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Last active August 9, 2022 07:36
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Save nickbalch/8f7d9a486b79b3c0c0702de2b2ac4dde to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python scripts for downloading and maintaining flickr images from a group or set into a subfolder, then generating a RSS feed from a folder that could contain the downloaded flickr folder and/or additional images from elsewhere. Resulting file can be served up by any webserver to (for example) a LCD picture frame that can accept RSS feeds. RSS g…
#!/usr/bin/env python
# import libraries
#import sys
import datetime
import time
import random
import flickrapi
import requests
import os
# import re
# import constants from stat library
from stat import * # ST_SIZE ST_MTIME
USER_ID = ""
SET_ID = ""
imagesRootDir = ""
flickrDir = imagesRootDir + "/flickr/"
rssFilename = ""
# the image feed name
rssTitle = "Image Stream"
# the podcast description
rssDescription = "Image Stream"
# the url where the podcast items will be hosted
rssSiteURL = ""
# the url of the folder where the items will be stored
rssItemURL = rssSiteURL + "/frame"
# the url to the podcast html file
rssLink = rssSiteURL + "/index.html"
# url to the podcast image
rssImageUrl = rssSiteURL + "/logo.jpg"
# the time to live (in minutes)
rssTtl = "60"
# contact details of the web master
rssWebMaster = ""
# format date method
def formatDate(dt):
return dt.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")
# get the item/@type based on file extension
def getItemType(fileExtension):
if fileExtension == "jpg":
mediaType = "image/jpeg"
## if fileExtension == "aac":
## mediaType = "audio/mpeg"
elif fileExtension == "mp4":
mediaType = "video/mpeg"
mediaType = "audio/mpeg"
return mediaType
def make_url(photo):
# url_template = "http://farm{farm-id}
# {server-id}/{id}_{secret}_[mstzb].jpg"
photo['filename'] = "%(id)s_%(secret)s_b.jpg" % photo
url = ("http://farm%(farm)"
% photo)
return url, photo['filename']
def main():
# command line options
# - python /path/to/image/filedir/ url/of/webserver /path/to/output/rss
# directory passed in
# rootdir = sys.argv[1]
# webserver url
# weburl = sys.argv[2]
# output RSS filename
# outputFilename = sys.argv[3]
print "Requesting photos..."
photolist,dl_count = flickr_download(flickrDir)
print "Total files in group ",len(photolist)
print "Files downloaded ",dl_count
deleted = dir_sync(flickrDir,photolist)
print "Files removed",deleted
date = rss(rssFilename,rssItemURL,imagesRootDir)
print "RSS generated with time of ",date
def flickr_download(dpath):
#get new imaged from flickr
# print " ---> Requesting photos..."
dl_count = 0
update = False
photolist = list()
flickr = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(FLICKR_KEY, FLICKR_SECRET)
# photos = flickr.walk_set(SET_ID)
photos = flickr.walk(tag_mode='all',group_id=GROUP_ID)
for photo in photos:
url, filename = make_url(photo.attrib)
# path = '/home/pi/mnt/www/frame/flickr/%s' % filename
# print(dpath+filename)
image_file = open(dpath+filename)
# print " ---> Already have %s" % url
except IOError:
# print " ---> Downloading %s" % url
r = requests.get(url)
image_file = open(dpath+filename, 'w')
dl_count =+ 1
return photolist, dl_count
def dir_sync(path,photolist):
#check to see if it needs to remove photos from folder
# filelist = os.listdir("/home/pi/mnt/www/frame/flickr")
deletelist =list()
filelist = os.listdir(path)
if len(photolist) < len(filelist):
# print " ---> Removing photos"
deletelist = set(filelist).difference(photolist)
print " Delete count = ",len(deletelist)
for f in deletelist:
# print " ---> Deleting %s" %f
# os.remove("/home/pi/mnt/www/frame/flickr/%s" %f)
return len(deletelist)
def rss(outputFilename,weburl,rootdir):
rssItemURL = weburl
#record datetime started
now =
# open rss file
outputFile = open(outputFilename, "w")
# write rss header
outputFile.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\n")
outputFile.write("<rss version=\"2.0\">\n")
outputFile.write("<title>" + rssTitle + "</title>\n")
outputFile.write("<description>" + rssDescription + "</description>\n")
outputFile.write("<link>" + rssLink + "</link>\n")
outputFile.write("<ttl>" + rssTtl + "</ttl>\n")
outputFile.write("<image><url>" + rssImageUrl + "</url><title>" + rssTitle + "</title><link>" + rssLink + "</link></image>\n")
outputFile.write("<lastBuildDate>" + formatDate(now) + "</lastBuildDate>\n")
outputFile.write("<pubDate>" + formatDate(now) + "</pubDate>\n")
outputFile.write("<webMaster>" + rssWebMaster + "</webMaster>\n")
# walk through all files and subfolders
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(rootdir):
# print path+" file Directory Count ",len(files)
if len(files) > 500:
list = random.sample(files,400)
print "Randomly selecting ",len (list)
list = files
for file in list:
# split the file based on "." we use the first part as the title and the extension to work out the media type
fileNameBits = file.split(".")
# get the full path of the file
fullPath = os.path.join(path, file)
# get the stats for the file
fileStat = os.stat(fullPath)
# find the path relative to the starting folder, e.g. /subFolder/file
relativePath = fullPath[len(rootdir):]
# print fullPath
# print relativePath
# write rss item
outputFile.write("<title>" + fileNameBits[0].replace("_", " ") + "</title>\n")
outputFile.write("<description>A description</description>\n")
outputFile.write("<link>" + rssItemURL + relativePath + "</link>\n")
outputFile.write("<guid>" + rssItemURL + relativePath + "</guid>\n")
outputFile.write("<pubDate>" + formatDate(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(fileStat[ST_MTIME])) + "</pubDate>\n")
outputFile.write("<enclosure url=\"" + rssItemURL + relativePath + "\" length=\"" + str(fileStat[ST_SIZE]) + "\" type=\"" + getItemType(fileNameBits[len(fileNameBits)-1]) + "\" />\n")
# write rss footer
print "complete"
return now
if __name__ == '__main__':
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