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Forked from lutzky/
Created July 24, 2014 04:11
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def index_of_coincidence(s, shift):
"""Find the index of coincidence of s with itself shifted by shift"""
return len([ i for i in xrange(len(s)) if s[i] == s[(i + shift) % len(s)]])
def peak_frequency(l):
"""Guess peak frequency in l by finding the frequency for which the
average peak value would be maximal."""
def average_value_for_frequency(k):
return sum([ l[i] for i in xrange(1,len(l)) if i % k == 0 ]) / \
return max(xrange(1,len(l)), key=average_value_for_frequency)
def key_length_guess(s):
l = [index_of_coincidence(s,shift) for shift in xrange(MAX_KEY_LENGTH)]
print "First", MAX_KEY_LENGTH, " indexes of coincidence:"
print l
key_length = peak_frequency(l)
print "Guessed key length is", key_length
if key_length == KEY_LENGTH_GUESS:
print "That is the key length we guessed earlier by manual examination."
print "This differs from our original guess,", KEY_LENGTH_GUESS
return key_length
def frequency_vector(s, key_length, offset):
v = [0] * NUM_LETTERS
i = 0
for c in s:
if i % key_length == offset:
v[ord(c) - ord(FIRST_LETTER)] += 1
i += 1
for i in xrange(len(v)):
v[i] *= (1.0/float(len(s)))
return v
def rotated_vector_match(v1, v2):
"""Return the rotation i of vector v1 such that v1 * v2 is maximal
Note that a list of possibilities is returned. Note that we rotate
backwards, in an attempt to guess what the forward rotation was."""
def rotated(v, i):
return v[i:]+v[:i]
matchings = {}
for i in xrange(len(v1)):
s = sum([ rotated(v1,i)[j] * v2[j] for j in xrange(len(v1))])
matchings[i] = s
return [ i for i in matchings.keys()
if matchings[i] == max(matchings.values()) ]
def guess_key(s):
key_length = key_length_guess(s)
key = ""
for i in xrange(key_length):
freq_vector = frequency_vector(s, key_length, i)
best_rotations = rotated_vector_match(freq_vector,
print "Best rotations for key letter",i,":", best_rotations
best_key_letters = [chr(ord(FIRST_LETTER) + k) for k in best_rotations]
print "In letters:", best_key_letters
print "Guessing", best_key_letters[0]
key += best_key_letters[0]
print "Guessed key is", key
return key
def vigenere_decrypt(s, key, encrypt = False):
decrypted = ""
i = 0
for c in s:
offset = ord(key[i % len(key)]) - ord(FIRST_LETTER)
if encrypt: offset = -offset
cur_letter = ord(c) - ord(FIRST_LETTER)
new_letter = (cur_letter - offset) % NUM_LETTERS
decrypted += chr(ord(FIRST_LETTER) + new_letter)
i += 1
return decrypted
if __name__ == '__main__':
import basiccrypt
import sys
filename = "cipher1.txt"
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
filename = sys.argv[1]
s = basiccrypt.read_cipher_from_file(filename).upper()
key = guess_key(s)
print "Decryption:"
print vigenere_decrypt(s, key)
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