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Created August 3, 2012 20:31
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Save nickjacob/3251282 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A little javascript that lets you setup calls to a script that you aren't sure has loaded yet. You could load this script in too
* Sometimes you're working with a script hosted on a server that you can't be sure is going to ever return/you don't know when
* this script lets you make calls to the object it is eventually going to add to the window object before it's there.
* this is (probably) very similar to the code behind google analytic's _gaq.push()
var noop = function(){}, _func_ = 'function';
var __asynch = function(list,obj,intr){
this.intr=(typeof intr==='number') ? intr : 500;this.loop=null;this.obj = obj; this.calls = [];var self = this; list = list || [];
for(var i=0,l=list.length;i <l;i++) this.calls[i] = list[i];
list.push = function(){ return self.add_call.apply(self,arguments); };
__asynch.prototype.add_call = function(){
var args = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments),self=this;
for(var i=0,l=args.length;i<l;i++) self.calls.push(args[i]);
__asynch.prototype.launch = function() {
var self=this;
for(var j=0,len=self.calls.length; j < len; j++){ inner_call(self.calls[j]); }
function inner_call(call){
var tmp = self.obj, cb = (typeof call[1]===_func_) ? call[1] : noop, args = call[2] || [];
var mthd = (typeof call[0]===_func_) ? function(){ call[0].call(self.obj,self.obj);} : (function(m){
for(var i=0,l=m.length; i <l; i++){ if(tmp[m[i]]===void(tmp = tmp[m[i]])) return noop;}
return function(){ tmp.apply(self.obj,args);};
return cb(mthd());
self.calls = [];
__asynch.prototype.init = function() {
var self = this;
if(self.loop!==null) return; // still waiting
self.loop = setInterval(function(){
} else self.launch.apply(self);
if(typeof watch_list !== 'object' || !(watch_list instanceof Array)) window[watch_list] = [];
var asynch = new __asynch(watch_list,future_obj,interval);
// usage
window.call_list = [];
window.call_list.push(['method_name',callback,[arguments]]); // to call methods on the object
window.call_list.push([function(obj){},callback,[arguments]]); // to call a function & have object passed in
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