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Created February 18, 2013 16:54
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright © 2007-2013 Jamie Zawinski <>
# Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
# documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
# the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
# copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
# documentation. No representations are made about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
# implied warranty.
# Given a YouTube or Vimeo URL, downloads the corresponding MP4 file.
# The name of the file will be derived from the title of the video.
# --title "STRING" Use this as the title instead.
# --suffix Append the video ID to each written file name.
# --size Instead of downloading it all, print video dimensions.
# This requires "mplayer" and/or "ffmpeg".
# For playlists, it will download each video to its own file.
# You can also use this as a bookmarklet: put it somewhere on your web server
# as a .cgi, then bookmark this URL:
# javascript:location='http://YOUR_SITE/youtubedown.cgi?url='+location
# or better,
# When you click on that bookmarklet in your toolbar, it will give you
# a link on which you can do "Save Link As..." and be offered a sensible
# file name by default.
# Make sure you host that script on your *local machine*, because the entire
# video content will be proxied through the server hosting the CGI, and you
# don't want to effectively download everything twice.
# Created: 25-Apr-2007.
require 5;
use diagnostics;
use strict;
use Socket;
my $progname = $0; $progname =~ s@.*/@@g;
my $version = q{ $Revision: 1.144 $ }; $version =~ s/^[^0-9]+([0-9.]+).*$/$1/;
# Without this, [:alnum:] doesn't work on non-ASCII.
use locale;
use POSIX qw(locale_h);
setlocale(LC_ALL, "en_US");
my $verbose = 1;
my $append_suffix_p = 0;
my $http_proxy = undef;
$ENV{PATH} = "/opt/local/bin:$ENV{PATH}"; # for macports mplayer
my @video_extensions = ("mp4", "flv", "webm");
my $noerror = 0;
sub error($) {
my ($err) = @_;
if (defined ($ENV{HTTP_HOST})) {
$err =~ s/&/&amp;/gs;
$err =~ s/</&lt;/gs;
$err =~ s/>/&gt;/gs;
print STDOUT ("Content-Type: text/html\n" .
"Status: 500\n" .
"\n" .
"<P><B>ERROR:</B> " . $err . "<P>\n");
exit 1;
} elsif ($noerror) {
die "$err\n";
} else {
print STDERR "$progname: $err\n";
exit 1;
sub de_entify($) {
my ($text) = @_;
$text =~ s/&([a-zA-Z])(uml|acute|grave|tilde|cedil|circ|slash);/$1/g;
$text =~ s/&lt;/</g;
$text =~ s/&gt;/>/g;
$text =~ s/&amp;/&/g;
$text =~ s/&(quot|ldquo|rdquo);/"/g;
$text =~ s/&(rsquo|apos);/'/g;
return $text;
sub url_quote($) {
my ($u) = @_;
$u =~ s|([^-a-zA-Z0-9.\@/_\r\n])|sprintf("%%%02X", ord($1))|ge;
return $u;
sub url_unquote($) {
my ($u) = @_;
$u =~ s/[+]/ /g;
$u =~ s/%([a-z0-9]{2})/chr(hex($1))/ige;
return $u;
sub html_quote($) {
my ($u) = @_;
$u =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$u =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$u =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
$u =~ s/\"/&quot;/g;
return $u;
# Loads the given URL, returns: $http, $head, $body.
sub get_url_1($;$$$$$) {
my ($url, $referer, $extra_headers, $head_p, $to_file, $max_bytes) = @_;
error ("can't do HEAD and write to a file") if ($head_p && $to_file);
error ("not an HTTP URL, try rtmpdump: $url") if ($url =~ m@^rtmp@i);
error ("not an HTTP URL: $url") unless ($url =~ m@^(http|feed)://@i);
my ($url_proto, $dummy, $serverstring, $path) = split(/\//, $url, 4);
$path = "" unless $path;
my ($them,$port) = split(/:/, $serverstring);
$port = 80 unless $port;
my $them2 = $them;
my $port2 = $port;
if ($http_proxy) {
$serverstring = $http_proxy if $http_proxy;
$serverstring =~ s@^[a-z]+://@@;
($them2,$port2) = split(/:/, $serverstring);
$port2 = 80 unless $port2;
my ($remote, $iaddr, $paddr, $proto, $line);
$remote = $them2;
if ($port2 =~ /\D/) { $port2 = getservbyname($port2, 'tcp') }
if (!$port2) {
error ("unrecognised port in $url");
$iaddr = inet_aton($remote);
error ("host not found: $remote") unless ($iaddr);
$paddr = sockaddr_in($port2, $iaddr);
my $head = "";
my $body = "";
$proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
if (!socket(S, PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto)) {
error ("socket: $!");
if (!connect(S, $paddr)) {
error ("connect: $serverstring: $!");
select(S); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);
my $user_agent = "$progname/$version";
my $hdrs = (($head_p ? "HEAD " : "GET ") .
($http_proxy ? $url : "/$path") . " HTTP/1.0\r\n" .
"Host: $them\r\n" .
"User-Agent: $user_agent\r\n");
$extra_headers = '' unless defined ($extra_headers);
$extra_headers .= "\nReferer: $referer" if ($referer);
if ($extra_headers) {
$extra_headers =~ s/\r\n/\n/gs;
$extra_headers =~ s/\r/\n/gs;
foreach (split (/\n/, $extra_headers)) {
$hdrs .= "$_\r\n" if $_;
$hdrs .= "\r\n";
if ($verbose > 3) {
foreach (split('\r?\n', $hdrs)) {
print STDERR " ==> $_\n";
print S $hdrs;
my $http = <S> || "";
$_ = $http;
print STDERR " <== $_\n" if ($verbose > 3);
