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A simple tic-tac-toe game written in Haskell
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-- Nicholas Paul | |
-- A simple tic-tac-toe game written in Haskell | |
import Data.List | |
import Data.Char | |
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX | |
-- Main function. We will simply call our gameLoop with | |
-- an empty board | |
main = do | |
putStrLn $ take 20 $ repeat '\n' | |
putStrLn "\nWelcome to tic-tac-toe!\n" | |
putStrLn "To enter a move, type 'LN' where L is an uppercase letter signifying the column name and N is a number 0-9 signifying the row number.\n" | |
putStrLn "Type 'exit' at any time to quit.\n" | |
putStrLn "Two players or one? (1/2): " | |
input <- getLine | |
if input == "1" then | |
-- One player, set the singlePlayer flag to true | |
gameLoop emptyBoard 'x' True | |
else if input == "2" then | |
gameLoop emptyBoard 'x' False | |
else if input == "exit" then | |
return () | |
else do | |
putStrLn "Invalid input. Please input a '1' or '2'" | |
main | |
-- A board is a list of strings | |
-- We will use characters to represent tile states | |
-- player occupies a tile with an 'x' | |
-- computer occupies a tile with an 'o' | |
-- unoccupied tiles contain a space character | |
type Board = [[Char]] | |
-- A move is an x,y pair of ints | |
type Move = (Int, Int) | |
-- Our 3x3 empty board begins with all space characters | |
emptyBoard = [" ", " ", " "] | |
-- restart the game based on user input | |
restart :: IO() | |
restart = do | |
putStrLn "Would you like to play again? (y/n)" | |
playAgain <- getLine | |
if playAgain == "y" then do | |
putStrLn $ take 20 $ repeat '\n' | |
main | |
else if playAgain == "n" then | |
return () | |
else do | |
putStrLn "Invalid input. Please enter 'y' or 'n'" | |
restart | |
-- 2 Player Game Loop | |
-- The variable `playerChar` keeps track of who's | |
-- turn it is and the variable `board` keeps track | |
-- of the state of the board. | |
-- Since haskell doesn't use loops, we will save the | |
-- game state by recursively passing the board to the gameLoop | |
gameLoop :: Board -> Char -> Bool -> IO() | |
gameLoop board playerChar singlePlayer = do | |
-- Single Player, CPU's turn | |
if singlePlayer && (playerChar == 'o') then do | |
-- Get the system time to use as a seed for generating the CPUs move | |
ms <- round `fmap` getPOSIXTime | |
let cpuMove = getCPUMove board ms | |
-- Apply the move to the board | |
let newBoardTuple = doMove board cpuMove playerChar | |
let newBoard = fst newBoardTuple | |
-- Check for winner | |
if isWinner newBoard cpuMove then do | |
putStrLn $ boardStr newBoard | |
putStrLn "CPU wins!" | |
restart | |
-- Check for tie | |
else if catsGame newBoard then do | |
putStrLn $ boardStr newBoard | |
putStrLn "Tie game!" | |
restart | |
else | |
-- No win, no tie: continue playing, set the playerchar to 'x' | |
gameLoop newBoard (nextChar playerChar) singlePlayer | |
-- 2 Player game or players turn for single player game | |
else do | |
putStrLn $ "\n" ++ (boardStr board) ++ "\n" | |
putStrLn $ "Player " ++ [playerChar] ++ ", please enter a move: " | |
line <- getLine | |
-- Print 20 empty lines on the screen | |
putStrLn $ take 20 $ repeat '\n' | |
-- If the input is 'exit', then exit the program | |
if "exit" == line then | |
return () | |
else do | |
-- Get the player's move and parse | |
let move = parseMove line | |
-- The move is valid | |
if snd move then do | |
-- Apply the move to the board | |
let newBoardTuple = doMove board (fst move) playerChar | |
if snd newBoardTuple then do | |
-- The newBoard var contains the updated board | |
let newBoard = fst newBoardTuple | |
-- Check for winner | |
if (isWinner newBoard (fst move)) then do | |
putStrLn $ boardStr newBoard | |
putStrLn $ "Player " ++ [playerChar] ++ " is the winner!" | |
restart | |
-- Check for tie | |
else if catsGame newBoard then do | |
putStrLn $ boardStr newBoard | |
putStrLn $ "Tie Game!" | |
restart | |
else | |
-- No win, no tie: continue game | |
gameLoop newBoard (nextChar playerChar) singlePlayer | |
-- The move was parsed properly, but rejected by the board | |
-- This means the move was out of bounds or already taken | |
else do | |
putStrLn "Out of bounds! / Player already there!" | |
putStrLn "Please try again." | |
gameLoop board playerChar singlePlayer | |
-- The move was invalid (parser could not determine it) | |
else do | |
putStrLn "Invalid move.\nPlease try again." | |
gameLoop board playerChar singlePlayer | |
-- Get a random move. The recursive nature of this function | |
