s. vice-president said 'some newspapers dispose of their garbage by printing it'?
[3:15:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> LOOK AT THE MOON
[3:15:59 am] <@rbraun> agnew
[3:15:59 am] <@DickServ> the moon
[3:16:00 am] <@aeth> spiro agnew
[3:16:01 am] <@emily> !google spiro vice president
[3:16:01 am] <@Tat> Winner: aeth Answer: spiro agnew Time: 3.915 Streak: 2 Points: 6 WPM: 33 Rank: 12th Previously: 13th
[3:16:01 am] <@Tat> Current Round: aeth-2
[3:16:01 am] <@Tat> aeth has moved up in rank: 12th
[3:16:01 am] <@ZeroCool> spiro agnew
[3:16:02 am] <@CrapBot> Spiro Agnew | Biography, Scandal, & Resignation | Britannica: <>; Vice President Agnew resigns - HISTORY: < (1 more message)
[3:16:03 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> dan quayle
[3:16:03 am] <@aeth> gg i win
[3:16:04 am] <@CompuServ> johnson
[3:16:04 am] <@emily> !google spironolactone
[3:16:04 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> dang
[3:16:05 am] <@CrapBot> Spironolactone Oral: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Pictures ...: <>; Spironolactone: Side Effects, Dosage, Uses, and More - (1 more message)
[3:16:07 am] <@gwillen> emily: XD
[3:16:11 am] <@Tat> 3. Common ore of iron, and one of the most commonly occurring minerals in nature?
[3:16:14 am] <@rbraun> rust
[3:16:14 am] <@KickServ> !google ore iron
[3:16:16 am] <@emily> !google common ore of iron
[3:16:16 am] <@CrapBot> Iron ore - Wikipedia: <>; Iron Ore Statistics and Information - USGS: <>; Live Price of Iron Ore (1 more message)
[3:16:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rust
[3:16:16 am] <@gwillen> ferrite
[3:16:17 am] <@Guest0> aluminium
[3:16:18 am] <@rbraun> ferric oxide
[3:16:18 am] <@CrapBot> Iron ore - Wikipedia: <>; Types of iron ore - Department for Energy and Mining: <>; Different (1 more message)
[3:16:18 am] <@ZeroCool> iron
[3:16:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> iron oxide
[3:16:20 am] <@gwillen> bauxite
[3:16:20 am] <@rbraun> ferrous oxide
[3:16:21 am] <@aeth> steel
[3:16:21 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Goe_____
[3:16:22 am] <@root> copper
[3:16:23 am] <@CompuServ> goemon
[3:16:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> goethite
[3:16:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: Goethite Time: 12.792 Streak: 1 Points: 37 WPM: 7 Rank: 3rd
[3:16:24 am] <@Tat> Current Round: aeth-2 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:16:24 am] <@theendoffreenode> goelite
[3:16:24 am] <@emily> !google goe iron
[3:16:25 am] <@ZeroCool> goethals
[3:16:26 am] <@CrapBot> Great Oxidation Event - Wikipedia: <>; Iron Formation and Supergene Iron Ores of the Goe Range Area ...: (2 more messages)
[3:16:32 am] <@not-joepie91> what
[3:16:34 am] <@Tat> 4. What term is used to describe the process of extracting poison from snakes?
[3:16:35 am] -*- DickServ looks at the moon
[3:16:37 am] <@not-joepie91> that does not sound like a real thing
[3:16:38 am] <@emily> !google extracting poison from snaeks
[3:16:38 am] <@gwillen> milking
[3:16:39 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: milking Time: 3.993 Streak: 1 Points: 50 WPM: 21 Rank: 2nd
[3:16:39 am] <@Tat> Current Round: aeth-2 gwillen-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:16:39 am] -*- Tat gives gwillen a high five for getting 50 wins! Way to go gwillen !
[3:16:40 am] <@CompuServ> debriding
[3:16:40 am] <@CrapBot> How Venom is Extracted from Snakes - YouTube: <>; Extracting Venom From a 14 Foot Long King Cobra - YouTube: <>; How (1 more message)
[3:16:42 am] <@emily> lewd
[3:16:45 am] <@Guest0> uwu
[3:16:47 am] <@gwillen> OwO
[3:16:49 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> DO NOT LOOK AT THE MOON
[3:16:49 am] <@Tat> 5. Category: Medicine : A loss of memory is known as __________.
[3:16:49 am] <@ckie> uwu
[3:16:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> e.e
[3:16:52 am] <@gwillen> amnesia
[3:16:52 am] <@theendoffreenode> amnesia
[3:16:52 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: amnesia Time: 2.855 Streak: 2 Points: 51 WPM: 29 Rank: 2nd
[3:16:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 aeth-2 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:16:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> aphasia
[3:16:53 am] <@rbraun> amnesia
[3:16:54 am] <@ZeroCool> amnesia
[3:16:56 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> 👀
[3:16:57 am] <-- AltTriviaBot (~tyler@ has quit (Quit: ircII EPIC5-2.0.1 -- Are we there yet?)
[3:16:58 am] <@not-joepie91> I would answer that question, but I forgot
[3:17:00 am] <@gwillen> do you suffer from long term memory loss? (I can't remember)
[3:17:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[3:17:01 am] <@not-joepie91> :^)
[3:17:02 am] -*- CompuServ looks at the moon
[3:17:02 am] <@aeth> how the fuck do y'all type that fast
[3:17:03 am] <@Tat> 6. UnScramble this Word: a i a f n r o c i l?
[3:17:07 am] <@ZeroCool> aflac
[3:17:08 am] <@Guest0> no
[3:17:10 am] <@gwillen> aeth: years of wasting time on the computer
[3:17:10 am] <@Guest0> i refuse
[3:17:12 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google unscramble aiafnrocil
[3:17:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> aeth: decades of irc
[3:17:13 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, cali______
[3:17:13 am] <@ZeroCool> daffodil
[3:17:14 am] <@CrapBot> UnScramble this Word: aiafnrocil? - QuizQuizGo: <>; UnScramble this Word: a i a f n r o c i l - Answer in NoSoloTrivial: (1 more message)
[3:17:15 am] <@ZeroCool> california
[3:17:16 am] <@Tat> Winner: ZeroCool Answer: california Time: 12.589 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 9 Rank: 14th Previously: 16th
[3:17:16 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 aeth-2 ZeroCool-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:17:16 am] <@Tat> ZeroCool has moved up in rank: 14th
[3:17:16 am] <@not-joepie91> california
[3:17:16 am] <@Jigsy> California
[3:17:17 am] <@aeth> california
[3:17:17 am] <@ckie> aeth: lookey at screen, smash keyboard
[3:17:18 am] <@CompuServ> california
[3:17:21 am] <@itisnigh> <moony@pissnet> DO NOT LOOK AT THE MOON
[3:17:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> i can't type california, though
[3:17:22 am] <@gwillen> californication
[3:17:26 am] <@Tat> 7. Useless Trivia: Mae West was once dubbed 'The statue of---------- .
[3:17:29 am] <@theendoffreenode> liberty
[3:17:30 am] <@Jigsy> Libido
[3:17:30 am] <@emily> !google the statue of mae west
[3:17:30 am] <@aeth> liberty
[3:17:30 am] <@ZeroCool> liberty
[3:17:30 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: libido Time: 3.838 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 18 Rank: 12th
[3:17:30 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 aeth-2 Jigsy-1 ZeroCool-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:17:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> libido
[3:17:31 am] <@CrapBot> Mae West (sculpture) - Wikipedia: <>; Mae West - Wikipedia: <>; A Mae West Famous Marble Statue, Circa 1935.... (1 more message)
[3:17:32 am] -*- CompuServ looks at the moon
[3:17:36 am] <@gwillen> Jigsy: XD
[3:17:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> LOOK AT THE MOON
[3:17:41 am] <@Tat> 8. TV/ Movies: Born Aug 25, 1930, He starred in this movie: Action of the Tiger - 1957?
[3:17:45 am] <@emily> !google action of the tiger star
[3:17:46 am] <@ZeroCool> Mel Brooks
[3:17:46 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google action of the tiger
[3:17:46 am] <@CrapBot> Action of the Tiger (1957) - IMDb: <>; Action of the Tiger (1957) - Turner Classic Movies - TCM: <>; Action of (1 more message)
[3:17:47 am] <@emily> !google actor action of the tiger
[3:17:48 am] <@CrapBot> Action of the Tiger (1957) - IMDb: <>; Action of the Tiger - Wikipedia: <>; Action of the Tiger (1957) - Rotten (1 more message)
[3:17:49 am] <@CrapBot> Action of the Tiger - Wikipedia: <>; Action of the Tiger (1957) - IMDb: <>; Action of the Tiger (1957) - Turner (1 more message)
[3:17:50 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[3:17:50 am] <@DickServ> moony: I'm gonna look at the moon and you cannot stop me.
[3:17:51 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, sean_ _______
[3:17:51 am] <@KickServ> mel gibson
[3:17:53 am] <@KickServ> sean bean
[3:17:53 am] <@aeth> sean connery
[3:17:53 am] <@not-joepie91> sean connery
[3:17:53 am] <@Tat> Winner: aeth Answer: sean connery Time: 12.59 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 11 Rank: 12th Previously: 13th
[3:17:54 am] <@Jigsy> Sean Connery
[3:17:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ean connery
[3:17:54 am] <@Tat> Current Round: aeth-3 gwillen-2 Jigsy-1 ZeroCool-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:17:54 am] <@Tat> aeth has moved up in rank: 12th
[3:17:54 am] <@ZeroCool> sean penn
[3:17:54 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[3:17:56 am] <@aeth> I WIN
[3:17:57 am] <@not-joepie91> GODDAMNIT
[3:17:59 am] <@emily> !trivia 9999
[3:17:59 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 10 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[3:18:06 am] <@aeth> I beat gwillen that's it, Lee you can shut us down now :-p
[3:18:12 am] <@gwillen> hahahahha
[3:18:15 am] <@Tat> 1. What is the seventh day of the week?
[3:18:17 am] <@gwillen> sunday
[3:18:17 am] <@theendoffreenode> sunday
[3:18:17 am] <@Jigsy> Sundya
[3:18:18 am] <@DickServ> sunday
[3:18:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sunday
[3:18:18 am] <@emily> !google sun day
[3:18:18 am] <@ZeroCool> sunday
[3:18:18 am] <@gwillen> saturday
[3:18:19 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: saturday Time: 4.04 Streak: 1 Points: 52 WPM: 23 Rank: 2nd
[3:18:19 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-1
[3:18:19 am] <@CrapBot> Sun Day - Wikipedia: <>; Sunday - Wikipedia: <>; Sun Day / May 3, 2021 - AnydayGuide: <>
[3:18:19 am] <@gwillen> monday
[3:18:20 am] <@ZeroCool> Monday
[3:18:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> saturday
[3:18:20 am] <@gwillen> lol
[3:18:25 am] <@Jigsy> ...
[3:18:25 am] <@theendoffreenode> saturday is a good day
[3:18:25 am] <@emily> american lies
[3:18:26 am] <@root> bruh
[3:18:26 am] <@DickServ> MOONDAY
[3:18:26 am] <@CrapBot> Woah, woah, woah, look out everyone, root is about to fire down the red bull, spray on some axe and pop his collars. It's DOUCHEBAG TIME!
[3:18:27 am] <@Subjective> It's a beautiful night tonight. Look outside.
[3:18:27 am] <@theendoffreenode> for fighting
[3:18:27 am] <@not-joepie91> [disputed]
[3:18:28 am] <@Jigsy> The fuck?
[3:18:29 am] <@Tat> 2. Denver is the capital of ______?
[3:18:29 am] <@ZeroCool> Depends on your calendar system.
[3:18:32 am] <@gwillen> coloado
[3:18:32 am] <@Jigsy> Colorado
[3:18:32 am] <@emily> !google denver state
[3:18:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> colorado
[3:18:33 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: colorado Time: 3.073 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 31 Rank: 11th Previously: 12th
[3:18:33 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-1 Jigsy-1
[3:18:33 am] <@Tat> Jigsy has moved up in rank: 11th
[3:18:33 am] <@ckie> nice one muricans
[3:18:33 am] <@theendoffreenode> colorado
[3:18:33 am] <@DickServ> paris
[3:18:34 am] <@gwillen> fuck
[3:18:34 am] <@CrapBot> Denver - Wikipedia: <>; Colorado - Wikipedia: <>; MSU Denver Home: <>
[3:18:43 am] <@Tat> 3. What is the first name of the inventor of braille?
[3:18:46 am] <@ZeroCool> I couldn't type it fast enough. Tripped over my own fingers.
[3:18:46 am] <@theendoffreenode> louis
[3:18:46 am] <@Jigsy> Louis
[3:18:46 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: louis Time: 3.089 Streak: 1 Points: 21 WPM: 19 Rank: 6th Previously: 7th
[3:18:47 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-1 gwillen-1 Jigsy-1
[3:18:47 am] <@emily> !google name of inventor of braille
[3:18:47 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 6th
[3:18:47 am] <@root> mister
[3:18:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> charles
[3:18:48 am] <@agrecascino> braille
[3:18:49 am] <@CrapBot> Louis Braille - Wikipedia: <>; The History of Braille [Your Braille Resource] - Braille Works: <>; (1 more message)
[3:18:50 am] --> poorboy ( has joined ##apocalypse
[3:18:50 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o poorboy by CrapBot
[3:18:57 am] <@Tat> 4. UnScramble this Word: a e e e t g n?
[3:19:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yes.
[3:19:01 am] <@gwillen> eating
[3:19:01 am] <@ZeroCool> teegan
[3:19:02 am] <@Jigsy> Teenager
[3:19:04 am] <@ZeroCool> eating
[3:19:05 am] <@Jigsy> Teenage
[3:19:05 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: teenage Time: 8.128 Streak: 1 Points: 9 WPM: 10 Rank: 10th Previously: 11th
[3:19:05 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-2 theendoffreenode-1 gwillen-1
[3:19:05 am] <@aeth> rasegan
[3:19:06 am] <@Tat> Jigsy has moved up in rank: 10th
[3:19:09 am] <@gwillen> oh, better.
[3:19:13 am] <@ZeroCool> teenage engineering
[3:19:16 am] <@Tat> 5. 80s Films: Dead ___ Don't Wear Plaid?
[3:19:18 am] <@gwillen> men
[3:19:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> men
[3:19:18 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: Men Time: 2.09 Streak: 1 Points: 53 WPM: 17 Rank: 2nd
[3:19:18 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 Jigsy-2 theendoffreenode-1
[3:19:19 am] <-- Irydesktop (~iris@ has quit (Quit: Irydesktop)
[3:19:29 am] <@Tat> 6. Who invented the geodesic dome?
[3:19:33 am] <@gwillen> r buckminster fuller !!!
[3:19:33 am] <@DickServ> mel gibso
[3:19:34 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: buckminster fuller Time: 4.805 Streak: 2 Points: 54 WPM: 44 Rank: 2nd
[3:19:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 Jigsy-2 theendoffreenode-1
[3:19:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> buckminster fuller
[3:19:34 am] <@emily> !google buckminster
[3:19:36 am] <@CrapBot> Buckminster Fuller - Wikipedia: <>; Buckminster - Wikipedia: <>; The Buckminster Fuller Institute: <>
[3:19:40 am] <@not-joepie91> ....
[3:19:40 am] <@gwillen> god, that takes me back
[3:19:44 am] <@Tat> 7. Who sang about the fall of man in 'the tall oak tree'?
[3:19:44 am] <@not-joepie91> yeah I give up
[3:19:47 am] <@emily> !google tall oak tree singer
[3:19:48 am] <@not-joepie91> I'm not scoring any points here lol
[3:19:49 am] <@KickServ> !google 'the tall oak tree'?
[3:19:49 am] <@CrapBot> Dorsey Burnette - Tall Oak Tree - YouTube: <>; Tall Oak Tree - Dorsey Burnette - YouTube: <>; Dorsey Burnette There (1 more message)
[3:19:50 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: dorsey burnette Time: 5.039 Streak: 1 Points: 9 WPM: 35 Rank: 10th Previously: 12th
[3:19:50 am] <@CrapBot> Tall Oak Tree - Dorsey Burnette - YouTube: <>; Dorsey Burnette There Was A Tall Oak Tree - YouTube: <>; Glen Campbell (1 more message)
[3:19:50 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 Jigsy-2 theendoffreenode-1 CrapBot-1
[3:19:50 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 10th
[3:19:51 am] <@emily> YES
[3:19:57 am] <@gwillen> I got that question in a trivia game in middle school
[3:19:58 am] <@aeth> CrapBot: you can do it
[3:20:00 am] <@gwillen> from a tourguide at disney world
[3:20:00 am] <@Tat> 8. Who did Vivian Vance play on 'the lucy show'?
[3:20:05 am] <@emily> !google vivian vance lucy show
[3:20:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !echo mel gibson
[3:20:05 am] <@CrapBot> mel gibson
[3:20:07 am] <@ZeroCool> Lucille Ball
[3:20:07 am] <@Guest0> Lucy
[3:20:07 am] <@CrapBot> Vivian Vance - Wikipedia: <>; The Lucy Show - Wikipedia: <>; Why Lucy And Vivian Vance Parted Ways On 'The Lucy Show': (1 more message)
[3:20:08 am] <@gwillen> he gave me a "Mr. Wizard" nametag for knowing the answer.
[3:20:10 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Vivi___ ______
[3:20:13 am] <@KickServ> Vivian Vance
[3:20:14 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google vivian vance the lucy show
[3:20:15 am] <@agrecascino> PISS STAIN
[3:20:16 am] <@CrapBot> The Lucy Show - Wikipedia: <>; Vivian Vance - Wikipedia: <>; The Lucy Show (TV Series 1962–1968) - IMDb: (1 more message)
[3:20:18 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> !imdb vivian vance
[3:20:19 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:20:19 am] <@CrapBot> The Lucy Show (1962–1968) United States [TV-PG] 30 min
[3:20:19 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Comedy | Language: English
[3:20:19 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 7.2/10 | RT: N/A | MC: N/A
[3:20:19 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: Lucille Ball, Gale Gordon, Vivian Vance
[3:20:19 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: The wacky misadventures of a forever-scheming woman, her reluctant best friend, and her cantankerous boss.
[3:20:19 am] <@CrapBot> Director: N/A | Writer: Bob Carroll Jr., Madelyn Davis, Bob Schiller
[3:20:20 am] <@ZeroCool> Vivian Ball
[3:20:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !echo vivian vance
[3:20:20 am] <@CrapBot> vivian vance
[3:20:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !echo vivianne vance
[3:20:25 am] <@CrapBot> vivianne vance
[3:20:25 am] <@KickServ> Vivian Bagley
[3:20:26 am] <@emily> wow !imdb is advanced tech
[3:20:26 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: Vivian Bagley Time: 25.506 Streak: 1 Points: 23 WPM: 6 Rank: 5th
[3:20:26 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 Jigsy-2 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 CrapBot-1
[3:20:32 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse -v Tat by agrecascino
[3:20:37 am] <@Tat> 9. Where is antofagasta?
[3:20:39 am] <@theendoffreenode> chile
[3:20:40 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: chile Time: 2.512 Streak: 1 Points: 22 WPM: 23 Rank: 6th
[3:20:40 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-2 Jigsy-2 KickServ-1 CrapBot-1
[3:20:40 am] <@emily> !google antofagasta
[3:20:40 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Tat by agrecascino
[3:20:41 am] <@CrapBot> Antofagasta - Wikipedia: <>; Antofagasta Region - Wikipedia: <>; Antofagasta PLC: Home: <>
[3:20:50 am] <@Tat> 10. Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total?
[3:20:51 am] <@ZeroCool> Geezus
[3:20:55 am] <@ZeroCool> USA
[3:20:56 am] <@Jigsy> North Korea
[3:20:56 am] <@theendoffreenode> spain
[3:20:59 am] <@Guest0> Norway
[3:20:59 am] <@ZeroCool> Italy
[3:21:00 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ire____
[3:21:01 am] <@ZeroCool> Japan
[3:21:01 am] <@gwillen> turkey
[3:21:02 am] <@theendoffreenode> ireland
[3:21:02 am] <@KickServ> Ireland
[3:21:02 am] <@Jigsy> Ireland
[3:21:02 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> ireland
[3:21:02 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: ireland Time: 11.872 Streak: 2 Points: 23 WPM: 7 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[3:21:02 am] <@ZeroCool> Ireland
[3:21:02 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-3 gwillen-3 Jigsy-2 KickServ-1 CrapBot-1
[3:21:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ireland
[3:21:03 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 5th
[3:21:03 am] <@Tat> Stopping the trivia. !trivia <number> to restart.
[3:21:03 am] <@Tat> Record streak: guy of 12. Record time: Selicre of 0.609. Record wpm: Tat of 351.978172.
