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Created August 2, 2018 17:51
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pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
import "./ERC20Basic.sol";
* @title ERC20 interface
* @dev see
contract ERC20 is ERC20Basic {
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender)
public view returns (uint256);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value)
public returns (bool);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
event Approval(
address indexed owner,
address indexed spender,
uint256 value
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
* @title ERC20Basic
* @dev Simpler version of ERC20 interface
* See
contract ERC20Basic {
function totalSupply() public view returns (uint256);
function balanceOf(address _who) public view returns (uint256);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) public returns (bool);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
pragma solidity ^0.4.24;
* @title A Marketplace contract for managing listings, offers, payments, escrow and arbitration
* @author Nick Poulden <>
* Listings may be priced in Eth or ERC20.
import './ERC20.sol';
contract IArbitrator {
function createDispute(uint listingID, uint offerID) returns (uint);
contract Marketplace {
* @notice All events have the same indexed signature offsets for easy filtering
event ListingCreated (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, bytes32 ipfsHash);
event ListingUpdated (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, bytes32 ipfsHash);
event ListingWithdrawn (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, bytes32 ipfsHash);
event ListingData (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, bytes32 ipfsHash);
event ListingArbitrated(address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, bytes32 ipfsHash);
event OfferCreated (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, uint indexed offerID, bytes32 ipfsHash);
event OfferWithdrawn (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, uint indexed offerID, bytes32 ipfsHash);
event OfferAccepted (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, uint indexed offerID, bytes32 ipfsHash);
event OfferDisputed (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, uint indexed offerID, bytes32 ipfsHash, uint disputeID);
event OfferRuling (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, uint indexed offerID, bytes32 ipfsHash, uint ruling);
event OfferFinalized (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, uint indexed offerID, bytes32 ipfsHash);
event OfferData (address indexed party, uint indexed listingID, uint indexed offerID, bytes32 ipfsHash);
event MarketplaceData (address indexed party, bytes32 ipfsHash);
struct Listing {
address seller; // Seller wallet / identity contract / other contract
uint deposit; // Deposit in Origin Token
address arbitrator; // Address of arbitration contract
struct Offer {
uint value; // Amount in Eth or token buyer is offering
uint commission; // Amount of commission earned if offer is accepted
uint refund; // Amount to refund buyer upon finalization
ERC20 currency; // Currency of listing. Copied incase seller deleted listing
address buyer; // Buyer wallet / identity contract / other contract
address affiliate; // Address to send any commission
address arbitrator; // Address of arbitration contract
uint32 finalizes; // Timestamp offer finalizes
uint8 status; // 0: Undefined, 1: Created, 2: Accepted, 3: Disputed
Listing[] public listings;
mapping(uint => Offer[]) public offers; // listingID => Offers
ERC20 private tokenAddr; // Origin Token address
constructor(address _tokenAddr) public {
tokenAddr = ERC20(_tokenAddr); // Origin Token contract
// @dev Return the total number of listings
function totalListings() public constant returns (uint) {
return listings.length;
// @dev Return the total number of offers
function totalOffers(uint listingID) public constant returns (uint) {
return offers[listingID].length;
// @dev Seller creates listing
function createListing(
bytes32 _ipfsHash, // IPFS JSON with details, pricing, availability
uint _deposit, // Deposit in Origin Token
address _arbitrator // Address of listing arbitrator
require(_deposit > 0); // Listings must deposit some amount of Origin Token
require(_arbitrator != 0x0); // Must specify an arbitrator
seller: msg.sender,
deposit: _deposit,
arbitrator: _arbitrator
tokenAddr.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _deposit); // Transfer Origin Token
emit ListingCreated(msg.sender, listings.length - 1, _ipfsHash);
// @dev Seller updates listing
function updateListing(
uint listingID,
bytes32 _ipfsHash, // Updated IPFS hash
uint _additionalDeposit // Additional deposit to add
) {
Listing listing = listings[listingID];
require(listing.seller == msg.sender);
if (_additionalDeposit > 0) {
tokenAddr.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _additionalDeposit);
listing.deposit += _additionalDeposit;
emit ListingUpdated(listing.seller, listingID, _ipfsHash);
// @dev Listing arbitrator withdraws listing. IPFS hash contains reason for withdrawl.
