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Last active April 22, 2022 17:00
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Boomerang CWV plugin that sends an additional Exit beacon before unload with FID (if it didn't happen by page load) and the SUM of CLS
* The Boomerang CWV plugin assists in sending Core Web Vitals metrics First Input Delay (FID) and
* Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) at the end of the page session. It does this by sending
* an additional "Page Exit" beacon prior to unload.
* The main changes in behavior over the EventTiming plugin (which sends FID) and Continuity
* plugin (which sends CLS) are:
* * If FID was _not_ on the Page Load beacon, this plugin sends FID on the Page Exit beacon.
* If FID was on the Page Load beacon, it is _not_ repeated on the Page Exit beacon.
* * Any time CLS is added to a beacon (`c.cls`) by the Continuity plugin, this plugin
* accumulates it locally and removes it from the outgoing beacon. At the end of the page,
* it sends `c.cls` a single time with the SUM of CLS values for that page.
* This plugin does not work well in Single Page Applications (SPAs).
* To ensure this plugin works, the following configuration must be set:
* ```
* Continuity: {
* enabled: true,
* afterOnload: true,
* afterOnloadMaxLength: false
* },
* EventTiming: {
* enabled: true
* }
* ```
* This plugin depends on the Continuity and EventTiming plugins being enabled.
* ## Beacon Parameters
* This plugin adds the following parameters to the beacon:
* * `c.cls`: Accumulated CLS data
* * `et.fid`: First Input Delay
window.BOOMR = window.BOOMR || {};
window.BOOMR.plugins = window.BOOMR.plugins || {};
window.BOOMR.plugins.CWV = {
// local variables
cls: 0.0,
initialized: false,
unloadSent: false,
extraVars: {},
extractedDimensions: false,
// functions
init: function(config) {
if (this.initialized) {
this.initialized = true;
// extracts CLS values from all outgoing beacons, keeps the SUM locally
function extractCls(data) {
if (this.unloadSent) {
// extract CLS from any previous beacons
if (data["c.cls"]) {
this.cls += parseFloat(data["c.cls"], 10);
// stop CLS from going out on pre-unload beacons
delete data["c.cls"];
// extracts page dimensions from the first beacon for use with the exit beacon
function extractDimensions(data) {
if (this.unloadSent || this.extractedDimensions) {
// extract any other dimensions from the base page
if (!data["http.initiator"]) {
this.extractedDimensions = true;
// page group
if (data[""]) {
this.extraVars[""] = data[""];
// custom dimensions
for (var varName in data) {
if (varName.indexOf("cdim.") === 0) {
this.extraVars[varName] = data[varName];
// Subscribe to both before_beacon and beacon as it depends on the load
// order when the Continuity plugin will run vs. this plugin
BOOMR.subscribe("before_beacon", extractCls, null, this);
BOOMR.subscribe("beacon", extractCls, null, this);
BOOMR.subscribe("before_beacon", extractDimensions, null, this);
BOOMR.subscribe("beacon", extractDimensions, null, this);
// At page_unload, send an 'Exit' (manual) beacon
BOOMR.subscribe("page_unload", function(data) {
if (this.unloadSent) {
this.unloadSent = true;
var data = {};
// when this beacon fired
data["rt.tstart"] = data["rt.end"] =;
// crumb
data.d = BOOMR.session.domain;
data["h.key"] = BOOMR.getVar("h.key");
data["h.d"] = BOOMR.getVar("h.d");
data[""] = BOOMR.getVar("");
data["h.t"] = BOOMR.getVar("h.t");
// page id = BOOMR.pageId;
// start event = manual
data["rt.start"] = "manual";
// session data
if (BOOMR.session && BOOMR.session.ID !== false) {
data[""] = BOOMR.session.ID + "-" + Math.round(BOOMR.session.start / 1000).toString(36);
data[""] = BOOMR.session.start;
data[""] = BOOMR.session.length;
// API info
data.api = 1;
data["api.v"] = 2;
data["api.l"] = "boomr";
data.v = BOOMR.version;
data.n = ++BOOMR.beaconsSent;
// extra dimensions we captured from the first beacon
for (var varName in this.extraVars) {
data[varName] = this.extraVars[varName];
// CWV data
var fid = BOOMR.plugins.EventTiming.metrics.firstInputDelay() ||
if (fid !== null) {
data["et.fid"] = fid;
if (window.LayoutShift) {
// add any CLS from the last beacon
this.cls = this.cls + BOOMR.plugins.Continuity.metrics.clsScore();
data["c.cls"] = this.cls;
// send the beacon data to the specified URL
if (typeof fid === "number" || typeof this.cls === "number") {
}, null, this);
is_complete: function() {
return true;
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window.BOOMR=window.BOOMR||{},window.BOOMR.plugins=window.BOOMR.plugins||{},window.BOOMR.plugins.CWV={cls:0,initialized:!1,unloadSent:!1,extraVars:{},extractedDimensions:!1,init:function(i){function s(i){this.unloadSent||i["c.cls"]&&(this.cls+=parseFloat(i["c.cls"],10),delete i["c.cls"])}function t(i){if(!this.unloadSent&&!this.extractedDimensions&&!i["http.initiator"])for(var s in this.extractedDimensions=!0,i[""]&&(this.extraVars[""]=i[""]),i)0===s.indexOf("cdim.")&&(this.extraVars[s]=i[s])}this.initialized||(this.initialized=!0,BOOMR.subscribe("before_beacon",s,null,this),BOOMR.subscribe("beacon",s,null,this),BOOMR.subscribe("before_beacon",t,null,this),BOOMR.subscribe("beacon",t,null,this),BOOMR.subscribe("page_unload",(function(i){if(!this.unloadSent){this.unloadSent=!0;i={};for(var s in i["rt.tstart"]=i["rt.end"],i.d=BOOMR.session.domain,i["h.key"]=BOOMR.getVar("h.key"),i["h.d"]=BOOMR.getVar("h.d"),i[""]=BOOMR.getVar(""),i["h.t"]=BOOMR.getVar("h.t"),,i["rt.start"]="manual",BOOMR.session&&!1!==BOOMR.session.ID&&(i[""]=BOOMR.session.ID+"-"+Math.round(BOOMR.session.start/1e3).toString(36),i[""]=BOOMR.session.start,i[""]=BOOMR.session.length),i.api=1,i["api.v"]=2,i["api.l"]="boomr",i.v=BOOMR.version,i.n=++BOOMR.beaconsSent,this.extraVars)i[s]=this.extraVars[s];var t=BOOMR.plugins.EventTiming.metrics.firstInputDelay()||BOOMR.plugins.Continuity.metrics.firstInputDelay();null!==t&&(i["et.fid"]=t),window.LayoutShift&&(this.cls=this.cls+BOOMR.plugins.Continuity.metrics.clsScore(),i["c.cls"]=this.cls),"number"!=typeof t&&"number"!=typeof this.cls||BOOMR.sendBeaconData(i)}}),null,this))},is_complete:function(){return!0}};

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nicjansma commented Apr 20, 2022

The following options should be set via BOOMR_config or edge configuration (mPulse):

window.BOOMR_config = window.BOOMR_config || {};
window.BOOMR_config.Continuity = window.BOOMR_config.Continuity || {};
window.BOOMR_config.Continuity.enabled = true;
window.BOOMR_config.Continuity.afterOnload = true;
window.BOOMR_config.Continuity.afterOnloadMaxLength = false;

Edge config:

  "Continuity": {
    "enabled": true,
    "afterOnload": true,
    "afterOnloadMaxLength": false

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