[3:21:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> !echo ireland
[3:21:06 am] <@CrapBot> ireland
[3:21:17 am] <@Guest0> !trivia 1000
[3:21:17 am] <@Tat> Starting the trivia. Round of 1000 questions. !strivia to stop. Total: 4996
[3:21:21 am] <@ZeroCool> All of us sent in our answers at the same second.
[3:21:21 am] <@gwillen> lol tat, your record wpm is very sus
[3:21:21 am] <@Jigsy> A tie?!
[3:21:33 am] <@Tat> 1. Category: Phonetic Radio Call Signs: DRKSKY?
[3:21:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> dark sky
[3:21:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[3:21:42 am] <@Jigsy> Dorkey
[3:21:43 am] <@ZeroCool> Dinky sky
[3:21:43 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, delta romeo_ _____ _______ _____ ______
[3:21:43 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[3:21:47 am] <@Guest0> oh fuck me
[3:21:49 am] <@gwillen> delta romeo kilo sierra kilo yankee
[3:21:50 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: delta romeo kilo sierra kilo yankee Time: 16.661 Streak: 1 Points: 55 WPM: 25 Rank: 2nd
[3:21:50 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-1
[3:21:51 am] <@Jigsy> Delta Romeo Kilo Sierra Kilo Yankee
[3:21:55 am] <-- nrr (~nrr@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[3:21:55 am] <-- nrr_ (~nrr@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[3:22:00 am] <@Tat> 2. Quotations: "A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon it adds up to real money."?
[3:22:02 am] <@Jigsy> So close.
[3:22:05 am] <@theendoffreenode> andrew lee
[3:22:06 am] <@ZeroCool> Lee
[3:22:06 am] <@rbraun> everett dirksen
[3:22:06 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: Everett Dirksen Time: 5.974 Streak: 1 Points: 28 WPM: 30 Rank: 4th
[3:22:07 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-1 gwillen-1
[3:22:07 am] <@Jigsy> Andrew Lee
[3:22:07 am] <@Guest0> Andrew Lee
[3:22:14 am] <@gwillen> lol
[3:22:17 am] <@Tat> 3. TV/ Movies: 1996 - Demi Moore - Starred In This Movie:
[3:22:21 am] <@Jigsy> Striptease
[3:22:21 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: striptease Time: 3.916 Streak: 1 Points: 10 WPM: 30 Rank: 9th Previously: 10th
[3:22:21 am] <@Tat> Current Round: rbraun-1 gwillen-1 Jigsy-1
[3:22:21 am] <@Tat> Jigsy has moved up in rank: 9th
[3:22:27 am] <@ZeroCool> Evolution
[3:22:30 am] <@gwillen> andrew lee
[3:22:32 am] <@Tat> 4. UnScramble this Word: a s e p r r p?
[3:22:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[3:22:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> aserpine
[3:22:37 am] <@ZeroCool> surrpetitious
[3:22:37 am] <@emily> ass purple
[3:22:40 am] <@gwillen> papers
[3:22:41 am] <@ZeroCool> serpent
[3:22:42 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, rap____
[3:22:43 am] <@KickServ> rappers
[3:22:43 am] <@gwillen> rappers
[3:22:43 am] <@ZeroCool> purpose
[3:22:43 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: rappers Time: 11.622 Streak: 1 Points: 24 WPM: 7 Rank: 5th
[3:22:44 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-1 rbraun-1 gwillen-1 Jigsy-1
[3:22:44 am] <@Jigsy> Rappers
[3:22:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rappers
[3:22:54 am] <@Tat> 5. In 1672 (Italy) Giovanni Cassini discovers Rhea, a satellite of---------- .
[3:22:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> saturn
[3:22:58 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: saturn Time: 3.681 Streak: 1 Points: 38 WPM: 19 Rank: 3rd
[3:22:58 am] <@Tat> Current Round: KickServ-1 rbraun-1 gwillen-1 Jigsy-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:22:58 am] <@gwillen> jupiter
[3:22:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> saturn
[3:22:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jupiter
[3:23:04 am] <@ZeroCool> pluto
[3:23:05 am] <@gibby_> HOLY SHIT WE'RE STILL GOING
[3:23:07 am] <@gwillen> ur anus
[3:23:08 am] <@Tat> 6. Guiyaquil is the largest city in which country?
[3:23:09 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> was rhea his wife
[3:23:12 am] <@theendoffreenode> ecuador
[3:23:12 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: ecuador Time: 3.556 Streak: 1 Points: 24 WPM: 23 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[3:23:12 am] <@Tat> Current Round: theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 gwillen-1 Jigsy-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:23:12 am] <@Tat> theendoffreenode has moved up in rank: 5th
[3:23:14 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> that would be sweet
[3:23:18 am] <@Jigsy> 4h30m later.
[3:23:18 am] <@Jigsy> :D
[3:23:22 am] <@Tat> 7. the only member of the band zz top without a beard has what last name?
[3:23:25 am] <@KickServ> gibby_: this server will never die
[3:23:26 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> !google rhea moon
[3:23:27 am] <@CrapBot> Rhea (moon) - Wikipedia: <>; In Depth | Rhea – NASA Solar System Exploration: <>; By the Numbers | (1 more message)
[3:23:27 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[3:23:32 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, be___
[3:23:33 am] <@gibby_> CRABRAVE
[3:23:33 am] <@ZeroCool> Beardless
[3:23:34 am] <@KickServ> !google the only member of the band zz top without a beard has what last name?
[3:23:34 am] <@gwillen> beard
[3:23:35 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: beard Time: 12.121 Streak: 1 Points: 56 WPM: 4 Rank: 2nd
[3:23:35 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-2 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 Jigsy-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:23:35 am] <@CrapBot> ZZ Top - Wikipedia: <>; Frank Beard (musician) - Wikipedia: <>; In the band ZZ Top only one member was beardless, (1 more message)
[3:23:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:23:42 am] <@gwillen> apparently his name is Frank Beard. Go Figure.
[3:23:45 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> nah just dumb ol mythology againi
[3:23:45 am] <@Tat> 8. Which chemical element has the ancient name Stannum?
[3:23:48 am] <@gwillen> tin
[3:23:48 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: tin Time: 2.761 Streak: 2 Points: 57 WPM: 13 Rank: 2nd
[3:23:48 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 Jigsy-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:23:59 am] <@Tat> 9. Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Son of My Right Hand?
[3:24:02 am] <@KickServ> !google Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Son of My Right Hand?
[3:24:03 am] <@CrapBot> Baby Boy Names That Start With B - Moms Who Think: <>; Baby Names Beginning With 'B' – Unique & Cool Girl, Boy & Unisex ...: (1 more message)
[3:24:03 am] <@ZeroCool> Bilbo
[3:24:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> onan
[3:24:06 am] <@KickServ> barbara
[3:24:07 am] <@Guest0> Barnaby
[3:24:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bruce
[3:24:08 am] <@ZeroCool> Bob
[3:24:09 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ben_____
[3:24:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bill
[3:24:10 am] <@Jigsy> Bilbo
[3:24:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> benjamin
[3:24:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> benjamin
[3:24:12 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: benjamin Time: 12.605 Streak: 1 Points: 25 WPM: 7 Rank: 5th
[3:24:12 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 Jigsy-1 IronDeHavilland-1
[3:24:12 am] <@Jigsy> Benny
[3:24:12 am] <@gwillen> benjamin
[3:24:12 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by lizardperson to lizardpeople on freenode_new
[3:24:12 am] <@ZeroCool> bennigan
[3:24:13 am] <@Guest0> Benjamin
[3:24:15 am] <@DickServ> benis
[3:24:22 am] <@KickServ> fitting answer
[3:24:22 am] <@Tat> 10. UnScramble this Word: i c u t i b s?
[3:24:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> biscuit
[3:24:26 am] <@Jigsy> Biscuit
[3:24:26 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: biscuit Time: 3.448 Streak: 1 Points: 39 WPM: 24 Rank: 3rd
[3:24:26 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-2 IronDeHavilland-2 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 Jigsy-1
[3:24:26 am] <@ZeroCool> succubus
[3:24:36 am] <@Tat> 11. In greek mythology whose dogs tore actaeon apart?
[3:24:37 am] <@gwillen> some of you must be scrabble players
[3:24:40 am] <@Jigsy> Marrs
[3:24:41 am] <@Jigsy> Mars
[3:24:42 am] <@itisnigh> nick change by \n to Nay on pissnet
[3:24:44 am] <@ZeroCool> Hella
[3:24:45 am] <@theendoffreenode> hades
[3:24:46 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, art____
[3:24:48 am] <@Jigsy> Mercury
[3:24:49 am] <@DickServ> artemis
[3:24:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> artemis
[3:24:49 am] <@Tat> Winner: DickServ Answer: artemis Time: 12.371 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 6 Rank: 17th Previously: 18th
[3:24:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> artemis
[3:24:49 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-2 IronDeHavilland-2 DickServ-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 Jigsy-1
[3:24:49 am] <@Tat> DickServ has moved up in rank: 17th
[3:24:50 am] <@ZeroCool> arturo
[3:24:50 am] <@Jigsy> Artemis
[3:24:59 am] <@Tat> 12. Animal Trivia: The average adult ---------- weighs 21 pounds.
[3:25:03 am] <@gwillen> dog
[3:25:03 am] <@KickServ> male
[3:25:03 am] <@DickServ> penis
[3:25:03 am] <@theendoffreenode> penis
[3:25:04 am] <@gwillen> cat
[3:25:05 am] <@Jigsy> Elephant
[3:25:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cat
[3:25:06 am] <@gwillen> whale
[3:25:06 am] <@theendoffreenode> brain
[3:25:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ferret
[3:25:07 am] <@gwillen> lizard
[3:25:07 am] <@gwillen> cow
[3:25:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> liver
[3:25:09 am] <@KickServ> human
[3:25:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> turtle
[3:25:09 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, rac____
[3:25:10 am] <@gwillen> sheep
[3:25:11 am] <@Jigsy> Racoon
[3:25:11 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: raccoon Time: 11.762 Streak: 1 Points: 11 WPM: 7 Rank: 9th
[3:25:12 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-3 theendoffreenode-2 Jigsy-2 IronDeHavilland-2 DickServ-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:25:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> raccoon
[3:25:12 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> raccoon
[3:25:12 am] <@gwillen> raccoon
[3:25:18 am] <@Jigsy> Heh.
[3:25:22 am] <@Tat> 13. What New York street is famous for its theatres?
[3:25:23 am] <@gwillen> ^5
[3:25:26 am] <@gwillen> broadway
[3:25:26 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> broadway
[3:25:26 am] <@Jigsy> 5th
[3:25:26 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: broadway Time: 3.853 Streak: 1 Points: 58 WPM: 24 Rank: 2nd
[3:25:26 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 theendoffreenode-2 Jigsy-2 IronDeHavilland-2 DickServ-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:25:27 am] <@ZeroCool> Vaudeville
[3:25:34 am] <@root> 42nd at Theadmill
[3:25:36 am] <@Tat> 14. UnScramble this Word: u i n u t m o p l?
[3:25:38 am] <@root> treadmill
[3:25:39 am] <@root> idk
[3:25:41 am] <@Jigsy> Plutonium
[3:25:41 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: plutonium Time: 4.431 Streak: 1 Points: 12 WPM: 24 Rank: 9th
[3:25:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 Jigsy-3 theendoffreenode-2 IronDeHavilland-2 DickServ-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:25:45 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> i've got a macboook keyboard i can't help itt
[3:25:52 am] <@Tat> 15. What is a myocardial infarct?
[3:25:55 am] <@DickServ> heart attack
[3:25:55 am] <@Jigsy> Heart attack
[3:25:56 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> heart attack
[3:25:56 am] <@gwillen> heart attack
[3:25:56 am] <@Tat> Winner: DickServ Answer: heart attack Time: 3.885 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 37 Rank: 14th Previously: 17th
[3:25:56 am] <@Tat> DickServ has moved up in rank: 14th
[3:25:57 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 Jigsy-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 IronDeHavilland-2 KickServ-1 rbraun-1
[3:25:59 am] -*- CompuServ has a powerbook keyboard which is quite a bit better
[3:26:03 am] <@gwillen> OrmandaHugandkis: heh, I'm using a bluetooth keyboard with my macbook
[3:26:05 am] <@CompuServ> and a thinkpad one
[3:26:06 am] --> Peetz0r ( has joined ##apocalypse
[3:26:06 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o Peetz0r by CrapBot
[3:26:06 am] <@Tat> 16. Baby Names Beginning With "B": Meaning: Strong, Virtuous, Honorable?
[3:26:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ;p;
[3:26:10 am] <@Jigsy> Bruce
[3:26:10 am] <@DickServ> benis
[3:26:11 am] <@ZeroCool> Bingus
[3:26:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> benjamin
[3:26:12 am] <@ZeroCool> Bob
[3:26:14 am] <@KickServ> bob
[3:26:14 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[3:26:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bob
[3:26:16 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, bre____
[3:26:17 am] <@ZeroCool> Badger
[3:26:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bill
[3:26:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> breton
[3:26:19 am] <@ZeroCool> Breanna
[3:26:19 am] <@KickServ> brendan
[3:26:19 am] <@Tat> Winner: ZeroCool Answer: breanna Time: 12.651 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 6 Rank: 14th
[3:26:19 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 Jigsy-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 IronDeHavilland-2 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:26:20 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> breen
[3:26:21 am] <@CompuServ> breloom
[3:26:24 am] <@Jigsy> lol, Breen.
[3:26:27 am] <@ZeroCool> Nice!
[3:26:30 am] <@Tat> 17. Quotations: "The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is ---------."- Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)?
[3:26:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mind
[3:26:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> brain
[3:26:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> word
[3:26:34 am] <@KickServ> nuclear bomb
[3:26:34 am] <@gwillen> intellect
[3:26:34 am] <@ZeroCool> running
[3:26:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> its mind
[3:26:36 am] <@Jigsy> Andrew Lee
[3:26:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> its brain
[3:26:37 am] <@CompuServ> the human race
[3:26:39 am] <@gwillen> humor
[3:26:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> guns
[3:26:40 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, lau_____
[3:26:40 am] <@ZeroCool> persistence
[3:26:41 am] <@ckie> Jigsy: loll
[3:26:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> laura
[3:26:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> laughter
[3:26:43 am] <@rbraun> laughter
[3:26:43 am] <@CompuServ> laundry
[3:26:43 am] <@ZeroCool> laughter
[3:26:43 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: laughter Time: 12.917 Streak: 1 Points: 40 WPM: 7 Rank: 3rd
[3:26:43 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 Jigsy-3 IronDeHavilland-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:26:43 am] <@gwillen> laudanum
[3:26:53 am] <@Guest0> laundry lol
[3:26:53 am] <@Tat> 18. Name The Year: The game "Monopoly" is invented.
[3:26:56 am] <@ZeroCool> What, my side shows me first!
[3:26:56 am] <@Jigsy> 1930
[3:26:57 am] <@gwillen> 1938
[3:26:57 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1939
[3:26:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 19__
[3:26:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1940
[3:26:59 am] <@Jigsy> 1931
[3:26:59 am] <@Jigsy> 1932
[3:27:00 am] <@KickServ> 1955
[3:27:00 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1941
[3:27:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1900
[3:27:01 am] <@Jigsy> 1933
[3:27:01 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1942
[3:27:02 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: 1933 Time: 7.971 Streak: 1 Points: 13 WPM: 6 Rank: 9th
[3:27:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1901
[3:27:02 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-4 Jigsy-4 IronDeHavilland-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:27:03 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1902
[3:27:10 am] <@gwillen> ZeroCool: if it's really close that will happen due to network delays
[3:27:10 am] <@Subjective> lnuclear weapons
[3:27:12 am] <@Tat> 19. With what country is prince rainier iii associated?
[3:27:13 am] <@gwillen> ZeroCool: you see yours instantly
[3:27:16 am] <@Jigsy> Monaco
[3:27:16 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: monaco Time: 3.822 Streak: 2 Points: 14 WPM: 18 Rank: 9th
[3:27:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> korea
[3:27:16 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-5 gwillen-4 IronDeHavilland-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:27:17 am] <@DickServ> korea
[3:27:23 am] <@rbraun> lol
[3:27:23 am] <@KickServ> korea
[3:27:25 am] <@theendoffreenode> korea
[3:27:27 am] <@Tat> 20. Relating to cookery what are 'lokshen', used in a type of Jewish soup?
[3:27:31 am] <@Jigsy> Pots
[3:27:31 am] <@ZeroCool> gwillen, in other cases I've not appeared first when sent in the same second though.
[3:27:32 am] <@Guest0> korea doesnt have a monarchy
[3:27:35 am] <@theendoffreenode> it has
[3:27:37 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, noo____
[3:27:37 am] <@rbraun> !google lokshen
[3:27:38 am] <@CrapBot> Lokshen Noodles Recipe | Jewish Recipes | PBS Food: <>; Sweet Lokshen Kugel - Jewish Noodle Pudding - Tori Avey: < (1 more message)
[3:27:38 am] <@gwillen> noodles
[3:27:38 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: noodles Time: 11.451 Streak: 1 Points: 10 WPM: 7 Rank: 10th Previously: 11th
[3:27:39 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 10th
[3:27:39 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-5 gwillen-4 IronDeHavilland-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:27:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> noodles
[3:27:41 am] <@Jigsy> Noodles
[3:27:46 am] <@ZeroCool> perogies
[3:27:49 am] <@Tat> 21. Useless Trivia: In 1936, American track star Jesse Owens beat a ---------- over a 100-yard course. The horse was given a head start.
[3:27:49 am] <@gwillen> ZeroCool: it was closer than a second presumably
[3:27:52 am] <@gwillen> horse
[3:27:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> horse
[3:27:55 am] <@DickServ> horse
[3:27:56 am] <@gwillen> racehorse
[3:27:56 am] <@rbraun> thoroughbred
[3:27:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> race horse
[3:27:58 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: race horse Time: 8.393 Streak: 1 Points: 41 WPM: 14 Rank: 3rd
[3:27:59 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-5 gwillen-4 IronDeHavilland-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:28:01 am] <@gwillen> oh come on :-P
[3:28:05 am] <@Jigsy> lol.
[3:28:08 am] <@Tat> 22. TV/ Movies: Category: Kids in the Hall: The Kid that played Satan?
[3:28:13 am] <@DickServ> mel gibson
[3:28:15 am] <@Jigsy> Damien
[3:28:18 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, mark_ ________
[3:28:18 am] <@ZeroCool> It's Satine, actually.
[3:28:19 am] <@Guest0> Andrew Lee
[3:28:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mark twein
[3:28:21 am] <@Jigsy> MArk Walberg
[3:28:22 am] <@ZeroCool> mark anderson
[3:28:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mark twain
[3:28:24 am] <@gwillen> mark mckinney
[3:28:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: mark mckinney Time: 16.021 Streak: 1 Points: 59 WPM: 9 Rank: 2nd
[3:28:25 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-5 Jigsy-5 IronDeHavilland-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:28:27 am] <@DickServ> mark gibson
[3:28:29 am] --> nation (~nation@ has joined ##apocalypse
[3:28:29 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o nation by CrapBot
[3:28:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:28:35 am] <@Tat> 23. In 1931 ---------- Bancroft AKA Mrs Mel Brooks, Bronx, actress (Graduate), born.
[3:28:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel
[3:28:40 am] <@Jigsy> Anne
[3:28:40 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: anne Time: 5.273 Streak: 1 Points: 15 WPM: 9 Rank: 8th Previously: 9th
[3:28:40 am] <@Tat> Jigsy has moved up in rank: 8th
[3:28:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-6 gwillen-5 IronDeHavilland-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:28:49 am] <@Peetz0r> So this is the last day of freenode?
[3:28:50 am] <@nation> Howdy!
[3:28:51 am] <@Tat> 24. Category: Trivia : What religion was founded by Lao-tzu?
[3:28:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[3:28:53 am] <@Peetz0r> or how does this work?
[3:28:54 am] <@Jigsy> Taoism
[3:28:55 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: taoism Time: 3.885 Streak: 2 Points: 16 WPM: 18 Rank: 8th
[3:28:55 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-7 gwillen-5 IronDeHavilland-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:28:55 am] <@rbraun> taoism
[3:29:00 am] <@Jigsy> Pretty much.
[3:29:01 am] <@ZeroCool> peetz0r, who knows.
[3:29:05 am] <@Tat> 25. TV/ Movies: Monty Python: The deformed knight had this many heads.
[3:29:08 am] <@Jigsy> Three
[3:29:09 am] <@gwillen> two
[3:29:09 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: three Time: 3.276 Streak: 3 Points: 17 WPM: 18 Rank: 8th
[3:29:09 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-8 gwillen-5 IronDeHavilland-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-1 KickServ-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:29:09 am] -*- Tat hands Jigsy a cold beer for getting the last 3 questions!
