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Last active May 4, 2020 07:34
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Creating a payment stream with Sablier
// yarn add bignumber.js
// import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js'
// BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: 30 }) <--- add this after your imports, it will prevent the number from being formatted like "1e+21"
// call this when the user presses the "Create Stream" button
const sablier = new ethers.Contract(addresses[chainId].sablier, abis.sablier, getProviderOrSigner(library, account))
let convertedStartTime = Math.round(startTime.getTime() / 1000)
let convertedStopTime = Math.round(stopTime.getTime() / 1000)
let convertedDeposit = new BigNumber(deposit).multipliedBy(10 ** 18).toFixed(0)
let remainder = new BigNumber(convertedDeposit) % (convertedStopTime - convertedStartTime)
let amountToDeposit = new BigNumber(convertedDeposit).minus(remainder).toString()
const token = new ethers.Contract("0xc3dbf84abb494ce5199d5d4d815b10ec29529ff8", abis.erc20, getProviderOrSigner(library, account));
const approveTx = await token.approve(sablier.address, amountToDeposit);
await approveTx.wait();
const createStreamTx = await sablier.createStream(recipient, amountToDeposit, token.address, convertedStartTime, convertedStopTime);
await createStreamTx.wait();
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