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Last active October 15, 2017 02:14
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determine character frequency of provided input: ex, "chicago"
print the frequency as follows
c: **
h: *
i: *
a: *
g: *
o: *
const input = "chicago";
const values = {}; // use as a Set
// build data set
let maxFrequency = 0;
const keys = input.split('').filter((ch) => {
const contains = ch in values;
if (!contains) {
values[ch] = 1;
} else {
values[ch] += 1;
if (values[ch] > maxFrequency) {
maxFrequency = values[ch];
return !contains;
function printRow(key, value) {
return `${key}: ` + Array.from({length: value}).map((x, i) => '*').join('') + "\n";
// vertical output
let result1 = keys.reduce((row, k, i) => (
row + printRow(k, values[k])
), '');
// horizontal output: stars
let result2 = '';
for (let i = maxFrequency; i > 0; i--) {
result2 += keys.reduce((line, k, n) => (
line + ((values[k] >= i) ? '*' : " ")
), '') + "\n"
// horizontal output: chars
result2 += keys.reduce((row, k, i) => row + k)
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