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Deploy a Phoenix app with Dokku

Deploy a Phoenix app with Dokku


  1. Setup Dokku instance on Digital Ocean
  2. Config Phoenix App For Dokku Deploy

Step 1 - Create app

$ ssh <>
$ dokku apps:create <app_name>
$ logout

Step 2 - Setup Dokku as a git remote

  1. Add a new git remote called 'dokku' to your phoenix project $ git remote add dokku dokku@<>:<app_name>
  2. Add your ssh key to the dokku user to allow you to push cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh root@<> "sudo sshcommand acl-add dokku ssh-key-for-dokku-push"

Step 3 - Setup buildpacks

$ echo "" >> .buildpacks
$ echo "" >> .buildpacks
$ cat .buildpacks

Step 4 - Configure dokku for Elixir deployment

$ ssh <>
$ dokku config:set <app_name> HOSTNAME=<app_name>.<>
$ dokku config:set <app_name> LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
$ dokku config:set <app_name> SECRET_KEY_BASE=<random 64 character string>
$ logout

Step 5 - Configure elixir buildpack

Create a file called elixir_buildpack.config in the root of your project with the following content:

# Erlang version

# Elixir version

# Always rebuild from scratch on every deploy?

# Export heroku config vars

Step 5 - Initial push

$ git push dokku master

Step 6 - Setup Postgres

$ ssh <>
$ sudo dokku plugin:install postgres
$ dokku postgres:create <db_name - a.k.a app_name>
$ dokku postgres:link <db_name> <app_name>
$ dokku run <app_name> mix ecto.migrate
$ logout

Step 7 - Add domain (if required subdomain doesn't match app name)

$ ssh <>
$ dokku domains:add <app_name> <custom_domain>
$ logout

Step 8 - SSL

$ ssh <>
$ sudo dokku plugin:install
$ dokku config:set --no-restart <app_name> DOKKU_LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL=<e-mail>
$ dokku letsencrypt <app_name>
$ dokku letsencrypt:auto-renew river_place
$ logout


http://<app_name>.<> or http://<custom_domain>

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