# If the URL isn't there, don't write to the file.
$to_file = undef unless ($http =~ m@^HTTP/[0-9.]+ 20\d@si);
while (<S>) {
$head .= $_;
last if m@^$@;
print STDERR " <== $_\n" if ($verbose > 3);
print STDERR " <== \n" if ($verbose > 4);
my $out;
if ($to_file) {
open ($out, ">$to_file") || error ("$to_file: $!");
binmode ($out);
if ($to_file && $to_file eq '-') {
print $out $head;
my $lines = 0;
my $bytes = 0;
while (<S>) {
if ($to_file) {
print $out $_;
$bytes += length($_);
} else {
$_ .= "\n" unless ($_ =~ m/\n$/s);
print STDERR " <== $_" if ($verbose > 4);
$body .= $_;
$bytes += length($_);
last if ($max_bytes && $bytes >= $max_bytes);
if ($to_file) {
close $out || error ("$to_file: $!");
print STDERR " <== [ body ]: $bytes bytes to file \"$to_file\"\n"
if ($verbose > 3);
} else {
print STDERR " <== [ body ]: $lines lines, " . length($body) . " bytes\n"
if ($verbose == 4);
close S;
if (!$http) {
error ("null response: $url");
return ($http, $head, $body);
# Loads the given URL, processes redirects.
# Returns: $http, $head, $body, $final_redirected_url.
sub get_url($;$$$$$$) {
my ($url, $referer, $headers, $head_p, $to_file, $max_bytes, $retry_p) = @_;
print STDERR "$progname: " . ($head_p ? "HEAD" : "GET") . " $url\n"
if ($verbose > 2);
my $orig_url = $url;
my $redirect_count = 0;
my $max_redirects = 10;
my $error_count = 0;
my $max_errors = ($retry_p ? 10 : 0);
my $error_delay = 1;
do {
my ($http, $head, $body) =
get_url_1 ($url, $referer, $headers, $head_p, $to_file, $max_bytes);
$http =~ s/[\r\n]+$//s;
if ( $http =~ m@^HTTP/[0-9.]+ 30[123]@ ) {
$_ = $head;
my ( $location ) = m@^location:[ \t]*(.*)$@im;
if ( $location ) {
$location =~ s/[\r\n]$//;
print STDERR "$progname: redirect from $url to $location\n"
if ($verbose > 3);
$referer = $url;
$url = $location;
if ($url =~ m@^/@) {
$referer =~ m@^(https?://[^/]+)@i;
$url = $1 . $url;
} elsif (! ($url =~ m@^[a-z]+:@i)) {
$_ = $referer;
s@[^/]+$@@g if m@^https?://[^/]+/@i;
$_ .= "/" if m@^https?://[^/]+$@i;
$url = $_ . $url;
} else {
error ("no Location with \"$http\"");
if ($redirect_count++ > $max_redirects) {
error ("too many redirects ($max_redirects) from $orig_url");
} elsif ( $http =~ m@^HTTP/[0-9.]+ 404@ && # Fucking Vimeo...
++$error_count <= $max_errors) {
my $s = int ($error_delay);
print STDERR "$progname: ignoring 404 and retrying $url in $s...\n"
if ($verbose > 1);
sleep ($s);
$error_delay = ($error_delay + 1) * 1.2;
} else {
return ($http, $head, $body, $url);
} while (1);
sub check_http_status($$$) {
my ($url, $http, $err_p) = @_;
return 1 if ($http =~ m@^HTTP/[0-9.]+ 20\d@si);
error ("$http: $url") if ($err_p);
return 0;
# Runs mplayer and/or ffmpeg to determine dimensions of the given video file.
# (We only do this if the metadata didn't include width and height).
sub video_file_size($) {
my ($file) = @_;
# Sometimes mplayer gets stuck in a loop.
# Don't let it run for more than N CPU-seconds.
my $limit = "ulimit -t 10";
$file =~ s/"/\\"/gs;
my $cmd = "mplayer -identify -frames 0 -vc null -vo null -ao null \"$file\"";
$cmd = "$limit; $cmd";
$cmd .= ' </dev/null';
if ($verbose > 3) {
$cmd .= ' 2>&1';
} else {
$cmd .= ' 2>/dev/null';
print STDERR "\n$progname: exec: $cmd\n" if ($verbose > 2);
my $result = `$cmd`;
print STDERR "\n$result\n" if ($verbose > 3);
my ($w, $h) = (0, 0);
if ($result =~ m/^VO:.*=> (\d+)x(\d+) /m) {
($w, $h) = ($1, $2);
# If mplayer failed to determine the video dimensions, try ffmpeg.
if (!$w) {
$cmd = "ffmpeg -i \"$file\" -vframes 0 -f null /dev/null </dev/null 2>&1";
print STDERR "\n$progname: mplayer failed to find dimensions." .
"\n$progname: exec: $cmd\n" if ($verbose > 2);
$cmd = "$limit; $cmd";
my $result = `$cmd`;
print STDERR "\n$result\n" if ($verbose > 3);
if ($result =~ m/^\s*Stream #.* Video:.* (\d+)x(\d+),? /m) {
($w, $h) = ($1, $2);
my $size = (stat($file))[7];
return ($w, $h, $size);
# Downloads the first 200 KB of the URL, then runs mplayer to find out
# the dimensions of the video.
sub video_url_size($$$) {
my ($title, $id, $url) = @_;
my $file = sprintf ("%s/youtubedown.%08x",
($ENV{TMPDIR} ? $ENV{TMPDIR} : "/tmp"),
unlink $file;
my $bytes = 380 * 1024; # Need a lot of data to get size from HD
my ($http, $head, $body) = get_url ($url, undef, undef, 0, $file, $bytes, 0);
check_http_status ($url, $http, 1);
my ($ct) = ($head =~ m/^content-type:\s*([^\s;&]+)/mi);
error ("$id: expected video, got \"$ct\" in $url")
if ($ct =~ m/text/i);
my ($size) = ($head =~ m/^content-length:\s*(\d+)/mi);
$size = -1 unless defined($size); # WTF?
