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Created July 7, 2020 13:35
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Install requirements
> pip install pandas openpyxl python-dateutil more-itertools pymt5adapter pytz
import argparse
import datetime as dt
import math
from pathlib import Path
import more_itertools as moit
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytz
import pymt5adapter as mta
from pymt5adapter.symbol import Symbol
def iter_datetimes(from_, to_, **td_kwargs):
delta = dt.timedelta(**td_kwargs)
time = from_
while True:
yield time
if time >= to_:
time = min(time + delta, to_)
def get_mt5_ticks(symbol, from_, to_, flags):
times = iter_datetimes(from_, to_, days=5)
rates = [mta.copy_ticks_range(symbol, f, t, flags)
for f, t in moit.pairwise(times)]
stacked = np.hstack(rates)
return stacked
def report(report_path, timezone, is_json=False, is_excel=True, is_csv=False):
time_format = '%Y.%m.%d %H:%M'
report_path = Path(report_path)
print('Parsing MT4 report...')
info, origin_df = pd.read_html(str(report_path), header=0, index_col=0, parse_dates=True)
symbol = Symbol(symbol=info.columns[1][:6])
refactored_trade_stats = []
for trade in origin_df.groupby('Order').groups.values():
trade_df = origin_df.loc[trade]
open = trade_df.iloc[0, :].to_dict()
close = trade_df.iloc[1, :].to_dict()
order_type = open['Type']
if order_type not in ['buy', 'sell']:
order_type = mta.ORDER_TYPE.BUY if order_type == 'buy' else mta.ORDER_TYPE.SELL
bid_or_ask = 'ask' if order_type is mta.ORDER_TYPE.SELL else 'bid'
combined = close.copy()
open_time, close_time = open['Time'], close['Time']
open_price = open['Price']
combined['OpenTime'] = open_time
combined['CloseTime'] = combined.pop('Time')
combined['OpenPrice'] = open_price
combined['ClosePrice'] = close_price = combined.pop('Price')
combined['Type'] = open['Type']
time_begin = dt.datetime.strptime(open_time, time_format).replace(tzinfo=timezone)
time_end = dt.datetime.strptime(close_time, time_format).replace(tzinfo=timezone)
tick_data = get_mt5_ticks(symbol, time_begin, time_end, flags=mta.COPY_TICKS_ALL)
tick_df = pd.DataFrame(tick_data)
print(f'processing order #{combined["Order"]} with {len(tick_data)} ticks')
prices = tick_df[bid_or_ask]
tick_min = prices.min() # min(open_price, close_price, prices.min())
tick_max = prices.max() # max(open_price, close_price, prices.max())
mae_price, mfe_price = tick_min, tick_max
ticks_won = symbol.normalize_price((close_price - open_price) / symbol.trade_tick_size)
if order_type is mta.ORDER_TYPE.SELL:
mae_price, mfe_price = mfe_price, mae_price
ticks_won = -ticks_won
def calc_profit(price):
return mta.order_calc_profit(
def calc_ticks(price):
if order_type is mta.ORDER_TYPE.BUY:
delta = price - open_price
delta = open_price - price
return symbol.normalize_price(delta / symbol.trade_tick_size)
profit = float(combined['Profit'])
prices = [mae_price, mfe_price]
if any(math.isnan(p) for p in prices):
mae_profit, mfe_profit = map(calc_profit, prices)
mae_ticks, mfe_ticks = map(calc_ticks, prices)
tick_range = abs(tick_max - tick_min)
if order_type is mta.ORDER_TYPE.BUY:
entry_efficiency = abs(tick_max - open_price) / tick_range
exit_efficiency = abs(close_price - tick_min) / tick_range
entry_efficiency = abs(open_price - tick_min) / tick_range
exit_efficiency = abs(tick_max - close_price) / tick_range
'TotalTickCount' : len(tick_data),
'TicksWon' : ticks_won,
'MAEprice' : mae_price,
'MFEprice' : mfe_price,
'MAEprofit' : min(mae_profit, profit),
'MFEprofit' : max(mfe_profit, profit),
'MAEticks' : mae_ticks,
'MFEticks' : mfe_ticks,
'EntryEfficiency': entry_efficiency,
'ExitEfficiency' : exit_efficiency,
result_df = pd.DataFrame(refactored_trade_stats)
path_template = f'{report_path.parent}\\{report_path.stem}.{{}}'
for _ in range(2):
if is_excel:
print('Saving to Excel...')
result_df.to_excel(path_template.format('xlsx'), index=False)
if is_csv:
print('Saving to CSV...')
if is_json:
print('Saving to JSON...')
result_df.to_json(path_template.format('json'), indent=4)
except PermissionError:
input("Couldn't write to report file! If you have it open, close it and press Enter > ")
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=('Calculate the MAE-MFE for a MT4 trade report and export to excel. '
'The excel file is saved to the root of the same directory of the report.')
parser.add_argument('path', help='Path to the strategy report')
parser.add_argument('--timezone', '-tz', default='UTC', help='The timezone for the MT4 broker.')
# parser.add_argument(
# '--offset', '-o', default=0, type=int,
# help='The number of hours offset from the Brokers (MT5time - MT4time) (default is 0)')
parser.add_argument('--json', action='store_true', help='Export report to JSON.')
parser.add_argument('--excel', action='store_true', help='Export report to Excel.')
parser.add_argument('--csv', action='store_true', help='Export report to CSV.')
args = parser.parse_args()
timezone = pytz.timezone(args.timezone)
report_path=args.path, timezone=timezone,
is_csv=args.csv, is_excel=args.excel, is_json=args.json)
if __name__ == '__main__':
with mta.connected(raise_on_errors=True):
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