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Last active January 26, 2023 23:18
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Send breach notifications to AD Users that have not changed their password since a breach was reported
function Find-EnabledADUser(){
Finds a single enabled AD user for a given email address
Searches through the default domain or each domain given in ADDomains for a single enabled user. The user could match on EmailAddress ProxyAddresses or SamAccountName. Warns if no results or more that one result per email address.
Find-EnabledADUser -ADDomains "", "" -Email ""
HelpMessage='The email address:')]
HelpMessage='Optional list of domains to search: "", ""')]
HelpMessage='Optional list of properties to return from AD')]
$Properties = @("PasswordLastSet","EmailAddress"))
$ProxyAddress = "smtp:" + $Email
$Username = ($Email -split "@")[0]
$Filter = {(Enabled -eq $True) -and ((ProxyAddresses -eq $ProxyAddress) -or (SamAccountName -eq $Username) -or (EmailAddress -eq $Email))}
$Results = $ADDomains | ForEach {
$ADDomain = $_
Get-ADUser -Server $ADDomain -Filter $Filter -Properties $Properties
$Results = Get-ADUser -Filter $Filter -Properties $Properties
$ResultCount = ($Results | Measure).Count
if($ResultCount -eq 0){
Write-Warning ($Email + " not found")
if($ResultCount -gt 1){
Write-Warning ("More than one result for " + $Email + ": " + (($Results).DistinguishedName | ConvertTo-Json -Compress))
if(($ResultCount -eq 1) -and (-not($Results.EmailAddress))){
Write-Warning ($Email + " does not have an email address in AD")
if(($ResultCount -eq 1) -and $Results.EmailAddress){
function Send-BreachNotifications(){
Sends breach notification emails to enabled AD users that haven't changed their password since the breach
Accepts a piped list of breach details, finds associated enabled AD accounts, and sends a breach notification email if the password hasn't been changed since the breach date.DESCRIPTION
Input object must at least have the fields: email, breach_added_date, and breach_description. For example:
"email": "",
"breach_added_date": "2019-11-22T20:13:04Z",
"breach_description": "Something bad happened",
EmailTemplate is a plain text string that can include strings that will be replaced with the values from AD or the breach report. The values that can be substituted are:
For example:
$EmailTemplate = @"
Your information has been reported in one or more breaches and your password has not changed since the date the breach was reported. Please change your password as soon as possible.
Number of breaches: _BREACHCOUNT_
Breach Descriptions:
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Example Security Team
Import-Csv hibp_report.csv | Send-BreachNotifications -From "" -Subject "Your password may be compromised" -EmailTemplate $MyTemplate -SmtpServer -WhatIf
HelpMessage='Optional list of domains to search: "", ""')]
HelpMessage='Optional email priority: {Normal | Low | High}')]
$Priority = "Normal"
$BreachUsers = @{}
# Create a list of breaches per AD user
$Breaches | ForEach {
$UserBreach = $_
$User = Find-EnabledADUser -Email $ -ADDomains $ADDomains
$User = Find-EnabledADUser -Email $
# Skip if unique user not found
# Skip if password changed after breach date
if($User -and ((Get-Date $UserBreach.breach_added_date) -gt $User.PasswordLastSet)){
if(-not ($BreachUsers[$User.DistinguishedName])){
$BreachUsers[$User.DistinguishedName] = @{
"User" = $User
"Breaches" = @()
$BreachUsers[$User.DistinguishedName]["Breaches"] += $UserBreach
End {
$BreachUsers.Keys | Foreach {
$dn = $_
$User = $BreachUsers[$dn]["User"]
$Breaches = $BreachUsers[$dn]["Breaches"]
$FirstName = $User.GivenName
$LastName = $User.Surname
$BreachCount = ($Breaches | Measure).Count
$BreachDescriptions += ($Breaches).breach_description
$Body = $EmailTemplate
$Body = $Body -Replace "_FIRSTNAME_", $FirstName
$Body = $Body -Replace "_LASTNAME_", $LastName
$Body = $Body -Replace "_BREACHCOUNT_", $BreachCount
$Body = $Body -Replace "_BREACHDESCRIPTIONS_", $BreachDescriptions
if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess(("To: " + $User.EmailAddress + ", Body: " + $Body), $User.EmailAddress, "Send-MailMessage")){
Send-MailMessage -To $User.EmailAddress -From $From -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -Priority $Priority -SmtpServer $SmtpServer
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nickadam commented Nov 30, 2021


Import and test with -WhatIf

. .\BreachNotificationModule.ps1
$EmailTemplate = @"

Your information has been reported in one or more breaches and your password has not changed since the date the
breach was reported. Please change your password as soon as possible.

Number of breaches: _BREACHCOUNT_
Breach Descriptions:


Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Example Security Team
Import-Csv .\breach_report_sample.csv | Send-BreachNotifications -ADDomains "", "" -From "" -Subject "Your password may be compromised" -EmailTemplate $EmailTemplate -SmtpServer "" -WhatIf

If the output messages look good run without -WhatIf to send messages

Import-Csv .\breach_report_sample.csv | Send-BreachNotifications -ADDomains "", "" -From "" -Subject "Your password may be compromised" -EmailTemplate $EmailTemplate -SmtpServer ""

If you wanted to exclude email addresses that match a pattern, use pipes

# excludes email addresses that are just numbers before the @ symbol
Import-Csv .\breach_report_sample.csv | Where{$ -notmatch "^[0-9]+@"} | Send-BreachNotifications -ADDomains "", "" -From "" -Subject "Your password may be compromised" -EmailTemplate $EmailTemplate -SmtpServer ""

More help

. .\BreachNotificationModule.ps1
help Find-EnabledADUser
help Send-BreachNotifications

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