my ($w, $h) = video_file_size ($file);
unlink $file;
return ($w, $h, $size);
# Generates HTML output that provides a link for direct downloading of
# the highest-resolution underlying video. The HTML also lists the
# video dimensions and file size, if possible.
sub cgi_output($$$$$$$) {
my ($title, $file, $id, $url, $w, $h, $size) = @_;
if (! ($w && $h)) {
($w, $h, $size) = video_url_size ($title, $id, $url);
$size = -1 unless defined($size);
my $ss = ($size > 1024*1024 ? sprintf ("%dM", $size/(1024*1024)) :
$size > 1024 ? sprintf ("%dK", $size/1024) :
"$size bytes");
$ss .= ", $w &times; $h" if ($w && $h);
# I had hoped that transforming
# into
# would trick Safari into downloading the file with a sensible file name.
# Normally Safari picks the target file name for a download from the final
# component of the URL. Unfortunately that doesn't work in this case,
# because the "videoplayback" URL is sending
# Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="video.mp4"
# which overrides my trickery, and always downloads it as "video.mp4"
# regardless of what the final component in the path is.
# However, if you do "Save Link As..." on this link, the default file
# name is sensible! So it takes two clicks to download it instead of
# one. Oh well, I can live with that.
# UPDATE: If we do "proxy=" instead of "redir=", then all the data moves
# through this CGI, and it will insert a proper Content-Disposition header.
# However, if the CGI is not hosted on localhost, then this will first
# download the entire video to your web host, then download it again to
# your local machine.
# Sadly, Vimeo is now doing user-agent sniffing on the "moogaloop/play/"
# URLs, so this is now the *only* way to make it work: if you try to
# download one of those URLs with a Safari/Firefox user-agent, you get
# a "500 Server Error" back.
my $proxy_p = 1;
$url = ($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} .
'/' . url_quote($file) .
'?' . ($proxy_p? 'proxy' : 'redir') .
'=' . url_quote($url));
$url = html_quote ($url);
print STDOUT
("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\n" .
"\n" .
"<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\n" .
" \"\">\n" .
"<HTML>\n" .
" <HEAD>\n" .
" <TITLE>Download \"$title\"</TITLE>\n" .
# "<META HTTP-EQUIV=\"Refresh\" CONTENT=\"1;url=$url\" />\n" .
" <STYLE TYPE=\"text/css\">\n" .
" body { font-family: Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;\n" .
" color: #000; background: #FFF; }\n" .
" a { font-weight: bold; }\n" .
" </STYLE>\n" .
" </HEAD>\n" .
" <BODY>\n" .
" Save Link As:&nbsp; " .
" <A HREF=\"$url\">$title</A>, " .
" <NOBR>$ss.</NOBR>\n" .
" </BODY>\n" .
# Parses the video_info XML page and returns several values:
# - the content type and underlying URL of the video itself;
# - title, if known
# - width and height, if known
# - size in bytes, if known
sub scrape_youtube_url($$$$$) {
my ($url, $id, $title, $size_p, $force_fmt) = @_;
my $info_url = ("$id" .
"&el=vevo"); # Needed for VEVO, works on non-VEVO.
my ($http, $head, $body) = get_url ($info_url);
check_http_status ($url, $http, 1);
my ($kind, $urlmap) = ($body =~ m@&(fmt_url_map)=([^&]+)@si);
($kind, $urlmap) = ($body =~ m@&(fmt_stream_map)=([^&]+)@si) # VEVO
unless $urlmap;
($kind, $urlmap) = ($body =~ m@&(url_encoded_fmt_stream_map)=([^&]+)@si)
unless $urlmap; # New nonsense seen in Aug 2011
print STDERR "$progname: $id: found $kind\n" if ($kind && $verbose > 1);
my ($fmtlist) = ($body =~ m@&fmt_list=([^&]+)@si);
if (! $urlmap) {
# If we couldn't get a URL map out of the info URL, try harder.
if ($body =~ m/private[+\s]video/si) { # scraping won't work.
error ("$id: private video");
my ($err) = ($body =~ m@reason=([^&]+)@s);
$err = '' unless $err;
if ($err) {
$err = url_unquote($err);
$err =~ s/^"[^\"\n]+"\n//s;
$err =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
$err =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//s;
$err = " (\"$err\")";
print STDERR "$progname: $id: no fmt_url_map$err. Scraping HTML...\n"
if ($verbose > 1);
return scrape_youtube_url_noembed ($url, $id, $size_p, $force_fmt, $err);
$urlmap = url_unquote ($urlmap);
$fmtlist = url_unquote ($fmtlist || '');
($title) = ($body =~ m@&title=([^&]+)@si) unless $title;
error ("$id: no title in $info_url") unless $title;
$title = url_unquote($title);
return scrape_youtube_url_2 ($id, $urlmap, $fmtlist, $title,
$size_p, $force_fmt);
# Return the year at which this video was uploaded.
sub get_youtube_year($) {
my ($id) = @_;
my $data_url = ("$id?v=2" .
"&fields=published" .
"&safeSearch=none" .
my ($http, $head, $body) = get_url ($data_url, undef, undef, 0, undef);
return undef unless check_http_status ($data_url, $http, 0);
my ($year, $mon, $dotm, $hh, $mm, $ss) =
($body =~ m@<published>(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d)T(\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)@si);
return $year;
# Return the year at which this video was uploaded.
sub get_vimeo_year($) {
my ($id) = @_;
my $data_url = "$id.xml";
my ($http, $head, $body) = get_url ($data_url, undef, undef, 0, undef);
return undef unless check_http_status ($data_url, $http, 0);
my ($year, $mon, $dotm, $hh, $mm, $ss) =
($body =~ m@<upload_date>(\d{4})-(\d\d)-(\d\d) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d)@si);
return $year;
# This version parses the HTML, since the video_info page is unavailable
# for "embedding disabled" videos.
sub scrape_youtube_url_noembed($$$$$) {
my ($url, $id, $size_p, $force_fmt, $oerror) = @_;
my ($http, $head, $body) = get_url ($url);
my $unquote_p = 1;
my ($args) = ($body =~ m@'SWF_ARGS' *: *{(.*?)}@s);
if (! $args) { # Sigh, new way as of Apr 2010...
($args) = ($body =~ m@var swfHTML = [^"]*"(.*?)";@si);
$args =~ s@\\@@gs if $args;
($args) = ($args =~ m@<param name="flashvars" value="(.*?)">@si) if $args;
($args) = ($args =~ m@fmt_url_map=([^&]+)@si) if $args;
$args = "\"fmt_url_map\": \"$args\"" if $args;
if (! $args) { # Sigh, new way as of Aug 2011...