function withdrawListing(uint listingID, address _target, bytes32 _ipfsHash) public {
Listing listing = listings[listingID];
require(msg.sender == listing.arbitrator);
require(_target != 0x0);
tokenAddr.transfer(_target, listing.deposit); // Send deposit to target
delete listings[listingID]; // Remove data to get some gas back
emit ListingWithdrawn(_target, listingID, _ipfsHash);
// @dev Buyer makes offer.
function makeOffer(
uint listingID,
bytes32 _ipfsHash, // IPFS hash containing offer data
uint32 _finalizes, // Timestamp an accepted offer will finalize
address _affiliate, // Address to send any required commission to
uint256 _commission, // Amount of commission to send in Origin Token if offer finalizes
uint _value, // Offer amount in ERC20 or Eth
ERC20 _currency,
address _arbitrator
status: 1,
buyer: msg.sender,
finalizes: _finalizes,
affiliate: _affiliate,
commission: _commission,
currency: _currency,
value: _value,
arbitrator: _arbitrator,
refund: 0
if (address(_currency) == 0x0) { // Listing is in ETH
require(msg.value == _value);
} else { // Listing is in ERC20
require(msg.value == 0); // Make sure no ETH is sent (would be unrecoverable)
require(_currency.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _value));
emit OfferCreated(msg.sender, listingID, offers[listingID].length-1, _ipfsHash);
// @dev Make new offer after withdrawl
function makeOffer(
uint listingID,
bytes32 _ipfsHash,
uint32 _finalizes,
address _affiliate,
uint256 _commission,
uint _value,
ERC20 _currency,
address _arbitrator,
uint _withdrawOfferID
withdrawOffer(listingID, _withdrawOfferID, _ipfsHash);
makeOffer(listingID, _ipfsHash, _finalizes, _affiliate, _commission, _value, _currency, _arbitrator);
// @dev Seller accepts offer
function acceptOffer(uint listingID, uint offerID, bytes32 _ipfsHash) public {
Listing listing = listings[listingID];
Offer offer = offers[listingID][offerID];
require(msg.sender == listing.seller);
require(offer.status == 1); // Offer must be in state 'Created'
require(listing.deposit >= offer.commission);
listing.deposit -= offer.commission; // Accepting an offer puts Origin Token into escrow
offer.status = 2; // Set offer to 'Accepted'
emit OfferAccepted(msg.sender, listingID, offerID, _ipfsHash);
// @dev Buyer withdraws offer. IPFS hash contains reason for withdrawl.
