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Created October 10, 2023 15:48
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Rust internal compiler error - incremental compilation error with mir_built
error: internal compiler error: encountered incremental compilation error with mir_built(ab0055d43b79392f-71e52b8a4392be8c)
  = help: This is a known issue with the compiler. Run `cargo clean -p wgpu_core` or `cargo clean` to allow your project to compile
  = note: Please follow the instructions below to create a bug report with the provided information
  = note: See <> for more information

thread 'rustc' panicked at 'Found unstable fingerprints for mir_built(ab0055d43b79392f-71e52b8a4392be8c): Steal { value: RwLock(RefCell { value: Some(Body { basic_blocks: BasicBlocks { basic_blocks: [BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_3), _3 = std::option::Option::<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>::None, FakeRead(ForLet(None), _3), AscribeUserType(_3, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(1), projs: [] }), StorageLive(_4), _4 = std::option::Option::<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>::None, FakeRead(ForLet(None), _4), AscribeUserType(_4, o, UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(3), projs: [] }), StorageLive(_5)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb1 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: falseUnwind -> [real: bb2, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_7), StorageLive(_8), StorageLive(_9), StorageLive(_10), StorageLive(_11), _11 = &mut _2, _10 = &mut (*_11)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _9 = <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::next_key::<<device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field>(move _10) -> [return: bb3, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_10)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7754), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _8 = <std::result::Result<std::option::Option<<device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::Try>::branch(move _9) -> [return: bb4, unwind: bb184] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_9), FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace(None), _8), _12 = discriminant(_8)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: switchInt(move _12) -> [0: bb5, 1: bb6, otherwise: bb7] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_16), _16 = move ((_8 as Continue).0: std::option::Option<<device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field>), _7 = move _16, StorageDead(_16)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb13 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[3] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb8, imaginary: bb5] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7754), scope: scope[3] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_13), _13 = move ((_8 as Break).0: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>), StorageLive(_15), _15 = move _13], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7754), scope: scope[5] }, kind: _0 = <std::result::Result<device::trace::Action<'_>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::FromResidual<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>>>::from_residual(move _15) -> [return: bb9, unwind: bb181] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_15)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[5] }, kind: goto -> bb150 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[5] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_13) -> [return: bb12, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_13)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb13 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace(None), _7), _17 = discriminant(_7)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: switchInt(move _17) -> [1: bb15, otherwise: bb14] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb82 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb16, imaginary: bb14] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_18), _18 = move ((_7 as Some).0: <device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field), FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace(None), _18), _19 = discriminant(_18)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: switchInt(move _19) -> [0: bb17, 1: bb18, otherwise: bb19] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb20, imaginary: bb18] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb42, imaginary: bb19] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_54), StorageLive(_55), StorageLive(_56), StorageLive(_57), StorageLive(_58), _58 = &mut _2, _57 = &mut (*_58)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _56 = <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::next_value::<binding_model::_::_serde::de::IgnoredAny>(move _57) -> [return: bb69, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_20), StorageLive(_21), StorageLive(_22), StorageLive(_23), _23 = &_3, _22 = &(*_23)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _21 = std::option::Option::<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>::is_some(move _22) -> [return: bb21, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_23), StorageDead(_22)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7756), scope: scope[3] }, kind: switchInt(move _21) -> [0: bb23, otherwise: bb22] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_25)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _25 = <<__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Error>::duplicate_field(const "id") -> [return: bb24, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7756), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb28 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [_0 = std::result::Result::<device::trace::Action<'_>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>::Err(move _25)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_25) -> [return: bb25, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_25)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb148 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb29 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [_20 = const ()], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb29 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_21), StorageDead(_20), StorageLive(_26), StorageLive(_27), StorageLive(_28), StorageLive(_29), StorageLive(_30), StorageLive(_31), _31 = &mut _2, _30 = &mut (*_31)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _29 = <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::next_value::<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>(move _30) -> [return: bb30, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_30)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7757), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _28 = <std::result::Result<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::Try>::branch(move _29) -> [return: bb31, unwind: bb180] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_29), FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace(None), _28), _32 = discriminant(_28)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: switchInt(move _32) -> [0: bb32, 1: bb33, otherwise: bb34] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_36), _36 = ((_28 as Continue).0: id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>), _27 = _36, StorageDead(_36)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb40 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[3] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb35, imaginary: bb32] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7757), scope: scope[3] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_33), _33 = move ((_28 as Break).0: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>), StorageLive(_35), _35 = move _33], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7757), scope: scope[9] }, kind: _0 = <std::result::Result<device::trace::Action<'_>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::FromResidual<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>>>::from_residual(move _35) -> [return: bb36, unwind: bb177] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_35)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[9] }, kind: goto -> bb145 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[9] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_33) -> [return: bb39, unwind: bb179] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_33)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb40 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [_26 = std::option::Option::<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>::Some(move _27), StorageDead(_27), _3 = move _26, StorageDead(_26)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_28) -> [return: bb41, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_31), StorageDead(_28), _6 = const ()], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb81 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_37), StorageLive(_38), StorageLive(_39), StorageLive(_40), _40 = &_4, _39 = &(*_40)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _38 = std::option::Option::<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>::is_some(move _39) -> [return: bb43, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_40), StorageDead(_39)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7759), scope: scope[3] }, kind: switchInt(move _38) -> [0: bb45, otherwise: bb44] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_42)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _42 = <<__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Error>::duplicate_field(const "desc") -> [return: bb46, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7759), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb50 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [_0 = std::result::Result::<device::trace::Action<'_>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>::Err(move _42)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_42) -> [return: bb47, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_42)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb144 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb51 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [_37 = const ()], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb51 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_38), StorageDead(_37), StorageLive(_43), StorageLive(_44), StorageLive(_45), StorageLive(_46), StorageLive(_47), StorageLive(_48), _48 = &mut _2, _47 = &mut (*_48)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _46 = <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::next_value::<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>(move _47) -> [return: bb52, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_47)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7760), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _45 = <std::result::Result<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::Try>::branch(move _46) -> [return: bb53, unwind: bb176] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_46), FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace(None), _45), _49 = discriminant(_45)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: switchInt(move _49) -> [0: bb54, 1: bb55, otherwise: bb56] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_53), _53 = move ((_45 as Continue).0: wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>), _44 = move _53], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_53) -> [return: bb62, unwind: bb175] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[3] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb57, imaginary: bb54] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7760), scope: scope[3] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_50), _50 = move ((_45 as Break).0: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>), StorageLive(_52), _52 = move _50], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7760), scope: scope[13] }, kind: _0 = <std::result::Result<device::trace::Action<'_>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::FromResidual<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>>>::from_residual(move _52) -> [return: bb58, unwind: bb173] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_52)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[13] }, kind: goto -> bb141 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[13] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_50) -> [return: bb61, unwind: bb175] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_50)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb63 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_53)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb63 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [_43 = std::option::Option::<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>::Some(move _44)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_44) -> [return: bb64, unwind: bb172] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_44)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#9420), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_4) -> [return: bb65, unwind: bb66] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [_4 = move _43], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_43) -> [return: bb67, unwind: bb175] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [_4 = move _43], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#9420), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb172 }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_43)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_45) -> [return: bb68, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_48), StorageDead(_45), _6 = const ()], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb81 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_57)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7762), scope: scope[3] }, kind: _55 = <std::result::Result<binding_model::_::_serde::de::IgnoredAny, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::Try>::branch(move _56) -> [return: bb70, unwind: bb171] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_56), FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace(None), _55), _59 = discriminant(_55)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: switchInt(move _59) -> [0: bb71, 1: bb72, otherwise: bb73] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_63), _63 = ((_55 as Continue).0: binding_model::_::_serde::de::IgnoredAny), _54 = _63, StorageDead(_63)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb79 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[3] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb74, imaginary: bb71] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7762), scope: scope[3] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_60), _60 = move ((_55 as Break).0: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>), StorageLive(_62), _62 = move _60], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7762), scope: scope[18] }, kind: _0 = <std::result::Result<device::trace::Action<'_>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::FromResidual<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>>>::from_residual(move _62) -> [return: bb75, unwind: bb168] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_62)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[18] }, kind: goto -> bb138 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[18] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_60) -> [return: bb78, unwind: bb170] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_60)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb79 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [PlaceMention(_54)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_55) -> [return: bb80, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_58), StorageDead(_55), StorageDead(_54), _6 = const ()], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb81 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_18)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb86 