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Created September 20, 2014 16:23
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Notes: The Myth of a Christian Nation

Myth of a Christian Nation

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  • Christianity is a myth: there is only individual interpretations of what has been passed down, influenced by history and culture. It's not possible to say that one is the "right" version. (Also see The Myth of the Christian Religion.)
  • Myth that US was originally a religious nation vs a secular nation with freedom of thought populated by a high % of Christians.
  • Myth that Christianity now is the same as it was in the 1700s.
  • Myth that Christianity was ever intended to be a political force.
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Pretty much agree with you there on all of those points 100%.

I think it may be fair to say that the founding fathers of the nation had a certain set of moral principles - highly derived from their Christian faiths (although not all were Christians) - which influenced their framing of the constitution and overall approach to government. I do not think, however, that that fact constitutes a "Christian nation", nor was that ever their intention.

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Another reaction I've always had when I hear other Christians talking about how "America is a Christian nation" is that the idea that a world government is in some way God's plan for humanity is a complete misunderstanding of what the Gospel is all about. Jesus even said when he was being arrested by the Jewish authorities, "my kingdom is not of this world. If it was, my servants would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders."

Jesus made a pretty clear point of teaching that the Kingdom of God is not a kingdom in the earthly sense of kingdom, but a kingdom that is within people's hearts. Like ties between family members, it's a kingdom of relationships, love, and service of one another.

People get especially twisted when they think that somehow America is God's chosen nation. I think that is just a complete perversion of the point of Jesus message and teaching.

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