[3:29:09 am] <@Tat> You're on fire!
[3:29:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> two
[3:29:19 am] <@Tat> 26. Excessive discharge of blood from blood vessels, caused by pathological condition of the vessels or by traumatic rupture of one or more vessels?
[3:29:21 am] <@gwillen> fuck, my googling skills are losing out to people who actually know the answers
[3:29:24 am] <@DickServ> Peetz0r: It's the last server of the original freenode. It's not connected to anything else. It will likely explode at some point and nobody knows when.
[3:29:24 am] <@gwillen> hemmorhage
[3:29:26 am] <@theendoffreenode> haemorraghe
[3:29:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hemorrage
[3:29:28 am] <@Jigsy> lol.
[3:29:29 am] <@ZeroCool> annurism
[3:29:29 am] <@rbraun> hemorrage
[3:29:29 am] <@IronDeHavilland> haemorrage
[3:29:29 am] <@gwillen> hemorrhage
[3:29:29 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, haem______
[3:29:31 am] <@theendoffreenode> cant spel
[3:29:31 am] <@rbraun> hemorrhage
[3:29:33 am] <@gwillen> haemorrhage
[3:29:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> haemorrhage
[3:29:34 am] <@Guest0> this is thee worst question
[3:29:35 am] <@root> haemorrage
[3:29:36 am] <@nation> I hope this server lasts forever
[3:29:36 am] <@KickServ> haemmorage
[3:29:36 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: haemmorage Time: 16.427 Streak: 1 Points: 25 WPM: 7 Rank: 5th Previously: 6th
[3:29:36 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 5th
[3:29:36 am] <@Jigsy> Hamatoma
[3:29:37 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-8 gwillen-5 IronDeHavilland-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 CrapBot-1 rbraun-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:29:39 am] <@KickServ> ;si
[3:29:41 am] <@KickServ> ┐(´~`;)┌
[3:29:42 am] <@gwillen> lol the answer is spelle dwrong
[3:29:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> oh, it's more misspelled than i rememberd
[3:29:46 am] <@KickServ> ikr
[3:29:46 am] <@Tat> 27. Baby Names Beginning With "T": Meaning: Mole, Gopher?
[3:29:49 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> that makes it more fun
[3:29:49 am] <@root> toad
[3:29:50 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tom
[3:29:50 am] <@ZeroCool> Tiger
[3:29:51 am] <@Jigsy> Ted
[3:29:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> toto
[3:29:52 am] <@rbraun> topo
[3:29:52 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: topo Time: 5.678 Streak: 1 Points: 29 WPM: 8 Rank: 4th
[3:29:53 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-8 gwillen-5 IronDeHavilland-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 rbraun-2 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:29:55 am] <@ZeroCool> Mr T
[3:30:00 am] <@gwillen> tomorrow never dies
[3:30:03 am] <@Tat> 28. TV/ Movies: Born Nov 19, 1962, She starred in this movie: One Little Indian - 1973?
[3:30:05 am] --> nkbk (~nkbk@ has joined ##apocalypse
[3:30:05 am] <@theendoffreenode> who calls their child topo
[3:30:05 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o nkbk by CrapBot
[3:30:12 am] <@theendoffreenode> !imdb one little indian
[3:30:12 am] --> bem ( has joined ##apocalypse
[3:30:13 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o bem by CrapBot
[3:30:13 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, jodi__ ______
[3:30:13 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:30:13 am] <@CrapBot> One Little Indian (1973) United States [G] 90 min
[3:30:13 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Comedy, Family, Western | Language: English
[3:30:13 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 6.2/10 | RT: 38% | MC: N/A
[3:30:13 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: James Garner, Vera Miles, Pat Hingle
[3:30:13 am] <@Guest0> Mel Gibson
[3:30:14 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: On the run from the Cavalry, a man tries to disappear while accompanied by two camels and a runaway boy. His escape is made harder when he meets a widow and her daughter who may turn him in.
[3:30:14 am] <@CrapBot> Director: Bernard McEveety | Writer: Harry Spalding
[3:30:14 am] <@root> answer, old people
[3:30:17 am] <@ZeroCool> Jodi foster
[3:30:17 am] <@gwillen> vera miles
[3:30:19 am] <@Jigsy> Vera Miles
[3:30:20 am] <@AnonChan> foster
[3:30:21 am] <@theendoffreenode> pat hingle
[3:30:23 am] <@theendoffreenode> james garner
[3:30:24 am] <@Jigsy> James Garmer
[3:30:26 am] <@gwillen> jodie foster
[3:30:27 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: jodie foster Time: 23.681 Streak: 1 Points: 60 WPM: 6 Rank: 2nd
[3:30:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-8 gwillen-6 IronDeHavilland-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 rbraun-2 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:30:28 am] <@Guest0> Jodi Mel Gibson
[3:30:29 am] <@gwillen> spelling is hard
[3:30:32 am] <@nation> Who buys and irc network and plows it into the ground
[3:30:34 am] <@gwillen> ZeroCool: sorry :-(
[3:30:37 am] <@Tat> 29. TV/ Movies: Fox TV: On 90210: Who are the twins (name1 and name2)?
[3:30:38 am] <@ZeroCool> haha
[3:30:39 am] <@ZeroCool> It's fine.
[3:30:43 am] <@ZeroCool> Thing1 and Thing2
[3:30:44 am] <@KickServ> …mel gibson?
[3:30:46 am] <@Jigsy> Bill and Be
[3:30:47 am] <@Jigsy> Bill and Ben
[3:30:47 am] <@IronDeHavilland> Beverly Hills 90d20
[3:30:47 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, brando__ ____ ______
[3:30:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[3:30:51 am] <@Jigsy> Brandon and
[3:30:53 am] <@ZeroCool> marlon brando
[3:30:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> brandon and toby
[3:30:54 am] <@theendoffreenode> dio brando
[3:30:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> brandon and mel
[3:30:56 am] <@rbraun> !google 90210 twins
[3:30:57 am] <@gwillen> brandon and brenda
[3:30:57 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> loosen up, it's the 90s
[3:30:57 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: brandon and brenda Time: 19.547 Streak: 2 Points: 61 WPM: 11 Rank: 2nd
[3:30:58 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-8 gwillen-7 IronDeHavilland-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 rbraun-2 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:30:58 am] <@CrapBot> "Beverly Hills, 90210" The Twins, the Trustee, and the Very ... - IMDb: <>; "Beverly Hills, 90210" The Twins, the Trustee, and the Very ... - IMDb: (1 more message)
[3:31:08 am] <@Tat> 30. What's the most common term of endearment in the U.S.
[3:31:10 am] <@gwillen> love
[3:31:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> dear
[3:31:11 am] <@rbraun> love
[3:31:11 am] <@gwillen> honey
[3:31:11 am] <@ZeroCool> luv
[3:31:11 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: honey Time: 3.245 Streak: 3 Points: 62 WPM: 18 Rank: 2nd
[3:31:11 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 Jigsy-8 IronDeHavilland-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 rbraun-2 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:31:11 am] -*- Tat hands gwillen a cold beer for getting the last 3 questions!
[3:31:11 am] <@Tat> You're on fire!
[3:31:12 am] <@nation> Love
[3:31:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> honey
[3:31:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> deer
[3:31:20 am] <@Subjective> motherfucker
[3:31:21 am] <@nation> Suck my cock
[3:31:22 am] <@Tat> 31. Category: Trivia : Which artificial fiber was invented in 1938?
[3:31:24 am] <@gwillen> rayon
[3:31:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> nylon
[3:31:25 am] <@bem> rayon
[3:31:25 am] <@rbraun> nylon
[3:31:25 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: nylon Time: 3.323 Streak: 1 Points: 42 WPM: 18 Rank: 3rd
[3:31:25 am] <@gwillen> nylon
[3:31:25 am] <@theendoffreenode> nylon
[3:31:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> perlon
[3:31:26 am] <@Guest0> nylon
[3:31:26 am] <@ZeroCool> Rayon
[3:31:26 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 Jigsy-8 IronDeHavilland-5 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 rbraun-2 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:31:33 am] <@rbraun> rayon is much older
[3:31:36 am] <@Tat> 32. TV/ Movies: What comedy duo appeared on the first broadcast of the toast of the town"?
[3:31:42 am] <@Jigsy> Laurel and Hardy
[3:31:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[3:31:42 am] <@AnonChan> but wasn't invented in 1939
[3:31:43 am] <@gwillen> abbot and costello
[3:31:44 am] <@nation> I like toast.
[3:31:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> abbot & costello
[3:31:44 am] <@ZeroCool> John Cleese
[3:31:46 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, dean mar____ &_ ______ _____
[3:31:47 am] <@AnonChan> 1938*
[3:31:47 am] <@KickServ> !google toast of the town
[3:31:49 am] <@CrapBot> toast of the town - Wiktionary: <>; The phrase 'The toast of the town' - meaning and origin.: < (1 more message)
[3:31:50 am] <@ZeroCool> dean marton
[3:31:51 am] <@Jigsy> Dean Martin &
[3:31:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> dean martin & mel gibson
[3:31:54 am] <@bem> dean martin & jerry lewis
[3:31:55 am] <@Tat> Winner: bem Answer: dean martin & jerry lewis Time: 18.221 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 16 Rank: 28th Previously: 40th
[3:31:55 am] <@Tat> bem has moved up in rank: 28th
[3:31:56 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 Jigsy-8 IronDeHavilland-5 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 KickServ-2 rbraun-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:32:03 am] <-> bem is now known as beest
[3:32:05 am] <@Tat> 33. TV/ Movies: 2000, This Movie was Released on September 29 ---------
[3:32:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> the matrix
[3:32:12 am] <@beest> titanic
[3:32:15 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google movie released the 29 september 2000
[3:32:15 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, bea______
[3:32:16 am] <@Jigsy> Matrix was 1999.
[3:32:16 am] <@CrapBot> Movies Released September 29, 2000 - Movie Insider: <>; Movies in theaters the week of September 29th, 2000: (1 more message)
[3:32:16 am] <@ZeroCool> 1988
[3:32:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> beatrice
[3:32:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> beatniks
[3:32:24 am] <@KickServ> beautiful
[3:32:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: beautiful Time: 18.986 Streak: 1 Points: 26 WPM: 5 Rank: 5th
[3:32:25 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-8 Jigsy-8 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:32:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> beasties
[3:32:30 am] <@ZeroCool> what?
[3:32:35 am] <@Tat> 34. Baby Names Beginning With "A": Meaning: Wisdom?
[3:32:37 am] <@beest> aaron
[3:32:38 am] <@Jigsy> Adam
[3:32:38 am] <@ZeroCool> Arthur
[3:32:39 am] <@Jigsy> Andrew
[3:32:41 am] <@KickServ> abraham
[3:32:41 am] <@Guest0> Aaron
[3:32:41 am] <@CrapBot> Woah, woah, woah, look out everyone, KickServ is about to fire down the red bull, spray on some axe and pop his collars. It's DOUCHEBAG TIME!
[3:32:43 am] <@theendoffreenode> alexander
[3:32:45 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ak___
[3:32:45 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> shit, it's in sync
[3:32:47 am] <@ZeroCool> Akron
[3:32:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> akali
[3:32:50 am] <@Jigsy> At least Andrew isn't.
[3:32:51 am] <@Guest0> Akira
[3:32:53 am] <@gwillen> ak-47
[3:32:55 am] <@ZeroCool> Akimbo
[3:32:55 am] <@gwillen> akon
[3:32:58 am] <@beest> akanai
[3:33:00 am] <@theendoffreenode> akihito
[3:33:00 am] <@Jigsy> Akimbo
[3:33:03 am] <@gwillen> akert
[3:33:05 am] <@KickServ> akai
[3:33:06 am] <@Jigsy> !vowels
[3:33:08 am] <@ZeroCool> Akevn
[3:33:09 am] <@beest> akamai
[3:33:09 am] <@KickServ> akan
[3:33:11 am] <@Jigsy> Akimi
[3:33:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> akuli
[3:33:15 am] <@ZeroCool> Akendra
[3:33:17 am] <@gwillen> gerard: holy shit
[3:33:18 am] <@Jigsy> Akidi
[3:33:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> akai
[3:33:20 am] <@ZeroCool> Aklaline
[3:33:21 am] <@Jigsy> Akixi
[3:33:23 am] <@Jigsy> Akibi
[3:33:24 am] <@KickServ> akira
[3:33:27 am] <@Jigsy> Akiri
[3:33:28 am] <@Jigsy> Akisi
[3:33:30 am] <@beest> akaakil
[3:33:32 am] <@beest> aakil
[3:33:33 am] <@Jigsy> Akili
[3:33:34 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: akili Time: 58.5 Streak: 1 Points: 18 WPM: 1 Rank: 8th
[3:33:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-9 gwillen-8 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:33:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> akakiy
[3:33:34 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> gwillen: right?
[3:33:40 am] <@gwillen> go little bot go
[3:33:44 am] <@Tat> 35. What can't roosters do if they can't fully extend their necks?
[3:33:45 am] <@itisnigh> <gerard@libera> :)
[3:33:47 am] <@IronDeHavilland> die
[3:33:47 am] <@beest> crow
[3:33:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> crow
[3:33:48 am] <@Tat> Winner: beest Answer: crow Time: 3.432 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 13 Rank: 28th Previously: 41st
[3:33:49 am] <@gwillen> eat
[3:33:49 am] <@Tat> beest has moved up in rank: 28th
[3:33:49 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-9 gwillen-8 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1 beest-1
[3:33:50 am] <@ZeroCool> crow
[3:33:59 am] <@Tat> 36. Category: Astronomy : What is the name for a group of stars?
[3:34:02 am] <@ZeroCool> cluster
[3:34:02 am] <@gwillen> galaxy
[3:34:02 am] <@beest> constellation
[3:34:03 am] <@IronDeHavilland> Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmister Crowwwwwwwwww!
[3:34:03 am] <@Jigsy> Constellation
[3:34:03 am] <@DickServ> constellation
[3:34:03 am] <@rbraun> constellation
[3:34:03 am] <@AnonChan> constellation
[3:34:03 am] <@Tat> Winner: beest Answer: constellation Time: 3.822 Streak: 2 Points: 2 WPM: 40 Rank: 22nd Previously: 28th
[3:34:04 am] <@Tat> beest has moved up in rank: 22nd
[3:34:04 am] <@theendoffreenode> constellation
[3:34:04 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-9 gwillen-8 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 beest-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:34:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> asterism
[3:34:10 am] <@Guest0> i mean
[3:34:12 am] <@Guest0> not really
[3:34:14 am] <@Tat> 37. Michael Jackson sing this song in 1987?
[3:34:16 am] <@KickServ> !google Michael Jackson sing this song in 1987?
[3:34:16 am] <@rbraun> bad
[3:34:17 am] <@gwillen> beat it
[3:34:17 am] <@Jigsy> Bad
[3:34:17 am] <@CrapBot> Michael Jackson - Wikipedia: <>; List of songs by Michael Jackson - Songfacts: <>; Michael Jackson - The Way You (1 more message)
[3:34:18 am] <@ZeroCool> Bad
[3:34:18 am] <@beest> bad
[3:34:18 am] <@AnonChan> i'm bad
[3:34:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> billy jean
[3:34:20 am] <@Jigsy> Thriller
[3:34:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> thriller
[3:34:24 am] <@beest> black or white
[3:34:24 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, smoot__ ________
[3:34:24 am] <@KickServ> bad
[3:34:24 am] <@Jigsy> Beat It
[3:34:24 am] <@ZeroCool> Whip It
[3:34:27 am] <@beest> smooth criminal
[3:34:27 am] <@Jigsy> Smooth Cirminal
[3:34:27 am] <@IronDeHavilland> smooth criminal
[3:34:27 am] <@theendoffreenode> somooth criminal
[3:34:27 am] <@KickServ> smooth criminal
[3:34:27 am] <@Tat> Winner: beest Answer: smooth criminal Time: 12.87 Streak: 3 Points: 3 WPM: 13 Rank: 19th Previously: 22nd
[3:34:27 am] <@gwillen> smooth criminal
[3:34:27 am] <@ZeroCool> smooth criminal
[3:34:27 am] <@Tat> beest has moved up in rank: 19th
[3:34:27 am] -*- Tat hands beest a cold beer for getting the last 3 questions!
[3:34:27 am] <@Tat> You're on fire!
[3:34:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-9 gwillen-8 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-3 beest-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 rbraun-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:34:38 am] <@Tat> 38. Category: Trivia : What is the state capital of Florida?
[3:34:41 am] <@gwillen> pensacola
[3:34:41 am] <@beest> tqallahassee
[3:34:41 am] <@Jigsy> Miami
[3:34:42 am] <@DickServ> paris
[3:34:42 am] <@gwillen> miama
[3:34:43 am] <@Jigsy> Tampa
[3:34:43 am] <@rbraun> tallahassee
[3:34:44 am] <@beest> tallahassee
[3:34:44 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: tallahassee Time: 5.897 Streak: 1 Points: 30 WPM: 22 Rank: 4th
[3:34:44 am] <@ZeroCool> Tallahasee
[3:34:44 am] <@gwillen> miami
[3:34:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> orlando
[3:34:45 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-9 gwillen-8 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-3 rbraun-3 beest-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:34:48 am] <@gwillen> :3
[3:34:51 am] <@beest> CHEATER
[3:34:53 am] <@ZeroCool> Spelling matters, yeah.
[3:34:54 am] <@Tat> 39. What was the name of the operatic diva who gave her name to a peach dessert?
[3:34:59 am] <@Jigsy> Nelli Melba
[3:35:01 am] <@DickServ> mel gibson
[3:35:02 am] <@gwillen> oh fuck me
[3:35:02 am] <@rbraun> nellie melba
[3:35:04 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, dame n______ _____
[3:35:06 am] <@rbraun> dame nellie melba
[3:35:06 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: dame nellie melba Time: 11.934 Streak: 2 Points: 31 WPM: 17 Rank: 4th
[3:35:07 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-9 gwillen-8 IronDeHavilland-5 rbraun-4 KickServ-3 beest-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:35:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> dame nellie melba
[3:35:08 am] <@ZeroCool> dame nellie melba
[3:35:09 am] <@nkbk> cobbler
[3:35:13 am] <@nkbk> dang so close
[3:35:14 am] <@rbraun> lol
[3:35:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:35:16 am] <@CalimeroTeknik> dame desu ne
[3:35:17 am] <@ZeroCool> Princess Peach
[3:35:17 am] <@Tat> 40. TV/ Movies: Born Jul 21, 1952, He starred in this movie: Hook - 1991?
[3:35:17 am] <@Jigsy> Cobbler never fails to amuse me.
[3:35:21 am] <@rbraun> dustin hoffman
[3:35:21 am] <@beest> robin williams
[3:35:22 am] <@Tat> Winner: beest Answer: robin williams Time: 4.337 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 38 Rank: 18th Previously: 19th
[3:35:22 am] <@Tat> beest has moved up in rank: 18th
[3:35:23 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-9 gwillen-8 IronDeHavilland-5 rbraun-4 beest-4 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:35:24 am] <@theendoffreenode> !imdb hook
[3:35:26 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:35:26 am] <@CrapBot> Hook (1991) USA [PG] 142 min
[3:35:26 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy | Language: English
[3:35:26 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 6.8/10 | RT: 29% | MC: 52%
[3:35:26 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: Dustin Hoffman, Robin Williams, Julia Roberts, Bob Hoskins
[3:35:26 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: When Captain James Hook kidnaps his children, an adult Peter Pan must return to Neverland and reclaim his youthful spirit in order to challenge his old enemy.
[3:35:26 am] <@CrapBot> Director: Steven Spielberg | Writer: J.M. Barrie (books), J.M. Barrie (play), James V. Hart (screen story), Nick Castle (screen story), James V. Hart (screenplay), Malia Scotch Marmo (screenplay)
[3:35:32 am] <@Tat> 41. Who was a member of 'crosby, stills and nash' and 'the hollies'?
[3:35:32 am] <@rbraun> theendoffreenode: lol
[3:35:35 am] <@gwillen> theendoffreenode: so close, poor crapbot
[3:35:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> crosby
[3:35:37 am] <@rbraun> graham nash
[3:35:37 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: graham nash Time: 4.508 Streak: 1 Points: 32 WPM: 29 Rank: 4th
[3:35:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> stills
[3:35:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> nash
[3:35:38 am] <@emily> !google crosby stils nash the hollies
[3:35:38 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-9 gwillen-8 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-5 beest-4 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1 ZeroCool-1
[3:35:38 am] <@ZeroCool> Bill Crosby
[3:35:38 am] <@beest> steven stills
[3:35:39 am] <@Jigsy> Billy Hol...
