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Last active November 5, 2020 03:27
cbuffer CB
matrix View;
matrix Projection;
matrix ViewProjection;
float4 FrustumPlanes[6]; // view-frustum planes in world space (normals face out)
float2 ViewportSize; // Viewport Width and Height in pixels
float2 PADDING;
// Bounding sphere center (XYZ) and radius (W), world space
StructuredBuffer Buffer0 : register(t0);
// Is Visible 1 (Visible) 0 (Culled)
RWStructuredBuffer BufferOut : register(u0);
Texture2D HizMap : register(t1);
SamplerState HizMapSampler : register(s0);
// Computes signed distance between a point and a plane
// vPlane: Contains plane coefficients (a,b,c,d) where: ax + by + cz = d
// vPoint: Point to be tested against the plane.
float DistanceToPlane( float4 vPlane, float3 vPoint )
return dot(float4(vPoint, 1), vPlane);
// Frustum cullling on a sphere. Returns > 0 if visible, <= 0 otherwise
float CullSphere( float4 vPlanes[6], float3 vCenter, float fRadius )
float dist01 = min(DistanceToPlane(vPlanes[0], vCenter), DistanceToPlane(vPlanes[1], vCenter));
float dist23 = min(DistanceToPlane(vPlanes[2], vCenter), DistanceToPlane(vPlanes[3], vCenter));
float dist45 = min(DistanceToPlane(vPlanes[4], vCenter), DistanceToPlane(vPlanes[5], vCenter));
return min(min(dist01, dist23), dist45) + fRadius;
[numthreads(1, 1, 1)]
void CSMain( uint3 GroupId : SV_GroupID,
uint3 DispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID,
uint GroupIndex : SV_GroupIndex)
// Calculate the actual index this thread in this group will be reading from.
int index = DispatchThreadId.x;
// Bounding sphere center (XYZ) and radius (W), world space
float4 Bounds = Buffer0[index];
// Perform view-frustum test
float fVisible = CullSphere(FrustumPlanes,, Bounds.w);
if (fVisible > 0)
float3 viewEye = -View._m03_m13_m23;
float CameraSphereDistance = distance( viewEye, );
float3 viewEyeSphereDirection = viewEye -;
float3 viewUp = View._m01_m11_m21;
float3 viewDirection = View._m02_m12_m22;
float3 viewRight = normalize(cross(viewEyeSphereDirection, viewUp));
// Help handle perspective distortion.
float fRadius = CameraSphereDistance * tan(asin(Bounds.w / CameraSphereDistance));
// Compute the offsets for the points around the sphere
float3 vUpRadius = viewUp * fRadius;
float3 vRightRadius = viewRight * fRadius;
// Generate the 4 corners of the sphere in world space.
float4 vCorner0WS = float4( + vUpRadius - vRightRadius, 1 ); // Top-Left
float4 vCorner1WS = float4( + vUpRadius + vRightRadius, 1 ); // Top-Right
float4 vCorner2WS = float4( - vUpRadius - vRightRadius, 1 ); // Bottom-Left
float4 vCorner3WS = float4( - vUpRadius + vRightRadius, 1 ); // Bottom-Right
// Project the 4 corners of the sphere into clip space
float4 vCorner0CS = mul(ViewProjection, vCorner0WS);
float4 vCorner1CS = mul(ViewProjection, vCorner1WS);
float4 vCorner2CS = mul(ViewProjection, vCorner2WS);
float4 vCorner3CS = mul(ViewProjection, vCorner3WS);
// Convert the corner points from clip space to normalized device coordinates
float2 vCorner0NDC = vCorner0CS.xy / vCorner0CS.w;
float2 vCorner1NDC = vCorner1CS.xy / vCorner1CS.w;
float2 vCorner2NDC = vCorner2CS.xy / vCorner2CS.w;
float2 vCorner3NDC = vCorner3CS.xy / vCorner3CS.w;
vCorner0NDC = float2( 0.5, -0.5 ) * vCorner0NDC + float2( 0.5, 0.5 );
vCorner1NDC = float2( 0.5, -0.5 ) * vCorner1NDC + float2( 0.5, 0.5 );
vCorner2NDC = float2( 0.5, -0.5 ) * vCorner2NDC + float2( 0.5, 0.5 );
vCorner3NDC = float2( 0.5, -0.5 ) * vCorner3NDC + float2( 0.5, 0.5 );
// In order to have the sphere covering at most 4 texels, we need to use
// the entire width of the rectangle, instead of only the radius of the rectangle,
// which was the original implementation in the ATI paper, it had some edge case
// failures I observed from being overly conservative.
float fSphereWidthNDC = distance( vCorner0NDC, vCorner1NDC );
// Compute the center of the bounding sphere in screen space
float3 Cv = mul( View, float4(, 1 ) ).xyz;
// compute nearest point to camera on sphere, and project it
float3 Pv = Cv - normalize( Cv ) * Bounds.w;
float4 ClosestSpherePoint = mul( Projection, float4( Pv, 1 ) );
// Choose a MIP level in the HiZ map.
// The original assumed viewport width > height, however I've changed it
// to determine the greater of the two.
// This will result in a mip level where the object takes up at most
// 2x2 texels such that the 4 sampled points have depths to compare
// against.
float W = fSphereWidthNDC * max(ViewportSize.x, ViewportSize.y);
float fLOD = ceil(log2( W ));
// fetch depth samples at the corners of the square to compare against
float4 vSamples;
vSamples.x = HizMap.SampleLevel( HizMapSampler, vCorner0NDC, fLOD );
vSamples.y = HizMap.SampleLevel( HizMapSampler, vCorner1NDC, fLOD );
vSamples.z = HizMap.SampleLevel( HizMapSampler, vCorner2NDC, fLOD );
vSamples.w = HizMap.SampleLevel( HizMapSampler, vCorner3NDC, fLOD );
float fMaxSampledDepth = max( max( vSamples.x, vSamples.y ), max( vSamples.z, vSamples.w ) );
float fSphereDepth = (ClosestSpherePoint.z / ClosestSpherePoint.w);
// cull sphere if the depth is greater than the largest of our HiZ map values
BufferOut[index] = (fSphereDepth > fMaxSampledDepth) ? 0 : 1;
// The sphere is outside of the view frustum
BufferOut[index] = 0;
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