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Created February 24, 2016 04:36
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Kraal's release
"Kraal's release" by "Noufal Ibrahim"
The story genre is "Horror".
Release along with an interpreter.
Release along with cover art ("A ring").
when play begins:
display the boxed quotation "The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear.
And the oldest and and strongest kind of fear is the fear
of the unknown.
-- H. P. Lovecraft";
say "You've always been a bit of wanderer and your latest explorations have taken you to a little building at the edge of the city. It's not a particularly popular place. The path to the main gate is overgrown with weeds and the whole estate is rather dull and unwelcoming. The gates are ajar however and that's more of an invitation that you ever needed."
A man is either uninterested or eager. The priest is uninterested.
The candle is unlit;
The Gates is a room. "An imposing pair of wrought iron gates one of which is slightly ajar greet you on your arrival. The is a walkway to the south."
South of the gates is the Walkway. The walkway is a room. "A long walkway leading to the main building. The main gates lead north. There is a small path east that leads to a grassy alcove."
East of the walkway is a Grassy alcove. The grassy alcove is a room. "An overgrown little corner surrounded by high grass. It would have been insignificant if not for one thing". The box is an openable container. The box is closed. Description of the box is "A small box carved from a single block of black wood with a picture of a unicorn on the lid." The box is in the grassy alcove. Instead of taking the box, say "It exudes a an aura that prevents you from trying to take it." Inside the box is a silver ring. The silver ring is wearable. The description of the ring is "A sparkling silver ring that looks impossibly new. Not a single scratch and absolutely no signs of wear."
After taking the ring:
display the boxed quotation "There are no such things as curses;
only people and their decisions
-- Yvonne Wood";
say "The ring beckons you to slip it onto your finger and you do.";
say "The ring burns into your finger making you feel extremely uncomfortable.";
say "A gust of icy cold wind forces you back into the walkway.";
now the player is wearing the ring;
now the priest is eager;
now the description of the walkway is "A long walkway leading to the main building. Rather lonely at this time of the day but otherwise a center of student activity. The main gates lead north. There is a small path east that leads to a grassy alcove but it's covered with thorns making it impossible to step on.";
now the description of the priest is "A lanky man in a heavy cloak, the priest slowly steps around the room following you as a servant would follow his master.";
now the description of the candle is "A candle made of dark purple wax. The candle is lit and burns with a purple flame that feels somehow connected to the ring on your hand.";
Now the candle is lit;
change the east exit of the walkway to nowhere;
move the player to the walkway;
Before taking off the ring, if player is wearing the ring, instead say "The ring refuses to come off."
[Box behaviour]
After opening the box, say "A small cloud of ethereal dust rises from the box and dissipates leaving a faint smell of sulphur." Instead of closing the box, say "The box stubbornly refuses to shut. As if something that was in it has escaped and doesn't wish to return." Before closing the box, If the box is closed, instead say "The box is already closed.";
Every turn:
if the ring is worn for exactly three turns:
say "The ring burns into your finger making it blister and burn.";
if the player can see the candle, say "The candle burns brightly with a purple flame";
if the ring is worn for exactly ten turns:
now the description of the ring is "The ring looks tarnished but several runes on the outer side glow in dark red. Small thorns have formed on edge of the ring and are biting into your finger.";
if the player can see the candle, say "The candle has burned down a little and the flame has grown unnaturally large.";
now the description of the candle is "The candle is almost half burnt and the flame seems to be flickering as if something is trying to come out through it.";
if the ring has been worn exactly 12 turns:
say "Your ring eats into your hand making you wince in pain. It glows as if it is becoming more powerful.";
if the player can see the candle, say "The candle starts to sputter and the flame consumes it almost entirely.";
now the description of the candle is "The candle is almost wholly burnt out and the flame is engulfing it completely";
if the ring has been worn for exactly 15 turns:
say "Your hand grows numb and you can see your skin blister and break. Your start losing control and feel dizzy";
if the ring has been worn for exactly 18 turns:
say "You stumble and trip. You're almost wholly consumed by the power of ring and can just barely manage to control yourself.";
now the description of the candle is "The candle has been wholly consumed but the flame continues to burn bright and strong";
if player can see the candle, say "The candle sputters out and the flame rises off the wick into the air.";
if the ring has been worn for exactly 20 turns:
end the story saying "You fall to your knees and the rings power consumes you. Kraal the vengeful steps out of your mutilated corpse ready to rule over his earthly kingdom!";
south of the walkway is the Building entrance. Description of the building entrance is "The entrance to the building is nondescript." The wooden door is south of the building entrance and north of the Office. It is a door. Description of the door is "A weather beaten wooden door painted in a dirty brown with cheap paint that is peeling off."
after opening the wooden door:
say "A cold and musty breeze blows out of the office.";
Description of the Office is "The office room is bare and empty except for a small desk in the middle."
After entering the office, if the ring is worn, say "A candle sits upon a dark wooden altar burning in a purple flame."
The priest is a man in the Office. "As priest sits behind the desk with his head bowed down, [one of]scratching the table[or]reading a book[or]fidgeting with his habit[purely at random]."
There is a candle in the office. Description of the candle is "A candle made of dark purple wax that seems to grow out of the wooden altar on which it sits."
Instead of taking the candle in the presence of the uninterested priest, say "The priest looks up at you with an icy cold threatening glare that forces you to reconsider."
Instead of taking the candle in the presence of the eager priest, say "The priest gently stops you. 'Sir please. The beacon of Kraal needs to be fully consumed for him to enter our realm. Please don't disturb it.'"
Understand "talk to [priest]" as a mistake ("You can try to ask him about something like the ring instead (e.g. 'ask priest about ring.')").
Table of priest's replies
Topic reply
"ring" "The circlet of our master Kraal. It is such an honour to speak to the chosen avatar."
"box" "The casket which bears the mark of the unicorn was used to imprison the essence of the last avatar. Releasing it has made you the chosen one."
"kraal" "Our master Kraal is one of the ancient ones. He consumes a human avatar to enter our realm and rule as he should."
"avatar" "Our master Kraal is forbidden to enter our realm except by consuming a human being and taking their place. This person is the avatar and you're the chosen one now."
"honour" "Many of us have desired the honour of being the avatar but the circlet never chose us. You have been chosen to wear it and be the avatar."
"removing ring" "Why would you want to do that? The circlet will gradually consume you and our master Kraal will replace you in this realm."
"curse" "Some people have referred to the circlet as cursed. We however view it as a blessing."
"candle" "The beacon of Kraal is the way by which he will enter the avatars body. It will just a take a little while longer."
Report asking the eager priest about something:
say "The priest apologetically shakes his head. 'I am afraid I know nothing about that.'";
stop the action;
instead of asking an uninterested priest about something:
say "The priest avoids the question by [one of]fidgeting with his cloak[or]looking away from you[purely at random]";
After asking an eager priest about a topic listed in the Table of priest's replies, say "[one of]The priest bows reverently and says[or]The priest gently walks towards you and says[purely at random] '[reply entry]'.[paragraph break]"
Understand "blow out [something]" as blowing out. Understand "blow [something] out" as blowing out. Blowing out is an action applying to one thing.
instead of blowing out the candle:
if the candle is lit:
say "You blow out the purple flame and the ring suddenly drops off your finger. The priest utters a shriek of anger and runs out the door.";
end the story finally saying "Kraal's return has been prevented this time. Who knows when another adventurous fool will try to wear his ring?" ;
if the candle is unlit:
say "The candle is not burning";
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