[3:35:40 am] <@CrapBot> Graham Nash - Wikipedia: <>; Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young - Wikipedia: <,_Stills,_Nash_%26_Young>; Graham Nash: 'The Queen (1 more message)
[3:35:40 am] <@gwillen> lol
[3:35:43 am] <@beest> david crosby
[3:35:45 am] <@beest> graham nash
[3:35:47 am] <@Tat> 42. Name The Year: Nelson Mandella, human rights activist, former political prisoner?
[3:35:51 am] <@ZeroCool> 1912
[3:35:52 am] <@Jigsy> 1987
[3:35:52 am] <@emily> name the year what
[3:35:53 am] <@Jigsy> 1985
[3:35:55 am] <@Jigsy> 1981
[3:35:56 am] <@Jigsy> 1982
[3:35:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> nelson medulla oblongata
[3:35:57 am] <@Jigsy> 1983
[3:35:57 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[3:35:59 am] <@Jigsy> 1984
[3:36:00 am] <@Jigsy> !vowels
[3:36:01 am] <@ZeroCool> 1918
[3:36:01 am] <@rbraun> 1918
[3:36:01 am] <@Tat> Winner: ZeroCool Answer: 1918 Time: 13.37 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 3 Rank: 13th Previously: 14th
[3:36:01 am] <@Tat> ZeroCool has moved up in rank: 13th
[3:36:01 am] <@KickServ> 1990
[3:36:01 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-9 gwillen-8 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-5 beest-4 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 CrapBot-1
[3:36:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1960
[3:36:04 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> 1997
[3:36:05 am] <@Guest0> hahahahha
[3:36:10 am] <@gwillen> emily: for people it seems to always be birth year
[3:36:11 am] <@Tat> 43. How many players are there in a men's lacrosse team?
[3:36:13 am] <@ZeroCool> See? If I keep giving the same year evern time I'm bound to be right eventually.
[3:36:14 am] <@gwillen> 19
[3:36:14 am] <@gwillen> 9
[3:36:15 am] <@Jigsy> 4
[3:36:15 am] <@ZeroCool> 9
[3:36:15 am] <@gwillen> 5
[3:36:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1
[3:36:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2
[3:36:16 am] <@gwillen> 8
[3:36:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 3
[3:36:17 am] <@ZeroCool> 7
[3:36:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 4
[3:36:17 am] <@gwillen> 7
[3:36:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 5
[3:36:17 am] <@nkbk> 7
[3:36:18 am] <@rbraun> 12
[3:36:18 am] <@beest> 12
[3:36:19 am] <@KickServ> 3
[3:36:19 am] <@ZeroCool> 11
[3:36:19 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google lacrosse team
[3:36:19 am] <@gwillen> 6
[3:36:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 6
[3:36:20 am] <@rbraun> 10
[3:36:20 am] <@KickServ> 9
[3:36:20 am] <@ZeroCool> 13
[3:36:21 am] --> RasenganSucks (RasenganSu@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined ##apocalypse
[3:36:21 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o RasenganSucks by CrapBot
[3:36:21 am] <@CrapBot> Lacrosse - Wikipedia: <>; List of lacrosse teams in Canada - Wikipedia: <>; NLL: Home: <>
[3:36:22 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: ten Time: 9.859 Streak: 1 Points: 11 WPM: 3 Rank: 10th
[3:36:22 am] <@Jigsy> 20
[3:36:22 am] <@gwillen> 16
[3:36:22 am] <@nkbk> 1
[3:36:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 7
[3:36:22 am] <@Guest0> 0
[3:36:22 am] <@KickServ> 10
[3:36:22 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-9 gwillen-8 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-5 beest-4 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1
[3:36:23 am] <@ZeroCool> 4
[3:36:24 am] <@nkbk> 2
[3:36:24 am] <@KickServ> 14
[3:36:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 8
[3:36:25 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> 12
[3:36:26 am] <@nkbk> 3
[3:36:26 am] <@KickServ> 10
[3:36:27 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 9
[3:36:28 am] <-- Seeder99 ( has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[3:36:28 am] <@nkbk> 4
[3:36:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 0
[3:36:30 am] <@nkbk> 4
[3:36:32 am] <@nkbk> 56
[3:36:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 10
[3:36:32 am] <@Tat> 44. The University of Houston once elected what rock star as homecoming queen?
[3:36:34 am] <@nkbk> 78
[3:36:35 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 11
[3:36:35 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> seven
[3:36:36 am] <@nkbk> 6789
[3:36:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> -1
[3:36:38 am] <@nkbk> 67
[3:36:38 am] <@Jigsy> Alice Cooper
[3:36:39 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: alice cooper Time: 6.302 Streak: 1 Points: 19 WPM: 22 Rank: 8th
[3:36:39 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> twelve
[3:36:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> -2
[3:36:40 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-10 gwillen-8 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-5 beest-4 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1
[3:36:40 am] <@nkbk> 523
[3:36:40 am] <@KickServ> 14
[3:36:42 am] <@nkbk> 44
[3:36:42 am] <@Jigsy> Seriously!?
[3:36:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> -3
[3:36:44 am] <@nkbk> 69
[3:36:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> -4
[3:36:47 am] <@IronDeHavilland> -5
[3:36:49 am] <@Tat> 45. In which year this century were there 3 Popes?
[3:36:50 am] <@IronDeHavilland> -6
[3:36:51 am] <-- nation (~nation@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[3:36:51 am] <-- ckie (~ron@ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[3:36:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> i did say 10 :(
[3:36:53 am] <@Jigsy> 1954
[3:36:54 am] <@Guest0> 69247
[3:36:54 am] <@emily> !google three poope country
[3:36:55 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2020
[3:36:56 am] <@CrapBot> Pope John XXII - Wikipedia: <>; Pope Clement XI - Wikipedia: <>; Cassadee Pope - Take You Home (Official Video) - (1 more message)
[3:36:56 am] <@emily> three poope
[3:36:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2019
[3:36:58 am] <@beest> 2011
[3:36:58 am] <@ZeroCool> 1927
[3:36:59 am] <@gwillen> 1978
[3:36:59 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[3:36:59 am] <@nkbk> 1999
[3:36:59 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: 1978 Time: 10.047 Streak: 1 Points: 63 WPM: 4 Rank: 2nd
[3:37:00 am] <@ZeroCool> 1918
[3:37:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2018
[3:37:00 am] <@beest> 2012
[3:37:00 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-10 gwillen-9 rbraun-5 IronDeHavilland-5 beest-4 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1
[3:37:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2017
[3:37:03 am] <@beest> 1974
[3:37:05 am] <@gwillen> how many poope
[3:37:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2016
[3:37:06 am] <@DickServ> >this century
[3:37:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2015
[3:37:09 am] <@ZeroCool> 3
[3:37:10 am] <@Tat> 46. What's a natatorium?
[3:37:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2014
[3:37:11 am] <@beest> many poope
[3:37:12 am] <@nkbk> IRC TRIVIA BOT WHAT YEAR IS IT??!?!
[3:37:13 am] <@gwillen> DickServ: :-( :-( :-(
[3:37:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2013
[3:37:15 am] <@ZeroCool> birthplace
[3:37:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2012
[3:37:16 am] <@KickServ> !g
[3:37:16 am] <@CrapBot> Google Search - Discover How Google Search Works: <>
[3:37:16 am] <@CrapBot> Search Engine Land - News On Search Engines, Search Engine ...: <>
[3:37:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1999
[3:37:18 am] <@KickServ> !g
[3:37:19 am] <@CrapBot> Google Search - Discover How Google Search Works: <>
[3:37:19 am] <@CrapBot> Search Engine Land - News On Search Engines, Search Engine ...: <>
[3:37:19 am] <@beest> swimming pool
[3:37:20 am] <@Tat> Winner: beest Answer: swimming pool Time: 9.485 Streak: 1 Points: 5 WPM: 16 Rank: 15th Previously: 18th
[3:37:20 am] <@Tat> beest has moved up in rank: 15th
[3:37:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1998
[3:37:20 am] <@Tat> Current Round: Jigsy-10 gwillen-9 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1
[3:37:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1997
[3:37:25 am] <@root> !google !google
[3:37:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> nvm
[3:37:26 am] <@CrapBot> Google: <>; Google: <>; Google Maps: <>
[3:37:30 am] <@Tat> 47. TV/ Movies: 1998, This Movie was Released on May 1 Dancer, ---------
[3:37:31 am] <@ZeroCool> vomitoriums were just openings to let people out in arenas
[3:37:33 am] <@KickServ> !google , This Movie was Released on May 1 Dancer,
[3:37:34 am] <@root> !google duckduckgo
[3:37:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ircd
[3:37:35 am] <@CrapBot> You Got Served - Wikipedia: <>; Save the Last Dance (2001) - IMDb: <>; Shall We Dance (2004) - IMDb: <>
[3:37:36 am] <@CrapBot> DuckDuckGo: <>; DuckDuckGo - Wikipedia: <>; ‎DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser on the App Store - App Store - Apple: (1 more message)
[3:37:37 am] <@ZeroCool> Dancer
[3:37:37 am] <@nkbk> Dacner With WOlves
[3:37:38 am] <@beest> jojo
[3:37:39 am] <@gwillen> dancer, texas
[3:37:40 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, texa__ _____ __
[3:37:41 am] <@gwillen> texas
[3:37:45 am] <@Jigsy> Texas Chainsaw Man
[3:37:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> texas chainsaw massacre
[3:37:46 am] <@gwillen> texas pop 81
[3:37:46 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: texas pop. 81 Time: 15.6 Streak: 1 Points: 64 WPM: 10 Rank: 2nd
[3:37:47 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-10 Jigsy-10 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1
[3:37:47 am] <@ZeroCool> Texas Chainsaw Massecure
[3:37:51 am] <@gwillen> that is a pretty weird movie name
[3:37:54 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> maternity ward
[3:37:55 am] <@nkbk> texas chainsaw masseuse
[3:37:56 am] <@gwillen> but it semes legit
[3:37:57 am] <@Tat> 48. TV/ Movies: 1979 - Dustin Hoffman - Starred In This Movie:
[3:38:00 am] <@beest> tootsie
[3:38:00 am] <@Jigsy> Papilon
[3:38:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:38:02 am] <@Jigsy> Pappilon
[3:38:04 am] <@emily> !google 1979 dustin hoffman movie
[3:38:05 am] <@Jigsy> Papillon
[3:38:06 am] <@CrapBot> Kramer vs. Kramer - Wikipedia: <>; Dustin Hoffman filmography - Wikipedia: <>; Kramer vs. Kramer (1 more message)
[3:38:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> love story
[3:38:07 am] <@gwillen> kramer vs kramer
[3:38:07 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ag____
[3:38:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> again
[3:38:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> agate
[3:38:11 am] <@KickServ> agatha
[3:38:11 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: agatha Time: 14.243 Streak: 1 Points: 27 WPM: 5 Rank: 5th
[3:38:11 am] <@emily> !google ag dustin hoffman
[3:38:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> agony
[3:38:12 am] <@ZeroCool> Silber
[3:38:12 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-10 Jigsy-10 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1
[3:38:13 am] <@CrapBot> Dustin Hoffmann Ag | Facebook: <>; Dustin Hoffman - IMDb: <>; Wag the Dog - Wikipedia: <>
[3:38:22 am] <@Tat> 49. Excluding man, what is the longest lived land mammal?
[3:38:25 am] <@nkbk> whale
[3:38:25 am] <@Jigsy> Tortise
[3:38:26 am] <@gwillen> tortoise
[3:38:27 am] <@ZeroCool> Whales
[3:38:28 am] <@KickServ> turtle
[3:38:28 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[3:38:30 am] <@Guest0> >land
[3:38:30 am] <@DickServ> parrot
[3:38:31 am] <@KickServ> whale
[3:38:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> horse
[3:38:32 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ele_____
[3:38:32 am] <@gwillen> andrew lee
[3:38:33 am] <@gwillen> elephant
[3:38:33 am] <@emily> !google longest lived mammal
[3:38:34 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: elephant Time: 11.949 Streak: 1 Points: 65 WPM: 8 Rank: 2nd
[3:38:34 am] <@Jigsy> Elephant
[3:38:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> elephant
[3:38:34 am] <@DickServ> elephant
[3:38:34 am] <@ZeroCool> elephants
[3:38:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-11 Jigsy-10 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1
[3:38:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> beached whale
[3:38:34 am] <@CrapBot> Which mammal lives the longest? - Discover Wildlife: <>; What is the longest-lived marine mammal?: (1 more message)
[3:38:41 am] <@Jigsy> Pretty sure it's Tortoise.
[3:38:43 am] <@nkbk> p sure tortoise live longer than elephant tho
[3:38:44 am] <@Tat> 50. Disney: "Hair Facts" from the Broadway version of "Beauty and The Beast": Four characters' wigs are made of -------------: Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Madame de la Grande Bouche, and the Sugar Bowl from "Be Our Guest."?
[3:38:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> not a mammal
[3:38:45 am] <@nkbk> stupid bot
[3:38:49 am] <@nkbk> OHHH
[3:38:52 am] <@nkbk> FUCKING DUMB ME
[3:38:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hair
[3:38:53 am] <@beest> ceramic
[3:38:54 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, yak_ ____
[3:38:55 am] <@IronDeHavilland> flame
[3:38:56 am] <@gwillen> yak hair
[3:38:57 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: yak hair Time: 12.231 Streak: 2 Points: 66 WPM: 7 Rank: 2nd
[3:38:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yak hair
[3:38:57 am] <@ZeroCool> yack hair
[3:38:58 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-12 Jigsy-10 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 CrapBot-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1
[3:38:58 am] <@Jigsy> Yak Hair
[3:38:59 am] <@rbraun> wow
[3:39:02 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> parrots
[3:39:05 am] <@ZeroCool> yak shaving
[3:39:07 am] <@Tat> 51. On which Caribbean island are the Blue Mountains?
[3:39:08 am] <@rbraun> an actual use for yak shaving
[3:39:09 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> elephants
[3:39:10 am] <@Jigsy> Trinidad
[3:39:11 am] <@gwillen> st croix
[3:39:12 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> tortoises are mammals now?
[3:39:13 am] <@ZeroCool> barbados
[3:39:13 am] <@Jigsy> Tobabgo
[3:39:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tobago
[3:39:16 am] <@Jigsy> Tobago
[3:39:16 am] <@KickServ> !g On which Caribbean island are the Blue Mountains?
[3:39:17 am] <@CrapBot> In Search of a Perfect Cup: <>
[3:39:17 am] <@CrapBot> Blue Mountains | mountains, Jamaica | Britannica: <>
[3:39:17 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, jam____
[3:39:17 am] <@ZeroCool> trinidad
[3:39:17 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: jamaica Time: 10.14 Streak: 1 Points: 12 WPM: 8 Rank: 10th
[3:39:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bermuda
[3:39:18 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-12 Jigsy-10 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 CrapBot-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1
[3:39:18 am] <@rbraun> jamaica
[3:39:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> jamaica
[3:39:20 am] --> krok ( has joined ##apocalypse
[3:39:20 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o krok by CrapBot
[3:39:20 am] <@KickServ> nice
[3:39:20 am] <@ZeroCool> jamaca
[3:39:21 am] <@nkbk> Jamaica
[3:39:26 am] <-> krok is now known as k
[3:39:27 am] <@gwillen> crapbot strikes again!
[3:39:28 am] <@Tat> 52. Name The Year: Mark Russell, raconteur, born.
[3:39:32 am] <@ZeroCool> 1918
[3:39:33 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1984
[3:39:33 am] <@beest> omg k is k once more
[3:39:33 am] <@Jigsy> !vowels
[3:39:34 am] <@nkbk> 1969
[3:39:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> literally who
[3:39:35 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1865
[3:39:37 am] <@gwillen> 1932
[3:39:38 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: 1932 Time: 9.469 Streak: 1 Points: 67 WPM: 5 Rank: 2nd
[3:39:38 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-13 Jigsy-10 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 CrapBot-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1
[3:39:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> figuratively ho
[3:39:41 am] <@k> hello beest
[3:39:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> s/ho/who/
[3:39:46 am] <@k> i am k on freenode
[3:39:48 am] <@Tat> 53. 80s Films: ___ the 13th?
[3:39:48 am] <@Guest0> rack on tour
[3:39:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> k.
[3:39:49 am] <@k> strange
[3:39:51 am] <@nkbk> friday
[3:39:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> friday
[3:39:51 am] <@gwillen> friday
[3:39:52 am] <@ZeroCool> Friday
[3:39:52 am] <@theendoffreenode> friday
[3:39:52 am] <@Tat> Winner: nkbk Answer: Friday Time: 2.933 Streak: 1 Points: 1 WPM: 24 Rank: 29th Previously: 42nd
[3:39:52 am] <@Tat> nkbk has moved up in rank: 29th
[3:39:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-13 Jigsy-10 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 KickServ-4 CrapBot-3 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 nkbk-1 bem-1
[3:39:53 am] <@k> friday
[3:39:56 am] <@beest> rebecca black
[3:40:02 am] <@ZeroCool> 1918
[3:40:03 am] <@Tat> 54. What is the address Donald Duck lives at?
[3:40:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> disneyland
[3:40:09 am] <@beest> mallard lane
[3:40:10 am] <@ZeroCool> 11th Street
[3:40:10 am] <@emily> !google donald duck address
[3:40:10 am] <@KickServ> !g What is the address Donald Duck lives at?
[3:40:11 am] <@CrapBot> Donald's House | Disney Wiki | Fandom: <>; Donald Duck - Wikipedia: <>; Donald Duck universe - Wikipedia: (1 more message)
[3:40:11 am] <@CrapBot> Donald Duck - Wikipedia: <>
[3:40:11 am] <@CrapBot> Donald Duck Day: Where to find the famous bird at Walt Disney ...: <>
[3:40:12 am] <@gwillen> 1313 webfoot walk
[3:40:12 am] <@k> lol
[3:40:12 am] <@emily> what the fuck kind of question is this
[3:40:12 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 1313 webfoot_ ____,_ ________,_ ________
[3:40:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> fuck that
[3:40:17 am] <@emily> !google 1313 webfoot walk
[3:40:17 am] <@Guest0> hes not real trivia bot
[3:40:18 am] <@CrapBot> 1313 Webfoot Walk, Duckburg, Calisota - Factacular: <>; Steve Keating on Twitter: "Donald Duck lives at 1313 Webfoot Walk ...: (2 more messages)
[3:40:19 am] <@ZeroCool> 1313 webfoot lane
[3:40:19 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: 1313 webfoot walk, duckburg, calisota Time: 16.084 Streak: 1 Points: 13 WPM: 27 Rank: 10th
[3:40:19 am] <@gwillen> 1313 webfoot walk, duckburg, calistoga
[3:40:20 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-13 Jigsy-10 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 CrapBot-4 KickServ-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 nkbk-1 bem-1
[3:40:22 am] <@emily> ok thanks
[3:40:29 am] <@Tat> 55. UnScramble this Word: t l n a o e h?
[3:40:34 am] <@ZeroCool> Crapbot wins finally!
[3:40:39 am] <@DickServ> I knew the duckburg, calisota part.
[3:40:39 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, eth____
[3:40:40 am] <@KickServ> ethanol
[3:40:40 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: ethanol Time: 10.795 Streak: 1 Points: 28 WPM: 7 Rank: 5th
[3:40:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-13 Jigsy-10 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 CrapBot-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 nkbk-1 bem-1
[3:40:41 am] <@gwillen> ethanol
[3:40:42 am] <@beest> ethanol
[3:40:43 am] <@Jigsy> Eth..
[3:40:46 am] <@k> ethanol
[3:40:47 am] <@nkbk> eth0
[3:40:48 am] <@emily> ethernet
[3:40:49 am] <-- BigChungus (~viiiiibe@ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
[3:40:51 am] <@Tat> 56. Animal Trivia: A garter snake can give birth to ---------
[3:40:52 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[3:40:53 am] <@gwillen> twins
[3:40:54 am] <@Subjective> internet hole
[3:40:54 am] <@rbraun> twins
[3:40:55 am] <@emily> !google garter snake give birth
[3:40:56 am] <@ZeroCool> live young
[3:40:56 am] <@Jigsy> Andrew Lee
[3:40:57 am] <@CrapBot> OUR GARTER SNAKE GAVE BIRTH!! - YouTube: <>; Our Albino Garter Snake Gave Birth! - YouTube: <>; Garter Snake Giving (1 more message)
[3:40:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> triplets
[3:40:58 am] <@gwillen> andrew lee
[3:40:58 am] <@rbraun> live young
[3:41:01 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 85 ______
[3:41:02 am] <@KickServ> andrew lee
[3:41:02 am] <@nkbk> live babies
[3:41:03 am] <@DickServ> other garter snakes
[3:41:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 85 snakes
[3:41:04 am] <@emily> 85 babies
[3:41:05 am] <@Tat> Winner: emily Answer: 85 babies Time: 13.65 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 7 Rank: 20th Previously: 23rd
[3:41:05 am] <@gwillen> 85 snakes
[3:41:05 am] <@Tat> emily has moved up in rank: 20th
[3:41:05 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-13 Jigsy-10 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 CrapBot-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 nkbk-1 bem-1 emily-1
[3:41:06 am] <@Guest0> andrew lee
[3:41:07 am] <@theendoffreenode> 85 andrew lees
[3:41:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 400 babies
[3:41:13 am] <@Subjective> wholesome
[3:41:15 am] <@Tat> 57. Animal Trivia: ---------- feel safest when they are crowded together, hundreds in a group.
