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org-mode source for Example converting a traditionally managed 3.18.3 policy set to cfbs which was transcluded

Example converting a traditionally managed 3.18.3 policy set to cfbs

Initalizing a traditionally managed policy set

First, we need to initialize a traditional policy set. Let’s start with masterfiles from the 3.18.3 release. This way we can go through the process of migrating to the same version with cfbs. We need to download it and unpack it into the root of our repository.

exec 2>&1
MPF_TARBALL_URL=$(cf-remote --version 3.18.3 list masterfiles | tail -n 1)
tar -zxf $MPF_TARBALL_FILENAME --strip-components=2

We can see it’s a standard stock policy set.

Keep generated files from getting committed to the policy set

Next we need to lay down the typical .gitignore for a policy set.

exec 2>&1
printf "# These files are generated and should not become part of the policy set\n" > .gitignore
printf "cf_promises_validated\n"  >> .gitignore
printf "cf_promises_release_id\n" >> .gitignore

Let’s go ahead and initialize the git repository and commit the current changes.

exec 2>&1
git init
git add .
git commit -m "In the beginning there was darkness, then Nick said let there be a stock 3.18.3 policy set" | grep -v "create mode"

Now we have a stock 3.18.3 policy set.

Integrating custom policy

Next we need to add some custom policy. Let’s integrate policy in a few different ways to be representative of what you might find in a policy set that has been around for some time.

Long, long ago it was standard practice to modify the default policy to add custom policy to inputs and the bundlesequence. Let’s create a custom policy file and add it to inputs and bundlesequence.

exec 2>&1
cat << EOF >
bundle agent custom_policy_1
  reports: 'Policy from \$(this.bundle)';
sed -i '/^\s*"services\/",/a "",'
sed -i '/^\s*@(def.bundlesequence_end),/a custom_policy_1,'

These days we have Augments (def.json) that allow us to define variables and classes very early during the bundlesequence and the MPF is instrumented with many variables which can be leveraged to influence the behavior of the policy. Let’s add a couple more policies integrated explicitly via augments as well as via autorun.

exec 2>&1
cat << EOF > services/
bundle agent custom_policy_2
   reports: 'Hello from \$(this.bundle) \$(with)'
             with => join( ",", callstack_promisers() );
cat << EOF > services/autorun/
bundle agent custom_policy_3
   meta: "tags" slist => { "autorun" };
  reports: 'Hello from \$(this.bundle)';

cat << EOF > def.json
  "inputs": [ "services/" ],

  "classes": {
    "services_autorun":  [ "any::" ]

  "vars": {
    "control_common_bundlesequence_end": [ "custom_policy_2" ]
#git commit -m "Added custom policy integrated via Augments"

services/ also commonly contains custom policy, typically methods type promises to call other custom policy.

exec 2>&1
sed -i '/^\s*# Activate your custom policies here/a "Calling custom_policy_2 from main" usebundle => custom_policy_2;' services/

With custom policy in place, let’s commit.

exec 2>&1
git add .
git commit -m "Added custom policy integrated in various ways"

Initialize the cfbs project

Now, let’s initialize this repository as a cfbs project.

The easiest way to get a cfbs project started is to use cfbs init.

exec 2>&1
cfbs init --non-interactive

By default it will use the most recent version of masterfiles, but we want to first get cfbs replicating our existing policy set so we will remove masterfiles.

exec 2>&1
cfbs remove masterfiles --non-interactive

And add it back at a specific version.

exec 2>&1
cfbs add masterfiles@3.18.3 --non-interactive

At this point we can cfbs build.

exec 2>&1
cfbs build

Find the differences between cfbs built policy and traditionally integrated policy set

Now we can see how our cfbs built 3.18.3 policy differs from our current policy set. We recursively diff the root of our policy set against the cfbs build result in out/masterfiles.

exec 2>&1
diff --exclude=out --recursive --unified . out/masterfiles

Integrate custom policy into cfbs project

We can see there are a few differences, but first let’s focus on the files that are missing from the cfbs built policy.

exec 2>&1
diff --exclude=out --recursive --unified . out/masterfiles | grep "Only in \."

We can ignore the .git, .gitignore, and cfbs.json.

exec 2>&1
diff --exclude=out --recursive --unified . out/masterfiles | grep "Only in \." | grep -vP ".git|.gitignore|cfbs.json"

Now we can easily see that we need to get, def.json, services/autorun/, and services/ into the cfbs built policy set. Let’s cfbs add them.

exec 2>&1
cfbs add --non-interactive

Let’s take a look at what cfbs add did.

exec 2>&1
git log -p -n 1

We can see it added a new JSON object with steps:

copy ./ services/cfbs/
This copies to services/cfbs/ relative to the root of the built policy.
policy_files services/cfbs/
This adds services/cfbs/ to inputs in def.json so that the policy file is parsed.
bundles custom_policy_1
This adds custom_policy_1 to default:def.control_common_bundlesequence_end in def.json so that the bundle will be run as part of the bundlesequence.

