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Created July 26, 2020 01:21
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(ns haversine
(:require [math.numeric-tower :refer [expt sqrt]]))
(def RADIUS_OF_EARTH 6371.0088)
(defn radians [degrees]
(/ (* degrees Math/PI) 180))
(defn haversine
[lat1 lon1 lat2 lon2]
(let [[lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2] (map radians [lon1 lat1 lon2 lat2])
lng (- lon2 lon1)
lat (- lat2 lat1)
a (+ (expt (Math/sin (* lat 1/2)) 2)
(* (Math/cos lat1)
(Math/cos lat2)
(expt (Math/sin (/ lng 2)) 2)))
c (* 2 (Math/asin (sqrt a)))]
(* 1000 (* c RADIUS_OF_EARTH)))) ; meters
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