[3:41:17 am] <@rbraun> theendoffreenode++
[3:41:17 am] <@nkbk> IronDeHavilland++
[3:41:20 am] <@k> penguisn
[3:41:20 am] <@beest> rats
[3:41:20 am] <@ZeroCool> flamingos
[3:41:21 am] <@DickServ> penguins
[3:41:21 am] <@KickServ> humans
[3:41:23 am] <@gwillen> nerds
[3:41:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lemmings
[3:41:24 am] <@k> penguins
[3:41:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> rats
[3:41:25 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, flam______
[3:41:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mice
[3:41:26 am] <@beest> breasts
[3:41:27 am] <@gwillen> flamingoes
[3:41:27 am] <@Guest42> humans
[3:41:27 am] <@k> flamingos
[3:41:28 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: flamingoes Time: 11.935 Streak: 1 Points: 68 WPM: 10 Rank: 2nd
[3:41:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> flamingos
[3:41:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-14 Jigsy-10 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 beest-5 IronDeHavilland-5 CrapBot-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 nkbk-1 bem-1 emily-1
[3:41:28 am] <@beest> flamingois
[3:41:28 am] <@emily> flamingos
[3:41:28 am] <@Jigsy> Flamingos
[3:41:29 am] <@IronDeHavilland> flamingoes
[3:41:32 am] <@nkbk> flamingo
[3:41:33 am] <@ZeroCool> Gah, spelling, again!
[3:41:38 am] <@Tat> 58. Category: Scents: Charlie and Jontue manufacturer?
[3:41:40 am] <@gwillen> ZeroCool: :-(
[3:41:42 am] <@emily> !google charlie and jontue manufacturer
[3:41:42 am] <@k> what
[3:41:42 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> flamingoes
[3:41:43 am] <@IronDeHavilland> chanel
[3:41:43 am] <@CrapBot> Charlie and Jontue manufacturer? - QuizQuizGo: <>; Scents: Charlie and Jontue manufacturer? - QuizQuizGo: (2 more messages)
[3:41:43 am] <@beest> estee lauder
[3:41:44 am] <@gwillen> I'm not even sure mine was more correct
[3:41:48 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, re____
[3:41:49 am] <@ZeroCool> shoes
[3:41:50 am] <@emily> i like how it always turns up quiz sites
[3:41:50 am] <@IronDeHavilland> revlon
[3:41:51 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: revlon Time: 12.152 Streak: 1 Points: 43 WPM: 5 Rank: 3rd
[3:41:51 am] <@beest> revlon
[3:41:51 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-14 Jigsy-10 IronDeHavilland-6 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 beest-5 CrapBot-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 nkbk-1 bem-1 emily-1
[3:41:55 am] <@beest> blast
[3:41:58 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> scented candles
[3:42:01 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> perfume
[3:42:01 am] <@Tat> 59. Who starred in the film 'the man with two brains'?
[3:42:04 am] <@k> lol
[3:42:06 am] <@emily> ịmdb man with two brains
[3:42:06 am] <@beest> steve margin
[3:42:06 am] <@Jigsy> Not Andrew Lee
[3:42:06 am] <@ZeroCool> Trump.
[3:42:07 am] <@DickServ> mel gibson
[3:42:08 am] <@beest> steve martin
[3:42:08 am] <@Tat> Winner: beest Answer: steve martin Time: 6.693 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 21 Rank: 15th
[3:42:08 am] <@k> twoface
[3:42:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> zaphod beeblebrox
[3:42:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> !imdb the man with two brians
[3:42:09 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-14 Jigsy-10 beest-6 IronDeHavilland-6 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 CrapBot-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 nkbk-1 bem-1 emily-1
[3:42:09 am] <@emily> !imdb man with two brains
[3:42:10 am] <@KickServ> mel gibson obviously
[3:42:11 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:42:11 am] <@CrapBot> The Man with Two Brians (2008) N/A [TV-14] 30 min
[3:42:11 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Animation, Comedy | Language: English
[3:42:11 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 7.6/10 | RT: N/A | MC: N/A
[3:42:11 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: Seth MacFarlane, Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis
[3:42:12 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: Peter gets the Griffins a new, younger dog to eventually replace an aging Brian.
[3:42:12 am] <@CrapBot> Director: Dominic Bianchi, James Purdum, Peter Shin | Writer: Seth MacFarlane (created by), Seth MacFarlane (developed by), David Zuckerman (developed by), John Viener
[3:42:13 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:42:13 am] <@CrapBot> The Man with Two Brains (1983) United States [R] 93 min
[3:42:14 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi | Language: English
[3:42:14 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 6.4/10 | RT: 76% | MC: 61%
[3:42:14 am] <@k> jesus
[3:42:15 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: Steve Martin, Kathleen Turner, David Warner
[3:42:15 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: A brain surgeon marries a femme fatale, causing his life to turn upside down. Things go more awry when he falls in love with a talking brain.
[3:42:16 am] <@CrapBot> Director: Carl Reiner | Writer: George Gipe, Steve Martin, Carl Reiner
[3:42:19 am] <@Tat> 60. What is a two-humped dromedary?
[3:42:21 am] <@beest> camel
[3:42:21 am] <@k> camel
[3:42:21 am] <@DickServ> camel
[3:42:22 am] <@Tat> Winner: beest Answer: camel Time: 2.418 Streak: 2 Points: 7 WPM: 24 Rank: 13th Previously: 15th
[3:42:22 am] <@Tat> beest has moved up in rank: 13th
[3:42:22 am] <@ZeroCool> Camel
[3:42:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> camel
[3:42:22 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-14 Jigsy-10 beest-7 IronDeHavilland-6 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 CrapBot-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 nkbk-1 bem-1 emily-1
[3:42:23 am] <@Jigsy> Camcel
[3:42:23 am] <@theendoffreenode> camel
[3:42:24 am] <@k> fuck off beest
[3:42:27 am] <@beest> :)
[3:42:27 am] <@emily> camcel culture
[3:42:28 am] <@Jigsy> F...
[3:42:29 am] <@beest> <3
[3:42:31 am] <@k> camel culture
[3:42:32 am] <@Tat> 61. Who did pat sajak play on the soapie 'days of our lives'?
[3:42:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> camel culture
[3:42:34 am] <@k> lol
[3:42:37 am] <@k> <3
[3:42:37 am] <@beest> pat sajak
[3:42:37 am] <@KickServ> !g Who did pat sajak play on the soapie 'days of our lives'?
[3:42:38 am] <@CrapBot> Who did pat sajak play on the soapie 'days of our lives'?: <>
[3:42:38 am] <@CrapBot> Pat Sajak - Wikipedia: <>
[3:42:40 am] <@beest> himself
[3:42:42 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, kevin_ ________
[3:42:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> !imdb days of our lives
[3:42:43 am] <@beest> richard nixon
[3:42:43 am] <@emily> !imdb days of our li ves
[3:42:44 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:42:44 am] <@CrapBot> Days of Our Lives (1965–) USA [TV-14] 60 min
[3:42:44 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Drama, Romance | Language: English
[3:42:44 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 5.1/10 | RT: 62% | MC: N/A
[3:42:44 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: Deidre Hall, Frances Reid, John Clarke
[3:42:44 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: A chronicle of the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.
[3:42:44 am] <@CrapBot> Director: N/A | Writer: Irna Phillips, Allan Chase, Ted Corday
[3:42:45 am] <@gwillen> kevin hathaway
[3:42:45 am] <@ZeroCool> kevin sorbo
[3:42:45 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:42:45 am] <@CrapBot> Days of Our Lives (1965–) USA [TV-14] 60 min
[3:42:45 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: kevin hathaway Time: 12.683 Streak: 1 Points: 69 WPM: 13 Rank: 2nd
[3:42:46 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-15 Jigsy-10 beest-7 IronDeHavilland-6 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 CrapBot-4 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 nkbk-1 bem-1 emily-1
[3:42:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> kevin costner
[3:42:46 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Drama, Romance | Language: English
[3:42:46 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 5.1/10 | RT: 62% | MC: N/A
[3:42:47 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: Deidre Hall, Frances Reid, John Clarke
[3:42:47 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: A chronicle of the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of the citizens of the fictional city of Salem.
[3:42:48 am] <@CrapBot> Director: N/A | Writer: Irna Phillips, Allan Chase, Ted Corday
[3:42:55 am] <@Tat> 62. music: who is the late kurt coabain's widow?
[3:43:00 am] <@ZeroCool> Alice
[3:43:00 am] <@Jigsy> Oh, fuck...
[3:43:00 am] <@emily> !google courtney music kurt
[3:43:02 am] <@KickServ> !g who is the late kurt coabain's widow?
[3:43:02 am] <@CrapBot> Courtney Barnett & Kurt Vile - Over Everything (Official Video ...: <>; Courtney Barnett and Kurt Vile: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert ...: (1 more message)
[3:43:03 am] <@CrapBot> Inside Kurt Cobain's $450m empire: <>
[3:43:03 am] <@CrapBot> Kurt Cobain's Widow and Daughter Fight to Stop Release of Singer's ...: <>
[3:43:03 am] <@nkbk> courtney love
[3:43:04 am] <@Tat> Winner: nkbk Answer: courtney love Time: 7.832 Streak: 1 Points: 2 WPM: 19 Rank: 24th Previously: 29th
[3:43:04 am] <@Jigsy> Courney Love
[3:43:04 am] <@Tat> nkbk has moved up in rank: 24th
[3:43:04 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-15 Jigsy-10 beest-7 IronDeHavilland-6 KickServ-5 rbraun-5 CrapBot-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:43:10 am] <@emily> crapbot shoulda gotten that one
[3:43:13 am] <@nkbk> git gud
[3:43:14 am] <@Tat> 63. Second city: Cheyenne (state)?
[3:43:18 am] <@nkbk> wyoming
[3:43:18 am] <@gwillen> wyoming
[3:43:18 am] <@Jigsy> Akansas
[3:43:18 am] <@emily> !google cheyenne state
[3:43:20 am] <@ZeroCool> Wyoming
[3:43:20 am] <@CrapBot> Cheyenne, Wyoming - Wikipedia: <,_Wyoming>; Wyoming - Wikipedia: <>; Cheyenne State Bank (Cheyenne, WY): <>
[3:43:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> north caroline
[3:43:22 am] <@theendoffreenode> north carolina
[3:43:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> wyoming
[3:43:24 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ca____
[3:43:25 am] <@theendoffreenode> south carolina
[3:43:25 am] <@emily> !google second city cheyenne
[3:43:26 am] <@DickServ> paris
[3:43:27 am] <@k> california
[3:43:27 am] <@CrapBot> Jenelle Cheyne - The Second City: <>; (Real) 10 Funniest Cities in America - The Second City: (1 more message)
[3:43:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> california
[3:43:29 am] <@nkbk> carson
[3:43:29 am] <@ZeroCool> carolina
[3:43:29 am] <@rbraun> casper
[3:43:30 am] <@Tat> Winner: rbraun Answer: casper Time: 15.678 Streak: 1 Points: 33 WPM: 4 Rank: 4th
[3:43:30 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-15 Jigsy-10 beest-7 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-6 KickServ-5 CrapBot-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 theendoffreenode-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:43:34 am] <@ZeroCool> ...?
[3:43:37 am] <@beest> second city
[3:43:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[3:43:39 am] <@gwillen> dumb question format
[3:43:40 am] <@emily> casper the friendly ghost
[3:43:40 am] <@Tat> 64. If you were born on 12 September what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
[3:43:41 am] <@k> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[3:43:42 am] --> vibe (~viiiiibe@ has joined ##apocalypse
[3:43:42 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o vibe by CrapBot
[3:43:44 am] <@gwillen> it wants the second biggest city
[3:43:44 am] <@beest> capricorn
[3:43:44 am] <@rbraun> cheyenne is first, casper second
[3:43:44 am] <@theendoffreenode> virgo
[3:43:45 am] <@Jigsy> Virgo
[3:43:45 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: virgo Time: 4.29 Streak: 1 Points: 26 WPM: 13 Rank: 6th
[3:43:45 am] <@DickServ> virgo
[3:43:45 am] <@KickServ> virgo
[3:43:46 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-15 Jigsy-10 beest-7 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-6 KickServ-5 CrapBot-4 theendoffreenode-3 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:43:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> scorpio
[3:43:47 am] <@nkbk> saggitarius
[3:43:52 am] <@ZeroCool> Vigo Mortenson
[3:43:54 am] <@nkbk> cancer
[3:43:55 am] <@Tat> 65. Category: Trivia : How many gold medals did Jesse Owens win in the 1936 Berlin Olympics?
[3:43:56 am] <@nkbk> virgo
[3:43:58 am] <@beest> 12
[3:43:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> 2
[3:43:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> 3
[3:43:59 am] <@KickServ> 4
[3:43:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1
[3:43:59 am] <@Jigsy> Three
[3:43:59 am] <@theendoffreenode> 45
[3:43:59 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: four Time: 3.291 Streak: 1 Points: 29 WPM: 3 Rank: 5th
[3:43:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 2
[3:43:59 am] <@theendoffreenode> 6
[3:43:59 am] <@gwillen> All virgos are extremely friendly and intelligent -- except for you!
[3:43:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 3
[3:44:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 4
[3:44:00 am] <@theendoffreenode> 7
[3:44:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 5
[3:44:00 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-15 Jigsy-10 beest-7 KickServ-6 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-6 CrapBot-4 theendoffreenode-3 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:44:00 am] <@DickServ> 17
[3:44:00 am] <@theendoffreenode> 82
[3:44:01 am] <@k> lol
[3:44:02 am] <@Guest0> this bot is trying to make us care about the zodiac
[3:44:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 6
[3:44:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 7
[3:44:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yeah
[3:44:08 am] <@beest> astrological conspiracy
[3:44:09 am] <@gwillen> Expect a big surprise today... when you wind up with your head impaled upon a stick.
[3:44:09 am] <@Tat> 66. Leukophobia is the fear of?
[3:44:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> viggo the carpathian
[3:44:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> white
[3:44:13 am] <@k> blood
[3:44:14 am] <@DickServ> blood
[3:44:14 am] <@emily> !google leukophobia fear of
[3:44:14 am] <@theendoffreenode> white
[3:44:14 am] <@gwillen> blood
[3:44:15 am] <@CrapBot> Leukophobia | Phobia Wiki | Fandom: <>; Leukophobia (Fear of the Color White) - Psych Times: <>; What Is (1 more message)
[3:44:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> white color
[3:44:16 am] <@theendoffreenode> white color
[3:44:16 am] <@Jigsy> Death
[3:44:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> blood
[3:44:18 am] <@KickServ> white blood cells
[3:44:18 am] <@ZeroCool> color
[3:44:19 am] <@gwillen> the color white
[3:44:19 am] <@rbraun> this bot wants us to care about the zodiac killer, ted cruz
[3:44:19 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: the color white Time: 9.376 Streak: 1 Points: 70 WPM: 19 Rank: 2nd
[3:44:20 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-7 KickServ-6 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-6 CrapBot-4 theendoffreenode-3 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:44:21 am] <@ZeroCool> certain colors
[3:44:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> fuck that
[3:44:25 am] <@k> lol
[3:44:25 am] <@gwillen> crapbot should have gotten that one
[3:44:27 am] <@gwillen> not sure what happened there
[3:44:29 am] <@rbraun> this bot wants us to care about the zodiac killer, andrew lee
[3:44:30 am] <@Tat> 67. What is a leech a type of?
[3:44:33 am] <@ZeroCool> slug
[3:44:33 am] <@gwillen> slug
[3:44:33 am] <@theendoffreenode> worm
[3:44:33 am] <@k> parasite
[3:44:33 am] <@beest> slug
[3:44:33 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: worm Time: 3.603 Streak: 1 Points: 27 WPM: 13 Rank: 6th
[3:44:34 am] <@emily> crapbot should get every one
[3:44:34 am] <@ZeroCool> worm
[3:44:34 am] <@Jigsy> Parasite
[3:44:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> invertebrate
[3:44:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-7 KickServ-6 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-6 theendoffreenode-4 CrapBot-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:44:36 am] <@Guest0> andrew lee
[3:44:39 am] <@itisnigh> <waterytart@libera> 8
[3:44:40 am] <@Jigsy> lol.
[3:44:40 am] * rbraun has changed topic for ##apocalypse to: "ANDREW LEE IS THE ZODIAC KILLER | welcome to the Cool (and Gay) Zone | (, DO NOT USE SSL) | Freenode is dead all hail freenode | Come see a 23y network die! | trans rights | protect maned wolves (roark) | andrew lee statement:"
[3:44:44 am] <@Tat> 68. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, to which city was the Samaritan travelling?
[3:44:47 am] <@emily> !google good samaritan city
[3:44:48 am] <@CrapBot> Parable of the Good Samaritan - Wikipedia: <>; Samaritans - Wikipedia: <>; Road to Jericho (Setting for (1 more message)
[3:44:49 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: jericho Time: 4.337 Streak: 1 Points: 14 WPM: 19 Rank: 10th
[3:44:49 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-7 KickServ-6 rbraun-6 IronDeHavilland-6 CrapBot-5 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:44:50 am] <@ZeroCool> nashville
[3:44:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> no, that's ted cruz
[3:44:52 am] <@nkbk> jericho
[3:44:52 am] <@emily> hell yea
[3:44:53 am] <@Jigsy> Detroit
[3:44:55 am] <@gwillen> niiiice
[3:44:56 am] <@theendoffreenode> lmao
[3:44:58 am] <@k> lol
[3:44:59 am] <@Tat> 69. If you were born on 14 November what star sign (Zodiac) would you be?
[3:45:00 am] <@rbraun> IronDeHavilland: he had help
[3:45:02 am] <@KickServ> virgo
[3:45:03 am] <@IronDeHavilland> :>
[3:45:04 am] <@beest> bethlehem
[3:45:04 am] <@k> virgo
[3:45:04 am] <@emily> !google 14 november zodiac
[3:45:05 am] <@ZeroCool> cancer
[3:45:05 am] <@CrapBot> November 14 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality - The Horoscope: <>; November 14 Zodiac Horoscope Birthday Personality | (2 more messages)
[3:45:06 am] <@theendoffreenode> saggitarius
[3:45:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> scorpio
[3:45:07 am] <@k> saggitarius
[3:45:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cancer
[3:45:08 am] <@gwillen> aquarius
[3:45:09 am] <@Jigsy> Scorpio
[3:45:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> virgo
[3:45:10 am] <@emily> !google star sign november 14
[3:45:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> libra
[3:45:11 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> the color white
[3:45:11 am] <@gwillen> capricorn
[3:45:11 am] <@CrapBot> November 14 Zodiac - Full Horoscope Personality - The Horoscope: <>; November 14 Zodiac Horoscope Birthday Personality | (2 more messages)
[3:45:11 am] <@itisnigh> <waterytart@libera> white
[3:45:12 am] <@gwillen> cancer
[3:45:13 am] <@theendoffreenode> acuarius
[3:45:13 am] <@k> yemen
[3:45:15 am] <@gwillen> scorpio
[3:45:16 am] <@k> penis
[3:45:16 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, sco____
[3:45:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> capricorn
[3:45:17 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: scorpio Time: 17.207 Streak: 1 Points: 44 WPM: 4 Rank: 3rd
[3:45:17 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-7 IronDeHavilland-7 KickServ-6 rbraun-6 CrapBot-5 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:45:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> scorpio
[3:45:19 am] <@k> scorpiio
[3:45:22 am] <@k> fuck
[3:45:23 am] <@ZeroCool> gwillen, are you just a barbie girl? ;)
[3:45:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> slow bot
[3:45:24 am] <@DickServ> scorpion
[3:45:26 am] <@DickServ> scorpio
[3:45:28 am] <@Tat> 70. In 1966, which woman became the first Briton to fly solo around the world?
[3:45:32 am] <@emily> !google briton solo fly 1966
[3:45:33 am] <@CrapBot> List of firsts in aviation - Wikipedia: <>; (General) In 1966, which woman became the first Briton to fly solo ...: (2 more messages)
[3:45:35 am] <@nkbk> ameilia earhart
[3:45:35 am] <@theendoffreenode> margaret thatcher
[3:45:36 am] <@gwillen> ZeroCool: lolwut
[3:45:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> amelia earhart
[3:45:40 am] <@nkbk> amelia earhart
[3:45:40 am] <@KickServ> !g In 1966, which woman became the first Briton to fly solo around the world?
