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Created June 4, 2010 05:58
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basic html for css styling
<h1>The largest header is an h1</h1>
Ut lacus lacus, hendrerit id tincidunt vel, posuere ac lorem. Donec posuere sem sed est vestibulum commodo ut vel nunc. Nunc placerat, lorem a pharetra aliquet, nunc lacus facilisis nibh, in ultricies metus sapien eu augue. Nullam quis neque magna. Ut at metus tellus. Nullam vehicula hendrerit ligula vitae iaculis. </p>
<h2>Next we have an h2</h2>
Here's a paragraph with a <a>link to nowhere</a>. Lorem a pharetra aliquet, nunc lacus facilisis nibh, in ultricies metus sapien eu augue. Nullam quis neque magna. Ut at metus tellus. Nullam vehicula hendrerit ligula vitae iaculis. Also, something <strong>that is bolded</strong> and also an <em>emphasized phrase</em>.</p>
<h3>How about those h3's</h3>
Ut lacus lacus, hendrerit id tincidunt vel, posuere ac lorem. Donec posuere sem sed est vestibulum commodo ut vel nunc. Nunc placerat
<li>An unordered list you say?</li>
<li>I bet no one reads this anyways</li>
<h4>h4 is going to be quite a bit smaller</h4>
<p>Why <small>is this text so small?</small></p>
<li>Oh, finally organized your facts with an ordered list?</li>
<li>This would be the second item, see the number 2?</li>
<li>Important last item</li>
<h5>Explaining in code beneath this h5</h5>
def can_pigs_fly?
<h6>Who even uses h6 tags?</h6>
I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. <br />
- Bill Cosby
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