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Created October 27, 2020 09:37
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this file contains methods built for processing GeneProductAssociations from SBML model
this code is an example of a parsing method to extract GeneProductAssociations from SBML file
support version 2 of SBML level 3 Flux Balance Constraints(“fbc”) package
with the aid of Libsbml library
from itertools import chain, combinations
import libsbml
import os
class GeneProteinReactionAssociationParsingSBML:
def __init__(self, sbml_file):
self.logics = ['or', 'and']
self.sbml_file = sbml_file
self.sbml_level = None
self.sbml_version = None
self.fbc_version = None
self.document = None
self.model = None
self.reactions = {}
self.gpr = {}
def execute(self):
print(f"Reading {os.path.basename(self.sbml_file)}")
print(f"This is a SBML Level {self.sbml_level}, Version {self.sbml_version} Document")
if self.fbc_version:
print(f"Document supports FBC Plugin version {self.fbc_version}")
if self.model is None:
print("No model present.")
print(f"\nThe Gene-Protein-Reaction Associations in this file: \n{self.gpr}\n")
return self.gpr
def read_sbml_file(self):
# first read the document (i.e. parsed XML)
self.document = self.read_document(self.sbml_file)
# read SBML Level
self.sbml_level = self.read_sbml_level()
# read SBML Version
self.sbml_version = self.read_sbml_version()
# read FBC Plugin Version
self.fbc_version = self.read_fbc_version()
# read model
self.model = self.read_model()
def process_gpr_in_reactions(self):
for reaction in self.reactions.items():
reaction_name = reaction[0]
fbc = reaction[1].getPlugin("fbc")
gpa = fbc.getGeneProductAssociation()
if gpa is None:
association = gpa.getAssociation()
self.gpr[reaction_name] = self.process_gpr(association, current_list=[])
def process_gpr(self, node, current_list, output=None):
This is a recursive function that specifically process all elements under 'geneProductAssociation' in a sbml
format file
:param node: object created from
:param current_list: keep track of what genes are in the current branch the node is in
:param output: the final output, type as list
:return: type as list [['g1,g2,g3'], ['g1,g3,g4'], ['g2,g3,g5'], ...]
if output is None:
output = []
children = node.getListOfAssociations()
except AttributeError:
return [node.gene_product]
temp_condition_all_gene = True
temp_condition_all_logi = True
for child in children:
if child.element_name in self.logics:
temp_condition_all_gene = False
if child.element_name not in self.logics:
temp_condition_all_logi = False
if node.element_name == 'and':
temp_list = []
for child in children:
if child.element_name == 'geneProductRef':
if temp_condition_all_gene:
elif temp_condition_all_logi:
temp_output = []
for child in children:
temp_output.append(self.process_gpr(child, current_list=current_list, output=[]))
processed = self.combination_lists(temp_output)
for ele in processed:
elif not children:
part_of_gpr = []
for child in children:
if child.element_name in self.logics:
part_of_gpr.append(self.process_gpr(node=child, current_list=[], output=[]))
processed_gpr = self.combination_lists(part_of_gpr)
for ele in processed_gpr:
elif node.element_name == 'or':
if not children:
for child in children:
temp_list = list(current_list)
if child.element_name == 'geneProductRef':
self.process_gpr(node=child, current_list=temp_list, output=output)
return output
def read_document(location):
# create libsbml reader
reader = libsbml.SBMLReader()
if reader is None:
raise ValueError("Could not initiate SBMLReader object.")
# read out the sbml file content
document = reader.readSBMLFromFile(location)
# check for errors
if isinstance(document, libsbml.SBMLDocument):
if document.getNumErrors() > 0:
print("Read Error(s):\n")
if document.getError(0).getErrorId() == libsbml.XMLFileUnreadable:
raise ValueError("Unreadable file error. File is missing and/or no access privileges to read.")
print("Correct the above and re-run")
return document
def read_sbml_level(self):
"""Read SBML Level"""
return self.document.getLevel()
def read_sbml_version(self):
"""Read SBML Version"""
return self.document.getVersion()
def read_fbc_version(self) -> str or None:
"""Read fbc version (if available)"""
fbc_plugin = self.document.getPlugin("fbc")
if fbc_plugin:
return fbc_plugin.getPackageVersion()
return None
def read_model(self):
"""Obtain Model definition in document"""
model = self.document.getModel()
if not isinstance(model, libsbml.Model):
raise ValueError("No model is present! Unable to work with this file.")
return model
def get_reactions(self):
"""Obtain All Reactions in the models"""
reactions = self.model.getListOfReactions()
if reactions is None:
print("No Reactions found! Check the file")
for element in reactions:
self.reactions[] = element
def combination_lists(lists):
:param lists: [["g1","g2","g3"],["g4","g5, g6"],["g7, g8"]]
:return: [["g1,g4,g7,g8"], ["g1,g5,g6,g7,g8"], ["g2, g4, g7, g8"], ["g2, g5, g6, g7, g8"], ["g3, g4, g7, g8"],
["g3, g5, g6, g7, g8"]]
combination = []
for i in combinations(chain.from_iterable(lists), len(lists)):
all_in_state = True
for j in range(0, len(lists)):
if i[j] not in lists[j]:
all_in_state = False
if all_in_state:
temp = []
for gene in chain.from_iterable(i):
return combination
if __name__ == '__main__':
GPRA = GeneProteinReactionAssociationParsingSBML(sbml_file="")
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