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Last active October 11, 2017 20:07
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psql via vagrant ssh with help from knex.js
#!/usr/bin/env node
// Usage: vpsql [<environment>] [-- [<psql args>]]
// This script looks up the appropriate PostgreSQL database information in your
// local Vagrant development environment and opens a psql session via the
// vagrant ssh command. Without specifying the name of a database (as per your
// knexfile) it will default to "development" or "dev" (whichever exists). In
// addition to that you can pass arbitrary arguments through to the psql command
// by including them after "--".
// Examples:
// Connect to your configured `test` database instead of `dev`:
// $ vpsql test
// Show the schema for `myTable`:
// $ vpsql -- -c '\d myTable'
// Try out some query:
// $ vpsql -- -c 'select * from users where id=1;'
// Note that psql likes to page larger outputs. If you have a custom PAGER
// environment variable (or specify one when using vpsql) it will be passed in
// through the vagrant ssh call, so you don't need to include unnecessary
// customizations in your VM.
// Installation:
// This script should live somewhere in your PATH and run from a directory that
// 1) exists under a vagrant VM directory
// 2) includes a file by the name `knexfile.js`
const fs = require('fs')
const process = require('process')
const childProcess = require('child_process')
let knexFile, knexEnv
function parseArgs(args) {
const split = args.indexOf('--')
return split !== -1
? [args.slice(0, split), args.slice(split + 1)]
: [args, []]
function psqlCommand(dbEnv, extraArgs) {
const pager = 'PAGER=${PAGER:-"' + (process.env.PAGER || 'less -S') + '"}'
const extraArgString = => `'${arg}'`).join(' ')
const { connection } = dbEnv
if (typeof connection === 'string') {
return `${pager} psql ${connection} ${extraArgString}`
const { database } = connection
const user = connection.user || connection.username
return `${pager} psql -U ${user} -d ${database} ${extraArgString}`
try {
knexFile = require(`${process.cwd()}/knexfile.js`)
} catch (err) {
console.error('Could not open "knexfile.js". Perhaps you are in the wrong directory?')
const [ scriptArgs, extraArgs ] = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2))
const [ desiredEnv ] = scriptArgs
if (desiredEnv) {
knexEnv = knexFile[desiredEnv]
} else {
knexEnv = knexFile.development ||
if (!knexEnv) {
console.error('Could not find an appropriate knex database')
['ssh', '-c', psqlCommand(knexEnv, extraArgs)],
{ stdio: 'inherit' }
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