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_65), _5 = const ()], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb88 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[2] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_65)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[2] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb86 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_8) -> [return: bb87, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_11), StorageDead(_8), StorageDead(_7)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb1 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_65)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_8) -> [return: bb89, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_11), StorageDead(_8), StorageDead(_7), StorageDead(_5), StorageLive(_67), FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace(None), _3), _68 = discriminant(_3)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: switchInt(move _68) -> [0: bb90, 1: bb91, otherwise: bb92] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_70), StorageLive(_71)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: _71 = binding_model::_::_serde::__private::de::missing_field::<'_, id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>(const "id") -> [return: bb94, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb93, imaginary: bb90] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_69), _69 = ((_3 as Some).0: id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>), _67 = _69, StorageDead(_69)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb106 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7764), scope: scope[2] }, kind: _70 = <std::result::Result<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::Try>::branch(move _71) -> [return: bb95, unwind: bb167] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_71), FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace(None), _70), _72 = discriminant(_70)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: switchInt(move _72) -> [0: bb96, 1: bb97, otherwise: bb98] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_76), _76 = ((_70 as Continue).0: id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>), _67 = _76, StorageDead(_76)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb104 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[2] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb99, imaginary: bb96] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7764), scope: scope[2] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_73), _73 = move ((_70 as Break).0: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>), StorageLive(_75), _75 = move _73], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7764), scope: scope[24] }, kind: _0 = <std::result::Result<device::trace::Action<'_>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::FromResidual<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>>>::from_residual(move _75) -> [return: bb100, unwind: bb164] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_75)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[24] }, kind: goto -> bb134 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[24] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_73) -> [return: bb103, unwind: bb166] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_73)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb104 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_70) -> [return: bb105, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_70)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb106 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [FakeRead(ForLet(None), _67), StorageLive(_77), FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace(None), _4), _78 = discriminant(_4)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: switchInt(move _78) -> [0: bb107, 1: bb108, otherwise: bb109] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_80), StorageLive(_81)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: _81 = binding_model::_::_serde::__private::de::missing_field::<'_, wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>(const "desc") -> [return: bb112, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb110, imaginary: bb107] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_79), _79 = move ((_4 as Some).0: wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>), _77 = move _79], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_79) -> [return: bb111, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_79)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: goto -> bb125 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7766), scope: scope[21] }, kind: _80 = <std::result::Result<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::Try>::branch(move _81) -> [return: bb113, unwind: bb163] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_81), FakeRead(ForMatchedPlace(None), _80), _82 = discriminant(_80)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: switchInt(move _82) -> [0: bb114, 1: bb115, otherwise: bb116] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_86), _86 = move ((_80 as Continue).0: wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>), _77 = move _86], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_86) -> [return: bb122, unwind: bb162] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[21] }, kind: falseEdge -> [real: bb117, imaginary: bb114] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7766), scope: scope[21] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageLive(_83), _83 = move ((_80 as Break).0: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>), StorageLive(_85), _85 = move _83], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7766), scope: scope[30] }, kind: _0 = <std::result::Result<device::trace::Action<'_>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> as std::ops::FromResidual<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>>>::from_residual(move _85) -> [return: bb118, unwind: bb160] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_85)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[30] }, kind: goto -> bb131 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[30] }, kind: unreachable }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_83) -> [return: bb121, unwind: bb162] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_83)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[21] }, kind: goto -> bb123 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_86)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: goto -> bb123 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_80) -> [return: bb124, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_80)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: goto -> bb125 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [FakeRead(ForLet(None), _77), StorageLive(_87), StorageLive(_88), _88 = _67, StorageLive(_89), _89 = move _77, _87 = device::trace::Action::<'_>::CreateQuerySet { id: move _88, desc: move _89 }], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[27] }, kind: drop(_89) -> [return: bb126, unwind: bb158] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_89), StorageDead(_88), _0 = std::result::Result::<device::trace::Action<'_>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>::Ok(move _87)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[27] }, kind: drop(_87) -> [return: bb127, unwind: bb159] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_87)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_77) -> [return: bb128, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_77), StorageDead(_67)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[1] }, kind: drop(_4) -> [return: bb129, unwind: bb186] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_4), StorageDead(_3)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] }, kind: drop(_2) -> [return: bb130, unwind: bb187] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] }, kind: goto -> bb157 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_83) -> [return: