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Last active February 6, 2017 09:46
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// Adding jquery:
// <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
// Select elements with $()
// Use .css() to style elements
// Selecting with jQuery is very similar to querySelectorAll
// Tag selection ex.:
// Class selection ex.:
// Id selection ex.:
// Descendants selection ex.:
$("li a") // note that there's no need to loop through
// Changing more properties:
$("li").css({ // note object style
zIndex: "1",
fontSize: "20px",
backgroundColor: "blue",
// Or we create an object beforehand
var styles = {
zIndex: "1",
fontSize: "20px",
backgroundColor: "blue",
// Selecting first of type
$("div:first-of-type").css("color", "gold"); // css built-in method
// or
$("div:first").css("color", "gold") // jquery method, a bit slower
// jQuery Methods
// text(): retrieves all text within selected element(s) in one long string
// <div>Ciao come stai?</div>
// we can also update the text by writing a new one
$("h1").text("New text here")
// html(): retrieves the html structure of the selected element
// html() also acepts arguments
$("ul").html("<li>I hacked your ul</li>")
// attr()
$('img').attr('width', '200px')
// adding an object
var attributes = {
src: '',
width: '40px'
// last of type: last()
$('img').last().attr('src', '')
// val()
$('select').val() // provides value of dropdown menu
//managing classes
// .addClass()
// .removeClass()
// .toggleClass()
// Event Listeners
// click()
console.log('another click');
//$(this): jQuery version of JS' 'this'
$(this).css('background', 'gold');
// keypress()
console.log('you pressed a key in the input area');
// listen to 'enter' key
if(event.which === 13) { // 'which' retrieves n. of key pressed, 13 corresponds to 'enter')
alert("you hit 'enter'");
// on()
// it works similarly to addEventListener(), and lets you specify which event you want to use
$('button').on('click', function() {
console.log('button clicked');
$('button').on('click', function() {
$(this).css('color', 'blue'); // this way changes only the button clicked, and not all the buttons
// Why using on() vs click()?
// click() only adds listeners for existing elements
// on() adds listeners for all potential future elements
// jQuery Effects
// fadeOut()
$('button').on('click', function(){
$('div').fadeOut(3000); // it can show n. of ms, or be empty or have a value of 'slow', or 'fast'
$('button').on('click', function(){
$('div').fadeOut(3000, function(){
// I can put here my callback function, connected to the fadeOut() function
$(this).remove(); // will remove the div after the animation is over
// fadeIn(), is just the opposite of fadeOut(), usually the default display is set to 'none'
// fadeToggle()
$('button').on('click', function(){
$('div').fadeToggle(3000); // it can show n. of ms, or be empty or have a value of 'slow', or 'fast'
// slideToggle(), slideDown() and slideUp() play on the height transformation
$('button').on('click', function(){
$('div').slideDown(2000); // it can show n. of ms, or be empty or have a value of 'slow', or 'fast'
// closest()
// The closest() method returns the first ancestor of the selected element.
//Return the first ancestor of the selected element:
//Return the first ancestor using a DOM context to look up the DOM tree within:
// filter: Required. Specifies a selector expression, element or jQuery object to narrow down the ancestor search
// context: Optional. A DOM element within which a matching element may be found (ex.: id of the element)
$("span").closest("ul").css({"color": "red", "border": "2px solid red"});
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