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Last active June 18, 2024 15:52
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with import <nixpkgs> {};
# type monad = {
# type m a
# map : (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
# apply : m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
# pure : a -> m a
# bind : m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
# }
# type monad-fail = {
# inherit monad
# fail : m a
# }
# type monad-log = {
# inherit monad
# log : a -> m null
# }
# type monad-lift = {
# inherit monad
# context : monad
# lift : context.m a -> m a
# }
# monad combinators
# bind with arguments reversed
lift-monad = m: amb: ma: m.bind ma amb;
replicate-monad = m: n: a: if n == 0 then m.pure null else m.bind a (_: replicate-monad m (n - 1) a);
# data Maybe
just = a: { just = a; };
nothing = { nothing = null; };
maybe = m: on-just: on-nothing:
if m ? just then on-just m.just else on-nothing;
maybe-monad = rec {
map = f: ma: maybe ma (a: just (f a)) nothing;
apply = mf: ma: maybe mf (f: map f ma) nothing;
pure = just;
bind = ma: amb: maybe ma amb nothing;
fail = nothing;
# data Writer
make-writer = l: r: { log = l; result = r; };
writer-result = w: w.result;
writer-log = w: w.log;
map-log = f: w: make-writer (f (writer-log w)) (writer-result w);
writer = w: f: f (writer-log w) (writer-result w);
writer-monad = {
map = f: wa: writer wa (l: r: make-writer l (f r));
apply = wf: wa: writer wf (l1: f: writer wa (l2: a: make-writer (l1 ++ l2) (f a)));
pure = a: make-writer [] a;
bind = wa: awb: writer wa (l1: a: writer (awb a) (l2: b: make-writer (l1 ++ l2) b));
log = msg: make-writer [ msg ] null;
# data MaybeT m a = MkMaybeT { runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a) }
maybe-t-monad = m: lib.fix (self: ({
map = f: ( f);
apply = mf: ma: m.apply ( maybe-monad.apply mf) ma;
pure = a: m.pure (just a);
bind = ma: amb: m.bind ma (maybe-a: maybe maybe-a amb (m.pure nothing));
fail = m.pure nothing;
context = m;
lift = ma: just ma;
} // (if m ? log then { log = a: self.lift (m.log a); } else {})));
# type effects a = {
# pure: a;
# } | {
# cont: b -> effects a;
# effect-xxx: [ args ];
# }
map-effect = f: e: assert e ? cont; e // { cont = b: f (e.cont b); };
effects-monad = rec {
map = f: e: if e ? pure then e // { pure = f e.pure; } else map-effect (map f) e;
apply = ef: ea: if ef ? pure then map ef.pure ea else map-effect (ef': apply ef' ea) ef;
pure = a: { pure = a; };
bind = ea: aeb: if ea ? pure then aeb ea.pure else map-effect (ea': bind ea' aeb) ea;
yield = a: { cont = b: effects-monad.pure null; effect-yield = a; };
handle-yield = e:
if e ? pure then effects-monad.pure (writer-monad.pure e.pure)
else if e ? effect-yield then
let rest = handle-yield (e.cont null); in (map-log (l: [ e.effect-yield ] ++ l)) rest
map-effect handle-yield e;
fail = { cont = b: effects-monad.pure null; effect-fail = null; };
handle-fail = e:
if e ? pure then effects-monad.pure (maybe-monad.pure e.pure)
else if e ? effect-fail then
effects-monad.pure nothing
map-effect handle-fail e;
schedule = { cont = b: effects-monad.pure null; effect-schedule = null; };
handle-schedule = ready-list: e:
if e ? pure then
if builtins.length ready-list == 0 then
effects-monad.pure null
handle-schedule (builtins.tail ready-list) (builtins.head ready-list)
else if e ? effect-schedule then
if builtins.length ready-list == 0 then
handle-schedule [] (e.cont null)
handle-schedule (builtins.tail ready-list ++ [ (e.cont null) ]) (builtins.head ready-list)
map-effect (handle-schedule ready-list) e;
test1 = let m = maybe-monad; in
m.bind (m.pure 1) (one:
m.bind (m.pure (one + 1)) (two:
m.bind (wat:
m.pure 42)));
test2 = let m = writer-monad; in
m.bind (make-writer ["making 1"] 1) (one:
m.bind (make-writer ["making 2"] (one + 1)) (two:
m.bind (m.log "and...") (wat:
m.pure 42)));
test3 = let m = writer-monad; mm = maybe-t-monad m; in
m.bind (make-writer ["making 1"] 1) (one:
(mm.bind (mm.pure 2) (two:
mm.bind (mm.log "haha") (wat:
mm.bind (wat2:
mm.pure 42))))
(maybe-n: m.log (maybe maybe-n (n: "got ${toString n}") "got nothing")));
test3'5 = let m = maybe-t-monad writer-monad; in
m.bind (m.log 1) (wat:
m.bind (m.log 2) (wat2:
m.bind (wat3:
m.pure 42)));
test4 = let m = effects-monad; in
m.bind (yield 1) (wat:
m.bind (yield 2) (wat2:
m.bind fail (wat3:
m.pure 42)));
test5 = [
(replicate-monad effects-monad 2 (effects-monad.bind (yield 2) (_: schedule)))
(replicate-monad effects-monad 3 (effects-monad.bind (yield 3) (_: schedule)))
(replicate-monad effects-monad 4 (effects-monad.bind (yield 4) (_: schedule)))
test-apply = let test = action: m: m.apply (m.pure (a: a + 1)) (m.bind action (_: m.pure 1)); in [
(test maybe-monad)
(test (maybe-monad.pure 0) maybe-monad)
(test (writer-monad.log "hi") writer-monad)
(test (maybe-t-monad writer-monad).fail (maybe-t-monad writer-monad))
(test ((maybe-t-monad writer-monad).log "hi") (maybe-t-monad writer-monad))
(handle-yield (test (yield "hi") effects-monad))
(handle-fail (handle-yield test4))
(handle-yield (handle-fail test4))
(handle-yield (handle-schedule test5 (effects-monad.pure null)))
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