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Apply Anchor Tags to Headers with Ids
// ==UserScript==
// @name Apply Anchor Tags to Headers with Ids
// @description Finds all header tags that have ids and puts an anchor inside it
// @match *://*/*
// @exclude*
// ==/UserScript==
function applyAnchorTagsToHeadersWithIds() {
// get all header elements on the page
const headers = document.querySelectorAll("h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6")
// only work with those that have ids
const headersWithIds = [...headers].filter( x => )
const headerChildrenHaveIds = [...headers].filter(x => [...x.children].filter(c =>
// If there aren't any headers with ids, bye
if (headersWithIds.length === 0) return
// loop through each header
// loop through header children
headerChildrenHaveIds.forEach(x => {
[...x.children].filter(c =>
const applyAnchorIfHeaderHasNoAnchor = header => {
// check if the header already has anchors as children
const headerHasAnchors = [...header.children].some(x => x.tagName === "A")
if (!headerHasAnchors) {
const setInnerHTMLToAnchor = (tag) => {
// set the tag's innerHTML to an anchor that points to its id and
// the textContent of the anchor is the textContent of the tag
tag.innerHTML = `<a href="#${}"># ${tag.textContent}</a>`
// do the thing
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