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REM ***** BASIC *****
Option Explicit
Dim gdteBirth As Date
Dim gdteNow As Date
'Globals for WriteCell - not the neatest, but no mixed array possible
Dim glngRGB As Long
Dim gstrCellContent As String
Const DOB = "$DF$5"
Const COUNT_DATE = "$DF$7"
Const BIRTHDAY = "$DF$9"
Const COL = "$DF$3"
Const ROW = "$DH$3"
'**** SUB Main ****
Sub Main
Dim objCalc As Object
Dim objSheet As Object
Dim objCell As Object
Dim objSheets As Object
Dim intColCount As Integer
Dim intRowCount As Integer
Dim intCol As Integer
Dim intRow As Integer
Dim strSheetName As String
Dim intSheet As Integer
Dim dteCount As Date
strSheetName = "Life Calendar"
objCalc = ThisComponent
objSheets = objCalc.getSheets()
'Make sure we're working with Life Calendar sheet, leave otherwise
intSheet = Misc.GetSheetIndex(objSheets,strSheetName)
If intSheet < 0 Then
'To-Do: show a message box
Exit Sub
End If
'If DOB is empty, we can't do anything, so exit
If ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(DOB).Value = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
'Initialize dates for display
gdteBirth = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(DOB).Value
gdteNow = Now()
objSheet = objCalc.Sheets(intSheet)
Dim dteBirthday
'If we only have DOB set the other fields
If ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(COUNT_DATE).String = "" Then
ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(COUNT_DATE).Value = DateAdd("d", 7, gdteBirth)
ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(COL).Value = 2
ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(ROW).Value = 2
End If
If ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(BIRTHDAY).String = "" Then
ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(BIRTHDAY).Value = DateAdd("yyyy",1,gdteBirth)
End If
'Initialise intCol and intRow to top left
intCol = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(COL).Value
intRow = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(ROW).Value
'Set the date variables from the fields
dteBirthday = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(BIRTHDAY).Value
dteCount = ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(COUNT_DATE).Value
While dteCount <= gdteNow
'Initialise WriteCell globals
glngRGB = RGB(0,0,0)
gstrCellContent = ""
'Colour Cells
'WriteCell(strSheetName,intCol,intRow, <colour>, <start>, <end>, <cell date>, <heading>)
WriteCell(strSheetName,intCol,intRow, RGB(0,0,0), gdteBirth, gdteNow, dteCount, "Life lived")
WriteCell(strSheetName,intCol,intRow,RGB(255,255,0), gdteBirth, UKDate("31/8/1982"), dteCount,"Pre School")
WriteCell(strSheetName,intCol,intRow,RGB(0,204,51), UKDate("1/9/1982"), UKDate("1/6/1996"), dteCount, "School")
'Add further WriteCell calls for other life events (university, travels, work, etc.)
'Output the RGB value and cell content now we know what we definitely need to write
ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellByPosition(intCol, intRow).CellBackColor = glngRGB
ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellByPosition(intCol, intRow).String = gstrCellContent
'Add one week to the count date
intCol = intCol + 2
dteCount = DateAdd("d", 7, dteCount)
'If we've gone past a birthday add a row and reset the column count
If dteCount >= dteBirthday Then
intRow = intRow + 2
dteBirthday = DateAdd("yyyy",1,dteBirthday)
ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(BIRTHDAY).Value = dteBirthday
intCol = 2
End If
'Update the field so we don't need to keep rewriting what we've calculated
ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(COL).Value = intCol
ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(ROW).Value = intRow
ThisComponent.Sheets.getByName(strSheetName).getCellRangeByName(COUNT_DATE).Value = dteCount
End Sub 'Main
Sub WriteCell(strSheetName As String, intCol As Integer, intRow As Integer, lngRGB As Long, _
dteStart As Date, dteEnd As Date, dteCell As Date, strHeading As String)
'If the Cell date is between the start and end date arguments, set colour to RGB value argument and Cell Content to write
If dteCell >= dteStart And dteCell < dteEnd Then
glngRGB = lngRGB
gstrCellContent = FormatDate(dteCell) & " - " & strHeading
End If
End Sub 'WriteCell
Function UKDate(strDate As String)
Dim arrDate(3) As Integer
arrDate = Split(strDate,"/")
UKDate = DateSerial(arrDate(2), arrDate(1), arrDate(0))
End Function 'UKDate
Function FormatDate(dte As Date)