[3:45:41 am] <@CrapBot> Amelia Earhart - Wikipedia: <>
[3:45:42 am] <@CrapBot> Sheila Scott | Biography, Records, & Facts | Britannica: <>
[3:45:42 am] <@DickServ> amelia earhart
[3:45:45 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: sheila scott Time: 18.096 Streak: 1 Points: 15 WPM: 7 Rank: 9th Previously: 10th
[3:45:46 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 9th
[3:45:46 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-7 IronDeHavilland-7 CrapBot-6 KickServ-6 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:45:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> amelia who has her heart in her ear
[3:45:49 am] <@ZeroCool> gwillen, aquarius... the band?
[3:45:51 am] <@emily> crapbot is better than you all
[3:45:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> no it is not
[3:45:57 am] <@nkbk> naturally
[3:45:59 am] <@Tat> 71. Name The Year: Tony Curtis [Real Name : Bernard Schwartz], Bronx New York, actor (Some Like it Hot), born.
[3:46:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> i'm ahead of it
[3:46:03 am] <@nkbk> 1946
[3:46:03 am] <@ZeroCool> 1928
[3:46:04 am] <@emily> !google tony curtis birth
[3:46:05 am] <@CrapBot> Tony Curtis - Wikipedia: <>; Tony Curtis - Movies, Spouse & Children - Biography: <>; Tony Curtis - Biography - IMDb: (1 more message)
[3:46:06 am] <@ZeroCool> 1918
[3:46:07 am] <@beest> 1897
[3:46:07 am] <@k> 1930
[3:46:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1950
[3:46:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1951
[3:46:09 am] <@emily> !imdb tony curtis
[3:46:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1952
[3:46:09 am] <@Guest0> 1930
[3:46:09 am] <@nkbk> 1922
[3:46:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1953
[3:46:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1954
[3:46:10 am] <@KickServ> 1997
[3:46:10 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:46:10 am] <@CrapBot> Tony Curtis: Driven to Stardom (2012) France [Not Rated] 96 min
[3:46:10 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Documentary, Biography | Language: English
[3:46:10 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 7.5/10 | RT: N/A | MC: N/A
[3:46:10 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: Jules Audry, Jim Backus, Harry Belafonte, Guillaume Cabaret
[3:46:11 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: Trapeze, Spartacus, Sweet Smell of Success, The Boston Strangler, Some Like It Hot. Tony Curtis, the man who influenced Elvis Presley and James Dean, was one of the very first teen idols ...
[3:46:11 am] <@CrapBot> Director: Ian Ayres | Writer: Ian Ayres
[3:46:11 am] <@gwillen> ZeroCool: I got nothin' sorry
[3:46:11 am] <@Guest0> 1938
[3:46:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1955
[3:46:13 am] <@KickServ> 1964
[3:46:14 am] <@nkbk> 1926
[3:46:14 am] <@Guest0> 1929
[3:46:15 am] <@theendoffreenode> !gole when was tony curtis born
[3:46:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1956
[3:46:15 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 19__
[3:46:15 am] <@KickServ> 1962
[3:46:16 am] <@nkbk> 1927
[3:46:17 am] <@KickServ> 1944
[3:46:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1957
[3:46:18 am] <@Guest0> 1926
[3:46:19 am] <@KickServ> 1928
[3:46:20 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google when was tony curtis born
[3:46:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1958
[3:46:21 am] <@CrapBot> Tony Curtis - Wikipedia: <>; Tony Curtis - Movies, Spouse & Children - Biography: <>; Tony Curtis - Biography - IMDb: (1 more message)
[3:46:21 am] <@KickServ> 1937
[3:46:21 am] <@nkbk> 1969
[3:46:22 am] <@beest> 1925
[3:46:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1959
[3:46:23 am] <@KickServ> 1945
[3:46:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1950
[3:46:25 am] <@KickServ> 1927
[3:46:26 am] <@nkbk> 1933
[3:46:26 am] <@Tat> Winner: beest Answer: 1925 Time: 27.3 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 1 Rank: 13th
[3:46:27 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-8 IronDeHavilland-7 CrapBot-6 KickServ-6 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:46:27 am] <@KickServ> 1955
[3:46:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1960
[3:46:28 am] <@k> 1898
[3:46:30 am] --> aj ( has joined ##apocalypse
[3:46:30 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o aj by CrapBot
[3:46:30 am] <@Guest0> thanks for the hint that really narrowed it down
[3:46:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1961
[3:46:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1962
[3:46:33 am] <@k> 1901
[3:46:35 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1963
[3:46:36 am] <@k> 1902
[3:46:38 am] <@ZeroCool> gwillen, ah, sorry, band is just Aqua.
[3:46:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1964
[3:46:39 am] <@k> 1903
[3:46:40 am] <@Tat> 72. In 1942 Michael---------- , author (Andromeda Strain, Jurrasic Park, Rising Sun), born.
[3:46:40 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1965
[3:46:43 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1966
[3:46:44 am] <@beest> crichton
[3:46:44 am] <@KickServ> Jackson
[3:46:44 am] <@emily> !google michael 1942
[3:46:45 am] <@ZeroCool> Crigon
[3:46:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1967
[3:46:45 am] <@CrapBot> Michael Crichton - Wikipedia: <>; Michael York - Wikipedia: <>; Crichton, Michael (1942—) | (1 more message)
[3:46:46 am] <@nkbk> chricton
[3:46:46 am] <@theendoffreenode> foster
[3:46:47 am] <@k> god beest
[3:46:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1968
[3:46:50 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1969
[3:46:52 am] <@ZeroCool> Crihton
[3:46:53 am] <@KickServ> !g (Andromeda Strain, Jurrasic Park, Rising Sun)
[3:46:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1970
[3:46:53 am] <@Tat> Winner: beest Answer: crichton Time: 12.98 Streak: 2 Points: 9 WPM: 7 Rank: 12th Previously: 13th
[3:46:53 am] <@CrapBot> Michael Crichton - Wikipedia: <>
[3:46:53 am] <@CrapBot> Michael Crichton 8 Book Set Including the Andromeda Strain ...: <>
[3:46:54 am] <@ZeroCool> Crighton
[3:46:54 am] <@Tat> beest has moved up in rank: 12th
[3:46:55 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-9 IronDeHavilland-7 CrapBot-6 KickServ-6 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:46:55 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1971
[3:46:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1972
[3:47:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1973
[3:47:03 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1949
[3:47:05 am] <@Tat> 73. What is a group of hyenas?
[3:47:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1948
[3:47:07 am] <@nkbk> herd
[3:47:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1947
[3:47:09 am] <@k> gaggle
[3:47:09 am] <@emily> !google hyena group
[3:47:09 am] <@KickServ> pack
[3:47:09 am] <@nkbk> pack
[3:47:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> always does
[3:47:11 am] <@CrapBot> Hyena - Wikipedia: <>; Spotted hyena - Wikipedia: <>; Hyenas Probably Have More Friends Than You: Spotted hyena ...: (1 more message)
[3:47:11 am] <@ZeroCool> laughter
[3:47:12 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google hyena group
[3:47:13 am] <@Jigsy> Laught...
[3:47:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> crichton
[3:47:13 am] <@CrapBot> Hyena - Wikipedia: <>; Spotted hyena - Wikipedia: <>; Hyenas Probably Have More Friends Than You: Spotted hyena ...: (1 more message)
[3:47:15 am] <@beest> clan
[3:47:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> and now we wait.
[3:47:16 am] <@Guest0> Impeerial House of Korea
[3:47:16 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ca____
[3:47:17 am] <@KickServ> cackle
[3:47:17 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: cackle Time: 12.059 Streak: 1 Points: 30 WPM: 5 Rank: 5th
[3:47:18 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-9 KickServ-7 IronDeHavilland-7 CrapBot-6 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:47:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> pack
[3:47:20 am] <@nkbk> caucus
[3:47:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> laughter
[3:47:21 am] <@gwillen> clan
[3:47:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> business
[3:47:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> pack
[3:47:27 am] <@emily> orgy
[3:47:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> tricky
[3:47:28 am] <@nkbk> cancer
[3:47:29 am] <@Tat> 74. What is the better known name of writer Madame Dudevant?
[3:47:33 am] <@emily> !google madame dudevant name
[3:47:34 am] <@CrapBot> George Sand - Wikipedia: <>; Casimir Dudevant - Wikipedia: <>; GEORGE SAND: <>
[3:47:34 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[3:47:37 am] <@IronDeHavilland> george sand
[3:47:38 am] <@ZeroCool> George sand
[3:47:38 am] <@KickServ> George Sand
[3:47:40 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: george sand Time: 11.263 Streak: 1 Points: 16 WPM: 11 Rank: 9th
[3:47:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-9 CrapBot-7 KickServ-7 IronDeHavilland-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:47:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> casimir dudevant
[3:47:50 am] <@beest> frank dirt
[3:47:51 am] <@KickServ> good, good
[3:47:52 am] <@emily> i like how its rating crapbot;s wpm
[3:47:52 am] <@ZeroCool> Nice.
[3:47:54 am] <@Tat> 75. What the most north-eastern state of the contiguous u.s?
[3:47:57 am] <@beest> maine
[3:47:57 am] <@gwillen> aine
[3:47:57 am] <@nkbk> maine
[3:47:57 am] <@k> maine
[3:47:58 am] <@theendoffreenode> maine
[3:47:58 am] <@gwillen> maine
[3:47:59 am] <@emily> !google northeasternmost state
[3:48:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> oregon
[3:48:01 am] <@Guest0> drunkenness
[3:48:01 am] <@CrapBot> The Northeasternmost Point of the U.S. - <>; The North-Northeasternmost Point of the U.S. - (2 more messages)
[3:48:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> massachusetts
[3:48:05 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, ma___
[3:48:05 am] <@Tat> Winner: beest Answer: maine Time: 11.091 Streak: 1 Points: 10 WPM: 5 Rank: 11th Previously: 12th
[3:48:06 am] <@Tat> beest has moved up in rank: 11th
[3:48:06 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-10 CrapBot-7 KickServ-7 IronDeHavilland-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:48:06 am] <@beest> michigan
[3:48:07 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mains
[3:48:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> brains
[3:48:11 am] <@beest> mexico
[3:48:12 am] <@gwillen> the bot seems to be lagging quite a bit
[3:48:16 am] <@nkbk> it is
[3:48:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> indeed
[3:48:17 am] <@Tat> 76. Category: Fast Food: This "Fresh is the taste" chain is -everywhere-.
[3:48:20 am] <@IronDeHavilland> subway
[3:48:21 am] <@beest> subway
[3:48:21 am] <@emily> !google fresh is the taste
[3:48:21 am] <@nkbk> subway
[3:48:22 am] <@CrapBot> Fresh is the Taste: <>; Fresh Is The Taste - Home | Facebook: <>; Fresh Is Best | Taste The Difference FRESHNESS Makes!: <>
[3:48:24 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> pack
[3:48:26 am] <@Jigsy> Wendys
[3:48:28 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: subway Time: 10.967 Streak: 1 Points: 45 WPM: 6 Rank: 3rd
[3:48:29 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-16 Jigsy-10 beest-10 IronDeHavilland-8 CrapBot-7 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:48:37 am] <@KickServ> mel gibson
[3:48:37 am] <@gwillen> Tat: you might want to restart the bot or something
[3:48:40 am] <@Tat> 77. AUTHORS: Who wrote A Christmas Carol?
[3:48:43 am] <@gwillen> charles dickens
[3:48:43 am] <@emily> !google charles author
[3:48:43 am] <@OrmandaHugandkis> scrooge
[3:48:44 am] <@Jigsy> Lewis Caroll
[3:48:45 am] <@CrapBot> Books by Author Charles Martin: <>; Author Charles Martin, New York Times Best Seller: <>; Charles Dickens - Wikipedia: (1 more message)
[3:48:45 am] <@ZeroCool> Cratchet.
[3:48:45 am] <@emily> !google dickens charles
[3:48:45 am] <@nkbk> lewis carroll
[3:48:47 am] <@CrapBot> Charles Dickens - Wikipedia: <>; Charles Dickens - Books, Children & Quotes - Biography: <>; Charles Dickens | (1 more message)
[3:48:51 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: charles dickens Time: 12.355 Streak: 1 Points: 71 WPM: 14 Rank: 2nd
[3:48:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-17 Jigsy-10 beest-10 IronDeHavilland-8 CrapBot-7 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:48:54 am] <@Guest0> We till have 923 questions to go in this round
[3:48:59 am] <@itisnigh> <waterytart@libera> casmir
[3:49:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> only 923???
[3:49:03 am] <@ZeroCool> 1918
[3:49:05 am] <@Tat> 78. What was JFK's nickname for his daughter Caroline?
[3:49:08 am] <@ZeroCool> Cindy
[3:49:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> daddy
[3:49:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> glados
[3:49:10 am] <@KickServ> !g JFK's nickname for his daughter Caroline?
[3:49:11 am] <@emily> wonder if we can finish before the server dies
[3:49:11 am] <@CrapBot> Caroline Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>
[3:49:11 am] <@CrapBot> Caroline Kennedy aka "Buttons," JFK's nickname for his little girl ...: <>
[3:49:14 am] <@gwillen> buttons
[3:49:14 am] <@nkbk> Buttons
[3:49:14 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: Buttons Time: 9.469 Streak: 2 Points: 72 WPM: 8 Rank: 2nd
[3:49:15 am] <@itisnigh> <waterytart@libera> maine
[3:49:15 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-18 Jigsy-10 beest-10 IronDeHavilland-8 CrapBot-7 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:49:18 am] <@emily> wtf
[3:49:22 am] <@emily> gwillen did not deserve that one
[3:49:24 am] <@gwillen> I 100% stole that from the bot :-(
[3:49:25 am] <@Tat> 79. Category: General : At one time, 6 white beads of this Indian currency were worth one penny?
[3:49:25 am] <@emily> absolute scam
[3:49:28 am] <@gwillen> I think maybe a formatting issue or something
[3:49:30 am] <@ZeroCool> 1918
[3:49:31 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cowry
[3:49:32 am] <@theendoffreenode> rupie
[3:49:34 am] <@nkbk> ivory
[3:49:35 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, wa____
[3:49:35 am] <@gwillen> possibly the triva bot wants it to match the whole word
[3:49:37 am] <@DickServ> bitcoin
[3:49:38 am] <@theendoffreenode> walnut
[3:49:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> wampum
[3:49:38 am] <@gwillen> and punctuation throws it off
[3:49:38 am] <@KickServ> wampum
[3:49:39 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: wampum Time: 13.463 Streak: 1 Points: 46 WPM: 5 Rank: 3rd
[3:49:39 am] <@gwillen> wampum
[3:49:39 am] <@ZeroCool> wampum
[3:49:40 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-18 Jigsy-10 beest-10 IronDeHavilland-9 CrapBot-7 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:49:41 am] <-- beest ( has left ##apocalypse ("beestIRC 3.1")
[3:49:43 am] <-- aj ( has quit (Client Quit)
[3:49:49 am] <@Tat> 80. Who were the guests on Johnny Carson's final tonite show?
[3:49:52 am] <@itisnigh> <waterytart@libera> charles dickens
[3:49:53 am] <@nkbk> the beatles
[3:49:59 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, bette_ _______ ___
[3:49:59 am] <@gwillen> none
[3:50:00 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google guests johnny carson final tonite
[3:50:01 am] <@DickServ> mel gibson
[3:50:02 am] <@emily> !g johny carson bette
[3:50:02 am] <@ZeroCool> bette davis
[3:50:03 am] <@CrapBot> The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson - Wikipedia: <>; Johnny Carson's Last Tonight Show - YouTube: (1 more message)
[3:50:03 am] <@CrapBot> Bette Davis Talks About Her Acting Career on The Tonight Show ...: <>
[3:50:03 am] <@CrapBot> Johnny Carson - Wikipedia: <>
[3:50:03 am] <@Jigsy> Bette Middler
[3:50:03 am] <@BrickServ> howdoiturnthison
[3:50:03 am] <@IronDeHavilland> better people
[3:50:05 am] <@BrickServ> howdoiturnthison
[3:50:06 am] <@itisnigh> <waterytart@libera> Carrie
[3:50:06 am] <@BrickServ> howdoiturnthison
[3:50:12 am] <@ZeroCool> bettey davis
[3:50:13 am] <@gwillen> bette midler and
[3:50:13 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: bette midler and Time: 24.087 Streak: 1 Points: 73 WPM: 7 Rank: 2nd
[3:50:14 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-19 Jigsy-10 beest-10 IronDeHavilland-9 CrapBot-7 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:50:14 am] <@gwillen> lol
[3:50:17 am] <@IronDeHavilland> and!
[3:50:17 am] <@KickServ> wat
[3:50:18 am] <@IronDeHavilland> of course.
[3:50:21 am] <@gwillen> it was actually bette midler and robin williams
[3:50:21 am] <@nkbk> aw yes bette middle and
[3:50:21 am] <@Guest0> hahahahahahahaha
[3:50:21 am] <@emily> lol
[3:50:24 am] <@Tat> 81. Which great battle took place from July 1st to November 18th 1916?
[3:50:29 am] <@Jigsy> World War 1
[3:50:29 am] <@theendoffreenode> ardennes
[3:50:30 am] <@ZeroCool> The 7 years war
[3:50:30 am] <@theendoffreenode> somme
[3:50:33 am] <@gwillen> somme
[3:50:34 am] <@KickServ> somme
[3:50:34 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, The Bat____ ___ ____ _____
[3:50:34 am] <@emily> !g july 1 november 18 1916 war
[3:50:34 am] <@gwillen> battle of teh somme
[3:50:35 am] <@CrapBot> What Happened During The Battle Of The Somme? | Imperial War ...: <>
[3:50:35 am] <@CrapBot> Battle of the Somme - Wikipedia: <>
[3:50:35 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: The Battle of the Somme Time: 11.435 Streak: 1 Points: 17 WPM: 24 Rank: 9th
[3:50:36 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-19 Jigsy-10 beest-10 IronDeHavilland-9 CrapBot-8 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:50:39 am] <@IronDeHavilland> nice hint
[3:50:39 am] <@emily> yeeeeaaahhh
[3:50:40 am] <@gwillen> heck
[3:50:40 am] <@KickServ> good bot
[3:50:46 am] <@Tat> 82. Whose only loss in 1983 was to kathy horvath?
[3:50:46 am] <@Vultyre> We're still alive?! :D
[3:50:51 am] <@emily> !google 1983 kathy horvath lost
[3:50:52 am] <@ZeroCool> Tennis
[3:50:53 am] <@CrapBot> TBT, 1983 French Open: Horvath hands Navratilova only loss of ...: <>; French Open - The day Martina (2 more messages)
[3:50:56 am] <@BrickServ> we are indeed
[3:50:56 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, martin__ ___________
[3:50:57 am] <@gwillen> navratilova
[3:50:57 am] <@Guest0> mel gibbson
[3:50:57 am] <@emily> !google navratilova
[3:50:58 am] <@KickServ> Vultyre: yes we are
[3:50:58 am] <@IronDeHavilland> navratilova
[3:50:59 am] <@CrapBot> Martina Navratilova - Wikipedia: <>; Martina Navratilova - Martina Navratilova: <>; Martina Navratilova Has Plenty to (1 more message)
[3:51:00 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: martina navratilova Time: 13.479 Streak: 2 Points: 18 WPM: 16 Rank: 9th
[3:51:00 am] <@IronDeHavilland> martina navratilova
[3:51:01 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-19 Jigsy-10 beest-10 CrapBot-9 IronDeHavilland-9 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:51:01 am] <@emily> !google navratilova tennis
[3:51:01 am] <@ZeroCool> Marton anderson
[3:51:03 am] <@CrapBot> Martina Navratilova - Wikipedia: <>; Martina Navrátilová — Wikipédia: <>; Martina (1 more message)
[3:51:10 am] <@Tat> 83. What did Moldavia & Walachia unite to become?
[3:51:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> romania
[3:51:14 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: romania Time: 3.244 Streak: 1 Points: 47 WPM: 25 Rank: 3rd
[3:51:14 am] <@theendoffreenode> romaina
[3:51:15 am] <@emily> !google moldavia walachia united
[3:51:15 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-19 Jigsy-10 beest-10 IronDeHavilland-10 CrapBot-9 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-2 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:51:16 am] <@CrapBot> United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia - Wikipedia: <>; Danubian Principalities - Wikipedia: (2 more messages)
[3:51:24 am] <@Tat> 84. What are scallops?
[3:51:27 am] <@gwillen> ...
