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Last active July 9, 2023 18:40
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How I generated a gource visualization of some org-files stored in git repositories

I have a long history of using org-mode, but I don’t have a consistent history of tracking it under version control. I have at times and then stopped, I don’t push my git repository anywhere, it does get backed up periodically. Some of my org-mode files get copied around to multiple devices (typically bi-directional sync, but you can get creative with send only and exclusions etc ..). Anyway, I have a few different git repositories that contain org-mode files and I wanted to visualize activity over time. Gource produces a nifty visualization, and you can even interact with it, zooming in, panning around while being able to see user, directory, and file names.

I use this city script to generate videos like

set -e
set -u
set -x

# brew/apt/yum/flake whatever install gource ffmpeg

# repos="<repo1> <repo2> ... <repoN>"

TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
cd "${TMPDIR}"
rm -rf repos logs out
mkdir -p repos logs out
for REPOPATH in $repopaths
    REPO=$(basename $REPOPATH)
    cd repos
    git clone "${REPOPATH}" "${REPO}"
    gource --output-custom-log "${TMPDIR}/logs/${REPO}.log" "${REPO}"
    awk -F\| -v repo="$REPO" '{print $1 "|" $2 "|" $3 "|" repo $4}' "${TMPDIR}/logs/${REPO}.log" > "${TMPDIR}/logs/${REPO}.gourced.log"
    cd ../
cd logs
cat ./*.gourced.log | sort -n > combined.gourced.log
gource combined.gourced.log \
       --highlight-users \
       --highlight-dirs \
       -1280x720 \
       --seconds-per-day 0.125 \
       --max-files 0 \
       --title "Nick's Org-mode" \
       --hide directories,filenames,usernames,bloom \
       --dir-name-depth 3\
       -o ${TMPDIR}/out/gource-multi-repos.ppm
ffmpeg -y \
       -r 60 \
       -f image2pipe \
       -vcodec ppm \
       -i ${TMPDIR}/out/gource-multi-repos.ppm \
       -vcodec libx264 \
       -preset ultrafast \
       -pix_fmt yuv420p \
       -crf 1 \
       -threads 0 \
       -bf 0 \
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