($args) = ($body =~ m@'PLAYER_CONFIG':\s*{(.*?)}@s);
$args =~ s@\\u0026@&@gs if $args;
$unquote_p = 0;
if (! $args) {
# Try to find a better error message
my (undef, $err) = ($body =~ m@<( div | h1 ) \s+
( ?: id | class ) =
"( ?: error-box |
yt-alert-content |
unavailable-message )"
[^<>]* > \s*
( [^<>]+? ) \s*
</ \1 > @six);
if ($err) {
$err =~ s/^"[^\"\n]+"\n//s;
$err =~ s/^&quot;[^\"\n]+?&quot;\n//s;
$err =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
$err =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//s;
error ("$id: $err");
# Check this late, so that we get better error messages, above:
# Youtube returns HTTP 404 pages that have real messages in them.
error ("$id: $http$oerror") unless (check_http_status ($url, $http, 0));
error ("$id: no SWF_ARGS$oerror") unless $args;
my ($kind, $urlmap) = ($args =~ m@"(fmt_url_map)": "(.*?)"@s);
($kind, $urlmap) = ($args =~ m@"(fmt_stream_map)": "(.*?)"@s) # VEVO
unless $urlmap;
($kind, $urlmap) = ($args =~ m@"(url_encoded_fmt_stream_map)": "(.*?)"@s)
unless $urlmap; # New nonsense seen in Aug 2011
error ("$id: no fmt_url_map$oerror") unless $urlmap;
print STDERR "$progname: $id: found $kind\n" if ($kind && $verbose > 1);
my ($fmtlist) = ($args =~ m@"fmt_list": "(.*?)"@s);
$fmtlist =~ s/\\//g if $fmtlist;
if ($unquote_p) {
$urlmap = url_unquote($urlmap);
$fmtlist = url_unquote ($fmtlist || '');
my ($title) = ($body =~ m@<title>\s*(.*?)\s*</title>@si);
$title = munge_title (url_unquote ($title));
return scrape_youtube_url_2 ($id, $urlmap, $fmtlist, $title,
$size_p, $force_fmt);
# Parses the given fmt_url_map to determine the preferred URL of the
# underlying Youtube video.
sub scrape_youtube_url_2($$$$$$$) {
my ($id, $urlmap, $fmtlist, $title, $size_p, $force_fmt) = @_;
print STDERR "\n$progname: urlmap:\n" if ($verbose > 3);
my $url;
my %urlmap;
my %urlct;
my @urlmap;
my %fmtsizes;
foreach (split /,/, $fmtlist) {
my ($fmt, $size, $a, $b, $c) = split(/\//); # What are A, B, and C?
$fmtsizes{$fmt} = $size;
foreach (split /,/, $urlmap) {
# Format used to be: "N|url,N|url,N|url"
# Now it is: "url=...&quality=hd720&fallback_host=...&type=...&itag=N"
my ($k, $v, $e, $sig);
if (m/^\d+\|/s) {
($k, $v) = m/^(.*?)\|(.*)$/s;
} elsif (m/^[a-z][a-z\d_]+=/s) {
($sig) = m/\bsig=([^&]+)/s;
($k) = m/\bitag=(\d+)/s;
($v) = m/\burl=([^&]+)/s;
$v = url_unquote($v) if ($v);
my ($q) = m/\bquality=([^&]+)/s;
my ($t) = m/\btype=([^&]+)/s;
$e = "\t$q, $t" if ($q && $t);
$e = url_unquote($e) if ($e);
error ("$id: unparsable urlmap entry: $_") unless ($k && $v);
my ($ct) = ($e =~ m@\bvideo/(?:x-)?([a-z\d]+)\b@si);
my $s = $fmtsizes{$k};
$s = '?x?' unless $s;
# As of 27-Sep-2012, the download URLs don't work without this.
$v .= "&signature=$sig" if $sig;
$urlmap{$k} = $v;
$urlct{$k} = $ct;
push @urlmap, $k;
print STDERR "\t\t$k $s\t$v$e\n" if ($verbose > 3);
print STDERR "\n" if ($verbose > 3);
if (defined($force_fmt) && $force_fmt eq 'all') {
foreach my $fmt (sort { $a <=> $b } @urlmap) {
my $url = "$id";
my $x = $fmt . "/" . $urlct{$fmt};
$append_suffix_p = $x;
download_video_url ($url, $title,
($size_p ? $append_suffix_p : 0),
0, $fmt);
exit (0);
# fmt video codec video size audio codec
# --- ------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------
# 0 FLV h.263 251 Kbps 320x180 29.896 fps MP3 64 Kbps 1ch 22.05 KHz
# 5 FLV h.263 251 Kbps 320x180 29.896 fps MP3 64 Kbps 1ch 22.05 KHz
# 5* FLV h.263 251 Kbps 320x240 29.896 fps MP3 64 Kbps 1ch 22.05 KHz
# 6 FLV h.263 892 Kbps 480x270 29.887 fps MP3 96 Kbps 1ch 44.10 KHz
# 13 3GP h.263 77 Kbps 176x144 15.000 fps AMR 13 Kbps 1ch 8.00 KHz
# 17 3GP xVid 55 Kbps 176x144 12.000 fps AAC 29 Kbps 1ch 22.05 KHz
# 18 MP4 h.264 505 Kbps 480x270 29.886 fps AAC 125 Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 18* MP4 h.264 505 Kbps 480x360 24.990 fps AAC 125 Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 22 MP4 h.264 2001 Kbps 1280x720 29.918 fps AAC 198 Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 34 FLV h.264 256 Kbps 320x180 29.906 fps AAC 62 Kbps 2ch 22.05 KHz
# 34* FLV h.264 593 Kbps 320x240 25.000 fps AAC 52 Kbps 2ch 22.05 KHz
# 34* FLV h.264 593 Kbps 640x360 30.000 fps AAC 52 Kbps 2ch 22.05 KHz
# 35 FLV h.264 831 Kbps 640x360 29.942 fps AAC 107 Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 35* FLV h.264 1185 Kbps 854x480 30.000 fps AAC 107 Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 36 3GP h.264 191 Kbps 320x240 29.970 fps AAC 37 Kbps 1ch 22.05 KHz
# 37 MP4 h.264 3653 Kbps 1920x1080 29.970 fps AAC 128 Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 38 MP4 h.264 6559 Kbps 4096x2304 23.980 fps AAC 128 Kbps 2ch 48.00 KHz
# 43 WebM vp8 481 Kbps 480x360 30.000 fps Vorbis ?Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 44 WebM vp8 756 Kbps 640x480 30.000 fps Vorbis ?Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 45 WebM vp8 2124 Kbps 1280x720 30.000 fps Vorbis ?Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 46 WebM vp8 4676 Kbps 1920x540 stereo wide Vorbis ?Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 82 MP4 h.264 926 Kbps 640x360 stereo AAC 128 Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 83 MP4 h.264 934 Kbps 854x240 stereo AAC 128 Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 84 MP4 h.264 3190 Kbps 1280x720 stereo AAC 198 Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 85 MP4 h.264 3862 Kbps 1920x520 stereo wide AAC 198 Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 100 WebM vp8 357 Kbps 640x360 stereo Vorbis ?Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 101 WebM vp8 870 Kbps 854x480 stereo Vorbis ?Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# 102 WebM vp8 864 Kbps 1280x720 stereo Vorbis ?Kbps 2ch 44.10 KHz