bb132, unwind: bb162] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_83)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_80) -> [return: bb133, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_80), StorageDead(_77)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[21] }, kind: goto -> bb137 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_73) -> [return: bb135, unwind: bb166] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_73)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_70) -> [return: bb136, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_70)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb137 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_67)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb154 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_60) -> [return: bb139, unwind: bb170] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_60)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_55) -> [return: bb140, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_58), StorageDead(_55), StorageDead(_54)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb149 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_50) -> [return: bb142, unwind: bb175] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_50), StorageDead(_44), StorageDead(_43)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_45) -> [return: bb143, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_48), StorageDead(_45)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb149 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_38), StorageDead(_37)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb149 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_33) -> [return: bb146, unwind: bb179] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_33), StorageDead(_27), StorageDead(_26)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_28) -> [return: bb147, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_31), StorageDead(_28)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb149 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_21), StorageDead(_20)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb149 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_18)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb152 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_13) -> [return: bb151, unwind: bb183] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_13)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[3] }, kind: goto -> bb152 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_8) -> [return: bb153, unwind: bb185] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_11), StorageDead(_8), StorageDead(_7), StorageDead(_5)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: no-location (#0), scope: scope[2] }, kind: goto -> bb154 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[1] }, kind: drop(_4) -> [return: bb155, unwind: bb186] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [StorageDead(_4), StorageDead(_3)], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] }, kind: drop(_2) -> [return: bb156, unwind: bb187] }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] }, kind: goto -> bb157 }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] }, kind: return }), is_cleanup: false }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[27] }, kind: drop(_87) -> [return: bb159, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_77) -> [return: bb185, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7766), scope: scope[30] }, kind: drop(_85) -> [return: bb161, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_83) -> [return: bb162, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_80) -> [return: bb185, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7766), scope: scope[21] }, kind: drop(_81) -> [return: bb185, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7764), scope: scope[24] }, kind: drop(_75) -> [return: bb165, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_73) -> [return: bb166, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_70) -> [return: bb185, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7764), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_71) -> [return: bb185, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7762), scope: scope[18] }, kind: drop(_62) -> [return: bb169, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_60) -> [return: bb170, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_55) -> [return: bb183, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7762), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_56) -> [return: bb183, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_43) -> [return: bb175, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7760), scope: scope[13] }, kind: drop(_52) -> [return: bb174, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_50) -> [return: bb175, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_45) -> [return: bb183, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7760), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_46) -> [return: bb183, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7757), scope: scope[9] }, kind: drop(_35) -> [return: bb178, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_33) -> [return: bb179, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_28) -> [return: bb183, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7757), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_29) -> [return: bb183, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7754), scope: scope[5] }, kind: drop(_15) -> [return: bb182, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_13) -> [return: bb183, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[2] }, kind: drop(_8) -> [return: bb185, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7754), scope: scope[3] }, kind: drop(_9) -> [return: bb185, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[1] }, kind: drop(_4) -> [return: bb186, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] }, kind: drop(_2) -> [return: bb187, unwind terminate] }), is_cleanup: true }, BasicBlockData { statements: [], terminator: Some(Terminator { source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] }, kind: resume }), is_cleanup: true }], cache: Cache { predecessors: OnceCell(Uninit), switch_sources: OnceCell(Uninit), is_cyclic: OnceCell(Uninit), postorder: OnceCell(Uninit) } }, phase: Built, pass_count: 0, source: MirSource { instance: Item(WithOptConstParam { did: DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map), const_param_did: None }), promoted: None }, source_scopes: [SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: None, inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[0]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[1]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[2]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), parent_scope: Some(scope[3]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), parent_scope: Some(scope[4]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).68), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[3]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[6]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).59), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), parent_scope: Some(scope[3]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), parent_scope: Some(scope[8]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).147), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[3]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[10]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).138), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), parent_scope: Some(scope[3]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), parent_scope: Some(scope[12]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).227), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[3]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[14]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).218), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[3]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), parent_scope: