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Last active December 30, 2021 20:38
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Retrieve progress from PowerShell job and display progress bar
function Show-JobProgress {
Process {
$Job.ChildJobs | ForEach-Object {
if (-not $_.Progress) {
$LastProgress = $_.Progress
if ($FilterScript) {
$LastProgress = $LastProgress | Where-Object -FilterScript $FilterScript
$LastProgress | Group-Object -Property Activity,StatusDescription | ForEach-Object {
$_.Group | Select-Object -Last 1
} | ForEach-Object {
$ProgressParams = @{}
if ($_.Activity -and $_.Activity -ne $null) { $ProgressParams.Add('Activity', $_.Activity) }
if ($_.StatusDescription -and $_.StatusDescription -ne $null) { $ProgressParams.Add('Status', $_.StatusDescription) }
if ($_.CurrentOperation -and $_.CurrentOperation -ne $null) { $ProgressParams.Add('CurrentOperation', $_.CurrentOperation) }
if ($_.ActivityId -and $_.ActivityId -gt -1) { $ProgressParams.Add('Id', $_.ActivityId) }
if ($_.ParentActivityId -and $_.ParentActivityId -gt -1) { $ProgressParams.Add('ParentId', $_.ParentActivityId) }
if ($_.PercentComplete -and $_.PercentComplete -gt -1) { $ProgressParams.Add('PercentComplete', $_.PercentComplete) }
if ($_.SecondsRemaining -and $_.SecondsRemaining -gt -1) { $ProgressParams.Add('SecondsRemaining', $_.SecondsRemaining) }
Write-Progress @ProgressParams
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