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Last active January 12, 2017 23:38
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  • Save nicholaskajoh/789512d4c1a928f4aeedca190e1af9bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nicholaskajoh/789512d4c1a928f4aeedca190e1af9bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hacked Andreas Savvides's jquery.linky to allow any link-to url + other tweaks.
* jquery.linky.js v0.1.8
* The MIT License (MIT)
* Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 Andreas Savvides
* Customized to allow any link-to base url
* So you're not limited to Twitter, Instagram or GitHub
* Plus other hacks
(function($) {
"use strict";
$.fn.linky = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
var $el = $(this),
linkifiedContent = _linkify($el, options);
function _linkify($el, options) {
var defaultOptions = {
mentions: false,
hashtags: false,
urls: true,
baseUrl: "/",
hashtagsSearchPath: "search/?q="
var extendedOptions = $.extend(defaultOptions, options);
var elContent = $el.html();
// Regular expression courtesy of Matthew O'Riordan, see:
var urlRegEx = /((([A-Za-z]{3,9}:(?:\/\/)?)(?:[\-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)?[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+|(?:www\.|[\-;:&=\+\$,\w]+@)[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+)((?:\/[\+~%\/\.\w\-]*)?\??(?:[\-\+=&;%@\.\w]*)#?(?:[\.\!\/\\\w]*))?)/g;
var matches;
// Linkifying URLs
if (extendedOptions.urls) {
matches = elContent.match(urlRegEx);
if (matches) {
elContent = _linkifyUrls(matches, $el);
// Linkifying mentions
if (extendedOptions.mentions) {
elContent = _linkifyMentions(elContent, extendedOptions.baseUrl);
// Linkifying hashtags
if (extendedOptions.hashtags) {
elContent = _linkifyHashtags(elContent, extendedOptions.baseUrl, extendedOptions.hashtagsSearchPath);
return elContent;
// For any URLs present, unless they are already identified within
// an `a` element, linkify them.
function _linkifyUrls(matches, $el) {
var elContent = $el.html();
$.each(matches, function() {
// Only linkify URLs that are not already identified as
// `a` elements with an `href`.
if ($el.find("a[href='" + this + "']").length === 0) {
var text = this;
var url = this;
if (this.indexOf("http://") != 0 || this.indexOf("https://") != 0)
url = "http://"+this;
elContent = elContent.replace(this, "<a href='" + url + "' target='_blank'>" + text + "</a>");
return elContent;
// Find any mentions (e.g. @andrs) and turn them into links that
// refer to the appropriate profile of a given website.
function _linkifyMentions(text, baseUrl) {
return text.replace(/(^|\s|\(|>)@(\w+)/g, "$1<a href='" + baseUrl + "$2' target='_blank'>@$2</a>");
// Find any hashtags (e.g. #linkyrocks) and turn them into links that
// refer to the appropriate tag page of a given website.
function _linkifyHashtags(text, baseUrl, hashtagsSearchPath) {
// If there is no search URL for a hashtag, there isn't much we can do
if (hashtagsSearchPath === null) return text;
return text.replace(/(^|\s|\(|>)#((\w|[\u00A1-\uFFFF])+)/g, "$1<a href='" + baseUrl + hashtagsSearchPath + "$2' target='_blank'>#$2</a>");
Copy link

nicholaskajoh commented Jan 12, 2017

Instead of:

    mentions: true,
    hashtags: true,
    urls: true,
    linkTo: "twitter"


    mentions: true,
    hashtags: true,
    urls: true,
    baseUrl: ""
    hashtagsSearchPath: "search/?hash=1&q="

See for more info.

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