Some(scope[3]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), parent_scope: Some(scope[17]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).264), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[3]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[19]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).255), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[2]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[2]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), parent_scope: Some(scope[2]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), parent_scope: Some(scope[23]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).318), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[2]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[25]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).309), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[21]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[21]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), parent_scope: Some(scope[21]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), parent_scope: Some(scope[29]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).362), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[21]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).0), safety: Safe }) }, SourceScopeData { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), parent_scope: Some(scope[31]), inlined: None, inlined_parent_scope: None, local_data: Set(SourceScopeLocalData { lint_root: HirId(DefId(0:7933 ~ wgpu_core[6ecf]::device::trace::_::{impl#0}::deserialize::{impl#2}::visit_enum::{impl#30}::visit_map).353), safety: Safe }) }], generator: None, local_decls: [LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<device::trace::Action<'_>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(ImplicitSelf(Imm))), internal: false, ty: <device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Visitor<'_, '_>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Mut), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((None, wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216) }))), internal: false, ty: __A, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Mut), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((None, wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216) }))), internal: false, ty: std::option::Option<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>, user_ty: Some(UserTypeProjections { contents: [(UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(0), projs: [] }, wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216))] }), source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Mut), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((None, wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216) }))), internal: false, ty: std::option::Option<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>, user_ty: Some(UserTypeProjections { contents: [(UserTypeProjection { base: UserType(2), projs: [] }, wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216))] }), source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[1] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: (), user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: (), user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(BlockTailTemp(BlockTailInfo { tail_result_is_ignored: true, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753) })), internal: false, ty: std::option::Option<<device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(BlockTailTemp(BlockTailInfo { tail_result_is_ignored: true, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753) })), internal: false, ty: std::ops::ControlFlow<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, std::option::Option<<device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7754), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(BlockTailTemp(BlockTailInfo { tail_result_is_ignored: true, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753) })), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::option::Option<<device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(BlockTailTemp(BlockTailInfo { tail_result_is_ignored: true, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753) })), internal: false, ty: &mut __A, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(BlockTailTemp(BlockTailInfo { tail_result_is_ignored: true, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753) })), internal: false, ty: &mut __A, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: isize, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_8), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7754))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755) }))), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[3] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(BlockTailTemp(BlockTailInfo { tail_result_is_ignored: true, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753) })), internal: false, ty: !, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(BlockTailTemp(BlockTailInfo { tail_result_is_ignored: true, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753) })), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_8), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7754))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7754) }))), internal: false, ty: std::option::Option<<device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: isize, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_7), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216) }))), internal: false, ty: <device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: isize, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: (), user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: bool, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7756), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: &std::option::Option<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: &std::option::Option<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: !, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(AggregateTemp), internal: false, ty: <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::option::Option<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(AggregateTemp), internal: false, ty: id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::ops::ControlFlow<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7757), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: &mut __A, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: &mut __A, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: isize, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_28), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7757))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758) }))), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[3] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: !, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_28), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7757))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7757) }))), internal: false, ty: id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: (), user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: bool, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7759), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: &std::option::Option<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: &std::option::Option<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: !, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(AggregateTemp), internal: false, ty: <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::option::Option<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(AggregateTemp), internal: false, ty: wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::ops::ControlFlow<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7760), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: &mut __A, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: &mut __A, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: