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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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# **AWS EC2 Instance Manager**
## Modify Key Security
chmod 600 key.pem
## Connect to instance
ssh -i key.pem
## Setup Root User
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo useradd -d /home/nick -m nick
sudo passwd nick
sudo visudo
**After line "root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL", add "nick ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL"**
sudo su -
service ssh restart
**Login as new user and notice the default bash is gone, to fix this:**
sudo chsh -s /bin/bash
**if that doesn't work you'll need to edit the passwords file**
sudo su - nano /etc/passwd
**after your new user, add**
## Permanently Add an Alias
nano ~/.bashrc
**Add alias after last line in your terminal**
**Then execute below (space between the . and ~/.bashrc.)**
. ~/.bashrc
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