[3:51:27 am] <@IronDeHavilland> onions
[3:51:28 am] <@nkbk> shellfish
[3:51:28 am] <@BrickServ> food
[3:51:28 am] <@Jigsy> Oysters
[3:51:28 am] <@Tat> Winner: nkbk Answer: shellfish Time: 3.323 Streak: 1 Points: 3 WPM: 32 Rank: 20th Previously: 24th
[3:51:29 am] <@Tat> nkbk has moved up in rank: 20th
[3:51:29 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-19 Jigsy-10 beest-10 IronDeHavilland-10 CrapBot-9 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-3 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:51:29 am] <@emily> !google scallops what even are tehy
[3:51:31 am] <@CrapBot> Scallop - Wikipedia: <>; Scallop Facts: Habitat, Behavior, Diet - ThoughtCo: <>; What Are Scallops? - The Spruce (1 more message)
[3:51:34 am] <@gwillen> lol emily
[3:51:39 am] <@Tat> 85. Can you swim in the sea of showers?
[3:51:41 am] <@gwillen> no
[3:51:41 am] <@theendoffreenode> no
[3:51:41 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: no Time: 1.903 Streak: 1 Points: 74 WPM: 12 Rank: 2nd
[3:51:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-20 Jigsy-10 beest-10 IronDeHavilland-10 CrapBot-9 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-3 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:51:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yes
[3:51:41 am] <@theendoffreenode> yes
[3:51:42 am] <@gwillen> yes
[3:51:42 am] <@IronDeHavilland> no
[3:51:44 am] <@BrickServ> ;p;
[3:51:44 am] <@nkbk> dafuq
[3:51:45 am] <@BrickServ> lol
[3:51:45 am] <@gwillen> XD X XD XD what the fuck
[3:51:46 am] <@KickServ> yes
[3:51:48 am] <@ZeroCool> maybe
[3:51:51 am] <@Tat> 86. Category: Trivia : Who invented Tetris?
[3:51:52 am] <@DickServ> Thanks bot
[3:51:54 am] <@emily> !google tetris inventor
[3:51:55 am] <@nkbk> Atari
[3:51:56 am] <@CrapBot> 'Tetris,' Alexey Pajitnov - Wikipedia: <>; Tetris - Wikipedia: <>; The Bizarre History of 'Tetris' | Live Science: (1 more message)
[3:51:56 am] <@Jigsy> Russian dude...
[3:51:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> alexei pajitnov
[3:51:57 am] <@emily> !google tetris guy
[3:51:58 am] <@BrickServ> tetris man
[3:51:59 am] <@CrapBot> Verbalase - Low Tetris Beatbox [1 HOUR EDITION][Viral] - YouTube: <>; 'Tetris,' Alexey Pajitnov - Wikipedia: <>; (1 more message)
[3:52:01 am] <@ZeroCool> Alexey
[3:52:01 am] <@theendoffreenode> alexey pajitnov
[3:52:01 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, alexi_ _________
[3:52:02 am] <@gwillen> alexey pajitnov
[3:52:02 am] <@IronDeHavilland> alexey pajitnov
[3:52:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> alexey pazhitnov
[3:52:05 am] <@emily> !google pajitnov alaxei
[3:52:06 am] <@gwillen> alexi pajitnov
[3:52:06 am] <@theendoffreenode> alexis pajitnov
[3:52:06 am] <@KickServ> Alexi Pajitnov
[3:52:07 am] <@CrapBot> Alexey Pajitnov - Wikipedia: <>; Corporate Bios | Tetris: <>; Alexey Pajitnov talks Tetris, sex, and Charlie Chaplin - Polygon: (1 more message)
[3:52:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> alexei pazhitnov
[3:52:10 am] <@gwillen> alexie pajitnov
[3:52:11 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> IronDeHavilland: scallions?
[3:52:11 am] <@KickServ> Alexi Pajitnow
[3:52:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yeah
[3:52:15 am] <@theendoffreenode> alexis pakhitnov
[3:52:16 am] <@KickServ> alexij pajitnow
[3:52:17 am] <@ZeroCool> Alexey Pajitnov
[3:52:18 am] <@gwillen> alexie pajitnow
[3:52:19 am] <@KickServ> alexij pajitnov
[3:52:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> alexi pajitnov
[3:52:22 am] <@KickServ> ┐(´~`;)┌
[3:52:22 am] <@nkbk> Alexei Pajitnov
[3:52:23 am] <@emily> this is going to be some insane romanization isnt it
[3:52:27 am] <@IronDeHavilland> alexi pazhitnov
[3:52:27 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: alexi pazhitnov Time: 35.646 Streak: 1 Points: 48 WPM: 5 Rank: 3rd
[3:52:28 am] <@DickServ> Yup.
[3:52:28 am] <@gwillen> alexie pazhitnov
[3:52:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> alexi pazhitnow
[3:52:28 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-20 IronDeHavilland-11 Jigsy-10 beest-10 CrapBot-9 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 nkbk-3 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:52:29 am] <@gwillen> damn
[3:52:30 am] <@theendoffreenode> lmao
[3:52:32 am] <@nkbk> lol
[3:52:32 am] <@KickServ> definitely
[3:52:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> yup, insane
[3:52:34 am] <@BrickServ> is surelt is
[3:52:37 am] <@BrickServ> surely*
[3:52:38 am] <@Tat> 87. Lyrics: I can't help recalling how it felt to kiss and hold you tight?
[3:52:39 am] --> sud0 (~Death@ has joined ##apocalypse
[3:52:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o sud0 by CrapBot
[3:52:40 am] <-- Cupid ( has quit (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (
[3:52:41 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> alexy pajitnov
[3:52:43 am] <@KickServ> !g I can't help recalling how it felt to kiss and hold you tight?
[3:52:44 am] <@CrapBot> I can't help recalling how it felt to kiss and hold you tight?: <>
[3:52:44 am] <@CrapBot> Naked Eyes - Always Something There To Remind Me Lyrics ...: <>
[3:52:45 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> aleksij pajitnov
[3:52:48 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Always Somethi___ ______ ___ _______ ___ ______ ____
[3:52:48 am] <@ZeroCool> Naked eyes
[3:52:50 am] <@sud0> THE LAST STAND
[3:52:53 am] <@emily> !google always something there to remind me by
[3:52:54 am] <@CrapBot> Always Something There to Remind Me - YouTube: <>; Dionne Warwick "(There's) Always Something There to Remind Me ...: (1 more message)
[3:52:54 am] <@gwillen> always something there to remind me
[3:52:55 am] <@KickServ> Always Something There To Remind Me
[3:52:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> always something mel gibson
[3:53:02 am] <@emily> !google always something there to remind me by naked
[3:53:03 am] <@CrapBot> Always Something There to Remind Me - YouTube: <>; Always Something There to Remind Me | Naked Eyes | Lyrics ...: <>; (1 more message)
[3:53:03 am] <@ZeroCool> blinded by the light
[3:53:07 am] <@Guest0> always some thing there to remind me
[3:53:08 am] <@nkbk> Always Something There to Remind Me Naked Eyes
[3:53:09 am] <@Tat> Winner: nkbk Answer: Always Something There To Remind Me Naked Eyes Time: 30.483 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 18 Rank: 19th Previously: 20th
[3:53:09 am] <@gwillen> always something there to remind me what fuck
[3:53:09 am] <@Tat> nkbk has moved up in rank: 19th
[3:53:10 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-20 IronDeHavilland-11 Jigsy-10 beest-10 CrapBot-9 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 nkbk-4 theendoffreenode-4 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:53:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:53:16 am] <@gwillen> nkbk: ?
[3:53:19 am] <@Tat> 88. UnScramble this Word: h n m u a?
[3:53:22 am] <@nkbk> human
[3:53:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> human
[3:53:22 am] <@ZeroCool> human
[3:53:22 am] <@gwillen> human
[3:53:22 am] <@Tat> Winner: nkbk Answer: human Time: 3.011 Streak: 2 Points: 5 WPM: 19 Rank: 16th Previously: 19th
[3:53:23 am] <@Tat> nkbk has moved up in rank: 16th
[3:53:23 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-20 IronDeHavilland-11 Jigsy-10 beest-10 CrapBot-9 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 nkbk-5 theendoffreenode-4 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:53:23 am] <@vibe> im with y'all my diploma work kicks ass
[3:53:23 am] <@Jigsy> Human
[3:53:28 am] <@nkbk> gwillen: ?
[3:53:33 am] <@Tat> 89. In 1951 Jay ---------- patents computer core memory.
[3:53:36 am] <@Jigsy> Leno
[3:53:36 am] <@theendoffreenode> roberts
[3:53:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> wilbur
[3:53:38 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[3:53:38 am] <@nkbk> Jay Z
[3:53:39 am] <@ZeroCool> Nalor
[3:53:43 am] <@KickServ> !g 1951 Jay
[3:53:43 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, for______
[3:53:43 am] <@CrapBot> 1951 Pinyon Jay Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80951 -®: <>
[3:53:43 am] <@CrapBot> 1951 Hudson Hornet - Jay Leno's Garage - YouTube: <>
[3:53:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> fortran
[3:53:48 am] <@Guest0> Eff Kay
[3:53:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> fortnight
[3:53:49 am] <@gwillen> nkbk: forrester
[3:53:50 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: forrester Time: 16.365 Streak: 1 Points: 75 WPM: 6 Rank: 2nd
[3:53:50 am] <@Jigsy> Forsworth
[3:53:50 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-21 IronDeHavilland-11 Jigsy-10 beest-10 CrapBot-9 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 nkbk-5 theendoffreenode-4 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:53:58 am] <@nkbk> p sure Jay-Z is righjt
[3:54:00 am] <@nkbk> right*
[3:54:00 am] <@gwillen> nkbk: my search came up with a different artist and I was confused
[3:54:00 am] <@Tat> 90. What was Terry's surname in the television series Minder.
[3:54:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:54:04 am] <@emily> !google terry minder
[3:54:05 am] <@emily> !imdb minder
[3:54:05 am] <@CrapBot> Minder (TV series) - Wikipedia: <>; List of Minder episodes - Wikipedia: <>; Minder (TV Series (1 more message)
[3:54:07 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:54:07 am] <@CrapBot> Minder (1979–1994) UK [N/A] 60 min
[3:54:07 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama | Language: English
[3:54:07 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 7.7/10 | RT: N/A | MC: N/A
[3:54:07 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: George Cole, Glynn Edwards, Dennis Waterman
[3:54:07 am] <@nkbk> Terry Jones
[3:54:08 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: Arthur Daley, a small-time conman, hires former boxer Terry McCann to be his "minder", so Terry can protect him from other small-time crooks. While Terry is trying his hardest to satisfy ...
[3:54:08 am] <@CrapBot> Director: N/A | Writer: Leon Griffiths
[3:54:08 am] <@theendoffreenode> !google minder terry
[3:54:08 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: mccann Time: 7.909 Streak: 1 Points: 19 WPM: 9 Rank: 8th Previously: 9th
[3:54:08 am] <@gwillen> mccann
[3:54:09 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 8th
[3:54:09 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-21 IronDeHavilland-11 CrapBot-10 Jigsy-10 beest-10 KickServ-7 rbraun-6 nkbk-5 theendoffreenode-4 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:54:09 am] <@CrapBot> Minder (TV series) - Wikipedia: <>; List of Minder episodes - Wikipedia: <>; Minder (TV Series (1 more message)
[3:54:10 am] <@IronDeHavilland> minder
[3:54:15 am] <@KickServ> go CrapBot go
[3:54:16 am] <@emily> crapbot stay winning
[3:54:18 am] <@ZeroCool> McGuiness
[3:54:18 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> minder
[3:54:19 am] <@Tat> 91. Useless Trivia: A man's ---------- contains between 7000 and 15,000 hairs.
[3:54:22 am] <@gwillen> head
[3:54:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> head
[3:54:23 am] <@ZeroCool> head
[3:54:23 am] <@gwillen> penis
[3:54:24 am] <@KickServ> beard
[3:54:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: beard Time: 4.743 Streak: 1 Points: 31 WPM: 12 Rank: 5th
[3:54:24 am] <@emily> anus
[3:54:24 am] <@theendoffreenode> groin
[3:54:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> scrotum
[3:54:25 am] <@DickServ> penis
[3:54:25 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-21 IronDeHavilland-11 CrapBot-10 Jigsy-10 beest-10 KickServ-8 rbraun-6 nkbk-5 theendoffreenode-4 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:54:33 am] <@Guest0> keyboard
[3:54:34 am] <@Tat> 92. Category: Toys Games: Eva Gabor and Johnny Carson popularized this game by climbing over each other.
[3:54:36 am] <@KickServ> >penis
[3:54:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:54:38 am] <@gwillen> Guest0: D:
[3:54:38 am] <@KickServ> impressive
[3:54:38 am] --> craftxbox ( has joined ##apocalypse
[3:54:39 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o craftxbox by CrapBot
[3:54:40 am] <@nkbk> twister
[3:54:41 am] <@Tat> Winner: nkbk Answer: twister Time: 5.819 Streak: 1 Points: 6 WPM: 14 Rank: 16th
[3:54:41 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-21 IronDeHavilland-11 CrapBot-10 Jigsy-10 beest-10 KickServ-8 nkbk-6 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:54:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> hopscotch
[3:54:42 am] <@gwillen> twister
[3:54:43 am] <@Jigsy> Lewd...
[3:54:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sex
[3:54:51 am] <@Tat> 93. TV/ Movies: Born July 13, 1942, He starred in this movie: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - 1984?
[3:54:54 am] <@gwillen> harrison ford
[3:54:55 am] <@Jigsy> Harrison Ford
[3:54:55 am] <@Tat> Winner: gwillen Answer: harrison ford Time: 3.541 Streak: 1 Points: 76 WPM: 44 Rank: 2nd
[3:54:56 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 IronDeHavilland-11 CrapBot-10 Jigsy-10 beest-10 KickServ-8 nkbk-6 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:55:02 am] <@ZeroCool> Ford, Harrison
[3:55:04 am] <@emily> why the temple of doom specificaly
[3:55:05 am] <@Tat> 94. Category: History : Who succeeded Churchill when he resigned in 1955?
[3:55:09 am] <@emily> !google churchill successor
[3:55:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> andrew lee
[3:55:10 am] <@CrapBot> Anthony Eden - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; History of Sir Anthony Eden - GOV.UK: < (1 more message)
[3:55:10 am] <@Jigsy> Clement Atlee
[3:55:11 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: sir anthony eden Time: 4.992 Streak: 1 Points: 20 WPM: 38 Rank: 8th
[3:55:11 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-11 IronDeHavilland-11 Jigsy-10 beest-10 KickServ-8 nkbk-6 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:55:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> because mel gibson starred in all the other ones
[3:55:14 am] <@ZeroCool> Boris Johnson
[3:55:14 am] <@gwillen> emily: because they were generated from a database I guess
[3:55:21 am] <@gwillen> and it just happened to pick that one
[3:55:21 am] <@Tat> 95. Category: Booze Grabbag: Spice that a bartender would dust your Brandy Flip with?
[3:55:22 am] <@nkbk> queen lizzie
[3:55:22 am] <@KickServ> bot the unbeatable
[3:55:24 am] <@itisnigh> <yanmaani@libera> chamberlain
[3:55:26 am] <@Jigsy> Cinnamon
[3:55:27 am] <@KickServ> !g Spice that a bartender would dust your Brandy Flip with?
[3:55:27 am] <@ZeroCool> salt
[3:55:27 am] <@CrapBot> Booze Grabbag: Spice that a bartender would dust your Brandy Flip ...: <>
[3:55:27 am] <@CrapBot> You press the same places to type azerty on a qwerty keyboard as ...: <>
[3:55:28 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cinnamon
[3:55:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sugar
[3:55:31 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, nu____
[3:55:32 am] <@gwillen> sugar
[3:55:33 am] <@Jigsy> Nurmeg
[3:55:33 am] <@nkbk> nutmeg
[3:55:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> nutmeg
[3:55:34 am] <@gwillen> nutella
[3:55:34 am] <@Tat> Winner: nkbk Answer: nutmeg Time: 12.324 Streak: 1 Points: 7 WPM: 5 Rank: 14th Previously: 16th
[3:55:34 am] <@Tat> nkbk has moved up in rank: 14th
[3:55:35 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-11 IronDeHavilland-11 Jigsy-10 beest-10 KickServ-8 nkbk-7 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:55:37 am] <@Jigsy> shsfh
[3:55:42 am] <@ZeroCool> Mmm. Nutella wontons.
[3:55:44 am] <@Tat> 96. TV/ Movies: Born Mar 10,1958, She starred in this movie: Bolero - 1982?
[3:55:45 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:55:48 am] <@emily> !imdb bolero
[3:55:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[3:55:50 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:55:50 am] <@CrapBot> Bolero (1984) United States [R] 105 min
[3:55:50 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance | Language: English
[3:55:50 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 3.0/10 | RT: 0% | MC: 13%
[3:55:50 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: Bo Derek, George Kennedy, Andrea Occhipinti
[3:55:50 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: Set in the 1920s, a young woman sets out to lose her virginity. Her mission leads her to a Moroccan sheikh and a Spanish bullfighter.
[3:55:50 am] <@CrapBot> Director: John Derek | Writer: John Derek
[3:55:53 am] <@Jigsy> Bo Derek
[3:55:53 am] <@IronDeHavilland> bo derek
[3:55:54 am] <@nkbk> Bo Derek
[3:55:54 am] <@emily> !imdb bolero 1982
[3:55:54 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, shar___ _____
[3:55:55 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb
[3:55:55 am] <@CrapBot> Les uns et les autres (1981) France [N/A] 173 min
[3:55:55 am] <@CrapBot> Genre: Drama, Music | Language: French, English, German, Russian
[3:55:55 am] <@CrapBot> IMDb: 7.4/10 | RT: 67% | MC: N/A
[3:55:55 am] <@CrapBot> Starring: Robert Hossein, Nicole Garcia, Geraldine Chaplin
[3:55:56 am] <@CrapBot> Plot: Trough fabulous music, this movie tracks three generations of musicians and dancers from Russia, Germany, France and the U.S., from before World War II through the war and the Holocaust, to the 1980s. (1 more message)
[3:55:56 am] <@CrapBot> Director: Claude Lelouch | Writer: Claude Lelouch
[3:55:57 am] <@IronDeHavilland> aharon stone
[3:55:59 am] <@gwillen> nicole garcia
[3:55:59 am] <@theendoffreenode> sharon tate
[3:55:59 am] <@Jigsy> Sharon Tate
[3:56:06 am] <@nkbk> sharon stone
[3:56:07 am] <@Tat> Winner: nkbk Answer: sharon stone Time: 22.48 Streak: 2 Points: 8 WPM: 6 Rank: 14th
[3:56:07 am] <@emily> !google sharon bolero 1982
[3:56:08 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-11 IronDeHavilland-11 Jigsy-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 KickServ-8 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-4 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:56:09 am] <@CrapBot> Les Uns et les Autres - Wikipedia: <>; Bolero (1981) - IMDb: <>; Sharon Stone - IMDb: <>
[3:56:15 am] <@DickServ> In an hour or so, there will finally be that one trivia question to which Mel Gibson is the real answer.
[3:56:15 am] <@IronDeHavilland> fuck
[3:56:17 am] <@Tat> 97. Shinguards were introduced into football in which year?
[3:56:21 am] <@emily> !google shinguards football year
[3:56:21 am] <@craftxbox> * NickServ :Services are currently unavailable
[3:56:21 am] <@Jigsy> 1918
[3:56:21 am] <@gwillen> 1987
[3:56:22 am] <@nkbk> 1933
[3:56:22 am] <@IronDeHavilland> this one!