# fmt=38/37/22 are only available if upload was that exact resolution.
# For things uploaded in 2009 and earlier, fmt=18 was higher resolution
# than fmt=34. But for things uploaded later, fmt=34 is higher resolution.
# This code assumes that 34 is the better of the two.
# The WebM formats 43, 44 and 45 began showing up around Jul 2011.
# The MP4 versions are higher resolution (e.g. 37=1080p but 45=720p).
# The stereo/3D formats 46, 82-84, 100-102 first spotted in Sep/Nov 2011.
# For debugging this stuff, use "--fmt N" to force downloading of a
# particular format or "--fmt all" to grab them all.
# Test cases and examples:
# 5-Aug-2011: 38=flv/1080p but 45=webm/720p
# 6-Aug-2011: 38 no longer offered
# 6-Aug-2011: embedding disabled, but get_video_info works
# 10-Sep-2011: 3D, fmts 82 and 84
# 14-Nov-2011: 3D, fmts 100 and 102. This one has 2D images in most
# formats but left/right images in the 3D formats.
# 15-Nov-2011: 3D, fmts 46, 83, 85, 101. This one has left/right images
# in all of the formats, even the 2D formats.
# 30-May-2012: First sighting of fmt 36, 3gpp/240p.
# The table on
# disagrees with the above to some extent. Which is more accurate?
my %known_formats = ( 0 => 1, 5 => 1, 6 => 1, 13 => 1, 17 => 1,
18 => 1, 22 => 1, 34 => 1, 35 => 1, 36 => 1,
37 => 1, 38 => 1, 43 => 1, 44 => 1, 45 => 1,
46 => 1, 82 => 1, 83 => 1, 84 => 1, 85 => 1,
100 => 1, 101 => 1, 102 => 1,
my @preferred_fmts = ( 38, # huge mp4
37, # 1080 mp4
22, # 720 flv
45, # 720 webm
35, # 480 flv
44, # 480 webm
34, # 360 flv, mostly
18, # 360 mp4, mostly
my $fmt;
foreach my $k (@preferred_fmts) {
$fmt = $k;
$url = $urlmap{$fmt};
last if defined($url);
# If none of our preferred formats are available, use first one in the list.
if (! defined($url)) {
$fmt = $urlmap[0];
$url = $urlmap{$fmt};
my $how = 'picked';
if (defined($force_fmt)) {
$how = 'forced';
$fmt = $force_fmt;
$url = $urlmap{$fmt};
error ("$id: fmt $fmt does not exist") unless $url;
print STDERR "$progname: $id: available formats: " .
join(', ', @urlmap) . "; $how $fmt.\n"
if ($verbose > 1);
# If there is a format in the list that we don't know about, warn.
# This is the only way I have of knowing when new ones turn up...
my @unk = ();
foreach my $k (@urlmap) {
push @unk, $k if (!$known_formats{$k});
print STDERR "$progname: $id: unknown format " . join(', ', @unk) .
": please report URL to jwz\!\n" .
" (make sure you have the latest $progname first.)\n"
if (@unk);
$url =~ s@^.*?\|@@s; # VEVO
my ($wh) = $fmtsizes{$fmt};
my ($w, $h) = ($wh =~ m/^(\d+)x(\d+)$/s) if $wh;
($w, $h) = (); # Turns out these are full of lies.
# We need to do a HEAD on the video URL to find its size in bytes,
# and the content-type for the file name.
my ($http, $head, $body);
($http, $head, $body, $url) = get_url ($url, undef, undef, 1);
check_http_status ($url, $http, 1);
my ($ct) = ($head =~ m/^content-type:\s*([^\s;]+)/mi);
my ($size) = ($head =~ m/^content-length:\s*(\d+)/mi);
error ("couldn't find video for $url") unless $ct;
return ($ct, $url, $title, $w, $h, $size);
# Parses the HTML and returns several values:
# - the content type and underlying URL of the video itself;
# - title, if known
# - width and height, if known
# - size in bytes, if known
sub scrape_vimeo_url($$) {
my ($url, $id) = @_;
# Vimeo's New Way, May 2012.
my $info_url = "$id?action=download";
my $referer = $url;
my $hdrs = ("X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest\n");
my ($http, $head, $body) = get_url ($info_url, $referer, $hdrs);
if (!check_http_status ($info_url, $http, 0)) {
my ($err) = ($body =~ m@"display_message":"(.*?)"[,}]@si);
$err = 'unknown error' unless $err;
$err =~ s@<[^<>]*>@@gsi;
if ($err =~ m/private[+\s]video/si) {
print STDERR "$progname: $id: private video. Scraping HTML...\n"
if ($verbose > 1);
return scrape_vimeo_private ($url, $id);
} else {
error ("$id: error: $err");
my ($title) = ($body =~ m@<H4>([^<>]+)</@si);
$title = de_entify ($title) if $title;
$title =~ s/^Download //si;
my ($w, $h, $size);
my $max = 0;
$body =~ s@<A \b [^<>]*?
HREF=\"([^\"]+)\" [^<>]*?
DOWNLOAD="[^\"]+? _(\d+)x(\d+) \.
