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Created February 14, 2017 20:58
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Try to replicate eqc_statem in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving, Rank2Types, RecordWildCards, FlexibleInstances #-}
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Poly
import Data.IORef
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Dynamic
-- Bounded queues, without any error checking.
data Queue a =
Queue {
queue_array :: IOArray Int a,
queue_peek :: IORef Int,
queue_poke :: IORef Int }
new :: Int -> IO (Queue a)
new n = do
array <- newArray (0, n) undefined
peek <- newIORef 0
poke <- newIORef 0
return (Queue array peek poke)
put :: a -> Queue a -> IO ()
put x Queue{..} = do
poke <- readIORef queue_poke
writeArray queue_array poke x
n <- arraySize queue_array
writeIORef queue_poke $! (poke + 1) `mod` n
get :: Queue a -> IO a
get Queue{..} = do
peek <- readIORef queue_peek
x <- readArray queue_array peek
n <- arraySize queue_array
writeIORef queue_peek $! (peek + 1) `mod` n
return x
size :: Queue a -> IO Int
size Queue{..} = do
peek <- readIORef queue_peek
poke <- readIORef queue_poke
n <- arraySize queue_array
return ((poke-peek) `mod` n)
arraySize :: (Num i, Ix i) => IOArray i a -> IO i
arraySize array = do
(lo, hi) <- getBounds array
return (hi-lo+1)
-- Testing, stuff specific to this example.
data State =
| HaveQueue {
state_queue :: Var (Queue A),
state_capacity :: Int,
state_contents :: [A] }
initialState :: State
initialState = NoQueue
data Command a where
New :: Int -> Command (Queue A)
Put :: A -> Var (Queue A) -> Command ()
Get :: Var (Queue A) -> Command A
Size :: Var (Queue A) -> Command Int
deriving instance Show (Command a)
runCommand :: Env -> Command a -> IO a
runCommand _ (New n) = new n
runCommand env (Put x ref) = put x (env ref)
runCommand env (Get ref) = get (env ref)
runCommand env (Size ref) = size (env ref)
genCommand :: State -> Gen (Untyped Command)
genCommand NoQueue = fmap (Untyped . New) arbitrary
genCommand HaveQueue{..} =
oneof [
fmap (Untyped . flip Put state_queue) arbitrary,
return (Untyped (Get state_queue)),
return (Untyped (Size state_queue))]
shrinkCommand :: Command a -> [Command a]
shrinkCommand (New n) = map New (shrink n)
shrinkCommand (Put x q) = map (flip Put q) (shrink x)
shrinkCommand _ = []
pre :: Command a -> State -> Bool
pre New{} HaveQueue{} = False
pre (New n) NoQueue = n >= 0
pre Put{} HaveQueue{..} =
length state_contents < state_capacity
pre Get{} HaveQueue{state_contents = []} = False
pre _ _ = True
post :: Env -> Command a -> a -> State -> Property
post _ Get{} x HaveQueue{state_contents = y:_} =
counterexample "Wrong value returned from get" $
x === y
post _ Size{} n HaveQueue{..} =
counterexample "Wrong length returned from size" $
n === length state_contents
post _ _ _ _ = property True
nextState :: Command a -> Var a -> State -> State
nextState (New n) q NoQueue =
HaveQueue q n []
nextState (Put x q) _ state@HaveQueue{..} =
state{state_contents = state_contents ++ [x]}
nextState (Get q) _ state@HaveQueue{state_contents = _:xs} =
state{state_contents = xs}
nextState (Size _) _ s = s
prop_ok cmds = runCommands cmds
-- Testing, reusable code.
data Var a = Var Int deriving Show
type Env = forall a. Typeable a => Var a -> a
newtype Commands = Commands [Cmd] deriving Show
data Cmd where
-- A command together with its result
Cmd :: forall a. Typeable a => Command a -> Var a -> Cmd
deriving instance Show Cmd
data Untyped f where
Untyped :: Typeable a => f a -> Untyped f
instance Arbitrary Commands where
arbitrary = Commands <$> do
n <- sized $ \k -> choose (0, k)
-- First argument: number of commands to generate
-- Second argument: next variable index to use
loop :: Int -> Int -> State -> Gen [Cmd]
loop 0 _ _ = return []
loop n i state = do
Untyped cmd <- genCommand state `suchThat` (\(Untyped cmd) -> pre cmd state)
let res = Var i
next = nextState cmd res state
fmap (Cmd cmd res:) (loop (n-1) (i+1) next)
loop n 0 initialState
shrink (Commands cmds) =
map (Commands . prune initialState []) (shrinkList shrinkCmd cmds)
shrinkCmd (Cmd cmd x) =
[ Cmd cmd' x | cmd' <- shrinkCommand cmd ]
-- Remove any commands which don't satisfy their precondition
prune :: State -> [Int] -> [Cmd] -> [Cmd]
prune _ _ [] = []
prune state bound (Cmd cmd x@(Var res):cmds)
| pre cmd state =
Cmd cmd x:
prune (nextState cmd x state) (res:bound) cmds
| otherwise = prune state bound cmds
runCommands :: Commands -> Property
runCommands (Commands cmds) = runCmds initialState [] cmds
runCmds :: State -> [(Int, Dynamic)] -> [Cmd] -> Property
runCmds _ _ [] = property True
runCmds state vals (Cmd cmd var@(Var x):cmds) =
counterexample (show cmd) $ ioProperty $ do
res <- runCommand (sub vals) cmd
return $
post (sub vals) cmd res state .&&.
let next = nextState cmd var state in
runCmds next ((x, toDyn res):vals) cmds
sub :: Typeable a => [(Int, Dynamic)] -> Var a -> a
sub vals (Var x) =
case lookup x vals of
Nothing -> discard
-- ^ this can happen if a shrink step makes a variable unbound
Just val ->
case fromDynamic val of
Nothing -> error $ "variable " ++ show x ++ " has wrong type"
Just val -> val
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