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Created October 15, 2016 02:07
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How to use Simple Calendar Rails gem

Using Simple Calendar for Rails


  • Use simple_calendar gem to easily generate calendars in a Rails project.
  • Understand how the calendar is generated and how to customise it.

What is simple calendar?

Simple calendar is a Rails gem that generates a calendar for use in your views.

You can use simple calendar to generate monthly and weekly calendars.


Add this into your Gemfile and do a bundle install:

gem "simple_calendar", "~> 2.0"

How to generate calendar in a view

Once the gem is installed you can start using it to generate calendars in your views.

The month_calendar method will work as it should:

<%= month_calendar do |date| %>
  <%= date %>
<% end %>

Example: show meetings on a calendar

Generating the model

For single day events:

$ rails g scaffold Meeting name start_time:datetime

For multi-day events you will need to also have a end_time column in your db table:

$ rails g scaffold Meeting name start_time:datetime end_time:datetime

Note: start_time and end_time are keywords that simple_calendar looks out for to match an event to a dated cell.

Showing events on the calendar

To add events to the calendar, you will need to add the instance variable (eg. @meetings) to the above syntax:

<%= month_calendar events: @meetings do |date, meetings| %>
  <%= date %>

  <% meetings.each do |meeting| %>
      <%= %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>

Breaking down what's happening here:

  • Each time it goes through the loop, a cell is created and appended to the calendar (which is a table).
  • In each instance of meeting, there needs to be a :start_time attribute that is of data type DateTime.
  • Simple Calendar will automatically match that :start_time value with the date value, and append the into the correct cell.

Knowing this is knowing 90% of the functionality of simple calendar, which is to generate a simple calendar capable of showing 'events' in the correctly dated cells.

Customising View

To customise the look (to add custom Bootstrap or Semantic UI classes, for example), generate the simple_calendar view via Terminal:

$ rails g simple_calendar:views

This is generate a folder in app/views, where you can edit the view.

Changing Date Format show in each cell

To change the format of the date displayed in each cell, use Rails' built-in methods.

For example, you can use .to_formatted_s(:short) to change the display from 2016-10-24 to 24 Oct:

<div id="requests">
  <%= month_calendar events: @requests do |date, requests| %>
    <%= date.to_formatted_s(:short) %>
  <% end %>

Customising view through simple_calendar's CSS

It's also possible to directly tweak the style of the calendar:

.simple-calendar {
  .day {}

  .wday-0 {}
  .wday-1 {}
  .wday-2 {}
  .wday-3 {}
  .wday-4 {}
  .wday-5 {}
  .wday-6 {}

  .today {}
  .past {}
  .future {}

  .start-date {}

  .prev-month {}
  .next-month { }
  .current-month {}

  .has-events {}

See original GitHub repo:

To see simple_calendar in action:

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