.*? </A>
.*? ( \d+ ) \s* MB
my $url2;
($url2, $w, $h, $size) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
$url2 = "$url2" if ($url2 =~ m!^/!s);
print STDERR "$progname: $id: ${w}x$h ${size}MB: $url2\n"
if ($verbose > 1);
# If two videos have the same size in MB, pick higher rez.
my $nn = ($size * 10000000) + ($w * $h);
if ($nn > $max) {
$url = $url2;
$max = $nn;
print STDERR "$progname: $id: selected ${w}x$h ${size}MB: $url\n"
if ($verbose > 1);
# HEAD doesn't work, so just do a GET but don't read the body.
my $ct;
($http, $head, $body) = get_url ($url, $referer, $hdrs, 0, undef, 1);
($ct) = ($head =~ m/^content-type:\s*([^\s;]+)/mi);
($size) = ($head =~ m/^content-length:\s*(\d+)/mi);
error ("couldn't find video for $url") unless $ct;
return ($ct, $url, $title, $w, $h, $size);
sub scrape_vimeo_private($$) {
my ($url, $id) = @_;
my ($http, $head, $body) = get_url ($url);
return undef unless check_http_status ($url, $http, 0);
my ($title) = ($body =~ m@<title>\s*([^<>]+?)\s*</title>@si);
my ($sig) = ($body =~ m@"signature":"([a-fA-F\d]+)"@s);
my ($time) = ($body =~ m@"timestamp":"?(\d+)"?@s);
my ($files) = ($body =~ m@"files":{(.*?)}@s);
error ("$id: vimeo HTML unparsable") unless ($sig && $time && $files);
# Have seen "hd", "sd" and "mobile" for $qual. Hopefully they are sorted.
my ($codec, $qual) = ($files =~ m@^\"([^\"]+)\":\[\"([^\"]+)\"@si);
error ("$id: vimeo HTML unparsable") unless ($qual && $codec);
$url = ('' .
'?clip_id=' . $id .
'&quality=' . $qual .
'&codecs=' . $codec .
'&time=' . $time .
'&sig=' . $sig .
my $ct = ($codec =~ m@mov@si ? 'video/quicktime' :
$codec =~ m@flv@si ? 'video/flv' :
$codec =~ m@webm@si ? 'video/webm' :
my $w = undef;
my $h = undef;
my $size = undef;
return ($ct, $url, $title, $w, $h, $size);
sub munge_title($) {
my ($title) = @_;
# Crud added by the sites themselves.
$title =~ s/\s+/ /gsi;
$title =~ s/^Youtube - //si;
$title =~ s/- Youtube$//si;
$title =~ s/ on Vimeo\s*$//si;
$title = '' if ($title eq 'Broadcast Yourself.');
$title =~ s@: @ - @sg; # colons, slashes not allowed.
$title =~ s@[:/]@ @sg;
$title =~ s@\s+$@@gs;
$title =~ s@&[^;]+;@@sg; # Fuck it, just omit all entities.
$title =~ s@\.(mp[34]|m4[auv]|mov|mqv|flv|wmv)\b@@si;
# Do some simple rewrites / clean-ups to dumb things people do
# when titling their videos.
$title =~ s/\s*[[(][^[(]*?\s*\b(video|hd|hq)[])]\s*$//gsi; # yes I know it's a video
$title =~ s@\[audio\]@ @gsi;
$title =~ s/(official\s*)?(music\s*)?video(\s*clip)?\b//gsi;
$title =~ s/\s\(official\)//gsi;
$title =~ s/[-:\s]*SXSW[\d ]*Showcas(e|ing) Artist\b//gsi;
$title =~ s/^.*\bPresents -+ //gsi;
$title =~ s/ \| / - /gsi;
$title =~ s/ - Director - .*$//si;
$title =~ s/\bHD\s*(720|1080)\s*[pi]\b//si;
$title =~ s/'s\s+['"](.*)['"]/ - $1/gsi; # foo's "bar" => foo - bar
$title =~ s/^([^"]+) ['"](.*)['"]/$1 - $2/gsi; # foo "bar" => foo - bar
$title =~ s/ -+ *-+ / - /gsi; # collapse dashes to a single dash
$title =~ s/~/-/gsi;
$title =~ s/\s*\{\s*\}\s*$//gsi; # lose trailing " { }"
$title =~ s/\s*\(\s*\)\s*$//gsi; # lose trailing " ( )"
$title =~ s/[^][[:alnum:]!?()]+$//gsi; # lose trailing non-alpha-or-paren
$title =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
$title =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//gs;
$title =~ s/\b([[:alpha:]])([[:alnum:]\']+)\b/$1\L$2/gsi # capitalize words
if ($title !~ m/[[:lower:]]/s); # if it's all upper case
return $title;
# Does any version of the file exist with the usual video suffixes?
# Returns the one that exists.
sub file_exists_with_suffix($) {
my ($f) = @_;
foreach my $ext (@video_extensions) {
my $ff = "$f.$ext";
return ($ff) if -f ($ff);
return undef;
sub download_video_url($$$$$);
sub download_video_url($$$$$) {
my ($url, $title, $size_p, $cgi_p, $force_fmt) = @_;
# Add missing "http:"
$url = "http://$url" unless ($url =~ m@^https?://@si);
# Rewrite URL shortener.
$url =~ s@^https?://([a-z]+\.)?youtu\.be/@;
# Rewrite Vimeo URLs so that we get a page with the proper video title:
# "/...#NNNNN" => "/NNNNN"
$url =~ s@^(https?://([a-z]+\.)?vimeo\.com/)[^\d].*\#(\d+)$@$1$3@s;
my ($id, $site, $playlist_p);
# Youtube /view_play_list?p= or /p/ URLs.
if ($url =~ m@^https?://(?:[a-z]+\.)?(youtube) (?:-nocookie)? \.com/
(?: view_play_list\?p= |
p/ |
embed/p/ |
playlist\?list=(?:PL)? |
([^<>?&,]+) ($|&) @sx) {
($site, $id) = ($1, $2);
$url = "http://www.$$id";
$playlist_p = 1;
# Youtube /watch?v= or /watch#!v= or /v/ URLs.
} elsif ($url =~ m@^https?:// (?:[a-z]+\.)?