[3:56:22 am] <@CrapBot> Shin guard - Wikipedia: <>; Kids Soccer Shin Guards - <>; What Is My Shinguard (1 more message)
[3:56:23 am] <@nkbk> 1932
[3:56:23 am] <@KickServ> 1919
[3:56:24 am] <@IronDeHavilland> mel gibson
[3:56:24 am] <@craftxbox> rest in peage
[3:56:25 am] <@nkbk> 1912
[3:56:26 am] <@KickServ> 1944
[3:56:27 am] <@nkbk> 1929
[3:56:27 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, 18__
[3:56:28 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1899
[3:56:28 am] <@KickServ> 1960
[3:56:29 am] <@nkbk> 1923
[3:56:30 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1899
[3:56:30 am] <@KickServ> 1856
[3:56:31 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1897
[3:56:31 am] <@emily> 1849
[3:56:31 am] <@Jigsy> 1877
[3:56:31 am] <@nkbk> 1877
[3:56:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1898
[3:56:32 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1898
[3:56:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1897
[3:56:33 am] <@Jigsy> 1874
[3:56:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1896
[3:56:33 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1895
[3:56:33 am] <@KickServ> !g shinguards
[3:56:34 am] <@CrapBot> Frequency of Shin Guard Use in Youth Soccer: Recommendations ...: <>
[3:56:34 am] <@CrapBot> Used CCM VECTOR 7IN YOUTH SHINGUARDS 7" Ice Hockey ...: <>
[3:56:34 am] <@Jigsy> 1873
[3:56:34 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1896
[3:56:35 am] <@emily> 1891
[3:56:35 am] <@nkbk> 1897
[3:56:36 am] <@KickServ> !g shinguards year
[3:56:36 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1894
[3:56:36 am] <@CrapBot> What Is My Shin Guard Size? | Nike Help: <>
[3:56:36 am] <@CrapBot> Hockey Shin Guard Sizing Chart & Guide: How to Measure Shin ...: <>
[3:56:37 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1894
[3:56:37 am] <@nkbk> 1888
[3:56:37 am] <@emily> 1899
[3:56:38 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1890
[3:56:38 am] <@BrickServ> 1875
[3:56:38 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1893
[3:56:39 am] <@nkbk> 1889
[3:56:39 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1891
[3:56:40 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1892
[3:56:40 am] <@emily> 1876
[3:56:40 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1893
[3:56:41 am] <@nkbk> 1891
[3:56:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1892
[3:56:41 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1894
[3:56:42 am] <@emily> 1811
[3:56:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1895
[3:56:43 am] <@BrickServ> 1879
[3:56:43 am] <@nkbk> 18923
[3:56:43 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1891
[3:56:44 am] <@theendoffreenode> 189
[3:56:44 am] <@Jigsy> !google shingards introduction football
[3:56:44 am] <@emily> 1824
[3:56:45 am] <@nkbk> 1811
[3:56:45 am] <@CrapBot> Shin guard - Wikipedia: <>; The History of Soccer Shin Guards and the Regulations Behind ...: < (1 more message)
[3:56:45 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1885
[3:56:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1890
[3:56:46 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1884
[3:56:46 am] <@BrickServ> 1876
[3:56:47 am] <@nkbk> 1819
[3:56:47 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1883
[3:56:48 am] <@emily> 1877
[3:56:48 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1882
[3:56:48 am] <@BrickServ> 1877
[3:56:48 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1889
[3:56:49 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1881
[3:56:49 am] <@nkbk> 1842
[3:56:50 am] <@Jigsy> !google shingards introduction football year
[3:56:50 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1880
[3:56:51 am] <@BrickServ> 1885
[3:56:51 am] <@CrapBot> Shin guard - Wikipedia: <>; A brief history of Shin Guards - History of Soccer Boots: <>; (1 more message)
[3:56:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1888
[3:56:51 am] <@KickServ> !g shinguards year invented
[3:56:52 am] <@CrapBot> The Effectiveness of Shin Guards Used by Football Players: <>
[3:56:52 am] <@CrapBot> Shin guard - Wikipedia: <>
[3:56:54 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1886
[3:56:55 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1856
[3:56:55 am] <@nkbk> 1864
[3:56:56 am] <@KickServ> 1874
[3:56:56 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1885
[3:56:57 am] <@BrickServ> 1845
[3:56:57 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1878
[3:56:58 am] <@emily> lmao
[3:56:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1884
[3:56:59 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1879
[3:57:01 am] <@BrickServ> 1890
[3:57:01 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1883
[3:57:02 am] <@DickServ> 1837
[3:57:03 am] <@BrickServ> 1891
[3:57:04 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1883
[3:57:05 am] <@BrickServ> 1892
[3:57:05 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1880
[3:57:06 am] <@Jigsy> 1809
[3:57:06 am] <@emily> this might take a while
[3:57:06 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1882
[3:57:06 am] <@BrickServ> 1893
[3:57:08 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1879
[3:57:08 am] <@BrickServ> 1894
[3:57:09 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1881
[3:57:09 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1872
[3:57:09 am] <@BrickServ> 1895
[3:57:11 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1874
[3:57:11 am] <@BrickServ> 1896
[3:57:11 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1887
[3:57:12 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1874
[3:57:12 am] <@BrickServ> 1897
[3:57:13 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1876
[3:57:14 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1880
[3:57:14 am] <@BrickServ> 1898
[3:57:14 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1877
[3:57:15 am] <@BrickServ> 1899
[3:57:16 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1879
[3:57:16 am] <@Guest0> guys the bot left minutes ago
[3:57:17 am] <@BrickServ> 1840
[3:57:17 am] <@Tat> Time's up! The answer was: 1839
[3:57:18 am] <@theendoffreenode> 1878
[3:57:19 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1878
[3:57:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> 1877
[3:57:21 am] <@Jigsy> 1874
[3:57:24 am] <@BrickServ> ARGH
[3:57:26 am] <@Jigsy> OF COURSE.
[3:57:26 am] <@BrickServ> close
[3:57:26 am] <@Subjective> damnit
[3:57:28 am] <@Tat> 98. Useless Trivia: A square mile of fertile earth has ---------- earthworms in it.
[3:57:28 am] <@emily> there wre definitely more than 100 guesses
[3:57:29 am] <@IronDeHavilland> would have taken a while
[3:57:30 am] <@emily> y'all were inefficient
[3:57:32 am] <@IronDeHavilland> million
[3:57:33 am] <@Jigsy> IT WAS SO OBVIOUS!
[3:57:33 am] <@theendoffreenode> 32,000,000
[3:57:33 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: 32,000,000 Time: 5.117 Streak: 1 Points: 28 WPM: 23 Rank: 6th
[3:57:33 am] <@DickServ> 3000000
[3:57:34 am] <@ZeroCool> 320,000
[3:57:34 am] <@BrickServ> a lot
[3:57:34 am] <@gwillen> 38000000
[3:57:34 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-11 IronDeHavilland-11 Jigsy-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 KickServ-8 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-5 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:57:39 am] <@nkbk> fucking cheat codes
[3:57:40 am] <@gwillen> too fucking many
[3:57:41 am] <@IronDeHavilland> lol
[3:57:44 am] <@Tat> 99. What airport in Uganda was the scene of a rescue drama in 1977?
[3:57:45 am] <@itisnigh> <catman@libera> what exactly is this?
[3:57:48 am] <@emily> !google uganda rescue drama 1977
[3:57:49 am] <@CrapBot> Raid on Entebbe (film) - Wikipedia: <>; Operation Entebbe - Wikipedia: <>; Raid on Entebbe - Full Movie (1 more message)
[3:57:49 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: entebbe Time: 5.429 Streak: 1 Points: 21 WPM: 15 Rank: 7th Previously: 8th
[3:57:50 am] <@Tat> CrapBot has moved up in rank: 7th
[3:57:50 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-12 IronDeHavilland-11 Jigsy-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 KickServ-8 rbraun-6 theendoffreenode-5 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:57:55 am] <@gwillen> catman: the end of the world
[3:57:56 am] <@itisnigh> <LambdaComplex@libera> catman: THE APOCALYPSE
[3:57:57 am] <@KickServ> yeah boi
[3:58:00 am] <@Tat> 100. The phillips head screwdriver was invented where?
[3:58:04 am] <@nkbk> ohio
[3:58:04 am] <@KickServ> !g The phillips head screwdriver was invented where?
[3:58:05 am] <@CrapBot> Know Your Tools: The Flat-Head Screwdriver: <>
[3:58:05 am] <@CrapBot> Screwdriver - Wikipedia: <>
[3:58:05 am] <@theendoffreenode> uganda
[3:58:06 am] <@emily> !google phillips head screwdriver where invented
[3:58:07 am] <@CrapBot> The History of Early and Modern Screws and Screwdrivers: <>; Why is it Called a Phillips Screwdriver? - Handyman Guides: (2 more messages)
[3:58:10 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, or____
[3:58:12 am] <@theendoffreenode> oregon
[3:58:12 am] <@IronDeHavilland> oregon
[3:58:12 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: oregon Time: 12.106 Streak: 1 Points: 29 WPM: 5 Rank: 6th
[3:58:12 am] <@gwillen> oregon
[3:58:13 am] <@emily> !google location of mr. phillips screwdriver
[3:58:13 am] <@KickServ> oregon
[3:58:13 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-12 IronDeHavilland-11 Jigsy-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 KickServ-8 theendoffreenode-6 rbraun-6 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:58:14 am] <@BrickServ> catman last standing freenode node
[3:58:14 am] <@CrapBot> Henry F. Phillips - Wikipedia: <>; List of screw drives - Wikipedia: <>; The many faces of PHILLIPS - The (1 more message)
[3:58:17 am] <@itisnigh> <catman@libera> is there any rhyme or reason to it?
[3:58:23 am] <@Tat> 101. Animal Trivia: The ---------- whale is the mammal with the heaviest brain - about six times heavier than a human's.
[3:58:23 am] --> atrus ( has joined ##apocalypse
[3:58:23 am] *** Mode ##apocalypse +o atrus by CrapBot
[3:58:24 am] <@LambdaComplex> to what
[3:58:25 am] <@emily> !google humpback
[3:58:26 am] <@IronDeHavilland> sperm
[3:58:26 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: sperm Time: 3.385 Streak: 1 Points: 49 WPM: 17 Rank: 3rd
[3:58:26 am] <@CrapBot> Humpback whale - Wikipedia: <>; Humpback Whale | NOAA Fisheries: <>; Humpback Whale | National Geographic: (1 more message)
[3:58:27 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-12 IronDeHavilland-12 Jigsy-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 KickServ-8 theendoffreenode-6 rbraun-6 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:58:27 am] <@nkbk> sperm
[3:58:31 am] <@itisnigh> <gwillen_@libera> catman: there's a trivia bot on another server
[3:58:34 am] <@BrickServ> something somethin use after free-node
[3:58:37 am] <@Tat> 102. UnScramble this Word: l n d r e b o?
[3:58:37 am] <@itisnigh> <gwillen_@libera> the questions and answers are getting relayed here
[3:58:40 am] <@itisnigh> <gwillen_@libera> but the relay is WAY behind
[3:58:41 am] <@ZeroCool> incredible
[3:58:44 am] <@craftxbox> is this the last server of oldnode?
[3:58:47 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, blo____
[3:58:47 am] <@Jigsy> Yes.
[3:58:48 am] <@DickServ> Yes.
[3:58:48 am] <@ZeroCool> bordel
[3:58:49 am] <@nkbk> doronebl
[3:58:49 am] <@IronDeHavilland> blonder
[3:58:49 am] <@Tat> Winner: IronDeHavilland Answer: blonder Time: 12.355 Streak: 2 Points: 50 WPM: 6 Rank: 3rd
[3:58:50 am] -*- Tat gives IronDeHavilland a high five for getting 50 wins! Way to go IronDeHavilland !
[3:58:50 am] <@ZeroCool> blojob
[3:58:50 am] <@itisnigh> <LambdaComplex@libera> lmao yeah it is
[3:58:50 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 IronDeHavilland-13 CrapBot-12 Jigsy-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 KickServ-8 theendoffreenode-6 rbraun-6 DickServ-2 ZeroCool-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:58:51 am] <@itisnigh> <catman@libera> ah now it makes sense lol
[3:58:55 am] <@itisnigh> <LambdaComplex@libera> holy shit it just got to the earthworm question
[3:59:00 am] <@Tat> 103. Animal Trivia: ---------- are the only animals born with horns. Both males and females are born with bony knobs on the forehead.
[3:59:03 am] <@gwillen> humans
[3:59:03 am] <@BrickServ> craftxbox: at least it tries to be
[3:59:04 am] <@Jigsy> Reindeer
[3:59:05 am] <@IronDeHavilland> cows
[3:59:05 am] <@gwillen> goats
[3:59:07 am] <@craftxbox> :P
[3:59:08 am] <@gwillen> sheep
[3:59:08 am] <@IronDeHavilland> goats
[3:59:10 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, gir_____
[3:59:10 am] <@emily> unicorns
[3:59:10 am] <@theendoffreenode> andrew lee
[3:59:11 am] <@gwillen> andrew lee
[3:59:11 am] <@KickServ> andrew lee
[3:59:12 am] <@gwillen> girls
[3:59:12 am] <@ZeroCool> giraffes
[3:59:13 am] <@IronDeHavilland> girls
[3:59:13 am] <@Tat> Winner: ZeroCool Answer: giraffes Time: 12.668 Streak: 1 Points: 8 WPM: 7 Rank: 14th Previously: 15th
[3:59:13 am] <@BrickServ> is so oldnode that it doesn't have ssl
[3:59:13 am] <@nkbk> giraffes
[3:59:13 am] <@Tat> ZeroCool has moved up in rank: 14th
[3:59:14 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 IronDeHavilland-13 CrapBot-12 Jigsy-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 KickServ-8 theendoffreenode-6 rbraun-6 ZeroCool-3 DickServ-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:59:18 am] <@itisnigh> <catman@libera> looks like it
[3:59:19 am] <@itisnigh> <LambdaComplex@libera> catman: there's one classic freenode server left (because it somehow avoided getting shut down)
[3:59:19 am] <@craftxbox> who knows how log poor capone will stand
[3:59:23 am] <@Tat> 104. Which nazi leader had his 6 children poisoned prior to his own death?
[3:59:26 am] <@itisnigh> <LambdaComplex@libera> catman: the other end of the bridge is on that server
[3:59:28 am] <@gwillen> okay I gotta eat something
[3:59:28 am] <@ZeroCool> hitler
[3:59:29 am] <@Jigsy> Opers have been... coming and going, though.
[3:59:30 am] <@emily> !g nazi leader 6 children poisoned
[3:59:30 am] <@CrapBot> Goebbels children - Wikipedia: <>
[3:59:30 am] <@CrapBot> Hitler's suicide: Nazi shot himself, poisoned Eva Braun at WWII's end ...: <>
[3:59:31 am] <@Tat> Winner: CrapBot Answer: goebbels Time: 6.848 Streak: 1 Points: 22 WPM: 14 Rank: 7th
[3:59:32 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-13 IronDeHavilland-13 Jigsy-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 KickServ-8 theendoffreenode-6 rbraun-6 ZeroCool-3 DickServ-2 bem-1 emily-1
[3:59:35 am] <@itisnigh> <catman@libera> gotcha
[3:59:36 am] <@emily> catching up
[3:59:37 am] <@gwillen> o7
[3:59:41 am] <@Tat> 105. 80s Films: "In the Southeast, they say if you want to go to heaven, you have to change planes in Atlanta."?
[3:59:43 am] <@itisnigh> <LambdaComplex@libera> ...i'm gonna filter the bridge in this channel because this is ANNOYING
[3:59:44 am] <@gwillen> good luck crapbot
[3:59:48 am] <@KickServ> !g "In the Southeast, they say if you want to go to heaven, you have to change planes in Atlanta."?
[3:59:48 am] <@CrapBot> quote: "in the southeast, they say if you want to go to heaven, you ...: <>
[3:59:49 am] <@CrapBot> TriviaParty/tr173.txt at master · reillywatson/TriviaParty · GitHub: <>
[3:59:49 am] <@gwillen> may the best bot win
[3:59:51 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, Accide_____ _______
[3:59:52 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> blonder
[3:59:58 am] <@ZeroCool> Accidental Automatic
[4:00:00 am] <@KickServ> Accidental Tourist
[4:00:00 am] <@gwillen> accidentally the entire IRC
[4:00:00 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: Accidental Tourist Time: 18.736 Streak: 1 Points: 32 WPM: 11 Rank: 5th
[4:00:01 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-13 IronDeHavilland-13 Jigsy-10 beest-10 KickServ-9 nkbk-8 theendoffreenode-6 rbraun-6 ZeroCool-3 DickServ-2 bem-1 emily-1
[4:00:03 am] <@BrickServ> LambdaComplex i'm pretty sure the situation w/this server is
[4:00:03 am] <@CrapBot> ^ QDB: Quote #5273
[4:00:08 am] <@Guest0> we're now over 10% of the way thru the quiz
[4:00:09 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> giraffes
[4:00:10 am] <@Tat> 106. Canada is seperated on an imaginary line along the ______?
[4:00:16 am] <@nkbk> border
[4:00:16 am] <@emily> 49th parallel
[4:00:16 am] <@ZeroCool> 55 paralelle
[4:00:16 am] <@Tat> Winner: emily Answer: 49th parallel Time: 5.414 Streak: 1 Points: 4 WPM: 28 Rank: 20th Previously: 21st
[4:00:17 am] <@theendoffreenode> 44th parallel
[4:00:17 am] <@Tat> emily has moved up in rank: 20th
[4:00:17 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-13 IronDeHavilland-13 Jigsy-10 beest-10 KickServ-9 nkbk-8 theendoffreenode-6 rbraun-6 ZeroCool-3 DickServ-2 emily-2 bem-1
[4:00:27 am] <@Tat> 107. In 1946 Oliver Stone NYC, director (---------- , Good Morning Vietnam, Platoon), born.
[4:00:30 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> yeah, I don't have a chance not being on freenode_old_a ;)
[4:00:33 am] <@itisnigh> <LambdaComplex@libera> much better. weechat good.
[4:00:34 am] <@emily> !google oliver stone directed
[4:00:37 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, wal__ __
[4:00:37 am] <@CrapBot> Oliver Stone - Wikipedia: <>; Category:Films directed by Oliver Stone - Wikipedia: <>; Oliver (1 more message)
[4:00:40 am] <@KickServ> platoon
[4:00:42 am] <@Jigsy> !vowels
[4:00:42 am] <@emily> !google street wall
[4:00:44 am] <@IronDeHavilland> wall-e
[4:00:44 am] <@CrapBot> Simply Wall St: About Us: <>; Street Wall Pictures | Download Free Images on Unsplash: <>; Wall Street - Wikipedia: <>
[4:00:46 am] <@IronDeHavilland> wall e
[4:00:47 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> accidentally the whole thing
[4:00:48 am] <@KickServ> wall street
[4:00:49 am] <@Jigsy> Apocalypse Now
[4:00:50 am] <@KickServ> wall st
[4:00:51 am] <@IronDeHavilland> wall st
[4:00:51 am] <@Tat> Winner: KickServ Answer: wall st Time: 23.4 Streak: 1 Points: 33 WPM: 3 Rank: 4th Previously: 5th
[4:00:51 am] <@Tat> KickServ has moved up in rank: 4th
[4:00:52 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-13 IronDeHavilland-13 KickServ-10 Jigsy-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 theendoffreenode-6 rbraun-6 ZeroCool-3 DickServ-2 emily-2 bem-1
[4:00:53 am] <@emily> lol seriously
[4:00:59 am] <@IronDeHavilland> i'm sure that was the whole title
[4:01:01 am] <@Tat> 108. Atlanta 1996 Olympics: This countries medal tally was: 3 Gold, 0 Silver, 1 Bronze, 4 in Total?
[4:01:06 am] <@Jigsy> Ireland
[4:01:06 am] <@theendoffreenode> ireland
[4:01:06 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: ireland Time: 4.556 Streak: 1 Points: 20 WPM: 18 Rank: 9th
[4:01:07 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-13 IronDeHavilland-13 Jigsy-11 KickServ-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 theendoffreenode-6 rbraun-6 ZeroCool-3 DickServ-2 emily-2 bem-1
[4:01:08 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> people of walmart
[4:01:12 am] <@itisnigh> <aeth@libera> I propose that when old freenode finally dies, we register the channel, move the trivia bot in here, and close the bridge to pissnet/neofreenode. Whenever that happens.
[4:01:16 am] <@Tat> 109. What is a chihuahua named after?
[4:01:21 am] <@IronDeHavilland> state in mexico
[4:01:22 am] <@KickServ> dog
[4:01:22 am] <@ZeroCool> mexican sgtate
[4:01:23 am] <@IronDeHavilland> chihuahua
[4:01:24 am] <@theendoffreenode> mexican state
[4:01:24 am] <-> atrus is now known as atrus-nothere
[4:01:24 am] <@Tat> Winner: theendoffreenode Answer: mexican state Time: 7.8 Streak: 1 Points: 30 WPM: 20 Rank: 6th
[4:01:25 am] <@Tat> Current Round: gwillen-22 CrapBot-13 IronDeHavilland-13 Jigsy-11 KickServ-10 beest-10 nkbk-8 theendoffreenode-7 rbraun-6 ZeroCool-3 DickServ-2 emily-2 bem-1
[4:01:25 am] <@IronDeHavilland> city in mexico
[4:01:26 am] <@Jigsy> Paris Hilton
[4:01:35 am] <@Tat> 110. UnScramble this Word: a t s h r o w e m r?
[4:01:36 am] <@KickServ> andrew lee
[4:01:41 am] <@ZeroCool> meat shower
[4:01:42 am] <@theendoffreenode> mel gibson
[4:01:45 am] <@ZeroCool> showerme
[4:01:45 am] <@Tat> Here's a hint, eart______
[4:01:45 am] <@itisnigh> <White_Flame@libera> shower mat
[4:01:48 am] <@Jigsy> Earthworms
[4:01:48 am] <@KickServ> earthworm
[4:01:48 am] <@ZeroCool> earthworm jim
[4:01:48 am] <@Tat> Winner: Jigsy Answer: earthwo
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