At least for now, we are looking to replicate the existing policy set while trying to avoid modifications to the MPF, so let’s edit cfbs.json so that is placed in the root of the built policy.

exec 2>&1
sed -i 's|services/cfbs/||g' cfbs.json

Let’s check that the build steps for are as desired.

exec 2>&1
git diff

That looks correct, so we can commit those changes to the cfbs project.

exec 2>&1
git add cfbs.json
git commit -m "Fixed build integration target location, inputs and bundlesequence"

Next we do similar with the other custom policy files, first services/

First we add the local policy to the project.

exec 2>&1
cfbs add services/ --non-interactive

We see that it’s target location is not as desired.

exec 2>&1
git log -p -n 1

We correct the target location.

exec 2>&1
sed -i 's|services/cfbs/services/|services/|g' cfbs.json

We inspect our change.

exec 2>&1
git diff

We commit our change fixing the target location for

exec 2>&1
git add cfbs.json
git commit -m "Fixed build integration target location, inputs and bundlesequence"

Finally, we start integrating the missing

exec 2>&1
cfbs add services/autorun/ --non-interactive

We again see the target is not as desired, but also we see that we don’t need to explicitly include this policy file in inputs or the bundlesequence as it leverages autorun for inclusion.

exec 2>&1
git log -p -n 1

We adjust the target path and commit the changes to the cfbs project, and we redact the addition of the file to inputs (since it’s in the services/autorun directory as well as it’s inclusion to the top level bundlesequence.

exec 2>&1
# Fix  the target path for custom-policy-3
sed -i 's|services/cfbs/services/autorun/|services/autorun/|g' cfbs.json
# Remove from inputs and bundlesequnce
sed -i '/.*policy_files services\/autorun\/*/d' cfbs.json
sed -i '/.*bundles custom_policy_3.*/d' cfbs.json
# Now we need to correct the JSON since the copy is the only build step and the
# last entry of a JSON array must not contain a comma
sed -ri 's/("copy.*)",/\"/g' cfbs.json
exec 2>&1
git diff

exec 2>&1
git add cfbs.json
git commit -m "Fixed build integration target location, redacted inputs and bundlesequence"

Finally we can see that the policy set resulting from cfbs build is not missing anything.

exec 2>&1
cfbs build
diff --exclude=out --recursive --unified . out/masterfiles | grep "Only in \." | grep -vP ".git|.gitignore|cfbs.json"

Check for files in cfbs build result that are not present in tarball initalized policy set

Let’s look at the files in the cfbs built result that are not in the current policy.

exec 2>&1
diff --exclude=out --recursive --unified . out/masterfiles | grep "Only in out"

We have some extra files, let’s take care of those by editing cfbs.json and deleting them in the build steps of the masterfiles module.

exec 2>&1
# Modify masterfiles build steps to remove files not delivered by release tarball
sed -ri 's/(.*)("copy .\/ .\/")/\1"delete cfe_internal\/core\/watchdog\/",\n\1\2/' cfbs.json
sed -ri 's/(.*)("copy .\/ .\/")/\1"delete cfe_internal\/enterprise\/ha\/ha_info.json",\n\1\2/' cfbs.json
sed -ri 's/(.*)("copy .\/ .\/")/\1"delete .github",\n\1\2/' cfbs.json
sed -ri 's/(.*)("copy .\/ .\/")/\1"delete inventory\/",\n\1\2/' cfbs.json
sed -ri 's/(.*)("copy .\/ .\/")/\1"delete lib\/",\n\1\2/' cfbs.json
sed -ri 's/(.*)("copy .\/ .\/")/\1"delete LICENSE",\n\1\2/' cfbs.json
sed -ri 's/(.*)("copy .\/ .\/")/\1"delete modules\/promises",\n\1\2/' cfbs.json
sed -ri 's/(.*)("copy .\/ .\/")/\1"delete .no-distrib",\n\1\2/' cfbs.json
sed -ri 's/(.*)("copy .\/ .\/")/\1"delete services\/autorun\/",\n\1\2/' cfbs.json
sed -ri 's/(.*)("copy .\/ .\/")/\1"delete templates\/",\n\1\2/' cfbs.json

After making the edits to the masterfiles module build steps we can review our changes.

exec 2>&1
git diff

And we can make sure that the result of cfbs build is not missing any files.

exec 2>&1
cfbs build
diff --exclude=out --recursive --unified . out/masterfiles | grep "Only in out"

Review and resolve remaining differences

Now all that remains is reviewing any other differences between our traditionally managed policy with the result of cfbs build.

exec 2>&1
diff --exclude=out --recursive --unified . out/masterfiles

The diff above highlights differences in def.json, .git, .gitignore,, and services/

  • The difference in the inputs key and the control_common_bundlesequence_end array in the vars key is expected as we migrated a modification including in inputs and bundlesquence from to def.json via the build steps for that module, removing an unnecessary modification to the vendored files which is also reflected in the differences of
  • We are lacking the class definition for services_autorun to enable the autorun service.
  • We are lacking the modification to services/ explicitly running the custom_policy_2 bundle.

We can address services/ as we have addressed other files deployed from our traditionally managed policy set, first adding the file.

exec 2>&1
cfbs add services/ --non-interactive

Then adjusting the build steps as necessary.

exec 2>&1
# Overwrite the vendored services/main
sed -i 's|services/cfbs/services/|services/|g' cfbs.json
# Remove build steps for services/ for inputs and bundlesequnce as it's
# already inclided by default in the framework as a vendored file
sed -i '/.*policy_files services\/main.*/d' cfbs.json
sed -i '/.*bundles main.*/d' cfbs.json
# Now we need to correct the JSON since the copy is the only build step and the
# last entry of a JSON array must not contain a comma
sed -ri 's/("copy.*)",/\"/g' cfbs.json

We can address enabling autorun by simply adding in the autorun module.

exec 2>&1
cfbs add autorun --non-interactive

This leaves only the expected differences between the traditionally manged policy set and the cfbs built policy set.

exec 2>&1
cfbs build
diff --exclude=out --recursive --unified . out/masterfiles

Moving ahead

At this point we have completed the process of bringing our policy set under cfbs management. Look around for modules that interest you, try adding and removing modules, you can even try cfbs update masterfiles to see how the policy framework upgrade has been simplified.

If you have ideas for improving the feature set or behavior of cfbs please open a ticket on the issue tracker.

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