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Forked from ericmagnuson/
Last active December 19, 2015 00:49
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hackish script for cartodb2 on precise
cd cartodb20
git checkout master
git submodule update
git submodule foreach git checkout master
sudo aptitude install -y unp
# Install GDAL, GEOS, PROJ, JSON-C, and PostGIS
echo 'yes' | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libgdal-dev libgeos-dev libproj-dev gdal-bin postgis postgresql-plpython-9.1 libjson0 libjson0-dev python-gdal
# Install Redis
sudo aptitude install -y redis-server
# Install python dependencies
sudo aptitude install -y python-setuptools python-dev
sudo easy_install pip
cd cartodb20
## ENTER 'y' -- maybe hit 'n'?
sudo pip install -r python_requirements.txt
sudo pip install -e git+
## ENTER 's'
cd ~
# Install Mapnik
echo 'yes' | sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mapnik/v2.0.2
sudo apt-get update
sudo aptitude install -y libmapnik mapnik-utils python-mapnik libmapnik-dev
# Install Node (For CDB 2.0, need version higher than what apt has, v0.6.12, so we will install from source.)
git clone
cd ./node
git checkout v0.8.25-release ## 0.6.19 version works (I think?) with both CartoDB-SQL-API and Windshaft but try 0.4.12
sudo make install
cd ..
# Install npm
curl | sudo sh
## Install CartoDB SQL API (need nodejs 0.8.x; works on 0.8.25)
git clone git://
cd CartoDB-SQL-API
sudo npm install
cd ..
## Trying a 3GB swap disk according to
## This seems to be working…. FUCK YOU NODE-MAPNIK FOR NEEDING
## so much RAM to compile!!!
## Maybe file an issue about this at GH:mapnik/node-mapnik and ask
## them to post a notice about this…
## It appears we need node 0.4.xx for tilelive-mapnik-cartodb@2.4
## That said, try node 0.4.12, corresponding npm, and mapnik 2.0.2 (it looks like the version of node-mapnik (0.5.11) requires mapnik 2.0)
cd /
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1M count=3000
sudo mkswap swapfile
sudo swapon swapfile
sudo pico /etc/fstab ## Add: /swapfile none swap sw 0 0
cd ~
## To try: install mapnik latest PPA
## Install nvm and install 0.6.19 from it (For CDB 2.0 install, seems to work fine with node v0.8.25)
git clone git://
cd Windshaft-cartodb
sudo npm install
cd ../
cd cartodb20
bundle install --binstubs
## Set the right stuff here!
mv config/app_config.yml.sample config/app_config.yml
pico config/app_config.yml
mv config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
pico config/database.yml
# Install varnish
sudo curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list
# ADD: deb lucid varnish-3.0
sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install varnish
## This inits the postgres–CartoDB connection & DBs
sed -i 's,some_secret,3b7de655b4a0064e0e08a7dc4a3eb156,g' ~/cartodb20/config/app_config.yml
sudo rm /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
sudo touch /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
sudo sh -c "echo 'local all postgres trust' >> /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf "
sudo sh -c "echo 'local all all trust' >> /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf "
sudo sh -c "echo 'host all all trust' >> /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf "
sudo sh -c "echo 'host all all ::1/128 trust' >> /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf "
sudo chown postgres:postgres /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
# Setup PostgreSQL with needed template
sudo pg_dropcluster --stop 9.1 main
sudo pg_createcluster --start -e UTF-8 9.1 main
sudo su - postgres
cd ~
pico template # Add the following:
createdb -E UTF8 template_postgis
createlang -d template_postgis plpgsql
psql -d postgres -c "UPDATE pg_database SET datistemplate='true' WHERE datname='template_postgis'"
psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/postgis.sql
psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/spatial_ref_sys.sql
psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/legacy.sql
psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/rtpostgis.sql
psql -d template_postgis -f $POSTGIS_SQL_PATH/topology.sql
psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON geometry_columns TO PUBLIC;"
psql -d template_postgis -c "GRANT ALL ON spatial_ref_sys TO PUBLIC;"
chmod +x template
export SUBDOMAIN=yoursubdomain
echo " ${SUBDOMAIN}.localhost.lan" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
sh script/create_dev_user ${SUBDOMAIN}
# touch ~/cartodb/config/redis.conf # Needed for CDB 2.0?
rails server -p 3000 ## Don't need this if starting with foreman as below
## make sure to rvmsudo any rails command that needs sudoing
## Also, be sure to make sure POSTGRES and REDIS aren't launching on boot if using foreman.
## (Could also change PROCFILE to restart these services rather than just starting them)
## also make sure postgres default port is 5432 and not 5433.
rvmsudo bundle exec foreman start -p 80
## OR add it add a startup item (can control via start cartodb, stop cartodb, restart cartodb)
rvmsudo foreman export upstart /etc/init --start-on-boot --user eric --port 80 --app cartodb
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