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Created February 29, 2020 21:46
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public with sharing class WeekThreeHomework {
public static void homeworkAssignmentMethod() {
//Read through the setup below and then complete the code following the prompts. When you're done, make sure to compile (save) your work
//Open Execute Anonymous in the Developer Console and execute your code by typing in: WeekThreeHomework.homeworkAssignmentMethod();
//Read through the debug statements to make sure you're done your work correctly.
// 1. Add two more whole numbers to this list using .add()
List<Integer> numberList = new List<Integer>{ 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 };
//Checking our work:
System.debug('This number should be 12: ' + numberList.size());
// 2. Create a new Lead and insert it in the database. (If you're stuck, look back at the WeekThreeClassExercises class for an example of creating a new SObject Record)
//You can give it any values you like, but remember that last name and Company are required fields (both are simple text fields.)
Lead promisingLead = new Lead(LastName = 'Musk', Company = 'Tesla');
insert promisingLead;
//Checking our work:
System.debug('We should see One DML was executed: ' + Limits.getDMLRows());
//3. For the loop that is commented out below, update the while condition by replacing the ?? so that the loop runs 5 times
//delete the slashes so that the loop is no longer commented out and compile the class.
//Can you add a debug statement to print out the counter value every time it runs through the loop?
Integer counter = 0;
while (counter < 5) {
counter++; //without this line to increment counter, we'd have an infinite loop!
System.debug('Right now the value is ' + counter);
System.debug('Done with the loop, it ran: ' + counter + ' times.');
public static void forLoopsExercise() {
//1. Let's review iterating over a list of stuff. How about Strings?
List < String > myStringList = new List < String >{'red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue'};
// using for loop syntax, loop over the list of strings, printing each one out to the debug log.
for (String listMember : myStringList){
System.debug('What is your favorite color? ' + listMember + '!');
// 2. How about some SObjects?
// I'll do the data setup here to create a list of contacts that all have a first name:
Contact c1 = new Contact(FirstName='Sam');
Contact c2 = new Contact(FirstName='Diane');
Contact c3 = new Contact(FirstName='Coach');
List < Contact > myContacts = new List < Contact >{c1,c2,c3};
// Your turn! Using a for loop, print out the first name of each contact on a different line
//hint, you will need to use dot notation!
for (Contact c : myContacts){
System.debug('Cheers character name is ' + c.FirstName + '.');
//Bonus question to ponder: Do these contacts actually exist in our database?
//What would it take to get them there?
//insert myContacts;
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