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Created May 25, 2018 13:01
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  • Save nicholasrq/b86cc5e4e5e65208489553820beb9492 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nicholasrq/b86cc5e4e5e65208489553820beb9492 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This is JS cli with no dependencies to squash many commits to a single one.
It uses `git` commands and GitHub API to get all the necessary information to provide safe way of squashing commits.
Squashy uses last commit on your default branch (master in most cases) to reset HEAD, then it adds all the files to
staged area, commits them and forcely pushes it to origin.
You can provide Squasher different commit or branch if you'd like, the tool will ask you for that.
Also it will ensure that your branch is up-to-date and has no uncommited changes. If it detects that your branch is outdated,
script will just stop and ask you to commit changes and/or pull data from origin.
Squasher uses PR title as default commit message, if no PR exists, then you'll have to provide commit message manually.
Default commit message can be overriden.
const childProcess = require('child_process')
const https = require('https')
const URL = require('url')
const out = (message = '') => {
console.log(message.trim().split('\n').map(r => r.trim()).join('\n'))
const exec = (cmd, callback) => {
if (cmd instanceof Function) {
const result = cmd()
if (callback instanceof Function) {
return callback(result)
return result
} else if (callback instanceof Function) {
let err = ''
childProcess.exec(cmd, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) return err
stdout = stdout.toString()
stderr = stderr.toString()
if (stdout) console.log(stdout)
if (stderr) console.log(stderr)
} else {
const command = cmd.trim()
return childProcess.execSync(command).toString().trim()
const execChain = (commands) => {
let promise = Promise.resolve()
for (let cmd of commands) {
promise = promise.then(() => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
exec(cmd, (error) => {
if (error) {
const err = Error(error)
return resolve(Promise.reject(err))
} else {
return resolve()
return promise
const getOrigin = () => {
const remote = exec('git config --get remote.origin.url')
if (/github\./.test(remote)) {
if (/^http/.test(remote)) {
const {path, host: hostname} = URL.parse(remote)
const [username, repo] = path
.replace(/^([\/]+)|\.git|([\/]+)$/g, '')
return {remote, hostname, username, repo}
} else if (/^([^@]+)@/) {
const [hostname, params] = remote.replace(/^([^@]+)@/, '').split(':')
const [username, repo] = params
.replace(/^([\/]+)|\.git|([\/]+)$/g, '')
return {remote, hostname, username, repo}
const origin = getOrigin()
const request = (url, redirect=0) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (redirect > 5) return resolve(null)
const targetURL = URL.parse(url)
const options = {
path: targetURL.path,
query: targetURL.query
const callback = function(response) {
let str = '';
//another chunk of data has been recieved, so append it to `str`
response.on('data', function (chunk) {
str += chunk;
//the whole response has been recieved, so we just print it out here
response.on('end', function () {
const status = response.statusCode
const json = (function () {
try {
return JSON.parse(str)
} catch (err) {
return null
if (json) {
if (status === 301 || status === 302) {
return resolve(request(response.headers.location, redirect++))
} else if(status === 200) {
return resolve(json)
return resolve(null)
https.request(options, callback).end()
const getPR = (branchName, origin) => {
if (!branchName || !origin) {
return Promise.resolve(null)
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const repo = `${origin.username}/${origin.repo}`
const apiURL = `https://api.${origin.hostname}/repos/${repo}/pulls`
request(apiURL).then((response) => {
if (response && response.length > 0) {
const pull = false || response.find((p) => {
return p.head.ref === branchName
return resolve(pull ? {
title: pull.title,
number: pull.number,
username: pull.user.login
} : null)
} else {
