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Created July 29, 2010 06:44
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#Config is there
#Give a go to vimtutor in order to have a little overview of Vim.
#:w (save)
#:q (quit)
#:qa (quit all buffers)
#:q! (quit without saving)
#:wq (save and quit)
"Navigation in Vim"
#Navigation with arrow key, home and end, pageUp, pageDown
#Alternatively use kj lh and ^ or $
def super_method
@var = => params[:name])
#Navigate inside the document with gg (top) M (middle) G(end) 14G (line 14)
#Navigate between words beginning with w and W
#Navigate between words end with e and E
#Back previous with b and B
def second_method
@super_long_variable_to_append = => "something", :title => "else")
#From here, go up 5 lines by 5UpArrow
#Use paragraph mode with { and }
"Modifying text"
#Basic text inserting is done with i (insert before) and a(insert after).
#Insert can be done with I (beginning of line) or A (end of line)
#Combine command like ea (insert end of word)
#Escape mode is <esc>
#Search character with f and t
#Repeat with ;
def second_method
#Append a new line with o
@super_long_variable_to_append = => "something", :title => "else")
#Append a new line above with O
@not_needed_anymore = DeleteMe.with(:command => dd)
#Undo the previous command with u
#Redo with <command>R
@little_typo__here = CorrectMe.with(:command => x or s)
#give a go to X
#Substitute this comment line for something more user full with S
#another one with cc
@change_my_name = CorrectMe.with(:command => c$ (from .) or cw or cW)
#Indent me with <
#Repeat previous command with . (dot)
#Ident me + the next 4 lines with 5<
#Use . to repeat
#Indent me with >
#Auto indent the line with =G
#Auto indent the whole file with gg=G
"Vim visual mode"
#Enter visual mode with v
#Delete with Del and chande with c
#Select outer () with ab and outer {} with aB
#Select inner () with ib and outer {} with iB
#Select a word with aw
def visual_mode(params=ab)
@h = {:command => aB}
"Vim visual block"
#Enter visual block with <ctrl>V
#Exit with esc
#Or exit with a command (like I)
def visual_block
conditions = { :Cond1 => var1,
:Cond2 => var2,
:Cond3 => var3,
:Cond4 => var4
"Copy and Paste"
#Make "THIS" a selection and copy with y
#Paste with p
#Copy this line with yy and paste above with P
#Copy from :here and paste with p
#Ducplicate the block with D
#Make "THIS" a selection and delete with d
#Delete this line with dd and paste with p
#Duplicate the block with D
"Vim commands"
#Use : to enter command mode
#help command name
"Search and Replace"
#Search using regexp with /
#replace all php occurence with :%s/php/ruby/g
@text = "As super developers we love php! Don't we? what? you don't like php ... ok"
"Vim windows mode"
# :tabnew
# ^Ws
# ^Wv
# navigate with <ctrl>ww and <ctrl>wW
# :q to close
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