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Created March 22, 2014 23:39
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script to safely upgrade starcluster & dependencies
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# upgrade starcluster
mute_run ()
$* >/dev/null 2>&1
cecho ()
local _c=$1; shift
echo -e "$(tput setaf $_c )$@$(tput sgr0)"
err ()
cecho 1 "$@"
tabecho ()
perl -sne '$|=1; print "[$pp]\t$_"' -- -pp="$1"
is_installed_pip ()
pip list 2>&1 | grep -q "$1"
# actual code
STARCLUSTER_DEPS=(ecdsa iso8601)
CRYPTO_DEPS=(scp boto)
OTHER_PKGS=(pycrypto markupsafe)
# test whether or not we need to sudo
which pip | grep -Eq -e 'Users|home' ||
{ USE_SUDO="sudo"; cecho 3 "\t- using sudo"; } && cecho 3 "\t- using venv";
# test for PIP being at the correct version/upgrade pip
cecho 2 "upgrading PIP and testing for features"
$USE_SUDO easy_install --upgrade pip | tabecho "easy_install"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
err "PIP upgrade failed. Sorry"
exit 2;
mute_run "pip uninstall --help"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
err "PIP does not have correct features. Exiting"
exit 2;
if pip --version; then
echo "pip"
err "what"
exit 22;
if pip list | grep -E starcluster; then
yes | pip uninstall starcluster
$USE_SUDO rm -f $pip_loc
# uninstall all of the dependencies
cecho 2 "uninstalling all dependencies"
for pkg in ${STARCLUSTER_DEPS[@]}; do
is_installed_pip $pkg && yes | pip uninstall $pkg | tabecho "uninstall"
for pkg in ${CRYPTO_DEPS[@]}; do
is_installed_pip $pkg && yes | pip uninstall $pkg | tabecho "uninstall"
for pkg in ${OTHER_PKGS[@]}; do
is_installed_pip $pkg && yes | pip uninstall $pkg | tabecho "uninstall"
cecho 2 "starcluster uninstalled. Successfully"
cecho 2 "installing starcluster dependencies"
for dep in ${STARCLUSTER_DEPS[@]}; do
$USE_SUDO pip install $dep | tabecho "pip-$dep"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
err "unable to install $dep."
exit 2;
if pip --version; then
echo "pip"
err "what"
exit 22;
cecho 2 "installing pycrypto with compiler flags"
ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future \
$USE_SUDO pip install pycrypto | tabecho "pip-pycrypto"
ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future \
$USE_SUDO pip install MarkupSafe | tabecho "pip-markupsafe"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
err "error installing pycrypto!"
exit 2;
for dep in ${CRYPTO_DEPS[@]}; do
$USE_SUDO pip install $dep | tabecho "pip-$dep"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
err "error installing $dep"
exit 2;
# now we can install starcluster
cecho 2 "installing starcluster"
$USE_SUDO pip install -U starcluster | tabecho "pip-starcluster"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
err "error installing starcluster"
exit 2;
cecho 2 "validating version and command..."
if starcluster --version 2>&1 | grep -q '0.95'; then
cecho 2 "- starcluster is at correct version"
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dvassos commented Sep 26, 2014

Nice script. Thanks!
There is still a point of potential failure which you may want to cater for (I am a victim myself):
If you have the python-crypto-2.0.1 RPM installed system-wide, and you didn't have gmp-devel installed when you built & installed a later version of PyCrypto, so you'reusing a newer version of PyCrypto with an older version of _fastmath.
To solve it you need to install gmp-devel, uninstall PyCrypto and re-install PyCrypto.

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