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Created October 11, 2023 09:18
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GTD & Things Process

Some David Allen (GTD) and Merlin Mann wisdom (Inbox Zero guy who now makes podcasts)

  • Life is has lots of inboxes, try and move everything to one place
    • i.e.: email to Things inbox, Reminders to Things inbox, your memory to something written down
  • Similarly, make it easy to capture things
    • I use the Quick Entry dialog on macOS and now the Action Button on the iPhone 15 Pro,
    • You'll eventually find yourself doing this all the time
  • For you to trust the process and get the most out of it, you need to do the reviews, otherwise none of this will work
  • Everything which is made up of one or more task is a project, make it one,
  • You can't do everything in the given hours of the day, you'll find you eventually have a certain "capacity"
    • For me, this is about 3-4 general life/work admin things
  • If you keep bumping tasks along day by day, there's a reason
    • You might not want to do it, why?
    • Do you actually have everything you need?
    • Is it too big? Can you break it down?

Some notes on Things

  • I use Areas for broad life categories which will have (or should end up having) multiple Projects
    • e.g.: Current Client Project, Work, Personal, House, Projects (which is every "tech" thing I've got going on, I've never found a better name for it), Super Secret Project(s)
  • Projects are everything with more than one task
    • They're sometimes long running, but they do need to be complete-able, otherwise it gets depressing,
    • Occasionally, if I need more notes I link to a draft in Drafts, which is where I write most of my notes,
    • This year, I've tried having projects scoped by time. So, "dotfiles (Q4 2023)" and then at the end I review and see how it went. Unfinished items go into a new project at the end/or get deleted,
    • Nearly all Projects are sorted under an Area, except routine things like the Weekly Review
  • The Today view is items I'm trying to do today
    • I'm not that strict about it, but I do try and close them all off by the end of the day or file them away elsewhere
    • The Today view has an Evening section which is helpful for stuff I can't do until the evening, or I'm trying to avoid cluttering up a long list in Today
  • Anytime contains tasks that could be started at any point and that don't have a time associated with them
    • It's usually where articles and videos end up (newsletters, Patreon, etc)
  • Someday are tasks/ideas which have been put aside because I'm not going to do them yet
    • I'm a big user of this, as Things acts as a second brain for me,
    • Both Areas and Projects can each have their own items in Someday, which helps group them nicely
  • Tags are intended for "contexts"
    • I rarely use these now, but the most helpful contexts for me were physical locations
    • I have "Home", "Office", "Errands", then "Routines", "Calls", "Evening", "Waiting", followed by "Reading", "Writing", Watching",
    • I also have a 🔋section with "High" and "Low". I've never really used these,
    • In 2023, I find I use "Routines" (for regularly recurring items like the Daily Review), "Evening" (combined with Ben's script to move items to the bottom of Today) and "Watching" (for YouTube/Patreon videos which come in via email)


  • Every week, I review everything in Things and ahead into the future
    • I typically do this on Sunday afternoon
    • These are split into:
      • Clear
        • Head
        • Email (usually the odd email gets left somewhere because I'm avoiding it or similar)
        • Inbox
      • Current
        • What's on Today?
        • What's coming up tomorrow?
        • Review calendar events for this week and next
      • Notes
        • Review Drafts
        • Review notebook and notes (usually this is a case of throwing out scribbles I've made in places and putting them somewhere better)
      • Look ahead
        • Walk through projects
        • Review Someday list
        • Look at Anytime list
  • Every morning, I review everything new to get me ready for the day
    • Check email,
    • Process Things Inbox
    • See what's on Today and Upcoming
    • Check Calendar for Today and Tomorrow
  • There's also either Quarterly or Yearly reviews as well, but I don't schedule those but rather do them ad-hoc
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