Dim strDay As String
Dim strMonth As String
Dim strYear As String
Dim strOutput As String
strDay = Day(dte)
strMonth = Month(dte)
strYear = Year(dte)
strOutput = strDay & "/" & strMonth & "/" & strYear
FormatDate = strOutput
End Function 'FormatDate
'Run this Sub to format a blank sheet for the calendar
Sub DrawNinetyYearCalendar()
Const WEEKS = 53
Const LIFESPAN = 90
Const ROW_OFFSET = 1
Const BOX_SIZE = 490
Const SPACER_SIZE = 260
Dim objSheet As Object
Dim intColCount As Integer
Dim intRowCount As Integer
objSheet = ThisComponent.GetCurrentController.ActiveSheet
'Set the column widths for 53 weeks * 2
For intColCount = COLUMN_OFFSET To WEEKS * 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1)
Select Case (intColCount Mod 2)
Case 0
objSheet.Columns(intColCount).Width = BOX_SIZE
Case 1
objSheet.Columns(intColCount).Width = SPACER_SIZE
End Select
objSheet.Columns(intColCount).Width = BOX_SIZE
'Set the row height for 90 years 0 - 89
For intRowCount = ROW_OFFSET To LIFESPAN * 2 + (ROW_OFFSET - 1)
Select Case (intRowCount Mod 2)
Case 0
objSheet.Rows(intRowCount).Height = BOX_SIZE
Case 1
objSheet.Rows(intRowCount).Height = SPACER_SIZE
End Select
'Populate column headings
For intColCount = 1 To WEEKS
objSheet.getCellByPosition(intColCount * 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1),0).Value = intColCount
'Populate row headings
For intRowCount = 0 To LIFESPAN - 1
objSheet.getCellByPosition(0, intRowCount * 2 + (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).Value = intRowCount
'Write the variable headings
objSheet.getCellByPosition(WEEKS * 2 + 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1), (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).String = "Col:"
objSheet.getCellByPosition(WEEKS * 2 + 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1), (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).CharWeight =
objSheet.getCellByPosition(WEEKS * 2 + 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1), 2 + (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).String = "DOB:"
objSheet.getCellByPosition(WEEKS * 2 + 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1), 2 + (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).CharWeight =
objSheet.getCellByPosition(WEEKS * 2 + 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1), 4 + (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).String = "Date:"
objSheet.getCellByPosition(WEEKS * 2 + 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1), 4 + (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).CharWeight =
objSheet.getCellByPosition(WEEKS * 2 + 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1), 6 + (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).String = "Birthday:"
objSheet.getCellByPosition(WEEKS * 2 + 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1), 6 + (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).CharWeight =
objSheet.getCellByPosition(WEEKS * 2 + 4 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1), (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).String = "Row:"
objSheet.getCellByPosition(WEEKS * 2 + 4 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1), (ROW_OFFSET + 1)).CharWeight =
'Draw borders around cells
For intRowCount = 0 To LIFESPAN - 1
For intColCount = 1 To WEEKS
DrawBorder(intColCount * 2 + (COLUMN_OFFSET - 1),intRowCount * 2 + (ROW_OFFSET + 1))
End Sub 'DrawNinetyYearCalendar
Sub DrawBorder(intCol As Integer, intRow As Integer)
Dim objBasicBorder as New
Dim objCell As Object
objBasicBorder.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0)
objBasicBorder.InnerLineWidth = 0
objBasicBorder.OuterLineWidth = 2
objBasicBorder.LineDistance = 0
objCell = ThisComponent.GetCurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellByPosition(intCol,intRow).TableBorder
objCell.LeftLine = objBasicBorder
objCell.TopLine = objBasicBorder
objCell.RightLine = objBasicBorder
objCell.BottomLine = objBasicBorder
ThisComponent.GetCurrentController.ActiveSheet.getCellByPosition(intCol,intRow).TableBorder = objCell
End Sub 'DrawBorder
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This txt file can be added as an OpenOffice macro to draw a 90 Year Calendar. Use the DrawNinetyYearCalendar procedure to draw the initial form on a blank sheet. The Main procedure will then fill in the calendar based on the life events you add. Make sure to set the DOB field.

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