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Last active March 20, 2021 01:54
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Englishish generator
#!/usr/bin/env python3
""" is a quick-and-dirty prototype of a project I plan to work on
more later: A generator for text which obeys English spelling and grammar
rules, but whose output is nonsensical. The output of this script does tend
to make sense, but that's a product of the dictionary. If it was larger, it
would generate sentences which are grammatical but not sensical.
The next step is implementing this with a bigger dictionary, cleaner code, and
probably in Rust as a C-compatible library. I plan to use it in a little art
game about Borges' Library of Babel -- to generate the contents of the books.
Once it's implemented in Rust, it'll probably be FOSS'd as a separate repo.
from collections import namedtuple
import random
def det_a_an(next):
# not ideal but close enough
if next[0] in 'aeiou':
return 'an'
return 'a'
def det_thy_thine(next):
if next[0] in 'aeiou':
return 'thine'
return 'thy'
'article': ['the', det_a_an],
'of': ['of'],
'conjunction': ['and', 'or'],
'adverb': ['widely', 'angrily', 'cutely', 'really'],
'adjective': ['wide', 'angry', 'cute'],
'1.nom.noun': ['cat', 'dog', 'keyboard', 'otter'],
'M.nom.noun': ['cats', 'dogs', 'keyboards', 'otters'],
'1.pos.noun': ["cat's", "dog's", "keyboard's", "otter's"],
'M.pos.noun': ["cats'", "dogs'", "keyboards'", "otters'"],
'1.nom.pron': ['I', 'thou', 'he', 'she', 'they'],
'M.nom.pron': ['we', "y'all", 'they'],
'pos.pron': [
# singular
'my', det_thy_thine, 'his', 'her', 'their',
# plural
'our', "y'all's", 'their'
'M.verb': ['like', 'hug', 'poke'],
'1.verb': ['likes', 'hugs', 'pokes'],
'sentence': [
(3, ['1.noun-phrase', '1.verb-phrase', '1.noun-phrase']),
(1, ['M.noun-phrase', 'M.verb-phrase', '1.noun-phrase']),
(3, ['1.noun-phrase', '1.verb-phrase', 'M.noun-phrase']),
(1, ['M.noun-phrase', 'M.verb-phrase', 'M.noun-phrase']),
'1.noun-phrase': [
(3, ['article', '1.described-noun']),
(1, ['pos.pron', '1.described-noun']),
'1.described-noun': [
(8, ['1.nom.noun']),
(3, ['adjective', '1.nom.noun']),
(2, ['1.pos.noun', '1.nom.noun']),
(1, ['M.pos.noun', '1.nom.noun']),
(1, ['adverb', 'adjective', '1.described-noun']),
'M.noun-phrase': [
(3, ['article', 'M.described-noun']),
(1, ['pos.pron', 'M.described-noun']),
(3, ['M.described-noun']),
'M.described-noun': [
(16, ['M.nom.noun']),
(6, ['adjective', 'M.nom.noun']),
(4, ['1.pos.noun', 'M.nom.noun']),
(4, ['M.pos.noun', 'M.nom.noun']),
(2, ['adverb', 'M.described-noun']),
(1, ['1.noun-phrase', 'conjunction', '1.noun-phrase']),
(1, ['M.noun-phrase', 'conjunction', '1.noun-phrase']),
(1, ['1.noun-phrase', 'conjunction', 'M.noun-phrase']),
(1, ['M.noun-phrase', 'conjunction', 'M.noun-phrase']),
'1.verb-phrase': [
(4, ['1.verb']),
(1, ['adverb', '1.verb-phrase']),
'M.verb-phrase': [
(4, ['M.verb']),
(1, ['adverb', 'M.verb-phrase']),
def weighted_choose_child(name):
children = OPTIONS[name]
total_odds = sum(weight for weight, _ in children)
spot = random.randrange(total_odds)
for weight, components in children:
if spot < weight:
return components
spot -= weight
raise ValueError("what")
def expand_options(root):
res = []
stack = [root]
while stack:
top = stack.pop()
if top in TERMINALS:
nexts = weighted_choose_child(top)
return res
def generate(terminals):
words = []
for term in terminals[::-1]:
val = random.choice(TERMINALS[term])
if isinstance(val, str):
words.insert(0, val)
elif hasattr(val, '__call__'):
words.insert(0, val(words[0]))
raise ValueError("fucc")
return ' '.join(words)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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