isize, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_45), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7760))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761) }))), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[3] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: !, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_45), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7760))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7760) }))), internal: false, ty: wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: binding_model::_::_serde::de::IgnoredAny, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::ops::ControlFlow<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, binding_model::_::_serde::de::IgnoredAny>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7762), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<binding_model::_::_serde::de::IgnoredAny, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: &mut __A, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: &mut __A, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: isize, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_55), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7762))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763) }))), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[3] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: !, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_55), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7762))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7762) }))), internal: false, ty: binding_model::_::_serde::de::IgnoredAny, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(BlockTailTemp(BlockTailInfo { tail_result_is_ignored: true, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753) })), internal: false, ty: !, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: (), user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: !, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7753), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((None, wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216) }))), internal: false, ty: id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: isize, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_3), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216) }))), internal: false, ty: id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::ops::ControlFlow<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7764), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: isize, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_70), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7764))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765) }))), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[2] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: !, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_70), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7764))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7764) }))), internal: false, ty: id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((None, wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216) }))), internal: false, ty: wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: isize, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_4), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216) }))), internal: false, ty: wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::ops::ControlFlow<std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7766), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: true, ty: isize, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_80), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7766))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767) }))), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[21] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: !, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(Boring), internal: false, ty: std::result::Result<std::convert::Infallible, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Not, local_info: Set(User(Var(VarBindingForm { binding_mode: BindByValue(Not), opt_ty_info: None, opt_match_place: Some((Some(_80), wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7766))), pat_span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7766) }))), internal: false, ty: wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(AggregateTemp), internal: false, ty: device::trace::Action<'_>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(AggregateTemp), internal: false, ty: id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }, LocalDecl { mutability: Mut, local_info: Set(AggregateTemp), internal: false, ty: wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, user_ty: None, source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] } }], user_type_annotations: [CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: Ty(std::option::Option<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>), max_universe: U0, variables: [] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), inferred_ty: std::option::Option<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>> }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: Ty(std::option::Option<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>), max_universe: U0, variables: [] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), inferred_ty: std::option::Option<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>> }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: Ty(std::option::Option<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'a, str>>>>), max_universe: U0, variables: [] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), inferred_ty: std::option::Option<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>> }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: Ty(std::option::Option<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'a, str>>>>), max_universe: U0, variables: [] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), inferred_ty: std::option::Option<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>> }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: TypeOf(DefId(21:1592 ~ serde[3435]::de::MapAccess::next_key), UserSubsts { substs: [^0, ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BoundRegion { var: 1, kind: BrAnon(None) }), <device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field], user_self_ty: None }), max_universe: U0, variables: [CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Ty(General(U0)) }, CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Region(U0) }] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), inferred_ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut __A) -> std::result::Result<std::option::Option<<device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> {<__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::next_key::<<device::trace::_::<impl binding_model::_::_serde::Deserialize<'de> for device::trace::Action<'a>>::deserialize::__Visitor<'de, 'a> as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Visitor<'de>>::visit_enum::__Field>} }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: TypeOf(DefId(2:7919 ~ core[da82]::option::{impl#0}::is_some), UserSubsts { substs: [^0], user_self_ty: Some(UserSelfTy { impl_def_id: DefId(2:7917 ~ core[da82]::option::{impl#0}), self_ty: std::option::Option<^1> }) }), max_universe: U0, variables: [CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Ty(General(U0)) }, CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Ty(General(U0)) }] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), inferred_ty: for<'a> fn(&'a std::option::Option<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>) -> bool {std::option::Option::<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>::is_some} }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: TypeOf(DefId(21:8690 ~ serde[3435]::de::Error::duplicate_field), UserSubsts { substs: [<__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'de>>::Error], user_self_ty: None }), max_universe: U0, variables: [] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), inferred_ty: fn(&'static str) -> <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error {<<__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Error>::duplicate_field} }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: TypeOf(DefId(21:1594 ~ serde[3435]::de::MapAccess::next_value), UserSubsts { substs: [^0, ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BoundRegion { var: 1, kind: BrAnon(None) }), id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>], user_self_ty: None }), max_universe: U0, variables: [CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Ty(General(U0)) }, CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Region(U0) }] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 109:11 (#0), inferred_ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut __A) -> std::result::Result<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> {<__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::next_value::<id::Id<resource::QuerySet<wgpu_hal::empty::Api>>>} }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: TypeOf(DefId(2:7919 ~ core[da82]::option::{impl#0}::is_some), UserSubsts { substs: [^0], user_self_ty: Some(UserSelfTy { impl_def_id: DefId(2:7917 ~ core[da82]::option::{impl#0}), self_ty: std::option::Option<^1> }) }), max_universe: U0, variables: [CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Ty(General(U0)) }, CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Ty(General(U0)) }] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), inferred_ty: for<'a> fn(&'a std::option::Option<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>) -> bool {std::option::Option::<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>::is_some} }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: TypeOf(DefId(21:8690 ~ serde[3435]::de::Error::duplicate_field), UserSubsts { substs: [<__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'de>>::Error], user_self_ty: None }), max_universe: U0, variables: [] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), inferred_ty: fn(&'static str) -> <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error {<<__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error as binding_model::_::_serde::de::Error>::duplicate_field} }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: TypeOf(DefId(21:1594 ~ serde[3435]::de::MapAccess::next_value), UserSubsts { substs: [^0, ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BoundRegion { var: 1, kind: BrAnon(None) }), wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'a, str>>>], user_self_ty: None }), max_universe: U0, variables: [CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Ty(General(U0)) }, CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Region(U0) }] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 110:13 (#0), inferred_ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut __A) -> std::result::Result<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> {<__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::next_value::<wgpu_types::QuerySetDescriptor<std::option::Option<std::borrow::Cow<'_, str>>>>} }, CanonicalUserTypeAnnotation { user_ty: Canonical { value: TypeOf(DefId(21:1594 ~ serde[3435]::de::MapAccess::next_value), UserSubsts { substs: [^0, ReLateBound(DebruijnIndex(0), BoundRegion { var: 1, kind: BrAnon(None) }), binding_model::_::_serde::de::IgnoredAny], user_self_ty: None }), max_universe: U0, variables: [CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Ty(General(U0)) }, CanonicalVarInfo { kind: Region(U0) }] }, span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), inferred_ty: for<'a> fn(&'a mut __A) -> std::result::Result<binding_model::_::_serde::de::IgnoredAny, <__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::Error> {<__A as binding_model::_::_serde::de::MapAccess<'_>>::next_value::<binding_model::_::_serde::de::IgnoredAny>} }], arg_count: 2, spread_arg: None, var_debug_info: [VarDebugInfo { name: "self", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] }, value: _1, argument_index: Some(1) }, VarDebugInfo { name: "__map", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[0] }, value: _2, argument_index: Some(2) }, VarDebugInfo { name: "__field0", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[1] }, value: _3, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "__field1", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[2] }, value: _4, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "residual", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7755), scope: scope[4] }, value: _13, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "val", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[6] }, value: _16, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "__key", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[3] }, value: _18, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "residual", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7758), scope: scope[8] }, value: _33, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "val", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[10] }, value: _36, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "residual", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7761), scope: scope[12] }, value: _50, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "val", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[14] }, value: _53, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "residual", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7763), scope: scope[17] }, value: _60, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "val", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[19] }, value: _63, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "__field0", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[21] }, value: _67, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "__field0", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[22] }, value: _69, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "residual", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7765), scope: scope[23] }, value: _73, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "val", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[25] }, value: _76, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "__field1", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[27] }, value: _77, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "__field1", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[28] }, value: _79, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "residual", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#7767), scope: scope[29] }, value: _83, argument_index: None }, VarDebugInfo { name: "val", source_info: SourceInfo { span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), scope: scope[31] }, value: _86, argument_index: None }], span: wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57 (#2216), required_consts: [], is_polymorphic: true, injection_phase: None, tainted_by_errors: None }) }) }', /rustc/90c541806f23a127002de5b4038be731ba1458ca/compiler/rustc_query_system/src/query/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

error: internal compiler error: unexpected panic

note: the compiler unexpectedly panicked. this is a bug.

note: we would appreciate a bug report:

note: Clippy version: clippy 0.1.70 (90c5418 2023-05-31)

query stack during panic:
#0 [mir_built] building MIR for `device::trace::_::<impl at wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57>::deserialize::<impl at wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57>::visit_enum::<impl at wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57>::visit_map`
#1 [mir_const] preparing `device::trace::_::<impl at wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57>::deserialize::<impl at wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57>::visit_enum::<impl at wgpu-core/src/device/ 37:57>::visit_map` for borrow checking
end of query stack
error: could not compile `wgpu-core` (lib) due to previous error
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