-- always guarenntees a valid move | |
getCPUMove :: Board -> Int -> Move | |
getCPUMove board seed | |
| snd $ doMove board (x,y) 'o' = (x,y) | |
| otherwise = getCPUMove board ((7*seed)+67) -- Generate a new 'seed' | |
where | |
size = length board | |
x = seed `mod` size | |
y = (seed `div` 10) `mod` size | |
-- This function will return the state of the board after | |
-- applying the move. If the move is invalid, the original | |
-- board state will be returned and the Bool value will | |
-- be flagged as false indicating an invalid move. | |
doMove :: Board -> Move -> Char -> (Board, Bool) | |
doMove b m player | |
| x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= w || y >= h = (b, False) -- Out of bounds | |
| get2d x y b /= ' ' = (b, False) -- Location already taken | |
| otherwise = (put2d x y player b, True) | |
where | |
x = fst m -- x coordinate for the move | |
y = snd m -- y coordinate for the move | |
w = length $ head b -- width of board | |
h = length b -- height of board | |
-- Parses a move string (ex: "A2") into a Move | |
-- Also returns a Bool value representing whether or not the move is valid | |
parseMove :: String -> (Move, Bool) | |
parseMove str | |
| length str /= 2 = badMove -- Other than 2 chars | |
| (elem l ['A'..'Z']) && (elem n ['0'..'9']) = ( ((ord l)-65, (ord n)-48), True ) | |
| otherwise = badMove -- Invalid Move | |
where | |
l = str!!0 -- Char letter | |
n = str!!1 -- Char number | |
badMove = ((0,0), False) | |
-- Converts a NxN size board into a string with row and col labels | |
boardStr :: Board -> String | |
boardStr board = | |
-- Put it all together | |
letterHeader ++ "\n\n" ++ (intercalate rowSep $ labelRowStr $ map rowStr board) | |
where | |
width = length $ head board | |
-- Place vertical bars between x's and o's in a row | |
rowStr = intercalate " | " . map (\x -> [x]) | |
-- Add 1,2..n to the front of each row | |
labelRowStr s = [(show n) ++ " " ++ x | n <- [0..(length s)-1], x <- [s!!n]] | |
-- Header A,B..Z labels | |
letterHeader = " " ++ (intercalate " " $ strArr $ take width ['A'..]) | |
-- Generate row separaters ("---+---+---") | |
rowSep = "\n " ++ (tail $ init $ intercalate "+" $ take width $ repeat "---") ++ "\n" | |
-- Tests if there is a winner | |
-- Since the board is only updated where the last move takes place | |
-- it is sufficient to check only the row and column where that | |
-- move is located. We also check the two diagonals. | |
isWinner :: Board -> Move -> Bool | |
isWinner b m = vert || horiz || diagUpperLeft || diagUpperRight | |
where | |
dUL = diagUL b -- The upper left daigonal array | |
dUR = diagUR b -- The upper right diaganal array | |
-- Test if any of the diag, vert, or horiz contain all the same cahracter (a winner) | |
vert = allSame $ b !! (snd m) | |
horiz = allSame $ map (!! (fst m)) b | |
diagUpperLeft = (not $ all (== ' ') dUL) && (allSame dUL) | |
diagUpperRight = (not $ all (== ' ') dUR) && (allSame dUR) | |
-- Tests if the board contains no space characters | |
catsGame :: Board -> Bool | |
catsGame = not . foldr1 (||) . map (any(==' ')) | |
----------------------------- | |
-----[Helper Functions]------ | |
----------------------------- | |
-- Insert an item into an array | |
put :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a] | |
put pos newVal list = take pos list ++ newVal : drop (pos+1) list | |
-- Insert an item into a 2d array | |
put2d :: Int -> Int -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]] | |
put2d x y newVal mat = put y (put x newVal (mat!!y)) mat | |
-- Get an item from a 2d array | |
get2d :: Int -> Int -> [[a]] -> a | |
get2d x y mat = (mat!!y)!!x | |
-- Converts an array of characters into an array of single-length strings | |
strArr :: String -> [String] | |
strArr = map (\x -> [x]) | |
-- Get the next move ('x' -> 'o' -> 'x' -> etc.) | |
nextChar :: Char -> Char | |
nextChar current = if current == 'x' then 'o' else 'x' | |
-- Tests if all items in the list are the same | |
allSame :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool | |
allSame (x:xs) = all (==x) xs | |
-- Assumes square array | |
-- Get diagonal from upper right to lower left | |
diagUR :: [[a]] -> [a] | |
diagUR xs = [(xs!!n)!!n | n <- [0..(length xs) -1]] | |
-- Assumes square array | |
-- Get diagonal from upper left to lower right | |
diagUL :: [[a]] -> [a] | |
diagUL xs = [(xs!!n)!!(len - n -1) | n <- [0..len-1]] | |
where len = length xs |
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what type of algorithm is being used here for the game.