(youtube) (?:-nocookie)? (?:\.googleapis)? \.com/
(?: (?: watch )? (?: \? | \#! ) v= |
v/ |
embed/ |
.*? &v= |
[^/\#?&]+ \#p(?: /[a-zA-Z\d] )* /
([^<>?&,'"]+) ($|&) @sx) {
($site, $id) = ($1, $2);
$url = "http://www.$$id";
# Youtube "/verify_age" URLs.
} elsif ($url =~
m@^https?://(?:[a-z]+\.)?(youtube) (?:-nocookie)? \.com/
.* next_url=([^&]+)@sx ||
$url =~ m@^https?://(?:[a-z]+\.)?google\.com/
.* service = (youtube)
.* continue = ( http%3A [^?&]+)@sx ||
$url =~ m@^https?://(?:[a-z]+\.)?google\.com/
.* service = (youtube)
.* next = ( [^?&]+)@sx
) {
$site = $1;
$url = url_unquote($2);
if ($url =~ m@&next=([^&]+)@s) {
$url = url_unquote($1);
$url =~ s@&.*$@@s;
$url = "http://www.$$url" if ($url =~ m@^/@s);
return download_video_url ($url, $title, $size_p, $cgi_p, $force_fmt);
# Youtube "/user" and "/profile" URLs.
} elsif ($url =~ m@^https?://(?:[a-z]+\.)?(youtube) (?:-nocookie)? \.com/
(?:user|profile).*\#.*/([^&/]+)@sx) {
$site = $1;
$id = url_unquote($2);
$url = "http://www.$$id";
error ("unparsable user next_url: $url") unless $id;
# Vimeo /NNNNNN URLs (and
} elsif ($url =~ m@^https?://(?:[a-z]+\.)?(vimeo)\.com/(?:video/)?(\d+)@s) {
($site, $id) = ($1, $2);
# Vimeo /videos/NNNNNN URLs.
} elsif ($url =~ m@^https?://(?:[a-z]+\.)?(vimeo)\.com/.*/videos/(\d+)@s) {
($site, $id) = ($1, $2);
# Vimeo /channels/name/NNNNNN URLs.
} elsif ($url =~
m@^https?://(?:[a-z]+\.)?(vimeo)\.com/channels/[^/]+/(\d+)@s) {
($site, $id) = ($1, $2);
# Vimeo /moogaloop.swf?clip_id=NNNNN
} elsif ($url =~ m@^https?://(?:[a-z]+\.)?(vimeo)\.com/.*clip_id=(\d+)@s) {
($site, $id) = ($1, $2);
} else {
error ("no ID in $url" . ($title ? " ($title)" : ""))
unless ($id);
if ($playlist_p) {
return download_playlist ($id, $url, $title, $size_p, $cgi_p);
my $suf = ($append_suffix_p eq '1' ? "$id" :
$append_suffix_p ? "$id $append_suffix_p" : "");
$suf =~ s@/.*$@@s;
$suf = " [$suf]" if $suf;
# Check for any file with "[this-ID]" in it, as written by --suffix,
# in case the title changed or something. IDs don't change.
my $err = undef;
my $o = (glob ("*\\[$id\\]*"))[0];
$err = "exists: $o" if ($o);
# If we already have a --title, we can check for the existence of the file
# before hitting the network. Otherwise, we need to download the video
# info to find out the title and thus the file name.
if (defined($title)) {
$title = munge_title ($title);
my $ff = file_exists_with_suffix (de_entify ("$title$suf"));
if (! $size_p) {
$err = "$id: exists: $ff" if ($ff && !$err);
if ($err) {
exit (1) if ($verbose <= 0); # Skip silently if --quiet.
error ($err);
my ($ct, $w, $h, $size, $title2);
# Get the video metadata (URL of underlying video, title, and size)
if ($site eq 'youtube') {
($ct, $url, $title2, $w, $h, $size) =
scrape_youtube_url ($url, $id, $title, $size_p, $force_fmt);
} else {
error ("--fmt only works with Youtube") if (defined($force_fmt));
($ct, $url, $title2, $w, $h, $size) = scrape_vimeo_url ($url, $id);
# Set the title unless it was specified on the command line with --title.
if (! defined($title)) {
$title = munge_title ($title2);
# Add the year to the title unless there's a year there already.
my $year = ($site eq 'youtube' ? get_youtube_year ($id) :
$site eq 'vimeo' ? get_vimeo_year ($id) : undef);
$year = undef
if ($year && $year == (localtime())[5]+1900); # Omit this year
$title .= " ($year)"
if ($year &&
$title !~ m@\b$year\b@si && # already contains that year
$title !~ m@ \(\d{4}}\)@si); # already contains "(NNNN)"
my $file = de_entify ("$title$suf");
if ($ct =~ m@/(x-)?flv$@si) { $file .= '.flv'; } # proper extensions
elsif ($ct =~ m@/(x-)?webm$@si) { $file .= '.webm'; }
elsif ($ct =~ m@/quicktime$@si) { $file .= '.mov'; }
else { $file .= '.mp4'; }
if ($size_p) {
if (! ($w && $h)) {
($w, $h, $size) = video_url_size ($title, $id, $url);
# for "--fmt all"
my $ii = $id . ($size_p eq '1' || $size_p eq '2' ? '' : ":$size_p");
my $ss = ($size > 1024*1024 ? sprintf ("%dM", $size/(1024*1024)) :
$size > 1024 ? sprintf ("%dK", $size/1024) :
"$size bytes");
print STDOUT "$ii\t${w} x ${h}\t$ss\t$title\n";
} elsif ($cgi_p) {
cgi_output ($title, $file, $id, $url, $w, $h, $size);
} else {
# Might be checking twice, if --title was specified.
if (! $err) {
my $ff = file_exists_with_suffix (de_entify ("$title$suf"));
$err = "$id: exists: $ff" if ($ff);
if ($err) {
exit (1) if ($verbose <= 0); # Skip silently if --quiet.
error ($err);
print STDERR "$progname: downloading \"$title\"\n" if ($verbose);
my ($http, $head, $body) = get_url ($url, undef, undef, 0, $file);
check_http_status ($url, $http, 1);
if (! -s $file) {
unlink ($file);
error ("$file: failed: $url");
if ($verbose) {
# Now that we've written the file, get the real numbers from it,
# in case the server metadata lied to us.
($w, $h, $size) = video_file_size ($file);
$size = -1 unless $size;
my $ss = ($size > 1024*1024 ? sprintf ("%dM", $size/(1024*1024)) :
$size > 1024 ? sprintf ("%dK", $size/1024) :
"$size bytes");
$ss .= ", $w x $h" if ($w && $h);
print STDERR "$progname: wrote \"$file\", $ss\n";
sub download_playlist($$$$$) {
my ($id, $url, $title, $size_p, $cgi_p) = @_;
my $start = 0;
while (1) {
# max-results is ignored if it is >50, so we get 50 at a time until
# we run out.
my $chunk = 50;
my $data_url = ("$id?v=2" .