const readline = {
rl: require('readline').createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout,
completer (line) {
if (line.length > 3) {
const branches = exec(`
git branch --all | grep ${line}
`).split('\n').map(bName => {
return bName.replace(/\* /, '').trim()
}).filter((bName) => {
return /^remotes/.test(bName) === false
return [branches, line]
} else {
return [[], line]
ask (question, handler) {
this.rl.question(`${question} `, input => {
const result = handler(input.trim())
if (result === false) this.ask(question, handler)
close () {
const getLastCommitHash = (branch) => {
return exec(
`git rev-list --first-parent ${branch} 2> /dev/null | head -1`
const getCommitMessage = (commitHash) => {
return exec(
`git log -1 --pretty=format:%s "${commitHash}" 2> /dev/null | tail -1`
const reflogReset = (commitHash) => {
const commitTest = new RegExp(commitHash)
const logs = exec('git reflog | head').split('\n')
const reflog = logs.find((row, i) => {
const prevRow = logs[i - 1]
if (prevRow) {
return /reset:/.test(prevRow) && commitTest.test(prevRow)
} else {
return false
if (reflog) {
const parts = reflog.match(/^([a-z0-9]{8})\sHEAD@{([0-9]+)}/)
const command = `git reset HEAD@{${parts[2]}}`
const squash = () => {
// return
const branchName = exec(
`git branch 2> /dev/null | grep \\* | cut -d ' ' -f2`
const defaultBranch = exec(
`git remote show ${origin.remote} | grep "HEAD branch" | cut -d ":" -f 2`
out('Welcome to Squashy – the tool to automatically squash your commits')
out(`Repo - ${origin.username}/${origin.repo}`)
out(`Branch - ${branchName}`)
if (exec('git diff-index HEAD').length > 0) {
out('You have uncommitted changes on current branch')
out('Please, commit them first in order to continue')
out(exec('git diff-index HEAD --stat'))
return readline.close()
const isUpToDate = !!exec(`git status 2&> /dev/stdout`)
.match('nothing to commit, working tree clean')
if (isUpToDate === false) {
out('Your branch is outdated. Please, update HEAD before squash')
return readline.close()
let parentBranchName = defaultBranch
let commitHash = getLastCommitHash(parentBranchName)
let commitMessage = getCommitMessage(commitHash)
getPR(branchName, origin).then((pull) => {
if (pull) {
out(`PR - [#${pull.number}] ${pull.title}`)
out(`By default we use latest commit in '${parentBranchName}' to squash`)
out(`If you'd like, you can use specific commit or branch`)
readline.ask(`Branch name or commit hash (${parentBranchName}):`, (input) => {
if (input) {
const _commitHash = getLastCommitHash(input)
const _branchName = _commitHash ? input : parentBranchName
const _commitMessage = getCommitMessage(commitHash || input)
if (_commitHash && _commitMessage) {
parentBranchName = _branchName
commitHash = _commitHash
commitMessage = _commitMessage
} else {
out('Invalid input');
out(`Revision to reset to: [${parentBranchName} - ${commitHash.substr(0, 7)}] ${commitMessage}`)
const changedFiles = exec(`git diff --stat ${commitHash} HEAD | cat`)
out(`Changes since last commit in ${parentBranchName}`)
readline.ask('Does it look OK? [y/N]', (input) => {
const answer = (input || 'N').toUpperCase()
if (answer === 'Y') {
out('Now we need commit message')
if (pull) {
out(`Default commit message: ${pull.title}`)
} else {
out(`As there's no PR for this branch you have to provide commit message`)
readline.ask('Enter commit message:', (commitMessage) => {
commitMessage = commitMessage || (pull && pull.title)
if (!commitMessage) {
out(`There's no PR for current branch, so we don't have default commit messgae`)
return false
() => out(`Reset HEAD to [${parentBranchName} – ${commitHash}]`),
`git pull > /dev/null`,
`git reset ${commitHash} > /dev/null`,
() => out(`Commiting to ${branchName}`),
`git add . -A > /dev/null`,
`git commit -m "${commitMessage}"`,
() => out(`Pushing to origin`),
`git push -f origin $branch_name > /dev/null`,
]).catch(() => {
out(`Error. Rolling back changes`)
const hash = getLastCommitHash(branchName)
const message = getCommitMessage(hash)
out(`You're now at [${hash.substr(0,7)}] ${message}`)
}).then(() => {
} else {
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