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Last active December 27, 2015 03:39
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"Stalkable" objects can be watched for any and all changes
@author Bryan Elliott <>
Detect whether an Object is using this Mixin
Ember.Mixin::detectInstance = (object) ->
#jslint forin:true
name = undefined
mixins = object[Ember.META_KEY].mixins
return Object.keys(mixins).reduce ((res, name)=>
return res && @detect(mixins[name])
), true
Changes to Ember.CoreObject that enable property stalking via the pseudoproperties: "@properties", "@ownProperties", and "@prototypeProperties"
Ember.StalkableMixin = Ember.Mixin.create(
setUnknownProperty: (key, value) ->
ret = @_super?.apply(this, arguments)
@observeNewProperty key
return ret
observeNewProperty: (key, isProto) ->
inst = this
isInit = inst.constructor::hasOwnProperty(key)
clean = undefined
handler = ->
clean = not inst.modifiedProperties
if clean
inst.modifiedProperties = [key]
inst.modifiedProperties.push key
if not isProto and not isInit
inst.notifyPropertyChange "@ownProperties"
else if isInit and not isProto
inst.notifyPropertyChange "@initProperties"
inst.notifyPropertyChange "@prototypeProperties"
inst.notifyPropertyChange "@properties"
delete inst.modifiedProperties if clean
@addObserver key, this, handler
handler() unless isProto
setProperties: ->
ret = undefined
@modifiedProperties = []
ret = @_super.apply(this, arguments)
delete @modifiedProperties
return ret
Small modification to CoreObject.create for Stalkables
Ember.CoreObject.reopenClass create: ->
#jslint forin:true
i = undefined
name = undefined
args = undefined
caught = {}
ret = @_super.apply(this, arguments)
if Ember.StalkableMixin.detectInstance(ret)
args = [].slice.apply(arguments)
i = 0
while i < args.length
Object.keys(args[i]).forEach (name)->
return true if args[i][name] instanceof Function
ret.observeNewProperty name
caught[name] = true
i += 1
Object.keys(ret).forEach (name)->
ret.observeNewProperty name, true unless caught[name]
Ember.StalkableObject = Ember.Object.extend(Ember.StalkableMixin, {})
The idea here is that all changes to your new object can be observed
model: Ember.StalkableObject.create()
do some fancy stuff to save changes to your model
, "model.@properties")
model: Ember.StalkableObject.create(
host: null
port: null
this will only be called when changes to the 'host' and 'port' are changed
, "model.@initProperties")
model: App.MyStalkableModel.create()
this will only be called when changes to the prototyped properties of App.MyStalkableModel are changed
, "model.@prototypeProperties")
model: Ember.StalkableObject.create(nonce: null)
this will be called on changes any properties that are undefined at instantiation (i.e., excluding all the
stuff on Object, as well as "nonce", which we expect to change frequently.)
, "model.@ownProperties")
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