"&start-index=" . ($start+1) .
"&max-results=$chunk" .
"&fields=title,entry(title,link)" .
"&safeSearch=none" .
my ($http, $head, $body) = get_url ($data_url, undef, undef, 0, undef);
check_http_status ($url, $http, 1);
($title) = ($body =~ m@<title>\s*([^<>]+?)\s*</title>@si)
unless $title;
$title = 'Untitled Playlist' unless $title;
$body =~ s@(<entry)@\001$1@gs;
my @entries = split(m/\001/, $body);
shift @entries;
print STDERR "$progname: playlist \"$title\" (" . ($#entries+1) .
" entries)\n"
if ($verbose > 1 && $start == 0);
my $i = $start;
foreach my $entry (@entries) {
my ($t2) = ($entry =~ m@<title>\s*([^<>]+?)\s*</title>@si);
my ($u2, $id2) =
($entry =~ m@<link.*?href=['"]
(?: watch (?: \? | \#! ) v= | v/ | embed/ )
$t2 = sprintf("%s: %02d: %s", $title, ++$i, $t2);
eval {
$noerror = 1;
download_video_url ($u2, $t2, $size_p, $cgi_p, undef);
$noerror = 0;
print STDERR "$progname: $@" if $@;
# With "--size", only get the size of the first video.
# With "--size --size", get them all.
last if ($size_p == 1);
last if ($size_p == 1);
$start += $chunk;
last unless @entries;
sub do_cgi() {
my $args = "";
if (!defined ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD})) {
} elsif ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq "GET") {
$args = $ENV{QUERY_STRING} if (defined($ENV{QUERY_STRING}));
} elsif ($ENV{REQUEST_METHOD} eq "POST") {
local $/ = undef; # read entire file
$args .= <STDIN>;
if (!$args &&
defined($ENV{REQUEST_URI}) &&
$ENV{REQUEST_URI} =~ m/^(.*?)\?(.*)$/s) {
$args = $2;
# for cmd-line debugging
$ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} = $1 unless defined($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME});
# $ENV{PATH_INFO} = $1 if (!$ENV{PATH_INFO} &&
# $ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} =~ m@^.*/(.*)@s);
my ($url, $redir, $proxy);
foreach (split (/&/, $args)) {
my ($key, $val) = m/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/;
$key = url_unquote ($key);
$val = url_unquote ($val);
if ($key eq 'url') { $url = $val; }
elsif ($key eq 'redir') { $redir = $val; }
elsif ($key eq 'proxy') { $proxy = $val; }
else { error ("unknown option: $key"); }
if ($redir || $proxy) {
error ("can't specify both url and redir") if ($redir && $url);
error ("can't specify both url and proxy") if ($proxy && $url);
error ("can't specify both redir and proxy") if ($proxy && $redir);
my $name = $ENV{PATH_INFO} || '';
$name =~ s@^/@@s;
$name = ($redir || $proxy) unless $name;
$name =~ s@\"@%22@gs;
if ($redir) {
# Return a redirect to the underlying video URL.
print STDOUT ("Content-Type: text/html\n" .
"Location: $redir\n" .
"Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$name\"\n" .
"\n" .
"<A HREF=\"$redir\">$name</A>\n" .
} else {
# Proxy the data, so that we can feed it a non-browser user agent.
print STDOUT "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$name\"\n";
get_url ($proxy, undef, undef, 0, '-');
} elsif ($url) {
error ("extraneous crap in URL: $ENV{PATH_INFO}")
if (defined($ENV{PATH_INFO}) && $ENV{PATH_INFO} ne "");
download_video_url ($url, undef, 0, 1, undef);
} else {
error ("no URL specified for CGI");
sub usage() {
print STDERR "usage: $progname [--verbose] [--quiet] [--size]" .
" [--suffix] [--fmt N]\n" .
"\t\t [--title title] youtube-or-vimeo-urls ...\n";
exit 1;
sub main() {
# historical suckage: the environment variable name is lower case.
$http_proxy = $ENV{http_proxy} || $ENV{HTTP_PROXY};
if ($http_proxy && $http_proxy =~ m@^https?://([^/]*)/?$@ ) {
# historical suckage: allow "http://host:port" as well as "host:port".
$http_proxy = $1;
my @urls = ();
my $title = undef;
my $size_p = 0;
my $fmt = undef;
while ($#ARGV >= 0) {
$_ = shift @ARGV;
if (m/^--?verbose$/) { $verbose++; }
elsif (m/^-v+$/) { $verbose += length($_)-1; }
elsif (m/^--?quiet$/) { $verbose--; }
elsif (m/^--?title$/) { $title = shift @ARGV; }
elsif (m/^--?size$/) { $size_p++; }
elsif (m/^--?suffix$/) { $append_suffix_p++; }
elsif (m/^--?fmt$/) { $fmt = shift @ARGV; }
elsif (m/^-./) { usage; }
else {
error ("not a Youtube or Vimeo URL: $_")
unless (m@^(https?://)?
( youtube(-nocookie)?\.com/ |
youtu\.be/ |
vimeo\.com/ |
google\.com/ .* service=youtube |
my @P = ($title, $fmt, $_);
push @urls, \@P;
$title = undef;
return do_cgi() if (defined ($ENV{REQUEST_URI}));
usage if (defined($fmt) && $fmt !~ m/^\d+|all$/s);
usage unless ($#urls >= 0);
foreach (@urls) {
my ($title, $fmt, $url) = @$_;
download_video_url ($url, $title, $size_p, 0, $fmt);
exit 0;
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