function withdrawOffer(uint listingID, uint offerID, bytes32 _ipfsHash) public {
Listing listing = listings[listingID];
Offer offer = offers[listingID][offerID];
require(msg.sender == offer.buyer);
if (listing.seller == 0x0) { // If listing was withdrawn
require(offer.status == 1 || offer.status == 2); // Offer must be in state 'Created' or 'Accepted'
if (offer.status == 2) { // Pay out commission if seller accepted offer then withdrew listing
payCommission(listingID, offerID);
} else {
require(offer.status == 1); // Offer must be in state 'Created'
refund(listingID, offerID);
emit OfferWithdrawn(msg.sender, listingID, offerID, _ipfsHash);
delete offers[listingID][offerID];
// @dev Buyer must finalize transaction to receive commission
function finalize(uint listingID, uint offerID, bytes32 _ipfsHash) public {
Listing listing = listings[listingID];
Offer offer = offers[listingID][offerID];
if (now <= offer.finalizes) { // Only buyer can finalize before finalization window
require(msg.sender == offer.buyer);
} else { // Allow both seller and buyer to finalize if finalization window has passed
require(msg.sender == offer.buyer || msg.sender == listing.seller);
require(offer.status == 2); // Offer must be in state 'Accepted'
paySeller(listingID, offerID); // Pay seller
if (msg.sender == offer.buyer) { // Only pay commission if buyer is finalizing
payCommission(listingID, offerID);
emit OfferFinalized(msg.sender, listingID, offerID, _ipfsHash);
delete offers[listingID][offerID];
// @dev Buyer can dispute transaction during finalization window
function dispute(uint listingID, uint offerID, bytes32 _ipfsHash) public {
Offer offer = offers[listingID][offerID];
require(msg.sender == offer.buyer);
require(offer.status == 2); // Offer must be in 'Accepted' state
require(now <= offer.finalizes); // Must be before agreed finalization window
offer.status = 3; // Set status to "Disputed"
uint disputeID = IArbitrator(offer.arbitrator).createDispute(listingID, offerID);
emit OfferDisputed(msg.sender, listingID, offerID, _ipfsHash, disputeID);
// @dev Called from arbitration contract
function executeRuling(uint listingID, uint offerID, uint _ruling) public {
Offer offer = offers[listingID][offerID];
Listing listing = listings[listingID];
require(msg.sender == offer.arbitrator);
require(offer.status == 3); // Offer must be 'disputed'
if (_ruling == 0 || listing.seller == 0x0) { // If seller withdrew listing, buyer wins by default
refund(listingID, offerID);
payCommission(listingID, offerID); // Pay commission to affiliate
} else {
paySeller(listingID, offerID);
listings[listingID].deposit += offer.commission; // Refund commission to seller
emit OfferRuling(offer.arbitrator, listingID, offerID, 0x0, _ruling);
delete offers[listingID][offerID];
// @dev Update the refund amount
function updateRefund(uint listingID, uint offerID, uint _refund, bytes32 _ipfsHash) public {
Offer offer = offers[listingID][offerID];
Listing listing = listings[listingID];
require(msg.sender == listing.seller);
require(offer.status == 2); // Offer must be 'Accepted'
require(_refund <= offer.value);
offer.refund = _refund;
emit OfferData(msg.sender, listingID, offerID, _ipfsHash);
// @dev Refunds buyer in ETH or ERC20
function refund(uint listingID, uint offerID) private {
Offer offer = offers[listingID][offerID];
if (address(offer.currency) == 0x0) {
} else {
require(offer.currency.transfer(offer.buyer, offer.value));
// @dev Pay seller in ETH or ERC20
function paySeller(uint listingID, uint offerID) private {
Listing listing = listings[listingID];
Offer offer = offers[listingID][offerID];
uint value = offer.value - offer.refund;
if (address(offer.currency) == 0x0) {
} else {
require(offer.currency.transfer(offer.buyer, offer.refund));
require(offer.currency.transfer(listing.seller, value));
// @dev Pay commission to affiliate
function payCommission(uint listingID, uint offerID) private {
Offer offer = offers[listingID][offerID];
if (offer.affiliate != 0x0) {
require(tokenAddr.transfer(offer.affiliate, offer.commission));
function addData(bytes32 ipfsHash) public {
emit MarketplaceData(msg.sender, ipfsHash);
function addData(uint listingID, bytes32 ipfsHash) public {
emit ListingData(msg.sender, listingID, ipfsHash);
// @dev Associate ipfs data with an offer
function addData(uint listingID, uint offerID, bytes32 ipfsHash) public {
emit OfferData(msg.sender, listingID, offerID, ipfsHash);
// @dev Allow listing arbitrator to send deposit
function sendDeposit(uint listingID, address target, uint value, bytes32 ipfsHash) public {
Listing listing = listings[listingID];
require(listing.arbitrator == msg.sender);
require(listing.deposit >= value);
listing.deposit -= value;
require(tokenAddr.transfer(target, value));
emit ListingArbitrated(target, listingID, ipfsHash);
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